Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 8

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- "àr COME TO THE LOCAL 0> Tevotlng out of the saloons lu L.bertyvllle township WILL NOT INGR3ASTlIE TAXES on property in tlue Village of Libertyville. There are two Incorporated villages In Libertyville town- sbtp, tàt. :tueVillage of LibertyvIlle and part of thé Villa&e of Area.(theother paut bolng in the Town of I're- I ) The money pu&d by tii. aloons In these two vil- ipuid into the treasury of each village and that part. of, the. township of IàbertyvlUe outolde of. the corpotate limite of these villages does not receive any part of these licenms. The question of saloon licenses In these villages affecte only the property owners of these villages and not ofte outeide teriAtory. It le argued that if saloons are' abolished in the village of Libertyville, it will Increase the taxes on property -in that village. Upon investigation it will be found that tuis je not the case.- The rate of taxation on property in that village for the year 1913 for village purpotres is $1.20 on one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, as fixed by the board of review. This rate is figured ont by the (Joun- ty Clerk on the basis of the amount of taxes raised for the, yeer 1913 egainst the assessed valuation for that year, as fixed bt the board of review, and upon investigation of the records it can be found that this was the rate of taxation for ths year 1918. Any property owner can ascertain this for himiself front bis tax receipt by taking the arnotnt of his village tax (flot inluding village bond tax) and divid- Ing it by the board of reyiew valuation of bis real or per- soual property, anai i yl iDra that the venioutl give hlm tire rate of 81.20 pertitçan, cire limit fixed by lam. $100 of ossesse ai glpon as tuxeS hp As ail moe ' derived irom saloon il- lhe board ot revew. Or lis can talke tire ceuses le paiS mb tire village treasuryit broard ai reviev vailai ot bfis pralrer- viii readiip b. seen tlrt the obolishieg j yi ty ohe village es liown iry isatae aI ofoD n uthe toan ot Lbertyville ocmp, ultlipl y 8 1.20 pet 8100 oa itiinot increase lea ny vay pour stâte ame.sed valuation and the reauIC al b.o lai, pour countp tax, your road ad lb. Mrouuî <1 village ta' as shove O00 bridge tex, pour town tex, pour chool bie tex recelpt. lai or pour village bond toi, hecause ThIe village t« rte ir tes. taxes are tot affecteS irp tie vii- lagts reveues, anrS pou con aSIo see hat Leae .'d begaA5Sthe Mti te Slb.abilng 09 th. sabots le Librty- $1M e «4$100 of aaased ville townsbip iii trot affect pour vil- »liafioia i thelimifi* by age %sibecause pou are-nov ..ledia velpaos 1 s55 ~ ~ lie village at tire hagiesi rate allovsd law and m b'gher rte C81 plvw. in In visnt of tire aboie tacts, ilvii no secion11 ofAricl 8of tire Cipy andi douht b. argued hy those opposeS Co VilaeActnIIIo! Âl rtie 8 d taaboiis&hing Char sloons, Cat hat tire VIllge cttoud I Bir'. evi.d ta-vot, g <ut o, tiresaloonss l leave lire uta of re ltamsouftaxeos provid.Watillage witirout fuad»ro maire iraprove- "ye000 et. amemt vo tea nn ev. or tmnts. Tire revenues deriveai froua the 5'.7 5 ~s.. OiLIuUVUO! du 5'O misuing of saloon ilcetisse in Cira village t«"vinel fer beâalim b.ea«ce" a te 1aLib.rtyviihe amoulits to $4200. '1l.e of 1 .r oc.. sa($mo3ecpe i100)ae assessealvaluation of ail propertp. real .! ilpet srn 81.3 pet810P UP-andi personal, ina tihevllage tar the pear *mn1the sUre<at vluabion of auil pe os913 shovu ý:nby te.rcr@o h t itia, mity orsvlelagesuwase iecou.itycerisffice in Woukegaaa, is imdferaut an coctytaxs fr te 404724. This le tire valuation on immé er sate ud conty aisefor ivhch tire rate Pet cena ilgrired anrd i. Ti éonip way that the taxes for prop- ntidothfulvueftepriry e.Ct rty ire village of. Lirty rileq o s tadui eS bp he aeessor. ho ierened oul ho o, ave a w aw d It May ho utresting ta inow w bt paesfet ucteasing tirs rate of taxation per cent of the assesed valuation of ail le mont thn 81Yjý*« et1()) fl otaedaiproperty Ie thre village of Librtp ville, valutio, o tý avetheproprt-lu ould &Mouait f0 Cte 84200 Serived by villaeion, or taetepr aoutp h. issuiug Oh ealoon licetises. Thim pet vhIlliaagese.edet a e ter anOd Dcent ean b. touaiS hy ividhîg tire 44200 ihanit ras en ssesedaunifil hie Y hersamsesed valuation of J404,724. vas dono ot oirip vould pour village and it viii b.oeman Cat the resut te taxes Wr bigirer, but your @tate, corrnty,.0% 10otassevluin.f ton, road and bridge anrd echorai taies Ivostr? ajn b. lgirs, so hati em- a persan baS pruperty lu the village as- wrobabl C ht- iber viii b.apncease es C$1500, vhich le usuaily about prébbletat herswil ho ny nere Mtu f% ite real value, and as the asses«. inth b.e eese value ot village'properly met i levied on one-Clurd ofl Cimevairie, smoa e len la ate anai rhPop vhlchle 50,tire aMount of taxes if7Iruse ari l. c alu n e i a- hc penvoula bave to pay ta lima ýhas been argiuea that vîthout ml i rspar t 1tis 4200 caoon tl.icnmfreesIou saloons lu tire village lienes vauld b. 8818. Wo.laipo, for oh Llbertyvihie hers viii b. no lundsi s pahtip mrnof pou"incu05aB la wîtb VbKub ta pas theh..onai Issue o! t- fveoteep hb.e m"» u àU- $ 10,000 reentyi lueaifor thecontrc- lethle atowmafigue op? ovac a tioq ni tlb. illage hall. The monep de- e thone frtievelgre no allovaute bas rtveai Imousaloon liceir as uothingh.D-adtotietuei s tru- vhatever te, do vilb lb. papmeDt 01 ning ths village ithtirssaloons vers aboi- "bonddindbtednss Tepa ehmed, and Ifrom such items aloDe a euh- bbofnais10,00 ndleue leTirs aypro- tantiai Proportion 0othis $4200 vould v"de4for in the ordiance covervinglb ihe i. sadipncea.t tsetrti -~ ~ ~ yu . amircrpvd tu ie epig o rlieing of saloons viii bave na efect tae Im los ta ea oeartuItpap the ln- lavent an ireee bonds and tir. retirement virtever on spechal &nomsment@ for sew- of tire bond@ seraly, Cat Is, a certain et or voter aorte in tire village. armount @Tory pear outil tii. viole Issue Do net lai mapone influemce pou to tu peld. -Tire tant pto-des Ciat. taxes -vote against ahohsking the saioons bp - gmab. 15,1.4for tire payment of bonded iLs argument tai t vii taise or ûb. tudeblredanud Interet theteon over cr»&se our taxes. Sncb au argument in -aaiso'. lirerats of 8U.20 per $100)o ol tIouaied on 6-t. AUl et the ahove - ês.esd vstios, and Ibis ond lame fact» and figures Cas h. msrhtmmdiated hp r a mborlal 4i&'paymemî Ihereaf y- lhp mvstigatiug iL.rsc so! iàLth iM f lb.WY_"S teos;et e mm cWW* soffice, mnd tihe provnu.mns pmw' of ! l. kW puevidimi for the momxiur ~.,~m~mMivalu 1 gpas sistste. Frid~y E.nin, APIL ~ATC1OMT ek ICM jela rry OfP~b wiI s8>0k to t*e vobmm-- boi, -ip nd wpî -o thé queSinof LclOP- TAX PAYt-RS $28, 000 wua spent lest year to care for Lake county paupers. Over 90% of al paupers are caused by the saloon. 'l he above amount does not include the thou- sands of dollars paid out latit year for criminal proeecutlon. an estimaI. of vhich it ie 1 possi- ble ta gel. Over 90% of &Il crime la caueed by the sa- loon. Vote against ths saloon and save thie large amount lu county taxes. le prohibition Kansas ove, the eounties have no paupers or crimieals in heir jilIs. ShahI is town bome,. YESI X1 Auti-Saloon Territory? NO A Comparison of Taxes In dry Rockford, a city of 50000, each $8000 equalized valuation of property is assessed for $45.56. In wet Quincy it's assessed for $46. 10. lu wetter Spring- field $53. 10. In wetter Joliet $64.70. lu vettesl East St. Louis 870.20. Vote ont thre saloon@ and ou, taxes, from experience in otirer torre, viii be lover and flot hlgher. BUSINESS MEN In one month lest summer one of our prominent saloon keepers showed by his books that hie had taken in $2500. A careful estimate will shiow that between $50,000 end *l00,OGO goes over the bars ot aur six Libertyvillie saalons le one ear. Vote aganst the1eloon and turra a large aount ot this wemlth into legitimate channesisand brisipees conditiode will im- prove le Libertîville as thep have ln dry Barrington aund Rockford. Shan h* istowm bc"as MOTIIERS Every year 60,000O men go to a drunk- ard's grave and 60,000 boys take their places. Vote againtit the saloon and save our boys. Every yeer 65, 000 girls die from a life of vice and sharne and 65,0001 more muet taire their piame. vote againet tirs saloon and save ont girls. Sha hu istown become TYES 1x AntiSalooa Territorry? FO WOMEN VOY ERS The women voters of Libertyville township have establighed headquarters in the Jochheim building Just north of Jochhelm's bakery. Women votera will be in attendance ail day to, escort any via vila lthepolis. LuDch viilb. serveai. We hamve sfecureai lhe ire. srvie, of six automobile. to carry auy vomen viro was, ta, anS fror tirs polils.; Do nol b. a! raid la cSii on us, as ve are mors thon allilig tu, serve pou. To 1. W o! LlbvgvUp. Mamb 29, 1914. à5 4 Obut 0-0 0 1- d or # *eets mIOtlt §àwlIb jïo 0deuldewhotbsr î" (>ws l)sir woumla 1h. ai of .&M you holdurM.amihà @w4aiît -M*çbêw1or, y à l lsu. a b. sm Ihlta 99thiolova. io' bot amy foollsh auollod r 1111e ua.O1 e bm.. ii..là i. so.âfyob a he ima, ue.. tii owUs sewe &Mdthe «one of mthesaloos 5tayé vth hoU v.lh, 114saol e à ab.fsi O' orsre 105a m_ un itl buI h. suhe wûmh. oUlUdo at WI;55out11 d voti. rÏmmy DlUiY. I111w Fou0"C!buh.trota.u 0anser tdm51cime The.balance ofowerOVOT 1155 ith 70,50no eomeout and vots diom ar«ht I9 rou cold sà*ew Itla thelbprtruy ot youv -VOTE aod-PRAY an pou voili own borne, bu 1 aum aou lot 1 700 m wy eur OW o 0 of ai blssiOad of ballots! Thou vho lad tb. naturel dmt411710 p lrevesit pon trom answedlgit ai thFathers on, usalil md «Ive us courffl tiiithe 1a poils an th.e aventhhof AprIl oeil. ______wo".______ d ndlitbr Now, persooaly, I dld otwant lb. rght of! far, rnkA Fbr. ty. rled 13o.14 becanu.1 had rsachsd the «es wbehe b quietr and retire- rm B.Ebt.Al.Mth1311. Chicago, Ilii. ment ot borne and Ilre.dom tromsamy klnd af publie respan. usar Bir: sblity luiednfr.a egva ~Yto me int hae.suuerWlave deame. Bu-td o hm asbeem a dry towon @hscathe.sprng of No doubt many wamen fthethe b.m aY m, but the ba- 1908 We thon bail 4 saloons paylun' alogother inCa the lot bas b... gven us and a great respoulbility plmeed up- vimage tremsury 82000. This BelOut vas used fou' general on us, and the present lsue leai snob paramount Impott- village expenees. lts absenSe rou the trsasury mad no anc. that no women caun afford toashirt ber duty. difterence In our lm pro vementa in BD7 way. We had node. Those 01 pou wbo are mothes, sud wbuse veiry lite s fc We mesmed to get on-better wltbout thtan witb IL. boun upin he elfae, f yur hilren nd oun foka, The village lai tire neiàpear alter the. saloons wers will b. glati ta fes tliis menace t')ý their bapplues. and nuC- voted out was lilihter thau betore. h vwas $5 610 per hue- ce@s removed from n r midet. To otiiors, tbough the. tel- dred am againot $858M.urider license. Our present tax rate lng ot responslbility may not corne so close, itili poU can-la- $5 58 peîar buerred. not shirk IL. Botb Cain and Pilate are notable exarnpien Since th~e saloou wasa out her, lias been a large inerease of thre tallaisof hat kind ot effort. . ini trade, nearly 3;1!%% largo rthaa r and.e Itrense Ttre de- Tbat voting may le made as easy anrd plain sepUel- 1posite lau tiers ili bare .10% larger Tirs reputatrîs business bis, the wnmen bave seeured a room for leadquarters in men of Barrington are m.,re Irîri satiodled wtb the resuits the Joclihelm block,. whers &Il women Votera anav C-rmeofn iee.Wha gdmtpsodwlk iew- nd obtain any Information tie-V desire. Cofls d mtn of t rDo rk icence. We h i o tret», n od waiks. tins va wlcbes viilb.e eri-ed al day and automobile@ will he sent 'eurnsar x.ietpîli noloqittw.nia trom tus@ place tri cirnve.v hose aho, for any r amaor,, ont eroUm c-luI.e and (rganazationaiosit ns o vour and no or. wal ta the poile. A notary public wili be at iead(luartersra.,jon for rirreete or law suriw. Alter six pears @xperience and aflidavite vii le prepared for ail. so tirat iii case of jwath noinw-is- ' peopipe are m4) wr11 eatlstied tiiot the Il. challenge, thers vviii be no embarraosment. Siiould there, cener' qur-stiilrrirwi tot r-orne Dp OCail Ciii. pring. bc any ladiles who have a prejudice ogaiaîst htiig econhldn- 1 jn-reey. tial vith the publiecocrarerning their &go, it viii cani p Ire îi«nedî(0. F. Mattison. SAMPLE BALLOT TOWN 0F LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILU Annual Election, Tuesda3/, April 7, 19 13. Q PROIRLSS1I[ For Supervisor D .ELI TRIGGS For Town Clcrk FQ~ANa- TZ 'ri rrn\IQn L!-F= FAKL:.UL!JU DCARL A. SCHRECK For Colieccor o DIMOCREIC For Supervisor Di VI. W. CARROLL o RKPDBUCA For Supevisor Fi HENRY . EGER Di GEORGE LAWRENCE n E. D. HUB3BARD For Assesutor Wi . M R DRALPH W. BULKLEY W WALTER A. LYTLE W] J. R. MULHOLLAND W WM. WF71E For Commissioner af Highways W__ F-orSctrooi ITrusteec(fuai ermi WJULIA L RC For Schoi Ti-usece (to fIii vacancy) W GEORGE FINCUTTERW WM. PETERSON For School Trustee (full termi) Wi MISS E. A. BUSH For School Truistec (ta f ili vacancy) [i]FRANK SLUSSER WJ W. COOPER ShaH thi town become Anti-Saloon Territory? WSYLVESTER TRIPP For Schooh Truistee (ta tilt vacancy) DDANIEL LEE Shali this town become YESX AntîSaUoon Territory? NO 104RALL hieAUDrI 111 THE PIEST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING jet larc thé io Chornu W. Uber Comil ba! mthi unmm the. a of Mil la a1 nitrb 1140t Beut, Chat Ora( Rosi lty v argblp the t! school. *9res1î attaine Tbe hi and tir zra ta deciare ttudeni thirbh hlgh tc oais ai the ho high." Tira lhirst- Secoi tin Pour afttir Nintli In g thèqe, i etudut! vas thi Md the qui For Town Clerk For Town Clerk For Collector For Collector For Conimissioner of Highways For Commissioner of Highways 1 lf,.Il f.,-,

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