Pae Two. LNKE OOU1NTY ENTDIJ," , PRIDY. MARCH 27, 1914. è7flfè~flIl il RAIRIVIEW I~--- I~t' if £7/11 .......î .rur al carrier iî ie the b.'Otfffice1 ~ 8<1T.F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent HA.Wasban @peut Sunday wth his siter, Mr@. White in Wanktan. p&unI ay and lumily of Lbertyvllle,8 culled et the J. B. Rouse borne Friday. à Alxanider Knox and tamils of Lake Foreat, @pont Suaday with Nr. and lira. Thea. Russell. lire. W. KniggsraIýncned lat waek hou a0 exîsuded vit wth erdalgbtr iai Emma Kulggc ai Chicago, spent a lew "dalut wesk wit bher parents, lir. and-lira. Fred Knlgga lire. &. A. Kraiuer et.rtained ber brotber, Georg Klvar ai 10w&, lait WaSk. lira. . . Pajue gave a pary T-adây aharuoaa ln onor ai ber duugbuaer Gaevas blthday. W. T. Gaffai retorned lait week fram hie leture tour lunlMnneaota. Augut chmldt and wie ai Palatine, Wares lla.a&t the. John Knlgge home lait Tbnreduy. WIII Abrgt, wbo la employed at Gurnea @peut a ew duYs lait week witb hi. içrundparents. M. and Mire. Fred Albrighti. C. 1reseen bad bi@ bonse on Lake avenue wired for eletrie ligbta lat week sud tbe improvement adds gceatly to the value of tbe property. The local W. C. T. U. met wtb Nirs. Robert Cameran, Tbnraday. Harold Kramerof Joliet, @peut Sunday wltb bls parente, lMr. and lire. S. A. lirumer. liurjory and Veca Deker ai Liberty- ville, opent matucday and Sunday ab the home of lir. and Mirs. Bert Swan. Baverai igneo!ofepring bave been at 7 oeclock in the- morningr hegionnfi AprîllsIc. lira. Wlli Coon and ebuîdren 1,1 Waute- Raté, spent the tircet ofithe week 'ritb lic. and Mlre. H. S. Coon. liesers. C. J. Mason, Cime. Be-ocec- berger, M. W. Knedîec an.! J. P. Ritzen- thaler viited Berman Bolije lu Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Fred Towner an.! lttie dauiter spent tbe raI aof[the veet witb ber atter. Mrs. Scbuffec t Deerfield. Mir. an.! Mr@. S. E. Knsdlereateriuint'd Mr. und lMra. El iOtt und iumily und! Mr. and Mis. Frank S"ab and son on Sunday. 1111ii Ntchell @penit lait week witb rlativea lu Hampatiirean~d Oana. itr. an.! lr#. e. A. liaOn apentli ét Friday and l!aturduy in Deerflel.. Aima gruegarof Cblcagn, @peut a few dajs wlth ber mather and liter lait waik. ilirs. S. E. Koadlar visltsd ber sitar ut RavintuManda und! Tuaida,. D. F. itztaar la vet>' alk. Niasa Brtba an.! Hattie nallie were lu Elgin aturday. Mrv.and lira. . N. Ray ai flamand Luse, @pont Tnesduy t Frank Mitchell'@. Paunl Ray an.! fuml of LIbetyvîlie, @pett8nnday t G. M. llay's. lirs. Oea. Mitcbell was a Lake Zurichi visitai Satnrduy. Tbe F. N. C. viii met witb Mise Myrtle Biockmau SaurdaY aternoon Mac. 28. Earl Kane @peut SaturdaY lu Chicago. Cayton Hutcebine reLnrned lcomn the liospitai Satucday. lire. H. P. Batetiand lice. i. Bact- let and! ublîdrea spent SondaY ah tbe Frank Joumeau bomne aiWaukegan. Oluets at h te- . Gosewiter biane Su B_ day wece NMr@. Ccawe an.! Mre. Turner of Illeaoant Praîrle-, and! Mr. andr.!ireLne- man, notIce.! duriug tbe pait week, tbe moet Johin Snyde-r let luti arck for Mout- niceuble belng the brigbtening aifaa. Watao'm soda fountaîn and tbe- attîîng Tlie CemeterY eoelety yl meet w itb of cane lu tbe ice üream iactorY. lire. Ce-. elîrke Tburslay atternaîon, lin. au.! lre. Bet Swan epent Sanday .tpciî 2nd. -witb reatives in Racine-. Wis.GrreMîlil aaiarntnua toc Saturday. E ~ IS LAMlire. Croit.' tnd Idre. Turner reharne-. ho tbeic homes at Pleasant Prairie Mon- Tii. badies' AId vilI meet at the ciurcb day liavlng @peut sevecal days bere. Thuradai forenoan, April 2ud. Ail lir@. Lerveli and son of Icvi ng Park, Intereite.! ure condially invilad. opent Sunday et tijein ne-w borne bere. lira. Nrthrop aofItosecrans, viite.! ber daughter, Mr. Faulkner, Iis veek. Knew Whit Tommy Needed. Mira. Faulkner wasaWaukegun visiter "Il's enongh ta makre a fellow soce," tua e ek. remarked Tommy 'Yeiterduy waî lire. Sflaund! L"elreexpecte.! bome pa und mas voadea weddlng und! fram Califrulu thia veek. neuni> al lte nelghborasment lira. LItiler ai Libertyville-, vigited hgls' ber malien. lira. Jamea, Satucday. Mm ame ba ben vry lekbutet ToS Reid>' Wth MlW Excise.. ira. ntwieein be-oe v enyscstt at A aPvrote tea afriend Ilu <reec« pneeutwriingIs emebatbete-n l>gglng Mjm ta purchase books. From negligence or avarice, bu neglecte.! ta Ilf Yeu ai~re Of o swing2ant iates lecuhe tha commission; but, fearng Ibis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý apigyuletree usTetu is eorreepondent mg ble of- te w pitb toubette, re ouut,în .aTdeiandad, h exclalmed wbeu neit thai osrtedlor lthe ere. I lirertandl met: "My friand, I neyer got the let- Lumbnte ffv er Co. .itetyvlletar yau vrot, ta me about the hooka." Lu e o.e2- Your Footwear Needa Can Be Satisfied Here. "Guarantee protected when used for use selected." 'I uhIk uî ,,î ilîre are nain 'r iifere- ît t.otes en îo <'liae ltc. t'orne v nia ,neur sUl, rn a i,, ther. îîîal< ng i t aot 'if thîe qus - tiîîî frîr tierdiiirx r, i 1h,rr i arrv îZelu i eîery m luîrther preuphle ,ll fo,. I bt ilerc. awio et re o ur gowt thie iity fo'vr -iîîîîiext pair if lie. 'ouî eanîîgeth 'ait 'rau %amui îglit Ilîre in île, storv. hIfimuîort lin t 'r ur exct-h izei-nii tcîk tic ea gel il for soti 011i\e rU-,otiat uie-. i'auelc 1post v.iii do tLîe for îoti. KNIGGE'9S AREA, ILL C. &. M. Electric, Northwestern, Soo Uine St. Paul ticket& for sale bac FOR RENT- Sale Deposit Boxes Our too,le i i r-r-4u.,fa aît ai-ht1,atil, iî rionfi rthe- latet 1otueuî iiiîiiî ihilîii ilro ilîfire andl roneneî,-ît arr si lot*or lIinrane ol sie-, noites, 'lin-îl, le. 6. L.. Trip Protid4i THE CITIZENS' BANK ARIEA, ILL. îpP R. F. Rouse lreing et. Vice President. E. Payn*, ,CasgNer. B. V., Hole o! Calgary, Canada, waa the guest of i motber, M rs. L. C. Hale Tuesday. Mise Matba Kareli entetained the M. S. C. ThnrodaY lght. Misa irene liacadie of Cicago, waa tbe week-end gne8t aof>mise Elesnor Meyer. Mir. and lir@. Wn. Galiay entertain- ed a number of their frienda ui; dinuer toUlowed by carde. Nr. and lira. T. L. Ku&a" Ver. the guubta&t the. bome of thdir son, Ed Kuuuk Of DOWMavaGeova. Sandai. Cainton Joa. of Quc-y. Nlch.. Wu the guaft of Mir. and lMra.Baph Knlckr. bocker SaturdaY. The Beeo an~sd Altar aaci.tY 01 tha Roly Craie Cuthollec cbnhwsra tantuuluinad hy lira. B. B. Kraa lait Wadneaday. Mr. sud Mma Ira Gardanar antertalned uit & larawel dinner partv Tnaad&Y svening ln honora018. A. Hala, Who ViII leave for Calgary, Ca_ ThnrmdaY. Mi"eINubal iHorenb'.rgsr le 111 with tonalltia. lir. and Mmg. Wr. whitingentertalned sit a tango party NondAY avsnI1inl honor of their guet '-leu Smith. J. c. Ender and Mr. and Mr&. Eugene@ Ender returned SaturdaY from a tnip througb the @outhl. Mie Elda florenlierger iited frlend@ in Chicago Saturduy and Snnduy. lire. C. K. Omrae staîted an oil painting closewbieb meets Saturday g- VOLO Niai JoaiesHenesey spent Sunday aud Monday witb ber sister at Ingleside. Peter Stadtiold was a Wankoean eau.- or an Sanday. Mirs. A. J. Raymond i4 on the- sick flot. lira. Little Kauteuierg of Kenosba, vi- ited relatives bere laet aeek. lire. Wm. Hiranimîls il Round Luke, visited her mntber bere last Satuiduy. lDi. Chai. iloWeeutscee-c l spending a few weeka uof t iav. Les Huson acta.! au the boucrd at the cancusaut Wauconda Saturday. Henry Stadtileld. aur local barlir wan the nomination for township cl- letor t the cancos Saturday. gcooal won Cloued Madai au accaunt ofIi litasHauay bolns with bar liter who was qut@a alet Inglosida. ,ýý Win. Daon wai a Wauconda buel nasleraMnucaTuaada.y. John Rlcburdaon ha eat.rad lm tha store boaeu Chicaga. %ë. 5V. go. «I tom it1 Ibava au Imuportant memaigu for tha world." Iaiiay.dthse youug ma."Baud il collait," adfla tha prac ticl ftad.-DuEo Express. iaStllia Caunssîl rtuned lait waak tram a tm andy viit witb a friand la South Baud, 1 d. Mi. Crlttanden and fumily are Dow o- cuping the Dolpb bouse. Mr@. J. L. Chamberlain uttended a aur- prise party at the borne oi her @inter, lir@. J. B. Farnsworth Thursay. The chair served a dalnty luncb alter pructîce Frlduy nigbt lu bonor of Mr. and lir@. Beu Porteous. E. H. Willmaa attende.! the luneral ai ment vank for eeveral parties lu tbis vi- William Febd of Chilcago Iat Saturday. eînlty. A gyîunasium la@e for bioye also0 one- Mis Agnes Payn'e lîaving a poreli for the- girls bue be-ca starte.! lu tbh@hut toneimaklng ,tber împroi'enieûts i grammar scbool by Mis@ lielaban. on1 tbe bouse ebe recently pucebuse-.! o! Tbe Iioreae eoeîetvy wl bol.! tuiir MiossEmma Fisher. lakery sale April 4. Tie prareede wîlliMr. Carnien of îthe-(jarcet Biblical l iîsed to place a new valk in front ofî sebool at Evanietir lias ilhlee lb.-piît the mange.rery aeceptably the pnett îosuadaym. The- reital given by thîe pupîlin ofîMiss Mises Elzabeith Kueik"r cIent the wee-t France. Biedertadt gave the Parent- end at bome. t Teaîlîer Asrrciatioii $50 forthie [iana - fund. Tbe pr-igramf wae ai gre-at lengîli aind) lnuetial merit, tbe pragre-snr1 tbe pupils smnce ticir let publie appearatice R p ! being very ranch notîeed. The piano rIE TRIP jlay ing of lttle Pearil'Peterecîn, wlîî _________________ aeaompanied ber lrrîtber Raîplîs, violinb solo was the mosi deligblinumiper on N4EW ORLEANS, LA. tbe program and wae pecmtled lie trnly encore. Mise Glyncli tnd Avald Fret litai. Bath and 'A iter sabng slos, Mies@(ilvneli"Thîe Railroad Fare far Land Lttle Irish irl' was '0el miedered. uiyers.. Among tbe advanceed tuiltswbLse play- ing tbe audience apireciated mîrt were luvetigate Lorauger, La. Irma 1.andwe-lr, RthlRugen. .iennie ip.n aie rt Karceltnd Irven Ante@. JOHN W. GRAY Tîe- Parn-t-Teacere Asociation w!!) Gen ildk Mgr, Ganees hlod a meeting in the Apeembly bil Luinhai Co4 Land Dapt. Friduy atternoon ah 2:30. Ereryane 400 it Ntional Batik Bldg. lnvited I - CHICAGO, ILL. P~ER COOPER, A -'Rollng Stone- la early life. due to repeaterl falures 0ftls father, and ai- montn edueatioii. Peter Cooper fiuuIIy "fond himseI' by eflgs.Kng lu the glua business. Thls business proved excead- Ingly profitable frntmtb. #tort. Il fur- nIihcd hlm lté mUe of carryius on otiiet enterpitclas and is mauy philan- thropiesa, the grealeat Of wliich a Cooper Union fur théa dvancamtnet f Science and Art. whara sducational train- tug con lha obtalncd br the Industriel clme free of charge. The glua ha midi WU aChguiietcrIiatic0o thic ma-ilt w»i ffdglue »sd 9stocI. Hoa tuck by Cyru W. lu M Ia Ylng th* Atlaitie Cablea Vlain i *l'oy Ie a4 cludcd that taeosatv u net bi r eticaI on thé. 3atàmore 6Ohio l. 0f ita of matiTiiirpauv, Peter Cooiper deegnd !one thal di wo* idsauvi thaerui rom baukruptey. The liaet loomntv ve bufit la Amara. NeaSIt ai t50 Vrbe bieugilifort tiet Umiefrrcih Vtir lt. avaiT bee New Toit Cty. Mvii sMW haou»Y=iI, tilat mode frtthé rond 0f 841 mm " id iittlaber te tmur«o eIL One of Peter Coaper'a strongait charuoterietice waa 1 stick to- itvettesa" asint of ail enccfal mua. Resalve ta, auve a part of your incarne aach weuk and thon keep evarlaatingly ut il. Open an acountat utanr bank, bowevet snall-add ta it regtilarly. It means mnab ta level-headed young muen and women who are'dutermined ta make a sueceso of life. Firet National1 Bank Libertyville, 111. RAINFALL.- Match 24-.12 of ona inch. Mardi 26-.62 X<dditiona/ /w of .Cibertyville A~ ,.binL o! malile is b. îng ille1,la., d ui lie potitolllî-e 1,' votniaiter IL M. Taylor, w lixuliw hile tu t he- ait r"f splîttîtîg Il the' îîoastttr r lîtd Oit iîe, bad elioîiped init,, a rî,und hi], inear thse center oif the blo.k but w' t extending t,, lie suriaee ofthie wi. %%<' lethler the old adage cato w ,orlandi ay u,,thiîg- holdit goor in utlimea e as I r. Taîy lkir diacovered the bile, je flot fuite certain, but we'll offer to bet a dougbnt itît bie remack rail somlethtng lite Ibis: [te ji)ke, tat mari wbo e,,ld Me titis wor,, watt pretty loxy in trrttgitglitem@baIl,, w @tumpe. The tree lfront wliih tis w,,d wae eut ni,, d,,ult wae tapped inatiy yeara ago liv boring a bale 06tiut rone inch In diameter, and ai the years colled acound the bale wa@ ,otipletely grorav aivec until tbhelîolliw eîaie bail rEtI coveced nearly Finincli atd a bal! Tue wood was eut rieur Hall D)ay. Bell Systeli y ucan generally recch peo- Aple by Long Distance 'iele- phone wxhen it is diffîcuLtt, if flot impossible, to get their atten- tion in anv other wayý. A Long Distance Cati draxvs the bank director from his meet- ing and the tradesman f rom his counter. C11, e _ --A le Mr. NieCleland ai Chicago, eondueýted V ITnî,detradr îmOiI ae urne and g services in the Preebyte-ria u -bndilast _______________________rissoler?_________________________ using Long 1 Mccs. Edvncd Selig enhecialuer thirly- turre voe1r- ah the Miei'inary mîeeing of tire 'remt,rl.eriati -Urln wblrli wae seep bý.-d ai îe-cr oe 'tl,)ureday aliernrrrnCicgouleh A %ry cv tereetitng prgcam en Immîtiigra- A. R. Anîlrr-v timîn %asne 1re1,arr d NIr.ilt,,Iirelt, Sr., a lae ncîea preîî,l,îl anîd ire. Kniank ledib e W aIlp der ,tî,,îrî Mre. F HW Meyer read nu i, acti le yi Johin R Mot (n Wliat I 1,il ;l I Ciîtiiînntyliras dira.' f t n e A aî,iendirl tory oaIfIl iIslndi vas rnd! 1 corNuiiY. Cin,. i , r iî,arain. A by ia brnnSring he cleup" tied lo is l flO ni î,,îI,îS,11, r1-1lik wii,3 'rr Hrttîtit-i rs. an nan Srng hosecleaing tie is a haod it'a'i ii a, , i wba la rpearcilin îo ue r an a a e h bigtnu" ed yuwlnw le: otssdptt' l lt tr i Ier Iearer foc r ve and eyn î aiby.Iltake soko ov ed te war ai.. h ii i lîrl I î,iîdor.rDon - t lîa îliiii stock Oî ~ needs îflcite fara, ail -oue * lifî , ( , 1.î Tint cuetna aidr.ce-i gion 0I the ne an .' o' Il aCuo . rii an tý tyiei) mo uîtnnranmtc a ý rlate.!in au M ueMiihh~I i i~ exeq-,tinally fine paper by bMcc Ira W/e havee ouri' tew s't'iil stocîk i- isi'.'r $2 peracre.'l-eu iuilrovcdfri ni a Gardiîec '%ilrs. <rsbo e s ng " n lu %%O, ý1N hitted distrlit. ., rni, vr.rtIy S,,letrn Tînought tand "'r .! a d have t thti- year 15,0 patternstiîlfî'îiî i ch yoIr jiti at ,, îfi .',, i, î,- ,î. i,î. WiinMý Me lre lielig'saunt, Ure Kr iiF 'ty select. 'I'his ii'ludl a great îlaDy Ii i -r lii B iling, SI Pau , ii. iiiî of (iii ago asistd th hotems mis o beatifil clorng tid esin.i i-r i ri,înni, ssite. tb botee ues t bautfîî uuuriîg tiî de'igî.HA-NCERY NOTICE. 1 L Z ~ Z I M In additioti tu the stu'k un hand w t' iîavu Sae fIliîiîIlrlnis i i of ihi fl nîj comlete line of sîmples ihuluding al of the fl Circui out 1.<1er- ('oliy, oct- Misses" Beth and t mma Caok @petit ctutout borders anti higli-grade îiapt'î', f on ch ru,,rn, A.U 1914. J hn .logan vs,. [t. t. Keller, Saudye herhm as whch you tuîay îiake our selectiont-, adthnrste ary C. Woolfolk, individual- I1enry Meyer transecteaà busines n laper wtll he delivered within 48 liotrF. Ilyada executrix af lie laiit% t an ud Are-a 8atiirday. f There are a few of u r last year's stoc'k -30 tesametof Clînhan S. Wolfîîlk, e- Mca. Cbw agnon and son retunne.! to __ dKatbryn -Wxololk, Curtis lier lirti, in Round Lake Sutiday flor 40 patterns--left, whieh we are ciuing out at nlai olfotk, anîl onlnown owtnerii Miss"- Lillian au.! Edvacl Gaîster cust, and you tîîay lie able tu find 'alit 'oliwaîit ai the follotalng desccircîl propertv. hëler. I Better get yous now beore tprillg rushIl Norie West Qîlarter (NW i of h Erniet Haîke- vitea Libertyvrlle enlIer hNoriAth esrl t Quarter (N.W. 141) of Qruinëa ewfon fes ttnedthept the Northi Tva Itundred nFfty dawli teR un a kl co e a ttnd re.!rtb fl ___________________________________ four (254) fot of te West Ta',, datir' a itîuti! bae ad aI reprt *fl1-tndre.! Eigbty (280) foot there- gani ieyr aii Fii'. v isi l Iofa, an.! except tint part tlîcreif rcou. 'tor,(il yin, a aFifei ilri -vYed to the City- of Lake Forest liy Suurlaj l ~ 1~R ~ r iLU ~ reeîitrahi Chicago Tille & Coin- Ilui Rince. l and Val îrtra. iear o Tr-Ryîu t u Mpîya r'iî,dt. ctlr ,11 Waukeýgaun, 'vere meeu in tls vlennilyay ~ +N asi.!rteardae.! ovember 7, 1910,it SutliY f-andHook17, eN464 1, as 910,ueuin Atîdrnw anu.!Barblara Amauna lideane.! fl O179, lueu4onTaseuDocumgt No8. relatives and.!friande lu Wankegau Iast 1T1-u385inpSctoni ny for (44 S)rt, SunnSatore Range Twelve (12) Eat of thle Thîrd WARRE ~ I ~Principal Meridian. lu bak.' Cauuty, WARENPhone 9 Libertyville Sae lu lnois N.63.ivugee The Warren Cemelr Asaoolia ii - 'lIn CTb e ru Note a6733. m airl. t'ait FSule Vas e o ees- oi file.! la the office of tIne Clerk ofs aid ,t quick resuits Distance Lines. lne Company xs. Manager ci I.O tl I l 'l a i I ' i I r i ' 1,,.i ( 'lla,î,îr in. iln sîa'id ,0111- , 011 * îîîiîîi,îîls tlîereîîî,,,îli ,d (ýlui of ïi. i, ,,îtagîît a irt I hje,,.î,îî,l lfrifI ait, rrturnal'lî' an the lir.t ill iv 1 ejý torîl ,,ltb,, iîrcuit î,,uîi 1,1 I.,îh t,lliriv. luI lîdl ,iit l,, I, ,ri lbil f nlu ,,î .aî in uî s id lte loiil oiil,' t 1î.'nl onî,î-ai ofjîtob,l, . 1), 191-t as is lîy tatireluiti,,l %N Iî,îu uit i, sill lpeiîdling Ll.Y',IS (). liIOCKWAY, \Waiikegaiî, tllinois, Marri, &Uî, A. 1) 19I14. RIce, Loweso & O'Nel and A. V. SmitIl. t'amplaintnt'r, Soticitors. wlnly-Mc,1l 3 I 27-Apr-7. BFNH1. Mit-LER. AtoflieY ADJUDICATION NOTICE. t9îiIIo cNotIvfi,' ta er,Y Ilr that thc Si, a,î,rAnI.ribe, If 1h, Fate ,îtf tarie. Saillarina Ki.,,,,I,,eare't, wrat tend ithe CoutIl, Coîîîut fja,(. i,, nîr ai atern, thereol tte ho hlm at the ot H~t Aou.- Il, Waukegaî,. u-r , i.1911.rai,,luai,fersc reail tera,,ia la, iig ,,,la îcalai raid Etat, are rotîtied and re- q,îrshed to 10 i ttCiihe a&me to nalîl Court tor t i "'Ai-Il'W . tIii eRNi'IT , ir,,,,nl,,trat,, Ill Nîega oreII r 1,.. 11111 Il 911-10 '27 Atol MAILROADS NEED MEh~ riegtaI'iv. 'lytewritiîg, station Acourt. il rI. i, t b li,, Ill ,ii Ila 'n a.r -IX u i I . g , Il 1, be 1 MISSOUIIR TELE.GRAPIIY SCIIOOL. ti, Tille (Ilarailiy lItu SiI f.Ma. 1 1 SUCCESSFUL MEN ý 1