Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 2

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PaeTwa. Aappeninf. ai -x.rea- I By T. F. S ANt 1 of lowe, le vlslllng ber motbur. lirc. Tyler. Mirs. M. Popand mother are botbon Lir Auna Lahrap epent teveral days latt vei wtb be daugbter lu bicag. = àîdine Ad annoeuosa baksry sas @i eneseomstnday, April 11. BuSne. Kmre W. D. Portiaus refturusu Tueeday trou ibe jelicAflisusibostal as W&UMrgaa ud le greaiy lImpiaval la W. T. Gols rued Mta Minanesota te ilu of ls vasita resuMme életuis tour. fa tlle -g sou l lfulaof tenu matesono a biTemov t u a = ewmmýw "Wb I= nta es tbThWSMwamItl.Tmmnp' ~1 ibe eue ai be Audiorumi, Jlb,~ylD, TeedyApil 7, mut fie a viener. MHOE A lew alese met andl cleanel i. pareangeTneday. TheDew minlter Tb. lisaiàt son of lMr. andlir@. Frank Vlckery. wbo was operated ou ett b. Buew ood bospitul lest week is rported asdin ileY. FýÀKE ZURICH The lainons Gibs le. cream seold at Fiani Brothers ctore &aca adfue choit- ment ofEt Easlîrbute and Ester egge. Wise N elie Biliman reiurued to the ltaI. Normal at DeKali, Liouday. $he vii remalu tiers antil Joune. F. P. Clark, Aug. Froehllck, H. G. Biliman and Mr. aud Lr. E. D. Brand- log voie Chicago viellais Mondai. Pbillllp Young pureeeud a in. black team ut Algoumquin la% verni. Misesilaums SehoIz vlsltcd relalives lu Chicego a satday sud Suaday. Wm..ToDnue'anev liotl a1.ready for businéesfor the cominngarasen. Chase. Corde i leneding B couple of d&ys vith f riende lu Chicaga thie eesk. Mr. adMmr. Rerman Rafle mod a uts paChicago latFrldby. Chas. Wlahtbu, pauesautsitfiys lakre mode a cmii eI Emni Franie' ans d"y lut ven. Louis Geary. . C. Selp Mud eorse Foomn ent taoicago Monday te, emgage a speaker for a meeting ta lhe betulthb luat of ibiswveni o te saon ROMv. W. A. oamerdue fciiRioag. vii WI"i a lecture on "Tsmepseaaeas. Prohibition" aetiUn Laie Shore PavIMMo ou Satuiday evmet aiS 'ciack. Ad- Mission fie.. Bd Meyer traneateulbusinesse luAiea Andrev Amaun vas an Aiea celler Tueday. RL . Cooadue a business tnIp bc Libeilyvill. Friday. Mri. and MLr@. B. Amanand daughter Ameil vleted the former'. brother et Warmenton Bunday. Dr. Matin of Round Laie, vas ceeu on oui sîreete Frlday. Mlis Josephine Amen @pont Suuday ivît i Llilan Gailoer et Fremont Center. W. Beach la apendlng Ithe veek vlîh bis son PMe, ai Lottaville, Imd. FPox LAKE ies Ellsabtb Kueber le bavlng a The members of the Fox Lake Encire's vacation aud spendlng part ofiti Club ver. royally etertained by the. vlith Wauieglan friendd. members of the tSoial Eacbre Club of Reporte me A. L. itta bas pur-. igleside Tbureday afternoon et the ebaWs an auto truck t0Duse in bis~ home of Lir. Kaping. Tii. aiternoon businses. a. ,.pent lu playiug carde aller wblcb a J. . Cambrlan ws aChiagodeliclouo luncheon wae served. Tbe viltor Tuesday. pIzawrwoasflvi:FetMm A. 8.-irere, Foi Laie; second, Lre F. J.1 0'Bnvle, Fox Laie; third, Mm. fi. Dowe. If Fou are golng t0 swing &Dy gafe. Fox Lake; fourti , Lir. Kîle, Ingleside, thile prlng you btter ses ours. The consolation, idre. Biddersoa, Fox Laie. Oate vit h h best reputation and Tbe Foi Lake club will meet at the rteed for lire yeaes. Llfertyville home of Lire J. 0. Brown neit Wednea- ~."uubeCo.c.27.2 day. u Is. 1 Jnterior Finîshes== ~ To the householder spring means brat of all reparlng the ravages that wlnter ha& mae-o in the appearance of the home. There la alwayu more or leua brightônlng up neoeuary and a tlmely' word on inter- lor finihs. ornes flot &ma& More artin- tic tRm a al papor and more laatlng, and they bave an added worth from the sani- tary stadpolnt FLAT TONE1 and PAT CO)., th e tandard wall painto combine richness and depth of tons, soft velvety ellecta, durability which perinita of repeated washing, adaptability a ground- work for enaînela and glaze colon a~nd many other qualities that meet the requirernents of genteel efiecta in finishlng. ALA ASTINE and MURESCO, the best of coid water finlahes are easily applied and lagting and are moreover very econornical. Tbey may be had in ail tinta and corne prepared for use, needlng ouly the addition of water. Couein lansd let us expisin maie f uly the nusnta of these hlgh grade inteiorfflnithes. The Ray Furniture D and Paii Phone 9 Str nt Ubertyvile a. I.. Trips TME CITIZENS' BANK AREA, ILL.. mP. R. F. Bouse living1 et. Vice President. g E. Payne, cashier. 'I LAIE oeUNTY fl<P~PIINDENT, FRmAY, PRaRIEVIII Mr. &bd ire. O0. C. Rchards were Chicago vietors fat week. C. B. astIon and nelco, Mabel debaffer of Derdeld, are apendlug a wei with the Lais lfamilles. Blanche Mitchell ýf Waukegan, epent Bunday et homp. Tiie Ladie.' Aid vili meet wlth LMme A. Webrnferger on Thursday afternoon, April 9. Mire. H. (Joan le îpendlng a veet with ber aliter, Mm. Mailison s a Raibre. Cors Hodgkin* epet laturday and suuday ai Aringlon Rloghl. Ume. Bby Molin. oaieblo, epent nday ai the bome of her uncie, Wm..O Lâloyd and Ben Ritsethalsr of Waute d gon, "Sl Sonday witghtirer paiet.. MMre.B. séiachile fnldlsa Saoir wM wftà ber dagte l Chicago. 1 Urn. tho vs ou 8l. Il. 0 .D" luissnieW le veryalic, lhe bue s gelereataci01 oumupadtiie. l mIre.Id . Uebb brc egsfal berà frfrnd, Mla Iuantrou Cur Rapidi, lova, ibis vesi.c Tho " etaeU.eloon mesilnulaVernon1 tovaahlp blore the elctoa viif!lhe hld la OrmscbèrebonlSuDday ulgbi, April1 BIb. Ail ais lnvlled.1 Thlb iolecommuulty von ebocked on lionday momilUg y hy i.e ad aews thai Hiermon B. fBol*j, a weli kodwn aud blghly re.lrsld lilea of IbIs townu, bdpam.d away.. Mr. Roie b.d beaue auto* 8" ejuae.aad bad lakea treat. mente la Chicago. Laiew ha vent 10 Elgin hoplng t0 reeelve halo uer.. But1 alter 9"eral monthe fl@estreugtb gradu- ally laed and on Bunday evenlai, March 29th et 9 o'clock b. paieasaay. Tiie obituary vill folow in nezî vernies leue. r VADSVOrMl. John Emery, via flad bis anile go bedly broken a lev veeke ago is able 10 b. out again. C. A. Heydeceker vas lu Waakegan ou jury several days lest week. L. H. Taylor vas vell enoagb te, b. moved lesit Wednesday irnm the resldence of N F. Lux tu, bis fetiier'e on tbe DeLitb farm. Misses Leurs sud Eva Lux viied ln Chicago lait SunU&y. L. M. tiekins aud Earle Li vere Chilcego vitors laot Satnrday. Oie 011.olmes vas seen ou our streets Sonday. C. A. Drawelm spent Suuday lu iHerbet Suesaud familv bave mnved ita, the bouse owued by Tom LicKinzle. RUSSELL Tii. Ladie' Aid socisty aIt Mra. Howeard'@ vas well attende<I 'he ueit meeting yl b. viti Lirs. Joe.Mervîlle. Tb@ Young People'@ lub vîll ment wlth Spencer audGilîbet Hoyard on Fridai evenlng, April 3rd. A number o! tie farmers vers lu Clilcago ou miii businese on Mondai. Mr,,. E. A. Reeves vlelled ber uster, Mie. Foreman lie tiret af Ithe veei. lire. A. C. Coins vlsited fier nephew, C. E. Banner Ji Ev&aston luis lest o!flthe weei. R. D. Ames remalus very low. Ris 80n Clarsuce le hotus tîom Montais. Tbe temperance speaker liaI vas 10 bave apoien lln theiiurch on Snude.y evenlng came, but ou accouat ofthlb bad roada b. dld Dotl day, fie rturned ou tbe next train la tb. cty. MW ite ild . e& Schnls ofAusitin, sud idra. Frank suppl.' of Chweago, vere the week-end guts eatt ie Suppledale tarin. MIses.Cbirl*llde, ehaii. Lela 01tneh. WlaIhed supple. Ruth Rièchet. oresailel d Florence Ciaolan and Beeétrice DU"f attended the touchers' meeting eai B vol. Rturday. Mleeee Clcw ey of Glenvlew, ver. the. qnetesof Mlsee Label aud Elda Rom..- huemer Tueday. Mmi i J. Cark relurned hotu. Mou. day &%tr vlelilng fier daugbter. Mne EUlzo.Cho# for tbé poWtivwo veehe. Wedm@eG.y ateruoon for ber éeler, lin. Fred Tovuer of Dlamond raie. Vicor Als, of Genwood lsmal TralabgISeUboolle vhdl«ln hele 4ther, Ur MdlMm Clyde lateàb badseitbeir Snuday meseuMr. aud Mim. Rry Cark and lmiai. Ja a tcb of Obirnaqo. .1 Mies l, adjukr of RlgbIBnd fan. Mr. "Mm ir.William Sieee of MI- veules, bave mouinlto lMr. L. Petie bomne. lilas absieleelt of Wilmte, vauthé week-endt guest of llm Joeéphine Wood- The Ladies' Aid of thé St. Péa Evangsllceurcli met t lie home 01 Lire. CarluSeig, Tbareday. Mmre.fenk Petemson l la oforlng iti blood puionIlnfier let band. Radis Deusaeur of Chicago, vas the week-end guest of Alvin KaBi.1 The annuel masllng of the.ireebyterlan ehureli va beld Wedneeday arsnlng. C. B. Eiseton sud Lir@. Mahal tichalier arc vlelulng the. latter,@ parent«, Mr. sud Mir&. Jud Mson of Prairie View. tiei week. R. Id. Vaut epeul sderrl day. lu Waniegan viiting ber aiter, Lra, W. B. Wlmiot. The.I. W. A. gave the R. N. A. a ple«aat eupreoe Tibursdayv evenlng et the town hall. The eveiug waà spent in piaying carde. Ralpb Knickerbocker lefrt Tueeday for Grand ilapide, Liceb,, whero be ba@ accepted a position as foreman of a building supply bouse. The. Doresociety will bave a bakery. sale S3aturday ai ernoon, April 4, at tbe home ai B. P. Huthieon). Iu the. 8t. Paul'@ Evangelical eburci, Sund"y morulug Ralph Barenherger, Aeald WInters, George Jlacob@ sud Oecr Schuab will b. conflrmed. F. H. Meer wae a business calier lu Lbertyvllle Friday. Tiursday evening, Amplia. tbhe four year old dangbter of Mr. and Lira Wsber, passed away ai ber home afler an ilnees of pneumonie. The. fanerai éervicee vers iield Saturdity, Bey. F. Bosold offllted. Lre. Engenia Todd returued hiome Saturday aller vleiluig fier daugiter, Lie. W. M. limelzer of Chicago, lie past tires veeke3. Mr. and Lira. John Velter are ieceiving congraltions on the hrti o! a son An amendmnent ta lb. contiution o! the Parent-TeacberAssoclation vhireby a meeting .sveiy monli lustead oi every ather monti vould be, vas voted upon hy tie association ai tb. meeting lu tie Aeesmbly hall Friday aflêruoonu. Tihe aesocation vilI serve Inucheon tu the Laie county teacheru at thei meet- lig lu the.gramniai ichaoaltiie 25tb of April. Mm Suple lb. presîdeul. ad-. vocated lb. diecontlnuatlon e! lb. Custom o! glvlag o1 flovere on conm- moeement niguil ou account o!fie humilation vhlc i leur vbo do ual recelve tbem feel. A. nursry vili b. eitabliehed lu ous of the. vacant echool mrne viera motbeis may leave thfiir ÂPR~IL 3, 1914. JAT GOULD Goald vabrnnu a faim lun1New Tml of vea pon parents, aud vwsntint to voit aarty la lits lu a cluiit c»ul etore. lHe .tlerwardc aecneed a pisace assistant lu a map-maker. Aller WUa%- tu4g th. business, b. made a map of BegLa- vais Co., aud Abany. aud diiso»ic e lb.. for $6,000.,vilci euabled bue t. tar lli e tanning business. lu 188e. ho etartedInluthe lether ie ues la1New TOrk Cty. ride provsi sha. cees! ni. He rmai. mener fast and befas te luveel lu mî * uIee couditices. aud kis u ngouent maeie dm on succesaal thct lu Iseo, h. coutreiie 100Miles of callruad. e wuasthe.feuider oifie Was«eu GOUMi Frtueistial todar cenmrme 18,4* mils.01 ofimil an sd ovne mure IbMsaa bitilea doflare lu stocks sandois TM rntul t b is santi lit*,e. avih u*bibute4 lMai ucem se u te ev am lemet omaïbal .1fhile mrsrufl ine te« boy a« e clb acrifice. FOUNDMR FGE~V4 They have OgeUerlY bea POOT boys l11e Goitld. He etarted by sasvig a pant of ie earnlng, thus baing able to GRMBP TRI OPPORTUNITY wheu il camùe. The wliedoin of thie plIan cunuot ha questian.d. It al- vays bige suooese The officensof ibis bank viii gladiy suivis. with any one about heu i mancial affaira. Fist -National Bank RAINFALL .RECORD- TOt efr Msreb-2M injches (mnrmai1.92) Apil lt-.1O luches. babies during lb. P. T. A. meeting Lire. ielciell, Jr., gave a report niflb. Parent-Teacber Counil held lu Chieago tii. tiret o! tbe moutb. Sîipervi«or C.W Pettts gave a blaciboard demousîration of the ballot vuli yul I... used at the 1 tovu election Tuebdav. Miss LieNlabaii gave an exhibition oi tie wurk doue iu thes gynmaslum clam . s OBMAURY Walter Conrad Williams was theolde ml cblld of Elmer and Margaret Stats Williema. fie wva n aet Aron, 111, au tbe 4h of Sept. 1011. and Ilu ie spririi oi 1912 Mo i wtb hie parents to Llbertyville,.1, hicb place ho reniait e. for the remainder of bis lil.. At no lime dld b. euijoy goad leih Hie condition àrradually grow moire grave, aud bo paussed away on Wedues- day, .March 25, 1914. ab Libertyville. ais uge Was 2 yeara, 5 montbe &ud 21 idayî. Tbiiimdiate causentbis dëali vas spinal meuingitis aud bis fiuai Ilioen. overed a period of about two wesi, The uerai servIces@ ver. beld etbtthe borne noflbheparentse iu cierge <of Bey. ..&B LieOndin, a former Ijeelor and fienul. CARD 0F TI'ANKS r We viii 10to teni lie mauy fieudg 1and uelgbbore for their iudueoie sud ç ympahiyextended la us at tbe lime ut tl of niour lutIle son. ier and %ire. Elmer Williams. Black 13 1Lyric Theatre, Libertyvifle SPEPCIMEN BAÂLLTOT TrowN oirGRANT LAIECOuNTY, I& Annual Eleetion, Tueuday, April 7, 1914 Town Cleri. C) REPUBUICAN TICKET For Supervisa El WM. J. STRATTON For Tovn Cark E MRS. LOI-RA J. RUSI-MORE For Aseessr ElEDWARD MUELLE R For Collectar E ARTH-UR SMITH- For Commisianer ai Hîghvaye 1[ ROBERT MNEA 0DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Supervisai EED. C. HOWARD For Tawn Clerk EWM. V. JACKSON For Assessor EJAMES LARKIN For Callector EJOHN J. ROSING. For Commissioner af Higliways -3 JOHN TONYAN Bell1 T he lure of the should flot be break home ties. System great city allowed to Y oung men and women from distant towns, climbing the- lad- der of success in the metrop- olis, should flot neglect those left behind. The Long Distance Telephone preserves the bonds of love and friendship. Chicago Iclephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telepne 9901 SPECIENNBALLOT TOI" 07 GRAMT LAKE COUNTYS ILL Annual Eleotion Tueuday, April 7, 1914 WILLIAM V. JACKSON, Town Clark For thie Projposition of Abolising Poli Tax Against ithe Proposition of Yaur grandfatber ha4 lb. COUMege of the Pioneer. He caee bIlilinois vuien good landi vere cheap. and now hie farm le worth a fortune. Will You lake the came chance? Itasca Caunty good, levaI, open land,. heavy soi na svsnlp, at 112 t1 0 per acre. ru mai, th. termes. Al ImlProved faims ln weli cettleul districts. Easy terme Write 10 IFaebroke land Company, Pioneer Building. St. Paul, MinneMota. Automobile, Carrnage and Wagon Peinting and Repaiing I1!NRY RflIM. NEW OR'LlANS. LA. FrS Niai, Bath and lavesilue foru ,La. lJpleed Ferme. Write JOHN W. GRAY 4001lit NaionalBB Ddt. CHICAGO, 9.1 Snop aiaeaout 5 *7n -Piano 1.uning northemeslof LierIis'de. Leave ordere t Ray'eFurntureStore. Libertgville - IiosWoîi 1doue by Mr. Alden. c.28-tf _____________________ meachos aU points la Independent reader? BE ONit. IAiýO Cotifty. FOR RENT- Sale Deposit Boxes Oui modern fire-proof veuit with steel compartmeuta of the latent patte,. meuresai. t prot ection from flue sud covenient eccesi Wo your ineurance poli- clos, notes, deeds, etc. m-«mwmý UM--Mm.mqm 1 1 oý 1 b»-.a i -711 11

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