Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 4

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?PFour LA"II 4oVTnYr; Lake Cou nty I ndependent PROESSIVS AND REPUB- Waukegan Weekly Sun LCU COOSE TICKETS Ofce Telephone Number 1, Libertyvilia Exchange. st tue Postoifie eat Lutervville, Ill., as 8econd Clamm Mail Natter Officia] Paper for Lake County. Iesued Evory Vrilay. Adertisiert Rates Made Kuown ou A pllicatiofl.1t 1SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $160 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCEf W. J. SMITH .................>.................................................... Editor F. G. SMITH .... ........ ........................................................ Managert M. J. WEBER .... ..................................... Resident Manager, Phone 68 It looks as if the new lif. which lias corne into the Farmers' Institute association lias brought along new and practical ideas whith are bound ta work out ta the im- provement of farm conditions in Lake county. And, that's the. place to begin-the farnis, for, wîth the successful fams in the county, other business generally wihl be suc-i cesuful and grow ail the time. The net resuit of Wisconsin 's eugenic law so far seems to be Wo discurage marriage and promote imnrorality. A fine objectleIbmminhysteria! It is ailright to proteot women from bâd men, but the laut thing moat women vaut to b. protected from. matrimony. If the suffragetsanad the squaw man associated witli tlem are responsible for this la-w, they bave a big account W settie with the goîtié, sisterhood of Wisconsin and othor states, uhoe motto is - fot "votes for women," but huabands, homes and chidren. The action of-tlic Lake county eominissioncrs in open- ing the tîîbereuiosis sanitariui in that eotinty to patients f rom Kenosha cotunty is appreeiated by the Kenosha coun- ty atîthorities and it is possible that sonie of the patients f rom this comity nmav be sent there. _Natturallv the offi- ciais will favor Wisconsin institutions wh-lerev-er possible, but it is not probable that any pI"eat-%-xiii hc-deprîived of proper care because there are no places vacant for themn ini Wisconsin sanitariums so long as the Lake county of-i fer to receive themi remains (Ipen-.Kenosha (Wis.) 'Nem-s. An argument for the "wets" is seen in the case of the Zion City man charged with being drunk while serving mn a jury iu Circuit court. Tlie mai perliaps doesn't make many trips tW Waukegan, and, living in a prohibition town like Zion, lie jmt couldn 't resist when lie got where booze could be fouud, but "weît to it" wfth tlie resuit that lie WaS charged witli being drunk -while in service as juror.i And, the Waukegau men, about wliom booze floats ike -w"«erin the 55 saloons, were ail sober and able ta deliber- at. t'tlus a case of a "prohibition toWn resident", againut "booze tWwn rosi-dents 'witli the tally theet favor- ing theolatter. Perhasif Dreyer had achance toget at d*liÈ ow and thon mn Zion CitY, lie wouldn't want to ruIrit an dolu at once UPOn arrivlng lu a town 1k. Wau- It 1ooka a if thero isn't a chance iu the world of cou- V~~/~àD tih- Çlgïe wtso hMMod erhuiibanid or any OrbiiL~t'Éê »Pm noj~ttmn't aou me tW Seo glt'hru.uh .11WbS. tes dndant h4ppm o e Isju4 as bar'd Jfr a man Wo die atà 01 txwom'!u itu ! t h oea r'maIWdeat the baud.'ef a ma-aid Jwuohould regard the ev ideice as Posftlvei againSt OUe as the other and lu favor of oiesau ç Mùmoas the other-týtoey doWit saeom W b. doing 'o lu Chi- caofor, lu smre of the robent cases if ever persona were gUM 1merd esmo of the wqimon defendants surely wor.Esdn s of Jurieos W freo women charged with murder lias a toidoicy W !ncrease crime of that sort-and that's exactlY what's been the remit lu Chicago, for there bas been far More murder cases there in the past few years than in any previoua given period. Nobody more than Treasurer West- tody te the county, but permitted the erfile/will bc giad to have this "j,, niatter te go alonq until he s almost terest on funds" settled in the courts., ready te retire when the Issue sa He* alayscotened e as ntii forCeif upon hum. They aise have Mes lway conendd hewas'ntoi-pointed to the fact that ehortly after ed ta the Interests but, like others, éd" Westerfield assumned office, a repre. mittedit was a mocted question and sentative of a bondlng company ap- for the court* to determine w-!IW was ptared before the. board with a propo- rght-those who agreed with hlmq or ition ta furnish an lndemnity bond those who feit otherwise. Nowita for the treasuruer, with the idea that to b. settIed and everybody wiii say the county board wouid then deeug. AMEN, no motter what the. decision. nate the. depository Where the. county One point which friende of County: fundis hould be Placed and take the Treasurer Westerfloid have ralseS l. Intereat thereupon, but the board de- that when Westerfleld took office cllned the. proposition and compeiied nOthIlng waasa»Id about hie turning the treasurer te furnlsh hie own bond over lnterst on monsys in hi* eue--which he dld., KEPT FROM HME, MAN IS A SUICIDE Quarantine Takes Away Last Solace in Series of Buffets by Lhikind Fate. Elgin, I., Mardi I' Xi'iîn belucl lufculs cf i<atîe tueîuîv cforclng qU&aetine regulations àdrovfe tD. Il. Graves Tuésday from ils lgin fume, wher bils daugiter seas l1t of ernaîl- pox. Pate desît hlm ils lest buffet. Prevlouely hé baS seen bis busines opts ta in, hie bealtb fal and hie maoney isappear. but he had borne up under tulefortune. comforted by hie chuS. He .liSbis brother Frank. seti whom be seasIliving (bat hie lite seas unbable. Tien he disatipeared. BSarchtag parties lookeul for ibm in Tisl morning a farmers bey tusse iug through s corufield ne St. 'Chs1s.II.,sa sman iying uthé jrurntmobia home anS irougit hW tlehier, Henri fipriet, ta thle corn- mon. M» eboy vas f roze ta lie groued. C~g. ut t.. eluchés long lu the mens 1troat and other cits on lis vvrists taIS iow he dieS. Attornuey t. 1P.liaruies, rreuuysetuîog Voliva anS the Zîo:u Cily euuucii bas fileS naletituon for a relearing before tic reprene uouuut in thle Zion City 'ilat" c a-u In luicl the uourt miteSl tlIaItih Ziouu Citv antlrrnokluug orSi- u""lice %Vasu.uu l:u u<d. Attoricu Barnes rutîl seek to e i'lhue court to reverse (self onth le greuuuud tiat several thiies seere otitsdi althoungi sncb actioanr On the puurt ut lie supremne court are ratiuer rare. Atorney Alec. Beaubien revresenteii tiuuse oîuîosed to the smnokinîg ordinîbeer anS tics weon a signal vlctorv slien thie su- Prerne court mieS lue ordineuice was nol valid. Wauîucgau colufloves of lie 1t. S. Express comPlanY today read seti concern the admissions of Ieads ut tie company. tiit tic big express Comnpany is to go eut of business as e result of thîe Inroads made iv thé Parcels lPet. In ait. 200,000 elîîlo>es seul héefected: ini Waukegan hitîfai dozen. Thé retlresenut of the UY. s. company tram Waukcgan la lieuer: future mens tiuet tie American M-111 havé exclusive busness lu thîls cllyv. But itlaI rumored <at tie Arnerican May aléa be forceS to close up 81101u as a reault of the parcels polit. The Progressives of Tibertyvîlle township chose Frlday the I:tb nion which tu base their luck ln the corn ing town election. and te comîulete their ticket which thev placed ln the field thirteen men oiIcied the seven nominees for the respective offices. The caucus of the Progressive uar- ty was beli ln the town hall Friday eveang and Claire Bond was chosen chairman cf the caucus and Harrv -Meyer was elected clerk. The thir- teen men then voted that the tern- porary organization be made perma- nient. After the cult for the caucus was read a resoietion was read and adopteS calling upon the Republican party to assemble in a non-partisan caucus with the progressive, at some later date and together nominate a ticket under a non-partioan béaS, whichà wau prselntod to thpe Renublicain town committee on saturdaT. W. E. Miller, a democrt who was a spemctator, atter iistening to argumenta for and against the resolution belng adopted. offered a -suggestion tilat the wording hé changed to Include also thé démo- crate tu converte aithle non-partisan caucus. but the resolution waa finaily adoptéS as orlginally read. The following were chosen as nom- féssfor the progressive ticket: Suipervlsor-J. Ell Triggs. Clerk-Paul Rai, Assessor-Tbeo. F. Swan. Collector-Walter A. Lytle. Hvighway Cnmmissioner (N. dSut.) -Wm. Pete-son. Ochool trustee (full term)-Julia L. Price. School trustee (tilfil] vacancyl- Frank Siesser. The chairman Claire Bond.,1G. Car- roll (Sriliey and Dr. A. H. Churchill were selected town cuomitteemen. 1 t i@ ruuuuored that et ipst thrss per. Pon,, wili withdmaw frouith tic tket, leaviuu4 the veancies tte le supuiieud tuy the c(euullttel. Repulicans Name Ticket The it.publicen t.uwn uBuicus wus held le the towubhail on 8aturday afterooon and the iirst thing disposeS if wau the resolution cof the Progressive. t-eiling upon the R,.publicans to refrain from nominating candidates and ta joie ln a non-liartisan cance. The. chairman of thé commîttes stated tbat the rebolutlon hall aiready héén rejected by the enta- inittes, bu# liaI the voter. could do ae thé, saw fit regarding th. adoption or reWetion thereof. Frank B. Joat than moved that tb. r.snlution b. tableij and a resouoding -V' rang ont vbofi thi vote wau put te a test beforsu Wvsuty. flive mon. tUr. Just wu eileted chair. mnuand Chas. F. 8mai.. Jr., sserstary Tii. tellera appointsd wrs Rudoiph Ep- ker, C. H. Kaisar and M. J. Weber. T.~ nousinees for eupervillor, town clerk and achool trusts.. were chomen by aoeiaaatiou. Pollowbng la the ticket placeS lunomination: Supervtsor--. 1B. Eger. Collector-Wmn. Wheeier. Assessor-R. W. Buckley. Town Clerk-Ed. Hubbard. Commisisoner of highways (No. dist.)-Wrn. Péterson. School trustee-Sylv ester Trlpp. School trustee (tua lii acancyî- 'urs. J. L. Taylor. Cheirtutan Just appoinled R. W. Bulk- lev, L. B. Heauby, uuas. F. Suale tuu serve as wn orne te Weoffér you The Independet.adChicag. Record-Heraild for a year at The Independent and Chicago Tribune at ped year The Independent and Chi. cago Daily Inter-Ocean at PAID IN ADVANCE Write us today Libertyvilie, JIL lnýependcn.t: More resSers tien ail countY ý eklls combined. D pfflTr P'RDAY, M ZA 2 f' M4 TIII I3 A T N F A IN EPu iic notice id ir ey given th t At a' IN N MILK uDIU E The Sheldon lichool, fheld et ils ffeu, Area ,Iliiinoim. on flue 27îludat of OVER SPRING RATE Jauu'r, 11, pursuaut ocwatie prîntipel office of Th. Sîteldon &uhool Dairymnn Reîect Initial Price was clmsngeu froin Ares, lilinoi@, te 0f fer for Six Months Made 101$st iath 7. heof by the Dealers., thc capital stock oif seld corporation wtw repro8ented et saiS nýetitne end Dtarymen aud milk dealers 'offlice vusted ulianituously in favur f seld Chicago dslry district oticued thier chiange ofi iuioii. annuel argument over surmer milk GleisBI'cki lriceas ThwsBday, Marcb 12th, the C. N. tiorend dealers offéring lest; lien the dalir y- e P. Iiynuond mien wculd accept and the daîrymen W.- i. Laks threatening ta precipitale a milk te- C. H. Pattlson mine unléas their demands were &ajurity of the Itourd of Dire-tors eof granted.. The ibeldon School. c-24:1 The aveérage prîce of $1.34 1-6 s hun- dréd liounds of milk for six montha CARPET AND RUG WEAVING was offered hy the Borden CondenseS We are prepareS to weave génnine old- Mlk Company, the itat of tnanY deal-1 timie Kag Carpoe, colonial Rag Ruge. ers ta open lits contract bocks. Dairy- Fluff Rugi from worn Ingrain or men made an organized démand for liruemls Carpets, Perlieres, Porch au average price of $1.60 1-2. The Phlows, etc. Pau lRuge are &Il the rage. district includes uortbern Illinois,- Prepars rage ae Non would for iag southern Wisconsin sud western lu- carpets. Lot usdo tii.wedvitàgeanSyou diana. whilb. surprlaed and pleased wlth the Community Agents Nam.d resuits. W@ furnisb the, beot warp, une Farmers cf nartieru Illnois are the. latent Inprovei Nweomb Loon>. saiS! tehave preparéd for thé pricé IIIIarders promptly snd guaraintee iret1 struggle by organiziug and sppointiug community agents ta mttîs lihe ques. clama work. Prices gladhy quoted on tlons wlth the dealers. Nether anti- roquet. ('ail AndSOses Our samnples. J. cîpate a tutu famine ln Chicago ai- A.(Grave@, Lincoin and Stewart Are., thcugh this will resuit unions an ami- Lh.rty viii,. cablle agreement lo réached. _________ "An agremnt always, ha. béen reacbed snd tiare le no reason for DIE O AT LOON LAKE bellévheg that It wiil fail tbis time - saiS George E.,Chapell of-tie Kee Word han heén reeved cf lhs & (3hapell Dairy Company. "Thé farmn- deatb of Mns. David Mînto ot Lo<m ers' demnande ttus gear are a triflé L.ake, on Tbursday. Recently sie higiier-than laut yéar. Tbey want ai susfeluéd a peralytlc stroke. 8h. was théy can get, sud then acomé. Tbe dealérs muet pay enoâgh tc encour- related to tbe Webb family ln Wau- age the farmer tô continue ln tbe kegen and aléa ta, Lloyd White. Mrs. dafry business. The question prob- 3,1filto ens an o15 resiSent cf the Shly wl!! be solved by offering bon -cuuty. Bésides ber bitsband, Ms. 'uses for milk gradlng higier then 'iluto leaves two chilîdren, Harold the average." sud Euna. Funeral Muonday aflernoon prico Sciiedule Offered et one o'clock et the bouse,. ir. Min- Prices ofered for six utonths'con otallea boru usar Loon Lake enS badl tractswee as follows: lived there ail ber Iîfe. Plat Maximumn rate rate Candidate For Collector. Aprll. ..............$1.45 $1.55 May . ............. 1.20 1.30 1 Iwisb ta unform inuy instbat isel fue . . .............1.0<5 1.17" be e candidats for ellector, sulijevt te .uly. ................. 15 1..15 ltseli.moeratic pîbtuary. add wilSea Augut . .............. 1.50 1.50 September. ...........50 15f) preciate ail support nre me. Thé maximum prieéseuil be palid for clltfJ tmuholsnd. milk sebleh shows a test cf 3.8 per cent or an exces, of butter fat. The N TC flet raté le thé saine as was first of- N TC fened lby th.dealers lest year. I wish -0e announe My eandidacy for Thé dealers seere forcéS last year the office ni( tax collectas for thé ta wn cf te raies.the average from $1.34 to, bryî~u~.t oti prvla $ 1 .4 0 & S . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __W t t e a p ro a l o ]Leaders ot thé mllk* producera' s. the.Deniocralie votera t the. prlmarY ocation and of varions afilated anS will appreciale aIl auppo t~ume. fermer,' organisations e«press confi- c-20-tl Mark R. Corcoran deece Thuraday that tiey wouldle ahIe ta h*«s ani advanfathe.price. -$tt Eluib.?î thbil art af lia, Salr for ie six namou ,ln practicafly ev- erg tosen ln the satre district the fermera are reporteS flrm la their de menS for hfgher pcs QEORff lam KSOL) About the LIUtfVELEIAIAhand foward, get a Thé Libertyville Garage, owned and ing his future earnii managéS by George Qeentîn and leestéd instirance. en Miliwankee avenue near Lake street. lias héen mulid te John Nl. Bernard of Anamosa, Iowa, who expeete ta teke possessfion about Saturday of Ibis wesk. oInsuranci Mr. Bernard is maid te is e praet icel garage man and expert mecianie. 'i heviug been connecteS witli tic MelluSceýPri Automeobile C) , of Chic-ago, fuor ire ou six yeusrx before going te bIowa, whcre hé ha-~ lueuh eniployed in a lnrge garage. Tl,. aule inuludvs tic garage bildirig sud purupertS, ail ecars, nuacbiuery, stoc-k. ini aut lts entire equiptuent belougiuug te n m tluu garage. êarliest age possible ti r Quentin erpeted the building, seich ts ha i at Vu 4"\hxllfeet, the front part oui eit-bwa le ans is two storiés igi, about three years family and businesb ago. ud for two geara baS the distille- srne uies liuuu or beng the oniy garage lu théetogrbsns ouinty eto Wankegan we it wa He eau build his fu kuown as an tspéclally seell equippéd the absolute certair garage and repair @hop arnong motor- acwl ofrhn lots. M r. Quentin etates i th é ncwildofohhe business dons lest gear exceeeded hy fer As youreî the previoue year'sbhusinees. The reason Mir. Quentin disposeS of stances where youi hils bumines, horsen halieh received s the person you rE témptung oSfer sud inaily deeideS toan ie aot ri oei. He bas 001 décidéS sebat h is ei adgvn nte do wiueu hi@ successor taire@ possessioni, Winl it b. 5»? bunt wili rnost luksby remainhu-re formre tinuuu as bie résidence on Lake mtreet ig uot incluSeS ln thé sale. In Our UNHE COVINOTON OF ed and inji QEORQIA TO SPEAK IJERE Wars. In Tus lramaters of thé "dr"i maement sM nye have êecuréd as oe of their Inost noeS while engagE speakers Judge Covington ai Geargie, seho ia to appear tiers on3 April 3, seben e big local option rally selhé held aI lie É.10t1111a égh ocPlock in thé TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL q1 You can try this beau- tif ul Victroa FREE in jour ow"Home. 13Y makiug emel montby paymeuts yen wil[ soon own s VicInoale-thé greatest of all musical iustrannta. And il brings to, you thé vrv béast of mamie of évery kind, iung sud piayed iu thé very béat way byýý the very bonl artiste. Thé ide- Sai placé to léaru thé oew dan- ces i% in the home anti ber. the Violer is aboiutly indis- pensable. Price. $15 e SoO$0. Try the New Dagice Recorda UL B. EGIER Lihu'tyfflo asyiak j, Tools you will won ueed Chatham Grain Grade,, Hoosier and VanBruit Drillsanad Seeders Lever and 8pring-tpoth Harrows Clod Crwuhsr Walking, Sulky aýid Gang Plows Large Stock Right Prices Sehanck Bros. Iàbertyville Ml AV ..'.- e i -, - 4 - I ouly thing a mnan eau absolutely and adauredly certalnty of life, and hie need to Btretel iei good, strong grasp on the future by capitaliz. ngs and matnring his plans through gnaranteed ,e protection is the Greatest vilege and (Opportunityj of the da!j. who Cati obtaiîî it s1liiîtid have it at the very lso lie eau get ina oit the- grouîid floor, anid have' iand the way lie waî4ts it for the, bt'm'fit of lîju ;. Witli it's backiîag hi' cati iuake a bolder and ventures than it would lie possibule for huîn to do. iture on tlîe strongest foundation kuowu, with inty that what he does not live te o obis insur- -ad the uewspapers, you will find dozens of in- miglit as easily boxe been the unfortunate as read about. But why were you more fortunate chance te make good the future, and how long pence and(l prospt'rity mo1(re people are kili- jured by accident tiîan in the Napoleonic addition, great nuunbers have their lji-es it short through soinue brief illuess or ,d in their ordinary pursuits. JOHN HODGE, District Manager Michigan Mutual Life dé%-" m-

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