v.. ~- .. TA1Ç~OOUNXY INDE PNWEt FR [DAY, U;4 Boftd of SDIIsr t te adjourum.e hui e oilr og ai ti: the e Wastk~uvJ DemoIrcb 2, 91 Gamteting ras Delorita stalmentof l P. ov r telojntyo Lakea mys elog 10mq axs'soni191or Tthe lionvau _Botiad han averv riai (h CoatyeBord.ant fcati bMell bt Mfe» el h38It isman n ai there . 1o *rl glvu In ltestamoi litI ausertee. 3ipty otreakuruer thave0ta ile, tht haseyuselon eýsa mong te esç Uta ony o Tisd et ât-vl u gpea ific r1ari the dtie Ttqktà Vpal, Tasurver ei absU sfly hon Wmaie onnyas. boole ai valte py rdosudn1 ea un eiept aisé"dI laaué be shah s lame e o t h al temsatu Sh auses Dt'ingm Bank Wau-urt tédesOU...... ........481. pla Counstyatisonal Battit, lu orérpl saily 1memet s bar andestln ut,-to.-mo ngwing e(h Coath anh, 1814. ist two esto are o red " epo. eig Te o u iseston saî "yen Tolb, -'econd.- -uestio.n1461a1 Irer Ntioal 143.9 Lke0or L*keContyaIsont 'rBake l aymre teo 5 lou sme "Cout 0flm o tbe sud I aâ"ewfuymeclte tw accoaIforut 953 salm ne l aingo aeutyreo!rlAt '.;. ioéeredf1 ni te y ourt pro eng. gen Carl >P. 'Wenterfieid. Yenuaiatelou"b. iaed on m1e ifir mte part o! lite reord.eCon tof k nd carie ly eliet hccup frsir Uuu msd: Mr. Cîtsair mspouasmuof t m al votded rte dto stJi't.a m.y v tersed i aSupervn i usisrk o, i tor mosu chatmwunicton siugac edreonulere maillea partd osfte reMr.Wetred Motioné ay v1i 10ng aledt 1upervisor Ehnmos' Sot ionraic i-e b Ite«folloasu1 vote ih h 1itseandtltsgot6 as pas orn trotk.. reckesir the soc ltn here, lagrs. Ear. EmuegM. Werr ld.k »ods. KM.- Wrslser.ey e re o! Fi- Peand Nay 'vSorosinn. Speimai, eStao o11116.012, mortion of l.car- thone votiég No are nonevor 'ro rit oowlketitiOmbfor Danen CIopIicEer, Emmena. rerr. l: e To t igCbairma, ané Meer of Cmont Myer . o.e f atke of lilitls fttiy rereset l.tenien. areileai Vila.oler eidNg l e or 0f er- DoLe otk. eiamtou. aétt Te cfulloy pettonz our borabn Toied> ta rtanli'nd eme a étan io lteordonlimetip o Venoth wTgt Il comssonly cetIiong re.G pliailePrilb tsa 4 othe aenleral fotr Ia llcig theagaintoliter.l no.Lakeu o u. Illinois> . ad184. an your honorble bOê 10 rahnt ailh Rbn nth Townshi of Vernon out o! sa ke ornané S r __ ot i og . upon Ibeircompllng illgte attn cin- scit *5e md a#çAttieideé. iqageuln r'ree, 1 e lt,184and 8 alier.peii r flyptto 'log hid onorable. b toranif SuperIl- cnetise nîmer' ippuboers, etle- la1 saTon ! l,'r-n o Veronun1 etaite Cond 91 I linicfuype- alleta FpdIngt'4 the'lS atcuctl I ra'qin Smeitopl l fale es. ,nsal Si8ned b' Edrý 4ibe Iand 187 Totee. it hlra(a, m 1o lt l',td lén0f t1*ev <srd f Se ont> ofLkete Y Ilnos ln sld towm, £Ocrg to su aili'è DI ;#à ir Act or theGUéral 4aaarb la uUed Au t go 10provide fer the llconshag snd aflinîgtthe evila ariske M thePoe of ilntoalcating Your wdtitl.prespectfully petition your honorae hoY te grant such Il- sens.tea o éard Kelly, reident lnt allé Township, of Vêrnon, Conty Of l4ake and State Of Illinois, upon their c=splylng wth the statutep iln sucit oaa. Made and provided. SlgnOd by John Zimmer and 188 Supervisor Goàs mtoved that the pe- tiUion b. referrcd to the Committee on Llcenje. Mlotion carrled. The folowing communication was ixaukegan, fil., Marchit ltis, 1914. To thte Honorable Cbarman an Members of tbe Board of Superv nors of Lake County, Illinois. The Jane McAlisîer HosplUa id titrouçh is I President and Superinter el dent, bîrehy deires tu nxpress IL gratitude ta te membera of tihe Boa, id of Supervisera of 1.ake County au, e tbroggb tbem ta tbe People of lIý& County, for the donation o!fPive Mut La dred Dollars riticit ras alowed ta ti ýu. Hospital aI the regniar Marcb meci lng o!flte Board. 'rTae Hospital uot oniy wishes to e: prens lis gratitude, but aise to expres -s APPrectatlon for te interent tus j. te Couaty Board Ibus Laitesn ii work and assuren tie Board taItb meney appropriated nu itebcwisoly li ,i vested. ý1À Jame McAlster Hospitl n- Y Emma M. Situmway. Presiéent. in Martbm J. Heill SuperintenDent. ig SuPervisor Go098rnoved Ibat tii n-samte be placed on record. 1 Motion earrled. tu Tbe fliowing @esolution ras reaol ýTo tbe Honorable Board 'of Super tL visera. 't Gentlemen: Orling lte tact tat i bave citang eed my residence from tbln State Ic a thse Biais of Wisconsin, 1 iterewith htender my renîgnation as a membcr of Iis Honorable Body; and 1 isiat gstate that filt. a itardahlp for me to d do tibis, an our relationn bave beên r lae be»t In ail matters and proceed. *inga of tbe Board. J. .Demoresi.. * Suparvisor Brooks moved taI the i reignatlon he accapted. Motion carrIed. Supervinor Strattan of Lake Villa C"arman Of Committa, on Settliemeni 1 wtlb the CovntY Clerk, nubmltted te folioving report: 3 Saâs of Illinois,. Lake County. an. Board of SuperviserB. 6Mr. Charuma and Gentlemnen of thes - 'Board ef Uiiparvisorm: o Your Committce on seltiement witîî thse Cotmty Clark bqlst report tbat re baiare refly examined Ihzý report of Ler A. Monde.o,- <ounty Clak for te bal! bfar endlng Noem. ber 30..1918, adhave veridlte@ samne rith the recorde »asounta of r0118#11f09110r, and Oné the 'sm acr- ract. That tae otal satnt racec for -aid hait yur rag 94gg86.0e ttali gasouut e.rAMM11811411.49; total amotnt PalsOut $4327.61, leaving a balanec for said haif year of 1557.48 wbicb ban beau paid ta bbe County Treasurer and is receipî literefor fied. Wn 11itreOre recommend tbat sait! report ho approved. John Stration. Fred Kirscbner. E. W. Brooks. SuPOrvisor Maetiter moved titat ftbe rePOrt heaaccePled and adopted. Motion carriled. SuPervisor Broeckcr nsoved la ad- jourttntif 1:30 o'clock P. M. Motion carrted. 1:30 oclock P. Mi Board caiied ta oruler by Citairman C'on rad. SuParvaOOr Kng. Cbaircnan of tic MilcellaneouO daim. Comnmittef. suit- mitîcé te foliowing report: State of Illinois. Lake Counly. s. Bloard of Supervisors, Marcit Term, Marcb 12, 1914. Mr. Ciairman and Gentieme of Super. visors: Your Commitîce on M iscellaneous Cliseould beg leave ta report Iliat tbcy bave cxamined ail dlaimts present- ed before thcm and recommend hie Paymenl of tbe followlng. and tat tae Clark ha direeted to issue orders for tiesa everal, amoonts ta thte ses. eral claimanis, t-rit: Namen. For What. Amourit. Pittsburgh;. Plate Glass C. brMckets...........$5. Jobn Stratton, cobmittîc rik ...5. ou Fred lirscitner. comuittec wrik ....5.8o E. W. Brooks. co)nimitlqe work ...0 Jas. F. Ring. comnmilîe ork.... . i.s 120.35 Ail of rîticli tg respfflfuil>' suitmit- ted.1 James F. King, -Cht John Sttn. 3. T. Mnmons. Supervisor lfrcbnar mc the report ha accepleéad an Motioit carrieé. SmbOrvisorElcite. Chairem Postiez Cominsts asubui i!ohîomlng -report: Elile o!finois.Laite Coun Boaré Of . SuPer'v1or.a, Mat( Marcit 12, 1914. 1' Mir. Clsinii&bd GeQaie Boardéof Bupervlmovm; Your CommIllee on prinli roulé bag leave la report1 have examlned ail edaims beforetem and reOOmmend mentcOf lte !ollowing, and Clenit he directed to Issue0 thte severai amounbnta lith latmanls, to-rit: Name«. J Am. for What. -P F. Pettibone & Co., blanks ....... Geo. D. Bartnard & Co., record ....... W. M. Welch Ait;, do.. supplies ........... 1 li O!fiil >epg 9' Lrman. >ocd tuaI Namesdy ian ofltse rogits..........................2 6ay tted the lo'6iter..................*........... 6 sI'. es............................................... 5 Citttssde......................4 rct Terni, Coni-ad ...«............................. ie o te emru ................................ - -Eger ...................1..............6 .nir Clame fumons ..............................6 ltaIlite>' Ferry--------------------------------2.. 6 Presnented Fîcte...... ...........................65 c it the Rin.Gos...................................6 ordera for. Ki-sciner ........................ 2 eO several Meyer o!f remout ........ ...............4 Meyer of Waukegan---------------------.e2 ,Amount. MaaUier------------------------------.. g Petlis------------------ -1 3.07 Biims..................-- .....--------2 3 20.45 SPeîlman-----------------------------...3 2 Strattois o! Grant ..................-...... 26 113.90 aStton of Laite Villa------------------2 . 6 38.43 WO o tWkAn .. -. 26 j-,upervlpor Mehrmvdtbtte9uério Ugio,.dta h a Meort e aceteranaoed.»t hai ue~raKo n'cdtatte e Moion beacceedadaote imohtio ad . Motlper careryied.ma o Moterio arrled. mvd ht Sueritenr Feirry, hielsm Cark Sue autrLedtodwwaratat C'otrlîedon Wlaimk s bited th anCie oauntbored o rrlaw wrrnt DeerfwiidrportC:m, umtîdt ofnalill CotdTrattiirsesio lnt foiieoflineort:Lk 0uny m. foailtheIpailoed itnhi, essi of ane Boare of Sliiiors, lAkecunTy. as ford.eprde îd îiae0 h Boar of12,erv1n1. MarMotTonîn, Boar Mr.ax-i 12 ad.Gntemn1o4te MoterioarlMed.ro réot Mor. Chaîuran ndGenlemn o ui thuerv rmeycut tr'nd t ovc Bor o Superviors: cd a, wthut temnut aîdapoe Ytsrandommiela, o WaegalMoto red. Shid elis a Deeredpor taimhe,1Moterioarringd. p oado hovlé beg ledail to repr thatthey!servso in îue bajo belvr te an e iodi.. prleentex Msion b. adBor sod d heforeof te and recommendthe at tr otone cridd.dIordsoda mlr e of lite fo issung adtatrs ourneé..IINDE theier hamoureted th e order fork E, temns neyeriamt: 1ta thef Ilios'.a ke Cierk o. laimas, orWhtAo-wtt: 1SUiereof iiiinothe Lake Count s G. R. Lyon- & Sons, la truc and correct record of lte pro- J. D. Marchant, of salé County at flic Mardi. 1914, ses- rude................. I oso ilon of sali! Board. la W»itnesWhereof i bave $386. heouto vubscriined ti5 nDame Ail of whichifl; re8pectfuiiy submit and affxed the &ea] of salé H. W. Ferry. l4th day o; Marcb, A. D. 1914. Citairman. LEW. A. HENDEE, Tiîeaéore Ilt. Meyer. Clecnt E. A. Ficke. Superviser Sorensen movcé ta' wîE report ha accepîcé and adoptcd. Motion caried. «EATON lELP » Superv sor Wecb of Waukega'n. A ~ l~ submitted tlie foliorlng report: Bor0f SulperviBors. Max-ch Ter IN CITY ut'UILU Mai-ch 12, 1914. Mi-. Citairman and Gentlemen of flic Board cof Superviser»: WelKon auea Yun Your Commtîce on Jud ciary elKonW u ga Yug ('iaims wciuid blass e ai report tbl.at Man lnterested in Big. Fi. , bey haeexamined ilaheaims pre nllPol ft- .etdbefore tem and recommcn"d nn oect inCiy tlie paymenî o!fte foliowing, and tuat ttc ('lent ha dii-ecteil te Issue ordersIN EDCL for te neyerai amounts te te several SNM CLI TRUST CO clalmantslà.lo'wlt: NAe. iîal mountSurplus of $250,000 Shows Justice feesg ........... $3.80 That the New Company is G. W. Wing, t Constable tees ..... , qf toBe aBig One. G. W wung. Constable fees . ........ 4o ApplIcation bas been made taete liste auditar of public accounts for Ail of rîsichIo iri-speccfutly submit tise rlgitî ta organize te Celtlc Trust te. James G. Welcit. - and Saslngs Bank of Ciicago rîit a Citairman. capfital Of $11000,000 mité a surplus af A. J. Walsh. i250,000. Proqilisent Irisht Interests Superviser Brookg moved (bat thie report lie accepîcé and adoleil Motion carrieé. SupervIser Maatitr. Chaunan tof CommIttee au License. submitcdlite follonlng report: Bt&tfý OfIItOla, LIce Count>' ns.. Bor f Supervisera. Mai-ch Tex-ni.i Mir. Citairmnats affi Gentlemen of bise Board o! Suliervisara: Your Comulttee on lî1cense ba wItom mws referrcé lte petions of Zimmtr lBrothters. Ferdinand Pieun and Edraré Kelly for Dram Sitop Li- censces. hag bave 10 report Ihat ne base examineé salé Palltions and limé Ibat tbey each containthbie requircé numbei- of signatures. and tberefore k'ecommené that sucit license be gianîcé 1cZimmer Brothters o! Long Grose. FecrdintandéPriss o!Prairie Vier and Edrard Kelly of Hal! Day. upon titeir enlerlng nta bond and PaYing telilcense Oee of $600-00 eacit' Ail of riticit Is respecîfuil>' submIt- A. G. Mactiier. Heiti'> J. Brocier. Timott>'Speliman. SupervIserFINcite moscé titat lte re- Ports he accepteil andéadopted. Motion cax-iid. Supervîsor Emnmons of thte Commit- tee on Poor Clalmnl, except Wauité gan. Shields and Deex-lIelé, aubnvilled te foilonlng report: State o! Illitois, Laite Counl'. se. Board osf Supervsors, Mai-ch Tcrm, 1914. MT, Chairman and Gentlemen of lthe Board of Supervisors: Vour Commiltee on Poor Clims, ex- cept Wauitegani, Sields and Deerfieid, b6g bave 10 report thal re Itave exam- lnd be cdaim presenîcé ta us and recommend ltatlthe came be ailorcé a.i foilors: Name. For Witat. Amount Conrad & Hart. hurlai and ambulance service lit Town o! Newport.......... ...0 AUl o!friicit la resPectfuUy suitmit- ted. J. T. Emmons. Anlon F. Sorensen. Supervîsor Etroecker moved Ibat the repart ha accepteil and adopîcé. Motion caried. Supervîsor Manîlier moved tatlthe blil o! P. H. Miller ha aliored for $260.00 and ltaIlthe Clerit drmwa warrant ta Ithe Lake County Sanatoir- lim for lthe lame. Motion carried. 'rThe Clerit prcsenteé lthe Per Djem tis M'Ileaga o!flise Mem bers of lthe Biard as follows:" are Identilled mwlit e ognzlo anIt ile Isntended ta ý.ocath.ie e institutionlt inte tenter ofrlte loop Titi-e o!ftme orsanizers named lns lte application are practical baitiers. lte iead af thUt 51 ein;J. P. OMai- ley-. president o! tse Paople's Nation- ai Bank Ocf Pets'>, lera, rito probaitly n1u be iresîdent of lte fier local banti. Mri. O'Malieyi l aIinlexested lit neverai other bhauts t Iowa. 'ri tour otiter org«Iazers are J. J. OMaliey, prenîdent of lte Bayard Sasings Bank, Boyard, Iowa; W. D. Moore. Cashîer o! the City 'National Bank o0f Omaha, rito may ho selecbed cmaier of the IodaI . iniFtituioi. T. B. HXton. Pr@nld¶nt qqithse National Stonc Compaity, Chluago ansd C. C. 0'lalley, real enlata, Firat National Bankt building. Citidago. Mr.i-.lexion li te on o!Mi-s, Sox- tan of Shexidan roaé. Waukegan. lic married Ileten Carter several years 49o. Mx-. Sextan mas te prornoter and Is president of te Ike Villa bankit n nortitresterti Lakte counîy. Division of Bull... A mercitant ln Mankatoloaaaited: Are You and Your Ua" carrying 0on lte business IogeUerr,' "Tes." he re. Plieé adly. "I tranaact the business ,&" te énes te carryiug o.-Ras' Mur. and îxaE.1. lieydecterri- ceiscé a message titis morning frein Texas City. Texas, tIbtal aaugittcr ,was born tb Mr. and Mr&. Frank her. III. Mi-,. îles iII ra. ftrmerl>' Niuîs Mude l.cfn Andies t'artsgie tis fai- bas giv- en mnonci o titlil 2,570 ltai-y build- ingsln tise entire rorlé. 'These rcp- resent a total o! $60,795,322.60. I.asl >'ear ln 1913, ite gave 80metbing over1 12,000,000 for te ereclbon o! 135j Doer libi-ary buildings..0!oftese lis maire li thelite State fstn.represenl- IDg a ttalio! $1,625000. nmiles. 188 20 128 37 200 1128 19 97 20 60 188 39 72 1241 194 13 113 160 19 172 1 total. I96.80 80.00 87.80 76.70 80.00 90.80 76.90 87.70 80.00 11.00 96.80 $1.90 àt2. 90 06.101 84.40O 16. RD 84.30 73.90 96.20 96.20 90.80 74. 00 ,87 40 ii E Z ~ *____ ___ ___ ____ ___ __Page Seven larnns lu 1313as colpared witit 1912. "Most of the factorlen in the citien through riicit e operate reduced ther forces by at least 4) per cent and there was conpraivey ltie building dune onth ie norbb shsore dur- ing 1913," ays Audior C. E. Thonip. nonl In bis rernarkn accompanying the financial stabement. "The sbeam roads wiit whtii re comPebe sitowed a mnuch larger percentage of decrease In revenue.' Thte only bond inbcrest belng pald hy te recelved, titat on the $1,U0,o00 liraI 5n of lte Illinois corporation, was ueariy five tirnen earned, but lte balance wss too email to apply on the Junior bonds, witicit aggregate $14,- 000,000. PROPERTY f«NERS NOW ASK PAVINQ 0F WINIIROP JmRmO ~1-EN DJSCOVERED' MISSING KENOSiJAN J. M. Bridges and W. Forester, While Hunting, Run Across Body of Drowned Man. DISAPPEAREDMONTHS AGO. Body Taken to Kenosha After Police Conclude It Is Miss- ing Meat Cutter. 'rThe myster>' surrounding bte dut sppearance o! George Eani from Rt nosha more Iban four monbhs ago, Io titougit to10have been soived. Sonda) mornlng two huniers walking alone te laite shtore near Wintitrop fla-ho éîscovered lte body of a man on th sége of lte lake. rThe body was ter ribly éecomposed, but fiends of Earl deciared ltat titere ras no doubt but tbat te body found IsoltaI of Earl. J. M. Bridgen and W. Forester, boIt of Wintitrats iarbtor, made tbe gitast ly limé. 'bey bad been bunllng titi laite sitore and rere retorsing to Win- throp Harbor rben Bridges élscon-er- cd the itody. Il ras partially covered by rater and mas so terrIbly decom- poncé ltaI Il ras Imposstible for the. htuniern ta puill i out of the mater. Brdges, leasing r-orester ta mwalch tise body returned ta Wintitrop Har- btor and cailed lte police department ln Renonha and Coroner Nfiiiager ai once ment ta lthe place ritere bte itody had been founé andé élrected that il be ttan te Kenosita. rTe condition of lte body ras sucit as ta inéicate, tiat il itad been un the rater for man>' meeks and posslbly moalths. Oni>' a portion of-bte clotiten re- malned on lte body. One sitoc ras mlsslng and there ras absoiîatey un- ting ln lte poekets 'of te remaîn- Ing clotbes to sitor any trace of lthe iéentIty of thte dead man. After bbe btody lisé been taken to Renosita ef- forts rere made to, make certain iden- tification. 'rThe fact titat ut mlgit ha lteitody of Eti was suggested ritet, Fred Palmgreen. rbn bat! moi-k- ed witit Kari for many years, rent to tae morgue and afber a careful ci- amtnation of tbe decomposeé remains deciarcd btaIttere r5s absolutely no doubt but (bat lthe body was btaI o! Elgri. Eari ras forty-five s cars of age and hsd spent mucit of bis life it Renonita -is frienés fail to sec any ray t a tc. count for tite body belng founé se far both of lthe city as titey itelieve that lad ite committd suicide by icaplng nto the lake the body roulé bave been foîînd somerbere nearer Keno- JURY TO DECIDE BENTON MAlTER; JUDNE RULES ON IT The question as tQ whetber John Rush, collecter- o! Bpntan townsip sitall lui-n aver bte $12.000 dît>' maney bo Zion (h, ity, bchodcldeé by a Jury. Judge Donneiiy (bis usorning iteid titarttAlorney' Beaubien's ans, mer ta Attorney C. P. Bai-mes' bill rs suffIi-lnt to warrant a jury te consie-bthe evidence andi ius Uic malter goca hefore, a Jury for action ln tise Imnediale future uniess fui-lt- er t-oui-I stops are laiten te prevent, ln bte case o!fbte cil>' vs. B. S. Love. Juilge Whttitey iteldbtaI mr fleaubien's ansrer ras lnsulscienl bence lte nanéamus ras entarcé or- derlng Love te turit over lte cil>' mon- e>' in bis suCcessor, Thtirston. How- ever, ln tite Basht case, Mr. Beaubien, PreParcd a modificé aismer and Judge DIonnelly bell Il suiflicient ioda>' LABOR REDUCTION i uiS C. & M. £LEC. SAYS THE AUDITOR Business. Depresswon on North Shore Among Causes Affect- ing the Roads Earnings. FACTORIESRUNNING SHORT Absence of lte soîdiers f rom Fort Sitrian.IsainsndePreinttand comptitin frm It WIletbe ex- teso flte elevaîcé rallroad ai-, ,ite =all'tfuseo rictUs !~~l BlioI o!Iho Cicagaadlin. il Are Preparing Petition Which it They WilI Present Together h With the Ordinance. -OFFICIALS TO 'SAND PAV. Say They Carried Matter to the Supremel Coùrt and Witt Net d Change Specifications. ProPety amners on Washington -sîrcet are Preparing a reselution, i riticit tgetitcr ritit an oréitance 7- titat Meets tuteur approva, lte>' plan 1t tpreent ite City council aIte tnuilt regular session. rTe reselu. Btuon IR bcbng clrculateé among lte tPrOPerI>' ornera and Il I laiad ltaI lte men writa miipresent uî to lte 1counil are Iosa rio ere pi-amuent In figbtitg lte Improvemcnî riten lte clly ras geeting ta gel confirmiation ln lte dount>' court, Lter ltes, men aPPealed téte supreme court. "~lI r eum e tita te >' w ll r ig in an Ordissance Prescrlbing Jusl hor lte>' mnt te pavement put mn-at leaît titl18nthe m*&y tunderatand lte mnater ress' one commlaslonr alé. *,Wel. iïftey have topes o! put- tuug issYthitng o!rltaI hlMtirougit t e>' are m ltaken," Commissloner 1Detmeyer sal. 'Wc Il ignore Rany 0i-diiance the> mE>' prenant la un but If tite>' Praant a renolulion agit- Ing us ta Pave te treet me nu lit- li'oduce lte Rame Ordlnance ltaI mc baé up before. 'Tere will be not te sligtet change n t." "I don'î see itor ne coulé laite an>' other stand.*' Mayor Bldtitgar saué. "We sowed oui- bele! ren e car- rld te mater l intea ung= e ut' ad 1guen taI sla jarenougit fort auYone. Wa il stand pal. It lte Washtingtons strealt p-roy orner. anI te streal put lu mittsecl-I ficabions Provided befor. and.léenti. Cl to nher paving ofte sme arn ure lithle cil', ail el and gOOé, but re miil ot recede from Our stand& becaune re 'believe ltaI me are ln Thse ardinance rtici thIe Cit>' Inro- duceil fox-te pasng o!te lreet and ritici Met Objection aitebais o! man>' PrOPert>' ornera -provided for a concrebe linnlaad of a crusheé atoneInoundation. 'riscproperty orn- ers clairnsséIbat lte subgrmde on Washington sIx-cet le O! a fine enougit qualuly to mate il unnecessary to une the concrete base. 'te>' mode a ver>' bitter figit wrien te malter ras up before and It ie salé Ibal the or- éisant-e the>' nui as thlie cil>' to page now provîdes for lte cruslsatone base. "I..Ook ai. the condition of Wasit. ingi, titi-cet nom," Commissionef Diemoyer sai. "Doon itl lokan If il bail a subetantial subg;vada itlmi lns abominable. onditttinandé ril ti iseéds pavIng ver>' badli l oulé he a maistakie laolutî n asnoemo!tae Property ornersa asi. Wtt>'mgn> out Of tort people mito have hearéMolte controvers>' are iaughlng ai Wauke, gan.", 3"rom Ihese remarksits l oitiéap' tearltatiIf lte Propei-ty omusera el te street anI lie pavement put lu Ihat lte>' iii have to accede 10 lte pecillcatiOiss laid dom byte Cil>'. Commisalduer Orvis ahane sayn lie l '1o anxoia s10 have lte atreel paved ltaI itemoulé gise ln ta t enires o! tite ohiecîit; properl>' ornera Tite mAtter doutstiensnIll be titresied ouIta t tse next cauncil meeting. Commitssioner Orvis declared Ioda>' lit Lbei-lysiîe boday fllcéa cons- Plaint miitlte stale public ulilitien dommnigion rit regard ta lte con- dition o! tue gag.. ie Ray, ltat Rock- Ofoler alno tas illed coniplImnts and ltab LICe Foresb Intenils ta. 1High- land Park lité Winaelts. ha mays. B i g n i O s é t i e i r i t a f s a~IKAMES OF INS IS DEAfr-p ÔLS 0WSElILER Beloveti by Mgny Residents of, Here andti-ounty Through Being Olti Teacher. - TAUGHT BROWNE SCHOOL_ Has Attended AUl the Reunsons of Thiat School-Was 95 But Always Active. WOrd ras recoiveé ln Wssukeffli 1011h>; of lte deatit ln itaecrmwt Tuesday aflernoon. Mercit 31 of ltodt ericit Ame, aI lte age of 93 yaiw. Mr- Ames as nc of te oldestai: hast kitori resléents o!flte couatyu lité ltrough ie isdealt the couaty lones oneeto! lse arilest ploncars. Mr. Ames bad lived near Rosecrahwa on a farsu for tuBe> yearg. Durfln- prncticailyail of thistilime ite Vag cnsageé ln lte farmung business but mats> s'eara ago, bafore the civil mau. He han made lb a point ta aste»& ail o!flthe fi-re sciool reunlono ric aam halé yearly and ite aIraye bas baken a very prominent part l tem. An one of lthe fi-st touchera e lthaI sciool ha la recafled and belovele b>' manY> resiéenla of Waukegaa nhë attaudeé Ihat l111h. counttry acitool go Mir. Am«eu age eer tas sel sony heavil>' upos bisaand ite always huip aPPasrod tn ho ln baller health t hh a Maes may yasrayounger. Me 1IIW been able ta gat arouné very aprýYW P'U ldetails o« ie.deatit have usai as yet beam receveé b>' hie relativm- and friandselier& Il 10 cascadedaiit!death muet ha»a been ratier mudéen as no one htem, bt! bear',io! hi. belng ii. #RE CEl VED IN CO. Suggemdllu.for Ith, observance of* "gond roàis day" are containsé lin a' hulletia n euedb>' lb. tate highmmp' ouulaal"oa thlie Vallounscounî>'/ua- Per intendants o! hthways titroih ouI t.e Mt, a copy of miici ma récoiveé l oday b>' ncnly 'eIected"lUU. t>' uperlntantaîof highrays Chas Ruasell of Laitq couat>'.'rTe bullqit. calls attention 10 te radent procisas. -- aioes ofthe governor. Inriticit Apru < 15 la éesignaled an rosi day. Co-Parallon bitîrsaiaU mad oc- cila aisé lhe general public ls urged aPropos in general ta lte awaltenlag Of te people cf Illinols tote impor.. &nce of lmproVeé bihlsWays. The chiet executlve's stand ltait iln ha. haif o! 'Pulliag Illinoia ouI of the nué" ha. receiyed itearty support troughout Lake coustty andé riîle tha day ma>' net ha observed on Âp. ril 15 a "Lincoîn Hlgitmay D)ay" Ig* nor a probabillily. JUDGE FROST IS NOW Jîtége Arthsur M4 Frost of circcult court Is muchit mproveé alter hicsan. jou-n of severmi recta ln Floride, naYs lthe tockfon'd Repubie. The Juége returseé ta Rockfo-d Salurés>' and vîsilsé frieuda durlng lthe alter. noon. Hia trip 1.roved benelicial to ii andtere la a marited Imp-ove Meut la bis heailb. Judge Prost mili eoséudt court duria; lthe April terza la Rockford. ru et lu YO MEE SEUl WE EE 9 VORBEI so LETS ET ACQUANTED. Send uns 5ei se* ne wnl »ent! you Our 30- 9okelg. 5550,1 ment of vegaahîsemitfl*Çvar saad, mada upoa!tlhe.cholcest varletles fér ts bhoffl ardn.. 1