* ~'. ..~ I .. * 't m-r-- 10oï A Fashion.Qccasi ofSpreme Inte t anîmào1t- ~uce--B ila Prtraaj?ýufs I y F~1~on.' Iictsi'of .-M aa i, ~ \~ Nineteen, Hundred and1~fte Dislosng ¾cNew Styles in Coats, Suits and Cosgtumes for -practical Street -wear and afternoon and evenmng D occasins.Dgcn Fot'llossen trac sies that go to the gowning of the woman of to day: as originated in -paris and interpreted by the Style «os~o New York. In hroin opn ur oos t<.niorriow,, wveleuning yont -O "The, But the miain point for every stylish woman is tu be watchful that F stivufSring oaphins" ir a d o re "dressed" appropriately for %lie these vcrY eharaceristic and beautiful innovations correctly adherÏ te c occasioni as a fit setting for the fulil blossoînîng of the nvev faghious-weralvorethsuttearsacnepon. set an event on thec calendar that stirs the interest'of every wonan. In the long. proeess of'planniig. for the styles that shonld n1eceîvç Foi- fý6ions-as the styl(I-e edncated woînen secs thcîp are representations in 'The Festival of Spring Fafihions, W.0 wmdora. the n<otnerelv new ideas ini dreffl, but new idéas that hiew v1oscly to the linos weeding ont for you and now present for your pleasure a gàthexing of new~ (if the Frenvh <rigiuials. And tli&*'c- is a v- distinct diffores, as çvery styles at once remarkable for, its size and variety and of à correetness sttideDt of fashion knows. sueh as Dteets the higliest conunendation froi those who may speak froni Much will we h<éarpi of the new figure Uînes, the hip draperies, the the fiist baud knowledge of the fashion situation ini Paris and in New tunic, the paniers, ýhe bustle, the short coats for suits and the flare of York.. separate roats. 1 Commencrng Tomorrow-Saturday, April the Fourth, Nineteen-F ourtepn,, The Knowledgze of the Real Designer - The Touch of the Real Mlýlinery Artist- - These Bring You the Greatest Satisfaction. These are the factors which inake this mîillinery section a contiîî- nous source of inspiration for tiiose seeking nillinery style information and hats that inay he orn with the gr(ctfst satisfactioli - frnrn the simple hat for the street, to the mnorceli4tborate creatioli for dress occa- sions. As for triinrings, the leadilng features will be their hcight; and ribbons, iide failles, elipped ponpoins, quilis, feather novelties, dainty flowci2, etc., will bc ainong the (-ont ibnting factors. Not stylLsh shapes, unique -trinîmings, and fashionable colors only, but these, plus the touch of the millinery goulus, is the real secret of oui' millinery success. The Favorite 'Blouses in Stylish Silks l3oth in the beauty of the Prepes, v'oil@s, batistes, lace and net, in the charming looseness oi siceves; and graceful neck openings-these new styles are bound to %vin their way instantly. And the vcry small priees are no less an incentive t() choose thern qtickly. M Shoe Styles for the Coming Spring and Sumnier Are Decidedly Smarter than They Have EvÎer Been Primarily, of couirse, because the style§ of go,%vns being narrovw at the ankies and draped to show the shoes and ankles, have brouglit about a deniand for shoe styles that add to the beauty of the gown. Colonial purnps of the, smnartcst kind, plain, patent anîd in combi- nations of tan; featuring the favorite kidney heel, with plain toe; these -%ill be seen everywhere on smartly gowned women. 0f course, we have arranged to meet ail your shoe requirements' in the most complete iuanner-just how complete will be fully deinonstrated in this, thc bcst display-of the bcst equipped lof shoe stores., IQuality Gloves in Al ,the Required Legths Frenchi and domestie kid gloves ini wrist and longer lengthà, with the newest backs. These gloves corne1 from inakers whose produets we have tested thoroughly. Silk gloves are now ready for your idhoffling, as well as the newwashable gloves. - & 'l o I EI~ T a' N AtI "dry-, and th tu ipel be dett queetic âJIlda, éitrengi botS il plame. bad tb worke, daysas Autom loto ni a apect Ille and wete Si rlgbt o ln the and tii brongh Suffl a express beelege Inatue, The1 precinci 128 me ballotj Second voted. "oMen men ai precinci The v prise, Il 'voing ond pr and 79 The Mex binýZ 1 1 ti