Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Mar 1914, p. 4

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ILake County Independent 1Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Tolephono Numbor 1, ibeivlle Exchange. at tho Pootoffice at Llbertyville, Ill., ai Second Claie Mail Mattor Official Paper for Latko County. liemed Ever Fridby. Adertieing Rates Mid" Known on Application. 4WBWAOfIPTION PRICE, 8S.50 PER YEAR STRICTI,.Y IN ADVANCE J... SMITHI............................... .................................. ...... Etor F. 0. SMITH ....................................................... ... **«,-**Manager M. 4. WEBER .... ..................................... Resident Manager, Phono es No girl looks swoet and wholesome just before having an aching tooth extracted. How can she? When a girl suddenly meets a toad in the garden path *she will break the Wellesley higli junip record, and flot boast of it afterward. ___ A nunister testified flot long since that he passed six- teen saloons within a radius of three blocks in Chicago. Rad he been a sailor or a free lunch fiend he would have passed none of them. Women of Sullivan township, Sullivan county, Illinois, held a '"dummy wet-dry election" Saturday. And, an in- *dication'of "how the women stand" is seen from there that the "drys" won, 80 to 1. The total women's vote in * the town is 200. ____ Lot of trouble in that Lohfink case, considdring the calibre of the people the state and defense have had to deal1 with, Too bad it's necessary to spend s0 much good money on such "cattie." Think how much good among the. poor, the same ainount of money would do! What with "answers" here and "demurrers" there, those Mion City litigations have ireached the state where noue but lawyrs-and real lawyers at that-can keep track of thein to know just "wbere they're at." The prico of butter is lower now than it bas been in nearly twro years. Whatever the cause, quite a crimp bas been put in the high cost of living in so far as thîs par- ticular comnodity is concerned. It is even said that the price will nover be as bigh again. Butter dealers may suf- fer but the hoi polloi will rejoice. It is given out at Urbana tbat each student that grad- uates from the umivertlty will cost the state something like $jOOO for the current year. The surn paid for tuition i. about one-tenth cf that amount. It is roported that these figrs voeu ma&. pubbc that the graduates might bave namidea f thuir lnd.làodneu to the state. BeUsoitArJl 141$i MflU et Show to Whethe sý lnWHI Corne. TIIOMAS APPLETON AGAIN. sor Is Ma WhoHo'fflèd- ed Import tYIl So. Ai etateain hietiSuBn a fov imys «0. the. epecilielecton to change th. charter of lic city of laieFor- oit hai la reaLlîly, hack of Il. the big lieue, tie saloon ques tIon. Hr. l.aitla Cbicago paprsys o! lh; a situation tiers:1 Lake Pbreel lentrePrlng for a 118111 on theesloon question. Mllionalrc reeldenla. collego auortes aid olh- er foe of lb.e mall-town grogsbap viii pit ther trenretîr ealled lirai lemnuof liaI city at Sthle nexl city election. April 14. Women of Lake Foreut wil raote at f leelectian and their ballots are ex- pected la decide lhe Iseue. -. Teeleclian o-lji Invalve the 1'. ---uo ueutIon ieauseeof a pef lion sUimltted ta lie city caunciliwbcrehv M"_Wiirorahf ou af Lake Foret uti. der lie gerieral sOi muet go to a ref eedu.Under a siiecial charter granled ta LaIte F1orest In 1861. sai- lQons are Prohbtîted wutiîn Itsn lira Ile. Under tIie geucral act thoue fa vorlngsaloones witlie able ohoavuue -qe veeto» enbmitted 10 a vote. ý - 'TU-DMIt1l11, ôI WInOttnz e10)2 nainuen WB$ cireUlated bhi vThioms uAppleton, --tii town cseser cnd 'George Hild. a florlat. Mr. Apfleton derîjen lbis et r. farts e the illeresl of saloons. lts"petition has been att&cked lu a eRIM liaItiere are not more than ftft.entaxpayers' nanres onutepeti- ion. . k. Ppleton clalme hbere are UOYOtY-even. fila appanientu reply tiat whil e ia3seeed value af the * père"o properly of the cîty Ibis FM le $825,610 onI> $11.075 le as teiged againat tie 102 people on lhe elfilon. Mayorly Contant Heatefi qom.17 i8lated vîih lb, referen- dem tg decide the fate of the speciai chialer amc tie isauesof lthe city eletts. Mr. Ampleton, six titue ai- - à aid once defealed for urayor, ,~ h totaU.-caaldt for maYor. John T.'Pinie, vita ha.sIeen mayor for lte lait three years, ha. turned o deaf ear to the lmportuuiles of hie friende mmd adierente and wlehes In lay down titi burden. 'Mr. Pie and hie friands, however, wil be oppoied to Âppleion. Appletop recently construed tic seIeil ater uîider whlch the city l0e pralng to mean that lhe couceil could Bot malutain a sehool and a Park btoard. J. D. Hubbard le head ol thei Park board and John C. Nolien, pwoeldont of lAke Foreit college. la ohairnian et the bouoa'f education. ,Boti art PIlo eiherenle and appola teom. loti coîncîde with bilelwe, thc former au 10 conservation of ire.. and lhe lake share iand, tie latter in regard taeeucstiUal matter.. Apple, ton would overthrow thon ees, ay him politicai --neipue Mr. Pin.e's friende have caît sbout for a eseceeor. acvell Tho1rnon. am-n-iav of lt.e là"Au.brahmPoole, a widaly known boar4. o!trade man, la looked upon au lhe mont likely tim- ier., althouigihe bau, ual announcîfi bls 'candldacy. Millinnire Voeo Divlded Shanid Thomps:nm rn agalnet Ap- Pleton Ire wanld biave the. support of flot only Mr. Pirle, but aIan Mark Miorton,. L F. Swift, Pbull'u L. .James, H. R. McCullouah anti. W'. 0. Und- ley. The colale, faction, beaded by Presideul Noilen. also, 1, fa eaid, wauld eupport hlm. Two other m'eu are mcntinned as caudldalee. D. H. Jackson, a Chicago attorney, sud a tbree.te-', mayor of Lake Forest, Ile u, osetnE. Ander- sou, s Lake Foroqt buseinese man, le tihe other. W'hI'e Aîptton professes a politîcal antîipathy tii jackson. lh, latter's opploncrîts believe ire worîii draw largely tramn thternae element. Mr. Anderson, il un naid, world bai e lb. support of thre brinuee run gen- erally. and urubalfly of the "millionî- aires." Malîgriaut anthrax, aireof the mosi infection., if flot tie mosl irfeclou. dIiease known ta lire medîcai prof,.- Slan, cislmed a victtm lu Keuceba cauuty Prida> viien Frederick R. GtimOre, fifly-five years of age. diefi at hIe home lu lhe towu retoi af- ter a ehort iluets % ,o dreafi diseàs.. Mr. Glînrore had been slck for teu day. arnd be lrad kuownutIie nabure of hie ailîrueur and tire furet liaI be vOaa fau-lug airnost certain death. If YOU sre goiiug tir ewiug au gaies tiig irgYou btter "e.oure. Tii, Gale vîthitbe beml reputation anrd gusranteed for fiv, yearm. Lubrîyvfle Lumber Co. c,27.2 LA~E Q~$TY PRIIJA V. I(U4~E ~7. 1914. CÀ*0LL TO1R1AD DIÉIOClTIC TICKET Mo the Progroie party at thelr caucue nominsted a Uibertyville buainoe maen ta boad thoir ticket ai Supervieor at the. comlng tnwn electioD, and la the fact that B. B. Eer, another local morebant, wllt bead the Ropublican ticket aw eupeýortuotecced hlnîuIf. iii. Domocrte-too tboibxbt W bot to Injeet the. bueeman idea loto tboir c&euuewhich they held aitbtetoc c hall aa,.UrdaV afteraoLIJ wbeilth ne ,jt.unuatr W. W. Carrcll as thelr candidate for etipervisor. M 'r. Carrolt, tbe Dernocratte nomine, for uprvîsor. lu the. lead of the, W. W. Carroll & SonCotinpang @tores and ie a right popular man iu the town- ehip. Mr. Eger, the republi"cau norrnmne. wloi le 0w rthe eutpervieor froni tfuim tuuwrihip. tand Who aire the oruf. itepublivru Who .uicceeded ilu defeating thé tnucam candidate W. E. Miller, n-ho lield that offie for nuany vears, te thé. pcur.'ror ofthne F.l., Eger lbard- wace etrei tt Lltert.v le uh' amI (l-- aute nd t hrouich le oieluntu deWringe ut thOeuoiid of supurvi-ort4 iniertiuug. heu 0u he oi od Repufulleun foliotewig.M r. Tritge.m the IPrugreeenre tumiine, , le qually ai pDpularasethie two former rntlenien, illid le the itiailager of tIhe TriggA & Ta,%r ri.r ý..nd mariel, baeiug for yeir» be.-umole ownier of the buejr,,ee whichr lie ëold bo tbe prement irrn about the Crut ofthie year. Tiie îhree-cornered figut wilf serve to brîuig ont oneutaithb.largeur vote. ever cae t a local township eleetion, and lu caielthe womgu ttk@ n active band in ruje eletion tih, total vote wvifl exu-éud that ai any previoue elecîlon. That the women will titra out in large number ln a foegoite conclueion on account of the, local option iesue which wii bu voted on at tbeelec-tron. But thre question 0h Who will b. mupervipor will proirably be even of mauct iportance than lhe " weta" and "dry' llgbl, se mli thuee omen have a tollowing that wili b. bard ta estituate everr by the, Most ehrewd politîciane. TIre meeting wae caiied ta order iiy E. B. %elleo, sud Edward Carroll wae chosen uecreta. .The tellere Bppoiirted by tire chairman were Jam. Ma"k, Ju. tielîoy. R. E. Osborne. W. W. Carroil wai chotien ait super- vîmtor hj acclamation. Gleorge Lawrmuce wai choeten ai iown clerk by acclamation, and for amecior John Weîch wai nomsted in the, main. m'auner. About the. only rosi opposiion raot- eted ai lthe caucui wai the baléotlng for coilectar,' J. a.Nulhoiland aid MarkL IL Corcoan bmlng the. candidtes. aid mehen the. balile@wereeuv.the18 vote stood 53In tefavor af Mulid and Ba for Coreoran. For bighway cotnlmmloeser F. M. Surdans reoived Il votie 6" George Flntor 54. For Ocbool Trustee (fNu tee.> Mies Emm s vasuenonlnatd by amclma- tion. J. W. Cooper w»a by1the ma»«e chason ai trustee toauLIvaeaney. Tien the blg llght othe8.meeting ond up whes a motion trat 1made that th. chaIr appoint thre. townou.- ,ttteueotsWbwhcives egp@Mad b the Lffleos mhleg tish et.àm» voter InterospW dwlth a mollo.t tl»a1 18. aeqm!%dtbp b. aeet94 bit bellesw4lch caldforth a asnaded moëlo. Ibid thé chair appoianta commilttee, to hie owu- liklag. TIi. amauded motion vue pot te vot.eand ithechair deeld la lavoirof "*yure. ÀAmotionwatrès.dmtMade tu dlvidie tiho hlo wb e euld, aadeflor counllng lbthe ade ua bo1h iM"e of thé room chit.mact *elle roversed hût declion, turbetag a majarityooWenst i tie neme Tbes lt.emotion to ballot emparaiel on eommltatem.svwu doiaved la ordor. The trot bellot gave Donnie Llmborry ra malorlîy, horirelvlng 16 vote. The. ballot for eccond nommitteiman gave J. Rl. Alleuran the olle vlitl 7 votces t his eredîtt, and M. B. Carroll wai olected the. tllrd one of lte comrbittes, h. receiviug 17 votes. Following are tic candidates vione usIne irl appe-ar on tire ballot. Superýi@or-W. W. Carroll. f 7MaiÏClerk-George Lawrence. Ageeeor-John Welch. ColIlector-J. R. Mfuiholland. lgliwsy Commioiioner-OGeov-ge Fin- cutter. 8c-hool Truse@. (full term I-Mise Emuia Buela. Sciiooî Truate t.. l 111vacaucyl J. W. CuiolOe. ALlEN WIFE BATER 18 DENIED CITIZENSHIP No allens wba are wf, beatere tuay b'Pe la hecome citîzene of lie Unit- ed i8tatea. Tii. United States finet nol wanît heur. Jîudge Petit s0 ruled Tbursday lu Cbicago when a barber accueed of mistreatlnug ils wife applied for nal. uruhizaltlon lapers. 'Youtcru't bave tnemi.' be tld lIre aluîlicant. loliarn SciaIt of 1711 DaIy- ton street. "A. man Wbo heate hle nul, or nnltreate ber lu auy Way )4 ual ltre klnd of a man wanted by lthe t'uîled Statesase a citizen.,, lu teppiug mb on, of the offlee of a local lumber caucerD the. reporter hurriedly seratchej'a few ilem@ of uuw, thm lait orge beiug intended for a big ertory about ii nae banesto beb. mt st once. But before going auy furhher we'illluit tell the, @tary au it wai tld ni. -Yei, i ianded sabig contraet job thie afteiuoou and the. whole transaction wai made la about twenty minute.. A mau came lu ber@ yeserday and aiked me ta quote eaimatteî for six boume@ ta bu builflight away. Lait night 1 drew the planesud wbcu the m'ait returned tble afternoon hA examlned tb,-n sd then h. gave me su order for al the lumber snd the, contrac-t ta buld hem." Tii. reporter stopped for juer a second and ventured toa se whattkiudof houe,. tlw.y were lo be, and wbore they wore ta ho bulîl. "The contrat celle for six hog boume. 6z8 f..t, and tbey are to ho built richt ber.." %ras theoualy thlng thte reporter remai9bere4 learing ai ha valkod ont of the o0ic. TO IL .iA ý"N MAST On Prida99I, 0 litvek 8. J. Dolon mold hie house. aadlotose Stewart avie and hie drayleg beies .tao. B. Umaim, vite will tale pouseulon of 18. property, aid baolnme Aprfl fret. Mr. Polalola 'bas bocnla lte drmzpg business hers for seady zeh ywe. IWbeP h. vacates hie propry on Stowart avenue lite fret of tbé onolbsevin movelnte the new bouse of Henry gatert on Newberry avenue. OBTUAÂRY wai born al; Fremont Conter on februar7 17, 1857 and dl.d Mar" 20. 1914, né lte age of 57 yeae. Rhhave, «to monrne loi. Mix citldren. Tb@. reesaino wers lad to net bueehr huebead lauit. McHenry eemetery. That anclent said long distance emiI ltat 'roum from esoré, tlred, seoty lest le worseeliait a tasyard. But yon cas cure lisi trouble vlhh Barker'm Antieuptlc. For uale by F. B. Looeil Ca. Avoid the Champ and "'Big Can' Baking Powders The cheap baklng powders have but ou, recammendatian; th.y certainly give lhe purchaier plnty of powdîr for isi M'orley.u lî n fot ait baklng powder; the huIt le made up of cbeap materiale liat, have no lesvenlng power. l' powderu are go careleeIy made froin inferirur malerisie that tiey wilh ual aiwayu mste light, wholesom'e food. Furtfer, nuee, cieap baktug pawdere bave a very emnali percentage ol leaven- lng go.: Iberefare il ltai I rons twa ta three thraee ainuruch of eucb powder ta rar ebcake or busecit ai Il doee of Calîrniet Batlng Povder. Thereifore. lu the. lotg ru, the.actuai cool 10 thi coneumer 0flte clap powders la more than calumet would ho. Chesp itating powders esve lt.ebread mimelime bleacbed and acId. soneiitmeeyellow and altaliue and oflen unpaistable. They are ee.dn 1o u.lform etrength and ntuality. Wiy not. buy a perfety wholeoom. itaklngpowder hîke Clumet, lhid aet lthe amo tiare moderate ln prît. aud une vticit can ho relled upon? Caluimet la alvas itii. mare, keepe lit- detiiitely aud glies the. Cookthteileait trouble. Reclred Rlghueî Avarde: World'm Pure Food Expomtlon,'Chicago, Ili; ParI.e Èposlidom, Francit, Marcit 1912. The independent leadiaail. CARPME? AND 11>9 WBAVING W. are prepared to, weavo gunineo <M- ti.. Rat Carpoe, Colonial R8«580e, iloti ange Ira. worm Iugrain 'or Bruele Carpet., Portier"., Poreb Pulaws, etc. 84W auge arg ail the rage. Preparo rage ai >vou would for ras carpete. Let De84> thi w*4ibit gand jou wili hoe urpraod and pleiod wlth tbe rosulte. W. furmilseh. boat warp, nIeI tIi. l4tééei mprovod Noweomb Loani ,811 ordere pripl&"e ntOu clme wc'rk. Prloeegladls qatedo roquest. Cati sud ome our eanPloi. J. A. Uravie, Lincoln sud Stewart Avu., Llbertyville. Automobile, ,Cariage and Wagon PainFing and Repeuing 1 Laut woek the. senior clamie hld tWO -metians lu order ta diecuei matter. perWanug todle day and, commence- mon. Thei program for claie day willi incinudo 180 folloalcu Bomber@: Clai hlotory, claie prophecy, clané will. claie elatietice,insetrumentai solo, claw glu., Prsnmtation 01 a lot'ing cop ta the jun- lare. aid a onP-st farce ast the sd of tIi. proffra.. Eauh of the ot hr ibe. h#b «miol lioIDl baveOba$oot, nom =e ot~ prograut. Aun banal ite metiong faaly turned loto a lfinlme gathorlng for the discussion of dreei and it weai noconry for 'ouronly" ta beave. Tii. puple tu the. 6lrot grade are very buey tues week weavîng paper mate. The. chfldren were sllowed la eelect their coleo and to plan tlieir owu'deiigns. 1 &in reinarkable that m ua ny of them obould pIck coflore tbat leud, as noun tg- gestion@ wert glîcri aiotig the hUe. kSore of the patternm are very artietie, anrd the. mats are ý,ilexhîibition on the wktitll E1prement. Tb@ proceedo Ici the.Halloweon entertalneut lhavî e beu èPliet fur booko. Eacb romIri n tne cbool tiow hai, about 15 11-Vc voîuflrîn Most ut theur are ljgbî rewaîbrrg ulatter. The. 1 1, includes iiucb woiks a4 fhoue Brinlu,'r, Jacknapeu, Tho, ittiry tour, The l'lamingo Featber, tihe Little Colonel Srieo,ansuiant' othere We pare ertain that tiiey are being appreciated for 0,0.1 of thenà bave been out ever since tbey w@eesaulogued, lIAS CONTRACT TO BVILD SIX NOUSES - Illinois WVe offer yon The Independent and Chicago Record-Herld for a year at The Independent and Chicago Tribune at peil year The Independent and Chi. cago Daily Inter-Ocean at PAID IN ADVANCE Write us today Uibotyvi 5DL il h Tools you will soon need Chatham Gralii Graders Hoomier and VanBrunt Drilla and Sondera Lover and Sprlng-tooth Harrows C1od Crushers Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows Large Stock Right Prices IT'5 Schanck Bros. GOODIàbertyvilo ni. fi' About the only thing a mxan ean absolutely and amuredly count on is the uncertalnty of life, and bis need to atretch bis hand foward, got a good, stromg grmup on the Sotutp by capitaliz- ing hla future sarnings and iaturing his plans through guaraflteed Insurance. Insuronce protection 'os the Gu'eatest a 0 2m m d pprtutu et ffie dage Any man who eau obtain it should have it at the vory earliestt mgo possible, so ho eau got lu on the ground floor, and have just what ho wants, and the way ho wants it for the benefit of his famlly and busineass. With it'a baeklug ho eau make a bolder and strongor busineas ventures than it wonld ho possible for hlm to do. Ho can build his future on the strongest foundation known, wlth the absolute certalnty that what be does not live to do his insur- anco viii do for hlm. As you read the newspapers, you will find dozens of in- stances where you miglit as easily have been te unfortunate ast the person you read about. But why were you more fortunate and given another chance to make good the future, and how long wiIl it b. &0? In our peace and prosperity iiore pe.ople are kili- ed and injured by accident titan in the Napoleonie Wars. In addition, great numbers have3 thelr lives suddoniy cut short through saine brief iliness or while engaged in their ordinary pursuits. JOHN HODGE District Manager Michigan Mutual Life 21 irý ffour MIENRV R!IIM. Shop located about i 3< mil« ,,,,hu of Lbertyvillo. ILibertgville L 1 lis . 1 RUÉ bmft TEN DAYS' ~~FEETAL q You cmat y thi beau- tif i Victrola FREE in 70W @WD Home. By msking @mailimontby paymoneuyOU ill *11 wu a Vatrola-the Freatot&uai musical instruments. And it bringe to yon the vory bout of Ymu of every kind, sang and played i th very beet way by the very beit ariut. The ide- ai place to learn the new dan- ce% je in the homne and ber. the. Victor im absolutely indis- pe~,nsable. JPrivo $15 to $100. bTry the New Dance Records H. B. EGER tàbotyvîll. Grayelako

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