ï Y LKE (o LJNTY LNIL)PENDEN T WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. *-I W2. "AT 711111110IL.E.FI. RI>YM'~L311 EIGRTPA $1.50 PER Y1nAR IN AI> jM TY PROXI VOTIN4i Bf5 'ÀW WiYSNS IS TICKET SELLER IS PERM4ISSABLE 3F~~/IjL NAMEI>SUPER VISOR (lUNE; IS SIM ON ST. PAUL ROM>, UNDER LAW IN ILL. --TO FJLLVACANCY IN HISACCOUNS? W.B.oersPa dUdrJudge Whitney Holds That Pri. BOARD WILL CIII Town Board Formally Elects John Scott of Highland Park, 1,00Bniai ae vate Clubs Cannot Have By Nominee bo Position Vacat- Evanston Agent for C. & M. vile ____tay Laws Otherwise. TERRS, 0f FIVE ed by Jack Dermorest. E. R. R., Disappears CHARGE [S ROBBING CARS.1 LAKE BLUFF COUJNTRY CLUB SUPER VISORS TAKES HlM OFF THE BALLOT BOND COMPANYSEARCHE$ Wit~WIUh ist of Milwau- Case la One Where W. C. Wat- By Action Held at Court House, Shortagç Not Said to Be-#ury km F medeaC Urge rup Sued in Quo Warranto mO"t, of h 111i dong ou-h Bang Asa ne Suer sa Much But No Word Has k .'H a s sese Dasi ,ai.a,. 'u' ard of supervisors m Bel! dor Fo BagaatOceBeo I*~O* IISFUII@SJII. crdhig ta the stateniant of . man jio.Be er rmHn Je1nerivle. Wls..'Uarqi 31.-1oll01 Judge Whitney Tuesday made who Lt ia poslitioll ta rio,% %% hereof Wuca.ArliJh ot ro lhadP* hacomplainte of ropeated and regu- an important rullng, one whlch wlll hie speaks, wll lie ta Tearraunge the flarry liangg. low mani, n lte R. l a Young man of twenty Years who cr~ar rohberles on the Chicago and b.e used as a precedaent In othar simi- term,, of the Waukegan ineuberii of ipubtîcan tow,, primary belld tast had been employed for som rne ad Mllwaiâ.e 'division of the St. Paul ~ HRE liNV lar cases In Illinois and perhaps aise- the board se that morne - il] .i under 1month, 'aas today Peeted assistant 1 DENNISGISSONS to. U ,o realbt train No, where. He held that private clubs, a one vear term and thc otitirs under -upervinor tram Waukegan tttwnshttt. l)ettY State Pire Marshal, v.ho aft- Eantfor the C'. and M.eltes - tj <1 *étu rmChicago ta James- Ciehi asâg ohe Lakee Bluntf whoeclb their futl two-year term. hic electio il bein g made hy the town er a weeli. e crefit InvestigationEaso.dsppae enu~ ville rallro.id detectives employad by bealth bas forced him ta decide on suur 1as tire nivaîtu of arrestîng 11 -yeur- evening ]est and since hais mlot be.U the railîomd eomny bia made a big retirement tram the Appellate cannot adopt hy-iaws whIch danles Ili other words. the board i, superý board al a mteetintg itîtti in th-cur gir. ' lyro-niariac at iake Far-' heard from. tane a4gto ebr avt tss-hue est Thursday. Nlr G hhnsiformer- tIaorougîi Investigation resuîtîng In court of tbls district. Heart affec- th rih fmebr a oaa ae-'ors as a whole dos' lk thue .t lriý h attht ct asiobv tb mut octvo b&eme on i on necesnitates relaxation of wûrk. tions, etc., by proxy. 1dao ~ uevsr t Th e ctectioi of Mr. Bang., lo for th iý %%as lonlorît rereeîalerm Th cthtSotIsadtabv * tra e« « edtl cbr a >'erme nte .tlee 0fe ofr ove upperio. bin le titis district at'Springieldl. Ha was neosan short In hie accounits witb the tmbM fderil ham. Tey erù Releve ofwor oi uperhench, In other words. the court belli that e d triJI Waukegan ail at tîte saine uiiexlired teri of Jlack Itemoret, 1aitoitttedt ta the ntat. tire marshais arage eoeUie ttscourt hae con aieven more close at- whlIe mn clubs hava such hy-ts tit1nwhtecs iic u d o , by h in( Xe d bi erit Wuegas Htafflsine monhego, ic R obert, rai o o eule n tis boind Uber>'vIi. li.. as ronbt efoe te satue povies ht a s m dober a ron ateg e silich otiroee and' sixü1l ofn attera: Couamisabuer taleyan an . ta a- c nognzto a i lh a Tt tactio tha thve mrcui artrt t-hanggened birstora siCes mas that~~~~t sald arnotbtlîgbe au eng .r b ish . h bard ' fie 'W 3In ursistit ii eri aer aoated STATEer AID Rter hlm. a fen b is biete o te oI ball vaided bis examinaioth court aL lrox>' ta a meeting snd thug ait ait once Unde th rna îanaîd tlîelr normes were placed or1 tua on theL cor deWN WtRe REn plaES .s.~ bauds IN. TOWN enn vs eai srihti lelenrecdamt-haitee uhle.cde canenLami blltaspotd itswekthe bee ala I . idtî*a5 t t umbiet. urnsb.Ha as ake ta JfD77VDC. ~ ~lit eronnl o th bord hattheThey were: George Balrotow, Theon~ whlch the young man la short sa *M th Rckoemt 'JLavatldc. I R IL* YYIledrontabadetita Meyer, James 0.. Walch, Ira -H Id HU6E CmifAC ver>' large, not large enou4» fb h .tb Roe grndJoi jury.a ddt FORie 72llîsW S The ruîug enm. ln Oie ca- o>f W. ledr onuthe bar m ae fetaeigJohn T. Enions and Har*ry fjI to disappelar and cause his P&sudU nien b hegrn Jury. Wilia Ellis~ :o ug shl eriee CONTRA the worry tirat nov m M$UU ef vlase.. lihe sepoud *=s.ctas HU OL UIdIIL G, Watrous vil. Henry' Robinson of That's wby the board, ah the tiret Bangs. I l s d seno uwarrant bas Y«t bean 111 Usp«Me Mmd brought before oms ____ Lake Bluff, broughbinl the s5haper of a .nta otefng itulati sis nitiurer tp, oHgha t perTfma vents Uia Pa-qo varranto procevding in the name eut tha ternis of certain %%'aukegan"ouihaebpbt s urim lit %laboi W" rea nt to Roderick Ames, Who Died at cf tha stalla In conuection vitb the upentinons electeti Tuesday next ho tle primar>'. Tite Iaw ttrovldes. as pn iafrFwisin ,ii y ieh oui& bila a thre toa a ruMts. Roseocrans, Was One of the annual election cf the club belli lest anc >car, îeavîug part t,, ru,, two etated in Tuasdey's Sun, tiiet the tavu of Materiat This Year. bi febl Early Arrivais. tait. Wstrous losh by e smali vote years snd thus mukbrg tbe annule, boa"' SHALL appioint a man ta fli At the meet ParkE. IIA~ M111I1D p~ vpr Robinson vben morne 35 prox> change not no eolorite as regarda the xacella' Springfieeld, April 1.-A h et ~~4Je UI A~~ M ioderick Aimen, vho dlcd etRs-votes tijat watrous liad prient for the personnel frogg Wil.uklegan. Sca-da Celle NeetIrr. ing of the atate highway commission. C~~IIYFAQJLTY ~crns, Lake caunty, Tuesday melon.,oneio h b"t eaa h laith us bon the. vllo homu the is uad ail thse itepublîcan nomine e " turiain of cement fur ail of Oieh t if a t. ast air oe of the ver>' oid- 8ev reine et thre elib vU deelde j»» hIkl h edameia itedr Oseitiless of l.kle coutl>'et bis on lie neW gei ceaimau và" the kJtus' but IL In if aa s ed a avAetlrg t is court hou n pbic bighvay von la tise statedr I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~e - tvi avetr r~~a oapa.saI saias the comning sauna. I ili iei hoe -~~I <Ilul.lie vin qpaunuaioflulot&ipvian.u'chse. l. I 90111,11,11iiitheg bi homaie voeirtrlaver ~~~~~~~Y~~~~i =rays- hat came tram Penayvala ty the~~P~ ir.Bt i smdrtodta Jusice Weîrs, But, aL, in, ,dr» comisIo tuevi ,Thi 0f jAs teacher for a grenadier of tarma Oie action on vbleh Oie jufige rled hoardi of suparvîsors baen tire paver fule toard lett rnnt ballo. rud, o a ies cb agen rord th ocaln Wo"uai bai eMvas "~ et ~olad Brova school. which bas tolay' Eiant Clarkte, apPearing for f bnel'int fOetm u uî oubadvspaot nld omuiis lhd ot ulig oodna haill they ceui that ia Oie plan nov, accordlng to the ing these: Supervisera Couradt and fi bas belon astimatadl b>' lhe engi- foialae i m~ beli!i a reunlon esei year nr Rse. Robinson moved ta entend bis ensvar Welch, Justice WesBtMmn 'r f the comsinthat bewe i hu delegatu *kr Min Snie giel,&~ qi ouys a as hae became qulta a figure luIntthtaIadipsdctlrnu omdehesetonttti bu ien electai vIKbedîtoiaf thae he cmui ia avsa an thoat apper si he diueai or aper. Botstori and Clark Hutchinson. 2010.000 and 400.000 barreis of cernant state CORveij, bi blo eoèedvaedetrin f he1The nomîneeà taiked mattera uver wll hae reuiirei ta do Oie vork un the Waukage ;W..]Mlo~ 194 vaSsUs cai 0 ti aue-maman hy trtide but of latu years bail sue about the controver>' blugei. The vay ls happeneti that su ntany ani1 a onita ohM.Rnssaeadraet abltbtr etA. C. Ptizru, Autlair: O"0i ifovaui m fflavsp biais noîFoliv beeon tarnting that of prox> voting, baing dacidt un assistant suimervîsora ara electeti ad Lws on thîs anti Mr. Badrdg ee ii ng s s e.tale lgwayta ComissI b as ROn Lk. 1î lesaia* he a mat of lb. etudenta vba haval 3fr. Ain vas 81 >'ears anti seven Watrous In tavor of Watrous, meanal year In Waukegan tovnship is due Ielented for the short ternit and thug J learned that tbe price of cament la ai- Hoban. Waukegmn; H,. C. Simith,. [Lake bue elleté b> the biais scbool lac- monhhs aid sud bis deaîb followed but Oint hae anti bis faction yull ilkaly ho the fact titat the Poplulation cf tbe save a ligut In the elaction on April wsys lower in the spring. Allso, hy pur. Forest; J. C. James. Autiocb; John lt>' te vent,.v honore lot commence- a tan da' ilîness due taolad ega. lia start an action ta take the preuidene>', towm grew ta sut-h a point that the 7th. chasing In great apnounts ut con be' Wasgbburrs Grayalake. Ment: -, anti bis 3-tc were ptarents of nsn ava>' front Robin3son becausar tue>'; township vas entihieti ta more rapre- Temtc a icseiat îeht taite itr.Te.Hmro aen'cnu Veiu4étorlan-lE'Mma lCuebker. chiltiren, six of whent survive vith dlaim Ibe>' hava sufficiant prox>' votes sentation anti Inteadl of twil amolit- hrsete tap tîa t tteuic 10an tite l ita lwhic f igtire Tpei hova . Raere f cer Oeuhea t huO oearr»-Mary Kennedy. te witiow as toîuows: Philo anti John lo gise Watrous a big majonit>- oser daing camp venoe for. 1-ae. vof lae bond IHbtoftan-iH&tUie Blurnbarg. of state of Washington, Emma anti Robinson. hhe nunuber was raisei to lite anti 's hup gte the Plcanae s wvi, ae amount. Tae> mat fory quoecfe bpig Clam ie ers-Ethel Melberg. Hecnry of Ihoîecrans, Clarence ut Itiaý thy ware ail etecteti for the first turtl optthe rcandidatie witoarti Iter iTar rel wtîlîti uoînue aprie Otstclaa-Louia Diamonti. noo ai fClfni it woyanauat hstefe tme clou-r Bangs or Holdertiga. Thte ta tte btoult by uuriitg tite seasun. liasies Pasaing a rslto n Chart" 'ta, Undangraduetes-Ethel Fune,,l frnt the boume anti dîtmrcb GOAL TA ES DROP conte up for reetelrlon ail ah ttc ballot cas taken anti Bangs gel ive ta Thte !ligltway commissioni wIi keeli dorslng Mr. Hamer. foreat lati en. svansion . Thursday et une oecloc4. isaine tinte. _______ Holderidge's one vote.lts iue ~ ~ o i tt t.e roe bod. ndse Alefp « Clame aong12-tez GIuatafoon. tnhnsacruig> toc ent a igue oon HIi e aen n ai st tel the Mokercont oonention it 10 Prapbecy-Donb>' Dulln. MAKE TRAIN ING CAMP 0f CONSIDERABLE Mr, T US U Bog doril et onc ti lie martti.,rat ttiinttilt uc hs th aciiiy ovnto f'oé 0ràtlý-Vea Yong. S EK T OUS TUif)the coultY clerk anti was sworn cd ontt ot file. niaie's eonînmîtîîîîon ho men ah Antioch, WedueaMy. Apuil 1.. O ai -V i e u g.OUT OF IDEAL PARK. li al,~U superviser, te tovi bo rd' art. th coii' d b idn . The Ic , adoptati a trong restitution uoieUO - Reilpbnbe-marion West. ___Forty Cents Less on Nul, and lot ria ia nth otr otrcsfrclstuiolwl i s a n h CcgatirsO h d es"a.0 . In dOotIDln thug, honorae tla- FryCnsonFl rac mît>' vae guidit scIi>' b>' the ochol- E. il. titîz %as, ut bn today NEtWCns Func MANAGER 0F itî higfia t h mte cottef tlrtîît,aidn tat cleinthtatssf the be asaiCiao and d m ' arsbip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~1 f ti e s u e s t ur g fr n tt n-l a t lc 5l iu, d ta l s t t tita t li te It i si r îra tr t ofD r , i r ie r. aen l Oie o i r usolu tlon oi grbprecord Oth tdnsdrgfrnRueladh Coal Startung Wed. GL N O IL G ;TEACHI EMPLOYES CARE. ment ttu at ftînu.ued 0fure Ft tr FALmn ntabsiesa.Ie the dîne. Oie>' bave hanni lu hlgh Itical race tnaek viticl "8e purclianct epi . O E C E VL A 1 evr opn a ctisgett ls cheelnahal ontrctr h e FH dER. A e, eI h g Waukegan Arl lie _________, Tite Public Servic <'pan bas(jt heMte h At the session of the Head Cm co ln l vlaw oi. tii tact Ih la lu- isonne Lunte ego, s ta e icnenedi otp as Tbe price of ceai ln Waukagan ne hnlts ooeibltedtlt *sreln;ta note tbe high percentaga a tr-aining cantp for Young borses atd la $8.50 for nul ceaI; the price ta- Glenoe Resident Attacks Ap 1 inaugunated a "sefe' firaI" campaigm uuatot0 ieoth lîmn idrWoinno Amerîca, beid ta aTthe b ail vrouireceiv9e.5 hnr rce rs m wli bc naintainedl t the track 1mors-ev ll e $8.10. pitetfth Vlag tdoanain yvicttl b îltetrtiorla l otnhvnti Mhaoder Wollinof co ncing on th and the low st as 1.1 the s mme . e carrieti on ail the ime, are b ing the contracter lil ruroilsthe ce- 22nd day of Januar>'. 1912. thora W»e Tb: ~ 94.pe r cent 1he s m m r Furnace coai no v brngas $8.25; tù- M anager. perfected la the va nnans districts ce,- m n . t l the Opinrion ef the High- stopeti a change ln the rata *.U "I regret that vas have no more hon- A INr:. Nlcferntott, a watI knowu morrev 1 I hai i $7 *85. rt > h tin «hc supplies1. va 'dertm. ptwvrhta iea lans of eaements ta ba pag,4l - 3 ~ -br ta give," Principal W. C. Knoeii traîner la on bie way front Jackson- 1 These prices for April ceai are thel Herbent H. Shiiner ma>' lose hua po- ligt d carrhen intany cîtîca nupp li . ha n dir intarc a t he e metes hnes iîbvUI dacare Ioa>. "har ae s ma>'viii, Fl'orîide, ta telke charge of lte ane as viii hae adopheti 1n Chicago 1sîtion as Glnene atn r Ifcran northen Illinois. ofbepanpncpscfrasgt. atute vhoa. scbolarship during wor ofhan o h oe adI oorwatouh te anu -1Lt Payera anti dts itargati village offi- Titese officars bave iteen alecîed PLACED 'IN COUNTY JAIL. go hurtful ho our societ' ln parties Ibeir bigb scisool course bas beau su l expectei taI thîs year vili proe ment la matie in Chicago papema Oiati ciels aq- auccessul la Oiair plans., for the Waukegan division known as ___ uiar, anti to ail fraternel socletiiu la blg tht v fat lme> ar enitltuthe livelîeet ah the track for man>' the Apitrl prica lu realit>' lm a 10v btg tht ns fel heyareenttle a ý iviion"A"ta oldfora yar:genarai. Oial thsa action of tisat lieai to sanie sort of recognition. The re.- yan. Mlr. Schultz aise expects to, ativanca, vbaraea li Waukegan il la A bll vas filed Nlonday ln Chicago la'd i n A' a hel Bon. aa aîîkagat. Aprîl 1. Camp vas recelvei viti teiagg à" antio atteinet b>' toier vbo neceiveil Pull off sonne races ah Idem] titis suai- a reduction; Wolukegan bas beau the Supenior count b' H-ans-y h.Wc bimnJne rv.Ottacssti t> an uncontroilable de- xpressions of rigbtious inlwmooS. esVice Chairman--.4ti Maynarti sire ta tractl. fIns. Louis Beyers. vite TeR OiBEI O V 'the honos-s Ibis yoar are unusuail>' mer, vlhh a battar string of hors paying more thon ChIcago; ln other tien. a tex payer, neekiig ta enjoin the Secretary-Hi. A. Ingrahant. of a proniterous Toronto, Canada, THEtEO veE tha F41MIePat VMaa b i g r."t h n v a p t n m t s a s n . - j v o ti s W a k s e n n ti C h v a g s p i- v illa g e o ffic i a s tf ro n t e x p e n d n g m o n - ' m a n , b a r d e ti a t r a in s e v e a l d a y s ag o M o d e rg . o m a ah e rne n a i c a . o f a lm Tepretg ettoervvngces on celai up ho nov have heen: Mdr oda fAek.crf Tho Waukegn-48.5 ton euts sud vi ey as long as tîtcy opeae undar NEWPORT VOTERS ON anl can ta WVatikgai the hone et 0fLk on>.Sat illni.t %onors raksed as follova: endi honnor vhite third bonoer vent or tuhec lencoe butiness gavai-amant POLL TAX QUESTION. lier girlitoott. Since ter mYsterlous County Cam 'as Sbld ah Absi. lfist-Ema Kabtr.Mis Doa.Chicago--48.1 for mut andi $8.00 for plnIll et i, fec ar-fdsitcrîcele itatt ubuioies, on Wednesday, Oe Fiart *a Second-Mary Kennedy. In decîiîing the honora the facuît>' furnace. aM t. TIhe lova of Newpiort has the qtea-ý hat bec-n înotiîg heaven anti earth et Aprîl. 1914, tienounce the me"otia tbird-Dorotby Dunu. endeavorei te giva Oie pretarnue ta Just vhy Chicago, vltt a torty-mile 1ILlmi chargeti lit (lie bill thât Mr. tion "for or against the lîsynent uo t i tee. On Montiay te recelvei ch hcg eaiCm nluo> F o rt - H etta ii Bl n ib .W u e g n p p i ex t v b e th sh o te s- bo a t h a u t fr o nt th e c eai m in es S h anan, " u les s re tra in e ti b >' th c 110e ta n'" o ni ils reg u la r b a llot ln a d .- Fa te eg r tn t te iiiîg hlm o f lier a rriv ait u d m n h l y »s if a e a d v* ViO-oi inot.ouIt ovaow pupls bave beau here co s i a o hae rc tha c our, ntis tatk hreo v iint h e n r usin nMalea.learvdI eTenacassany, andie IL fus-Ibs- gixth-Varna Young. fer ah leat hve yeers. This la da van sa 00 ln s Waug oha prie Oian corti InGeo adtvurth Tep.lDfyneictIite pddyngt A treocoe Blabt-anion Weshe. hr blgh mathe ma>'ln b.iln thenua ure euh. Wiaukeilan retalars are not functiena cf suinîthendeut of vaher anti Itiat la Raîtublican. The ean- tournng Mme. Bayera; vas nmovet That va donnant! of Oie duiegat.el; Mgt-aro et.tyhghshoa a i bge ho etabme tor the>' are able to mate vors-t, Street Inspector, teamatuer anti didetes arc as toilova: Thos. Strang, front ttc home cf Ma's. C. J.Js utenehIet ap i eeia Niathil la hene antinthIL lauboreganva these but oaa dollar pr-ofit in handling calai sts-et coninissioner. Pus-iherunona, 1tovu clark: John A. Hoffntan, asses- 1 "lrst atreet vberu elle hati tatan this change lu oua' pluns &M, -igj Tenh-Ehe Swnso.studanta an unfair atintage aven untier Oie arrangement vhlcb bas Ms-. Wtetien alagea tbat tise village sonu: IL. N. Alcock collecter; T.- A. refutge, ho the ceunt' mal. She vîli anti the restoratian to oas- bp-lava a iu gala>' Oirough Oie records of thosar vho bava spent thisai vhoia prevellesi for years. maae lemtllly entt tobia1lley commis io of highas1h t en Rehaigbtoej ePr thae vbo atot bigist out et ait the tour years hAne. aae- e g> nldt i ' ca bas gnahaigbfn uiePn rils0 soitoa ieUa