'UTNTY INDEPENDENT. WAUKEOANWEEKLY -SUN TWO LIBERTYVILLE. ]ILL,, FRJJ3Y. M'MI-1 t6,1914. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PMR A- I ADVAN(t*. "Y v-aas aking Sin the ailions 1 Who 3W fit. ýme ita *nà uad hber f0 ieaae hec te cas bmuklag upa gooil familî. spolini- fie lite et a goodte ii-b>' tialini te at- Ules o itt if,butsd h Voeui--a sisforai *i-ui-saant iIstes ddc~larmlIf -vasa agoodt hini- ftaLLord bail dled becatisi-If enduiti ciat algbt bave proveil a ver>' serions fuaton. iindu Toi-Tale Lettera, Mi. Vandercool, brother otfNi-. Lord. told of openlig Loi-d'a desk diit his brother ater Lord dlild and of fadni- mear ltters vitili b- tii-sai-- ed cen- frot Mies Resil; Vandi-icook MdentiOieilber bendcriflng. Hi- sid! that oui- lettei- lu partîcular vas affectonate. If lucluileti pri-a nions liktbetis : "My Des-r BUiy Boy" (aidremei O ord " thititn1 am- trying f0 I-led au, but I mut bave U0. Ies-n ilanily 'wa-tfor the day vben rau set a ditrice sno coeail Ï0u ail a>' adn. Yenr ilevoteil Gi- ueve."e . e tot! also of findlng a large pa-ck- agi-of express reci-ipta sitoclng mon- eW Lord bds- ent MisanHi-i-i. Noue vere for leps titan $60 andl total-il over 82,600. * CaII.d Mer Sitter. J. C. Joul~es of As-flac-, told of Use thme lied.vent f0 Auhttocstepur, ehse etite Kertara. Lord Intt-aduced MiaReedta Mai 'as is ister. C. *k. HeYdeckiea- of Waukegan tolti of exaliig outf Uséedied ta fhe taran te 15»m Reeti an LPrdsa order. - ..iUm Retii-iil ot atappear s-f court lait. rWmled ctoâely lu ALfofti-y s i Wauisegan. Marc-b 3. I - é fs-mous Ler&,eed case, a anit $--;I 15,M - t.,- alientafon of affec- tIeue -f Willam P. Lord, taormer téi = t fise, Wisconsin o~~ ompaf y, dUhs M. LO-4 se- Colushlnand -tiMiss Gene- UE of New ork oi-asutifenant etaflitbhmornlagiin-circuit cout. - ebbàuoualfeatur-es la mair repect. fA e#Pope appeers for lins ÀLsê-g lmeubl fur -is Lq i s-tI s-p a ourt f I Jiudge Whitney in Test Case on Wauoonda Railroad In. struots theJtry. PRECEDENT FOR OTHERS. On the Case Hlnged Fifteen Other Similar Case& Now Pendingin Court. Pi-cpIe cf Lake counut>'1cita suit- sa-Ibed foi- stock for te Waulegau. Rocktorti anti EgIn Tractien com- pan>', the Wanc-onda -ilioai, muest pa>' for thei- stock. accordini- f aa rollng cf Joilge Whitney lu circuit court, Monda>' etternoon. lu the case OfthUe ralîroati agaînst Byron Carp- panter of Wauc-ontia foi- $800 chic-b stock for titi-ni-c ra-i, ti- iodaei-n. stock toi- the nec rotil te juil-e lu- structed Us. Jui-y a&fier-hiaimgthe evîdence, fe, briflg lu a verdict for thte rahîros-ilcOmPan>', andthUe jui-yai connse, tililno. Titis cas a fi-at case on the paints1 lunVOlveilanti on If blugetisains dozen or fiftei-n oflisi cases cii-rein pio- pIe ditolbail subacribeti iQi-stock bail di-clineti to taise If s*fier te olilcis-sI bail asled tiei- t fill their agre.- ment. The compan>' atai-tilnomre Ofti-in suifs anti Cai-pintei-a cas Use fi-at Oune (o, coas(o tris-I. Attorney Pope for the tii-endant ontiescoredtot show Use compan>' cas not property organ- laed, that aIl of the stock, a amilhlan anti a haitbail not been auisci-ibi-i, tborefoi-e untîl if hati beau, Use ol-f iais coulil natftoi-ie collection. Thse Juilge toit ottel-vIse hi-ni-e hmla -n -Tise gononal béllot latisat Use Ont- came off ths sesê mesas that Use otb-1 er stullarcae. ctlh utornaticallhy endi and thse oica sviii fise14b s to coflefr tfil. utuc i- bWarl0t J. -K. Orvis sud Alec Bosuble ap peare- o thUe tairosd comapsu. .... - -1-- ---- -i-eýto ney t asi, îimmndo no sut g notbtug ot IL. Sit admitfed Dr. Bei-hi- ,tf court and tit tbei- case des. bail bei-n acay over Ni-c Yeara. Aski-d chifter aie lad bi-ard tbat Pitetii-r openi admissions that titiy Dr. Bei-tehibail i-oui-t the bomne ot are gulît>', w s im-si on Judge -a. Armstroni-s aunt lu2 Maycood, jWbîtni-ya mimd thîs moriïng dien ,K. J., andt ier- bai luitruduceil Mrs. tii-Greeks ndîfed toi- attac-kiîg tflic Ar-mti-oni-tte rI-ns as lis proinisi-il io Youug iiris, ci-ne arral-ueil thîsi bride, lli-. Bei-be again pi-ofi-ssai-ti i n out c-amplite ignorance out flat tenture aliOiof 5i ucoi? titi case. Tbe ano f Mus. Ai-msti-oui-g Tbi- mens ci-ie ai-led If fie>' haît witI citoin site Ives a sasid t hi- icaunsai- andl If the i-y dlatetaph-ail.' Mi-s. LaTouscite anti aci-orilini tea Oni-spoke up wifif: *I dont cent a message te titis papi-r frotutiti eaaf lacyei- 1 fait gîtai-Ienougis myaet t. t titi auntater earnini- tbet Dr.tllm wni : ontlkel Bei-be cas a niarrietimin, ordi-retit-ln> c -i-.tdn Ielc bla frein ber home anti hi returneti >'irs.' f0 Antioci, li-avltsg lin. Armstr-ong- "Weil, are uiiuiri-ady te pt-ad?' titire.. Bnce titin It ta afatei l sthOUgit askedth fe court. The telow dii not promise cas matie tat te pair undersaati. old not communicate futiiter, titi- reYugilyo ntgity-ak ]Lake onunt>' pisyecian la saldteLuhave "ieyogiu'o ttglt" ik forca-tiuimuiuec-te te Young dl-il dtbe ugi-. von-e. ln tti-es-ast. "Oh-1 .. -h . ý- Ai-i-aiding f0 Lia saine Informant tram Use i-asf, lira. LaTouc-ie atter li-arnini- fIat the toc-toi-cas maried but iteini- tolilf taf hei-nti-udedti-it fini- s divorce, Ila anidttcbave tateti that lie bail no liaritc-oh irounds, ,ut titIlu rier t. gIse bis cifi- lhigaI cause," lis bail afruck hi-r dîit iter consent, Mm. Bei-be ilenies fisa sud sa>'s fie drukeneas c-arge I. titi onl>' chai-gi- ah. clilmakre. Tii- Sons Informant tiiclares tst thie esstera aont lisa wmlften f0tti- state's.attorney' 0f ake ccunty, ei-- plaining Use tacts f0 hlm asa ricount- i-i ln Use li-fter turnîsites-Sun 1>' said Informant. Titi- enter ta the Sua RIso ad-il fiat Use aunt bas wcntpn s- leffer ta Circuit Juil-. Whitney au ci-Il andt Uerfore If la Ildicateil tiat a sanss-lou-expeaure es-s hupeil for b>' titi-aunt of fie' coman wcit ora- ërI' lîvei lnluLakes caunt>'. Dady Cet@ Latter Whie Use latter fo thse Sun sat-es that titi-aSont rote ft satafi-sttor- ne>' Dady> on tiis nafter, Mr. Dail> contents fui-fierUsais ta admit b. bail receiveil sncb a letter s-nil that be dollit aIte na action lu If bei-anse i vI, Otling Uatcaes-ueunion bla as a .Iudge Ais. Gi-tu Ltter Thse tact Uat somuebotr. vas inter. i-1. 1 bunotninii- Lto no cîtu tue ic-Rai- girl, but t admît I1asaulti-i fte oter girl, ft- LobiOulgirl, Just on ce.,, Tins, thte feftoc cl-an>' cas guilît> bec-sai-hi-atiatittedIL f.But ti- jui-e Dasedilthe case ant i dscoaseil others returnnni- fo tefie uisfman lafr fa, Oini Usafhis couusel bail peranadeti hlm (o pli-ad not gilty. Thsug, titi count>' tac-estfee ixtîinse or his fil alftansit lie ci-hi-ito pli-ailgulîf>' anti o-ml>' shatei hi- cas guilîfy. Tise ofbi-r Gi-i-i-la aIe iechancti "«nof guilty," as their plea s-nilthii Caes dît tins ail b- caisoetiaffer b>' liessrs. Edwa-di, Caulsan, HoeI-l anti Doai-,fie latter b-uin amei b>' the- court tc tak- charge o et asrcfte aen's cases. Funk Geta Out Chsarles lPunk. ludicteil for-forger>', s-PPeai-edbhi-trete couit. enfer-il a pies f ot nfgulît>' anti vIen taf&'s Attonney' Dail>'sali it- diiseil te givi- bitn one more c-hace, fteugi- 1sf bla ou oncuils adn anti bis hrotbi-r's -ami-ati titifi-iliaig la ths-t pendt-' li-g gondi bi-iavior, fie case may bi- bi-Id op-n. Thte naine af John Grensa-et Laks Fol-es-f appeansas es lcman citosen for peconil baeman lni fle Chic-ai-o Fi-l- si-ai Leasue hall testm. SUPER VISORS IIOLD MARCH 'MEETI.NI; MANY MATTERS UP FOR CONSIDERATION PRISONERS WILL 3SE WORKED ON RO0D IF JUD4ES SAY 50ý Important Matter ReenrreW% Commîttee to Conter Rt MO Mlbg And bat becide ber attorney-#C I'AU~iN IfJ s nough fln thse case to write a let- Bbe lame dowo !rom Waukesha eL1)IU 14U e to Judge Whitney abîout a case w h e r . @ b s n o w r e s d e . M i s s R e d l a t a a c e u e u o j p h f r exetdln Waukegan trom New 1 VORCE SUIT BERUN i htwsshdldt î York til eveulug andl wll occupy s hlm, recalse the tact that, a fi-w dalys seat alougolde of the womau dhi IN HE BI' ai- "o, a Chicago doman wsrtdit ehýrges she tocINtTeEaf1EElJEoni;Aof ort and Oued for arj wit a Mr.Lor wo lterdodpdbera-Jîîdge a letter ln whi h -hpe î-ferred Mie0.000tarneltimAnflomed i tshe .Mrs. Beebe, Wite of AntioCh i-ilh feeling to 8 certaimi side of a Loasrd one Urnb ame roora he Doctor, Charges Drunken- indlng case. o ~ a' UW I- erfor Mr. Reed. ness, But Admits 'Womnan inJfl -di-e Whitney tO41lai afmrltted to T h is f 1 1 W h at C asela C a s e O rig in a lly . ' ft i- S u n th a t b. d d r-i-i-e a le tte r ~ Ths tmun case Involvesti te qui-s- lîearing on theb. Hie ca-p. wrltteu l ion as ta whether Wlllam P. lord. FRIENDS WRITE JUDGE frrnt the i-ast but aidi-ul hal. at the knowu as -fIeiiy,,Lard, permltted one AS GA IC NI.imtié, hé. Inquired Of hI ',- Irk and ,eele- Reed of N-ew York to allen- tndta ascbaiai a e Mis Reed Aflivel From New ate bis affections 10 such an 0 r On htn uhar.f a Y.ut..Are stol settie- that h.e Ahandoned bIs wte snd fam- Case Wherein Eastern Parties [beeti tarteil. He said th1- fi-Uer dld SensaatinalTditimony. lly and igave ber Untold riches. lnclud-î Take up Matter Wîfh Judge ou, "lltain anythingir- hiéI way o cnty.110,00thi at . ntlo. 1. i tneyand Also With Mr. ti liii- t Influence hi-l Inif. tnerely theaactthntDad.ibing h lute nature n!ii, auinlry as MRS. LORD ACCEPIS $2,00() manager or the wiRcon in Centrail AiiI-ul ssconiniitI-atin ralîrosil for many years, Il on Aof divorcé- case whlî-h I in bpieli-a<i ifs Suspected Husband ,O s nsauaL 800ô ai-,ia the ficleadlrî- miti ln traffic work of rail. aithfis terni of court wlileh inter-ut.. h %r- -- lee lregarîfi-if iluithéhi fh- suit 01 Mms. William P. 1Lord aggifuat rosd lil in hî section andi that tea.1 Lake cut efflep.llytoeés ýtmb hg h wle MIss ii. A iti focihand i vcin i t lier ciunîi-l, Misa sevee ed o tealing the higaLons O i iec-arge 11tomnear Antior-h, fm tîat of Mn-. Cairrii-Fi-ini- HuuYar& linasla-iri iandli- Agfionof te Wfsorsm etril al n.Reed wth havlug hi-en bis affinlty, jIlele f Auflodli agaluat lier husitanîlthe (a-se for ber and W-iiin he was hfeonsc hi onneral-mn ae h ae a tItra nogDr. fHarry F. Bei-be. Thitll was iif l Iv filis patter tiiifa% ahiout thé i-cd cme a a~iudRat" r-ailioad men wbere Lord was known oui- 0f fliclast flilefrth- adit iiisnuledd tttii -st i rodCOMPuu9Y crét nd e-for years as "llly,,Lord, a fopular temforour ad h eia r- h fi>1f-d. hI-s lie rhut1 a i,îith- mîatou Wduady ..m.when Cîr- eu-lent and Prnomlnent man. iMois tiatures were promised hefore thi- hui,sbad(s asah- with Nirs Arnsitron- cuit court convened aud atinotlnce- deatb occurred in 1907 at the home of pr s 't atag lewe h-w- ih-hvi erAîlîi.fi o ment cas metuahedaf Messrs. Beaufîlen i ss Reed lu Ni-w York. Miss Reed 1P1 apes pt e cot ilît c en th -her i of ber tif-. anîf fof an opto-mIsRedandi "r.% nelis bu t l flie oe s weru mnto- that flic charges cwere nothhng mucli réai-ou that tbe charge oit drunken- Lod ejpetiel, aIlse »t buodthle i-et biini-i-k a -ont Of the ordhuary, lucludiug more- Ii-s î-ould lie easllyfi)roi'i-d andIle- t L o r e ectl t e lc a s . h d t a e a s t - t nVi i u I u c I - r s . 1 o r d h a n y : - T h o t h ol i Z e l e l g a n t h e e x . iu i - U i f fa t a s s in c i le n t i t , h e i l l f î t f l e et 0f t tis s e a r iv asked $ 15000 r m b er o u flic cé s slve u e of l îcîor a fe c Year s a io t-o Itttd e i tuyh n g ut th at -ts ire ln f eve w l o rei fl s at m i sns u d e a nfe d i-r n d s a f e ot b n . al e at d b e r " bu- 1 An d aluce th un be li s hc- o re an b rhi-r l l f fo r d iv o rce" boaHe or itsno Watia oc anaafetIn.it-îtal drunkard; that liebtii-ca m s eb nOillvn tAtt- contsrrd cuis Mr. Beaubletti Itth i ede tr1o qirroi-nd11traesusto-ad exPPiefs o remaîn tee fuin ianý I - u i t t h a t t e y d e c id e il to o ff e r e t - f I r d d e a b t M I s e d a bh o r e v Yi- f tiennent for 42,MW and titua terminale inlutbe east flve years a&go broui-bt out Tbere are three clldren. The bifl thèc&» bi. Ppe as wn nd rt-tbe tact tht tbe trealle manager of stalles fliat titi couple were merrîcil tIsecea. Mi. Ppe as sen nd tt-Lb ralî-oati bai been living uuder an November 7tb, 1901 aud llved togier r IO E W er outr-stn ciis i-a Lrd nd erallas, tor, at ber bomne andi about thei-until February ltb. 1914, dieu fhcy ~ E I T re1&jVre@e,, *1e! accepted thie amount cocîn unîItY, lie cas known as W. F. sepsrated sud llved spart since. - &A& tête n» " ends.Adama.- Mro. Lord clalmed to bave Dr- Bei-be la ci-Il knowu if thte O LE 6U Y 4is.estu.- vin b1e çaid over to Mia. no knowledge thfit lie bad an>' asso- nortbcestern part ofthte conuty as 1 ', - PR V NUIT LotO i yCoirk Brcwywo a io claUions cltb Miss Rocil. ber Ont a]8soIbis cIte andti ldi-en. A lV R3V N SI holding $3N60, Mins eM'oa shIte frta knocledge belug chen ebe dhcov-red Wblle fle icbll recîtes just chat is thee sale 0f the Atiodi tara wblci thte tact tbat Lord bail deedeil a val- stateil ahove, fit la gossîped abos 4tO.deBE ta tl Ib er.-Xo ed Win- nablef ai-lt ni-AnthochinfaMiss Autioc t Litithere isa -oma lnInteresting Sidelight in Case 11 tn s-i 0 Reed. If cas tIsoa, about flires years te case." chose naine cas cot men. When PriSOnerS Are Ar- .14' or Iat Mis. Lord ouedl Miean Red tiolisil by the cIte la ber bill for di - raîgned ia. Circuit court. îàma clacab taIu i ndlsalea ci i-cult court tu regain tltie ftbe vorce. Wbeu asked aboitttble maffer il mt > la b peentMg t arii nqietia, lialng that lt Xli. Bei-be to a represeutaîve ut tbf-is NR AD TS G L. maifluaiEduic. as Part ut Lords" estate andittt pr el-ltatst alm rely _________ UILT The evliene'. hu mornîtua proved madie fte charges lu question aud «6»o"anddrmate.(Condaued on Page , r. that secwas abile ta prove th.ose tacts. Says He Is Guifty andi Doesn't -Uri. Ehacsi , li- odugbler. proveti "la teea ra l h 4e" Want anAttorney-Chas. t"om tâ«.Oel o a a aB-D ID - asaked bler. film decllned tn ans-. ukGvn hne rose and on thse stand titi-evmueh w3IJIFunk Given a Chancr. t9p-os inttuber testlmioni. mais-Asked dut fliere cas to, a reportWakanMr-i4 ag lber points lu a manuer t h it R. STOC If U 1IBJa[Dr. Beceliad i-leut Ni-w Yi-arsWuegnaarh4 tWJ selhound. Site vlvldly told wWa ltli a Mis. Edîit Armstrong, disoi-c-- Tlii-willingilemî- ut prisouers ta Io* bn abs founi chat cas soing TA E ',V V T -lct f Lyman Armatronoui-tLake pli-ad guiîty ta thc charge aan e between ber ftLer andIisatied T5L IJII I AY U n VIlla, i-f ber borne lu MtaycootiN. J.,thi-masd fthe unwilflluneas oft a ta ihs . a t tinthe. .n,. nmanl ire. Bei-be renleilthat site knewlo.' , , _.t_ - tuses ti-oui-h Count> CIi-i-k Heu-J ili-hll banads. lie ai-led that a citange lie matie ta have flic count>' pa>' tor its patients as others do andti ius mal- tuais avaitabte f0 meef cor- nent bills-fa other curtis, ms-fi-oui- lînuilwasi-fth ie ofler, asfteCont>' eventuahiy meete the bills. Thte sup- ervisai-s fi-tf this i-as te proper metit- ail, sud a mtoan di le bpapi-i c-ev- erntî-the poin t. Dr. Brocn explileti hoc i- kuoca titi coi-t of keepitti-up i-ahdI iipart- ment at the colon>'. Thie bard seemeti mucit pleaseti cifu flic i-a>' fie las sitapei titingsaSt fhe colon>' andl i-t titirn lu suc-h gooti1 cari-kni-order. THIS JUROR*WAS MORE THAN__PREJUDICED. Ai-e you prijuilîedIn luc ancbscase as titis?" ai-ted oui-ofethfe attorneys lns titi Loril-Reeti case la circuit court fila mornîni-, "Fi-s, t1i-ni.'repIf-il the pruspective juron. 'Wblch side are ron Ousally pr-lu- dîci-il sifni-fi" 55k-il the attorney'. "Botit eldema saidth le jurar.# "Youre eintei'saidttiti- ugi- ditit a saille. sutgCr]ption Plan for lrnprovîng fliat. pi-ce of hlgitcay. Reterreil ta i-cati c-OimMIttee ta reporý at tis meeting. Inqulr->'froin varIons membera ot tic bos-rd ai aupet-visomi- chose ferma i-spire itis aprîni-, shows fi-faI ai e fa he candidiafes for rni--citon citit flue exception ai John Hi-moi-est ut Wanlegau eluose feortui-nia dit t flua si-sion af the board hi-cause b. bas movdi-into Wisconsin. Ail cf tie ti-ofri membi-na are dll- mIn anti auxIons tho ierefui-ni-iltc thiti- sousaantilunai-serai places ln thie count>, tiee- clîl heno c-ontsta ior titi-nominations anti some of Use me" exPi-ct liffle contesta lu fie i-hec-- donu. la ether. isecever, tii-ne ai-e actue merrY accapa lu 51-hf. Mucli Inferest cenfers lu titi dry- ci-f i-bf In grant tocnabp iPte(ocn cii-ns the lais, roigion la loi-sted. Son.i tîmi-uf la tiIvidid, ttir. but ft.e canal observer@ dec-haro ftat tuen dli foL go tiiy becsanse of fhq lai-gi- aummt- r-sort Patruonage. Titiy argue tisat if ft shauli vote tiiyIt; ni-ver ciii b. di-y terrifory noa matter liow bard fhe i-Bort ms-de te keep, liquor ouf. Vi-inon tOcnsii la another chici cet leaders ielîre ilîl fat i-o dry> dsi-ut e sa itari i-lut f0 Put if dry. Titese are Lbe the ouly ttwo cbere n-an te body>'and tieti- Osaret po- lic-e declare ahi- coinaitteil suicide or cas kîlleti accidenLaîl>'. lira. foylan bts beeunliIs-aMduer- vous for orne timo andllier- aiter, Miss Zatni-n, 31 éreanid, liai bou Carni- foi-ici-\ Se left mm »«DoIa- alune tor a teW umomet.viile s. cent f inti- basement. Tenants of atijolatni tata bossi abof siturtl>' atter l 10*ilo. WIsea fia>' rushi-tiinto tUso Boylan is-t tise founi Mrs. Borlan Iriai- fsedova- dard on a beti dUs ber fost oMtise fluor. Bite cas affiret lu ber nigbt, clotitea. A reoalver va. tounil on Use Ira W. Borlan vas toi-meriy of As- fiocit, anti for a Illmber of >'ai-s va« a partuer of Webb & Boylan, gueral inerclandIse. -Chang Webb linyl" ai-i Intei-eaf ln Use busIness about te« yest-s ai-o, dieu lii-. Boyls-n ventte Chic-sgo te ive sMd wc a tk - s-bout Ove or six yr- g ».I»,mts- e i-r n.blai-y lIyion, fîvas la '*n- the wes are oveam others they tdnit wtUsoe asu W sCrapplng ail along the e ia. 4 outcome wIU b. kuown *ab wkflmet jvotes are cotaa.d BROWN TELLS 0F COLONY. Iii-, finance dîînîîîf<îewes iustirt. SAY LAW PERMITS IT NOW.fi (il toî lrratigi- at plan whdieihy i-ie- Superintendént of Tent Colony ltter théî Iuîlîtt artii fondts, andl tffer Supervisors Unanimously l'" Makes Interesting Report tîîtondi-Palî i tiM. c-liînty, fudicute Favor of Proposed Plan of'*--' on Work There. the solrce troti whii-fititi->-cauni. 1 Working Offenders. - founflfy FParai f4ii p.riîîtenîcent A p- %Vî ik i-ian, NIarvn-fi iii-> uuuoMP cîf aluanme <if lilulfor tfi Waukegeuan ch 2. f oonty Judillu-ii-ns utîleari-ifb4i.: îîiarf-r lui-t i-tf il. Prison-i-s of fitki-count>who are fore tflle iprsisor tîlauy fintfasi-f- The fboardfn-fufi) voYîte foîr tfîesent (o thei-counf>'jaîl trointheiCUlD- tfhe bouard ft nine a pîrobiaftîionîftiierr-sofîifini asti-if fy the- iBureau coui-ant y or circuit court (but not tise uiote. for titi-c-anut>' i-uirt fi) a hoîîîîie mauta y snîîrvîsîîr- fitîîrîîvîîesa r-i-oui- courts), wIll ln titi-ni-ar future, be piaroIe delfîInuîeiiti- and o ther dild-imeudatfoîî thnt titi- itati- estalilimiffalpufta cawrk ou the sri--it ansd biais- suis as f9 dontîInliitfh- Cfrcuit itrt, itati- fuîb-ri-îar itîstilmît inli l'bnols.1 davli utLakte county in case tise -ou- Elam Clarke- heiîîi-titi offiier for tuaI Lakie coîutys bourd dfd tlot auproe y ugi- sud the cic-nit jtdga itt court, pafd hy titi-cautity. Titi- itdi-e tfl fani. -uc-cuti- fnt lIt- î-oînty ai- their 0. K.on tbe plan suggetedi ii shoced the neehlity of havi- i-tii-h ready fi a ptlace foîr ifs f tifiercul -ai- the supervîsors sud practleally adopt- an oflicî-r. sfatlyi-g liat rani-hi-god people.' cd (t'titi-rn St tday'a aesi-aon. %tiiîd lie aucoaîhîligled for mten, wo- A fetter cas r-nil frithte state The bioai-d adopted a MotIon favo,- tain atnd cfiîdrett wfîarmu-fît lie kept hI-fui-y econtittei- statitî- that ItIlfi lai- the plan lut later voted th thtie goîtî-sti-ai-fit, flrougt.4ui-h a plan, nc-ceîted Liie- Grandi avenue rond at Lake- Villa as tle coutuy's gitati- aid - attter lie talten up cith tfie judo, Iustead of eudlug tift0f0la ll. IHe-mati. hy te commttes andti fat if thse suggeseid tuat te officer sfîauid fbjTereoîtoeska-fr 30frJuiguis 0. K. titi plan, if bei-ores op- palti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ih afeitifas-ii-Lake Couit> ' *armera- institueertvi-. Icie rendered wa hift ov ni-iatl thi-Si-pLi-mben Stati-a Attorney>'Dady i-i-d thse ac DIr. Brown, eutterhntetideitf athe meeting dit-n the annuah appropria- ntt-iati n xllm .ts fîîberc-ular colon>'. Lid if htuprove-! tlîîn cîf his made and liki-hy cii lu- jodi-es lu tbe peuat coutil, ba tIsey titi-ts sud chai-escid htiot ii or aLt utade lat thi-col, - - di-s ti-bae ier-ifinet prito*et- on' aiuc-e tlie conut> tYtaok oser iti-, past as aptroprfated $75 for fu u o- ufttir ie, ia ts u prope-ty. He sali eltouai titgain coi-h, but tieati- Instiattutes akedti iat pi-ivisore'acftion ws uL ot-000.6 liai shape. tIti equtttment hif ui- er, thi-> Incr-sasei-lif o the surn chicf the f0 bringI-li about. huadetinate aînd theretore lieihldtu lac ssys myn>'fe doîe-$300. Thse supei-visors fit ftIse bMag pilrchasi- coîîaiderabfte iqulprnt. Hi-e do as a i-emedy foi non-suppilort ca4e1, utow d how l ie la dt cut dow u titi-ex- H ig liaca> om iu hsioner fR ussi-ht ad- etc- peasbo inumniy waysuit.i-i-ias Ight- di-essi-i fluihe oard, teltini- tiltls ex- King- pposeil titi-plan, decllariugli li-g. hi-atîni, carîîg for Patienits, PumoP ei-ence althfui i-ate mee--ttng of co-n liaép bocard. Othen tl it iii- cati-r, etc. misâlouers. Thei-suibstanice Of 1t18scultidi-crease crime, etc. itati-menti- cas that the itati- roan lutir. Dady explaîni-t thaf stata pria- le i-aida ai-c kitcfli l ii lied- i-Lake countylilkehy di lii-e 18 fi-et oui-is coulil lii-cr-difedeti thte rate i-i i-i-elongît ii ie'caît i-et atotii-fui- cfde sud cff h fhkehy lue of oncrete ot$1.50 a day for suc-bcoi-k. Tihe thie rinft, consitruc-tioni. It il-v-lps ftat 17 obj-cthon raisait! b>'soule aime-m lir. Broi-n tofl hoc tie ti- oreroom c-untiî'i of flic state refuseilthe ii-i-ate cas tht clause chIc-h sali a hall sad iii iio secni-efy lcîked andî a c-hec-k aid for rond-t ni-ttice i w law, c-bain sbould be used. Mr-. Dedy ex- keipt on alsupplîii-s, i-o whiî th te cook Weiclt. Waukumgaîi. tai-c-l Llaf thie plaîneil flua cas not absohutehr noces- caufs any article. ahi- tust firaf ai-k highway uommissioui-r, Mr. Runssell, aary, tbey coulti coi-k ithout IL. the hi-ad nurse tfi- IL. le lustruchi-d toa aik the itati- boardi__________ Thi-re are aoc 12 patients et Lthe for a sîîrvey sud plans and spectf- colon>'; fhey havi- h*il 16 aiot i mfe. cafions for ft-e Lake county atati- aId NWIFEOFF MIR Tftere c-eethrei- cithef -caunf>roadstiaid report La le lu Sf theaile. took over the prapi-rty. c-l April meeting oifluhe boaril chenL T iti- xpe aiei-.due tW hnprove rents, te boardi inets La organ ze. The m - À new e-îuilprniu, etc.. front Jan. 10 It flou cas carried. II P1P~ Mari-ht 1,i-i-ni $2784.23. In ail, serv- Mn. Rusel-l suhliestea fliat thei Lake - KfIN ChIIÀQO i-eu ta patienta ln tiîat perioti sure- coutL>board tale eteps to vote canat- i-ati-d $852; $300 ot cliich lias b-en t>' aid t i- varions tocnships- lunteM- r W.Du n Vitm c-aileicted. tIeti- hug hilui-about $667 caunt>' und-r the provsion ut the lac M5FraW JByin Vcim o itiff due ftromn patientas. abut ieriftlIng Maich uta le doue, (lie plan Mysteruous Shots-Found in tr. Browa predi c-s that chien hbothbiluitit the coun ty enu ap-aao»-t- Her Hom Fiiday. 17 patiente are i-ni-al-i tti- caolny aLe 25 pei- ci-ut af tle cost outhttise t-i liecielt-suutaiauiîg. Theri- ai-- nu tocu ruade. Hi-filt thi i li lme t-MYSTERY IS IJNSOLVED. ti- ounri-eu,-oni- muid. anc mati sud ai-ans cf împravîug manyi-catis nof one cook. eatpfo> i-il ait e calony tdeI8gnati-d as state aId roatis, buft i.Mr ola,3 er h The c-fai-i-is fi-patientsatathelii-lu hiere altINtetlî l a-ci- 0f I-a WBoyan, 3 arel- d-be tituti- are $10 a ci-ik foir patiei-ts fum i-iIta onod roads. Nu action eau Tfor the Chic-sio Tel-plione company,- ,itl s-utup aboaut flhe place, anti $18ltokn. wa 1-odso u et nbrhm a wi-ik toi- led patients. TIti rate Geor-ge i-ni-ban ask-d tIseblirtai-l eou the thirti floor Sf a fiat bulilIngst itai-i ta vary ac-oi-Ing fa services i-en- lonate $100 tocard titi ati-etc-i of i-oat 733 East SOt place, Cbicago, chio-ty dered. l-adini- fa Round Lake. te asîast tIseati-10.in rda.O.a be Di-. Brom n extîfaineil f at hi- hanilies Ilmovemeut bhiluicairi-d on uni-r tti he&t e,-a.. fl-y.S A b b COUNTY JUDGE ASKS ISUPER VISORS IN BOARD TO APPOINT SESSION; RD. MAT- PROBATION OFFICERi TERS TALKED OVER Judge Points Out the Need of ýSeveral Important Things Be- Having Officer Who Shal fore the Board at t, Open- 37)c ta 75e .,c u 7c hich thse ck, $5. , ii i . j i- l n