Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Mar 1914, p. 5

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LAKE COONTY FflEPRPD1 M.. FRUDTA VMARCH 13, 1914. WARD'S Tip Top and Daintymaid BREAD 'YS" 8 beau- monthy son Own west of aIl Anti it y beit of sung sud et w&y by The ide- new dan- and lier., aly jadis- Sto siO00. TIGGS T AYliOR I * Made=to=Order CIoth ingg It d0tqtn't matti-r who you are or what yttur ocuU- *pation--yoii have a natural deiire to look your hest. You for aujy other man can do this witholit * care in selecting the * elothtes yon wear. The gýoily suit tijat (an dIo you jiistice iH one titat --j e i0 / is miade for youî accord- ing to your ineamiure- imtisHt. lTe merîhant taitoriîîg systelt lias îîiade it posa-sileifor. you t> wear titis kinît tif î-othes att a Cost ilt grt-ater tliutttita of reauly inadt-s. hatster is ntot ido 's'ry far away anîd tht-rt- iii ot over- rîucit titi i if yon iî hîx yoîir suit ready for tlîat day. We art- sliowing al of tht- lie-w spring fabrics in bot im- ported(Iandt domeiitch wooleum in ail of the very lat- est colons anti iattertis. Le-t us take your ineasure today antd have a suit made for you ini any style you select and liavi- it rea<ty for Eatiter. Je B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phono 14 o o Anyting yo uwant To huy titis Spring ini Clover, Timîothy, Alsyke. Alfalfa, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rape, Orchard, LawD Grass SeedIs You can niake rnoney by buying now while the stocks' are full. Price riglit. Corne in, talk it over. We have~ it. Feeds of every kind For Cow, Horse and Poultry. Libertyville Lumber Company Downr by the Old Depot. Phone 47 Been Hors 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager - h. .111 oCi6le.yv /o tcm s-oII To insure publication ln the Indopon- dont. copy must ho in the office no later than Tuesday of oach week. Adver- tisera, ospecially are asked ro take particular notice 10 this off oct. (Ad dîi o-n al-ILo ca-N-ew S P a e-6 a nu-d2 R. W. Spafford of Antloch, wam lir.n on business Wednesday. Mrs Nellie àlc-Namara oft Grayslsak.- was a vimitor lier.- Tii-i-day. s Ca. A. H Chunrc-hil tsi tiI v4i-hat ni Chicago the torepart iof tii.- ie At a meeting týi i lSrt John'@ Lutheran churcb afttr t4i. regiîtareervice last Sanday nornisg it waaderided upon to bold Englist i 5-r, le the second Suriday evenlng ot iai-h îiionitl, but nu deinîle date waa set flortitifret Sunday everîing servie. Pown at Hall Day Emiîl Kieker and Sanm Fre,.bave COMpLcîl a a'elI uthe Johîln TulIey tarai, tîii-11i î.inig 57% .-et deep and foîur f-t il iivneîîuter anid was dag with pick avil chov,el ithour t# i-aid (ut curbinizgor h ru îîîg ofany biil. which fi; said it- 4a Icat never atteiiipts.d heretofîre ini tin.- parts. 9 filNelson lias eniVaWed a -e.Il 1 1 tîua tS Ina'v-nnc -n- liarber foir bihieîp on Milwiauikee-Ave ii- \tFriday eveani a h h ieh, icre i i At torneyL'yclH. Morrie w us tva in- lin - lier JH. - Kiîrnis iothe Cli h u t sait ing business at lton uLake- Tuu'silîîý IllIily Sip.rit.La1ei r-t. hle ili-t b-l'.ng 1)1,1Heîîrv '% II1 I 'i, ifia'îîr" RosaTrlgs me iNtli l l '; t W is ii 'notitin ii.e ii.iI l i e gerieral las wi-ek a-heu ie sprained lia.- ut is lii. Iî,n't îîîru,-L t,. ntiuestleioîn ankies.ln~ Mliss Havi-I tiauti'l ivii- %%a5 's ti 'Ti.-Yuua ena 1,li.e Ascaln guet uot Mr and Mvi. i M t V.ihhiii- "sie-tii thaîik .1 II1'. ftoîi tr 8atu rday. --ulthte î>noei-'îîs il bi s howli,, 1i Mrs. 1, S.Carie uf tiratni Firks, N. i) iitiglt t te on 1-utna tielîir" heit,, im the. gui-at of her brîîtlier, H. J. IHagevi~ andtte Liberti vll- iii jiiiftîr thi-ir andt tai iii maLti îige.The fa-s,ii intiii ri-gef Mrs. Alia Fiom andl Mra, Wimtnev ti t biat Lue qutartet rnil nt b-à present. Orayolake, visitrd Si-rs. C. M. Fuller l'ist 'lit liipeo titat titi- est va reelt în (la l Thîinsday. I-jr lRobertson mad iiiIn t lei rabsene. Cuunty Supt. il uS-bonla T. Arituir 5-e rvlretuituhvel icd Siu Mi ol %utaukcgan aa avientunl sriet- acre gueats ut tih, lit, w juif ono town Tuedaý,. 'sliilay nigitt Maviiil iîiîLeirrv sayma t thatîIsI was the i- i-t t iii- 'i nce Thei New Eogland dinncr at tili. J annuary 2Oth t ha t lie m as -a] icitfn tu 1 1'rembyterian eliurch bas heen postpod 1t,c-uoîrteeper. and msneîcofti.theimn badt to Tbarsday. Mar-h il9. t aiep on the e.iiiit iliîîr as alîtv Maundes & Comîpany are getting r eaiy uîugli bunke are un lianotot provideL te add a flli lina of gi-ocories to their tfîr suit a rush ln hasîties asi lin MondayF ment market lu the Proctor building. niltt Mrs Win. Kuote andl son' aho ia.-. isslt tour counity loin gaitîcrers, ahoF been viitiig la Houston, Texas, for the lires at Area, bas pruduni-il the. oldeat past twu tuontits, have returncd hoinu- i'îîîited States coin yet sajan at thi. uîtin-. Itioea one cent pi.-.-.-andim dateil M-ra. Rouy F. Wrighît andl daughltrli, n ud-dadzSte e Helen Estlîer, are vliting at tii-he otu.- 9M u unrdan ite p ut Mr@. Wrigt's parents at Edgerton, '>ton t.w easat- ii-.p,' W i. .ukifig yoarou ur lii-ti.ry 1776i TVie' nuiiniasttbas a Cou)tti viiilia. ilii Mr-t C. S. oag apenit Saturday and cviulation in the cnullics Icluir. tînat Stuiday uith lier son thas ln Ciiîuaguu. lier suri George ie spetiding tiîls a e MrtvaFred J, Atueman ianil clildrev.,f u Tanuma, NN'asi., are vîsittng ar theii.-lnî, of Mr. nud I-re. J. IL. Allemn and ulutîler relativ es. Mrs. W. M. WliRbam and lttît. son, laîtiel Wrightn il Chicago,. ave senetdng ibe wéek wîth M r. and Mns. W m. NIrs A. A. Kivuy andl nýi-ucMiesaNellie Prî,lert, retîtracd last wfflk trom Sttugton, Wis, abere they visiteI severat dayui. A very enjoyabtee .v.ning a s pent at the dancing party giren at the Audi- tîiriuni Thirsîay nigbt of! ast wesk by the Amîci Club. A son was bora Lu Mr. and Mis. Cari Hughes ut Highlaind Park on Marclî;)th. Mro. Hughes was tnrmerty Miss Mande Miller ou, Liberty vill-. Thtetnonthty meeting of the Earnest Workers clasm of the M. E. Sunday shbont ahI be hetd l'riday, Mari-h 1:1, at the home ut Mrs. J0.- Bond. Plans are Leicie niade for confirmation services tu be beld at Sb. Lawrenes' chureli on Saaday atternoon. May 24. ahi-n Bisbop Ander@on wtll coniluet the servIr.. Coroner J. L. Taylonr sa8 callel to Waut-onda Moaday Lii holau inquest over the remaina ot Henry Davis, an olI sîndier abo droppel ilead at his home tiiere Sunday. The iiianyfrienîs ut Mr. andl Mrs. Max Kohner are greatiy pleased over tha neas I-bat thei- ittie daugbter who has beau eu seriousty iii for nearty thre J. R. MuhollanI rturnel last Friday RY OUI NEW FIRE WlIISJLE FRIDAY NOON à» puri-hameil lbas bhemet I-r iplace ivar 'Fiulds Milling e ipa~ i gitie OUR D PO IT :,),r and a li e t rier] ou t Friîlay utf iweek at 12 uiîkrioo,îiThe new bt-long b îîlir d~î.tr Sl~and 1907 sitie ha, a chrill toue andl t is lalrucd lus thiat. i b.- beard for eigli t iii ls.'Iherefor.' it ir;ncvsr for our own e The wabatte is ais,> tir b,- uns-i as IbeoI*(~(3~ ular taetory wl,îeîte for the Fould'@ iiid as welI as 'tîtat of m)ir custoîners for ling Cou andl will lie blîîwn cvery know that we are- in a position to pay doit rnitng nt msen(in ,k, at twelve andi elve-thirty at noin and sixain at five. dollar for ail of the- îiionity ueposited with rty in the atternuîîîîand on Saturdaye lxi order that you îîîay utideretatid beti fîiur-thirty. Thiis mysteii lam bS5fl f trthier discui-sions alorîg this line, we will ided ujion eo that ithe-public ai onusaccuetomed turithe nea w listle. in this Fipace next week a copy of our Iast Tite sanesignal sýmtei w.1il l-ie fd inOi to bte ('omptroller of the- Cîrrency. iîidîul tire alais am usiser used ,e i r the pst lu oii 1.r t,, îl4nln,îiîit *pulicw i t h thle tire alitrui m ' stemu, *i-rea tii gise tiire ofîîiii i i tn ahs i their locationls lu i-- of Itir. the lîîieer ail i îîesix -1lî, cilnîît. as a arui : ofti. and i~ 'se ni: g- . Lake .ounty [National 1 inoftL Lbtre 'ite -tirs alii. iii uîîlers LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. segaisi- Capital, Surpius and Undivicled Profits, $95, iiig a lit le ..... . re ndi-Ifit mifi ong ...... ...SiEati ii ofut twn ong wliuti-.... %,.th eiil ioftonîi ______________...._......_______n,]_f_ t i w The Litîevtyvilloe A. C ba.lit mati teatu îulayed the Lake lForest Welîiar s ti-ani uit Liii-IM. E. gyîîî Alunia- tiîit nd acre detcated l'y the a-- t f21 to 13. The gauio a s tst andl a teittie riîugb, Lb.- Lîbertyvilli. boîynsituai-il Llîer lae ot practie-anîd team waiuk. Thcy bail a nuaiber oft(chanc-e tur baskcts liut are unable to get iiiany, Mues starei to- Lituertyvilie with tour baskets andl a te tlîroa, ahiie Rasmassea led for the. vistors with *@von bauskats. Theline up: Liberryville Wtlmar'a Flagg ....... ....... R F ............Shuls %I right............. L F -......Ramauesn Momw ......... ......... C ....... Linderajaeyer F. t-rotin......... R O0...................njuth P. Protne ....... L G ........... Andrews hiriniiniz .v.-ry W.-diieo(aiIandThuya- day uit H (o uui ii ier COi lInts-riîainal Sugar I -u $22 pert lily sale byiitloîii- Lîii 'o.L 1-il but whieh beava no dat. One. var ianu'y Alfalaat'ay îon traek f The. village inatallcnl a 30i lorse-pouaeri SalardaY atîd Moiiiay. Lilertyri i-etri vii'otor at th ii.- nitîtg StatiLo n limer tuiiany c ast weëik and aiti use i l'.soin.- tiw - tn iletermîne whether cli, tri, puaei- teswict'a PhoitoîSttudio ait be op( n. e-i)iiiîial or amore su îîîati ruîîîîîîg tor luisnees î,n Satavilay anil Sunday tii. largze gasoline engrin.1If not, thea thid aeek, Marrit l4tlî andil Uthý thc s ilage will usemaotur pufier occasion- ails uîiv and lu times îof tire ailb.- On.- car laun-tiAlfalaa ay on track 1 eî1iiin;ed alit two seuarate po -er Sattirdav and Mioday. Libertyvi a-ater itiîru tie standplpe trî,înthe resirvuir and d riasvater froni tiie wett '1 grind tools, ahartien eaws, aî'isso as Lb.- saîîî.- rime. skates. and do repiaringon untr W. .1. Feýndick, a former wcll-known painter and diecorator, haviag bsenu in busilless in Waukegan for several years, bas sîpeneilau offleIcnlathe Hanby building inaMlwaukee avenue anil bas takeniuni îarnershlp with hlIl ).A. Cheska. M r. Fndlck lia lecorator of consldcrabl.- abîtity, having devilcael the Schwartz Theatre of Waukegan, and saveral ut the leading churcheo and reaidi-aces 1of tb. North Shore. The ne -v tirai aill b.- knuoas the Libertyville Painting k.t)ecîrting Co. taught eace of .us ta lar for tr our ret B~ank ~so0.oo Order Wobe SeretchlFeed. to Make Vour Miens Lay A daily egg record in eerystck. For twelve years (ilobe Feed bas betin conmidered the standard poultry feed. Order a sack today. Sold only by elbn tolmber Companyt 0F IERTYILLE peu y o Phone 50 for ire, aci odd jiîlî. A. P. Ratîglt, Firot @treeL. c-24t t wili ha la Lihertyvilte on Mooulay, Mare-b 23, to do Piano Tuning arîd Repairing. Satlstaintion guaranteed. Leuve urdersat tit New Varisty Store. R. W. Spafford. C-1 The tourtit of their serles ut yard parties wiltl h held by the Royal Nelgh- lors fit iheir hall Frlday eveanig, Marrh 13. Carl ptaylag at 8:30 sharp, prives aili lie givan. e-i There is an agitation startel aîîong tk.- mîuniiîalîtis-s utWaukegan and tii.- Brand nea styles ut Photos wlhl ha nir iotire a lie-ita afight for MNO5.-ut shna uat Iesairba 'b 'otu Studio un gas a Ili- niade. LibErtyvilie. it Saturday andt Sunîay of tiis eek, @a&id, a) Il un forces wahlitbne M areh l4th andi 1atb on abieb laye the cîties auni]iiWnther wah makte a insiter studio ahIime nopen tor hiasineas. -I effort tu 'n,îîpei.Itue North Shore ias Compar ti, lina-ir tae r4te trînîunte haLaneîieîît andllong distanc-e, ameli dollar flia iin uLs Lu t eighty icu ncr thnat i-omt- netrîîsr.-, in-Iedseaty teet tbîîusauI lent nof gaî. It is allegenJt riat iu aura. thati a taryarî. But *nia can this agitatn is Liii-outcomeiofutheI.-ponur cure thitiuriuîils aiit Barbeëra Antisepti-. quatity of gas !uruised by thte cuiujaoy For sale iîy F. B. Lovell Co. wherein tii.- 'nnîilans lo sail tii lave broken its ennttraet whîh the severalI Itdependent: More reaiers than ail cities. The- unsjufny nfuaflitowsas &cunty asettles comblned. rabat.- of teu cents a thoasand If the bill is paîd aitiain a certain data, alîich mnakes the rat.- ine dtilar net. front the Jane MeAlistar hospitat lu Mrs. B. H. Miller and son Rolland Waukegan, where lis uuderwens an rabarnel trnni Battis Craak, Micit,, uperation several aesks ago. He le Wadnesdiîy s-eaing, where they had mueh iniprovedlnla teattb. peat about a îîonth et a Sanitariata on accouai uit Mrs. Miller@ heatth. Mi-. and Mrs, Frank lognish ot Chica While lu tiîat iity tbsy enjoyed Lbh- go, aere ta tibartyvilltaWenesday tu pçî-it.-e ofuit -stînq the Postutui Cereal attend tha fanerai uot John Franklin Company LuiI , prîîbably une ufthtie Nicholas. aho was a sehoolmate ut eMi. largeot liane tîînn plante in the aul. lngrisb. Th.- logrtssh' iveIbers a .Wth tii.-utiîr guests Lhey aere shiuan number ot years ago. eïery prnîccs-uini the manufacture unf The Republicant candindates for the,- Postuai. ti'raisP- \ut, Pont Toasiies andl si-vera oufi-es to ha, nomînatal at the[ PusL Tanentu 51.-ruai and personalty saw eaucus on Saturday atternoon uftbtis the@@ touits blntg maIe andi liipeil. week are expecting n large vota aitI ha The Art iiahhnry iu the Adminitration poleI on that day as cunsiîerable building ras oneusof the moae attractive 'tntarest iiibeiieg hoan. The Dmairata features oni tIi. vist as C. W. i'ost"i also look for a bg vota at thai- caucus collection vînataini a ay notable paint- which ailha hll un Saturday, Marth 21. luge, rare retie@, tapeetrles and vatunabte Tha ibetyvlte ostffia wIlbeoaastatues ahi-b bave been pIjbced there on The ibetyvile ostofic wil beoneexhibition. ot the exaailnlno places for applîcants for fourth class postmaasers. and it examinatlons wlll lb conducteil hyE.. NOTICE Schwartzenherg and A. R. Milsr, who, The uinth insitailtinntofspelal asmess- contitute the local meaibere of theecivil 'mont No. 1, the elahîli lnýtallment ot soervies exaaiiniug board. The date for spécial aseesament No. 2, andth ie fourth the-b examitnation le April 18. and wll b. Instalimnof ut pectal omsssaent No. 8. hll at Libertyvîlle, Lake Forest, Northt ara oow due and muât- h. pald et my Chcago, Wilaitte, Zion City. Waukegan offive lu Dscker & Bond's drug stors on and Highland Park, th exaaIlnatlon, or hefora Marcit 20, 1914, a1 wlll loe biug conducted ilu rtan sudecond clans my book@ on that dey., pontoffices only. - C242 B. B. Bo*nd. Village Collector, CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. IBERTYVILLE, ILL. Choice G roceries and Meats LIFE INSURANCL Ha la a good citizen Who protide for hi@ e ad anchili-en. Heolsa aetterle. ze who ahso pi-ovides for hi@ wldow and. oi-phaae. S EED U S .Y District Ma»««, Old Colony Life. I.umacs Ce.sui ornes la sch.wsuk s e Ja~dy ---I8A S TER ' S COMJNU Look over our New Spring Shades in Fancy Dress Ooods SILK POPUINS, WOOL CRUPES and BROCADES FANCY COTTON CREPES, VOILES, BATISTES Waiste, $1 to $3 64 " Dresses, " Make your selecticins while the linos are complete. JUST ARRVED-A Ful Une of Children's Goods White Gingham Duasses, 50c to $1.50 Kimona Aprons 25e Petticoats soc-50 Princeas Slips - - - soc Crepe Gowns - - soc Drawers - - lc.25ic BUSTER BROWN SUIT aud ROMPERS Ali Colora mad Pils Corne and inspect our stock W. W. CARRO~LL &' SONS COMPANY NORTH STORE PHONE 29 2-STORES-2 SOUJTH STORE PHIONE 81 5c and 10c Loaves )ance ixi 2 CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 UIBERTYVILLE, ILLINIOS m 1

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