1-% <jjCOU(N l' y 1 N 1IF'PEN 1I ,I M R 11 )-%Y. MARCH 2(), 1914. Bf T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Abert Knigge @peut Sunday with Roy Knigge at Racine. Clara Smith epent Sunday t ber home niar Wauconda. Mr@. 1. E. Payne anddaughter Oenera, vidltd wth relatives iu rayelake 0ne day 1l«it week. Bora ta, Mr. and Mims F. C. Stockel on Fhlda, March 13, a daughter. Halpb and Elizabeth Waffltali of Lake Forst, vited lait Frlda.y with thir adoter, Mns. Tho.. RuisuîL Mm.Anna Lathrap returned Monday iro a t wo weeks viait in Chicago and Fraak Bock has e.lgned i. position wth th. C. & N. W. Ry. and has. ecured emplopuanpt wlth th. Meredth Plower &Vagtable C. Mmra.Arthur Young af Kenoia, le epadlat the week with ber parents, lMr. and Mm Ben Broadhsad. Flrenos Enger and Ethel McBrlde wm-Wad*.gnviaior. katurday. Mm. D. A. Ayn.sy and aon Floyd of Highlaad Park, spant a few days thia week at th. J. B. Ayniley home. Mr. and Mm. S. L Trlpp returned lnlday fron thir trip through the iouth. Tbey vistai muit of the point@ of interesi and were in New Orleans for th. Mardi rai fetival. John Knlgg and tamlly @pent Sundai' with Paul Ray and family as Liberty'. vins. S. J. Cropley i. moving this week from Rawley atreet ta the Bal bouse in Bavine Sope subdivision. ltobert Lamen. let Monday fuîr Mobhile. ln the intereetg of the tule Company'. It il understoad that there are new methode of manufacture in u@e at that place and Mir. Lamena expecte to fami- liarIse hjmeO1 with them witil a view to tbsir adopt ion here. L. A. Bartbolomew wiiA 0000 be lu our mîdot once more having arranged to * acupi' the log Cabin at ehedanhuret * Ou.sommer. Bart saye t wilA be banly for "avine 8Hope lot buyers. Tb@. new ialetY depo@il boxes were iniiaied st tbe Citizen@ bank lait week and are now ready for etomers. This tuea a long lfet want in aur couimuniti' Mmd then le no doubi that many - wi O.k. adYantage of the protection thos asUorded. Mms Crane ia ipending the week at ber home be.. LA E URa9. ......... Mir. sued lir Johnson ofCicagn, s.ho %> if d iav been condueticg the Con@uer boarding bouse duritg ire hanvestiug left ton Cicago Tuedai'.i Henni' Kastrit, Nls Nicitoleon and] jEmîl Franck scene aunti' seat visîtore Tuedai' Mir. Hamomon.] of Wauconda, oid a carioad of potatoe. un the P. L. W. track Mondai' and Tueildai'. John and Elarry Hein of Chicago, were bore Sundai' with the plan af the pro- poeed new bank building. They will etart work as soion as the weather W ill permît. The Lake Zurich Creameri' Co., is pmylng their patrons $1.40 average pries per bundre.] for milk for th. eii six mouths. Paul Patten of Palatine, traneacted busîneu.in aur village a lew day@ %bis week. John Elliaon vited wlthbhis parents at Sharon, Wl.., laet week. Mrs. fllsmkenborg of Danvilli, Ill., @pont a couple of dayé boe looklng over ber entamer home. Soins of ar achool ebldren vlslted at the Palatàne school lait Fridai'. John Hlm va. nomlnatid village truste. ait te primarlea Tueiday,,sax ladies ment tbeir fîInt ballot, Mrn. Rfrn teeelvlngt two of thon vote. Dr. Waddingion took Miss Rom Tonne ta a apiciallît An Chicao londay fon au 9 xamiuatian of ber crlppl.d Isg. Igenni' Meyer badl the misiortune ta, looie a iwo-year-old colt Mondai'. Loch jas. being ithe cause. ê ea. Meyen who bai bien on the siek rîlot for the lait fes. veeki le able tu b. araund again. Oeo Eichman wad a Chicago visitor Sondai'. Theo. Scbenning an.] Chai. Godglnek were Palatine vieitore Sonday. GAGE'S LKE tIMr. an.] Mr@. C. C. Amen scere Gurnee visitore Saturdai'. F. H. VanZandt @peut Mondai' in Chicago. Fred ButterSiel.] had the miefortune to break hi. arm sogain Sunday while vieiL. ring hie graudmother, lire. E. Char.. t Mr. and lMre E. S. Faulkner @pont Sudai' at Rooecrans. Mir. an.] Mi@. James Taylior drove ta aCri'taL [ake Satordai' Lo attend the kfunersol of MnrTaylor'@ sister. A. Gonyo son.]famili' moved lait Fri- day ta Warrenton where lie bai pur. chas..] a tare. Win. tiNeil wsoe a Chicago visitor Monday and Tueidai'. Word bas juat been neceived oi the deaîb of Mr@. C. W. Vanderinarit of Waukegan, 10eeMis. Lizzie Sherman.) I GR I uneeda Biscuit Nouriahmet.fine fia- vor-purity..cri.pn,, -wholesomeness. Al for 5 cents, in the Mfoisture-proofpackage. Round, thin, tender- wlth a delightftil flavor ...pproprlate forlunch- con, te& and dinner. 10 cents. Mie Marie and [tuth Kr..s@ rpturnëei Stînday alter a five e eke elit in Fargo. North Dakota. Miss Elizabeth Clark and] Mire Paterson of Irving Park, wrre the weeg-end àtacet. of Mr and MIr@. W. A. 9 biting. Mise Mildred Witlniz was the guemt of Mie Beatrice Carr cf Libertyville, Tue@- day and Wedneidav. A recita Will lie given by Mi@@ Francs- Bedertadt'a nupile also violn and vocalsolo.. J'ibn fium ievery 111 witb lagrippe. Hlarold Plagge ie îlck witb Quiuii' son. throat. Mie Isabel Bedrtadt of Hghland Park, orne th. wesk-end guset of bar parents, Mr. and Mm. Fred Bledertadt Misa..Lurette Kr.eaasud Bestrice DuR, attended lt.etCook caunDI'tosceor'. meeting at the Art lntiltuteSaturday In Gicego Mi.. Chritine Mcliahn nt.rtained Lenten Sewlng-club Wdneiday evanlng. The Alumni of the. D. 8. B. 8. held a meeting Miondajr evenling at the bomne af Carl Rommel. Mm. Abert Baggl. entertaîned tii. Royal Nelghhore and their buabande at a "BardTiNme" party Saturdai' ev.nlng. The prize. wre tu, Mr. and Mmn. R. M Vaut and lir. Geo. Fettis and Bd card Begent were awarded second pije for belng d ressed mont approprate. The. Young Mon'@ club gave a $~t. PatrickL'a dance Tueaday evenîng ina Anderon'& hall. Tbe Law and Order Leeagoe met at the home of William Plagge 8unday alter- Doon. Mir@. Rigts and son Donald of Lake Park, Iowa, Miss Minnie Schwingle and Master John MacDonald of Chiago, visited during the weet at the home of Mir. and lir. William Schlie. W. A. Whltiulz le!L Sundai' for a busi- neos trip through Kentucky. The Misionari' societi' ot the Presbi' tertan rburch bei.] its mottbly mneeting Thurpdai' atteruoon at the bomne aifIrs. Edward delig. Mr. and] trs. ilrowder of Morton (irove, were the Sudai' guestsolof Mr. and Mrs. George Karch. Mntr. P. H. Meyer attended the R N A. convention ab Bloomington, Tueéday and] Wednesday. Frank Sjder of Iowa,la i vsiting bis mother, lirs. Andrew finyder. lire. I. Knaak entertaine.] Thursday afternoon in onor of ber bis tbday. The out of town gueits were: bIna. Deebauer and daugbotr of Chicago. Tiie Law and Order Laffue bai a mass meeting in the Aiiemhly haill Thufedai' evening. Fayette Muero delivered a lecture on 'Bumauity", and Bay biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY A lwaya look for that narme 6LADSTONE iDOWJE 60UES TO OKLAIIOMA EPISCOPAL RECTOR Mir. sdMmdlr. E. Brockman are the Mir. EbOert of îChicago, gave a .tlrring Rpr .ea1r proud parent, ai a litUe daughter born Min@ Beth an.] Emma Cook pent temperance talk. Denies Rpr That Deatr Miarb 12.,ý Satordai' snd Sundai' at home. John Ott bas blond poison ln hie ight Is Due to Criticism of His Mm.Idièbel nd uela wreChiago bMise Barbara Amano returoed ta her b.mfd. Fte' nris lins~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~on MibelmdLeiavr hcg ome re amiter @ponding a week lu Medame Supple. Moore an.] ReichelsFte'sEeis visitor tat s.eek. WretnadWuea. ratne aetTem.herazeociation MesdmesBartett Roue, itebll, Charlie Mason returne.] te bis home In couaci so;thLb Board of Education roome IE IL I I BET Q»t an.] Eineman spenit Thuridai' with Round Lake alter ependieg a week bore. in Chicago last Tue@day. Mmr. tIson'Johoeon at Waokegsosi. Miss lPearl liai' le uffering au attack R 1). Cook maide a businees trip tii Dr. Davis scas eiected drainage com-. Has Been Pastor of St. iude'st of begripe Mr.J.Roue.Sr. lasLibertyville Frida'. mioseoner st au eiertîon bel.] in the in South Chicago Since He boeiquite iii the pait week, Miss Lillian Shwerinau wbo bas Wilmat srbOiil Satordai' afteruoou. Entered the Ministry. Mr@ tiutchii3g@ rSnirhed hoeria fnse ollege Iot present st ho me. Anthony Coarneeki, au election roma- 1ev. Alexander J. Gladstone Dowfe,1 from an rztended trip n the st-t. Paul Meyer visite.] relatives an.] minr i Ciao, delivered al ti meli' son of John Alexander Dosie, foun.]-' The ster.optican eetertaicmrct basfri.ndi Sundsoy lecture ou Wamau Suffrage an.] 10, or of Zin Cli y, bas accepte.]'the rec ' beenpo-poied utilFriay veiiDg Joh Meer e,@au Aea isior un.relation to Civir, in tAie AesembiY bail, torSbfP of tise Protestant Eplocop)al ben a isîicducî Frtlayernîn, abt lyrwa.nAe ist u.Friday evenicng under Lb. auspices oi the clitirî-I ilfPa whuaka. OkIa. Rev..%Ir. Msorrh 27îiî day. i't'Ub A in. The DOL>; e mi, ]Friday lu igli t tilat tic Misses Esel>n an.] Gertrude Tîmwîîr, relatîsîg tu thee uliiet Were ilearli' ex. rhaîî,î ut licieil . th.An erorn p. Tom Cooper, Enri Kaneosand Art tBru(.I IT 5~F Rphainetil Fridai', tarrb 27, soc alter- waii n- in:,redt hiat tbe reason ho wae Man vielte.] Clavtîmc Hutchings ini the. LI VADoon iteetitig ut the âaiasttousilIlibe leiv tig (hîiiagoî sas iersuse of te licAli@ter bospitai at Wsukegac Solide ' nvv &'r h ei.] st2:.»ii epeakertIrom thelilînois -rTici m of i al.- enied. eie tIrs. Crow of Pleaaut prairie, Wis.,ta8A1D A JI. congrece iof Mmtbrrs sili give a prac tirol Mi. a greater id. bwr 1, spnduî tme ,ek st Elcemait _______ illustration iif the une ut the ballot tie .alThai 1e wisy I accepte.] the Bob. Itos cas a Chiicago 1iitor the W'auhegan, 'iarcb jr.. laîîisla paris. IscilI bave a lhet. last ofih liee-k. h aeo .A lhfyv.tetenrIiîprtuiittyfor doute good.' I Te as o EA Meafi'vs tseWARMTON 1 î -\Ir, I)wie was ordainet as an Mir. atd tirmi 1, M. Rayi ar.. a iini-r .and M. lectrir railroad coinjiariLnY ____________________Cnphumllter Iab4 Ilerember liy Sudvla o on ,ri- o lelinsul yacodco ciD.W. E.Toi], suffragan bihsîp or Sda . iIimimiprewl n lIilis îrli-, or llge. asaet i'Floot]dcorbaismac.'.] IcltheU;!ti.an.] sas place. in charge of day Tîimrlies'ctwre..1. flîîiig.-Junuary lot, 1 i11. scas settlet] le cir- 1i1Lîbel latr-Si 'hJîîle's miseion le South Chicago. an.] htoiil v. W Rot. and] lariil3iJil .rr., cuit court this morn log. The raliroat an.] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ odîuî Ja.Claiî,J.eptSndibe Iirndurtet] the Lenten services adGroRay oa .tanstac. cot nyPhi tirinta' nan Ja.rrh,âhnNort.@peu Sermybo- ropn at îecmiiat$0 itb the Louutufolke. .1 l ans hrh ot iri i Mebafy clalmed that a conductor ntagi. .and]Wilson avenue, Iast nigist FOR'COLLECTOR the road truck hlm sithout provoca. Ruh Doolîttie bai purchane.] the Betty nd] announcedt]ot the rongregation arsio a candidate for the tîlie ai tion white colecting bis tare on New tarooui.]n wiil take posseeoo osrn. tise tact that ho ha.]bisen given a new coîetor nt te mioing hrimarimsoil the Years day an.] the case bas bong In Hreirson Scbumacher bai move.] tram i 1shave accepte.] the rectorsilî of tOwn 0ofE18a snt]d&-ire tie support of tise courts ever since. Most o! the Wauki.gan t hie iatber'î arm bere. thie - Iscopal church at Pawluuska." the votere abicb wili lie aîilrecuateii. witnesse the case have lon'g sînce tIrs Ida Anderson of Libert.7ville, is lie salit. "I wlii wonk under the direc- r 243 Fred (, lOa., digaPpeared. visiting boe witb ber pareut@, lMr.an.] lion of Bishoît Thurston, wbu la n I charge of that dioceBe." _________________________________________________ trs. Johnl Merriman. jIl,- will take up hie new charge ____________________________________________________ Eîuiil ituraridt entertainet] friendea ver itrli 1I.Hie succeqsor at St. Judeas - lias sb ot yet been announce.. Sondai'.Several yeara ago, while bits father tirs. Cal Iteet] le vi.itîng boe witb bier sa at the zenfith of bis career. the FOR RENT- i laeits. tir, and] Ars. L. Nelpon. toulîger DowAe created a sensation Sale ,. Boxes' *h' Iiarng that he ha.] neyer been * Anitmîoy fAjîuuin l îvlng boe. ata kîssed bý r sny vaman ather than bis Saf De osi Bo eslim .ius eeîtly porchmsed ai Hab monluer, Our modern t irc-rooniîf -autit 'iiî steel cotmluartments of the latest patternlilsures !isolite î. prtection frcm tfire and convenient aî'cess i, your insorauto poli- oie, notes, decils, etc. THE CITIZENS' BANK AREA, ILL, O. t. Tapp,.R. F. Rouses Irving .Pym Vice Pfe.ident eltr The fms in i tereopticon lecture on Lb. iubjet 'In lits Stepms" yul ho given st tlnacechtureis. Prairie Vies. on Suoday evenlug at S O'Vioek. Everi'one Ia mail cordiali' invite.] ta hi prisent. SuPervAsor Jaui. Welch of New.. Por have s law..k for a tznp t WAUKEGAN WOMAN ONE OF HEIRS TO $17,000. Kathrys V. Doughty left $17,000 hi' w111 to Mn,. Gratte Quinit, ber mother, t 302 West Cangresp etreet, Margaret Kelly, 360Z West Congrens treet; Mari' Lynch, 742 Pierce street, an.] Grac. mlafney, Waulregan, Ill., hie msters, and Daniel and Francie 9utrk. bis brotbers, hIsuD1. Ravlinta, 42 North Hah*tMd street la auie mlecu- I toe:11u I I CrRCUS w. FIELD At fIfteen, FWd becane a cisrk ln the. store fi A. T . Stewart. When ta'cnty-on, In 1840, ho0 becarne a imer-hjaut himt-îU and I. fiteen yeare wa. one of tht weaithy me . of New York, tlten h. re. Ulred from business with the purpose of spendlng th e balance o 1 hi, day. in Test and travel, but he fou dn i s et . Th. great energy lie pun... ldernanileid prater actlvity. Hi. ruai Ilildalon lu lite liadtflot yet hegun. One day While converwing wtth lits brother Matt hew abontheb. nsruciion of a telegrapi. iUee acoNewfoioîdhond, the idea of a telcgraph lAce qdor, the ocean fiashed acroasism dandfri that very hour b. had ne lie frra until i naiiy, after years o i t &aidt se iety. the Atlanttic CeAbie wog leia. This one th.ught fairly took possession of hlm, and he crss.e-d the ocean ove?- forty Urnes before h. .occeeded An iaig the r.quired caia to accompiis4h thé. taak. Thé%n.1?.whe mbctle wa. bet lai. t bruit, twile In md-oce D fot he- in Ctong enouth te wltbstand thi ee ' ;eau .:viersupon ail of hi» bachere - fk ehlm except Peter Cooper. but wltb oses = ,taceon the. third attempt. euc. lascrwed sefforts amld the. plaudits.- .t the whol. clied world. To make a auetes. in life-like Mr. Field-you. may need amstanoe. THE X]O8T IMPORTANT STEF hs tooonnoict yourmelf with our strong lii,aciial Institution. Every de- positor of our bank in entitled, free of charge, to the counsel and advic. of our officers. Why not @tart an atteount witlî un today? First National Bank Libertyvifle, IUL of .zeiyi/ Aire. lith S, Warr.în of Lilîîitî .i!t, aîîd Geo rge IlA. 'isaper of lik.'na, 1h.I were niarrir l amt week wedri.eija v lv R'v. W . ,Wlt;hi Airand] Mire. Cooper Jeit for anso rt tripi, retu ru ig i"m Saturdai'. Tluev flaiîcnid io n extende.] trip tbrougzh tii.' îuîîh aind]t<m Washington. 1>)t:G. but gave upni,.-trip!î an accaunt of the deathi of Airs. Coopres motiter. EXPLAINS ECLIPSE TO VOLIVA-GET $1,000. The Prophet Volira of Zion C'ily has offere.] $1,000 ta sny oute who sili tell hlm wsc atiers the eclîpse of the moue. One apr;Icant for the $1,000 venture] the guesa yesterday that the lîhenomenon sas cause.] îy thse earth casting its ohadow on the Moon. "Wrong!' sald Voliva. "Il cont be the shadow of the cartil. because sce have aenime clipses wben botis thsuun an.] moon scere scelI ahiove tihe honi zon." TIee brst townshitp toilertors 1 tourt. tlîelr books over to Treamurer West .'rljeld scere HL C.Poyne, Frenin, Percival I)lbbic, Lake Villa. Jolii Ifoae. Ela. Their bocks corne ini Fri day îîîorm îg. M r. li îlle is thle fi(1 collecter ini lhe noatowîi of iLake Villa heuiic.' t i.s interestintmg 10lmih tLitat lie a as atiotg i lie tirot te geL ,lie bocks in. Costs Less expensive.High graeCac tee yield mre cup to tbe )OUmd (,wb. rae-therc i.more strcnghth tIe higb gde bene. Ad Lierci litie atifacionin coýffe tisat lacks a full, rich flavon. You are cboosing a high grade cof.. u nInLes on.. wenjoutl ie grocurtg From ueny pound ou can imat. 0 inso iLcl oe.- More f liou IlIe t mil.]. 'lth. cut la leus th"ua Penny a eue. Mez-O-je Cofee s park..]n a the. Qeallcv Ns., ~fi~~ 30Cents ARBUCICLE HEÂR THE N. W. GLEE CLUB AT --. E. CHURCH, LIBERTYVILLE, MARCH 26. Bell System T ak gets resuits that cno be had in any other way. The spoken word carnies more weight than th-- written. It is more effective in every way. When distance makes a face- to-face talk impossible, the next best thing is the Long Distance Tel ephon e. Chicago Telepiionc Comnpany A~. R. Aud,!.. .ah 'c FORMER LAKE Co. PRIESI DIES ON EVE 0f ANNIVERSARY Tbe pariabloners of St. Josepi h Catholir rburcb o! Elgin lsad ireporit] to celebrate Tbursday. Ilirchs 12, tise forty-fourth anniversori' of tiscir fas tor. tbe Rev. Father Joaeph Rbodes ordaboment loto the pricotbood. The Rev. Father Rhode di.] Thons day juet forty-loour ycars , aintost to tue minute, fro 'n tis o or titat ise stood 1 na chrbhclnbuGermany an.] waa ordainet]. Coming to tis country' lice ycars afier ha hecame a prlcot. ha serve.] for fifteen years ln Chicago. Tisen be suent Lu Laite county, whiere lie preache.] unti cahot] to Elgin. lie ha.] been pastor o! tise Elgin churris for twelve years. Father Rhade wae the firat reoident prlest of I1'ement Centar Csthiollr charch, havlng belfl the paStorate 111 iliat place for tan or twelve years WhIIe ln charge of the Lake Counti' cburch at I"remont Center he aa hae chah. of the iva n te iCathqiIc elturch, 0f 910, hene0 e b.Western put or l14 oouxty. J'aler ""0de a as v.ery a i hi kîown and] lis demml arc ordîin, y is hi-ar.] with regret lîy Lis mnlvfriendsaond] former parisb- loners. Tuesday Fuather Rhode hecame ili of Peritcflltis, and]m'as taken to laI oseplîs iioshmiItai, Elgin. lits' friends Jld flot know at that tîme ltsIlimes.t .va serlous. FREE TO FARMERS. By ppeciat arrangement the Rate- kmn Seed flouse of Shenandoah, Iowa, agree ta mail a copy of their Big 1914 pis of their fauutous Dianoond Joe's Big Early Mlite Soe. Corn that lias ia re- cord ot'over 20o1 buohela per acre. also a sampie of tîteir New Albierta, Cana- lianl growîî, Oat.s, ta every reader of this paper. who Puys or plante t -.rîa or Garden Seeds and Nursery Stocki, Titis book is a complete comped.1 dlurnci farming anîd farmn and garden seeds. It tells how ta arow big crops and ail about the best varietiets of Seed Corn for your 1acalîti'; aloa Seed Oats, Wheat, Bariey, Speite, GraBsea, Clovers, Alfalfa, Pasture and Lawn 'Mixtures. Seed Potatoes, and ail other farm and garden peeds and Nursery' stock. It la worth dollars toaail who a erin Want of seede af ani' sort. It s FREE ta ail aur readers. Write for It Iodai'. The aUdraus. a.I elaMSd Paglie Twa. r ýj i 'fil vi'ry acco stat llruo Mdi Chic iicki Mi E. F Satu Ti àdi pase JO at F I i 11c M w anti iii A oin t H Chie sati the TI amn ta Me( ipm at t ha. m Euhb TI tihe reqi A st.1 day TI Tue Pl aud T il ai Ojur NI soi fur [tex - Ni sobo frui Cal] w CRAAM RAOKEItS A food for every day. Criap, tasty and atrcngthoning. Freah baked and fresh de- livered. so cents.