Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 8

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.. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ' r~r~ fi u>is -ssc.rt PT A .MARUR20.,1914, s99 B'g ight U UK O N B N n lh.hKennedy lhadtnot 'IU tUfriY Si âm âf TO LOW.pald lit: Internet for a Uttie time iloth- 41lng 'a netbaught about t until lt vas ~ TO BOW-UP W UKEiAN:BANKnow::hat a judgment vas entercd. E aage ne)i or fnis boan the mortgage ws BÀA EN BADLY FOR CA] 4o'i'n thtthis aîd xiwillQll" itnt'tuii li iid foreciaaed. Others folowel suit and Otone atter another Kennedy began toe IIIS RU3 M INATION i ~innnd.lase the titi. ta hie property. "MWhat lic had i iii îind as to sec juttlow lie liad to Hils hometead on Coufity ptreet hii the bundli of ffinaiiîîih in order to have it explode w , e t est plece Of hie property to George T. MeCullough of War- Eight bc taken. Recentiy a suit vas ttrted said the offieer, w'7lo, î1iîstioncd as to what lie blietved(in Wauconla ta out hlm tramn the ren Gets 24t u 6 W K e ne y as pl nn ng to do sa d: I el ev lc c1 OstC i pre fn ies as the pers n ta whom2 4 o H s 6 W c Kenedywasplanin todosai: - beiev li deos tedte titI. bal gone wised ta get pas. Votes in Caucus. tlxat satcelc there with the idea of rîîshing haek itto the session of it. Thiassemcd tealbe the _____ lest Vsittrnw. Onere office, puliný the gun ifronti is pOcket, firing into the test*Uptn. OMN VTE IRTOTM e sapcccandl)OdV g p was iti ranlge of the Attarney Uptan lad represeîited WO E VT FRT cit he sathelaîî bowig iassaie cf the people who ldforeclois- Opera e±plsiv an tlegun. Te .4 caibr gut ii ti ca ed on Kennedy. Last Thursday Ken- Mrs. Lake Is the CandidatePu nessi was set in snch. a wav that it pointed down in the- batik.' nedy pal Mr. Upton a vieil. He car. Dn hesaement that Kennedy pianned going tb the ie ltirlcs ithhm u p for Trustee-Scrap on Of'th was the sultoase vblcb later vas dia- h flats caused the polietogcedce to i tacîen o et contaînth dynamite. He for Highway Com. gl made morne tiine ago that Kninedy' was" shooting at dyna- cdfrsmettl Un butlrty Suevsr apCgteie ais nte" on the lake shore nortli-of town soine weeks ago values. He bâdai n Iniateil opinion orf uevsrBli htedn wsi h when the ity was shaken lv aiiexplosiionit M i r esemul- 'bellot« aus n P-&t siwude thearent Thore m altUathie equlty ln the property si acsbl audy ac 4tiier ed anearthquake and whichmn tmgthav ee ltiat ha4 beea ka <> lmsnever hPCUUul audy ac 4tos an may fit nigit avebee, iad beau oatifle.He=salI vasoaly ai tvo cokkluthe Woolmaik hall cf ti metee wh.~h drppedint(the l'ke. The belief Dow 1 sfar that lho shoul r.ceivel.beck fromaeinvie ereT otl io mtat afteh r ail,6 kaiG itWisn erg . o u nder tht ftr Hitwas Kennedy Who was experirnentiflg on the"e People the moaey that vas coin. bugh, for y«"r a suportrof Mr. unier telk tu bhlm. Cptnenmdacofrinl. entun tele hr.He ton told Mr. Upton that lie vo CItndi dacos ed entui Asked where lie got the dynamite, Kennedy said lie ed himin st heo ii various PeOPte vho lato tbécaucus and beat hlms almost oTae jsn-chased it ini Chicago at Montgomnery Wards .for "ex- be lemainoe ty rand tl-Uentvhatibes o o!orthe nmiaun. t nvas peietlpurposes. vas bts by rirtit. Mr. Uptcu'told bisAt h meiothecutl'I asr peirenalho thougit Itvulnd do no gOoa, but round MeCulbugh l 224 votes to trate When Ilie was taken into the station Kennedy looked promcil thatniousaturday h. voulil Chittead.n'e Sil.mot pale and haggard, in fact lie lias looked badly for sorne do . explaning ctoat lie voula ho busy The avuY"che, vas unexpecteil by lat Urne and lis friends have fe it sorry for hirn long be cause Vinit.d TheMr. U Ic aup eso a nthi rndthe lbat Tm haappeared rnelancholy, sick and down hearted al the lcennedv tiisýp .eaîî h vas ngohlngst T itime.dovu staers to visît TisLore D>urgt affecteI for he rose and saI: "«Gea- loveï re.predident of the Security batik. He tiemest, la face of thc vote, 1 del ie I Hia animus towards certan persons lias caused rnanysaskel ut lie megt leave biie suit cas e 1 ak amtoPha r c uti tofear dire resuits and that is why tlie officers now feel la Mr. Upton's office. The nneuesilogi ia tion bc at er unacul. %let vas grantol. When ho retume ron- g nmntionl mae n l et the trne lias corne w-len it is not saf e to permit hutu to thse batik ho Iseemol dovucast. ste mou, be eout. 1 aReembrsta~ t ihoug5b1Miity And,.SIt vas se dons, wbicb moins pa and loat Mr.sMcCt toug 1wgmi behtho no President Durst of thc Security Savings Bank did not mal, mlghty mal." ho flld suorvsortra ar.M i efrthle of ice knowof te Kenedyincident until 2 o'clock whcn a'Sun '"He soimel to lie unler a great sPrbrto arn o nhso l e8train, as If ho vers holding bîmsecf case, the nomination. vlth euch an fora representative told hin what a close cail it was feIt »hcIn check viii gs'at dilffulty.", Mr. overvbelmlag. vote, meatis hie elec. funks bank lij ait a Upton said. tien lu ApriL dsi Returned Today AmatLkeEocin n Oine theory was that Kennedy piaced the satchel This marnlng Kennedy returne la WarenthLie nomintion menas h where le did in the Upton office, that lie plannied return- and taîkel snme lttIe viîle. He InWreteomainmnu len again lied the suit case vltii hlm. Mr. leqtinand clespeciaiiy 'aben utle and ing te the bank and pniling a bead on tlie ceiling, shoot in1- UPton sal ieb.lbalt been unahie ta sef fklovait the ordinary vote, 00w hand te it and thus cause the - xplosion, although liec hituseif nome of the parties andl asked hi ta vlth vamen vatlng. viii be about 500. coai returu about one 'clock. This Kea- Bo.vmnvtl h omivt would not lie in the room.neyntfe oldo eoewm vethnraloe The officers feel that Kennedy did tiot think of the Agaun lbe asked tha iehomîght lave was 280 lu the township. Saturday Le the suit case tacre ountil he returned. 59 vomen voted. bringlag the total n ettone to hiniseif in bis plans, for lie surcly would have Cotant references ta the satchel vote cenet Saturlay up ta 310 vateB, gene up With the others in case the plans 11ey feecille lad arousel ?,r. Upton's suspicionistb agsevrpieinhetu had houd hae crrid throuli.stenographer, John Reardon, apened before. for up ta Womeci'S suffrg Immedlately after getthiggthe set- t ilen soif for expiodiag the expectitig te fini saie vorthless coming la. te= wee but 280me obe. AsIsan Chef yrrtlbunielHeUiinàcrefuty extrected eacb cap leeds or tex titles. aInneide they vh bl rbtt en allo.e it tu the Police 'statioanviiere olilcer 1 n nali e dh go. ench tume facol the round Uic 45 caliber Colt. In thewottecnablo. Lyon hmuId It ta Sergt. Maynard pasiledageof the stick hiowing bottai theýy fountd several suspicious Rest of Ticket vita thse vords: up. He had ta remove the caps or looiing sticks. Here le the rosi of the ticket nomi- "For God8enstke, take tbis satchet the sait dock people woul net permît "Dynamite!" Mr. Reardan exclaini- nated: MdI lock It up vbere nobody will get hlm ta store the dynamite in their eil.Suevsr bal of IL. Fram vhat 1 béat, thcr's magazine, vblch they inlly consent- Assistent Chlet Tyrreil thon wes SGevo. .M c:fog . 2 tovanop." the caps weplc out and the satchel inove tetahUicstatian. Ralpb Chittendeni............. 86 lAd thcsergeant carefully bandl- cotaînel ntbing but the dynamite, Cail tSatee Attorney Collectr-Elvîn Ray (no apposîtuon * lna he grp. look t 111ta t backc10011ani vih vas, <irfcctiy barîlesesaolong The plce aiicer tben summonel seerO .Wbtoe(oc ker Penho plarte it uneric ts acsin a oatrn > he states attorney #nd the latter do- position.U koy pouing futiier rlers.Highet Kind cf Explosive clarel tint uaquetlaaably that eKn- cic rsc-Ms .B ae 'Afral o.,.1-*WliI, i vasa't qulte At tho sait dock they keep Per- nelys minI vas unbaienced. Hs r.sdy ta step .over thé border, 80 1 bape 100 pons of dynamite o a ata oo ouil slgn a peti- Lame- naturallY vas-elightly nervous." said ail the fiime, usedInt their work there. tienote bave lmn adjudged Insane and John Thomas ................. in BoieOt MaYnard viien aakel boy But hIsgnt Uic bigb cxplosive kînd, the police omfcer sadlibe Wvodulîla W. C. Bernetabte ..............8 ho 8h0 ei arryag ta.e grip. ranging lava ta 40 per cent ans a this villltagly. AerKenney Offes leip tie. Mr. Upian los net thlnk tUaL Ken C'larke Chandler............... 6 d Ale eMa the Mitchel ta hies That stuf there whicb 1 took tram n cdy letaigled hlm out eepeclîy Thore vas no caontent for nny nom-b 'csesOU n," Assistant Chef Tyrrei Uic satchel." salt! Kenncy. "la thc but Uilnk that bie meant mereiy tae aIncceîlgfrsprio u d"dt rellsh the idéeaof "monkeyiag kInd tiat doesn't need a cap. Thravvccw nantih a trctsl omsn er. la Uior later natter.d viti" the contente very mnch aller Il tata the treet on the pavement and won some ofbIsndsrcrtye. reloe -mm Brnte basntater hmoterde vii o it hal orIabout tae mtter. ls vonld expitde, thts vhy lit vas Aliltho,, vba bave knova Kennedy M.Britbl aattd i ned .90,astirplacing Itlu the station. he mnighty langerons ta have arounî. aI- far a long tue déclare tbat tiiey have '0o i n hLie tump. g met Out te ses viier. Wigter Ken- mant as ba as nitra blycerine." expected nome sncb' Incident for a Messrs. Ray and Whltmore vers re- F neY, fGorerightiPolceman vho te-a.*Are YOu on thc farce nov'" neke long turne. They say that they have ntuae.Mn ae i. ie ai signel a fev days m«0. coull ho Orep5oter of Kenny. been expectng ta béar almoat nnyncndateM.Laethe lirvn ,under t ié touaI, for ho recould at Kenncy ut 'No, 1 quit a fev laye ago." eaId lbe. day tant Kennedy bas vrecked bis ncniaei tetw ne h oare rnworked for a contactor and 'Then vby lid they calilan vou te vengeance on snime one. nev suffrage act, vas aise unopposed. bal charge of crplaltag dynamite. discover vint tbe satchel conitanel ' It le gcnerally concelcil that a re. for vhie James Campbell obtaîned 8 I .Kenieyvas roundanmd 101 cf the Becanse tbcy knev 1 vas familiar cent expiosion board in Wnukegnn votes, hie enleavoreil ta get hie W, circumittances, it belng explalnl tbat vitih 111,1,11ng9 it, 1 guese?' saId the vas causeil hy Kennedy expalîng frienîs fnot ta put bis nome op. lanM thc grip vas snpposed ta contaîn en- former afficer. hoûme cf is dynamitte on the fltste ougb dynamite taelov biaif the tovu -Do van tbink you'il get e days nonsh of the city ta determine lis the case of collecter anulangoesser N for this job,*' akel thse reporter. trcngtb. they were nomnatel by acclamationi. l "ý_Are yau familier enougb vith Lb. "Gues i have It coming,' oel Souce i Explosive? 'lc upieclts acevs ânt if t tak Lnlopnt an d Kenne vith emTye Keniezlys s"Ile of tbe explosive cf course, the big vote regîsterel secvbtetaIL' nke OfierTy- «" lput fi igt down ta yaur credit neemto Le he niuîown but uiiere are rell. alaye tu," ai sergeet~l ,orl.snie visathink lho dug fILup froîein s Ir Citele n cfavor Not Afrsid et Alil*'If it vere meO.Il veant you taeuput burylapice on tbe tite. When the 1cf lis opponent. 'hile iL ves "Siav e te rlp Iv hndil m doa or wheyenr's tume." Nati side ewvas completel al known that a movement vas afoot Uicatif oryeas nd 'mflo sare slI ii rPorter andl the cergoatreant nttyof dynamitevwas ioft0VL gtisteen"hvsforal unIeostheres me hing illn" agreel that tisa wouldlibe about right. er andthis w_'h.. edan-eiets -.htnd, fwantral seul KAnncy. Thot tise populace about t% îîf ac Th ioatio»became forgotten but IL ized tisatit L as no trang as thetce- Be vent ta the Station. took a looks ed a terrible danger aontise Lubietise la bellel liat- Kennsedy found fi and uu bwd uithtie grip and examnel the apen-jstuif iwas being carrled about tovil deturiluel to Put iL Into use. ttstoel ing and fsteninge. tg evilent tram the stetemlents made *"Gues, Lierona no secret mechen-lby Mr. Keotsey, who knoos lion b.I! theA L "snnM RR ELIE S foin whicb vîli make tiese tuf go off sturf vorks ftElIAGll L1llhIIEI visen we open I,, saId Kennev ns lhe H ald: Any two of thon,. sticks r v sig, Smmirs........ examned everv Possible chsance -for voudlhav recked an, buildng in such a condition. wauoegan IfPut off unler fIL The ES MADE ois ;auoien. Raor.... ...2 "IVel. ou ecte tase t so,>"jîl oi.sî,eunch, If set off, et Once wouldLîaI mrMvuk . 2 awy ranstown te open t tor il have ceusel liavoe wblch one. could v lDaIJ k C II4I Ru s l nr, il.waukeaî..27 .il, zso off,"said Tyrrell. flt describe beforeheiîd." tVS. PO4L CIE B, s-s'O (..erte r tikott. M ai (i......27 *11,1 ta lc s , i t t e l k e s h o r e l t h e Sait dock Peoplie ose tiseir explosives" LOST A ORUNArtlitir ri-ssn, diicagoa..........i salit IeAnFORTUNE? Owen O'Hare, ngWel Known Bin î.oiiiiý ('ugis, RoliUng Prairie ...31 th saKece *and foretbwtcar y l ng l, That Kennedfy Ionst eavily on mit% 'iHae edfthe atc he îtslat tae. lshu.iug stock afe e saega. Iisreprted Waukegan, Acoused of Ac- Jesse iMeint,Mlwvauke..........23 elaiL nrdtise ineta hoe e tact. Thins le saidtaeihave liertisa <hllers, sainie............24 Ths n Aoe os tbeen wliat ceuiiel hini ta become de- cepting $100 Bribe. Hiugliî (rr, Evanstona............. 32 eti ao Lia ime wvis one of îv,(liflhang....... 2 -those vho vore there and knew of Atout iv>. years ega wiien Kennedy Knsa «eMri1.Cl flIruli, ( rit,nr aiWnkcg...... 2 Kenney's uurposo. ouerel or even in- .became lnterested In a mining e VO Puc enos OHare of M tch s --clyof aha M ;!ar d ,1,n H gisan ...Park . 21 timatol that they would accampany turc, hole rtel out La taise every cent Polich wnOHr fti iy h ar inHgln ak....1 hlmn. Ordlnariy there are wling It. coîld an lts urorery. lie neyer tgcargel In an affidavit evoma ta hy iMorris u-li.iiserg. Chicag. ...26 bande ta beip an officer seeking ta tol any one whatet hwvshel ta do a varkmanncf thisetcty vithbahving ssnsarth a mysteri. In iis case there , luit the iuoney, but beeause t 80cm- acceitel a bribe of $100. demnldei te- Ile Stifiîerg, fipring Valey..20 vas nabOdy vbo wns ealous. They el ta slip Lisougi lits f ingera fiLIo be- day ot the district attornley that ev. Frank F. Meyer, Hovel. Mici....28 vore aIl vUfling ta permit Kenney te loyvd hy tIseons uba iftaîîtient ery Persan vbo bel anytbing La do iricîtlaIisne, Oakvood. Wins...24 have ail thc honare that mlgistatýtend tisat hoe sank every conL oftfiIn s0155 witb tise mnking or circulation aof('han. 'mes, Indiaapolis ....21 don exill ng cfthemeteryor n sd- ou. csm sc 'ieît intofmna o cagnOlive (serton, Racine ..........2 BuontInta L&Urie nfe en.a, a Wa.s aiathy Man. No warranîts ver. issuel tay but NOhillîn ilrock. city.,..........22 roul OKe n emUerlience Irnt ande Prier te tiis tlins lie was wbat the district attoiney declared thet .îliaSiî~rct..... 2 llng explosives, vent te tise lake. set miglîtlho conosdered a weeltisiymn, ai; warrants voiiid lie Issued onorrow hped iy .....2 the satl dovn i the listton of lise lie owneiî praperty In diterent parts or Saturlay. Itle aliegel tisat amenF pf erthe sait dock ano latter agaîn of thse City. fimIlcredi ier baltbor thtie People mentioned ta the compiaicrt Pltai aumthortîSet in C'hicago start- pit angsre htteeween e-quetionel andlihe toucîlno llfficutty af tise ciief, whIlcbhasnot heeti pui. 'I ilInvtigation FrIdny In an et- retag re tacasetheexpsver a CIn milng nverai tiiouanî dollars, Heliebi, are mon visa have been îîraunuîtifft t i Lli1Ný-ser te source of a new metovff to ese tenexpt.loie a.trio e 1taborru-w înywithaut se- ont lIs business and political Ile It' 1"'h ab îil" pvayér vIîcis recentiy - g of be h apne I. o ars criy heeecr ,> cul. 'lun i lciaeltht is cIcuatonofthe- 4.f- exstnc.At tise se UV' NARROW ES. luEJs WiEN OPERA IOUSEI3 15GU1ED it Hundred People at a odstook Wrestling Match Have a Clesr Cail. neian wasa eriously burned and pleced ln danger Thuraday nlght tifre irke out ln the Woodstock rhotýIe while the place was titi. ýthe doors by an audience vit- ing a wrestling bout. ring onc of the tensest moments ie bout, while ticeoyez of the spec. se vere facuseil upon the strug- p, anting gladiators. amoke be- in ponetrate through tèe crack$ be floors. Soon it begant to ont-* b ram thie wings or theostage. ,the cry otftore vas raiaed, and i- was a yl ecoramble to get out te burnlng building hefore ,, the rcoliapeelbutorse in tie ad sot or hoadvay m no ldlousty tâtat ve as not the alightest varning Ithe. viole lover part vu on *e. hm building le on. that serve* mev- 1purposem. la Mianeretiopera e, tii. City-.hall, the public D& ythe. ofice or the police. mai.- tandl tbe lire, devartment .quip. gL That nous of thoeo vho voe. te opera bous. er.oncrushed ln eping *ae deemedl 11W. Ilest ton mracle. Io wandering bebomai. rd to, sloop la tih sasseent for niglut. This serve, as a sort of es station and tramp houes. The. letla that thoemen. etber lu. ionaily or sccldentally, set tir. tie building and thnieu scped. Nt o'fférea,. a mani quite voit van ln Woo<IStoOI vas lacked lu .11 ln the basement. Tlhe approach b.e tanies caused hlm to cry out assistance but nons came and It ked as If b. voul b. burneilta ath luke a rat la a trap. Pear gave nsuperbuman etr.ngtb and accord- ta the athry ho reisteil aflervard managed ta break out et the celi descape but not until hua face and nde bal been eeverely burneil. H. i removed to.a hosptal viiere.bis ndition la sald ta be qulte serious. Iake County's big veekly-INDE- INDE4T. BiScuiis Bkiked You never tasteil ainter, ligbter lIe bscults thanth.-0 baked vitb Calue 'hsey'T altol guod - delcieus For Calumetin tores perfect aklug. Sf(TYOIJR EASTERWANM FLǶ1RS AMY -eLa'*T A Ctpatb wuvis to4 b? tic matutal UNWMcsttmI ,jmorei fl tor bte. tutvii40do mt.Iow It? Poopi 9# l o t le "m i tnd of blbn, "tn4lu tt abut ovdr" tbiibulbe, Plants e 0? 1 u0w» for Boer or lot ti. .pw(o ev mgarde,. 1>0 ,ouv towey biltrng <ali. Il pays. Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. KIL MIl<Money is the chief resource of xnany farmers Theh ir n of dairy profit varies with the he1th of the herd. Regulator wilI do mnorc to keep cows intperrect bealth, and profitii et a uniformly hg percentage than any ther yiitem vet devlseid. Par over ad a sl tl fartytiy..rsPratts l&medies have t.een standr-boitt essenta to utmost succeas. satfslaelom 4;uarateed or Mt>mey Daek Pral1t9 Disimieetal inecessary to maintain sanitary con- ditions in the dairy. In solution it conta YOU about le per gallon. R efuse subtitutes; insi.,t en Pratta. 14 Get Prouis Stock Book For sale by S. L rp Arc.,. F. 1). litermliall, (;r..i mike: E. L. Wil & .(lo., Vile:W m. ,* lii ebrand, Antiocli ilnhrn& Brough *>n, W auvif l' . L Ireiin. Laike Zuîrich; % ns. Fi neman, i >- amn)itd Lake; V. 'Sauer &CUo , Lon_~ Grove; Fanéhack & Râuipî, Buif.> Ioi tý ro% e:IlirslLnerger liroâ., Prairie '<1ew; (ýeo. M. Weiduer, A1,takisicý ~Q~j3y ~ A Xqgo"dtonik coinpound of chem. icI snorgank uiemts of which the Foodg Todn-aent. Wbat FOOD TONE wili do for your hogur Make boue and mupeil--bapteio digest ou)- nakea iio~lig Couter.'itgpr and heaithier-kfpl iwuefltscy tract Ire of aorn.i., serix «od btl of i kinds-preveuts diarrboes-preveutoettitlrn-hepo tu ee.imiLate lood juicker-uiakesa wîd stainaeb contents .ikaiinc--creates au 81pe- tite-makes strongt sow and beaiibh lier-b>gs mature ernier rimai do.e-low price--big renul. PRICE-15 lb. sack, $1; 40 lb. sack, $2. 50; 100 lb. sack, $5. Order now. Start uiug eariy. Duont wai until choiera attiwkx your Lierd. 1For Sae, y Home Lunibu Co., LUbotyviil. FOOD TONE COMPANY Libertyville, 111. The Model Cash Market Tlhe l'e-t andil lic,.1esL ilac in L.ake cOuty for irsi claSs Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and Shell Fish VEGETABI S AND FRUITS Mundee and'CQ. "THE QUALITY SHOP" . Phone 307-J P.~ CLEAN WORK 1mrintimA FULL ÇOUNT j~'I bonne ronet montea estert "l-t *A mî ice ies IL v oc nc Lib ertyville iAKE COUINTY mzbl-IJ-111-L, ý

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