-FRXAYMARCH 27, 1914. %£lIastd NONE RECEIVEO FOR LESS TI4AN 26 CE NTS .. .... .. .. ..4.4. FORSALE-Goud BafIes. H. J. Cater, + FOR SALE 4+ Libertyrillo. p-27-1 . . .+.. . . . . . . .. FOR SALE-000 lb. capacity Cresum FOR SALE-I Rubber-t1I6d. open, cut- Separcar. new, chrap; guaranteed. up der Kimbali .uruey "d i ngle arema Wili nt up sud etart. Cash or time. .a bargain. B. A. BlsbôP, lbrtl- Go. F. Roburte, Lbertyville. [Il. C-25-ti v i l l e . C 2 - ;9R ALE1 CyphereIlcubtoI 20+.4 ......... eggs; 1 Cyphers Rover sud Broader. + FpOlREENT +. 8. J. Oroplq, Artaa JL c0-22 . . . . . 4. ... ... FOR SALE-1imrad Cook slave. 1 kitéis sabimt. 1i Fretion il qtaom B. J C Iqw~rsa D 0.»4- FOR RENT-Neaw 5-ro làmnhoua na Austin Ave. Inquire of asguet Radilf, ijbrtvileionîl&L.. 6ll -. I I FOR SAIA-4380 Wb.atnoDo UI ". ChgaBolean, Phone 267-W-2, Uborty- FOR SALKS-QtuaB%01 cf ofl f mm W a*d . P.. 8Itaothaler. LOng ni010, egiOê 9fflcê FOR SALZ-Wblts Wyaadotes baby ceb. mrm A. W. Mal, Poc.. 289-92, A»1,4l. c26.2 FOR UAL-Wbte Rues»anOt@. r,. ellaas, gradedd m fiaront foui end w...! a...!.. tory beavy ssed weighe 45 lb..abu. Frai HBotb. Prairie View, FOR SALE-Rom. Comb Mhode Island lRode %pg 81.50 ta 88.00 per 15. The breed tbat Isys and pays. Winues at Waukmgu Poultry gbow. Oco. T. Huacu, Lîbertyvîlle. Box 34. >2-214 FOR SALE-A 7 roooi bouse ou Broad- way. luquirs of J. R. Mack. c-24.tl FOR SALE-A quantity nl rord wood and Pont@. Wm. J. Scbrsck. R. 1. Ltbortyvîlîs. Phare 267-L.2. -.24-tf FOR SALE-1 ton gond Tîaosby hay, bae.R.%.IMeg.Area. Pbone260o-J.1. c.24 ti lie have a nuniher of ins i' fur.i sale ur cent. IDvtuondk Autiu. lierty- ville. i 23 If ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND REOS J -Layiog bene sud puliete, *1 1 rock bird $5 00, co. kerels 1$ Kmbai-Triagg Red Yards, 1.14 FOR SALE-High powered auto at a bargain. Fîrst cl dîtion. Full equlpment, ilu Ira weel and tire. F. W i. Wauikegan, Ill. wky Mch FOR SALE-Illack Perc-heron This in a in. Ideal- bornes, well perfeti, sound and vsry geolle. exchange for a gond pair oi Addrea. 0. lodependeut. FOR SALE-160 acre fara n n part 0i Mcffieory county. 2l', m Foi Lake.27)aeseeded 10 gîtai running 'enter. Iflîiite Colby. Libertyville. 111îBox 5$1 FOR SALE--Swedish sweect al and ires o! foui seed. --,Oc ab J. Stabi. Prairie View, Ili. Tsi. FOR SALE-A trio oif ine Geem layero. Phone 2110-I-i. Liberty FOR SALE-Pekin l)nck Eggmf ing $100 per thirteen. lrin Pouitry Fanm. Phone 2731-J-2, FOR SALE-Kitchen Cabinet. witb bine and tnouiding board,r top, &aesone beheting suive and table; ail oew, wll el]l sIrPs Phono 231-W-2 or Write E-rres iW.No. 1, Libertyvilîs. FOR SALE-Limlted soippIý tias@, Sacedish select No lf ltaîsed on Hodgkin@ lartu. li Hodgkina, Area. 'on214J FOR SALE-Ou. gon d ' 0 box for met market or hoCi. Ad telephoos 2, E. C. Hook.,tGrays FOR SALE-I grey borns, 'et year oi: 1 grsy mare, 'et 1530u nid: I1itay mare, wt 1500. 8 y, 1 black mars, 'et 1400, I8 yeni pair gond citeap work borses.. haod at ail imes lre@h c. sprlngers. faîl aod set' me. Roua , Area, 111. FOR SALE-Six hrOOd sOws, Duronde boar. One quarter c wesat orf Bcmdees piatform. Dryer. FOR SALE-i Sidehoard, Rest Dresser, Kitchen Cabinet, Powe< Center Table and Rockers. Byatt. FOR SALE-Black Legitorn hatcbiog, ins wloter layer. ntters. Ybu cau 001 go arderlng .a etlng of them. 15 éggs. L Petersen, Route1 Vlew, 11. tIli ai, FOR RENT OR ÏALt-Mibhouas, bain an.! lgimrdec n ouWsst.r&ld Place, Craplak. Mrs. Netle U aem.LIbsty. ville. e2-1- 9FOR .RENT--s.IOO1ouaon Flme Omt, Ub.rtyvllls, ailmodem. lm- ,provau.uto. Pioge 54 Grarath. L H.Whltusy. pI ........... +. NISOE4eUOUS 4+ .......,..... MONEY TO LOAN--Ov Impiova.!rua eétate. J. 0. Gantait, lIet Nalloual Bank. o-14-Ui MARRY IF 'I'U ARE LONELY-Tie Reliable Couldeontial ucemaullub bas large Dumber oi wealtby elîgible mem- bers of botboe.e, wl.blng early marri- age. Description fre.Idre. Wrubel. Box 26, Oakland, Cal. P-2-4-2 +. WANTIMD 4. ...Pf..R...ru,..... ~r. iLENKOE CAN MAKE OR BREAK SCIIEME FOR PURE WATER Cook County Pollution of Lake WifI End if Town Votes $10,- 000 for Sewer Connection. CANAL TO BET REFUSE. Last North Shore Village to Join in Freeing Aque of Bac- illi Heaith Detriment. To jusI 'ehat extent the arlstlcratlc north *bore suburis troin Evanston k<0 waukesan age wadded ta hi rpresaut. habit of drliklpg dilute.! ftwage ai the dlnner table Wein ho Patrtlally demanstrata.! Saturday says a Ç* açecia eter in The TrIbune.. On tiat data. Marci 21. te exas- PIe Wlll ha eset he citizans of IlIon- meWh Win IUvote on tia Proposition of lasuint sewer bonds ta the amount of 110.0S0. Il le possile lie people of Glencoe do fLot understan.! just how much hang8 on titeir approval of the bauds At Present Practically ail lie aewage cf tie towns north of Wil1mette drain luta tie lake. The sanltary district ift Chicago bas already let contracte f orib e constcu.r tian Of a great horseshoe shapcd se'eer. measuring eight by nine feet. from the north %hore drainage citan- nel at Wlmette bo Cher-,y treet :n Wlnnetka. The estimaIs.! cool ;s about $210.00. Shafta have heen sunk aI several places and acti12 work will begii his spring. For part of tite distance ibhe sswsr will ho bar- rled tbrougb a tunnel, for the rc mainder titrough nu opien dilcit To extend titis sewer from Chter.- uureet Io the forth boundaru n of e. .*'1 v-av rcumr lr Iv-coe the Cook. counIy ine. nilI 05 10 toe S acre, larme. W rite stating il Hfi onii larti'ularm. No agents. AddreseA., . 2bui. dingb.cuitoîr Ind"pndent offices. c21-0tf en approval by Glence enitte bond - .istueof $hJuîtoeVe use i n the couý WANTEO A couple of gond Sbeep. itemctlon nf an inlerceptlng set. ,r Pihons 2t.R-1, Litrtreilk p-'27.1 mhit h ili carry t e Rwap'0 lion . ~n..n..n. nn thirgoul into the lais mn te- main tue WANTED t nman bu drve habery of île cavitaru district. siaeli.î Irouire aI the L.ilertyvtlle Gletîrne non bots ita aster mii;.ii BLta.ry luP.27-1 frointuhie îumplng tlanit atiutn - Whno te ig si-xer of île i-a it, r WANTEO-A uarrioti nin, smor, dau,..,. .on-ýti .11 h.--,. iIEALTII SUR VEY 0f LAKE WATER t WI1L LBE MADE Federal Service Planning a Thorough Investigation of -Sanitary Phases. POLLUTION PERIL GROWS. llnquiry to Be Similar to That Conducted by the United States and Canada. To gel pure water stiupplies Chicago has spent 870,000,M00on the ,anitaly canal. Il hem turme the Cihtiuqgoriv- er hackeards ltaI eewags may Iy1 charge.! Intobte Mississippi vaftm îInstead of b-lug paured loto Lakre Mîicitigan te dialle tice'eSter. Te remedy plitilon f rom Evas.- ton It ihan Simd>'builtthe nosIla branci of te anltary canal. And Dow te mialt. thenorth branch of 'vil- us an &antaryagency the district muet bulld a gycteni of luterceptlllg sewsrs for Ivanaton. for eo lie salte Suprepta court bas decide!. Rate. payers la Cicagu are beînig taxe.! te taRe cars ofthte sewage of outeido mudlclpaîltiea. ail for the purification of Chicaga's supply of drnikng 'eut. er. But 'Evanstan ls courpîaining bat its 'eatsr te pollute ., bysewsge from Glencoe. Oleucoe's su!iPlies, in turti are deliled hy se'eage from Highland Park, and n0oon along the shtore. As conditions now stand, wlithomu- nîcipalîlles dlscharging sewage Imîto Lake XMichigan 'elthout restriction or treatouent of any kind. it hegîns te tp- pear tbat If the prcvent theory in nuaintained Chticago, in order lu pr,-- 70(1 ils drinklng supluties, may essci tuai]' vbe forcsd te bitiid -otemsalit wý1 Ilk laocars of muuicilualitioî aloco 1 he crOUer part of thes 01tshons of ie lako. FLithoer tiat or ltseti vnîot lieI i li..îîe-JAnd ltaI is 'elat weO ire to ui: 0gradually. u,,h * shot!Id lii ago have te tahi- a i iianue ton uli-nc bgrous froni NWaiuln-gaii. or liacine ,,or ililwauikee, if 1Iian-\ i -. vihýilitv germa cao trnu et tliaIt ac' W111 'clîoîid Evanston iii.- the u of swaticeing tubacii r,lt,iin th -.2-lt isîîîsrioc.trustwnnty- one titat ioder. Kentînontit, 1'inostka ai( hliiîuIunllaeli tiilndPrkn hiita ...stouima tsi'iing, audrar-ýol stîîk. "tte W'oodé VIi llie discitar 'cPd ilo.1 l'uinittuthte ranger of dritiing dciu- Ram1 er arr .,eiwactdantd iow largo a lttul' Tiat n ii ieaîezo fair as coR uic l uýts goroumicrobesfrom aî.gn i lass con- and aget of ciltd,,,. hanse ottuis- îdimîg ex- ed. A.. H. mnuh, Round Laike. 1li u t-' concecued. coil, the son aie of2ut Wauitezan face the mno fnul_ 7hrhlCe00010Polute mliv laite îolîîtî-i b: vna,!e froou Racine, and iturcitill. c-27-~I uTi.e total h ui Io <2i-io uld u nOt lhuii'nlS it e .....WANTED-Hrigiît honesl girlowmn$0 a Year, :lus te inte-t on t10 Theu !li addition there la the poIlu- blIllnu ti inuswnk.Su iml, 'Irxperi. out andîng i-oul. FoPu ittouulc, ion Irom bile vesos etlcit ,hare c.oui. 1Iormned, enced or unsxperiencsid. MusI lisablet10 ovin te! tait -ttlits fulllbenetil , f ttmuutsli l. !;(iarging their sev.age ti 0 Vouid aoswer the telethone Inteligently. an improvement wiititnl osI ,bclte laike.The lurger thes ouniciîuuhi A mares. Wag"s$4.#6. Addresé Box 3124 Lakej sanilarv distri-t more Ibis Sucu iclis gnou- -ndtu h ie more bltake itic c2-! Foreet, 1Wi.r,27.1 Iof hey refuse they ai nulijfv to develotus tite greater are te datîgers __________________snte exteol te effeet of the blg se w- fraIo liiiu ltbas ceacithe. nrbeait er lu lrotecting thee 'aler supply of Point were th e Ioderai healtit son'- lIes front.m ... ... .. ail \oriti.'horc îo'ens. ire is preparitz for a thorottghcuir. alafaîfa, 4+ LOST and POUND + 111 alscertain te action of Gien- vey of the -a-iary phases of 1.o'ie f R- p-. 4.4.4........ . . . . ros nl morseor tegs affe.ct action cftSMichigan. lProfPsvOor E. B Pitelps h.î-u ý li.the eoplIe of lie comt. 'eto froul been sent ta ( iVit ago for tse purjio3e î*2 î LOST-Pair of gold-bow lpeelacioo lte suoternuuîndary nIoeetowîî of and Healtîli oin iissioner Young and -.' Fînder îui* as.'lettretaI ndeltstdeiut o "' ce. iiuhIand Park 10 teri(tuttiero 11,11 lte felerFl cl I alîart in c, Là, Alrte of \%- "aukran a li tvoto oni April ',t,)l juoctiou. i. .574-1 detertuino niteltenor 001 a Lake iest llu îia oîîî p25- MARRI.AGE ICENSES. coîtutu sa1nitary diturict shah ho tas-made o of . uhtrnuatIon \.uuiianu îv23 .1 _____ naters lulu. -xpent ris f neic tIea s. Gooud V.1c 1,smrst.i hanl....21 ThieoUjeçt tif oudta di. (nu t mnul luctiotfiai tii, .1rji'in Of flte lIlu,(I uviule. ;,i li II. -usoit CChicago ..u ......2.3 it ent Iroi ie tii-s sailt eun---c eStates tîîîî - tida 1,2 - %Il-k , . . . . . ý ofI efo- uulv i nti t uul ieirop. Thte % i î l.îlu te intei'naîitiil Wituî ' \.rzu i, 'tut .. ... .. î f lu îltiu ' .'uiv o l'lit lits ol. -ti t s tenta-lu -i torhalîit-.IiluiI tltr. ittutuuti- -: (hill iclilito bile greut osl'iianv are îu~ - tlisln mdtu tiewmter 1u L i îo 'atlthnIirewI o îo t-lou....iiig t (e t iu t bat later ou inti l p-27-7 iiî.....-.ntuuu. llunilii econtu su li lillutd Parkî. Lake e bchoconsiu iO. I, ,the fedcrat lit--a it - I .oîua tItieeV, vante1 es tandi IXuuic4t Tu i-iinit In(tie serice in i-liui nlit ti' tir complèste o tulit IIlul.l-. h v-Isigaine. tarlîcul i ince ti-e, wnul ne ficttioi u-of. Nltîtgan. Tiw nic tinary lu ldu rfsatit' :callîtitii , i iccl ta mu ch great'-'n nissioneri tuli iieOhhliýte se-% ci-bayIa Hldof ni, .. . suîm of malie, ire5 o!ut - ý.1,t i es;trandentu-- îu.inablc. Edn imîai ter. saine -.... ...24"Il ivlit sulervliid tulIVal Iiftse Laite aiomt-2 ii - .il muwaters sud tu t Whiite, A liv Stanulei. Akrnl...Il ... 42_ coultîrdl it nu t i s estu lished 1,e maii i lirti îunity a toutîî-lu C-2 ï-1 Manie Johntmson,.NewiYoruuCityCtu.12 Ciaosntr srr wl j stadu ofiui h-'iue)itut sud (itarau tee tul n...Geo. 1Lfneiuu -Lakue Ilîlitt... . . t sînîtt a grsut ,rau h von-or as far lte sous uc -iiirgeid,lte anit-it v of se.pi Lillian bevi ite, saume nontîtas tir -torthlineofnICookr-c nu of diutilont iiul.te ntureî-"i [)ui si-ot. Prank Patton, Rdnine ..... .....-2 lu. liiere 1 jOi n 1 itte Lakte coîmîîy the wn iîîd u 1 ut i-r currenis, te t tidregsoC. Xera Saudheng. sanme . ...ht-ut. o sllr aindl tamy ils oi o- ts on clown or0f ariat ,jifiah tion mu titodl -! Ic-27-1 Pauil Genîr, Miwaukee.............b o heWiltîn-te drainagi chantuel.fnabtune of .Mi c hsentlment in t. - Floreuce Conwell, Kenosha ..... 211 T41s hranciîtser. n un: nulil cool ommutlI:I1 iltd iindreti queulio;tu. cîitaitie Seam Van Gelder, Chicago..........upward of $2w.uu.ail I fllow,'.in a Hearlngo uýit I i eld from crie eut I dresa or Claire Nordaîl, garde.............. 21 gene~ai - lte coturse of Sheridan of thte greuti iio5s)tein o 1 teolr lako. Iii noad. Lakte Mltiiit e'iclided, and altu r --i StLawrenceEpiacop'1<'hurch titIs oludu fa:lîcen inlshed the ca!- - He. EîiWARDm S. WHITE, PrisaI-lu charge ST ~ n rr x issIon aili iuiiitgsiape to formultute t0, 4 esa f 'L IL I a Policy aiid a etil tn sltards. 'sans nid; Murning rPrayer every Sunday extept I P A ERA JE Springfielul., îîI Marcit 20,. Ator. br oiui 1 sbive 10:30 a.o. ne GeetSPEAutKuEoRfceTasTHEev Bave oO Sumday scîtol 11:453a.TM. eyT il MrEofficewas a- - ,)W@ and Evensong 4 p. a..ou . , C~ . I . . EEIIi U yesserdau tu ut miit an opinion oontse B. F. Ail Holy llays. Hnly communion 9:00 _____questionmýitltoc womsn willi hoien- c-aouTite anoal sîring Itîstilute of te titled 1itili îu fr county superirîîemîd. itred ity EL(hIc W. C. T. U., itelli in thie Nîtiodist ont ofI hluuh t tse fall eleclion. .1atie M. E UC Srie. cittrcit. Anîbouit W'eiuesiay and Local attorneys dvIiffer on te issui-, John F. 10:30 a. ni. tPreaching, l(Sv. W. L.. Thursdau-. Marcit l8 and 19 proved come contitOtdig omen have hitd lit p-27-1 Wiiîle. otnI l tsemtîttucccssfiîl etor itelt igto tefrheficsjeen -.... 12:0ou. Sunday sehouml. lîy tie uhite ilulonons. Tite attend-rih10uîeirthofieluen rigeralor, 1:41 P. m. Epwnrth Lague. - sce nos ucnv Iargc". te sternoon actouemut uflueic ucîool 'Ian- of c.I r W5apitor, 7:30 p. il. Preaching, Bev. W'. L. atnd ecenîngscuaî especiaily be- T'en apleuastIu tesltte valiîiity of Ire. J. si Whippie. Iug aatibf.3 iîîg. the suffrage ltîuu uere flIed Inthie sit C. 27-2 Theite 5t1 president, Miss 1Flood, promo court îsterdaY. Tlîey luoti- S Presbyterian Services a-as te ig spueakerofn te Insîtite, tion lte court tsel as1de. on anIts of Eggs fir 10:301 a. ni.. mnrning worsitip, appearin;r at thte Titursday session. error, a decitot of the'eîreuil couri and la0o 11:4'l a.ou Bibies lchool. Tite delegalea frotuail over lte of Tazeuroîl county, In a contest re- 'erong In (:45 p. o. Christian Endeavor society. counly 'eho attended, cannot express latdng bo a vîteciai elecîlon titere whlen $1.50 for 7.30 p). ou. veubng worebip. thienseives stronq enougit for tse ine as a resul tuof lte aoens -ote, te i, lrairie %'iitors aiways 'eelcume. trealmeul accordedt Iem by te Anti- Issuance of bonda lu Uts amounl or HMAILIIRT, Paator. 'Ocit people. . $25,000 'as auuIorszed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKE COUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abatracla of Titue. Titles Guaranteed. Macanic Temple Bldg. Waukegan. Niarcit 17, 1911 --- ernard Schep- pers sud 'elfe b L]awren- nud ttlEllen Mfasterson. lot *1, ttuuueurr ui t- div ision, tLake- Forest. \\W,1).fu P. W'. Buck anîd tîlfu- et al, te Carahed Carabediait: lots: o 10 0 Mar- Ion subdiv isioni, Waukeg.in. W.. $5.100. John Hlatinik and wîfe 10 Prank Ogrin; lot 19, block 5. Waukegan Highlands, North Chticago. W. D. $1. A. W. Paraskl 10 P. N. Perry; lots 12 and 13, block 1.5, Deerfield Park. W. D. $10.' Garabel !:iarabedian and 'elfe te F. W. Buî-.casd D. E. Clark; South ball lot 7. block 8, Suoderlind's irat addition. WaLukegao. W. D. $1. W.J, Darhy and! wlfe ta E. J. Leh- maunu tra.et of land! In section 33, E. Antioch towushlp. .Deeds, $10.585. Aunis E. Reoci and! hushan.! teEd- ward Bar-lIet; lots 9 an.! 10, block 1, Buruetta addition to Lake Villa. W. D. $1,850. J. F. Hais ta Caroline Fraser; lot 1, Shaw's Long Lake subdiisiaon. Q. C. $1. H. A. Doolittle and 'elfe 10 Anthony Ionyo. tract of land! west of C. M. & 15t. P. Ry and! sonth af Plank road. ln south haIt section 26, Warrtun town- ship. W. D. $4000. 9. M. Co, ta B. A. Leisenrlng; lot 176 and east balf lot 177, Ravinla. W. D. $3000. Estateofa E. E. Rose (deceasedi te Charlotte Ross; tract of land ln easl balf section 30, Avon towenship. Deeds $$4. E. J. Drues and 'elfe 10 W.V. B. Ames; part eat halfsection ?2, WVar. ren towenship. W'. D. $1 G. I. Lees and 'eife te Laura L.aucit ner; lot 28, block 2. Nîxons addition te Waultegan. Q. C. $1. C. E. Sayler and 'elfe to Alex Os- iing; lot 21,. hlock 5, Lenox subdivi- sion, Northt Chicago. W. D. $600. L. P. Ilanna and 'iee Alex Os]- lng; lot 20, blockt 5, Lenox subdivision Nortit Chcago. W. D. $5007. 1- P. Htan.. and wife te C. E. Say- 1erloI22. Unc 5, I.enox subîdivision Northt Chicago. V. DB. $r00. Mtarch I6. 1914 -. ., nigge and n ifs te John Niisan. lot 17. tblock !ë. Wý'riglito addition, l.ibertu ile. W. 1i. Andrew Cooke and till e bPerci- val Pearce. lot 2, Pisk & Lacheros subdivision of ludiati Point, Fox Lake. WV. D. $10. Mlarch 10. 114 K ing and W ife 1o tanies Todd. lots 9 aud Il. Spafford's addibion 10 Artinci W. 10. $1. Marion S. Ifobart 10 C. A.Ne comit. Jr., lot 35, iblock 12,Norlth Chi cago.Q.C$5I Andre'e Henedîcl and n-ifs 10 I-ans Lundgren; lot 9, Smutherland & Jeu- sen's subdivision, W'aukegan. W. D. $2150. e George Wessel andi wlio b H. H WNilligouan; 100 acrou3 in sections 15 andi 22, Cuba townshipu. Wi. D. $10,000. î Frank Lodesky and aife 10 MIhiel Mines; lots 19 and 17, block 10, Iligit- l andi Park, W. B). $10. Marrit 19, 1914.-C. Il. ('artîlige and 'elfe, et ai 10 G. W. Porno, lots 1 and 2. Carîlitige and Alien's sulîdi- i Oinon Iaimtg Lake. W. 1). 1. h. H. Cari litige and uî îe, et ai to G(erîrude C. Alleit: lot 4, (artiidge sud Allon's subidivisioontiiLong take. Antiocb. W nD. $360. H-. R. (;rover and wife to E. H. Hughes. 12(j acresh in section 4 and 40 acres ln vec-tion --, Oauconda twj,. QC. $32. E. IH. lughe., andd afe tb H.R. Grot er; 1f;0ai nn northuest quar- ter, section t.\ann~ ownship. Q. c. $2 Roc. T. F.Quinn 10 CharlesOt iad- er, lots 38 and 39, hioc1. 9, I)eerfild Park. MW. 1), $1. J. W. Butler to llarry Putnara. lui I, Butîcus8 second addition 10 Liber- tyville. W. D). $760. Mattle L. HodgkIns tb R. Hl. andi H. R. Luebbs; lot in village of Area. W. D. $400. C. J. Hodgklna 10 R. IL and H. R. Luebbs, lot in village of Ares. W. D. $400. Estate of Elizabeth Grand, deceas- e.!. ta Mary Breakwell; part lot 47, J-ligb'ood. Dea.!4$00., %innie E. Smith and busband to John Lauraltis and 'aife; lot 1, blork 21. Waghburu Springs, Waukegan. W. D. $500. Estate aofEiineu MeNamara Peck lta W. I. Lyo; tract 01 20 acres in gan township. De..!. $4, A. O. Wilbur and! 'lfe ta A. E. Buf- fino and 'elfe; lots 37 sud 38, block 2, Nlxon's addition to Waukegan. W. 1). $1.500. Estate of J. L. Tweed (deceasedi to Hlugo Mliesner; lot 70, TweetiPs Pistakee Lake subdivision. Deed $1,400. CHANCERV NOTICE. State of Illinois, County of Lake, s. Circuit Court of Lake County, Oc- lober Terni, A. D. 1914. Wllbur Glenn Volîva vs. H. Worth- iîigtoiî Judd, Trustes, Anna Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Dalsy E. Morris, Edlth Morris, Gladys O. Warren. Jo- seph B. Morris, Benjamin P. Morris. Emmet G. Morris and Samuel Morris. n Chancery No. 6617. The requloite afidavit having heem flied] lnlte office of the (lerk of said Court, showing that the defendant, Jo- sephi H. Morris, ia a non-resident of titis state \Notice la therefore hereby gien toulte sald above named de- fenidants that tie above named Coin- llainant lieretofore flIed his Bill ot Coiîplainit in said Court, on the Chan. cery sIde thereou, andil tlat a butiiions thereupon Issued out of said Coori against the above y.aned detendants, returuable on thie fi t1t day of the terni of thie Circuit Court of Lake County, 10 ho held at the Court Hous l Wau- kegan, iu said Lake County. on thte First Monday of Marcit. A. D. 1914, and tijat Alias Summons Isgued. re- turniable on the First Monday of Oc- lober. A. D. 1914, as la.- by law ce- quIred. and shich suit la sîlîl pend- Ing. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. Waukegan, Illinois, March 17, A. D. 1914. C. P. Barnes, Compainants Soliclor. wiklyMclln 304-7Apr-310. AUCIONSALES Ail auclion sales publiahed in the Independent ars charged for St the rate of 6 cents a inoi when an order WV. D. $1. cor auctuihbills accompanes tOe 4'. fi. larîlidito sud wnueet al to notice, otherwise tse regular rais IL. C'. AhI: lot il, Cartlidge sud AMien ,g of 10 cents per ines wili ho thsrged. subudivisonî on Long Laite. W. Il$1. .J VW. iarweil and wifîe et aIlin Th. iiituîic-gned [ta. ig og ld bis fartu 'uVaukegan Naltial hank; -Waiiiegtun 'ellci publiîc auctionoun te place tusîouil ilîitBuilding. Wý'auitc-gin. kituin u as ltae Shît lcr farni, tý tiile cniuth on of 31- i Hu ail liand1. ituboil acIuit Prai rie Johnt Koffen ant i c le to (lias, \\E-, '<Iris, un M ilw-auiuoc avenus on astzer, Jr., part luit 621, Painr(lais it- THURSi)Aî.Y, Atîril -2, div isionILake Zurich anti lui acres CitiuiencinLg t l)t i o ck vhacp, the in norîheast qua rteir. ei-ol t .Efla - . l lui iii tg jç.u uîe r1ý 13 ccvteamtni .gh tanwni-uhi. W i. .u 2( tiug 3000,h i ay ii ire uviglit îg I:100, h. . hNevi-s nhut, I r. b î-.hA I Puntu .la,-R titari- vJi, gluît 125h, grey mare kits lot 19, block 5.4, Nornthî Chleago. weugiig I 2hui. iay nire weightoig Ileed $1l,.uh. 121)1, vouî idcit, 5 Hoilein ciioys, Mardih, 1914-. W B. Sitititatdti)2 iili. mli i-s buy ide, s cons epringsro nmile to Lottis V allonm. n est 13.51 acres amui nimber.., - ietr valves 6l Monthe easaI27 acresuorlt of rmati ofnort- o l, -:1cluuuit., 5Sii-ens, , dock@, ivent 0110quarier, section 2.Libtîry- 2s-tse ibila larneos. one li ne'e; sillt. Q. C. $19). Mcbunmi k ttuuîer nearly new, Me- L. . E Mcitcii sud n ie lu<'harles Cuîruîîvk graui Linder. &lcCormiek coco Grottu, nue-hall acre lIii onmot21. ant ilundi-c. J..cas..coco planter andi cheek une acre liti sectioni-28, Cuba toati- rus - Prairie Cily seeder, Deens iding nîiiW. DB $800. cultut atîr, Ilulcit tneleridingeultivator, VicentulIiîz, 10 .tîîiîoîy Loabli-, pueinuur, :1 oeet icrleer drag, 2-section soutli28 acre, nI soutltea-t ute udmi lr drag, 2-sectiuui uonîen drag, norîl. ies t îuîîu ourtlt, sec tin1là Ne,%- iiiiiig tutuw - 2 'eaiking plo'es. Rock port tionship. Deeti, $1. Irlanîd bay tiader, Lay rake, 2 hay Spu-cîtl Nlanier In Chaiery li Eliza carkis, 2 3-irîci truek ivagonu osns arly Xard. lots 3 10 6. block 5, unt viij ucsniR wagon, currey, new top divisioni. Lakte Forest. Deed, $4,(fiu2.wS ' liuegy. 110011)8bi. plallîîrîî ceaie, fanning I-arlie lBryant amnI isifs 10 C. T, WesI t l* caultiron kRelue. 1.,îulkceau,, atîti lfe, lut oit ivest oldo Shîeridanîî u-uilng tank, pulley s, iLay fiîrktropes oati. tumu elaiImtile nith luf Zluuion Ct î tiand iarrie, 10 bocluol eil pilatos, 14. 1). $1100 lii tuun blaeti Laycuic baieti sîraw, Jeni-tte if. SayIcr and ul itoandti ui41h14 lisel nats, 4 luushol chelled sesil Ileorge Phlil1u lois 19 anti 20, blourIckicrn, 4 loado cuiu taîk@, anti nîher -'Noth Chiicago. W. 1h. $425. articles tonn umnerou t 0mention. NMaster lii Citatcery to Nliiinte E. 1Lunchit aInou. t-ualterous, Stiilli, seven acres in sonîheas nrie- Heury Su-iuler, trop. loîtî, sectioni 32, Boulon townsh-ip. %mît. hPeter@, Auctionser. t)eei, $2892.95. Ueo. Queuhion, Cierk. P-27-1 Marrit 21, 1914-B. A. 'Williamsanituld 'iee 10rILA. 1-laetI.lot F,. 5bivl- In ldepeodent: More readers tian ail sion or lots 142 andl 14?, village oI couuty weeklils combine. .1 at asama Prices. JRING Içorti ~lam au ----l . E DYMOND L AùSTI Loans. Insurano, Real EDataIIIIInd Hou«. Rentiêg. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBEZRTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHAI'AN W. COLDY Attorney-at-Law lloney tb Loan on C.ood Approverl:Resal Estate. Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS A TTORrYEV-A T.LA W Libertyville . Illinois LUce Bullncr. R-, P'hone 15" R. 06k.1PRone le MARTIN C. DECKE Mlle.« Phone 848 lle j>a. jOO PAUL MAC GUFPDq ATTODU -T LAW; DR. 06 F. OD1JRrnlI. £Iu"AUT STATB U UUm. my eSpente. .c e o4= erw. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 ElunwesAve., W.ukq.., mi" Sois e- hleen UsMngua dci DR. t. V. SMMI GENERAL PRACTICE dour.5to te lea.m.3$t sumd 7lte & P. M Office ove. Ray Furniture Store., SPECtÀL ATTENITION TO TE£TE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLifflOS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in First National Eh" uil ding sts-1to 3:39 isad ta 4i nM. £eelden!e in Broadway. oppocit. Park DR. GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8 la 12 a.m.-l taS5 P.M. tirer FIr@t National Bank office Phone 19-J. lce. Phone 1574. UAbertyville, Illinois DR, A. H. CHURCHILL Physician and Surgeon ,Offieoyez Deck.r & Bonds igStr Heur 8to 10A. X. ,to a. Il.U 8mspel atteutton tu IEps. Ba. Nos. Md TbM.e GLASSES PROPERLY FITTIEO Libertyville. ,- -Illinois DR, EL H. SMITH DENTIRT. )YELA OUNT? hAiIOIU A iE oune-8 tc 'A a. m . "1 i * à P. 1% ÜAILY. UbtYU lt làm PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING .cInst attention pistl.tg9BFT.naIUI ancI. ,i. n b u t oat celI a bdl AIl1 kinds nMbornes, wagons@aMd haroes for @SI. or elcbangs at al tInt.. HENRY SINE Phonea 148 or 48 MION CITY. J. La REDDINO, D.V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduats Chicago Vat. Coll6ge office at Resideoce 779 Grand Ave. Phono 1136-W. :- FRED G R A'B 1E. J Ré- EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEERt 1 yie Stock an4 Fai Sale a SpecLuffy 3For Reference Couse Out and Hoar Moî... Telephone 261-L-2. Aron. Illinois. DR. VICTOR C. HOES OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAIe 15Madison St., Waukegau n. office Houra. 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 PL.; 7-8 P. 7& Sundays by Appointaient Only Telephone D234 H. J.'POILE Generpi.,Auctsoa.er FARM SALES A ISPECAMTY (jet xuy terme belare eongglng your ans. tioneer. Pve nothing ta soeila" !tkai. fore cati gise uMy IndIvidueattention la Muy cuotemer. Talking Machines AU Kmnde French, Germaon, Italien and Spaitish Languae .Outfile. 'eben yzo want amachine or records, cail] u Winnetka 098w or central 8M07. JAMES I. ILYONS 25 est Lake St., Chicago - 1 1. .1 ýi