Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Mar 1914, p. 9

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YARE OONTY INIJEPENDENT WAUKE3GAN WEEKLY. SUN lAIT TWO WORD IS5F 'lESDAD' i - t lU WelI Known Libertyville Res- 66 dent Dies SuddeqIy on His 99 Florida Ranch. ýHDTHINGS AIL PACKED UP Mr. Wells Had Wrtten Back mmiS W.. hkay Cornoed inj Home Telling of Ris Plans IntJo~ICae Heard in o f Returning. LoidofiCourt La.iely. Afrpcku u bs bogls 01DINCE S .EXPUÙEI) sud makIng ail arrangements ta corne ~VIDNCE IS EPUNED.back tn bis aid home at Lýibertyvl#ie, Clarence 0. Wells, a weilikuowu rosi- Ca. la O)UtgroWth Of JeWelry dent of Lake couuty for yeass.euc- Sit-lfene aeD- cuMbed SUddeniy ail alone lu the ce- KayHad Affinitiesi bn n bis orange tarn uear Patta. SilI2n. At und daes Bec& ,use the John W. DOKRy referr. 22dlu rtheh e, ere h o a! md i !W ta biw was former!>' owner of!Inthe fr boutw ereh ars sMade lbi WoukosnDali>' and W.ekly Ga- whore fr ehaabou woUtgps u dc @t@ sMd because 1ho later Junaped in.1lu rehpe. !ba enIttu bIis eitise MW thé' llrnellgbt shen he faunched lnhvl O b.. dtngbi eib tlb. enarmous Mexican lîantation hv en a sufferer frorn rhoumna- "pOPBy, the company-whose failuretM o oteyai a jUr saoProlPifated a iomailipaniîc1Mr, Wells vas l61 years aid aud JO Mexico, the article beiaw troma m rlte! to some of the couatty' beut Dhlsago PAPOr wilii horead wîth much ku[own pOeie He a sbrother to atareat lu Waukffan. _ bMrs. Jfohn Foote, widow of the forrn- to t la rc lie . __ A o, r county treasurer. whn iliv on ,FIDY.MAROR 27, 1914. FU AZ $1.501 FER YRÂR IN ÂDVANG&D MASKED BANNIT - IIOLDS UP COUNTRY STORE; HiE ESCAPIS YOUNG MAN WEARING BLUE HANOKERCHIEF OVER RIS FACE ROBS C. G. DRAIN- ARD STORE AT ROUND LAKE AFTER L>RING OC- CUPANTS UP AT POINT 0F :W *fl'-TEWMK. $300 IN CASH, AFTER oftefine order as oomlng fmom flice WHICH H4E MAKES RIS ES- court direct and! o! the courts owmu Initiative; the court bclng wîîîîng ta CAPE IN STOLEN RIG enter the order of suspecnsion provfd- A COMPANI'ON WATCHED Ing It came as a recuit o! a nmotion t?> the prosecutor that sucd lie done. FRONT 0F STOREBOTH The !ourt was determined, Mr. RO ER ESA , D- Dady -as feeling lenleat. OBR ESA , D- And go. Itl I wrltten that bat hoc- SPITE EFFORTS 0F POSSE. fore Judge Douneliy lbit for home thaf eveuing, on Pebruary lfitli about 5 otclock, Mr. Dady seelng that tise The moat darlug sud sensationgi Judge wauldn't enter Use order on bis holdup te accu,- lu Laits couaty la own responsililty, made the motion necessary ýta have the fines suspend- name Yearg, posslhly tho most darlng cd an! the court so entere! the arder. sînce tise uorth aide store was beld showlng as if i!oes. that It was the up In Waukegau several yeurs ago, ienlency o! the states attorney' whlcb took place at Round Lake MouiaY saved the women pcying the fines. eveulng, Marcis tIr! wheu tisa C. 0I. Damage Case Next Bfranard general stare vas roished ln the moat vil! west mauner Imag- Thsedisposition of the fines le tbîus inable. Ille clinmax t o the crîmînal Cases Th odpwsac Pne b agalnst the womn. The $100i,000) tbouofeatures: damage suit starte! i>' %Ir. lcb- artison agaînet the sames women. le 1. Rohber wore a dark green the next procedure and. as state! lie- IaL ve bis face. fore, that case bas lieeîî continue!t to i ru.aThbe "banda up" ordor vas fthc n ext term of court. the first knowledge thlis.idM Tho public generaily viii lie sur- bcd o! bis isroaouce. , prise! to hear that tie fines were sua- 3. Tise arder: "PasSair viti' pende!. estieclally ln face of the fact your bands up for lysaI y mia0las that It ba.s ultCone il) the public no- o h blld, asla s! a f ice liefore now despite the tact that tlrnstum as the bu«. deasuw the formai order was entere! the atter flulsislng bis Job. " same day tise fines were limposed. 4. The robler had anusau- "On MOtiOn af tates attorney, 1,1.5i are emmttd; judgrnent ta be .stýlsfed by payrnent of cetse- b>t daeflana" The alove la a verfatim eotry lu the docket of the Judiges of thie Lake cOunt>' circuit coun' and shows for the lIrst tinte thaf the fise Volo wom- on fine! tact imontb in connection wîtis the sensaflonal rail-ri!ing affaîr, bave eoaped payment 'of thef r fines but wil 'have fui stand Uic costa of the triai which, It waa said at the firne, vouli! run uiîwari!s ai a thous. .UVIR I Msa .e , 'W$ neos r he -- --and dollars. ýmh ludicted sevorai montha &go in CisYton street. Waukegan; of M r. lu thr orsJdeDoel. ~?sivNnce, . l conoction wlib Sesey rley aud Vsll of Lberty- Inho athe cars, on recionnenda. te fllureof ait lbaub lu Uhatc vi llerank of near Prairie Vlew and flan ai tates afforney flady, showed .1.1 ise Oers er. uver ele s, ernployed in Use Chicago ponf- W11tteofcr er ee be" fiiil lenlency liy makiug If uouecessary The famlly *ý,,s*e*d. the ce for each of the womnen te psy $10 Tel pacelyiea teHall. ha oe ai! loto court or go fu jail as be Inferre! phe est ne ar ila! yin nc o m lght î'c fliccase foliowlng thelfm- theles hus-nfare l Us camuPosition of the fine after the jury alty. somne months ago found! flem guiliv Went South for Healti, of rialing on flic nlgbf ofrflic rail- Mr. Wells, a aufferer Irons rheuuma- rldlng incident. Husm for nmre years. dol!.!. Ivo The vomnen defendants who thus1 ra sa, ta go ta la fo ruthbiare saved flic payment sof flic$100 besith btcs.,.rieunusisu ,bas beau fine are: jualng hlm foui very poorly for Ïonne MNs Jack Rayomond. me. thereor, Purobsaed 'L trB. Anna Stadfcidî. 1 fruit ranch and veut thero te, irs. %Iary Sable. h Igbltsud bsep liusy ralslug aran- Mrs. Peter Stad!flft Helilkod the change et flrsf Mrs. John waltlon. roauntly ltteis came ta relatives f Uic time flie court impsed theli big hatho, « gtting borne-ifine. vhlcli ase haifthte amnount lie Tt was only a iev dsys âge, that lie!A sent back mrevlal mest.I~ îm v(lD Iîtîves lu Lako couuty sud men- LT II I R tloued lu tise letter f bat ho vas vcryI IR SA E bomenick aud ha! decîded lu corne 6 À LA E VST bacà home. iHe explaned lie lai! packeel up al a i bs fîlognggaand vould be es!>' tu sfart hsck very D B BU G RS John W. OeKay. hartly.____ JonW ea.The ncxt word that camne tram hlm nî,h AileTs.fWcas, 3"e wakean ditr hos sut astha fionda ha! found! hlm dcci! "">the Ariles That We 'Juo *i amAndau. brought by a jewelerY 1 n the caltin Sunday. The bellot nov Display in the Window Were IÀii.lroduce! censatioin when L.On- le tisat perbaps vhen bo wrote flic Taken by Thieves. dou jurlat expungo! testimony ln letter home. vas feeling ba!iy sond connection vlth female etuPloyesoOf ta a h ehdbsee ln »eKay. saylng If vas§ "acandalous. o igat va wby e hbaTee!piano ROBBER CUT HIS HAWD. 1I*ae .n lpped just vien lic vas about &M service on blm as bis wbereabouts in louve, tise han! a! deatfli interven. This Is Indicated by the Blood ol!, net lie ascetaingd. if vau re- isg before he got startedl. Stains-Broken Show Win- prlted ho vas hlding S, NMexico but M. Wells vas rale! lu Ulierty- dow'Made Robbery Easy X, ov appears ho ma>' be ln London. ville viclnffy an! therefore tew meon____ lMt brother Henry, If Io reccli!, was ver. beffer kuavu ln that section of Eariy Tues!ay A. M. robliers stoîn aetd a upiornem time and thse couuty tissu le. Accordiugly bis rnesadoeie vldatb-I ~orreease ou ouda bis Cage e-W desî, cornlng no suddeuiy. prove! rnes n ivîtc au!afle ~g pouing uw la iaera courts. shocis ta bis mauy trends tisroughout tween $15 ani! $20 froi fl iclliam The dlsîîafch says: Lake Couaty. Moore jewclry etosre ai Grayalake. Thoe' ,.andau, Mardi 25.-m fhe iehg Myste'y About Desth amiflorifles thlnk the roht>ers may lie pattiay, lauan action lirougt~l; Wilie tise belle! of reatives la that the same who successfully lielif up fhlCi ains John W. DeiCsy, a New York- Mr. Wells dis! trais rheurnatistntgnrlsoea on aeeryt or connecte! vltb the Mexican Nu- vhkà sbrought ou su affection ta tishe Mneaf teva RuniLkegazi duai Packlng Company, 1»r Caliow heasj'latur, tiser.has boen uo deflulte ona'enng nMts a Laudon firm of jovelers. tise nawsa ta sucb Smtiste case. How- lu roblilng the place the fhieves dh! *clsal roere, deacribe! testimony over the chances are tlat vas the not enfer the store, but ficcurci! wfat %ken ln Antslca as "acaudalous" causa of bis deémise. Tise tact fiat loot they coul!d from the wlni!av. A W~ denaunce! flic courue lurauad ly holilvedl alan. lu the cabla ou bis corner of tise shovw indow lia! been Amertcan iawyers. lHe ordered tise ranch au! tisat ho vas a man of con- liulrnony oxpunged. Thse testirnon>' siderabie rneans, added ta the four crache! for orne USifle tîmne andl thîs0 w« tabou lu Pttsbuurgh. John W. tisat othor caueuo mlght have aide! fragment wus r.11i05ieby tfli thieves t] luriau!, prosideut of thie Garland Cor- lu hie death. foui psay belng blte! at aud tisey thon moche! Inside and se- a Omatiou of Pittmburghs, vas "aila aitbiongh tiser. le, uothig onu viîcl cure! what tise>' coul!.p Wboemnlng hlm and DelCsy's associa- ta base tise conclusion.. vrtigwthexpioofae du wlUs certain voanen Sn London, ______________wuertin and ,ti exc etn of a *Iio ver. reierred ta, as tlie "Misses vlp vstaybo au t wuto varete- M Iso L" If transpire! lu the tst,- SPR E A D RIS W O R K QP IET L Y . 0 t r U h t e ap r u e o e a s puny tbat on. mises Eiitt va. tise "lunhedeafis of Byron LU Smth gothe t ugb ie oarture hravecause *e literary secetary an! manager 0f Late IForest, the Labo Count>'y lb sevsdi o nas !hvea W 4 -DaICay's housebol! lu Landau, thse 0d OdrLav otoeo ismn uhtltl vdnel hi -h &%ber vaman being known as Ma- drLeg auI u !Is otscs eiaeovdnol Iervs jante~~~ iotn !Pai.Tecor e tuerete! sud valuabllo mnlbers," session. BioodY fingerPrinta ou tf l i*u! lb the ttmony ý'defarnafor>'." deci&ffd Secrelary Ros. 'Pias. Qual ilns!lredaeo is bu ~-Aar taintie oas o tseÂa ofI-O!thse ague. fthe opcnlng Indfcate! tisatishe tiives es cAlm .steionD s atA 553 Ela -mfated turtisor flat Mr. frntsMU iîad cut their bauds visilo comnitlting te n comssion te a tion aYthcost*'ibuîed lierali>' ta the oromithtie ralbbors. rq 6@ visole out fteslnt ohthe loagu, au! added titat bho u v a People vere about tise Sti-dts P es.. This viii amaunt te many very genes'aus cantrihutor tu man>' Use village sniIlI midulgist, se t lem h e sîo f he su n In v o iv e !. a lthe r w or t iiy t iin g a b I ý t isé pu b i e k g a t a h o b r O k P a e t geuea'ally dd l ot ko bViiL I., huovu, ttlrthat i abryb- paol SEEK GIRL IN WAU'KEGAN Ma.Ster tisaI limu* mue. il vas ual dlscoveredi 91 ' " ago, Ma r'eis 24.-T a e c ieva M.Quiedclrsh v m- n ui qarly t Ii m aora ing. The suthor i. W 1 ed hop te therela is teoringa quit yesweffdltuais "De o frin, etMie ditis Schubert e the te s a a ne as! s suci aafe a torisi o s ler ol , ffetua i au " er, feurstittie et nc da lstlfto, bt d. ugBooil! gu lsig ays oudeavor ug t a vol 4 p bty> tea> a h ! pl ufy of tinte amak o a Wla...',ad Garim is Mao,! Agr effort le beng madq ta IQeste la Wisuh ofn an! Gal t, l rwî tTnbdual I~t i ev.. b>'lesini;! of Ph '- OÙ t S~t4SIf$W,~u<bere- ~l sanwho mobit bh. oouulted ta &at- a jfor télé at5ïauem 4mrlutim W -t -1 could have asseehsedl against thein he tl;e court Impoed thse fine Jn accord-1 stated that -ermut nao sucie ne wltlh bis beliefs of their guilt. MentS to Pai the flue wlthim a rea- sonatte finie or go te jali.1 ieffd (j Ashu Court to Suspend Fines timeul il go bor,. arrange for t hl- iBut alter the fine iai! been Impi- tîaycntuni!the sg-ticWiti ~ ed. itl l now discovered the state's's beart qulvered-li e t 1 The finlig of flic wornen on Pi' rt i ary 16th, was a sensational climiax i<o sorry for the gray halred womcfl the fanions case.i whom lie bai! prneecîîted wlth ait the vîgor possible sand sfo fiai been State's Atorney Lenient founi! aullty and! finci!. Accordtngly, If bas JU-if heen discayerci! thatiMe lhe went ta .1idke Donnelly and aked formai enfri stîependlng the fines the court to enter an order suspend- against the women was entere i, minlu the fines. the docket ON TUE VERY SANIEý "Do you make that am a motion from DAY on whlli fhcv were fined, FElitfhe stateua attorney?" emilld the ruary 1Ith. cnerli l pell judge. Andi.n this "eton fdmeoii No, met do It 'iimirsetf. Jtîdge," that white the niatter bas beemi talkedi suzgestpid tthe îroseciîtor. about ( ,nsi!crafitv anong court lbouse *Notmlng stîrring- ttt do i I f' yoîî attaches. it neyer hefore now leakef make a motion tii ttat cf'm'çt, sat! out fhat suvieisfposition bai! been the Jui!ge. malle of tii- Pnsational case. Buot the dtates attornm-'î preferred And!. In thf5 connectlon, It i!eîelops hlasing ft donc ;iottîcr cai Itle ditd that corne lîîtere8tfng dfscu.-s iîs ot want flic wonien ptaccd tmunder the toot place. htîcween the states ali.r liari!sblp If was exîpiainem woutd lii ncy, Mr liaifi. and Judge t)oîîîîeisiflie case If they had fn pay the fine. on (lts îery quiestioîn. ot remittingthtte vet hie dli!i't want lii ask that the fine on the woînen fines lie msetended 1 i face of the fact Mir,)ai!y hai!lîlrosecuted Utcei'as.e thât liefbadl prîmsocutci! tîeni 50 vîtigmi aitainst fthe coniemi 'igorouciy anu!d(le ilsti. mandeif if the -jiirý flat thev lie founi! AndI If19 sait! that for user two zuJIlt :lie mîr.îm-iftic inîition ahojîrm the cfate's attorncy' vand the hear> fine fîecaiî,e 1,f tlîclr Inhuman jîtîge trauîkly talked the intter bac< freatient o!flthc s lian plaintif!. uandîfforth, NMr. Dady living anx1iîîstu And flie jury fo'înd Plin guilty and jhave the 'ouîrt enter the suolien!edi! Attorneuy S4tt'p iiedy DD)Pi,\ N -i. týI)toIt i-tu1Il the bank stali- ie did not couji whliehli e stax'te- wlvli't lie totk 25' îainitc itito tlt- offices overt' u- lthefl theî'e ftor'a and plannied r'tiî plaire t() toucli it ause iihp cofîli nake up his miiI Tic report vas ln Paukegan Tues!ay tii sent t'O Elgin asylum oer isushand as a res bonitues f bore Infonrm othora tisaI Mr. iÇbnne, ORn0 an! UsaI be mutcf ue gIse raom fa flic raIly sre ba! off. Iuquir>' by fie Sun oe unîmue but If broug sr.ttug sltatemnt ul i hylla n l charge oi rislci Kennedy' la cari 'lt la uot true. RE bore and lîkel>'ina hofI Mi! Dr. Poil lu an1 sema ta, le gotting an Sisi W b« e came boni ai troublesome biut ne uyà plan@ ta raleeiehi ** .Sy. RECEIER A IRD 5. The bandits ecaped b>' steai- lE FA L * RCEIYEASIUD lu a rlg lu iront of tho store. à I L MI~('i 6. Autos loas.! itis enrge! F awmM M l F R iSUR NCECA. cîtîzeus purmue! lut faSie! ltécsP- tr. bandits vbo hater abauidoued So, ane sses that there coul! sot have loun mare seumatonal featurec Assured National Mutual Fire te the holdup vhicb stirre! westarn Insurance Company AttraetS Labo caunt> au! Colle! forth passe StatoSuperntendnt. ln that section o! tise ceunI>' fa ese Stat Suerinendnt. If the rallerm coul! nt ualolacfa. If va. just about elght oock HOLOS UP PENDING SUITS. vion the robbery taab placa vîlt U PTO IIo asprincipale sudvitm A TTY. Ï9. H. KyE NNjE YD ThiS Is the Company Which' of the bandit: ____________Planned Assessing Its Pol- C G. Brainard, avuer o! store, icy-Holders 60 Per Cent. Joe Blus.k. csonr *-' " f li- lt-st iiimlmîi fan iffiasgave a déitalied acc00ut ai ivfi Il. Kiei- gc-i b3 flt 0troulie J 'as Sonie two or tires bundru! polic> what happons!i, as tollowx, fi liltw up ive sriIrubeoldera lu Lake county lu thse Assuir. "'Wu neme ail lu the store about 8 -Taî ks af Dynamite t tîgs Bank -Filesî1l tafks atong Ifici sanie fins. ci! National fite Insurance contpanry, Iocct ven a mas veumng a dark 14jII W. ho tliedi! hen ai Waiikî-gan--ot bfow- wiff rcad this Item vifl I ntemest: shadehleflave? bis te , camerr Ing u> the iîîîîk biliifng, etc. Springfield, UII, March 23.--The Ite- Hi, tiret arder taus as vestnd bar i-tîtets of "Whaf lias liessii! about fliat doc- fiflon o! Stale Superlufendeat a!fuI- tise conter of the store vas: Tislow t lit- reason for, for f d a te.,lie fas neser made surance Rufus M. Patte tamrtise ap- up Your baude. lett the job aoy admisiomns abouf that teature ofai tiolîmof o a recelve fr th Ue As- "Of course vo ail did so snu.d thont îîtt to do hle case-i asti-i! the reporter, sure! National Mutual Pire lusurauce ho ardere! Mi'. foinard tau, IN." " Ho telte o! how he pot the dyna- cornpan>' vas grante<l ts!ay b>' Judgo araun! ta the cash draves' sud mvr t iî-ks oif dy- -lite for the purpase of blowing up Crelgiston a! tise Sangarnon couuty hlm tise cash. Re tai! us to, X00! itonfla the bank building an! principally Mm. circuit court. J. G. Lyons o! Decatur ur baude up b is.themeutinm. t. lw Upton, but thaf, et the test mliute was mtade tenluorar>' recelver an! the Braluard natut-sll>' obeyed bie sr baiIk, left ha just Couldn't make up bie min! ta cema -a njle rn dit o aha a oklgaatvu i t îî1 r t t i m - e d o t h e j o b , " a s t h e d o c t r ' s r p î . b u s i n e s l u f l s t a t o u n l l d e c t i t o r h 0 ' i a d a a i l o g s ti n o a n ! v e W buins lntthejuste thei neaisionfureM uonU tas hicancandi- to th WDr. Keep Dady Poste! on arguments for a permanent iu. tiot WAMILtgt taire suy ciians. 1-l"119 tote D.Fef I admtte! tli5t fhome wa'ut luncti andn!the appolntrnof as e- dat. 0Gondilul oiff, was be- an>' chance o! releasing Kennedy lui celvea'tu vin! uap the affaire o! tise "Mr. lirainard etaptle! tise oas mi nti j ithelin des'fture ef se nditi . Hompn.dravor an! Il costaine! abouet 1111 j(jt(- doit.1 lon oen'timpovematritly.He Tise nsutrance compan>' bas severai lu moue>' an!d8100 lu cbeeiss.Tl* a!dded thaf rfates attorney Dt!>' of scouttsln Lake count>' an! aven 200 raliber mi! o led!nuent I;tis ciri-ulafion lu Waukegan. fiai! aukedireli aufliorîf les policy bolders, accordtug ta persoua checks, but taab tise Moue>'. t VU if M rs. Kennody there te kcep bias poste! lu case frola ihtemte. Jmsmsl nble ,Modayte et enndy' coditon nipove tdtheReeves le agent St Russell, Thontas *'H.tison Made Bizask an!dusmlt uitt o! flie au.xtent thaf if iniglitic ifoomie! a!vls- Strangeat Wa!svomtb. Johnfsayre, stantd close ta hlm and emplI';aur ig lier #zd able fo elease him. et ZMon City asdi tisamal! Ibere lmaunPockets. 1 ha! $115la in>' Schet b«t -i!y stas nat lu- "Wc promise i nui we voul! report agency Sf Gurue aud Waubegan go manage! t vraP ltup lu My houd. fie faken sway ta hI-m in fime fliat lie miglit deem veli. korcie! sud thus save! St, Blasai patientsés'ho necessury foteroteif flic mon Invols- It le notice! 1> tise dispatch tisat dldn't have a gveut dei. - d l ic hecase. flic étate Inauraxca superinteudents Marcha! loto yard prove! fhl tefo 1'May Neyer uImprave titon euJoins fhe caMpait>'frmat do- "The fellov thoen ordae!dns et tisa -ft forth an in- "Wbaf do you fhink about biechcan- lng-huslnema an! thon ties tep huocha Point Of th. revolver ta, go luto tbo 3m Dr. Poili. the. cea ion geffing velu-?" aske! flie re- ouf Use plSa! ofte coinpany's officetu back Yard an! ha foliowed usnltui" f flic yard lu porter, fa 1ev>' the 60 po er I C est;eesoument door. Re toi! us te stand tisera 111« s!d for. "«W. havent, finishtis-eaia- abe.-a aveu-eg ~.Ie'Minutes.Pir Ifwv allie! t. e snne!y lasU attie in Yot an! tlîercfore cannetplt tîne ago. lit ls recaUsé uhm rse8, vo vould bave aur gbau s v 'or conte time." ou tiIs matten." vas fhe epi>'. su ey Benjamin Parualea of aUhg"a off. lut erview, «"Me Dr'. Poili state! turther tisaI'Ken- bad been retalued b>'Mie o! tise pot- "Ho thon returna! ta Use store asd i Just tisedaume nady soe! f0 li c feeling pretf> go0! Scy iboieors ta taire charge o! Uselu. vaibe! througb. sull weartag hM! e. He's DMt ait tIheo 0k jusf about tiese mneas cases .vben the>' reusentod tise pi-as. masb. He valke! rigist to lbe fanaS have net ?sfe hbê di! when hé eacli e i.asýylffun. pUOf aiRS vlu t he .big aeu 40w'. iustie! Ibrougis and otd* bi hfor the ina- 'Tise Ooctor InfIrme! j>tKe n Soulvic Iitovasplunned fa put aniSa! Wr.! Cov*a.'ea ipe t Ibog.uMimlgist nover regain hie tufli senses acrose.tise ataIaWs action, iowever, -- as! le sale. -makeu Ibis Uaueaeaary. - .!!JLŽ~O.27. 's ~ilhI 1 plice outalue watcolug me &Mn% .1

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