Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Mar 1914, p. 8

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Ater Fi t'NotLong1 toRBeach, mmogNPmbw WlBe Tried New Jury P 'w tu thé Christ L Ibisnet1a baioiia te rma tu mmapeseth vu lomot but hi =Mv.l peby dl - ehmidth àeoé.r te rét Mrlaké placé i - cf etjurSs a Cumesl for il te bavé thé bond. butel t ourt. ro VIsIOL studéc voiTfirsi théelu thé mimé. Thé ane Mald luhavé qittaI. Thé jury wus lovlug men; I Slmmous. A. B. Clarece Coihy 3 bort Dax, H. F. - I mru'u ~ Chria often points to thé tact as to KE TIN hi great crédit thgt hbola the father CION town and have been arrested for ai- N 14S .» muai every charge ou the statutes. - The boys àave been arrested on the ghting. Case Ail chargé of mltreatiug animais and a few yéars ago thé father was charg- -Report Failure éd vllt "allu down" borse méat, Agrement. but hé deniéd thé tact. Thé squabbies among the mem- 13Y COURT. bers of ithé famlly themseives have b 50 n fréquent that neighbors have able That Case had them arrestid for distnrblng thé . psace; sometimes the family has been J Next WOk- ;t swogd's pointe. but vh.nthey got .anel COMtng. Into court. ihey wouid forget theit pérsonal feelings and "stck togéila- 1ak Xn&irch I.31 . ght, mim u wbch ILhftuk and hie wife are both Ger- lhb ssua lu'wbch , baingcont toAmerlca firoI a fré5Uétl7. thé'Jury Gemai. Thé vife bas slvaya hel P- oifluk casé rpoti d édasé thé living for thé famlly es 10 eiéék that they watt as bringing mb thé vorl 14 Ah a vurit.t chllîrn. Site bas wamhél and clea- V'lUtéy béca m o- éd lu many north idé housse.. lJM' mm mmno remsc h efté Ihinla Md ceyue famus e* dlachargél them. bavé lva!.hem aclesl I& at 3:4t5 'cbch 111. dt"erla .Waubégsa.The Comme, bd flemithat tisse uq- boweier, white iiftly or thé degse. bis àOrubt théecaOs mtes, bavé slvayshebé ausalésa l«17. TRaithé jurym« amshér iolofénsivudthéesoute Migrée ith thé épia- cof1111e trougble, ln tact, thé polic rthé-' élMtY W110vhoavé sldout beén calldlunon their d aoud QPfagumét casé. b i Jury - UP tO B Tbat's uhéréthé Lohft5ka diffur- Y uIuhL It WMI hé thé, policé have beén képi buay hi r thé -iSéand " their owu famiiy troublés. by thir üét véé*k. aS Ma ugvtroubles vlth nelghhors. etc., for expected to arrvé. yes.rslieue it le expéciéd that thé hé défendant sought préset case, thé vorat of &UaIlay iredueél froua $3000. meubér of thé tamily bas éver cou- ""id tO coualder thé frotél. yull he a aevere lési o ev- lared tha froua thé é17 mnember ot thé famlr r7 ino-up vas about méanhérs ot thé jury uaivrssmn compoeed of thé fol- SEAL Hill, August Mais. r. . Muholland, î lLam-AC IO Heil, F. R. Gre4n,____ Jacob Hecktwelller, Ed. McCormack aud E. W. Stunkél. The charge againt l.ohfink vas thé oulcome oftfréquent visite to thé I.ohfink home ot une Kola Adams, a Greek oft teenty.eIgbt years. Thé tibr. Chris lAhfink. vas changed by thé slaté with having full kuowledgé ut thé relations Adams hadt wibb bis 16 year oid daughter, Annie Lohfink. Thé serlouanesa ut thé father permit- tlng aasc actions sud even encourag- lug ibsua. vas regarded by thé stabé as far more aerous titan thé real uf- fense as made agalusi Adamns ia thé inditmeuis and taho aàmltted on thé stand of is relations villa thé cbild. 7%ats thé reaaon vhy thé state deécidél te drop ise case againsi Adamesud procoed against Lohfilu vith ail its power uslug Adams lu thé effort to convict thé tather. R3e va" promisel lmmuuty If hé -vould tell ail that happeued sud hé did s0. laytug thé biame on thé father ai though hé aiso usa thé guiity party. As State's AttorneyvDadv aaid: Railroad Company Moved for a NeW Trial This- Morning- Confessed Motion. FEAR APPELLATE COURT? Plaintif f Said to Have Figured Appellate Court Might Throw Case Out of Court. Waukegan, March 21. Judgé Charles Whitney iis monu- ing grantéd a new trial lu thé case ut Pope v. Oshorn, thé case being une ln ehich suit was brought againat thé street car cumPany for thé deaih some littîs timé agu ut Mns. Ethel P. W'esi a point upposite thé Crab Trée Dairy lu Lake Bluff. Thé jury whicIt beard thé case returned a ver- dict ot $3.000 damages but thé tact develuped that C.- H. Dreyer ut Zion WnOda Biscuit Nourishment-Bale fia- vor-ptiity-crispncsa -wholeu9meness. Al for 5 cetsinal the anoistue-proof package. wê&aduplqk1isvor soM, t«end mmset. ici tnt. GRAHAM CAOKRS A food for every day. Crisp, taaty sud strengthening. Fiéah bnkcd and freah de- U vered. 10 conite. Il Buj' biscit bake-d by NATIONAL BISCUIT BCOMPAN ~ Awaa !okfor tIaat namei FATAILY INJURED IN FAILINEi DOWN ELEVATOR SIIFT Juseph Rohinson, aged 43, dled ln thé Jane hicAlister hoapîtal about tén Superintendent of Publie In- struction Directl& Teacher to Prepare. ALL SCHOOLS TO JOIN. Wouki 'Set Auide Portion of Each Daflo Study the State History. 1f Ï= V= sb~ie asisG. ent 6 fer aM e= ;nb Md lmp<éésiVéct thé publie guhoola of U &IR.tu"b nomt EluoétloualBiasltia. isané by tbe depubmut of publiceluatrWUctic hIahDIwm$ elar wM lS» t» ifo ténw de*@&s sof théblumetée ~tais*pmdhg u«anis Md, uH Adiîne. kmte grepare, r> i ttr- shéérvsese t thée amvsusin. às euVis l ta apr4luiusri va,. avery eflo school lu the éttsvii the Ome huuiwélhanulvéraari oÇ the adalslon eof-Ilnis tb. thé unias. Hlgb ahoola vili hé callel UPOOn t dévots an estin eeéétbuthé éierci'es oéttug amis éacday for thé stiady of BOoo epértieuls Une or notable de- velout of théelat une hundrél 'surs. 111 ama surs thé téachers of thé state vill jeta vlth thé céntennial commis- itou lu msklngthé célébration-vidé- sapred. thorough and impreasive" ald Superinténdeut Blair. "Thé éte of mlinela laricIt ln ailsorts of hisiury, vhich can hé brougbt together In a uew arrangement lu programa iln oIe- *mentary sud sécondary schols. Al normal schools. colieges and univerél- îles wili join héartily ln helplng gath- er togeiher thîs materiai and aýrang. lng programls lu e-elbation of thé an- '5iversary. "Of course one ut thé muet Inmport- ant developments withln thé Century has béen thé publie school system. Be- ginnlng ln 1827. in a purély permis- sive torm. it bave grown untli noW every foot of territury 'within the state la lncluded within a public achool district. "Thé schools of the siate enroli over one million boys and girls practically ouè-fitth of thé éntire population. Tb one-fifth ot the entiré population. They euxpioy ovér thlrty thousand téachéra. Education ls admIistered by tonty- dive tlousand school officers, at an annuel éxpénsé ot 835.000,000. Thé value ot thé physicai équlpmént of thé public scboolé of thé attéIlacon- servativély éstlmated ai not lésé than twu and one-haIt million dollars. "Thé centennial commisaion could c elebrate ibis crovning achievement lu nu héitér vay than by securing thé sud évéry 'tlme an accIdeut oeccura théy a i ésat glas thé vWIctm thé chance ut havlng pruper attention. They thus késp themsves frerm llsbility fer negleet in damage nus. At any rate Hughes wau broughit t Waulegan and thon bustIed ta thé hospibal buti ther Voiviles sauta came along also. Hughes had régained his sensés a! 1er reachung thé hospilal and whilé thé eut ovér bis éye was very bad and wouid have takén a fe stitchés tu close, hé réfused bu permit It and bis fnlénds who came along ister also retused 10 permit a doctor to sew up thé wound. Tbey took hlm along with themn to Mion City and thé blind eider thus has a bad open wouud to which noth-! lng but prayer is belué sdmlnistered, -Can'b Secs aThing." John Kessier of Waukegan and Zion was at thé deliot when the ,eci dent happened. lié aays Hugli. inay have been stunned when he was knocked by thé train but hé does not thiuk hé was uncotiscinus. "The lirai thlng thé blind man aaid a hoi orétmnuts h.é B -Wi5 it. a yet aid rui Hi bel "Gentlemen of thé jury, thé parties Cilty. one ut thé Jurora, vas, accord- oclock flfnday nlgbt as a retoulto éection tn Springfield ut a state edu- onbotit aides, thé prncipal vituéssés lug tu thé satement of the turéman Injuries réceived webétaihéffet dovn cation building. As superîntendéni ut W sud thé dfendant and bis famlly are ut thé jury. under thé !nfluencé uf an levator shaft ai thé Beébé Hard- public intaicllou, 1 h éll vête ' îc degénéates; ve'ré dealingweuh do-e. o hépse ar télmetémr 'lr nZon City about :30 glad to co-opraté with thé commis- I fén-eruiendcMllitirea5ilupthat tact" o"clock théesmne ovenîug. lHé frac- sion lu lis efforts t1 moile thé coeé- gi tié salod tieré mlfght hé soims crî-i évidene vas belng conalderéd b>' thé îuréd bies skull lu thé fall. bration éntirel>' worthy ut thé eveni."re lim bécause lhé had givén Adams h urWe t héjre's olé y Robinson, ebo W55 unarried. vas chucetotunntate's évidence. Heé thé coure Dreyer repiicsZlat hée Was elévatlng coul tu thé second fluor otf LIDbu saidho eatied hatthére vas rnutIn i ufavor ut thé verdict. Ih was the building Whéu thé accident hap-ZO'aB IDt sude lb thénvrets o lith ofte ME thon thal thé turéman made thé son- penéd. Hé bal jusi taken a a ud uoLfRIA KSIT and il thn resolvd itself nto con-coal to the second flon and steppéd E D R À K IT Victing tégetn mnlothé1 sationai tatémént that Dreyer lhad getrcinlofheInto thé next room. White lhé vas l iwu. He said hé considéréd Lohftul béé. nlnoxiied. Ibère thé lévator descéndéd lia thé vorse thon Adam and thai théreforé Thé défense ibis morning made a btasemen flie t lsOWw élwegbt. NuVINGi TRAIN; UIT ci héen ha isturndvitntin oadmotion for a iieW trial lu thé casé This tact was noui noicéd b>' Rob-'E .HgsSsan a u aéndlng bisconvictionit ssaid. to base luson wen hé eappéaréd aud hé Hé piniéd that theré could hé e n d éépéprd tepped torwar-d as lhé thoughi upun E .HgsSsan a u canspiracy as cbargéd b thé défense hiaruetupnheac ta 1 Over Eye But He Protests as le sid ie e b>'e nothéirr e- argufmtentuion thé atothaethé elevator. Béforé hée could sve Against Doctor Sewing. as é sid é nceieainu ée or e n utoxthé jurone al ict bav hmsélf lhé had plnngéd over thé édgé, curlng a conviction. ihat h e rceivéd banuoictdwe hé vritsd landd heavily at thé botiom ut is saaary wether it vas a casé uto was rendered. Thé îîintlff coufesB- thé shaft. HAS A CLOSE ESCAPE. "vin. luse or draw, and that theré- éd thé motion-lu othér tiords made Peuplé lu thé store héard thé sound fore hée was oui>' intéreste inluseeiug nou objection to lh andi thère Bas uuth- ot thé body as Il strocit thé botiom He Tilought Train Had Corne to Justice doué. I le lse for thé court to do but grant sdnshgfr-.dtna aévc: tpW sRnee Loi udAssecre ico out Wthée wes haei.n îvîhelng uncousclous lu a béap. Dr. ot thé six men eho weré arresteél on Waih nudhv oe ji h illmoyer was callei but he«at once Unconscious. charges o! rape préf rréd b>' thé -tw ptainttff foughi thé action lus ni saw that Robinson bal suétainedai young girls, une avelve andlthé othénkuu u oteiîi lémgîthv acturéd alauli and possibl>' Internai 'Waukégan. March 23. Ifitien yéars ut agé. One o! ihem wa retuséd ta grant tée motion. Injuries. Hé advlsed that hée hé Z A. Hughes, a blud eIder oft he a daughiér ut lohfinl. Thé case Thé plaintiff. h Is said. realized brougbt lu thé Jane McAistén héspi- Zon Voliva chunch, liait a close es- agint Adam was nouée prussed b>- thatIin such a case thé défense would W inl Waukégau euth ail possible cp rr eu lldb'aNrh thé taie ou conditiun ihat hée bru také an appeai sud féareai that ehén haste.I western train ai Zion City' ibis muru- oitets évidence. Following are the thé évidence vas préséuted lu show Thé Lanson sud Holland auto am- iug whéu héie aiked nlghtInlto a "'De# f uththfour men eho muai ibat une ut thé Juronsras l8ntoxicatéd balance vas satmmoaaéd. Wtb Harry train," as il n'as éntering thé station. stand trial on thé sanme chargé: oeo. that thé Appellate court might irue Watt at théebeél thé machiné cuver- And bumpting againat thé ide of thé Xusmanofi, George Dému. Georgp .leé- thé case oui. Rathér than také such sol thé six miles lu Zion Ciy ln ex- train, héon'as dashél ta the pîatormn réllos sud Dimtrlus Kiapsas. Thé a chancs lhey wèee illing to have acîîy ton minutes. Thé injured man Ir' sncb a manner that héon'as ten- ghin Who prêter thé chitrges are Au- thé case retriéd. asa placéd un thé strotcher sud thé déreai uncousclous sud n'as hustléd lie LobSul sund Virginia iitcRea. Thé Iutsi hen IbEs nill lhé doué la nouirturu trip to thé buspital vas Mode lu thé rdeAster hoapial, Waukegau. arasai1 ut thé six men tollowéd thé Inuen but thé cise Probably wlil go as rapiuly as thé man's condition Hughes vas golng tu thé traiu for orrnat o! thé tva girls aftér théin ta thé boitom ot thé docket and may would permit. Dr. Bllmeyer accora- the purpose o! cottiitg tu Waukegau.1 Parants bal hatilutéd a search for 'nul core up agalu at dais termi ut panied thé viciim hère.' Everythtng Hé had at scont, but thé latter évi- lihella. court,. possible n'as doue for him but ho dileé denti> loft lma for a mument as thé 1t Have lad Much Troublé h vIl ie hé ecalled thal Nirn. Westlw lhoul egainlng conéclouaneas. train approachel sud théeIder. thinli- Thé Lohinl case culminaies a se lwth a vomnan fiénd vas walking Rbinson n'as a membér utf thé Bnry- loy the train bal cumé lu a stop. rie oftrob]eýIowhih te fmll llong thé sineet car tracl ai Lake antcburch. Hé vas a member of ttarted lu vallc ight up lu ht. lu tel his fouud Itselt éver sincé lhéy ivél Bluff when thé car came uli bebnd thé Indélieudeni faction and eus bis é'ay lu lthé atops. Thé train hudt lu Waukeains. Thoy once move to ber and lufictéd Injuriefrom wichqul îikunuZo.Fnra Ltstpésdhéhabmed b Kenshabu ves hasd ui îythée h id.hesahe hlthé mol- unnounceménîs wclu not lhé complelél Il aud n'as ibrovu héavil>' lu the Policé ibère. eho coniderél thém onuisu though shé would gel off thé uuiiî word bas béén recelved trora brick plattarta. éuiÇslrOlle residents. trucklain lme lu avold an accident relatives ut thé déad man In Canada. .Cub* Hie Eye Tbéy ouated ou Laurel avenue. and weénhé did realîzé that itehédld Thé curouers lunquési probahly elîl Hé was rnerdolo nsueand voit aidé Waàkogsu sud havelilvel ualhésr thé signal; il was tbu laIe hée ell tolght. Rubiý@n an sd athée<reW carrylelbhlu labo thé train téÏrOortu aMM Tsrs; théh- pee la te atop thé car. malien Elster, lis Ula Robnson despile thé protlsét ofthe ther Zion- dIva D tutct 10 a régalar hog bal béon living togethor lunZMou.litea Who stidohé dlii not uééd médical 901111asofflhors ,chumatéalsé fi. Ixdependent: Morsrnadion ibsu ailt______ _ail. tioweévét'thé raillraad meu are »«as Y eblid% ,la ftact. ounty veellléscombned. Thé Indapendeut logida aIL. taking nu chances vith théséPeuple, Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libortyville. fil. a: «I cantose a thing,' a remarkil 1 UI4)N epmpatlp 19 th Inowev of 111e. 1ich aéeméd rather strangé for one 10 m emaIV emoot beauttfutil ud Vieiblf el.- rhu bas beén biind for a great mauy ara." ad Mr. Késsier. proudtbicu9b floral cMeMbrance, for l' owm peash tbe Hughes, hé statés, was gis-en lirai langu*ot of e'YPmath)'FaO wti 49 0f Io'y sd beaUt t'8 sd a Id trésimeut by the conducior en- CoUragemet. oute lu Waukégan. Rie added that « pcsUeii6&etv gile lfor theeich. ighés pnutestsd ail thé urne against ing takén to thé huspîtal. Klssing Coinjuatéd. a NCR fl e vers like creation-made oui ut noth- Havé atur i oe n igS sud véry good; and suothér Amer- consituional y cound chicka ai can vnlter thus cunjugatéd thé verb ttréee veeka aid-and thé rsat in 'I Miss." Bus. to lias; rébus, lu easy. You can do it vith lase again: plunihus, 10lia vithout!2 rgard te numbérs; syllabus, ta lias tée handa Instead ut thé lips; biondér. b bas, to liathe wrong person; érbus. b heFo r1, tiiir*f tokls luthé dark; omnibus, lu lia M Yr.CM&îî ' i Overy one lInlte r>om." U.4500flad 8.00 Md ttesd asta tisaaréwly oeth.. s.s i ludelaéndent: More réadérs than ail[ e Co p.grspainIs fC â.Bsm)fAiii,. l-t. be. county wvéélts combined. t I~~~Ilf Pnttta isby Chk-k FosI v se-. assI sivsly fsthi.e ai;i,,. w..ks b, .1mi] the "ltry isilei heUnited State l s te aing wssun ant te mi-o. etalta. Dan-t aSiuesilat,10oetisary .oeateo d.. Rd... ebtitut«;:sali mP.±tu. (N Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Berl Ga Sla é pu.iS.i-aeRoi l11lc'1lJwX tleritslour ColfeTride When coffecs arc judged sole- ly upon. quaiity lu the cup, thé you thé béat value pca- .sible to procure. Thse grocer la the muai conven- lent anse i«t stesasivdistribnta of roa«tédtcoffsc; iharsfore. héol in e.acot loalcl diirlbfor tfeeés, sud thé one =esad éViIge OUr piu . Mexu-O-Ja Coffee d e oarsîetiion of geseIne San t =mEssiasaldu - a .ff me. Evr coaesntales a fan Pound. ne laPrioaNa Cama- aQuallty Nia Pri. sUd 30 e. Cer Wits.ff nsuli.; higo M fb a SMau. té-iG w es 9 c'. ake V lias; i I'aî LIi * b.andI, Antiot l;Hikhî BroýIL!i11ui,, V'fiv-ii; l 11L. I'r. llilti -k- Zn-oi; Vm.EIisain"I Pi- aryoAd Lake; V. Saacair àci o o i.îu Gr- s .;Fanaick & If tî;-, Boit. Io (îiost; llir-.Iîiucrg- a Bros., lPrairiei. ' W,(-Xii. M. We-il - r, A1t;kisi- Il to hé lm Wou] Mes sud yéer si hlcégo i DolC.y, sm hIdi ibmieni bé fallut et the te.Lond don jur Connéctl Pst sérvi leUli, nul lrtélbé a, maw api lesi broth( Mg péndin .The disi Pot Jul : connoci ioDa Pac Mns. a té *ctial ré! "een in thI déuoui btimony Wi taken kriand, iPl ematlon o oérneing 14aa vlth qWuy tbat *jet liera 4 -DeKay'f &%ber von OU»s Héla *red thé ,,APart tri *tt comm eles. Th etse thé jSEEK Young Frit Eai The- Modc i Cash Market T he -ct anidi hepcit Lake eountv for thrsi-elI,-s Meats, Poultry, Game, Fisti and Shell Fish VEGETABI FS AND FRUITS Mundee'an C. "THE QUALITY SHOP' Phone 307-J Libertyvili. 1

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