Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 3

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APRIL 3, 1914. OCffl6 b7acntb bas a pWtt, UftSstory. I[te leablsd te bave spvmmg fiom tbu blood of 1lyacistbue, vbo vas act4utaiti siaiu by Jipollo,, a=ccdtmg to tbe aucteut Gfteh mltb. Cbus le a val iK te tsuli a ftsumctu o f~. Rc baw 4a1 bim4s of ctber 6aster lovas. 014<? mcv. CUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS Reuaudua...................i-Si.8O Liiiu..............75o-1il.0-41iJO C.wrtimo4 d ua.................5e Tuipe ....................3ke-uec SwaitPus., Ima ...né ...... .......... 38< l4yaeanthà .................. 15c-IO VieuIý buné...................35e baffediiu..........................M Celle Liri . ........u.....é.....20c Liiy of the Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. LibertyviUce. 111. Out-oE-tewn Order. Pilled Promupty. Fence Bargains 12c per rod and up AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVIUIF, ILL. SN M. MILLES. 'Attemey ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice la hereby glyen thouthe Ibea- acrber AIlmnarator ef the Kalule ot James Siure. dece.eed. will tend the CouDly Court eof .ae Cousit>. aI a terra tiereot to be huiden at tee Court Hous lnWaukeran. lu iaid CeunI'. eouheUic lilonday etJuste neat. 1914 wien aud tebere ail venos',bavine dlaims BffainsI mid Elate are nollfied and requested tlarsmemteulai une tlu autOCourt lu, adjuicatioUn. THtOMAS SAGE. Admniistratur Wankeffau. Ill.. Marcb 16. 1914. c-March 20 27 April 3 Thie Independent lead aail. BSN fi. MILL5BR. Attorney ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice 19 berebr Riven test thee Bb- acriber Adminisitralom e1 theeEstate nf Sarah Sage, deceasd. ilil attend tee Count>' Court ef Lulte Count>', aI a terni Mhtreoltu be beldent et the Court Nouse ln Waukegae. lu si Ceuni>'. on theietfimaondai Ot Joue nezl. 1914, mhen and wbeee&ai racons avile laimatualeatsaid BNate are notlfled and requested 10o resent theemne ta muid Court for adjudication. ThOU SagBue, Âdmlnistrutor. Waulegun. Ill.. match 16. 1914.* c-maret, 20-27 ADn] i Independent reader? BE ONFM FORAiALDEaYDE viii kllth amut on your oast.botter. quloker, cbeap- or than anytbing es. And dan't forges te .prsy thon apple tues witb Berdsuz Aixture or Aranute of We &Wu carry a fuil linofe Povdered sud liquid Lice Killora. DIRUCE DIRUG 00. The. Resa istar.eGayslake BEE PEGGY GREEN AT THE GRÀYSLAKE OP ERA IIOLSE SATURDAY E-4~ APRIL Homo Talent Play iien hy Tne Community Club 4 BIG MUSICAL SPECIÂLTIES HoueTalant Orchiestre. of Ten PNaces asetd hy Prof. Quinn. Cornsetist of Chicago, Wini fumniu Music forthti.e eniag. RESERVE SEAT TICKETS nov on umle at 35c es* et The Rama lStore Pure Bred Percheron Stallion Licensed Illinois Staion Regi&tratiomýBowxIj No. 8340 r Y femis ~Jobn Maria and daughter Myrtie lv .~3( uuni Tuudsy wllathoheformer's mon - - îîiwboj . . oerted on îueoy fore // Mie. Maude raburuad beome Saturday _=Zr __________ rcL,54rJ< ftCJr tKoattend the vudding of ber ululer, Misn - .by F. . DRUOS, Phone 11 Rby Mr@. Fred Hamlin bau been uick the ___________ Mra. REmua GasrlKy of Vigil li., - epeutlaonthngin use Takun foIr JobW.ork. ceiaidaoj wilb AMr. and Mr@. H. B. Puet We u uo an rtsng rates onauaplcation. Tower. MiW Margaret Meyers in mucb impro. Air. sud lit.. Win. 8. Tower, Air@. v Hloilman. Nr. Rdl and AMr. and Airs. Gao. A. Mitchell won lu Chicago over n uddagbsr, of lqp attended the Subay. mL«a an uda .! WWI Mr@. ois ueral of lira. Towpe, Wedueoday. ScDnio fLh eib l. ~gO. MiuuEthol lait-cf Chicago, 'pet ats Ofaabsort lime " tweek witb hie Lam end ud i Wes trou hie puuda a ti >,lsd home. danghter AIr.. Mitchell. Tu wM é u Oinlte mmJoetMaslIathe rsîurned trocs 14M'.Aile s 84ltIt nd dsugbter rature. UOsrY vua U lag i iter. ba du e dyail.? as nierai dois visit, with rois va us reesivd a abipusal of Ms. lSarah badge vluld %Mr. snd lira.~ boe asuOllîeOl. Thleluabeolte- W. J. White and lir. snd Aira. J. 8. QKelervidted hie vUfe lu an Elgtin ogfm amsupeelor Ko ml 7 or Domantbe puai aîkhobpUL arder. ) the maout.both for mi- Arcble AcCredie boa been qulte poorîy Air@. Talbot roturaod thi. week from psesind m à food product. the past vak. lb. oeutrsi part of tb. utate vhere ah., m, amoussi or $1.00 a quart ait bu beau vWltng relative.suad 4riendu il Stora-DrueDs 5Co. Mi@@ IdaeSrg B ilset Wudaeedsy tu mince dm ILN. A. convention. zue of Durlington. rmaçedWsukeitsu. The L«dia. Aid ibel.ty met vith Aira bore ondai. Neyerai etflthe tcher.s ttended the0 b. P. Manser ou Wednesday. an mulllng fautfor the. boue tteer'auaUB at Highland Pm* .Oa.Ort sfVri.Ilio. t >7 au ndyueigateStr. tendud the funersil of Aira. E. B. Tower les.Mr. sud Aira. J. S. Dawson trsueacted luet veî. nket bail garne lest Saturday buns inluWaukeffn Tuea'iay. chb won a double beadur proved Ira MArs. Jamea Klug Le vieltiug ber don- it. ,zciting. Theotire aK va - amulid (erry sud eidreu haie ghiter un W&ukeg&n. nwe a le Llhertjrille iina team returned tram Waukegan for tb. arydk ilà u MmDer. P. N. Danile upont Saturdsy je Evanu. mb th irat gamo the home tesain The Ladiee' Aid .oclety waont>Oitpoied tn ia alt r ofbo l uch iti th 'played together w6 conider thie vraI outil April 9. t)inner will ho svr tako ruhte wveil to beld tbe secte davu cerved. L B. GIricen otAutiach. lrauated buai- 0 lu Isior of the iitlug tea m. Nr.1enan of Lincoln. Ill., srrived nese hore the tiret of the week. .excitiug game 01 th.e seon thia week t0u, peSd uometirne vîth hie srs or~n fthe Wakgan sud I onfl. . Dous. s boy. testa. The tme w ere MisaRuhylday Cleeland aud Air. !L.IN MEMORY tched aud there wae flot a Walt et Fort Bill, vrere married Tue@- ,0f our heloved daughter Auna Nidk, rom the lime the bays vere an day, NIarch 31. Congratulation@. wbo died Aiarch 27, 1913. Irthat they vers ual lu the Mr.0B.W tmran iAla Alvdoefi ubago, The Waukegau teamulied boston r. .B Wbt ren MesAm Alveeufrmubagne ke in the st game sud tihe RKoe of Warren township atttuded Aira. A voes e alove in etilled, san eeemed ta ceunt revenge Towors tuneral. A place in vacant lu aur borne veugance sud vent lot the Air. J. Salveater et Waukegan, wau a Whlch neyer can be filled. îhb aaspiritaof vIctory vbich won Mlliburu vieller Wedneaday._________ emlu a ucore ot 12 ta 8. BT Â YB.Jh sEv.Lt.C rh te af the badl voather last Tbura- CB M R t onsig LU hie ening about 850 people vere Aire. Elizabeth B. Nouthwortb vau at the anti-oou ralIy. hemn Fel,. 7, 1826, aged MMr yesra, 1 Corner Broadway sud Park Place, vd eent for thehernetalent play rnonth sud 15 days, died at the home ot Libertyvflle, 111. R. O. Buerger, psator. t The Iterai Drug Store, 35âe lier son, Horace B. Tower ai MAburn, Engliuh uervlceefeond Suudsyevening 3uy early if you vaut a good 8unday. Aiarch 22. tibe was rnarried June lS48tolr&B.ToweratStoughtou eveuinx of every rnontb ait 7.30, cein. nose Whitehead retuned home Msw ha precoded ber 44 yesam ago : rnciug April 12. vaf 1er epeuDdiug several daya bbc is survived by two wo0$, Harace couan, ire Parnerat auk ~ t Mliburu sud Wm. S.of Chicago, ýr ousn Ms. almr a W u d unsgranduon, H. H. Twer utStLKwTOXcEp1BCop'lP'hurCl ue ilI1burn u. a, . bI 1d v nw oS. WHITE, Prietiu enhare Dmuce bau purchaeed anwMarcli 25, Ber.. W. Safford *flltdIB 'v' nr cile. Bumi ai Stoufgbton. Macs ..her former Hoy omunion kivpry Suuday 7:45 @y Parker et Downerao rove, is 1tome, The familly have tth e myniiathy a. ni.Firet Suuday lunrnonth 10:30 a. rm. Srelatives hor. thie week. uto ail in the vicinity. Moruinitl'mayer every Sunday except icLeesetofWaukegau, te s gueqt [ -abo ve 10:30 a. rn. inter, Aire. F. C. Wilbur. CARD 0F 1,HANKS Suuday oebeol 11:45 a. mn. ,die@' Guild ef the St. Andrew's We imh to thaul the singersand the Eveneeug 4 p. tu. i [et with Aie@ Florene>c1) 51 friende for thdir kindress and Ail Holy Daye. Hely Communion 9:00 eel Wedneuday ab the borne , fluwerBecontributed tii uur beloed te Thorneon. motter, &Ira. Elizabeth Tower. a. Ml. ocal question wvich ùe we much The Children. i at the prment day wili el kmchSrvcs spon Sunday eleulug at the LX Ch.hBevc stienai churc bhy men ai ability. If you are gaing to swing an>' gstes 00é ~ rahîg 1v .L 1talent fromnt t ftowus eli tbis apring yen botter ara ours'.l'hoe 03 .m rwhnR .L lailent vii maire meusiceueeetf Gate wtbh the beat reputation aud Whlpple. irei of the eveuiug. guaraDuteed for Spvejears. Liberlyvilie 12:00 m. Sunday ucheel. rlovelsud sccorpanied by Newt Lumber Co. c-27-2 6:45 p. m. Epwarth League. D Phil Flsry and anether man 7:80 p. m. Preachlng, 11ev. W. L. uud Lake drois hie Fard tour. to Grayelake Tndai ou s $75 Callle4k ~Whîpple. le ronde are aimait Impesable "Tbere la ntblug seeter...aaoe bea d su armersaire ueiug four Elle Wheler Wîieoz. "'thm ntaber iu Pr byterian Services herse teamu ta haut their mUk th. sereine hour of a suarfit nigbt a 10:30s. M. morulug wurahip. lovever. Air. 'Clveland utatesgontle valce cailing. Callng y00.,, 11:45 a. m. Bible School. isade the trip lu Food shape iu Weil, it la Dot go all-fired eveet wheu 6:45 p. m. Cbriatimu Endeavor seciely. orly minutes. the other fellow bas a ful1 bouae and 7:30 p. m. evenlug wership. 700 cent show mura than, a meauiy ito awy ecu. 0fqeu-New Orlansaesa. etoaawy vlme R.~~ B.. M K . M. ALLDURT. Fauter. Phone 307-J ~3I~ BON LAWRENCE NO. 65188 le an iron-grev horne of first-clamm conformation, with the beut of fiat boue, and weighe 2250 lbo. Sired by the noted imported Bon Marche, Wl. 2300 Ibo., and eut of the imported mare Gilberte, wt. 2200 Ibo. lise j of the bemt bred Percheron studa in thia couti- try, being backed up trongly with Brilliant hlood. There i. no profit iu raising an ordinary t'ot-onIy the best wiIl pay. Bon Lawrence la a prepatent mire. Corne to auy farmn and @eu bis get. Bon Lawroc will stand two or three days in the week at my f&=m 1 1-2 miles West of Libertyville; other days wUll (iIk..otstide stands, places announced inter. Tes is $ 15.00 whim u« la kuown to be in foal. A goodà son et Bon LaWTPmo. will stand at the farm at $10.00. Resrve youiur a,'urvices now. RODNEÙARM PL B. SWIFT, Owner. Mr ME RS ! F AR N What is ( s AMU.T.e e#d b>'a plant grewth et tbe leweat ord.r et plant lite, calied '"epoamee" On caretul exaiintian It look» ike white uold, but during vinter menthi romaine un the oate lu the ftoru et "@mut." Seeme harlee but ITS ALIVE suad sa soon se tb. osto ,gerrnlnsKe, 1K attaeks theseprout ;~baidUeitaity of the etal lz = fi! Dot leuelà lite ta -Protium a bostby àc:bfla I.dis- aaud, sud vbat .hould bhoaes terneos , ut. &B1 ont@ bave soma smmut. Bers unara atavway. fer est. te get amutty: let, hy voathar condi. tions; Sud, by the tlsruahiug us. chine csrryng @muIt rom your nolgbbora. by grain haga, and lu tact. by everythiug ued on smut- ty grain. Treat your moe. itb Anti.mut evory sesson sud Cet rid of the PRIcE,$1.C Home Lumi Oflu .0 per boulie ier Company âbertyvWne i Your Proposition! Large or amali WiII Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand RuaI Ettate. lneurace, dte. tbemtyvile. 111. 1K N g The Model Cash Market The boit and chespeat place lu Laike oouuty for firat-ciais Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and Shell FIsh -e---- n VEGETABLES AND FRUITS LibertYVilI MIlk Money is the chief resource of many farmers. The margin of dairy profit varies with the health of the herd. -suifsAnimal Pr'«.m' Regultor wildo more to keep cows in perfect health, aA roit e au:frmy hgh percentage than any other system yet devised. For over forty years Pratts eeishv en tnadasltl essential to Utulost Buccess.I SalistaeUioa Gjmedo m yB Praýtta Diainfectant la neceuaary t nbti aiaycn diiosin te. subituteaIn soluton Prt ot.o bu e a aln dRtfuse in thedirytutes; oltion Pit sU o bu e a al Gel PNU tsStock Book For sale by S7. i pF7D7i tt.rahall, (irayulaku; 9. L Wald & Co,, Lak e ll; !'Vi. Hillebrand, Antioch; Blackburn*' Brotighton, Wauconda; H. L. Prehm. Lake Zurich; Win. Einuman, Di. amond Lake; V. Sauer à Co , Long (irove; Fanaback & Raupp, BuffA,. Ie (4rove; Hirahberger Bros., Prairie View; Ueo. M. Weidner, Apta1lagà A N N 0U E M EN T Dr. N. W. Schelleabrger OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN WÂCYKEGAN. ILLI.SOIS WiII be et Airs. C. S. Hoigs on Orcherd St.., UburtyvlIs. on rues. and Friday. aftenwgon and aveming. RAILROADS NLID mu~ rrleraPihy. Tyruerittog. Station ACceUi rig. Levire Iuth b.ines 10n aur sew upLe ,i1 .1,e t 1 cu i tot tO,'e lut iL btuiuu 1l i1,1 5.Lay~ LAK 0 I! and .aue rnitureStore. ul pointe la .Mundee and Co., 'rHE QIJNTY SKOPe )at Smut? deadly genou. The evolutlon of AuKi-Smnut t the reanit etof raUl utudy and teat@ for several yesan. and v.uos. pe.itvely guarantes it ta proeai @mut theilretyealr lt lau nes. It lncreamsetilt yield, sîrenghie eh stock sud subano. lb. Valuof lthe .trav tvo-told. Sef that tIi tratuoa% yon boly bure lbe frais mark*1~4 SP prInted la red. O1RECTONS-flest realian oh- talned b7 ciensslm 10 bu. of utrlitsMt line, foul WbIch use 54 hotu. Anhi-om Il 2quart@ of wutem. Spri.kle nir tb train. elIve eer lhorui 2nora tuel. bat and lie un imniediuly. 11mw a bluaket ner the buls. Tresl the muaI lu tane .uy, tl let tnd 10to 2É heum a"u4 dm111. JcAUTIow-il for &DY reeiant OIM' are nul mowed wilin 24 banc, aitermt- ment, eMpli an flr Md 0leave UM ready te eue. KenboIttie tornouth curffd and ln a ceai place. Shah. leur- nughiy belon une. -AFÀ . 1 ý.1.111 -ci -Id

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