Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 11

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COTJlÇY IEPPE"!i, RIDÂY, APRIn, »14 ige ThTee~ NEEB NO W B omket0al ae restngtlh prices wl be redaUon ur entire stock of Hardware, Our Determination to Close NO :aWdr"4a r e, The Stocks Are Helpless Gardon TOcI., Paints and 011,, Bicycles, Ccastor Wagons, Tools and Cutlery. Out Entîrely. ME~ and W ill Fairly Beeli £ ç -Y r 1OThere Eaorly. Tell Your Ths sale will not be confined saely ta the Hardwbre or to any4poitin af ur stock, but will include POSITIVE, ABSO(LUTE r ve Y71R.R -Friends About It.ademacoerit, and every article ini the peerless abbrtsent of our entire Stock. AMD UNQUALITIED. Pare One Way. A IQHlTY TIDAI. WAE 0F MAMNIFENT BAROA1NS! These are prices that wUl clear theoe as a storm wave AAVA sweps hedec ofanOceu Seaer.ONW» rirr IVu.u icnfaie n à V aIA BI Mer i z IVULE. LAWN TOOLS. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES.FR GAPp>eI T0018, £Toi Rev-onoeEquipe with drop spring. sad- Jakoh 1wel bail bearing 16 Liquid Piller, Regularly $1.25 gallon; Steel Rake, without bow, regularly ori Brad e n V .oer Nha Md Mnre, 6.00vleî, anba...... 4 0 now gallon for ............... . .Cfer .........y......1& 7 $45;aie Gd oleChian u More w blpinering' 18rushes, Dusters, Etc., at Absolute« Co8t. Combination Ho. and Weeder, reglj Gu rs; ....h ; G.27.70 ofinch, reguar $3.50 al ....g12.0 Barolieth bscleaner on earth;y 1.16 for ....................31h Crzo TrusFrame, equipp.d wlth Drap inch, regular $300 value, at......162.30 Pucot<cold water Paint> five poundfHos form...............Oue Bpring Baddle, Peuna. V. C. or Nobby Tread Wire Lawn Rakes, 31 i'nch; regular751p package, for.....................r...8or Tires, New Departure Coaster Brake, Rail- value for .............. er WIndow Glass and Putty; calars, dry and in now ....... ..........2 or Chain and Mud Guards; worth .6 Wire Lawn Rakes, 21 inch; regular 45c 33c pr1an Witees. r rdu eguMllablly aono... 2« p q pd'iàDopgb.WodnLwa Rakes, 26 toeth, regular33Lise rdcd Mlab i.,wtotaw Wôby4radTies lowDiarureCostr aleao GARDEN TOOLS HOSE, ETC. Spading Parka, reguiarîy 85c, Brake; R6IIer Chainand Mud Guards; worth Sidewalk Edgers, regular $1.00 value«Etes;n ader, ndr 0*t.atpe fr...... **...............0**3* 4 65 $80.00-Going Out of Business Bae or................ 6c fo ....APNESADBIDUTG for ....... .5..........................67c oot 13c ARPEN« AND 4T]CR>AU. ChIÇa#é, Îquzpped w .. 1Bp5 i foot .............................lo go th 5.4oidb, Ridge for........................ 46C . I 8wa: Tt ,Ië«,New DparU. Casier Brake'and PAINTS, OILS AND VARNRE Stop Ladders, te 8 ft, at, per 7cHenyDssflo 10Pne as MWd Guards; worth e.0$10,Otade ndInsde Pait.tO................................... c 2 Ont aiBusinss Bal pri$1.75A an~d $2.00 per gal. gamng Out of business 3-4 inch Garden Hose-Corrugated uC eenKutrNo 88' panel Sawa' Bicycle. al finlshed in heavy enamoling, l icn 16C37per galIn; 73 oe-haîf 2 handsome colora and ail fully guara.uteed- Ion; per quart ............ 38C34 inch Gardon Hose-Smooth, far .1,2 Spric.d prnuually low at aur Going out af Busi- 1;3c muddhsreuaî 0,fr. I5c Eich N. 0Sa 8 nuSaeINSIDE FLOOR PAINT ed hase, regularly 20c, for ..een.Kutter...N...... 12 nés sale. ~~~~~$1.75 per gaIon; Going Out ai Business Sale Wire Wrapped, 5 ply Hose, 50 ft. O enRtrN.8Sa LAW1< TOOLS price, gallon, $1.37; haîf gallon, 73c- . lengths, regularly 15c, at per fo;ot .....for ........................... 1.331 Lawn Mowers quart........................... . 3c Good Grade 5 ply Hose, 50 t. lengths, RammHenners. Eqlipse high wheel, brou.ze bearing, PORCH FLOOR PAINT. regularly 12e, at, per foot ........C Guaranteed O. V. B. No. 1 Bell id -ucha; $11l.00 value, at ........... 885 $25pe gallon; Going Out of Business Sale 1-2 inch, 5 ply Gardon Hose, 50 ft . Faco, for .................... 54 elpp high whool, bronze beaing price, gallon, $1.83; haîf gallon 94c;~< lengthu, regularly 10c, per foot ...... c Guaranttod O. V. B. Nb. 1 1-2 BelL face 1&Ii former value $12.00, at ....(0 quart .................4c One Horse Cultivators, regulari y for ................ i........... 51c Up~pq ig wheel, bronze boar - BUT GRADE EL.A.TIC FLOOR $7 5 for y.5 aated0 .B. N. 2, elfc l, bgawh.,bilb....Rn" obnainHndClîvtrfor .........................48c Rhebl $250 andi $275 per gallon; Going Ont af Busi- one or two wheel, regularly $3. 75FlongAeN.,frnry 1e iqçh, 1 .0 v luo at ...... . . .8 8 5 nessSale prie,gallon $1.93; half gallon 5 c for . . . . . .2.. . . . . . 85 î.oo, fo r a d .V .B .2 ch Zçli î - - - whe.1 ball boaning, 18 z9 99c; quart .........H. 1 andi Cultivators, 5 tooth, regularlyKttrndOV.BLthg whebalbarîR R8ýVnN% 5ead*10,fo 2 Ratehets, fcrmeérîy $1.50, for ...... 11 in~ r $ 0vlunw. ,1 .8 20au 2 EIOr gaofr 1 gail for an<$100, Adami hlgh whool, ball boaring, 16 $2;50ad$.7rgllo n;forquart... on R and Cultivators, 3 tooth, re8...ary 4»C No. 4 Haan Axes . Adncb# hegIar$7.o vaen, . 16 540 Regular $.00per glopriceti for 1 5 Steel Bow Rake, 16 inch, regularly ......L..e........... th.Woodm eguar 7.0vaueat ....... .,4 tis aleat alongUon ....... 1%.5 65c, for .............. 2 Moon and Carpenter's eesi ohWo Jàkùýlwwheel, ballai 451 0 Rig Grade Rt Barn" Paint, Reg- Steel Bow Rake, 14 inch; regularly O n $e alat reduceti prices. Block, smooth ilh4, rogla$6.W0 valus, at ......450 ug $125 galon; sale, gallon . ... 60c, for ...............40 ckadJiePlns and JouVPln. I I ~~~~~For the most startling e vent in year-it's paut ail bellef. $20.000 wortào adaet etrw o h akt lh i h very begiumg.og the a.It wilpaYyau taborrow the mOney and buy now. oTHare TOMUTbe t So L n -te mrt, rlot inhet comp lsio . T I0UJ R44 of p opl thi bii haut 1 4e a d adioinlg counties w lW be surprised ta earn of this d cision and chang# in 4 'at esas and~ thoumanu fh be benefftted lnuâeasurably by taJng unnediate adysutage of the marvelous savings at, this great OLOMIG OOT BALE. ve0y assertion made and every price quoted in this document la a statement of faets backed by the word and goodu of the Tbaoker Hardwari Co. The reputationj. of the firm and the qUalfty of merchaadlse they carry is well known to you. W. w4ut "«eY Man, woman and child lu twenty miles of Waukegan corne ta tis sale. No Inatter whether you want a T SALE PEN.Stave or F»ýyin Pan, a Butcher Knife or a Garden Hose, an Automatic ai Munile Loading Gun. Whatever you want WEDNSDA, ARIL8 GSEE 1 ALL SELLINO RECUIBS SMASRO@. W C MM-8E-ARL Y COME IN AND SEZ US.a creUIk <C AR.GED TO AI4YO?.W.%rJ'à-Q0% , T gI W ýW- - - .-.-.-- ~a a *4~j ~JN5.~ I N~LUEII~A~I'IOHI SSALE WILL Bic TUE BI(iEiET; THtE BEST lrepare for 30 Day. af !NPRECEDENTED BARUiINS In Hardware, Etc. Ic t SALE LITER IÔvMLE OR INPAT Vil.Iy~KE i,-~SdcIdu~~tI h ~ tui s ONEY FOR THEl MADE AT Tleir EnthfreStoek of fflDWARIE, GARDEN TOOLSPmTOIS;OT 'RBLEDS, WAGONS, Etc. This(iOO TIESE cllecion fHardwar Stocks wlll b., literally throwi on the.Market, repardless of f*iwýnç cost or value. A i-.t pondom delchfyfing Sale. Unparalled in the aimais ai rnerchntile histozy. For this offerig combihes the Hlghest "R6BArT Quaity at Lowest Prices ever offered. Began. Mun El' Q Pt 4% àk do&, 'age Three.,,ý il, Pi 1 . lu 1 a Àm

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