LAK.E OOIINTY INPEPENDENT, FRIDAy, MARCII 113. 1914. Paire5 'I'K~.a* -j __________ 7/a Y fems FROM Edied by F.J.DRUCE, Phono Il Orders Taken for Job Work. Advertitng rates on applicIo4n. (ý.150 (oodrug tranoaced buoInens ln Chlik«o Tuenday. Frank Davis, Sr., reeeivo~ word Sun- day of the sudden desth of Henry Davis of ,1auconda. Ed liruce ia je allegod haa purrIîaoed v the home of John Richard@srieur the * towu ball. Dan Book returned borne tdonday atter a wek's vst with bi" sou C'bas. 5i. Pure Catile 50811. twîî lOr barm for 1 e id the Rexail Store-Ducir 4rug CVo. Tihelittie daugbter of Mfr. Klinrgrrfit the Pa lesen home st Taylor Lake wa bi ten quite badly by a dog last weeti Ohe le uow recetvinit treatnientm ru Chcago and iu tbe rare rit lier grand- mother Palleesu. 31 je. Wlnltred lNil of i' îî. ,w ith eeverai friende§ ofet Saturdu3 aud S§unday athber home tere. llre. Chas. Wilson ut Z-nda, called ou 1 trisadti hore Tuemday enrirute to Laxe Villa. (Ues Nemeth and sud of Chcago, have leaeed a port of the Carfir Id farîi a hrre $bley will more iu the njear future. t * It ln alloged that lMre. Mary J.liruret bas purchnsed the Frankel lots eâet of the M. E. churih. It in that oas of the lots will lie purchaoed te huile! a parsouage on for the M. E churcli andf that the other lots willli e rubdivided and put on sale. Itenember that witb every dollar purchase of iegal Myal A. 1). M. andt Parke Davie remledles you irez a haud-e som@epeeout rredegcert laaseware att Thelitez &il ttore-liruce Drug Co. Carl Lewis îof thp Fenion & hewiqts iclothlng store, le expetlng hIe wilfehere1 from Ohio (his week. They wililfm- meullateiy tart rousekeeping lu the jpietevt stang flat. 1 hrld lu the chîîreh, betweeu Frc.d Hurihuit and Atî.y. Churchill ou tlîe que tion "" uelove rîat capital l'unis fi. Il auent Should te Abollelied " Twelve tl u e ladie s erved oin the. jury and the que. flou wu@ decided iun Mr. Ciurviiille tavor Wh ri h egative ,f / * 3 / ' fleef-Iron & Wiue imakes s splendid ! epring tonie. Why Dot boy a bottle ut BCHAS.E. MASON The Rezail Store-Drues lrug Co. I Repretontstive Correstiefdent Mr@. Je Lougabaugh eutertainpid theîPhone 34-W Bridge-whist club Iset Tueuday alter-__________________ Doon._____ The ladies oil the St Audrew Guiid met M'in. Riing lenut prseessi rnttued lu wiîb lire. Joseph Turner lest Wedues hieé home with au attack et the mumîls. dey afternoou. The ladies are mhowlng A Plieelal train wilIl u btacen much interest sud tire lasi meeting wae Èibertvrille and Bprlng (irove forthie largely atiended. Gîîod ttiads daure ti isbegiuen tiere Mr@. Ed Doolitîle ta vieiting frieude lID March 17. Wau1ti for time carde. Dubuqus, Iîra. Ulre. A. Paddock was taken tri tir Word réacbsd bare lionday of the flanuienan huspasi ue day iaet wet-k deaib rot Jamneo Csveand nu Fridar', wlîere she underweut au uperatirrî. As Nariti il. Be will be rem(eîîrbcred bers we wrie it le rr.jortëd site le dri g1 bY tire Lwhra' eîsuîug cîrrîîradee su d oi e]'iY. trierirds Lugpne Sullivan lias mîîvcd mbn a fiat lnnrn cw ,es arr' lririg rielu at the ver ticbarrlsuiu'o streC. Weicornie tu Cring r'caî r ,ial vii u vcl this a'eek by our ity. IU-v. C. AMi llr, a anîsu fîtalility arîd .ririiur's tig ir'e lîrîre lien, tri tull on tIre rnd tir uîueb greater puiple Thr.ic i(-Iwwa'ei, le nut asr guod as i bas tîraîr (irayelaue. He le auanwhe le te-en formvr years. sc ree, carînest andîpi rti vs iliibis beb-el. .Ai iitc-rorirg ard irrîlreesîve speaker anrd]far trrîîeeistrrilsn 1tie@e Kervir,'s art' nîrlrtItiîrg, sdur'stiinal and lienetiial tir &i who attend. A persori nrýds edcatîrru aîrrng the spiritual ide ut lite joi as inîroi as auy rthar educa- tîrou and liîey oira t te themoelves (o iake ad vantage uft these oppsirtuuîlties. Oin Friday evening, !raru'b 6l.about tirrrty ladies met at the toan hall tor tire puupose ut ovganizing the aumen rît Avon townelîîp. who are luteresteri lu the preseut dry quetifon no strongly plavred lfovc the peuple of today. The fliowing orutlers were elected. fMre. Mary P'aimer, preideut; Miss Nota' Dilxer, vice president, Mise Marcha Wheler. oeeretary; lire Ida Sikes, tresurer. IR W. Churchilli vaspreseuit and gave a vcrv lutructîve taI upunj the ireseut Issue. Several other men wcre liveeent and eendered iheir as4sist- suce. The nezt meeting wlll be heid et the salue place on Mouday eveng, Marcli 16, et which tims ail arrange- m eute trr the camîraigu wili be eom- RESOURCES Bisediscounted, time ...$49,376.02 Stock and bond acct .... 10,409.50 Building account ..... 13,533.96 and fixtures.. 3,003.01 Expense Account ..... 688.58 National City Bank .... 8,580.96 lot Nat. Bank, Lake Forest. 145.74 Items in transit ..... 462.72 Cash items ........ 214.90 Cash ............ 3,934.20 TOTAL - S 100,352.59 LIABILITIES Capital ... .......$10,000.00 Surplus and earmings- 1,067.18 Individual deposits 38,658.97 Savmngs . 16,329.46 Certificates of deposit 34,296.98 TOTAL - S 900,352.59 MARCH loth, 1912- RESOURCES, Total $45,240.20; LIABILITIES, 45,240.20. MARCH lOth, 1913 Resources, $66,572.92; Liabilities, $66,572.92. As to the îirosîierity oft tiis bank, note the' abtive fig- iires and judge for yourself. E. C. WEBBER, CAîIIHIER. State of Illinois, County of Lake, es: E. C. Webber, being firet duly sworu, says that the abovesmtate. mt oij truc aud correct. Snbscribcd ond eworn te before me this loth day of March, A. D. 1914. LYELL Il. MORRIS, Notary Public. LMÉ ZURÎij Chbas Wightmuan 0u ta;ktau eseted b ine ues nOur viliz-rcIl fiadaye liiet week. Mir.anud lire. James Se arr.vrie tbe prend parents of a l, î b,,r'our lîcartierît Congratulations nri- , cI ieded le (hie Irmt 1914 arrivai ofr,f o riiîge. Wialter Prehm speni hrîtiirdisv tlu Miss Ella Feddeler reîîcithe priI- tîrîn as virk for Carl Eruet îtti a two mounilla vacatIon. Mr. and lireJohn Koffenri'l go are viilsting thelr non Hîr nian, a tew Ih- lis 'îrdcs ii epeudiîii rc-k (ru hie htl rO.- earin near Lrong lrn hulîntîug rr i tu il cvii a.. il- EllKtiirn Scbaefer oftli iirillge and luii Sliir.rieriz otf .bctin. werv îi~îu 'I ari dd.The lnî~ia[q, rlipi riliirtirirfuture lomiri"'.t I iirirty. .lre'. irî'nl D[li itic of il iikegari, le visirtir,u .t îir M. arnrl t-ivltirlatid Mir. îrnl SIre Irvîn Scip .f i 'inîî,are Ire. Osc'ar J. AI Thomrîas hum earc icr iga tea'dayrr wih rfi reis from K ,nsss, a' îrvme rebas bten vîistng liiril lFrank iras a înal îr ritr relativ e Vie ave lhapp~y tri reporrt as füluirîv Borù tor. franrd MrmChas. Masrni, Satnrday. fNlavch tli, a seven and a hall Poîund brry c'i'nnHueiru aba enou the mi( k limt the last weet wibh a bad coid. TAYLOR GROVE H. A. ilirm asa a Chicagor virutor Mon. dav. Stele Uudaby sud aite arc vlieting ber mntîer. Mrr. Straban v'eited ber moiber Sun- d %Y. lire. Thelen lias retururd (o. ber botue attet'caring tftor Ire. Nanderwali forr oom lfe hur. Fred [.eablrcbias moved on the lion. lay tarmsud lit. Aughter of Rosecrare, bas îîîoved ou the Holland place which ti-e turmer r acated. Mes. Dennis Riordam bas heen risit- in« ber sleeeiluWaukegau. tir. Pof ofWinnetka. sud Migse Zta libed o îmee eegete, ISELiOBITUARY. friferîde bers rgSaetnrd 'udfdAt ia NcFadden Willey Nab bîrri freiobr@Stra n onay. Thee vrnngj- rpleclub, fmet ou Friday 3aMii. 88 t3onutreai. Ca ala TéeNi. E. church beld a snp[rer at tIhe ererrirg with Will aud Laura terris. A leti (Canada at the age of five yea.r.n churvîr parloro lset Thursday eveutrijt good tunîe wiae report.ed. after whlch au interpethin detiate was ivdMri jet 'îli tdy niov <idte Lttle Fort (Waukegari), re- ___________________C._E.__________t_____ -ldcd tliere for a number of years and hîlin nîeîed (o Milwsaukee. where elie A M ar h Git "'""y*receîred lier education, after graduat- Ar C. anrd .1. R CnrrisA'were Wau- n ' ptlgts-ifli iwue AI! througlr the entîre îiorith of!ikegan risitere ounlionday. na' d Vox Irek, XVls. Slip asimarrled Marci we are goinie te give yon a lire. E. B. Siver accoiianied Clava to li)ai id A. W'llley at Mlwaukee, on piece of Irrtejesent Gla.oewarciittuge t rile aenVtakgn Sept. lu i162, sucre she reslded uritil Belle for 25c o 50c, VFREE with1Hlen Silialer attendeil the Teaihers 188.3. tli'rî oinîi to Fox Lakre, Lake 1Intituts in Keriosha on Wedrieelay. courty, Ill., and residlng tucre urtili evey S1.0 pirciase f Rxal, vs1 Ite e fi@ot at ail Weil. lier deaili. wlilcloccuvred Feb, 26, rmyal A 1 S. or se idcnrke ILV b5ies S.C. Broae le epcndiug a tes' 1914, Suri hifd bylier lîusband,t), A. remdiri. Thseîîîdiirîs au daye a'ah frleudo lu Waukpgau tiiree sons, t). A foreinost among ail druggisîsi. _________,_Wt ry.i.Trumn and (Charles. DRUCE DRUG CO. Indepeudent: More readera than ail ]ndeîieadent reaches ail pouts in The ttexall Store (irayalake county weekiies cornbtned. Lake Connty. JOHN W. HART, Preaiden. GEO. ANDERSON,.VV. Prosideut. E. C. WEBBER, Cashier l i in N rri>jp, w t bis lîtiner Frank over Surinla> rv andf M es. (jeu Btadkea i<i, 1-11r ru avii g w itb the lai ter i i.tliehr. r.vil-trnry Ssîp, the larurta,, rîrrth@ hra,,c ii rîed (o Palatiine.1 I ait ur Inn un ce tri tuii nntl i rI flia tnir rrsfip (bat I wiil 4ne a 'Sm lrate tur t licrnfi'e o! Bngh w 5 inn i iiCcrue youne enplirt at the prinrn.rcv il] hi' apniated. c-1 John llorfaras. 1 MOTIIER 'MFrTHE 1 REV. WIIIPPLE 0f LJBERTY VILLE DIES Rocliford. Match15 -Deattb eîîered the borne of another of t(ociford's rldest citîzens Nouday a len the spirit of 'itrs.Benjamin VF Whlpjle pa'.sed (rom ibis world ai tii-Io Mou The dei'eased hsd been Ml lit a week, listing been trickru witb irneuiîioîii carIe last wcek. Oa'lng to ber age, she was unable te wttb. "ta d the rvages of the dsase Md ,nlg wiih lier i ve children ai ber bedslde. Site had been a resi- dent o! this çclii for nearîy sixty 3ears. corning lîcre soon atter ber marriage In Newr York State and set. tllrîg lit 1he hoîîîc in wbich she and ber fate hnsliad iad since llved. ire chlldveîî survîie ber, nameiy: Miss S. Emma \llîle who bad ai- ways made lier hionte wltb ber moth. er, R. B. Wbhi,île of Mnneapolis: H, L. W'bipile or thilaciy; C. M. Whtiuîie ef Chîcarro and Rer'. W. h. Whiiplle of Lîberi i iil le, 111. Attorney Peter Jiirgcnsen, notlclng the fact Ibat niaiiofet(ha beantifln (crees In the court lieuse square have dled durîrîg tue past few yeas and that mari> laive bî'în cliopped down, bas alîpeaird iii i rious supervisors wltii a rerluestit tit eîp be takeri te replace the tre(' , uih have been removcd. .toscPb Ednivit,-r . Years oid, an a1ed resideiit if /1 îîCity, dropped dcad on Saiîidvii tt about 7 o'clock wbile sltîlng hii 'i ilair healde itue steve ini the lit, ufhils daughtev. ]rZ. Joseph l;rei', f Twenty.niitli street, Zion ('iii. Report of Condition (if thte 101F coONJ-YN0091 [809 At Liberty ville li h tre oI ioisnlaaitirhe '7ofeitbusIness ma-,ii li "n anud DOlve.oru .94)5 0.5 l&tin.rvrîei un o, sired'... 103.47r Other Bonds t. Ce1uc1-.] SaiCiigi 2.~l Bondi. Securitiev.etru.I.i 93 5 Basting iroasr. tiinn d 11un. itores illic ruü Due ter?ëîonratrriui irni., u c.e"se egen.c ..fn.iic2i: jisoters. " 'irnri -n nî nsd Sa vinge lisusi .... i. ,iit' Ose nroient e[ruru n-i fi-n11, Sennis inin.7à5 2 Ciecte s s rid . ritni l""nun' . 'àn;1 Notes 01oicvSs Nuii.uîn i.- 2', (mn sud C teîte "';i'il 13 pert.-. 55.1970 "egai te nder mmii, de 55 jui.w.n71 Redemptin ond ni, ii1! iS Trea. nier i(5irer' in uit I l-o't,o)n] Isce ru, Tutal . -...71 r 7, L A l i 11l i S Caital IIIstock nraid ù, ..... .. -11 . sNi Piurpls tnd ...... .. 2,0W.00 ttiv dPero l',, d.îînu' andi Taxes paid. ........25.m598 Nationailianý1t-vrr iurniann... 4915o ru tudividusi deposits vuinlet lin ih-k..-. sescus&s> DemanîlcertIlIvalc.s ninieinvt ..... .»i tir Oerifieni Checks.e....... 16- i Piobai Savinge dennoI nu. .. .2à Totat .... >M.5427.57 Sisis etfInois, Crir of nLakea 1. F. P. Drixuuond, r. dnte a bs ncmed irank, do a )yrirrin r th tct thecrv Mtaternent is true tutahue ir t fMy knowiedge and Usuiel. v e.r1 IYIOND. Preeetdct. Suirscribed sud sri yenSun ietaeeme (is 7tU day o t Marcir 1914. FLOUtA A. STAPLES. Notary Publie. Coret-Atteet, GEO A.WRI(IBT. P'At'L OACOU91120 CHARLES iB. QALe$WAry Bave von a colId or th4 grîîîîrr If not you are flot ru style. Mfr.aud Nrs.l F. T. Haniin and i aývton vislted a few days receiy aith inirago relatives. Mmre. CKeller with Clark and Mlaurice @peut laot Friday iu Chicago Win. Wateon cailed tu Mîliburu late list week ou account ofti.r er'rue illnese aud death r ofhi, îîîcther, who was quite aged. S. C. Lltwller amd dauglîter ot Rotnd L.akre, callel ou relatives bere huiidri>. lirs e ic,11ndee of liraysîslre. and ber eleter froru Karisam were ltvcaut calIcer set week. tisYton i bion vii etin ru iis (jr,,r.', V. s, arid Rtacine [est we.k. There wae no echool part ot iast week on1 accon t of a brokeii part of ithe tv 'i 'v. Der. liuriey of Chicago,. wa. ru triwn Saiurilay î.onerîlting with lire Taihojtt a onhair r the case oMise Lit ler, aho îe e"iill. Miss Beriha VWhlite spent (bis aet Vriih ier t-irrl, frr. Vers Kenîper. A. E. Jack et Chicago, ae ont SaItr day sud srrld thîe cuve ouhie latin. Arthur Besbel of Wadsworth, will work the ltn. hanta Alrtt@Petit thepaot week wîlb Mire.W. 3M. Bfter an sd Mies@Iuby aillinge. R. Emonde sud sou George, vilted lit, sudlire. S. L.arsen, Thureday. Guy l)eiîmeyer et Wadsa'orth, meved Fridsy on thbc[tm north ior Milîburu known as the Rose ltirn. lire. Atchie W.ýhh spent Trîesday aud Wcdnesnlay witb lricnds munslautegan. Minis liiez Prrllock o! Chicago, atteuded the Inneral rît lier grandînoîher, liro. Nîsegaret Watsoun. Mrînday. Me. and Nies Warren Hot traueacted business in t3'aikcgan Weduesdav. Leslie Cannon drove te Norwood Park Tncsdsy for a ioad ut hie honsehohd goode. Mie, sud Mr&t. W. Bl. Stewart returned Frîday tretu St. Petersburg, Flerîda, where they have bren thre past (au menthe. Mies Ida Strsug @pont s few dsye wlth ber heether V.'m. Strsug of Wautegau, thîls 'eek. Miss lunule Christiansen le busy dress- maklug lu Ibis vlrlnity. Frank Lucas bas nîovcd ru s tarni near bIs old place and wili stay lu Illinois a while longer. Mre, sud Mr@. Bain epeut Snnday wlth Mir. and Mes. Johu Bonnet. Miss Maggls Watson ut Hinedale, Ill., wasi calîrd here Satutday by (ha death or ber muther. Mr. sud lire. Pember retnrned to Amherst, Ohio, having speut sevetal weete witb A. H. eStewart. Mr@. Margaret LUd Watson waa hotu lu Scotland in the year 1S261 sud paaseed away Saturday, Match 7, at 5 p. ru. at lier hiomin lulibuen, age 88 yeare. She lias lorng ireeu a resident. rrt (lus vlinlty. Shleraves te Inouru her lose uns sou sd tour diîughters, lirs. John Pollock, Mise lelle Watson o? Milibiru, &1i0e Mtargaret Watson uofilin8dale, sud rs Elizasius o? Texas, sud Wuî. Waterri ,d Lasks ila.Burlai wae Mrrnday, Mur' lu 1), ut Nillbrvucseter.y. Tie 'ur un iiiairity citeirn trir sy nplathlu'r'ii the failliî[y. Indepeadent: More readers thai county weekllee comlrlned. Report of Condition of the Ar Liticeryr iii' Ir lire Slile outf ilî ,at of li rtiuiieruv Marrib 4.,1i14 ni 89t'liE L--riînud Iini'rrintr dr U Si, B I, , rr .I"n irrai Sa i oîi, -oî ir iure Posal, rug io luei mn S.rir s.r.il0fi air iias5s 3.6 Ch',rlir, a ru t- qO i ý inie n u SurnN. Iau, j Sunirri. arn,!1 Caia stcc c k17 r29 n',n i'und -unu . fa ik - ttari l ii i ... o 'isoe îuiid.. 7.0 Naiunns iarliSirtr ubtt.nrheck.110,8 of drukai .. ... 7ý. C erirarîl i ,r' .ii -le Riles de fo t .ir-, -ý........ Total - -*>... S'nA i*t (yî1fr ii.r.ISîliCOttNTY OFrLAN K. 1.1 Steir uý1IvrnliveCaiie. th.arv state;ne'r.'ils rulero Inn tue besi 0f My kSoya alnd beitI -1 SecIY ORIDIEY. Caini Suitroeer-d rrut n vinta iefr ne rruh01 dOf ia M rolu1914. LYE-Lt, H MOtRRIlS. Noiary Pvb Correc.t Atri - w M. WALRONO). BEtNId. MILLEti. (i.8cticeck. Oiftert Attention Motel Owners==Buffet Owners A banking unUeî tioti w ith this hank wiii hring îîîany advaittages. Viz: You xvili have large sume@ of MOIney OD haid whioli voit xvill want to put in a safe place. We always hlavte an ahundance of silver on hand. We have the iiost up)-to'dIate and eoînplete bank anîd bankiuîg systein in Lake county. Your checking account here will hav.e the best of care. We send.a muoîîtiiy statement anîd yoîîr chîecks at the end of every ujonti. Start your ai2(ouilt .N(W. Eakr XVilla CirrniI & êauingi Bank A STATE BANK Capital $25,000.00 Lake Villa, Illinois1 I Your Proposition! Large or sunsil WiIl Re Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Rosi EsiaÈe, Insurace, etc. Ubortyvrille, 111. Wire Fence Sale Until May lât Money Saving Bargaim 1 AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. UBERTYVILLE. 111£I The Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Poilusettas ............. ...........1eVoes............. .... ........... 25c LIly of the Valley, pots ....3. 5e tou75c Poe.60e ('hryoauthemjuiîs.................0e)Oc u75e CarnatiousM. doîu e.:.*.«" 0 ge................ I$1 ...ose ............................ 250 'Rss........... "«*'......*1 00f2 00 Penny Plantéa......................... SOC Narcisge, duz ........................(;Oc R, Hyscluihe............................. 50e Sweet Peas ............................... 50e tieranuue..................... ....$1 tu *2 Orders Taken at Up-town Office or at GroenhouBe. n ail eC flll1rlwe,'erXe we--w rwrtlwwm ll N better time than the 'present -I N0to replenish your supply of Sprinted stationery, etc. High-class ile~work at moderate prices.I ui aicThe Independent'a Job Department 17~*******************4*:~:::: BEN il. MILLER, Atusrsy, Adjudrcation Notice. lvi, ,itieivncelint zienutiratire Soir snn ir'.rx -r'ile i sn u'la> ii mviianrrTestament of 5larii. A. Cnsrk. nîcessneni. roilattend tire Ctrîty Couirt ut Late ('ouunuir. Sia5terM ihcenf tu, be hudnir et aitire CortBoHnse lu Wauegau. lu uald Coonty Du tie tînt Monuday ti àiay nu.or. 19n4. rieu nd clii ees6ai Irenrruns (-frn caim$as Cainrot lad Htate are uaid foruii u adludleatioii. John R. Thompson, ,who ovns a njF:Rr 9 .BAT.erti.194-big !arm near Ldbertyvilie and who Io ' MariS î.î sênI a former Cook county (rassurer and at prudent a Chicago restauvanteà le Piano '1 uning backlng Charles a Mullîoclî, gen- I,eave irders at Rayes FurnItureStore, erai manager o! the Parxnalee Tiasi. Work dons by Mrt. Airleti c-24-tf fer company, ln the lattera effort* to purchase Charles P. TalCsa holdings lndpeudent reachee ail points ln in the Chicago cube, accor4lng i te- Larke Corînty. ports Saturday. A NN 0UN leM T I IDr. N. W. elneger OSTEOPATI'IC PHYSICIA4 WAtIKEGAÂ, ILLINOI S Wii bc et tIrs, C. S. hag*s on Orchard St.. Uboulyvllo, Lu jesu ad Fridsy, aflessOn sad eveslag. '12:1 NuI 'ru Sio 47 , ' Le 08 .949 P abi!Il ',2 àKi h4e.r .,ii su sic r l.4.5 Bank of Round Lake STATEMENT AT CLOSE 0F BUSINESS MARCH 10, 1914 ýi 1 LAYE OOUIM INDEPENDENT, FRrDAY, MARCII 13,1914. Paop Them