Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 12

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,,K~COUNTY INDEEtET FRIDAY, AP3,i4 . -3 . inoaios . Erockway. W. B. kt a constant witeb for the miss- sultéf la lb*a any more llgbt ouIn;é.E 0Mille, A. . Stlxrud, . D. Gos, W . ing woman but wiuout avai. s a the wbereahouts af thé woman. lam now ready ta mae arrane- TP. E 4e delgta hsn trelutthe .majority haâve reacled the Many Of the. clews havé eeaon monet 10tako coite for tralîaigor Thé "te del"mtu dhosen bY the ~~~persistent liait the seiîrchers a OulottribonztthIdarceruk " R~ ~convention Ver. instructed to vote decision that Lake Michgan eventu- understand how people could lie otrain b, ose s ieoaldryaer foq.T.uyece. akgan. ally wiltlgive Up the secret. The hue- ladly mistaken. Although bundi~5~uslfr sso sdredeahe for . T Nedeckr o Wake arrives. work with tihe horses will on ot h Blte delegutos, for dole- band steadfastly retused te admit 1of workerz Vero enlisted ln the search îsatsseaial 9e r e iO rUsd1i FU@ Oui&) gtes tote oboad camp meeting-utisch apoaii. sdcnius tbeé ~reports that a woffan auswering satsaealal ~e r e le<ilitifl. nd b il ur- aukean featMeetng pr arndHecontindecripiothe, epertItoro-trlnor wh Toledo. searcla ltboiagh ho bas arrlvéd uet aI a 1 M iug up nnadcitiown hés»eu car ottî P ltwaIon an bcIt ur- waue"nýNet metig piso pont herpointellywhereô how alreailyad ddo hestreôtcr 1Floowa Tt vusty voted to hold the noit conu- wbere ta look next.ilstest searcb jtruck strMo City npér opl ed E. H. Schultz, Russell,.lit. tyconvention in Waukegan th rée wus Ibrougla the haspitais along thé 1PoeKnsa if 06 w.dean rdialrorocb oeshoe.Tépineol dbhavin seen tiie mnthat lher pres- PoeKnsu ig 06 ÀMwdéetraia ernhyeashec. Te pP als nortb oboro but Ihis search pravéd g wmaa0 76t-ltW. .-son talihe expendituro from O ur Gen- served a fino dînner st noon tn the fruitiess and the quest bus resolved ence tlier. calnnot be doubtéd, but Fui. M ai n a substantiel reduc- basement of the cburcb and s vote of Ilîséff argely luto a wuîîîng gaine who shte was js as iîg a *ystery as ~ b là11te thepgctal Salaries and coul- thanks was given tbem by thé con- Tt iUs ust twé eksagoths at-ever.1 -,laad a limait af not t ex-Z vetion. ernoon 1 that Mrs. Hemmen left lier ou the night thet Nrs. ilemnien dis - R SAD'M v o n termes for liead oflicers, wItb Wm. Hoban, Waukegan. was chair-j oeWibtetvwd ieon of ieppéarod ber husband walked n R ES AN tRU Wialon for t-al hi meeberAi, and iman of tho convention, C. H. Kaiser gohomIta tae aoldIttiewnlk r nSenaudammer té in Porter% lg uslt-tc orl . ee aeMlua dy eél ii ot. A uo u a s eig lrs aIonhali e t hal ahe4 and ght bae Fi ig u ait- t itU fartiier Vas secretary sud Conrad Tlalstein, Guhrie of Sheridan road sayes he j road with a lantern inlu opes that ho llurtdPi.Ls rs ï»111 :1r assistant sertr.'swMe Hme ao ir en o iiglit locale fis wjfe as lie thought Write for CopyToa eocrogtnoyberawaMas.he-lémmenrpeso ber bornest- BoI-Ilnso, 1. 0& ça. rapresent lbe campa «Dimm-HUSBAND I I DEPMT "'eme decrptonSERaccIps$ "u et iis Coint ______ ltbhéI3lcartplcejutCamtp< jthé clty ever bas liad. NOI E-919g Stock 01 Large Specin mo4ai tboîane hoirby tus ructed taeWaugt'ianchA tIlelaer b oth oft-Norway MapiesetaiL.ow Prne&s pj Ilirt. t the Slate esmp nec-1 Searoh Has BEen CondUcted ernoon - pred Bull, a leameté,_ de- - orf Principale iy ,5ouil Blte iw>duMsl But Without laves b.e aw a woman ansuérme élus Lof- a Oescen15'ht. Ilanusmonuy wth thons Resalu- g iriel esrp ogig Replying 10 the tracer tha wu Sosit ah aL.slcin dl- Any Resuits Whatever, r.Hme' dsrpin out o h l-ahoiddco WoW W ýI E panite_____onledoé-d9wn Einer rond toward thé laits. arrangei to bave uomebody cal! hiu 5,»iWiteotbhead camp, b sli Plate Mrs. Dan Rogers of tbe dépot ls ai- onul very lina. a public meeting Wu 56M ieDLw .0XVto support nO canddase for Tua usoks bave passe îc Mrs.! mont sure thal shte saw Mrs. Hemmen 5-d6-e . st Gitt a-sh ui ~ ooCHCA Om j~Uqse s itrntewhaeoU4pk-John Hemmen, wifeofo thé Wlaukegau i depot thé sane night aithough gone, aise.."But bir bluaihing fotaIl C-o *i joietiments are uat ln harinony pholorapher dinappeared aud thé sh@ diii.flot seolber purchsse a ticket, ber. and le heing intioneô as a Hap -~SPECTACLES and ý*. tpehulol pldgtunsaholvos mystory ot boer uhereabaut or bier A Chicago Vomun thinks shée, aw moni, candida. cr ofIce-m,»- tà pbe Vo p ie vo l th é eg fatoe la no nearer a solution than Il Mrti. Rémtuen and gave thé wômau - -miet ItyarEE b - ui Camp lunone ith these Reo a use .day she Vent away. Wauke- car tare.Ail of thèse clews bavé Ratner Cremped. ý ibose ho KNOW Flo O gan aud vlcinity bas beén scaiaredi- beu qvéstlgatéd by, thé policé to- Misn Etbl-"Kate sys etiles Vem7 g represent mot on! metal tram end taeud-the Police départ-!I geller ulth any number of mincir Of living ln Ia @mani apartment" Jack 0o and glass but CO7 PORT Y q1twas th. resolullon udopted, ont of e very'ety between, sud ln-'clews but *Il sppatently ulîhoul tbe carr--"A, case of flot tire. eIaî.-bos' cOand Efileiency 9 1w. amer: cludiug Chicago and NMllukee havé leasit success for theyý have flot ré- tnTactt - We kaow 1ew te fit jour Ey o-CC WRUEEIPA. Protreoss Camp Nao.. n-iuCX0 '0.0 090o 0 0 o o 0 o0.0n o $».f etfWoodtock, Illinois, ls présent- " ~ -____---_____- _____ tl*euiiatdlév roeadClerk ot aur lebe teiug a Nighiior whe, bas y UuYOMersexperience lun- A bout 4**o.k aud utia -hosumiai Reof 4O3iubb.ssbave a pemmant. ac- R a b u Widhife"Uatho le emlnetly quali- these conveniences %a0lmibgla position ta which that have made the BE! IT RESOLVXP J bedelegates frottelbheCountbrHO S E $Cî te the tatw Cmp t Rock là-~n c sar o o e be,1U1111ol. be ad, tlaey are Iereby e sar to v r 1111111011te vote for Neiglhor The- -' 0 ,0 o e liamer of Progras Camp N4......70 0 0 o e Woofatock. llinois andi teunefi raChatnFedlcsfaoa *wousit mens te seur a dole- '.> ookeepers' Foo4 Gud"-on frem this PluIe tb the Hfead the upper loit door-answuewm-y wo- wh= shb hofavorable tlaunid ma teruully pevplexlng problem - or le said Neiglabor, The- nhtsalw aefri oetl n fortur the tuu o al to the ment you sAnt and Ramer, footemiie of Head a complote outline of a pertoctly bal- alced muilanbeote jyou-au exclusive $goWuden fer 0«decasiMember . Roouiitaeu at"Issan nvaluable bolp. ngtpr airi le a uwm N.( The.Cookbook Holdero be mla.- Prm te Cm N.(2 lo0 door boldo yourcook boo~ e lwsareptem.ntéilu Iis dauip becurely =w otual tus. Wben yod -ÀL ânonnât et th* ath -and i fhtaéal are cooklng, elply open the book hel.ope .belîn lb. bolier. * ,O etéeeaeNeghbor Hermon 14. t- ltson.iovel*tb .OM oyalways -- diean, neyer lulbe W"y. ý," E7OR5 D E ST lEMD4Yp, bmîte eypliu.0f Ib tis o t~ sid0f 11e campef l iis coumtali'Tre am0 ope" a Gyek hnt.Idei te otra sster camp sud - n e eNEW 110061R te *iereuaed famlly of our esteen- -17 are e.dy NEW. 04 Uighhor. Bo Il furliier resolved_________________ %OïtIttet Prairie Vie.w Camp 3 The HSder Moel Plour Bin bouse 183, sud te the laaalY 0fNeigi--,(3 flypoanis. It isloweai osyto -~~h eng boBin gss front enables you ta Cioneansut e bl utsly. The lu- W" te CORmiteevame onaide lai enliroly of moeitil no corners la, boli gour. Finitl four lu la alwsys outlfinit. ADJUDICATION NOTICE f~The New Shaker Flour Sitter la dbs publie Doice Io hereby givén' thal V(J mcet zwonierfal of ai the New lIe,Çuouc11er Administraten oi théeHoslr Inventions. lla tbe ouly gaur Ust1ecfJane Hart deceased wil aI- SitataearorIrulaleda @&lbCOUanlY Court of Lako COUu- a1e ve shksb.onutchh e ahîof tle M t erooie l iboln. uetdf s 'grinding il lhrou h. Il csol mear oui t» ÇouII,.ou l a firl of Jlné w dn-se~sd cannôt gring tbrougb an y egrila I»Ml ntefrtModay o ue9 M eB m y# foreigu substance thut miglat be in the - 11ýý114. whon and where ail per-tor Puà.4 havtsg clalum Uains f maist or Ï- aRa tiffled ufreuestedIo promeut TwaitYof theefeauee *0 t»mne te sai Court fon adjudica- JOH W THAT.orrow, ONLY $1 puts thas descIWo IN (MR WIN- *»eaIll., March 80, 1914. b eN&oE W o»nx wkyAr3. 10, 17«.NE HOOSIERànl' in your home wee-come linmmd flndeu - ~on the f amo .ts Hoosier. Plan.aotIi tes f A Big, Extra ROOMY Drauer lu the O/balse la made.entirely a moes!far EVEY auma chom btwenthececbaîd TE MM DITECLOSING of mit Ib te proper starage ci ail kitchen linon, PA M R "White Bcauty," whote. picture isshown me y entnu f oma*# um o iiiitHtou l e tt da~onhs. dmtahair;u (IAN here, and anc of thse ather Hoosiers, Pis.Ifa tou - wouitnomé taê* &ou -uden BAVE finished inside in Oak. tsl ol IS.7»t, smappaïgdod 58 si '.Anw olrelts aeCuha MOEZY- The terms of the Hoçaler Plan are these: Sla al ou/ios thwwobéit t. 0on' enientle e .lppesd. 'hit mo is esthi' ~-t d0< eu *uae lcatefi for the strage of canned artcles beor i po Pviie sv Ibyt is a the corm SM = M a ldod 2. s1 w eekl <qickl>y pays k fore lit. pnry. Im cla bo, ro -rou r WM I heno w oman.-And you are decidingirae, 1 e v-oocmstudy th 6. Srmoerbak fyo ae otwhether or flot you will amnlas SUlcarSSuly. Ofr stock et WhIM PHOIME1267-W Oolib~ons women Who g76.p als opportunity lomor. frseesi Beauty pattemns M m"td.Yu MW li bi oer Plao. o uai e0teo"netsnthibse Dut u laoc- ai ~ qdécide«,YOuDtual doci. lmIMm may b. tSe lie te goftoou ft ab 1onla P».YO raà o cure ha tes t wn Ibis_ ereatla_ee aHoosier cabinets 0n ibis Itirai l MI1DP N1 . B8WL INGIZBE. OD=4 01Tu£ f 0 UN G 1"eLIWASxmOOléIEîV- M- MOflELSFOR TUE Bu5XnnuMEI Il Mon'.s ad Young Mon'. Spring Suits, Mixtures and Blue Serges; Regular $12.00 Values, at ...... Foi su'I md Young 1 %P Bpring S"ta FaiyMixtures. $trip- *& eand IBlue Sorgua; Sizes 33 t0 44 and WeII Worth $1500 FrMon'.s ad Young Mo'. lNew Sprimg ,$2Rtsregular $300 Values. BAR4IAIN IN MEN'S FINE S1IOES 2.69 THE REGULAR PRI0IZS $350 AND $400 Choico of Duil Leather, Tan, Caif and Viei- Kid-Now Styles in Bath Button ad Lace; Sises From 6 ta il-Rogular $3.% and $42.6w, Shoes, at .-... ............ Mon!e aa d you¶ Men"'s New Pondc i Strped 'a n d Fauly MlIxod Sti4tit that com-, bine the greatout amount of style with WC"armises for men a#d' Yoxung men of ail pfo- portions; veil worth $22.50 at .......... 230 S. Mîichgan Boulevard .tiimumi!, Rush EuhUlli, tnaiMM Fashionabis Appu'oI FOR WOMEN AT PuICES IRAIT ARE NOT EIC,*YE q As a special inducemosit - te*iBn the Easter patronage of the aubtirban women of f aa hio n- we effet Wny in this ahop markod up te $».λ toi - -Charge Ac£ounis InwUed rd or 1have jus't rceiea(1a îi aImidof h4oice Rus- lesian white seed oats or, white 1aîuîse mrain which 1 am arn ady to dispose of at a reasoîîabl price. 1 ahiio S have foi sale ail kiîîds of' alfalfa, ol(i couîntry, and Ameriean grown, tirnothy, <lover anîd ail kinià of seed eoiiî for huskixig anad silgiiiîîroses. We have h lad thirty-five years' experience ini huying and on selliug seeds and feel that wc kîîow just what the iè farmers want. We specialize iii only the ehoicest q.n hef edsad r 1-a- fC(l i<lO'I 'IIXTto serve JPvoîîr needs tuuscolémo h oeri xep o avey llld - -,slg PMI 70,00woenaleay av u l. M"" a Jri"ff U = -§ýj an- '- --e' sunuarerem. *t"j-"e 1'-u -- >or of caiel.mteibi i-Thomcotkam bdylogtbls New Homloeetyw-k. Yon Cmue 9SU " eR lu NDkUI lin a conscientious manner. Far;crs know by long L Theg uHoiePia'teruawfli th rva, sai aéaît (i gap TuroPsluyaalse bsNEW ReGelaItonume years of experierle~ that we niake no promises f which we are not ready to fulfili. We make a spe- cialty on cracked corn for chicken feed.. We sel W hy é F rni ure C é.shelled corn, anîd tie highest graîdes~ of floiir, and 1 ail kinds of iii feed and ou îne'al. Thc best*of 104 SouQh Genesee Street customi grinding at ail tines. The Only )Place -in Town Where Hâouiers- Are Sold An Lxpert Demonotrator from the Factory H&.Char#e of This Lxhibit F W ~ j, ~ $ I I.-- aJio~UuANII )[.omwiOFF 1 ir gr a

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