LAKE COUNTY IflIJCNDENT FRmAY,__MARCH 13, 1914. Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun 4--Office Telephone Number 1, Lîbertyvilie Euxchange. Entered et the Postoffice et Librtyville, II., " Second Claos Mail Matter Official Paper for Lake County. &*oued Every riday. Adertisingx Rates Mode Knowu on Applletiafl. SUBSRIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ..................................................................... Editor F. G. SMITH ....................................................Manager M. J. WEBER.......................................... Resident Manager, Phone 69 Y es, the Lake county tubercular institute could b. filled with poor patients from neighboring counties if the. officiais wished to extend their charity elsewhere than li Lake county. BUT, it's been hard enough to get the matter through to the point where Lake county's tuber- cular people can b. cared for, without going into adjacent counties. Lake has done its part, let the others follow the example.. It's quite ovident that Lake county bas done more for its poor people of this character than the averagei county in Illinois. Judging from expressiohs on the supervisors' board, now that action toward testing the law and seeing whether the present treasurer shall turn back the interest on'pub- lic funds has been authorized, the board members Who hes- itated on passing such a resolution, will now Insist that previons treasurers and their bondsmen be placed in the saie position as the present trea.surer. lI other words, it's predicted by thos. vixo heard expressions on the board that the movement is now to be made general and that suits similar to tho Westerfield case w'll be ordered begun gainst hie sevoral predecessors. It looks as if the statels attorney's office la to be made extremely busy now trying to colect the interest which some aupervisors dlaim should have been turned over to the county for years. There'a much truth in the argument of certain super-1 visons, that ît doean'tseem just fair to single out Wester- field and aeok the returi of money claimed te be due the. county. If it's gong to be done with him and if his bonds- men are liable under the circumstances, why not include ail bis prodeceasors, for the bondsmen of their time are MtMl holden, and, If it w-as wrong for Westerfield, it w-as just as wîlong for bis predecessors. The answer is: What's the. use of going back? Start right now. But, that doesn't suffice-the interest on county funds, if it belongs to the county îow, belonged to it years ago, and the county should have it, just as much as the state of Illinois got the back taxes of the Illinois Central railroad-not for one year, not for Governor Deneen'i administration, but BACK MAINY YSEARS, Whymake distinction? Did you ever stop Wo think that Lake county asks ita board of supervisors to work for far less than most-of its members make per day in their regular routine? Such is the fact. Io it right that it should be so, even if there ARE uufficieut mon seeking the office in the various tow-n- 'ahipa? Wouldn't it b. more business-hike for the county to pay supervisora at loast $5 a day for their services li- atead of but $3? What membe"-f the board is there whose Urne wn't worth more than $3 a day when applied to the county business? If it isn't worth that much or more, thon h. isn't tho man tW transact county business. The tact it, it'a a ultime to ask a board Wo go into leîgthy ses- sions and devot. daya' of work W ceunty affaira for such a sum as $3 a day. We beliove the. public at large would -' gladly approvo a movement Wo make the. pay at least $5 a day-aid that would b. ciieap nough. The. time was when $3 a day-,porbaps covered the situation because men al- ways wore not se busy as they are now-a-days; W blave teir business in years past wasn't such an effort as now because of the. help problem, therefore, the county should expeet te properly remunerate good, efficient men w-ho are willing to it on the county board. It's economy to pay them properly; it's bovnd to bring out strong men for the. position. Tho Sun agrees with a number of members of tue board of appervisors that the. action taken Friday w-as quit. a littfé Wo hasty li ' removing from office Treasurer Westerfield" just because h. dld not see fit Wo answer certain questions rogarding a mooted question whidi State' A ttorney Dady had put W hlm. Ro w-a not, w-hen before tue board, in a court. of officiai record where hie case could b. legally passod upon as regards bis right Wo retain intereat on county funds. Mr. Dady thought ho had a right Wo make tue demand for certain information; Mr. Beaubien who la .qually regarded as an attorney with some knowledge of the law, insisted h. did not have Wo answer incriniinating questions of tht sort. Mr. Dady's opin- ions in such matters are, as he adnitted hast year before the board, "1Net impregnable, for, I have been know-n te make mistakes in law matters.l" We believe the more faix course to have followed would have been Wo have the in- terest matter tested in court first, and tuen, on failure of Westerfield Wo act in cae the ruling w-as adverse te hlm, the. board would b. justified in any step. However, until the courts havç settlod tue points involved which have been mooted for years, not only in Waukegan, but tbrough- out tue state, it seema as if a more considerate actin would have been received by people geîerafly as having the appearance of adeare tobe fair to thecouity trea- urer. Mr. Westerfield sincerely believes ho is entitled te the intereat, s.eing tht ho has furnished bis own bond; Mmay supervisorsanad citisens feel the same way; some Mupervisors iîcerely, feel otherwuse. AUl are entitled to tbeir opinions. The courts, and tue courts alone, can and j- vil uay w-ho is right. It seems as if that should b. tue <fratqauon to b. determned-not how- much he bas M& d, but, BIEfG THAT RE HMS HAD IT, WHOM VOIXT EILNG TO? BOROLÀRS TRY TO ENTER j TRIOEIS & TAYLOR STORE'l b, fr t e, t( 81 (j d al Liertyvulie e-ilul bc e cily" vofbird bouses tus sunmcer if the îurîuuîus of the eeiîaol chidren cames truns Lact weet Mr. Hoichlu etotatlîe intcruuucdiate gtrades on tlis value oi aur native bîrds. enîl as a recuit abut 200 biays and] urîs agrue,] ta make bird hanses an,] have theni rrady for occupacy by the tîme bis birds returu. Meny ai the chidren have huuugit their bandicorktota cbooi for the inspection ai their frisude. Somc of these productions' are remertetile, eepecially wes ou consider bis age of the mater. su numnter ai parents cure eu Intereete,] tiat they made th@ bouses tiainsefres, 80 sanie ai the bouses ou exhibition are very elaliorate and aîtistic. Onu littîs boy reporte that be put his bouse up et 4 p. ni and] et 7 the next niarnuig tic parrae-s hadfi flhlcd with uesting meterlal. lu June the chiidrsu expert ta repart on tisir succe«c ia attractiug te birdÇ. The Seniors and Juniors lied an intr- clacu, laet Tuesay. Merci 10, in tic acseniuuy hall. Tic contest iras for ele -ren polints, bis junions e-lnnung six of bihe poîints and tic seniors (Ive. The juulgeawere: fMra. Caraoll Gridler and Reipi Halch. The conbe@t e-es a strict. uy oebool aflait no visitons teing alloe-ed. lThe points oi tbecante0t. tieantestautm and the way the points weewon are as ]oliaws: seniors Juniors E. Weiacaff I .tsumeatal Solo.. . Cerr Gledys Payne-...Essay...DleisCallins 1 Jae Heur..Parody Paem..Fre,] Protinel B. Cacey..l)eelamation..Marion Taylor 1 Nina Davis 1 ...Aiphabet..Mri@Andrce-s Pearl Hughes..Rhort Story..E Sebaek 1 F. Smithb..... Voeîal Solo..Eve Willlias E. Chabauerlauin I.Vacal Sola..M. Taylor Margery Prluce .Deate-... alc Cllius lie Haven 1 .....Debate ...Orton Pierce J. Hener.Hfuinorous Stunt V Oailocey i The Independent leadsalal. Frittay niglit af last ceek bliîilats trie,] ta force an eniance imb bbheTriggs & Taylor @tare on the carnet ai Mil- caukes avenue nd Spiague mtreet. by hariîîg tbîee hales neur the io,.k ou tire fromnt doaro ai tue store, aîid then trird ta pry out the lock with a jimuly, bîut evIdentiy cere frigbt-ned awey ai; the taals causisting f ai iciand bit an,] a 8nînil pit-liar were otant,]arly Sati- dey morning juat cuite tlie uper lied druppe,] thora et tht entren.ce ta the Tua suspicians iaaking [menuentered the store durius the day and they esi ssci> ta pay tucli attentioîn tthe ciiel register and the sale. Fian ire appur- unce aithie joli tbuy umade in tire attiupt ta get the lock oif the doar it le the apInian ai meoy tiet the burgiîîrs acre amateurs or had pactaken ai tooa uuii brace-up medicine. rau suspects wcre tain î tue- and piaced lu jeuifau Saturday, but as tiiey claime,] tbry had niitbing ta di wîiti the attcnipted linrgiaiy thceon ers gven their libesrty. The t wî Bien could flot tic identiled ae thu auapiciu«e heractere wia visited Ithe store in Friday. It le4 sal,] tiet ou aifthe mnuarrested Saturdey liad ealle,] et the lieck door iii tie Lycie restaurant eîsue e ga anîd aoeskcforii Aoiethinîr toare, and sel,] -l'Il lie tîack*' as lie tuante,] the pereilu e-ho gave hlm the incal. Oin lridey thîs seuisioowagain eppeaed et tiru back_ dooî ot the restaurent and paid for tbc liuud-ut iii aierai weecrs belonseaand saiii: No c 1gues 1 vii-nugo to ftice front diiiir," therrupon lie welked erauud ta the frons doar, cuti-red the restaurant and aîdered a incel. paid fan the sanie and then tipp:ed thle calter e hli daliar. UIBERTYVILLE SCIJOOL NOTES. ERtlier Cberbonean Icft the lirst grade this weet and Uergcry Moore entered. Thue otccuicd "soph- Turner Wihvox mnade bim appeaeue Tneeday n.arning altber a e-eek'@ absence. Fiîi1 grade bas -ornue very fine matis ai Northi Auiei-eaun exhibition. Tue use t1u, irot'attempt the grade lias ruade tii lIrew niaeand they did very wel. *Ti>rchy' Caaey lieue thrillirug expieri. -ic Suudey eseîiing alcu ae ellcaine off ai e buggy in irhicliaie eas couîiug tu ta iu The rîg weet eioug ou tirci- wlîcels forae i-ipie af iiii rcsblofirtethe IjîrRe could tue 4tiuîped. Ramone Wat ni% senut irîîmthîrd zrede the pa4 eLa-t un accanit if tInsoifi u r sophiîaiiaiepiof a ei-rus tiiru f iiinulu]tris,] ta aperate au e saloi,]lirwass Weteibnury *Friday citer- n Jon. Thu trouble cas, tiit the catch (? refuse,] ta aubrmit quietly ta bis cruel trcatmeut and] e-leu ae-on,]it taa tigit it parte,]lunths middle, ccattct- ing clesand epîluge al] aver thie fluor and utiling. incldsutally titemeinspig stiuct lier ou the ntasend cansed hic iunme,]iate departurs "for parts nu- knocn.- We hopelie li )as lcarne,] a lessai>. - Tho esecand grade pupls bave vote,] Nit. Holch the hest etary teiler they ever heard. Tbey cerieinly were very ranch lierested and il anyaue thinks second grade peuple are tro amal ta tiuiid bird bouses plat raillan,] se their dimpley. Tbry e-cie the irst rîllînita gct a bouse însatein a tics an the si-lioil grauids. the ireinswemlntur VILLMiE EATUERINTEREE IN RONDOUT'S IDMEPWELL The village fetlisrs are e-etrbiirg eitli rrat unterest the outeanie ai tuhe deep welliiebch cas drlied at tbe yards ai the St. Paulrilraad et Rondout. Tic well e-es tested Tneuday marning, and trustees E. E. Eiacorth and]Main Titus, twa menibers ai the v eâer coin- nuitter, cent there ta bu preseut e-len the capacity aiflthe ehan,] quality of the dater e-as teste,,&asthe village bîoard sm holding in ebeyence thu f uîîtbe drulinug iofthe local e-eli ju@t ta ses Itow the Itoudout and allier neariy eele ling put dace e-tii test e-heuecotu- The uapaclty of the Rouulaut weltas f-uted Tueeday lu 230 gallons per minute e-îtlî au ?JO fout puuàping lie,]. The e-aber -es fou,] idta beeait an,] Ires Irani uoiîlphur. andcocues up froni e depti uit 1140 Iet. Tb@ eatsr cas caed ailfuifr 34() ftet t te-a. diflerent pointa. The eelI e-as saerte,] citi 164i iuei caîng an,] ti uiehed ulti a ten inchisl. The drîillug af the eu e-s sterte,] ucarly a ysar ago, but bad water put a nunîber af boilers that een utic job out ofai cmmission, and the rantractar, ere othercuse hampere,] in their cork The drill cent Ihnougi tco iundied icet ai sand-roek befote strlklng the lest r-iu ai cater w clileisderereci very good. RESOLUT IONS Rbecilutuons tiy the Ladies' Aid ofthi P'resliteriae cinch ai Libsi-tyvilie, 111, Vik-lîAi, Witb prafound arroc an,] e-il, a desp sense ai the gest bas suietetued bly the deatli ai aur sstesinsd e4o-iicau-c and ca-carter, Iar. Wiliam ýrlioui, e-ha so kindly an,] cbeerfuliy iierioritie, ail deties ailotte,] ta ber @;nd, wlî,ie e-isdiom and couneel added en, mexrially ta tlieup-liuiiding an,] succes of utur sciety and e-lia las&tissu elied toa e bgher an,] grander existence, it is tîieref ors Reso ive,, 1't ce lere-itb tenîqer ta tir lîcruavea bnsband an,] faniiy aiaur decease,] suotrt ur sincere uympatliy au,] trust that Divins Pravidience cili uutahu eand grant yoii tiat solenmn and cated confort tiat no eartlY power ci, -et takeu tram yiuu. Minnis S. Dyman,, 1 Jsasie E. Higgins. liudees Lightninit Banp Curetair sale by ail druggiose. 50c an,] 01.00 per*~ TEN DAYS' FREETRAL qJ You can try this beau- tif ul Victrola FREE ini your Own Home. By makinq smaii Monthy payments yan wiliI mon Own a Victrola-the greaitest of aIl mahgici instrumnents AntIi t bringo ta you the very bett of muéîc of every kind, Bang sud played in the very best Way by the very best ertiots. The ide- ai plae ta learui the new dan- Cea is in the home and lier. the Victor is absoiately indis- penîsable. l'ri-e S15 ta S100. JOHN FRANKLIN NICIIOLAS NOTCE PASSES AWAY MONDÀYs Peul meetingeof te e kodeso Tlhe fibeidan Scbool.' bsid et Its affice, On the cey to pay li@, lest respect@ tu Aies, Illinais, on tli6 27tb ýday of au aid fripnd who had pascd away en 1 January, 1914, puruanet 0tahii satt was about ta tic burisd MondaY alter- la iuch casesamade and prav4ie:d, lthle Don, Mr. John Frankln Ncholap, dia principal office of The SfieIdox& Achool resideti with liss iwily ou Fuir otieet, was cbanged irom Aria,ii1ista hecame suddéiy unablo to wait laither, 1018 South Wabasb Avenue, lcgo iîevins an atteacko ihert trîîuble and Iliilo, Murne than eigbtv per ent of bu(tai sltanec cîuld bugîven blun be the capital stock of osad corporation Pas.ed away, thbrcliy eut belng abls ta cas represented t said 'meeting and fuifllt te noble purpoffl wlîb whicli ho voted nnacimo usly lu fayorof alad hal loft hl@ bouse eppaetitly oich lui- echange af location.'1 praved lnheai 1 h. Gaie Blochi Mr. Nichaîi.lied been ill mince the C. N. Durand eariy part of the a inter and for weebe F. P. fymond was very lue,, in faut ie friende led VW. I. Lake grave fears for bis îecevery for soins C. Il. Pattison tinie, but lie gailii-îllttio by littie end Majority ot the Boaird of Iirectors of for about a wceet 1w seeiiied ta lis muchiTlhe Sheidori Sciool. r.24.1t lmpîoved lin bafli As the fuacral of, au aId frieud, hi rs Javic Davis. was tuoOTC ic field] tram flic rteîdeiieaf the deccesed N TC ou M.ouday aIterîîooîî. hIr Ncholas I cieli toa e -edidate for the office a lsee]tai attenîl tlîw srvie et the hiou@eisf aemo uijpct to the Republillati aud aith lintht lurpoîe lu vîew hbprimars eud will eppreciate ail suppoiit mterted to walk t,, Oie Davis home, but gironn [ie. c-1 C iCs juste asli euMaelking in front 01 the i bolof W. Eliavise iccasu@sein taNOTICE gceep for lirealli and bleiire aid could li4 illsîucniît orteîtîci given hlm lie lind paueed ewey. tîîwu colîeccir nt ths coming tliîuilieu Mrt Nîcholas e-as liorn Nov. 15, 1061, rla~ u -iaprceeeyelpr lu Lilertyville toc siuîp ou wliat à . enuc W.Wiel' Luowu as the todîi-', S%%it terni. Two v c2(.ti seri later wîtl i li. parents lie iuoved ta ___________ the farutalho ownpil et the tme utbis'T TH VTESQ LIRT- déeth end ou which lie jvc,] contmuuun- T, THEVLLERTO FNS IBETY ly until tive e vraega, die htecaniVLLeO NSI: ëo a reident of ti i vîlîîoe. On Mardtti 18 , 1 i il liea candidate for thbe affle ,f li,18 liehocas uititnluulairiege cili teili collectoa t the comlnng Republîiî-en Nettle L Tupîs-r. nltafilon, two trinierles, and cl apprecieti- env und1 chîldien, Warren anîd Adeli, being bain, ail sulpport given mi.. On Februery 19, 1909, our Lord saw cAS -tf AustIn 'N Trîip lit ta caîl the bleived icile and moîber ta lier eternal et anîd @sh ias foiowed Candidate -ForCollector. liy lier eged fether the ialleiang opritig. ciltanfi yfrnstatIii On Augut M~, 1910, ho cas ualted * in t nfr yfind a l mati loge wîti A lice T. Ravis. cha with hoe a candidate for rollectai, subIe-t to bis tua ethildien and siste?, Id r. 0. the Demorre primr,. edd clii ail- Char,]of utAstin, are loft ta maunisb'oie & Il support viven me. sad an,] nntiauely death biho ecniied C.19-tf J R. ulhoilae.. Mauday, Mardi U, eansed by elarge- meult af the beart. FOR COLLECJ2OR ilir. N choase eas a devoted husband and fetiier. a knd and oblging neigli- Hl. Lnsk aunounces that be is e candi- but wih atiot o frend Wh morndate toi the Domnantion ta tlieoffile îof lawith s ea tii frue nAha lteru .uileetor fuor the mien of Litwr-tyvslle t trust e-as nevur li-trayed. He hpl,] ,e- thie t.ipiîbîlic&n pueaipms au,] cili oral mnlua politicai ofîce@ eig a aplhiciate ail support gîveulbila. esaesai for te-a Nare. He wesa e mm-~>t ter aifthe (iaec Lake M. E. clinîcl, fronti elic b ail neveiiieusieirrul,auîl NOTICE e-ao aigua a ieîîîber of ladge No. 176,. 1 I club O announce My candiîia-v hic W. A. tic office oi tex collectai lir the ta wn ofi The fun)eral servies c ere t-onducted Libertvvillie auliict to the approvel iof tram thes haine et t wu 'clock Wed steltuometcvtrae le1rmr day alternoan iii Pa8tor H . .Allinît, and wcul eppsciate alil uppoitRiveu me.ý ai the Preshyterian ebuîcb, alter whici C-2-ti Mark l. Cîîîcoîan H. B. EGER Labettyvîli.ilat Buy it Bzcause It's a Better Car rot a cis, Schanck Bros., Libertyville ~Pare Fo'ur -e - What For? There is 1no argumnt li tht world against life in- murance. Stili thiere are a great many people who are itot provideuît. They aret- îeitber tauglit uor forced to sav-e. Th ey do not inake provision for the future, thougli they kîiow it is a tbousand-to oune Iîot tht-y wilI be -"up against it' somi- day. But tli- w o<lîecker saves. The squirî-el savi-s. crue bunîubie-bte haves. The arit eems to work ov-r*-tiii-tbotigh tht-y do say lie belongs to a unioni. The farier knows mort- than souit- whîolî- faînilies -and he gets bis knowledge fi rst-hand -about the necessity of laying by during the pîroductive mîonths, sufficient stores to laht hiîn-fodder for bis stock, food for himsecf and seeds for another season. Through life insurance a young man is forced and taught to systematically save-a habit which will do hun ucmore good than ail lie ever learned in school. Money is one of the biggest things in the world. Lt buys the necessities as wel1 as luxuries of life. And life insurance money-even the expert cannot tell it from other Inoney. Insure your life and make good today! JOHN HODGE District Manager Michigan Mutual Lif e JL a c 4ý VU- reéit in -JL Try the New 'Dance Records b ti