Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Mar 1914, p. 9

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LAK COIJNTY, INDEPENDENT _____________WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN YVILLE. ILL., FRIDÂY. MARCH 13, 1914. PROMINENT SUPERVISOR DECLARES HE AND OTHERS. TIfOUG HT RESOLUTION IN WESTERFIELD NATTER MERIELY PLANNED FORMAL STEP INTO COURT Tè'\,SETr. TLE INTERESI ISSU E-SENSATIONA L ADMISSION BY ONE MMI AND HE SAYS OTHERS FEIT THE SAME WAY HAD NO IDEA PLAN MEANT TO REMOVE TREASURER INSTATER-REFERS TO STATEMENT ON COUNTY FUNDS ONCE MADE BY MAN NOW CIRCUIT .IUDGE. "NIy uîidorstaîing of that 'eîîîov'aiof' Westcî'field', resolutioîî wticlî passed the supervisons Friday, Wtas nlot that lie was to bc rcnîoved inistanter froin offiee as it after- wards was revealed to us was the purpose, anxd, if the con- 4eiiator3' course whiielî developed towaîils th(- treasurer at thxe afternooîî sessiou. Friday hiad not înaterialized, there would btave been an inediatc recoîîsideratioîî of the îeso- lutioxi at the afternoon session," said on1e of the ecoîît 's mnt proninent supervisors wlio voted for fl(- sejisatiolial resolîîtioîî Friday. Continîîing, lie said: "Mv îîîîdeîstaniiniig as tlîat ftie resolution merely wa.8 one of th~ e e((ss;ai-y seps to get that interest problein into court and bave the point de- cided Linally inits regîjiar chianîxels. Thiat's what 1 tilought it was plaîîned foi- and that was flic-îînderstaniding of a number of other supervisors who told nie tijeir sentiments afterwardB. "None of lis feit that the passage of that resolution ±LLÛýi'QUet the officiai froni office at the instant it and I tell vou it %vould have lcet reconsidered mihysuddenly in the afternoon did ixot the facts develop that the situation was to bc' cleared and th(- whole matter plaeed on the issue: WJIETJIER WESTERFIEI1D lIAS A RIGHT TO RETjIN INTERFkT 01? NOT ! Io a Tbiflking Meomber. This inejuber, w~ho 15 0one of the thinkiîg inieinhers of the board, and h thus -withoîît ait * vlesit.inîc-v states his position, added furf ber along this hune: "Years ago this interest niatter ('alie tn before the board of supervisors and at that tituie a proininent attor-I ney of Waukegaîî, Charles Wlifncyý (who siliceehas hecorne circuit judge), wvas ealled into a conferenec with a num- ber of board inenîbers. We asked hinii as to fthe status of -the matter and while hce did uot advise the board officially, not being state's attorne ' at the time, Mr. Whitnîey did tel us in substance: The vouinty treastîrer, to niy present way of thinking has a riglît to put the ootîit *vfinnds wheret ever he likes, so long as the bondsmen are satisfied-hîc can take thern home and put them under bis pillow, hie can hide theni ini lis office, or, in fact, hie (a o'ai(1just whlat he wishes with theni, so long as thevy arc availahie whîcli- ever the county aýks for them. 1 " And this attorney sinie bas eecoine a circuit judgc, s0 it is even stili apparent his opinions ini sucli a niatter years ago were of value, sufficient in fact, to prevelît the badat that time trving to take a drastic action sîîch as some favored at the reeent sensational session. Opinions even at that 'tiîne from a man who was eminent enough to be eevated to the bench later, have always caused me to wSder just what was the legal status of this interest mat- ter, #vId that's why J've always wanted the matter gettled in thu, courts and not in the board of supervisors ol." ME À3 S THE FAMILY IS ABSENT GUS tomanin omployeti In one oà Employe of faotorY he factore: andi bat lft her us TLouh u Recoff's Resi-. t ome. donce Monday P. M. The man who la uuspectedlo h I~TOVER $80 *IN UONE y. duriIIg the day.b5ad been wokng tu neo he t4"ris' and rometi et -n the Reêoff home. It vas reulôrted to *Anotber iêilStioiL broke at Ubr, Marahal Liniberry that this man was tyiffe moday aftemon wl hen Mlrs. Smon returilng to the bous about 2 lmft 84oft retuee bomne to ladoclock andi loft It later. Tbat's wby 9st lla ber absence. ionlsbodY hola ouspected. it ta feut ho may à" r&nsmebeth ie bouse snd carried have bnovn lier. wae conslderable I& offiSnthe Mrnoy they could lay their momey in the bouipe, baDppam t know Mbade on, aloo a ot and à ai~r of thatthtwmnvr t vydr kouersbloingto ir.ReCftWhOinglieatteriicofl antd bllei'ed ita ta eI»loyed, in the waukegan wire go chance te, make a raid. The Wek&! .marehal telephoneti toaMonela4hng Te titief sScured 'in al $81.9o, the _ctIt andi vas unable ta get trace of U~e oe'belng MtimFarity, a the roomer in question wwo t vas ge of l"t. Recoif. vho lIves at tooti, hat uddeniy left bis work tgo>Rietornoe,.lier handbag was during the afternoéa andi ve5t to'te g4d 8$U takogfn tmItThe Recof bhomne. ANTIOClI DRY*WET X F165IT S0 BITTER ____ SEÀNOT ET' POUR PÂGXS $1M5 PER YEAR IN ÂDVÂNCI. Intense Feeling Aroused in An, tioch as Resuit of A gitatio n Aganst the Saloon. 1ul NTE BUSINESS MEN ORGANIZ. IJLACKM IL EFFORT Fifty Men Form Association D13CLRES W3LCIISaloonkeepers Into ItLWb WI IEUI IN HE OCA CA E Te wt-dy srai lnthetownship ~ Case of Woman Who Says Her GEORGE HUTCI4INSON vliiegers uf th," towon ite forth. vote this (Thursday) morning voted to reconsider itz act- Feelings Were Hurt Proves terri parSuf I by county are flot ion of Friday, March 6th, and reinstate County Treasurer Nothng ut Wnd. RePublicans for towut clerk of Wauke' "Oene adihth a Cari P. Westerfield in the office from which the resolution gan township,.hsl h 41st time ',OeIrl nw hte nodadopted last week formally removed hin. CON VINCING. STATEMENT. he han been namnated and elected, redIgontasa thi r weetolay sa liaseveralcal eortolngsrviceina singof An telpshateitrsttrUg fire inodakeapproached hala local sanklen that a puth1 oulh1Attorney Beaubien, presented the statement ask- wontn vto iaimd 1 hae hai br bte hs lce, lia nc r,, »aîîi deed for last week by Mr. Dady, shownin teet h on feelings hurt by a Waukeganite Nrou- ùe%%ee, the led gmnliser or he ty 's moneys have paid since Westerfield assaumred office, day evening. witb a requeat that teyvlae heR r Sti.aut outhlie and, inunediately after the statement was read, Olarkeý Institute suit against the mtan, whyTO M NBE DON \e ds hrhadEditor wilndil moved that it be placed on file and put into the records. TO H VE 11 Chcago th, wetspeaker who lod- ail dclaesoffnddber. SUSPIIONS IIAV a blig gathering ln Waukegan lvlso:-s1vtdfrterslto In ech asethe ttoney delin-SUSICIN9loti spring durlng the wetdry fight. \I ~ich oisted the ti'eastii'or aiid hased uîiv vote oit lis fur- ed lu laite up the case.,tisclaring ie Titese two inen wiii debate te wet- îiisijîîg ,the stateiiieil asked h>v 'Mr. Dady, 1 now desire, bait no grounds for any action and in A I6 I O R dry question Ili a big îpublic meeting s(,Il9mIv* Vui-isiý( htsaeint oioet c thecas'ofAttrny JmesWelhon thal date and everybody la won- . i i a hes îiijsio'<1fhaf sttcniiiato îvetoMr. lite case of Attorney James Weicb. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1dering which aId(,wiii win nilte mat-cliill lcishitoi1hiîhoite ix ndta r wbo was quoleti hy a local parier lasI Were Arrested at Rondout on! ter of public favor. W,'t,"felbuîinstiaf,'ol ito ofic evenlng' as belng te ýIntermedIarY usaAfenobyS . Bitter Feelingiailseooileîl, Clarke also secoiided it, showitîg tbrougit whom tdsmages vouiti ia OfierMeyers. 1 Su biter bas the teoliog bIecotie Ili,, fveliîîgs i the iii;itt,'ianid, li<'iitflimotion vas put sought. be sald: 'ils an apparent titere that peuple who av beout close o'ver î'iîlool voted foi- the îîtioli., who bas case uf biackmail andi 1 have nul yet HA tr SSIIUSYýfiends for many years are in th&'îio~îf'oî loctv steoix btitncne'o h had lu start earning my livIng blackt-trame ot mind where they dont care hoî' mailin peope of bis orany oher bether the) -s"')'k or flot and many 0r. Ciy.p" peofIi o n ie Road Off iciais Hope to Be Able peuple are sait! u-takle it a point Bto'i<v wa~liîi îxpressed i is appreeiation of the cninun M.y. slt "I n tConnect Them With 5ev- tlu"go on teoaiier id- ofthte sîreet loo I(-d' tioîiI afflfliat neifl(ýlie 11' or M-r. Wester- Contlîîuing .... Welcb .~.. "I in- ---whle n hey wisit toa auid somelbody." ' îviI" ~ vestigateti vhat the we~an ciaimed eral Rouutiries. fie'ld retaîil i i llfeîýiiig agaunst any niemour of the andi foundti hat te case ball been Whie lte dry forces urdinarily are )îoaî-î handied ail rlgbt aI lite police station the uiles wlîo organize as a cule ln rl anti o tld lber, Site vent away ai)-Waukegan, Mari-h1 1y slernallc manner and te wets sel-t orlMi - B'îibei stfiîîtvacinatiala- itsenly nsaiaiedani î s te adom gel togethter, tiis is nul lite case ,l'atiîdc'd bv fih oarioîieîihers. pasetl yu ansltitdadIf te couSci. rwto [cIs ilwere arrested aI at Anliocit. Thus, tfeic iiatfer ldrops, thie iîîterest issue to ho for- 1 know nolhlng or IL. 1 do know thal Iloldotit Tuc',dia attertoon by sie 1Inl te village ut Anllorh, accord îîtallv Iscttled ili tlhe 'îîîîrts Nwlîeî thie case is put on formai anfot lnteresled b li te affair1ciai Ofii-er ('harle's Meyers of te FI- ngta atenn tapruminenttiili cnetoi vtite csitî a pedb tI lookb asnd o tfae fit.".d atgin. Joliet and Erre1 al ead acneesmens association, comîrîsing Imoîd ast w'eck tlîorizing the state's attorney to put Aon aotonlte acme w i filbeing beld in tic local Police Statlit on teffîy members. the iiiltt('r oit tr'ial tb, defîrniiuîî- who is enfitled to the ini- Ausin talre lawsamlit t e otaon lu conof hling beentmPlitcated "There Isn't a saloonkeeîter Isithe îî'îes ont fîîîîîl hld hv lic coîîfi' trcasîîî'î. Pdl In effect: "Ile's a married man Ili severai robieries whieih have tak. liSt yet wue have organizedta oppose , ' andi 1 arnsure 1 'cao gel seule muncy en place in thte railroad yards ai tue eliminalion of the saloons ln our [lit' iti oli ad0l0>1)tl flîs îîîor'nîîîg toîîows'. out of hlmi." whicit shows tatsite Rondout of iate. Tlty gave their lnwn,' saliti h. addlng, 'we are a , .. Mrl 2 94 - - ~ fl ~suttumer resort district and we fuel fil.,... .... 12,tM14 iianned blacknuatl mtorstau mere repar to ber feelings. BOY VICTIM 0f HIORSE KICK DlED IN THEIIOSPITAL Litlelilenry Duyck. 12 yearold son of '.Ir. and Mrs. AphonBe ;Vuyclc wbo Rve on a little farm lunte soutit western part of Northt Chicago, tilet lu the Jane McAlster boaplal Mon- day nigitlai 8: 15 oclocit as a resuit uf Injuries suslaineti vben he vas kicitet ln the face anti citeal iy bis falbor's horse Sunday evenlng. lIe reunaineti unconsclous up 10 te ime of hie deatit. Hia moîber 15 protrat- eti vith grief anti la la sucb a condtl lon Ihat Il vili nol be possible to itoili te tuneral at tbe home. Il vas lie mother vbo touadth ie brulaed anti hieedlng form of ber chilti. Ho hatibeen misseal fronlite houae only about ton minutes. When be titi nol corne la for- supper lu re- sPonse ta ber cau site vent out lu lok for hirn. Bacit of tbe barnsite fount imbla ying unconsclous. face dovnvarti lu a pile of slrav. e l urned i hm over on bis bacit, sav tite ugly vounti on is cheek anti te blooti pouriag froot bis mout anti nosî-ili anti ail but fainteti. Her franlic seambagbt ber huaitant ou te Iz-un anIl ec+rrIed te boy Inb the bouse. Ever alne the motter bas been ln a precarlous condiltion. Site vent from one speli of bysterlaia mban- otiter anti refusedti t be corforteti. Henry vas ber oldeat son anti va ber favorite. Thte Duycks live la a luttle tvo room bouge despîte te tact tat titere are seven lunte tarlly. This vas aflother teaeon vbhy il z» deem- eti bet not ta oRtil the funorai at te bon»e. The rematas are ai lie Con. radl anti Hart untiertaklng rooma where titey viii be kept until te fu- nouaI Wodaday at 1:310 ai lie Holy 'amliy churcit la North Chicago. In- terraint vii late iplace la St. Mary's cemetery.-1 OTTO JOIINSOIN, aged 29. CHAS . JOliNSOS. aged 36. For soute uitile tiie te "J" road itas encountered conriderable trouble because of numieroris theftt that have takieitplace. Cars r îo ieen trokeit open in rman-inst'-cesandi articles to te value utor rihuodret del- lai-s have bect vkii Tiis practice itas become stt surinlg ltaI te beada ufthIe rosît tri doing ail It titeir power ti ir-ak uP te Prac- lice. A numiier oft u>it-e(ac have beeti aBsignedt t hat icrrilrîry andi a close vatch bas been kciri for ail suspici- ous charactera. ori Tueaday afler- naon Meyers pi (trýi op the Johtnson brutera as ite unr îdrred Ihat titeir expianalion aa ru tirir reasona for bieng lunte 3rsrriv 55 110satisfac- tory. He brougit thiem to Waukegan anti locitet them ni) in the Jail. Il vas announeed that people would be ber. Iis aternoon lu laite charge of the case. Itlsitougbt that pos- sily the"e nîay b, peuple -who Rav tbleves rnaking lin-,r escape anti are wanled in10identit> te tvo menun- dier arrest. The active worh ot speclal officer Cy Nichois ut Wauhegan bas effective- ly broken Up te thlevlng that exist- cd about te local yards for soute lime. Mr. Nichols arrestei neariy a score of youngstertî who hati organ- Ixeti gangs for titc purpose of break- Ing latta cars ttnd stealing thelr con- tents. Many ofthtotse boys ver. sent tu reforut scbocla. WiII> the break- lng Up out tiesc gangs lte praclice bei-e ceascd. Elgin-Theo Kant, county board ut aupervisors tuday desgnatedth ie Att- rorm-lign river road as the one 10 be ImVroveo titis year untier 'te state aid goond roatis act andi votod tu luma aver 1 lte e aae aid funti $9604 voteti for 1912-1913 attd te 16,8M voteti for 1913-1914. The iret contract vili cover the portion oftlite ronditram te limita of Aurora t ote counly ,seat. Anoîber coul-act vii Icover lb. re- maitder of lte ruadt rouK L Elgin ta Dundee. It vaa recommouideti that lb. slats highvay conîtttispion let bot cont-acta togetber. taI the many visiiors front ite rîylt lit'1 LW t oi itl b ' Ioa (I' S l )i- ci' soIs oiILake Cou lty' 111 who corne ltere for te sumnier and (tîtîîiî over the varions holidays vish tol gel 1 h~~hfiiiiiisli a i stt-iieit of ail iîiterest ioieys a drink: thala uone reasun why we op-'l'eo'eived loy hIc oni al 1'tîidsi. 1 will gladly ttîîrn these muon- pose the dry muvement. We kept te ~ ~ u'lJewîî lc'îr orîe la saloonkeepers out outhle association olYS to th oiLaf0 ienthecoutloories hat hOceause ve wanted lx) have the oefec-t 1thîo'*'vleloîig tfti 'oîîifv1. I t'oliaf these îioneys belong iîronght fron thle olîter businîess Men tg iîiî. eîsoîi;ullv, oi'1 %i oîîld nof have uetaiîîed them. I alune.' ;iiiîflci-il(. I i'î'isilol'i uiluis v<" h'î l vllalled upomi to Wbile te iîght lit Antiloch nu doubt iizik- . i a a -i I(li t itliIlle ho' oînty board, and 1 eau is te muaI bittcr or any place i ltletiî fi îî'îie rîcei o~o the county t l alc. In Avon, titinga 1 -ofh Ap bîît fî-î'l tm i ai nusice. Teeisn ro aire sbaping thpmEceive'. !or a very Visiotî li fil(t-t statiito' tliat vlises a vootlt teasurer to sî renuous campaign i itlet liiI(5li is iî if i'îsteî( th o -1 ill o îîucys for the ktî a meet',4 ofthlie mien hcld Suit "ll'o011 . .î-y tterîtuon ' li'riiey Ji. W. Ciurc- rj'10, jjaçvs ol'y sp er* i<'io'vgaiîiig thei lities of a ifll %tas elecled chiarma uf te dry oîiît îîasî"(.dpaiîysie la a-oiivtes to--ca among thq fmen and on Fria nt'vtesre ndpalySaesia a olnYras e(1ing Iasal, Nrs ['imer. a tcifofDr.. lIter shiail s;tfcl.% keeî al mouei* s, booîoks and vahiable pa- 1 Pilamer., aeîecîed cîîaîrmn îîpc's belolîgiîîg bi ftie eoitvandtIo vohlis sueces8oi' is orf g.h' womenas organizalloît. (le(-tedl and duîy* vqîîalified bu shiail tiîîruî same ovet- to hixn. Tite drys have raisei a good sized The figuircs ai-e aum ut muney and il la sail tey plan eeîîitvSvi 'II. a Muat sîrenuoua campaign lu get r ahgs Bank, Waukegaîi, 11...$4,161.11 ilquor out ut Avon townshipo. 'ii'st 'Nat.ioniad Barik, Lake Forest, 111..... 1,581.0l' To date te atepa taken by te wets Lake Cotinifv National aik, Lihcî-fyvillc, 111 1,601.76 ln Avoni bave teen kept quiet, but Il la said lbey are doing quiet wurk, and It any îrganizatIun bas been turmedti l date, il bas nul been dl- vulged. HAD A GOOD RECORD. In te passing of iHenry M. Davis ai Wauconda, ut L'o. A, 18th Illinois Cav- ai-y, our regimet louaes anoîber uf lte remnanl toftree or four uftIhe dozen or more mes of our regimeot vito vere Laite counly veterans and have anaveredtheUtclast, roll cali. "Haute Davis" as farlllariy knowît vas prominent as a goud citizen. lus record as a soldier ln lte 6s. anti bis porsonal efforts inaîtclally andi otherwise ln alding anti asslsting at our voreratis' annual meetings vere excelleti by noue anti few ofthlie "Old boys' vili ie missetinov. 8lb Ill. Cavaîryman. As a resuIitout Monday's local optioin elotiffl-M cn idvIlLkecome the largest dry cily ln lte State of Indi- ana vîitin ninety tiays. as provideti by iav. A bitter camnpalga vas vag- ed for several monîbu terminateti lu a victory ai the poils tatiay -for lie dry forces by a maiorlty of 462 votes. In te i9ti election lte vetâwon by a Zaority ut 504. Tta.l........................................ $7,343.90 In ordeIr to spccîficallv îiieet the avtion of the board ini askiîîg nl( the two questions put to) nie in %Nriting on Mareh 6thi, 1914, wvhielî two questions are of record in the p'ocedings of flic board, 1I make the following answer, b th fist ucsion aîswe "vs."To'the second quest- it 1 answcr $7,343.90. (MIL 1P. WEýSTERFIELD, Cotînty Treasurer. YVouî aeinii(lt e ianî oit11me for payieutof above Silîiî h e(uIlitY of Inîkev. 1J estpcctftlly'dec1IWeto account foi. m. psîy saud îioreybsaid eounty of Lake iiiiess or- tiervil to dlo so 1)y a coutrt proceeding. gin Athletic club hasketbali team de- 'I.8dN*IU reated the' Grayslake team st Grays- J £UJ1IIU1L~lJlZ lake Saturday evening by a score t FIiU Il EI 5i 3. te 30 after they ggn persons -ver. Inumrel rý. hopelessly outelassed i e the endi Otf a atemioon vhen a Norttweubme' the irst haIt. l)efeated hy a score ]M#ae train crashedItt a ar et, et 19 Io 12 at the close of the Iitiathe Chifflo andi Mliauk.tE Dectm* period te maroon andi grey players Une at HI street la Wlrnetti. Kms rallied and won the game alter one. of thoge tajure ivas -IilOsIy'#A« ofth tintost étrenilous battles of lite anti onîy tvoo ftem vire tgbM ts. year. a hoata owtle U"mL 1

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