Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 5

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LAKE O~ f<D ,FRDT, APRIL 3,1914. I ______________ ut, Bug Seed and Salistaeton The Ruth Park Seeci Co' unrivalsd sed ism at;"~ci IAL sbeau. Boom oVE tom of ail The Id... uiew dan- and here eiy indis- i ta $100. >ance Gumyo"ae 't t- Rice's mnd ferri,'s Packet Seeds 5c each A full line of BuIk Seods and Onion Sets T rRIGOS &,TmrAhOR J lce»et PoeJ. Eh Triggs Ubentyville EE Whetiîer you have that now spring Puit or flot youl will waut ne-w furnishing for Eaâte'r. We- have a new line of sverything that goes to mnake the welI dresated inan and no rîtatter how particular your taste we think we can give you what yon want. Drces;s or soit Shilrtswllh ,kuin or jiieat- cdl points or the comfortable models wltfl soit coikir und cutis. Nechties infll th11e new patterns aon shodes, four-ln-hand and string. Colkjrsh 1the fornous Cluei PeabodU and Von Zandt Jocobs, noted l'or, boMl stile and wear. Dress Gloves f'or the dlcrlmlntittng mavn-thie nIshlnj touch to the Easter tollet. lu ehort-we bave suything yau need in drese atcesaries. J.e B. Morse& Co. Everythlng for Mon LMDRTYVULE, HL.. PLouc14 Anytbing you want To buy this Spriug in Clover, Ttmnothy, Alayke, Alfalfa, Corn, Oate, Barley, Rape, Orehard, Lawn Gras *Seeds You eau make-'mioney by buying flow while the stoeks are' full. Price riglit. (joîne in, taik it over. We liave it. Feeds of every kind For Cow, Horse and Poultry. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Dop. Phone 47 *een IHart 20 Veerg. E. A. BISHOP, Manager oCtb ertyvd/le fiems- XXx X X XXXXXXXXX Xxxx Gai .d.Seo& ., 2Di"letfor' Sr- F4ýv« rS..d4. Sc Padubti. privai.. Thebouoen aifSt.Lawrence'@ cbnmcb ame maklng vsry elahoratse peamtion fora aunique supper ta te held ai lie Town Hall on Tiureday oeulnng. April 19L Basildes tlme suppor Cer. yUl i bea fre. j llutrat.d leture, iollowed b>, dancing. Watecb lue paper for a aborej dtaliie no" ex iswe.k.1 Shes. Taumucaueofspiiiplos ud lturature for the "drys" bas heen faldod 'mmd placed Into envelapesb> a number of girls, and vblch wm ald to votera. on a vi a ibte OMM eomc a01iii.girls made a rsmark thal "if lthe tavu gos, dry 1 thnk vs girls osesa ta get quite obbit of credit for lt il md1Itblnk the newupapor should s.>au, toc." VYen girls. vwe'il l loncede limaI point. 'v o o o o o o o o o % o o o o o o o a 'o o i i I (Additional Local News Page 5 and 2) Tbe 1411e Tbeatre wil presenût twa special two-mel fetureï, "The Sm« Chas. Lange of Dserfleld, was a vWstor IOé l"à Oaa" d "Blsurretion' ast ili boe. Moud., matines Saturdoy at 2:30. The admis- H. A. MIII. af Prairie Vlew, wv@as'dla lie ta ai1. Roth picturse are ewler bore Monder. sald to a b eueptlonaliy fi ne. Ir. 9 àker ofWest DeerUsd, vas e u r. &W Mmtir.E.C. Hîggins vont ta toWnon uilfflPrioi.Delavan. Wb... lamE eek Frlday sua ai- UL4W24 M Cll etnd the 1 8111«101 M- rs. Hggln'e brothber 8nnJ~Ite~-hr h ret Flrank 1). 9tu,"eant. wtïoee fucnrel*m L.B. p ie 'à % pti r a.on hel on the dqr t .hadecaed would hâve busnes helate ptn tantwek, eeed bis OBrd blrtha nieuy C. A. Bcbreck returned Monday from The village board hans 1usd acompWolt eevevai daye bnsiness trip ln Wisconsin. wlth the Stas Utllitiem Commiesion Supervlsor A. 0. Maether of Prairie againet the North Shore GJag Co., where liw, was a Libertyville visitor Monday n the board cite@ numneroum reasoius for Mr@ W.1.Colin @putlas wek nitg an Investigat,,ion lu' hcom- viri erW.f. oller epome la St Wmoe, 1mIssion into tbe gas inattr, une of the Hîi. gle fre iael ycmritatione belnig hat the Comipany l'll* charges $110 per thono, id fes& iof ga.. An Eaater tionday dance viilhIlsCon»The romplaint le sigue.i b%, the president ducted as the town hall by Prof. .Ianîee Smith. al h i reeb Mark and Lucien Ellsworth i , !'ore Camp No. 17h "r-it a dlgation Saturday and Sunday wîth relatives il, Of seven membere ta (%ti,,, Wedoesday W heaton. fiorning ta attend thý ,,nItY convein- Thfe will lie a hakpry sals at (a!ti of Modern Wo,,dria,î 'rThe lollow- rondo stojre Saturday atternuotn under vjiKnembers attendel r 1,. "invention: the auspices of St. Lawrence'» churcb. WE. Siller, W alter, H. 13. Eger, Tb@ Tiria Clapter of the Wetrh ue!i as. K aider.Chris Mernî,er, Jas. tiack Guild will meet at the homeofai trs jadi Adam Titue. tir Miller was ehoseeu Frank Wlseon next Tuesday, April 7th, am on@ ai the four delegates who wiii Mie Beseie Butler, Who le teachlng at represnt the Lake omunty van î's ai the Naperville, Ill., le epending a veeke ci9ae sCoanventlofl. vacation with her father and elters Thcoergin yhSrtwsen here. henetve,,tN.rweer - lee Club as the M. E, ilirr, h laet woek tirs. A. C. Mlurray and tirs W. 1i'thurmday evoning was Cveil attended Colline yl attend the Chicago Sympbon Y ý(,nieigtewahrai in Orchetra conret ln Chicago thio alter-,(nieigti ~abra]ana u 0000. Wa reaiiesd by the Ellworth Leage. Roht. Wright and Weston Walda Who T:twnyOeyug ten wers more are attending echool at Moisî College, thau was clalmed for then and tht, Beloit, Who., splent Sunday at thel, League in tuail@ vonKratulated upýnj homes here. presentingan entertain ment ai this order tirs. Carl Blanchard of St. Paul, Miin- to the public. returned ta her home hers Monday -The Girl and the I rawp- wblch is bavlng splent a week wlth the W. Gi. Wells family. announied ta apvear at the Auditorm Ther wil bc speial alm und Tueeday, April 7, le a mixture of cormea.y herviii htSr. awrepe@cal Plm nday irauja and sang, created exclusi vely foîr Sunday at 10:30, prsceded by the umuallfun purpoessonly. lt is saîd ta heo ne Palm Sunday procession, long langh r,,fiish".Pro'. The choir oi St. Lawrenee's; chnrch le ruinent ln the casot are Mis@ Mayne hard as work an the Easter ,u'uk. Gardner and tir. Geo. C. b okes as@l'I, ThIre wiii ho an elaborite choral servie tue bowery girl. and Happy Jack, the at'10:30 a. m. Eanter Day. tramp. latraduced during the action of The town board met et the office of i the play, hers will ils several sang hiCs. town clerk W lit Dcker on Tueeday and The entertalnment given l'y the Tirla audited the boots ai the several town Cat officere. No aiber business of import, hatr et the Preebyterian church last ance vas brougbt up for consideration. Friday evenlng vas vel vorth seelng. The choir buloftlnhe rear of the main The local lodiIe eccae ili hold eeainbdba rmdmiiga a "callco hal" astbteir hall Frlday eeainhdhstfao alga evoning af Cia vsek. Ail Odd Fellowe ideal eettlng for the 'living pictures.' and Rebeccahe are lnvited. Ail vbo fB S. Long ai Clkmgo. provsd ta te a attend amre eesolt appear in callc3. remarbabis #eade,ý sud Masser Fmank A gaod time la promlsed. Kramer, the twelv. 75ev aid einger, vanj The fanerai ai the late Clarence WeUs. ithe bearte ai the. audienc. The borne wboee remâas vers brought bers from tâtalet@s howed careloltraining and ItuevIlle, Vianlda, vas heid from tbe bard work. home "f bis @lOter,' ire. J. sSly <idl. Tb@ office af Dr. A. H. Churchbll boa Bunday aiternoan, viii Interment lu beau a very busy plan derlng the peeta Vernon cometery. Thefannerai W". --k T- . M-- -"- .A 'hans 1ube"Im. si Our Cash and amnourit due from banks totals $1839611.56 As the new Federal Reserve Act haanflot. yet been put into operation we are still governed by the oid National Bak Act, aoodlng to whioh we are required to keepiii th< above mentioned items 15 per cent of the amant of ouf deposits, or $87,15' . 29. From our state- ment you wilI note that it is nearly $100,000 above that ainount. zig 1- il IUAY WILL DECIDE "DlY-WT"FlOT ..If ail1 the Ppl in this tw vere jusi like me what kind of a town wouid thia 10w,, b.' you @ay. "Say il loud ai thepol80a con her." pls1 i The above, copied irom a slip Ihanàdd ba 84 wvnlter, may fond nome Wt tlnk that th@ vrlter le "*dry," athors a Dmtes h for granced i sat ho e 1"vole., But the qustion lenut Who le dr or Who le vet. The main issus il hall )ibis tova becomeaaîl.saoOu terrllorj?" Th" al he i 11110,11600 ic. W ftie, mallens, brobahe."d sictz ww ,haVe lio edath,,t 1uja a tIas lie. Jsrvoter ' la the iiawnehip of iifplhl@abom dmakoe it bie andTber ol dti ta o ntal the pols an ual day aud vote acardlng ta the dictts ai their conscience. conscience is moch mare Important than a gond many bolieve. and ans Who bas Do faltb lu hie conscience eau not liame otherq for iisteniing ta tuai wise luetructor---cou. science. No& ail]will rote ttue saie vay on the proposition. liany more will Dot vuote at ail, and for th,,ss the Ilttie paragrapu Ie nost suited, therefume we repeat t-if ail thé, people ln thim vown wsre ju@t lits nie. what kîind of a t,,wn would thim towu lue." Votereslu9ould Dot overloo t tlv iat 1tui goadnare to ,, l'e b'ted t,, tlhs se, rai to>wnship offce rm, bu t inhj veryirvtv'sm md therpe is Chat irrv,îist- ahle tvelr, Chailt onseranlIojuot aà itte mjore calîal)le ut perforuning lublie diutes-thoe~ are the menu you siîuild plck Iruit for yoar support. And tien Cao, t lp question af aholimhing thles pull tait, wiil 0e baund on a separnte b~allot and shoald not be overlooked next Tuemday. Black 13-L.yrIe Theatre, Libs'rtyville. Came in and pick ou% yaur gardon esedes. 2 packte for 5c. Trlgge Taylor. Black 13-Tuurslay, April il, afternoon and svening. Lyrie Theatre. -Rush Park Garden See, 2 pacteté for 3e. Save the snpty packets they are valuable in seenrlng sillsrwear. TrIMg &Taylor. Lire Agents@.Vanted ta get huyere for selecued,imnproved Sontiiern 4infflota larme. etc. Exceptianai aBfer ta Lire ((ire wbo vili get the bus#iness. it vili pays usbathioaget together.NIlcElr,3 - Bloinierg Cao,5.32 Anlru@ ltrrlung M, ,upeM in nesota. 2hi Heuor lladeo sharpensd, ail malies, 20e per dozn. o tralht ePled razor ]Oc 'tnusa-i,,n uranteed. Loct Box .3761, LubertyT ville, Ili. P-28-3 if yauare gaing t ing an .y gatea thil eprîng you botter sec ours. The Gâte with the Lest reputation and gnaranteed for fieysars. Lîbertyvilie Lunher Co. c-27.2 Gindlng erery Wednesday and Thure day, et Homo Lumber Co. International Sugar Feed 822 per tont for saise hy Home Lumben Ca. Photo and Optical Work C. A, Beevlck yul ho lu Llhertyvll. on Monda> mnd Tueeday Dort, April 6dm and 7th ta u, ersanally attend ta ail Photo Work and the Iltglng ofai aees. I grlnd Soule, charpen esa, eclior. "ktue, sad do Te1arIng on furnîture, and odd lobe. . . Bgangbt, riret ciret. _________p-264 If jour eje glaemor suectacles usa chuflgvoalened tu ot Mon- 7th. C. A. mDeek wl oca attend tua jourcam. Farmer., Imrmes our grain crop b>' usina AntI-mut se au on palge 8. Home Lumber Ca. e.28-tf Hf youare Rotasg ta swinga»Y salls thie *pO.> jon botter esaur.The Gate wlth Cime bout reputatlon and Uratd for flvé jean. LlhertjvhIle _________Co._c-27-2 Blvek'e Photo Studio vili be o is Monda> e»d Tuemay neri, ApriC and 7à en4C. A. tiOwle, -V POerouai attend tu ant Pba9ç d me td et glasseon *t on. %4~ Stock la-Urine'ltre, Ubertvie, k'buraday afternoon nad evenlug. Matne 10e tae, Isvesiln adulte 20c, childiesa 10e. For Sels-ta le 1room bosenteble for ans or tva faills, wllb ailmodern improveumente; lot 125z200 &et, 25 earuDy fruite troue of ail bricole, ama ami ri;good barn and beuhouse, Fine. locaion McKinley Ave.. Liberty. ville, -111. Inquirs af E. D. Hubhard, Choice G roceries and Meats I_____________ _______ CHAS. -D. PROCTOR 1INSURANCE PHONES184-R AND 80 UDKERTYVD.LE. ILINOS se = vh iprovld.cfSr bisb uruà mor-l eU CE>. 5 a..e es. E3XTRA VALUES-- TH-E BEST EVER AT THE PRICE Ladies SiIk Hose, corne in black and tan, spe&tl for asater 25c. Sorno of the. uewest Sil Waimtm, cant describe them horo, but they are 95c and $2-50. Ladies Lingerie Waists, splondid value at $1 aud $150. Voile Waista, au uuuuay good mIe.- flou in t"spopular poils, priced et $1, $1 -W, $2 auid $3. Neat aud serrime H ouse Druese for Ladiesat$1 Muslij Undorwoar of anl4cipin1 a largo vanoty of stylos su isli fies. ln Corsets wo aro showiug many of the. newest a&M meut want.d unodels of menoda makors, at $1, $1.50,$, $3 aud $3.50. We have some very attrativ styles in Children's and M"se Spring Coats and Dreme,,,, Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Capital, Surplus andi Undivided Prafits, $95,000.00 Buy your FIELD SEEDSý NOW GEORGE L DARTON proeSt. dm .Iaughing comedy The Girl and The Tramp with XKAYKE GARDNER and GEORGE C. VOXES as as dune Girl"t "The Tiramlp" Libertyvle Auditorium Aim -7 ADVA&NCE SERAT SALEr at LOVELL'S Drug Store Prices 50o and 35c Cildren 25o Election Returns announced Irom stage - FARMERS'AlTENTIONI A1 50e investruent wili save yon S50. Treat your (>ats and W heat for emut with FO)RMALDEHYDE Now la the ime ta gre jour tresu and ehrubbery their firet apraylng W. carry a8fll i ne of Insecticide%, Ue and %ubbiuir Solutilea. Sudeeug MiturAe, eeeet 1Lend, etc. DECKER & BOND, DruRxisis SPECIL. SATL$RDAYS D.~iîouaChooIate~ vte-,h .3evio USe usix uwift e.-ieCi" MýUWS CuIy WW& WCARROLL &SONS COMPA4N NNtTwaSToR'ËPmont 29 ~4Og-2souTI4 *Tomq pft Red Clover, Timothg, Alsgke. Red Top Blue Grass, Ripe Seed, Whlte Clove Field Peas and Seed Corn. Oiulv the beptoecede handled. 0OPIDEEITYVILLIE Phono 50 ICORLETT& FREDERICKS Phone 80. .imBelaTyvjx L L, i

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