LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN - i LJBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRJJJAY, MARCII 27, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE l -iia anh c tai lislii urarîigitt WANTS $509000 FOR LOSS 0F DIS ÇOlNIÇ I 1 fi N p llenry- Siditli. gîýQ9tof.taliWil. teen dollars rr.t fouitîntih0ils poi(k-1 Xii uj îrr-i lite suaI Standardtuoit Wm in.i%% teclut ,.:;7-6, total i:. irmninglua ni n aî itian about - ' itler lat cornitentsor tcnîlk isuotI Eloise Jenk.itt :total :l& ycars aId. t.., îîîîîîr tut ,hiring. sinlirî- itiglîva, îaîuîîisîîiîuer, distrit t2 Tite girln c1, i yod tist tai x i od nitîd : i; diir -lit lo, itr ýr'Ltd - Robert DoNveli. 1.7-:0tttl ti tsi lakiag a ar] ,r: -taebeach mut lt '11w ta tr-rtriliii- olut il(' i liuiii v s catiii. -iotlr. httî l tiiey iav n i irtîs laoklîsg oitji l irt o t-i l d tti iii rti tutu test itcît i tu - Ra ey moyauurc. ii total i1,4. lisutaiithe r . rarý,he, Tbey itt ito utitr aliloii t erpiî. t -' r Geacue lia us r, ltotal,, t ai l co'tec t i - nt li teir turrr irlt t'yrît tii -discos accu rir tii'body- of t itîtir IL bas tîîti , .- o daterasînetilinr or vitare ltî - tr met is dr-tit It la nat po-s,îrtlt at lise iapeti iii: thea lake ati lin aîtts IL voulti la- r lic nan e lii iit-t iitii utssihillt>' toc 1u, body te hait tir'ted se far ln a day. It ji thongit tlii ha must have leair ed m itte ltii t tor ver>' ii'ttri Lake Forasi, Titi fact that iti body 'floateti .0 rtiuitaftrvard woîîld Indîcate genectîiiy that the v)t'tlitî vas tieed vueri lie eîtcratitic wteur., IL i. consideri I îtpossilec Iat ha iniglît have bee au akting out on a pler v-tii overcome v iii ait attack o! beart trouhle. No ie t ruuit hafounti vio i-av lthe tntcuidentappan, MRS. MARY L. WILCOX DIES. Mca. Mary' vt. blîe vite of cal. nEdward S. Wr'il-ix, pieneer ceaidant, tieti e thlie Slierutien hosPItai et El- ging, Frliday, itîticli 20, !ollowing a long ilîncai-. Mmer. Mary i1. Stautealiurg Wltvox vas bora Octotier 7, 1838 et Gags Lake, 111. Sic vas merrled ta Erwacil S, Wtlcax et Etigevaer -about fi ve -yearrse ga and i-lace thnt time aie liailmatie hec home la UlgIn. Dairymea Loi-e Market Place %Vi Ier ýi i ît t h, ubaiue rht tti ing, îîîîik tt(,'Itw lircritit oîttîrtuit lit hX'i 'httli-tutu rîîîfi,di theitr tîl tits a, i tie- ui,rrî'lanut Ttîîsdtîî - tlwîy v-cri' toit rrîtîti %isliithe titi- Titi' ract bhoks are ciasaul fac titi' îurî-iase ot milkii t tiis rlant facrtecautri-cIt eriati. Event- deiru taitv-ha readtihue ait nuuncensent feit a Ivingea 1i ii- port-t. Il meatuttaecurtusiment o! bstsicnae inse hInstainces e compleecul- ting off ufthîe revennes by wvicit lie ni aitîta 1t1 s litsitiîoe. Is avec>- lit stance it iitalit tuaI lita lamni'r or dairi tatiretudii tic notice' vlitlie i-oaiîri'tit-i tuer to seek a distant nachect, v lit h neana exllalsiu t tratsoiprtationrtor ssii hihacavi- Resuit of! Disagceement Tii' lit dcii nuit lin>'andthie taras- ecrs autd lutir iueit lainlte uit-lait> of Ibest C'icago lieue itatiatiheatirce- tmant,.lAs tuhe rai-uit lie Borden plant s'aiuii'ui t $0it,000 illv-I haclaseti, twcu- ly-five aiea viii hae (brav ont of cm- ployatetit andth ie tiairyntan anti ferm- era v-l lie depriveti o! an annuel ccv- enneau enting la upiverds of $150,- 000. fJ~lii- i4L Uh l*R5Mrs. John Bash, Wife of Benton 'tIi ttuttail fra, e euhidIiliiletir l Tbwn Collector, Has Close Ittatti oto a v outa tfoc a tutuitîltir) Albert Beiama Stucs Chicago oftilt ciiitise Ifaccinglîruut o îîn tlt up ri- & Milwaukee Electric in the Escape in Accident. nîary lactian Friday - Iii titi'raca ilwauke Couts. -Presatîce of nîhnd atJh ,' for tite nomination for colectorNlira. Milauke ours. tawn collecter ai Benton tîrrvnhit. (archie Mrlin triansplisativec tourl S uit tac $-f0,000 against flite ceceix- anti o resident ut Zion CltY. ces1iuticil inen cantidtaes hy eaîuurality ot 72 ara ai Tua Chicago & 7Milwaukea un his aavlng iis vite tram 'fatal -e.Te oies ilnnpri Elcctcie Raihway campanl, t3 yAlbert burne anti bis honse froint ehng dc aae Bleanta, fater 9! FrankuBejama. sroedbytie.týpervuor-C. P. ittruley. years aid, wv l eft l'g u.e ul i-tif i il, bis uite asteinetiratite' oaCakJr.Ga-e y heiig rtîn avec by a car, Nvad beti omeon tic bande and i onl Ceoletr- nCa. Cerla tuartti brougit ta trial hefora utg wCrTvist, but te unjures are tof littli CoIlgiasorum issunrre Mrin. Williamas i lawslauke etienestia>. couseqouce considering viol migiît Shem Attorney C. W. Bradiford for lhee have hean. Sbem plaintiff aileges lic compaay vas neq- -ctaes taI, about savait at-lotk Scîtool Trustee-Ueacgeý M. Miter, ligent hna taliung la put up s feucs or Mci-, Bai-i b-ti itartedte t set a"lilt' an>' sefety precautîoas aloag tuc cd lamn a o sewing machinae vîîc ZION WOMAN ASKS DECREE. tracks paralllta irt'isavenue ha- - ha misseti te shahlfIaioe maner RhotiaIsabel l-uiplrey itas sueti tveen Montana anakPtote stracia andtihle lamît craihet ta the fluor, lier hUtsianti, Charles Raobert, for di- The railvay lune cons lirongi q1 hreaking andthue sathng ire t tie0ace', naaiîg ('luira AltnigitI as Ca pastresud l l ahîtrei. n uia il Uwhich startati e lace curtalît uura- epondent. St oatt> iah liane are tlec ta 1raieiut cvatrm lng anti iet ire ta the alecyce of lier 7it ly ia ha sr trit strayiag on tisa tracka or frram pro- dresa. Sic vasInlatic pentry et tite Ang.I3, 1912, anti liveti togetirh uu tectiug pedastriane, l ime anti ber acreams cellad ber bits- Aug. 1, 1913. Tihe>'hlieeone chi]ti, Tic> loy vas rua over h>' s train )f band, via rushed. la, bil iprescace, ageti anc year. The vife chiv - s the tiurp cars Nov, 23, 1912. Hie left îag o! mid anougli ta amoher the tiemes lunibaud vitith elag ver>' abusive, wîti vas severad low lie knee. lla ai- on bier germents and thon extlngulsb nslng oliscene language sud says hgt h legeti, ant iel rigut îag vas tara andti tis. on the curtein. Thus, damage nupleasant ta lîve viti, brutsed. ta thse houa. vas averted and later Il _____________ as fountidet the wtt'. înjur s , Lake County's big veeky-INDE- The. Independent leads ail. vere ver>' allht. IPINDIENT. osanquet o.uI____ .Atocie ietrg 'ell nscicirlTO TRAVEL IN PRIVATE CAR. îtresîîiîrf lth e l cinty uBa A Plans Evangelistic Campaign soi-atioat a h etiti' ittiu -v-tirgt-i -i Wednasdav atictr'irnui tttrt,rt-in Moline, Rock Island and itouse. ut ss i i' t 1( , lha% t - Davenport, Illinois. rîrîct i tiria - tlii î' i t . i usii iii - it.e t ,' ii ircnrî.' t tih Thi iitt,,r o'SaIt-il.K îuîh or et tortuesv wluis h' *,0t-ilthait'plan- naîl ta bltrit tîn tie biti, iis xi k, usas ntttitîkencl 1h r c'-nidera titrn ai maos e mtt ltiiughti ie donc. Elut ni t- l, s tieeti-ccinh c rceel- u-ýit tut, lii' nu ils biug: i'cer.tut IGearge Fit--ri. \'lie utr-sh1dent-Pete' .îiîgenîsetu. t-it'uctlrt Kugeit- Itînunir. Treaunrer tisai. l',urttteee. i-hi'it-uiive ctiiirs aut Clark, E. V. lirvis. The contract periati is six moutits andtt expires April 1. The bottlllg planit t ill close lilsdoors ohi ual The tileagreement acît-e avec lte Itrice a! mllk, Tue officiels of lte compauy staI liaI vian lie tiairyman refuseti ta siga contracta for tia ani-uiag year lte compan>' immadtly l'closeti con- tracta lseviere ta caver the 1,000û Pounds of nulk dally furnieheti at tie West Chicago plant. Littulii',M., 'uarcit 21.-E. W. cuift, Vo t's Purcvs -aigent. lait carl>' ucstîlt'dy foritlitte, Rock Island and Whitie liera li' viii advertise Vol. lia's tMeetings wblci vililia e ldla ltai-a cilles on Sanda>'. Marcii 29ti. \'ollva wîli te accompaaied on bis leur ly Tie Semt-Chorus oi (vent>' singera. untiar the direction .of Jojaan D. Adents. director of the 21o(i White Robeti choir. Thege singera viiili e assistati iy Mc. and IMrs Unval' . litre auti son Richard Mrs. Hire be- ing acco'nPanittvwile ber huaband sud son. vbo ara accompilabed i vo- lists, vilI aise aait wvlth Ie muai-c. Volive itatidvertlsiug Ihese meet- ings tioroughly and lg placing large three sheet posters on ail the bIB boartis ln the eliove dtes. l bgW ahi-o tisiaacbad vorkcrs vic teîlU dW tribula bantilîs tronibouse lo b>n. and b>' Ibase menus ha expects 10 00V«. er lie antire population So tint aver'> msan, woman and cblld. vili knov of tie mecetings.- Vollue yl travalla inte privata oca- viich vas useti on i. westernu tovo. Later he Proposes ta visit Miam. aI-oi and vrobably nome other lantw cities ln dia middlle vest. VOL. XXII.-NO. 27. TWELVE PAGES LAmp BREAKS, WIOMAN BURNED; IIUSBANDTO AID COUVNSEL Of111R, COSIS STATE $1 ,O00WMAN NOMINATED COURT TEST ON MILK WAR ENDS; MISS CUDAHY TO BE NURSE 4 EXPRESS OFFICES EACH FOR EACH SENYIOR. FAMILY SILENT ON REASON. WESTERFIEW c(N3W Oaign, lu, Macb 1i.It wil FOR TOWN CLERI( IN WQMANVOTE CONTRACTS CLOSE Miwaukee -,VS*' 21.-rHs IN LWKEýO.CLOS; MANDA US W S J>J~ cet»acii of thie600 seniors who are ( Â T P I À Y Springfield, I1Û., March 19-Two i} IN E (iN IS RParlCk Cuday. the packer. who lie- OTIIERS TO KN_ Pèô -4N À 4 S ý D E Ukol> turece l,, dIplo ias fro m n theiR A N ealas provid ig a tOui Of the validity IN Î LO IfortDnST R IlCre rielp Action of the State on înte,,estVest 'a ilosdi er i.MIs. L J. Bushmore Deteats of -eIllUS C su lffrage l'w Battle Over Summer Prices uurty * Incarne tax, las an- Libertyvill, Lake FçetA tuition pald by t' t i.tudenta r4a. vere iled t 1l'Su km cura' Natter Was Talked Over roseats owy> about on. tenth of the Made Candidate ln Republi- dey. . hy pu <1 out ta A Concluded at Confer- *nonne" ler Intention te go ta o a- aiHgî Park O oésl by COUusel. oa ,~ n P1i4YStray mdoo*tS~tt eln cefOO inElgin. Masschustt Generl jbolptal as a Wound up Business. ed ftcf taaelno t lnCacuint IO IX& Ac a a tudetIt heisebool for training - .4cf sttiUc ii rir IlH OWARD VI. STRATTON. ~ U,' BORDEN PLANTSSPP ED nurses. Her famul>' declines tu give ARE ICOMMSSOO mFir .' QUICK WAY FOI~R EULTS. th« -wuiq 6s é4prop-pu uio ft eloctin ber reagan,. By it theh o iiIn Wagoondi brooks Wins by th lne"et W heaare D ooks Cîosed at Several Fac-j1 ý R Weer W eL nrÂI jJ[ m" Raymond. i ~u*p.itoa~ tà;ie-West Chi ao Plant WET IL RT ' -q; P tym -Compamy.. Credit County. c____ he-Oe at B éeRACI( OON 1 E rsq Ito t tS ui TOe ilE To thPATTIII a3 ènWomen jumpec ta the, front ln i. t,a-an>' The, ar over stimmer mtlkprices e in c hirt ort B ad mu'a acttiân jqpgb mcmmgtownshiîp Primar>' of Grant p vag n j.4 aom vant of .nded Tbursday, Marci 20th. uhen M CC OI D ff1I S wssm ,e pm lacie Attoru.>'Ddy, 41rect.d against coms- M ENT IdiI T. Ai&atownshiip Bturda>', Marcb Zlst. viien Jui'idictto. , egt. rm heloalaoscitinsT tbtheiness n i k ii. t>' tressurer Carl We.terflld. did net -a voMan wa@ nomtnateii for tovu Appllent@ caes tI*ý TazewelI of th ii. l1k Producera' association Work of Preparing Horses WiII ume.îdsuueriwadout oL t>coç.- caule * a surprise ta Mr. Westerfield Continuance of the $1000O,-cirk and a vonnan vas given a plc county court actilq*lly viien W~ la Eligin and adopted resolu- iany'a divisione. ibresug &up- or bis counsel for the ressorttint o11Is* n the. towu committee..The caucu 1S je vw- grnkt@d dgneik of lteliti, tions rieaing l1 l ognzain tt t itvB ace 984, bs îett viti the, Waukpa ?f- the, latter.Mdr Beaubien, bailprevi- 000 D amage Si Iva- as iield ln the tava hall at ingie. tOi ruie ton. T ii, solutionsTakEe~e oiuly talk.d the matter over wlth Owiiig ta Sioness. aide and much i nternatwveas sova ln frefer the lcqstion T t ei. milk eLong. the tatea atorne andbothfeu he vtingfor he dffernt o_________ te pTue qfstin ttthet th he tct t.t te U.8, Epresoo- tii at a natu topey ad te ettie voting forthe dfeen tity om- Des. fl D 99 M% 1>jNII comte- so h oel ih wrNO CHANGE AT THE COURSE. l"ces et winnetka, iil a wta t a h qadaue stiponastue better DEFENDANTS ARE TOO ILL. êe t it h ave bs andtlr om I4VVteat. ____Lake Forest, Libertyville snd Aera vin t e uts.The aletin lttie il Ify __w,___en oatthecucuaing d e therefonde TNhe resolutionsThetollowed an an- Ruror That Plant Would Be have lieet closed, does net mean, thuy an tmoort.Tereagan la tt il Attorney Pope, Acting for Them I a o uptsn le te ed N L K Y TV ounicement that liorden's Condenged PrVS declare, that ail others are ta cloue brings aboutamoepefystt- ed tvao o the offices by coitcerting M 11k compay has ciosed its cantract Used for Auto Racing Prvsicon.- nient of the Issue than a suit brouglit Gets Case Put Over Unitil their efforts on their, candidates. lIn 11141 J~ I books ln many places and that the Fas;MMhn nCan From what general superlntendeat thAugndlnta h ary procedure.Next Term of Court. ntheae forMlrs alioe.sucatul oddcompany bas aanouaced Its determin- ____ Taylor seid to me," declared Agent Ani. nv hat ue altr las eennoine fo clrki-b go fity ddation to close lits factorles in severai Tue Ibtertyvllle truck,('hicagos Kannewurt of Waukegan, *thugsof- lirought ta the point It lias, County Te$0.00dmv ut !~îs otas ta Ernest larshel'. 20 od. . From Appearances It Is Believ- lplaces. Tire West (-,Iicago bottling oT ie cus dvtdtatelih 'es have ciosed heesuse the>' ver. Treasurer Westerfield fi; net, as a le- John Richardson of Vola against theé r.Mr.Jcnvs iIOP'i e htHeM s ae plant viibeciomed. Tise Garden lPr_illhrne.sshorse, sono be a busy the commissioned offices (agents pald ca-:e aiae, eioso ok saieral Volo vomea wbo rode her on cd on the committee. Superviser Wil-Sjdlre plant. it vas declared. has more 1 a rn i p)iilg o on commission of husiness done) and in atr u saxoKt aCommited Suicade. hathîromplrrir basnetabeln mafor îng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v 1atrsbt stxhu t a e Uarail lest oumatnr vilI not he beard BinStrattan vas flot opposad. miik siziied îow titan ithe demand sa aready receised bl ir îe lessea h opn'la o een akn the question settled nov iy tire courte al this lterni ofcourt as was expected 1The ticket named hy the repulllwarrants and coutract booukshaveti5 lcaîom'lbacrai oc r t f'itshould hernaise of theecither Accordlnglv hie wili interpose no rre- vudh tecs.cens 'MISSING SINCE FRIDAY A. M. heen ciasmed. l111n aer vliieprprdthee opn aig h Nrhetr veteis ilas ati lrores A!tite~torney l'ope, reiireii-itlinc the Spr trlo.IElmer J. liovs. president aoftitiiethan es/r batorehe Tue lndus, hos n case. Vola vmen liast asked for a contin- Town Clark tirs. L. J. Ruishmro'identified by Laundry Receipt' i'cducccrs<association. îtresentedc ies- ctrculated Winter ruirthliatutue ,Plant commissioned. as I understed It fror The Mting of the mandamius case uanre anîd Il liss""en agreed ta hi Asseassor -dvlnMuller. -Showed He Was Resident c'loiitns, V1iili vece adti'ted i tbohi ia tt i been ecqulced itsprom,,t.cs ,of i- wIv-at 'tr. Taylor seid, are not to cloue raises a potint onI nteresl aarrng rit-: tire c ounsei cepresenttIng NMrs. Rich "liiacor-Arthur Smith.I a dissenting sale, toinobieraciin and oould ha ciascîl ta' Up snd tbe company lamîlot ta go out tomai s ta Iblitseffect: lias te state-i ard-on. liighwiav CQrnniisslone-Rotert of Chicago Suburb. '\iterean: The rosi af trie l1<0 sarseslitadn fouadatil ln ract. Titis Of business elther. Tbaîîs wbat ve sltocnev cocnsldered flattlite inarid tiecsMimpqprt meham.o iiiila seiliv nra- elsmic ohrsneastr i- ii e eiv, iîotiitond il leliiteu ni I i ttinel id l' in ceaTniwni n- ta ucltlit Itîrsnîcit- astue îîForresed tnbells-e. triehiternuiof coutrt, Ir itecausè. TwnCoîit'e1a'\%thai,, i) tocds frein Lake FrctO d during te 'a-t feA year, and1 il, th "commlssloned offices" are aussi-tf-p os ttc llaler anclrati]i rirs. Ma-rtiJtirsoc. rsity s ccvi tue track adîntltallyi- ithe hes Ilanstrtngaia asstrsuit as vas I ~3r. l'ope explaitis,, oaa iimiarazcMcpayJcîat.'î-ît sre considerblyi>lctîenc-d ade( !tu i uA t a ý in t ie country as a training gcottttds lta-c wlere the agents are patid a doile ln tre Iinierltan,>e mater. And mstînl efu-îdants are il i th@y ~ail - Democrats of Grant lare- Pcidav atternoon wusitlite5 sac mare ncariv eiiualizthe it'cat ifi -aîrithe Chicago Tribune o !mssion on thebusiness liene, the lelie hag l an.îtlîîrî i wte lbhln court viten the casepsis eimca t!Gatnee oir îatigl h h'îecsmmer aîtd viliter îprodutctlio nt SabsBokdfrLblyie. cmnymntnngIeossig admilssion tt-tth iti' ollowrii a iieard. 1 icket lseaded by Ed Bloyard, nwnar shiore vittie thay ver, teking a vaik 'Whereas: The present systctt ir, of îaîtog tai-e wlto il Itrain at Lib- sud psvlng the drivers, hance. ln tie lnbî'riîattce tix îtîter vas Tirfmagsit 1 h ugoho ie \liitcaia hatel, a hi ad-alangti he beach. TI" reporip'dlite ice o li istt'trîunyutetîieIi esnaeAh raaalpaeterpoisvr o vrong? pTîtefo damalia thetnsuitof etsv tetes outgraiirli Frsttita aspacst hairpofcandiene ofthe rail incident. The criminel date for superviser against IWinimalter lt tie auliorîttesa n i te hotu caun ia surplus dîtrînthe lit uher xi iacontesfront l-lioeîix, Ariz.; J. 0. large, ln tact, they susteined a cou- la the pressait action, Nlr. Beaubrien case resuilter!ii inte fi ve vomen _hatog Stratton. Their ticket, aamed Sa: - i sranîased fromo (the vater aîd ftk mantis sud a sîtartage dtriîîg tbe Gerrity, wto lias boecît Wiaterlîg 20' stant lois. The harsas and vagon& yull ile te saie eme diexpeditious fundpleltd ndoundcouruiltyseand iha lncourtvOiasfesscd- urdari hl the simole meateta tha l Weebly tehere.tlaepronetyae-H. J.mmere- tonthek, charehec.a ugreatlyomtaur linge thatlie tild ln the îinlierltence tex them $100fine cacb The f inbas Superîlsor->ivard tHomsard. tablishment t aI Lke Pirét. Thete edetrimeat at bath the producer singer of Mlwaukee, et bMemphis; Ed. la tbese places o! Lake county -vh er controversy iustaad a! blockln tl ce e te adadtegnrl Clark - 'aîî .leckso..hody vas fouitd et a point abtout it- and lite dlstribular, and, Hall, isba bas Just arrivedtrou Flor-, the express offices have beten close., everir way as a localpalier rstales. feeling la thet te court may showv Asscs-ar .Jas. Lrseun . issite the (irattield-Taylir place. Whereas: The board of directorgIdaluewti the stable awned ly George have ail b&nshippeti back ta heail- What It Means lenlency antd neiar campaI tient te Coýilator-Gea itosiîtg, Jr. Idecliiri A laundri "'eipt toa la flite jo! the llk Producers' associationi Caetia af Chicago;"AI" Thiomas, via quartiera laChicago. The Mling of Ilie mandamus mnanos pa>' It. cdi. îîackets of lite deuil man Indicateci ouglit ta ralieve this condition iy edd- Winters la Nebraka; Ed. Allait and Judglng froni the expression of the. thaet tie state viliiseek te have the Ilefare the criminel case liad etart- <om mussiotter -loba Tony an. that lha vas George Birminghiamnt zti eve cents par buudred la !actary Frank Ayars, trousi Wisconsin; Ah Waukegan agent. It is thereforeIlikel>' court campel Mr. Westeriald ta credît ced, 'trs. Richardlson started the dam- brooks Win& at Wauconda Austin. A taiephone caîl ta tirttpllace rnsik and twa and ona hait cents lier Fullager, tramn Rockford, Ili. Ban tltat the conspan>' merel>' Intel-da thie caunty vti lie $4:300 Inlerestateasuit ity vhiclt sba hope. te lha One iundred and nlnety-one mca resullcd in titis tact becomlng Con- can. Chandler, 13Mb Elliott, Frank Nolile- malnteaing lhe larger and @éIlf sup- money, In the case o! the suit ln the paiti for tic treatment site receiveti and !erty-six v amen lursted out la firmad, A brother of the deuil man ai 'Nov, titerefora lic t resolîed: chîeck, .lolîn Swailbrough and Harry porting offices and tirat perhape aftsr Ittierîlance tex malter It 1a seld hi on thet mamorabla niglit. Il us strit- lie irimary lanXWauconde township once hastefledto Lttake Forest. Titi '.Thal va, te mjlk cammîttees of l'tnetn araealtera tisaIitate hooked ial, tha plan for qultting business en- sane itI l a tîirolarani ia ti'ed ut 'olo titat nanabut anc of lie Saturday lest vbeu contesta v-ra coroner's inîtuest v-es held Frida rlie varions tuucaleoftite MlliiPro- qatr o lt eî.tirel>'- may have basa' merrel> for the mandamus i.. tie unly rigit vay ta vamen defendanta itas any meens a! sean for masîof Ilhe- nominationîs for utebt andite rc-,ulttvas that Il vas, ducn-' association aI Elgin itis stu--NlcMahis itedlue hars for tlitis lurpose of manipnletlng the stock o! irrocecd. lu the case a! e suit, if te accoulit,literrertue damage suit le tovn Offices. hrcticaliv assured ltaItheba nnmus.t tacatitdav af lilarcit. 1914, atuurove of sessoit is King Clansman, 2:l44X4 li the cc-:peny, fer Itthuas been noticed tresurr lstliewoud he e trn ike), ot e pn ot a may hve'Superviser Brooks defeaeed Jack have camre late itidealli trom suicide te action uftire hoard uf dIrectors, 11 vralatml rc.trtfýc h noneettal tic tuoner ai-ar tea liaî-itas custodi axlieciî(.-sE-n-atioîtai aud lhalle0 taRaymond esII foc auuiervisocItem- or as liahe euttoa an accident. 1 iî suggesîîa tii-it fiva cents lier itun- cemîseny voul'i le vound up. the an o! caunal>fond,. lt aea is i. tîicîsnaii etlI naîlon, a total vote o 16 . t 7' AT'tereViec b1ade t te rie fIbme brooksas o ie is.Rchrso bgçedct .o - The broter decirt hltcdçrdt dddt t rc fsme tocks bave been jumping about, firat tite marîdamus. lite court. if fit siould TIt' rirtlcoules'.frant the Rîch- rosgai 122 aienandi 34 msien; ceascd lefI hirrrel-ritiay Marning atdtinhit v-wtI ieý ocvf makinlg a redtue-IAJT . G'4FIELDnp andl Iben town at a very rapid filit againts tie asuit'r vîîîîd mtitanearcisîtt ip a iofte casa, liowvsr, Raymtondi, (;;;meniad 9 oni' - evrytbing ali- icýity as H ig.trit auonvwinter niiii tîîring abut a~~ IE D A EC U : ici sý tell hlm la place surit ani-di a j lIthtisitue liii' dlaîiage case- vas itait A. FP.'iîuC. gaI t 0romisîtîlnd Tiis tiraIeraitatito!ofbisv-litrt- tîore îînîfacm îîcîdîîciinor ti etur, E D L K-CU -z c iredît te te c-îuitîiunt iis Ibooks,1 cd itll.itrtiof ti x iiict itatinueti--tottu2f)7.le vas ieatuou Iat uta (atî' ri-îî iley leacuctilbtittiiinasmîjei as flite lacte distiîlai T V Ul tianu bn i mkefiîaIsîî 'u' nai,,, lix e îîai i , ir-.ti ttat, l"5 cdha hadllibes:i : uid in te lai,'- -ilors are net iclineil tii ooliecaeawitit AR ASN N I" OLI AIU IULI ii'-iie iud lia rctutgi ti. titi accourtu î îctr-tr!r c t tt vf ilv at tu sesar . E Witeeiock - 12 iakle Forest.r Ta triiBAarat: liitiuci dsîcî ti iaid ntitt-i . %%i li no r t iti iti il -ttt' io lli) r p asiir ient. 4 v oitea (tai 14q1. At tf i r ,i tiogtt laI Birîtîrît - cetîtrut v i -we rc ii-iiil tut tei ii t 7tr. Beanhien viil i leii' vtt l- i bbtii- al,îiili. in-rk<sùitiiig titeir Il idi. t t i. - total -iemmiglîl har- reen the vicîtîr t1orirtcelea-' titeai'ttous locaîl ii, Annual Meeting Hl nCut M E ICSI H E k nî os- t ,t ti i 'î i r tr iui h.,:!r sid e ai tilt A . et- . .rr î i f o u] l u , t- i i t hi ce m a s n o lb ln g - t, t r i irîtîe E .s rîtl) cik mtî itri 'e s it a ti onit jl o d B a N C 1 E t-cu is. atreli 5i-ys itt, , tr(it , t I ýtotal CIi. suhsanthite i-i h tia teor>-. Se'%ît' a-, hesi stiilît i r local î- toiîîlloî, I o.,...,,sA IL