Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 8

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MAI NET 1AT .,faMous Pitcher Who Dies Vic- th. tofetTuberculosis, Came [to This County 'incog.t SWAS TAKEN AS SUBSTITUTE ftegular Pitcher Did Nt Show us, and He Was Taken AI- th¶lgh He Wasnt Known o.oh. L B ai-il(Enlie) Waddeii a"s la a sanllarium aet San Antouio, TMx.,wed.. Apr. 1. Hoetied as ho biail IIrOd-hOPoMu anti optintii. With hlm ho the lent it may aimayu a ',cou- Pb Ocf ireos more" irten ho vouitilie aM gocd au erer." Te ta ta tmbllOuiu ht nitis gril> tit ex km l hlm trous lelling fblende Ifal -ba yculd moirdowm theballon te Mmm as cf oltithe corlug seoson 'Rabe-o» ou.f the otideul charaters bmao@li hu ever kuowu, curne l Ttom, outomhs ago. He tret lb- <im on a ranch nesi- Un Antonio., aa mas thon 'veakoneti hi'puluonari' Mentie, but ho hlm l mas otli'a tom mucha untnlieho ouiti ho bock inbar-- mou augan. t-ait mout ho iras ekff a ain. %À montsholieyas bucuEhi o oasaullarlunt, mliibouy- *nt, slthougit thon nlutise ast stages of ethie disease. ldoentalli' the deatit nf Wadtieii reunis the lime tie once plîcteti a pe of banl luLaito counti'. "u Wm s8ntMlslnbt a kmouD quanity Me Haoul pilcit several gooti gantes la a triug anti thon mou itisappeai- t. ho go. a mccl or tva. il vas durhag one of totse pelotis taI le &tatojsded a couly tar at Libcerty- vIlaThse plîcher on onc of te base- bell tenise..falil olashow up anti a - estutue coulti not lie faunti. - Au individual mito looket I 11e su- thu s ie titan irbat the tantous it char, RuoeWaddel. iras supposedt t loch, asloticeti up. -"l'usometing of a pcter my- letmWs pasItinte tor teganete 1 *tart anti se rathep thian cali h off the capta-ls of the tean decidedti l give t"estranger & chance. *'Robe" *Meut uo the box anti le coulti 001 -bava bleoU barder if ho iras opposeti t. tee uid'a champions. He vos knoire for is speedi' de- Bmes. The Birt baillho pitcheti irnt emr be hbout of the plate anti struck am esurhm'umi uih aa piful amIt. MW enetcher tiroppeti Il anti hasbly mUhm ia Mebad. Heie oathat bât Mim' masoatl. Ho vas gu-tti. 109ÇM qrsdM %teCkfor th e t cf the SM". Aller ta-I liebl WaidelI SR a mussr that uolti have done M, e Le amajor baguti-. Mer t1h. gese hail beeu mou by s blg amugin, Waddoil rerealeti hia iiealiy anti compffrnotedth ie catch- er, Illling hlm taI ie bail douevisaI msny of te bittaaried catcher, lu the country coult nue do-bhou hlma.fie predlcteti a brilLIa-nt cai-cer for hlm If ho decitied la, stick ta the bouebal gante for s living. ISISS TWO F ROM SANiARIUM l'OR Ak VIOLATION 0f Rui£ George Steptanicis, uho tas been a couali' charge aI Lake Conti' BonI- toiurn snce bat or. thseconunt>' laok chare of the Institution. allen atie -l" 10 Wauxegau ilisoul pemids. son front the uninaenent. Ho tat beoom arust repoetedly not 10 do this su il irasagainal lb h-uAge. Lat Bat urdai' nigitt ho repeatedtheltooffense Tis rnorung ho mas dis-,isod rou te unitorlus ty Sept. Dr. Brow- Staphunlit mas nDmul oi'a tonl charge. but his f&miiy hua bem taieS uare 'f hi' ttccounli' ine., ho tas beeunIl. lHe liasgained bolmeen 17 sud 18 pountis ince te liasheem thon sand appfteroInla hogettlng along la fn. shape. John Schnsltx irho clains» 10 te a grailuatenurse but wmitbabueauenact tng asjAnitor aetlt.esltorlunt, lot M, Inublution 10 couse down tom oum oBartiai'nigit. Wile ho te bubibo, toc freely of Uquor anti tocae nte tagloeteti. Tiis ntornlag te also ira di.rnuo& fies. hwo dsmisal are lu linq Id&t a trict forai of doscîpilue ta lu bétaig mantslned at the coioni'. il la duciare th Wt mison lb. counti' tocl bit Ilon ee everai tiinga tha vmre gcbugaUng roter iaxly. Tises are belag chagoti as rapili' as posai NIe and Dr. Brown soya te irsa b1 to becorne knomn genoual' tisaI lb urictot dîripline la to te malobalu ad . t ail tines. This nline mtl g pollçi'of maintaining te SaitaT tant up te the ver' tighsa dogm-e fie lii of tl aleChares Phi uàpe. adusttedte h protate in count cout Mogilu> uorubsg. ahoma the Utb l iyvmie mmaltI $15000 persona enad $12,M00 mal astate. Il Il goes tI bis. utaui lrs. Citaries Cheerei sMd lra Aima Proctor, bth of Iib fie dÀWPni.t hla@ait- «ltb te leart of goUlde 0glory 7Ind itesosul ct rate pet. for tbe'y stand iM e de&? wbite -angels RIt tbe tbrcebcld cif tbe sprIng, Rnad ttermal veoumfctton la tbe messae tbat tbe', bringl1 «16 (9te you to ,(ew 'Oufr splendidcale.- «(On of potted 6eutev La- n~t theesaunx Urne you coi ou Oui' tb*i' 6atei plants' sMd Ilovem. muewant to Ottac* ' qualted. CUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS Res.e douas... . ...........................SiSl ii78c-$1.00-81.» Cdo a . ...................75C Tau" .........e................... 3&e-USe Siru po.eut . ....................3se Hyaoiatlaa ................. le-8U . Vi@44tabu . ....h.................35C Dalfodl .... ............... . .....W Cao is Lia«ifi .................. mmcli 0 97Lil t he Viley .............. Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. 111. Out-of-town 0,dm Filied IPromptly. court Týeqday. den t "ir . iiWornan Arrested Friday Niglit i.. 5 ils ce-itd *im th Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens Dies, berW Boyers. wifî cof Edwani F. Thought te Be Demented, ' ' lite Iiliac't"tiiý,Cnceptionl at Her Home Atter a'Short Itoyers. became, lurenl et sherif Smî mo ~,, li.ttriiing at te tenio'i'lock Elmer Green, s'beu hoewould nial- S "y Ha" Go sert tee sîhen ' lier tirvîs, Siokness. loir ber to leave the court ronnin sd 1reio'fltiflg wvtlFlther Gain ii iai said struck hlm a sharp btwins t he faceoWaukegsu, April 4 and lnferred about hlm and other cjîy LEAVES MESSAGE TO ALL. wthbher hsndbag. It rame so unex- Tht onue does nol fle.e t get liquor offciais, robe ln the nidst of the pectodiy tat the sheriff was stag- lu a saloon to become intoxlcated was Iries;t's rmarka and rnsrched &.In Statement Written Before fier gered for a moment, but quckly re- dnonstrited Friday nighl s-heu the ehurch. The tact that l'e hap- GvnOtt h covered bis composure ndsaud %I. Cs.(harles Black aas a1rresed ou a pened 10 1ho ittitig far dowo lu Death faGve u t h himueif from receiving a second blow. charge of drunkeonneas aller site had front. mad te Incident the more ap- Public. &. jury aller hesring h evideuce i cl iu or et t ~ he home of a 'o pent unday. P'aber Gvi h te cage ordered Mn. Boyer commît- mlaoritmsteiadb on 120 â.t~ef O &Cive part la the dry-met Poriadd. Ce.. April 7.-.%ra. Lilliau beli o helagu aylm i lgn.She -Mm BI&& on m ua >ndunearthe. ilght lu Wauflan md I id ati I. N. Stevens, president ot the Na- ledb lte nsae ayiu atElgn. Edison Court station Frda>' evenlftigovon reorted that orders bad been l- tioni Womsn' Chititan Tompor- wau rOe ltere tiis morniflg bv about z 30 o'ciock. 8h. mau vander. aued 10 ble u d oher prieste to lceep sc node oseryl h Sheriff reansd horritusbanti. lug about lu a damed condition, tli- Out oftilieus e ti At a nyanc., Uio. S died d bo11re aiy l Mn. Byee wu ira 1e a caged oui- ing iucolieaaty ant i gvlnc evety la. nothlng bad beon sid by te puie d.Bblai en etfrtua malaUiiuin te harag.Eh ~ dlcatiop of hein« demented. 8h. for Som*nietmo;,bn Sunday ho came e mimt kidney trouble. nuitail livrng te bertagiraswu uI*.n 10 th. countY »Ili irbonforth mth a st=og alatement expiais. Mn. Steven,.Whobevas horTusilDo. nol uili a moment. jaclug about 1the site apohe it.nlht. T#is morit abis lupoultion and il iras duriag tt vr, ~Me.. »Investi yearu go, .cm tintt roomi, standing la front of th mît- ah.iras rralged lu police court ad tal itaI ho arraigneti the cR ltyof-tIm tothlut the temppmaoo morliho nesea usaknglir Bt uicinly o pen pidinggulity 10 to d ata, f e il m refermes, Io the dr>w*,t hich ehb u bégadevois mueut aad ~ ~ ~ ~ e ai b Ueubmigadsonet r ~l$7.40. natter la mélationed Inlaanollier 001- lber lite. îeMW nalmdrabe che and u te tié utad a dsco Por Goda aI e lt une go 1h11 uma iodal. lbimwu irat ho Mid about sMd lab.elast wmeuh* vue able te ed chabs et raiubling conversation. lisse. uya.» ah.l pleadeil of Assistant th. officsisand nfot te dry-mat mat- ducleo 4~ e lit ir a sovutt thora iras nsautiChiot of Police Thom«s Tyrreit. "nIl1er irbicli ametCommiasloner Orvs ats 1h. ond samre it.hmber lu ber taanilyad tah . irai vupro- tri' so bord nover 10 appear hors ho forcelully reemat bie remaritbbnteenu« eebe »ad dispouei tovard a mental malady. &gaiun. lu Goda namte Il iras nuit my 'alter Gaintid filet the commis- lMichael Stevenu». ber daugittar, Mrs. fauit. lI tri' no bard Io keeP Istraitsioners of Waaliegan bail been lected Grtînude 9. Learlil ot Ibis clii' and or condition obt hin l sald 10 bave Ir you iiîouly give me one more 10 office hi' iet votes anb that titey 'Wils Anuna(Gord.,ot of vanlon. MI.,0 had mucit,10 do wit hor condition, chance.- And with filt site bust irere now out bustlng for thbe saloon- vice prosidejnt of the W.. C. T. 17. c Mn. Dyen rntoil about basing Ilo t ars. .menntlb. mme as they hiaitibeen hua- Mn.Stevens vas Infornidail £ to 5 teen locboil up la lb. counti' joli The assistant chiot poinleil out 10 llng for the passage of the rallroad Ms ber that1elhe tat ihadiidaiftier Prom- franchise aud ho didn't teilevo lboy tours before ber dootit of S.cretarY anti objected 10 being sent to a "itoa- ises before but nover tad kept tileul. more -working for thebe oaitb lbor." Dentelle' order barrlng alcoholie Il- pilai.- lier menor provedt1ho eun- Hc" aid ite tbougbt the besl lblu# for Storti-'-aller titis reference mhlcb quors from thle navY. usualti' good and sho iras able to re- er was la board ber fine ln the coun- pasged mititout much notice froin '11: la splendid." eah. oznlalmed. "Il membor the usmos, anti faces of manv tVil. " SeCorniisoi5O Orvis. Fatter Gavin t nte tpfradtwr a 'This eaiied forth more weeping. headded something Ilke tbis:'"And tbeyisnoteatpfradtmadl- nsed tainoiru aben sbe former,- said ber busband was out of vork anti gel $140 a montb and more" for tbeir tionai prohibition, for wibie we are livoil bore. Sbe was espocialiy bitter 1 hat tbore vas so, much wbich abe services, sud irbaCs more there ia one o0 earnestly etriving.'" In ber denunicialion of wto li been liai] to do. Finalty ste vas tlid tbat e fthIem rlgbt bore in churet nov." H-er test irords la Iboso oulside bier ber test frientis -he rntghttgo if ste wouid agre1toi The îirest directed i bs eyes ai Mr. Atlonai'C. T Hedoek. (,aoil('at t he Poice station andi ps"te Orvis andth ie lutter timediiteiy home 'vero:- Attrne C.T. eydCks wh tok i tie as soon as she got the money'. at'ose and basteneti fron thte cburcb. "Give my love to ail vihite rlibon tbe stand. tlid of Mrs, Beyers is-;he vas tbld tatif sbe dtd flot.tat It la roported tisaItMr. Ori and sud innde In the stIte, the nation and tory. This vas prsctieaiiy the taine 1 bIý sext lime site is arresteti notiiing Pallier Gavin ted a talk lter in the the sorld." &as thal given In ednesday e% poing- ean keel, lier ou' ut jail afternoon andt iat lather Gtirn ln- Sun.Il ias itoiu liaI bp bd \ra Black saîi tbat coi Fridav tsl i. ipd tltad nouIineant 1IoiInfer by A statement dictateti by Mc,. Stev- Sun itwassbon hatsli ha %orior ai the home ofta5WS. otifit1i r- thtat the cit, officiaispeus a gweek ago, vils tbe request taI matie many trips and tbst durinuz on the soutb ide. Thias ornan sie acre grafters. wtict%,r. or!& an 1I t e nmade public atter lier death, tisa theu trps erelie whrpaout ne- aid was drinkiug beer and whiskeNy tier otic tais toak froint its remark edtay Isi: lie trpameborebe vteeautta n'id sa toicaied to '--jetan eOtenl that h tend ta Iou or. Ira1 tda' ad bar becamo to go ee seli 'Tite navemont for national const- M.Byr a o rsnin tit 1is fonan gave lier a bu i f vi- it oua riiti s meeting vitit ing mont. Scores of imes te site isateti. STOLEN TAXICAB on tca erortian I dared la btte cal oed out the na nto oflier hu dand ' S e co îltiro to ed b t 1 i d tcur ro m bu t y d i n a j i -llz v a d a l w d le o d ink ailnu e on It a o u an 1tie e d niug, e - andi asakeilim Iotomorn 0lier. Local horne afttrward .«' s ailet. i id BROUGiITT O 'WAUn 1ber 10. 1911, s-ton on beitaif of the r.el remember suc Iing Ith a apenei T wocld and National W. c'. T. t. i friandis of ttcemman Say tecase is ifer t 'eft ilie hotise.' ,s"'a N d ie proclamation, and 1 daced te onter athentis iion ee cld t' - spolice asndae Isila bardSÂS o , RI hope aimost eseryting for te tem- ______________ lier antuber chance to keep iunte I Perance cae ktoverelsn sraigettanti narros pat. Fro'm Lere thetChauffeur Too luInstateor <woctd 1 arn ry actîcilies will be desoteti ta ttbs end." SE YEN TEAMS TO E F R SA EB It to Zion City and Lef t It 1A, xlc.I)mtientatlarge Miss Ait REOESE TTSUN YAU B~ E t a Livery There. neCor uedo fEantn IlMmoai INNI B M E 1OURNEYEIN(iMISSING SINCE MARCH 26. 'dett c ____ ~4i3R INT R huferW Fedt in-F rances E. Williartiupon her death il S NfiB RD É TERSChaufeurWho ied o Mine. I 89. Miss Gordon vas itrivate Waukegan and Lake Ferestý apolis Tells Location in Let- secretary t10%Miass V4larti foc twonty- Each Wili Enter- 3 Teama 'Declare That No Mercy Wili Be ter te the Ownr. onue ya in State Tourney. Shown Those Who Vilate 1___ in This Manner. A-&aicab s-blht vas oien trom a t*1JOIRNS COUJRT Chicgograg on Match 26i anti dclv- $1 0,000 IN PRIZES OFFERED en toWaukegan iras locateti ou Sun- UR RT ÂT E PROMISE SEVERE PENALTY. day în A.G. Campbel% liveryIn lDZon I R E R TR Bere teats of houlera frotta oake__ City s-bore it tas beau practlcaliy 1 ceuti'y. together mith other boulera The Police Receive romplîaints wcrosndc Ibethefl. Edalvr Gsrv- RAY CAST BALLOT front different parts of the state, miii 'les ini Cicats tent xt lMeon 'soi-r- compte for over $10.000 in cash In ThtMa ogds Ae atternoon. Ho carriled a lter front te aeuteontit annual touantOnt of Being Shot in the City. an assistant in the office of lte Chi- iudge Donnelly Goes Home to thte Ilinois Bowling Asoiation, se _____ cago chiot of police. introtuicng hlm, sud asking the Zion auttorities < Woodstock se He Won't coi-ding l tce figures issued t'te Waukegau. Apcii 6. turu over tte vehicIc. socret.ary. Lake county wIli te rep- Te police ace Indignant at reports Il seems that on Maict 26 a chat. Lese His Vote. resenbeti ty titi-e tenams from %N'aake- that bave teen lotige i mttem 10 feuc ilu the emploi' of the Chicago gan. thrco from Iake Foiest and one the effet that songblrds are bcbng company stole a taicatblouglug to WAS HIS WIFE THE CAUSE? front UAbertyvllle. "ht anti as a rouit octieca hase been bis companv andi tiiove tiro men 10 lasueti forimebrs of the deparitncut Waukregan for wticb ho receireti a tee Te local teauns i ii te matie u as t o keep a strict valth for ail viola-Of $35. Ho loft temaIn Waukegan Friends ef Jurlst Say He Went toliova 'lors. ansd tirove 10 Zion Cty, asking per- KIRCHNEbR BROTHERS- "We have been lid taI ta.Y Soug mission Io lbave the tai l l the Ca'mp- Home Se He Could 'KiI' the Clai-o C. Etivards bleds i-a toing sitot lu varions parts boil liveri'. Titomass ictnrer o h iyadw fin!I e bt Tien te disappoareil anti no more ôeoHiWf. 1 W. Krkhate piactice la stoppeti." Assistant irasàboard of hlmn. A remord of $26 I, Nid Smith ('bief Tycreil dectaceil thia moi-ing, vas offoreti for ttcerotai-n of the taxi- Ciicuit Jutige Citailes Donnelily laa Richard Flstasl You may sas for une that i miii eb tut because the owner of te Zbonma h rerdhiblot vy Leslie Arnuod. give ail offenders ttc maximum Pen- Cty stable neglectoti Io report ltema uorerd bibllt v' MeDERMOTT TEÂM- aly lu eaet case." police Maffgistrale mater to the poice ho mili noî i-. igtli'. In tact ho Ihinka go mucit of * Lir-oeDS imulonisTaylor snid, reine t t. tho adjourueti court Mondai' IL Edirit McDoi-uott As nearli' as eau be leArned forolgu Fi-om Zon Cily il ilevelois te atterucooIn l ordor titthte ugit rie- e Perici' Emn Or resitients, of the cil!. rittrer th"anbaYaS chauffeur ment la Minneapolis. He lui-n te biu home lu Woodetock andi k Carl Woutoufeid fioum. wontone wmuid oxpect sueritirote a lbIter 10olte be of te or- bo. mady Io vote - 1 HaMs Genntt conducl, are the guilti' pa.rtieu. Te" mon couceru. teilingwiret ho bai l eft Prieuda of Judge Donneily Oi' ltaI NAVAL BCHOOL TEAM- foreignes n l a linet alteomecur- te axIcat ant «iO&laliUg lb.etactstehocoufidedt latheus that biu mite iras 1- H. E. Brown !nt a huutug lilcenue think tlboi'are la tho case. G(bu t nvoutgatoil andtiheione ou.rpousible frii cIn H. andaus prIIliegoil la shoot t nooirli' .vory- founatifil juab as lie fefloi er tPiO Thee noms ot Judge Donuelur ant i bs Thomsas Scituotala thiug. sented. -. ite are nild te ho os divensifieti on M.MoeThis Ioualt te firaI tinte that cern- polesIt ta e pisMWe for ltemtu1 y Van Aiutlne plaints have boon m. Imr he an h. I te .dg *"r@On P*PO3* là The lunte laninameut togin everal years, frtnitinet 10tinte e . LLEC.IC, ROB JAUUon ie is ie, as l the,<cae tula myi te racil ou April 8 anti May 9 la the panshv enmi htsngfamilles.e, mes fanai- th. other, I la1 losing date. Kirchner Broters tfout bi-da are bing laugltoreti. evé-h A votesTEneid. V is" en theaur. ou oul o Apiil 2f'- The dates itou tintes airesta have been matie andte il. iLfNI VOOe o. ls b.cIer gl!te otitei-tiro local torna il roi] iolatons have been punluheti. White A foi tisia ago titou, Mn. Donuel- ha nol yet heen decied defiateiy but this lansosrved la stiptlb. prectkgo lyk i'came liera, 0 mbler thaiid anti lhey gmil couseon Souidai. EacitOf for a lime Il atuaya breaks ot0 0. ol-johil SeaS5 .salW tkýL_ oli thrfta. -th uei Ïthe tounanmIli enter the fine mouev'lu the pol il bas been declareti thal .t 0 aît Iotave relaties. tise julog U ft enta. ttc doubles andi the Idividuels.lteforeiguers irbo steth@ sons cated iln East- Reatives i. i?.reusuInedors ite Iwoulti ho slu Ie inembermof lihe teame 5double UP iti-t. ido ot deogo for the sasie 0 e o to im urtu oe dinl the tiro men eveuts. Whnkogan ploasure aîouo but unue the ment Of Square His AccoudntS. voteUr o it10rtr oe l- boilets usuaily bave broughtt honethbre ttitifer food, lu tactilun i'0,111>OnMondai', tomerer, il séent i taI ka their alre ofthte prize mneynoysd quartera thetomat lu considered a John Scott, the faglganipariMn. DouneHi' returntot home wIt they ai-e expectoil tu do mou Ifiserare tielicaci'. Young manon utc am ut o mre th. arowdIrtintention of notlag boday. Io tinte. 'rTbepractice tas existeil eottirelida-ys ago anti mualetit ouzst o teThe ronultt mu litItlhe jutigoftinl lit Te Indivduel bowling tournament tcln nim rpa 0pta10 lObl i coit I b C. and honor bounn I o go bomne and oaut bis It ai the Richeliteucloscidltest alsur- 10 Il If mc bave 10 mare arrest y M. Ebetrie, aItbite ENIt'sta tibon, nt ie ieliosmr io tr li day wt lbe foliomlng recuts: li ioese"tise assistant chiot mitere be vas agent mas appretLeuded mlailoitto go homue anti vqte ale, 190 Pi lis-t--Carl Woutei-fielti. the wi. "reepal rdnî rel ultlnpîs the adjourifg of court matie no dilt- se Secont-Laurence Sinmons. neeti of a tesson they tviii rememeust' Tbe i'oung mnu's arrent filOmIed ference irmatereTr. d- bTird-H. E. Brown. for a tinte anti ie areo preptreil ho gir. mark hi' the NaticoolSuret'couspan An Amuslng Incident It 'ott-Niciî Smtitt. il to lbom.' mutr as on bis bond. The c1>m- Titismou-tuga s mol ktsomiisouti ie i-it-Tom ctur tala. pani' tracod ilhls, icratetibhlm, buougItbaide wman iio bai beDts tTOngli' 1- WesleclIelti van te tlgbaverage hlm borne andthobn mad i laesîllemont opotîist lawoman.suffrage. ahomoil a th itonor; Simmons gaI second biga av- JUDGES SIT EN BANC-- nt bis relatives wherebi' taey mades change Of heurt la a cou-tala extent. r- erage andi Smitht got tîgh s ctore mt Waukegan. -Maict 2, gond tte allegoti sisorbage gailte e"ilthitk itl istiuigi-aceful for vont. a 246 gaule. A merrygorounti content Jutigea W'hitney andi Donnoiiy ast case ageInsthbe Young Mon thus en atu0glto te polae anti note." e le bing stai-ted ai tecamne alîoys o ac bsmcnn niern '5Ysaitseianin rsclo id. "I thInk that bý gw doiug lbey l. anti is expectet Iot croate muet Inter-' le es. pleaiinga ite bgalili' ofthlb.fonna- ATOla(andilol dewaongtii' usitie. but l- ion of tise nov L.ake Villa township, ATOLIABiI1y LAW ANNULLEO (nt uoe mneia ongrabis. al A 10w $10.000 citurchIt t hiebuiitirtose existence tan teen .acînd owabgo1). Cgolng la l Te posmne oftheay. rnd inaith corner ot 27th anti Emmana lu action brougîtarne IUm ag= lu SProme court toilai' anulled as un- Tt rnaoso ie"ot -ai r avenue. Zian City by tte Bryantl fac. i-utcut N rirvsetr osîuînîauclno ieMci dance" aI Round Lakce recenîli' cieur- - tdon of teCity li.cicicor.N rew@ osiuinlasti Ofte ih- otiaihouitttclttigs isiend vr'gan autonmobile la-w, rnskln< _the omis: ed $380 for the fuud, uib i lmi be Meats, Poultry, Game, Fishi and Sheil Fish VEQETABLES AND FRUITS ~Mundee and Co. "THE QUAUITY $HOP-. Phone 307-J Libertyville Worth Crowlng About C O mp ra f ougt.. sd profite before iteuator Ph.. se. , 56,.,,$1.00 25 lb . I" th. wmat tal e d coditione- . s-rto r-k. Y.. a p«-ma.t frian.d of tii P..t. P-dt.. SuatIa<en Guruterd or Moey Dark PaItaLiceu aiU.V. Po..der-oand 50, À aIo a FAIa..b.ttat lion epsitt.. .19 .a P,.Ua 10 p.Pl tu B omh Foi sale bh'v S. t, Tripli, Ai-et; F. WVt,Ict & Ca., Lake Villa; Wmi. Br.-ughton, Waaconda; Il. L Pr-lu rantond La-ko; V. Sa-uer & Ca , Lonsi la Grone; Ilirshbe-ge- Bron., Prairit t$1,e700 DMEE 11 À%RET URNED VS. POLANSEK rJury in Circuit Court After a 3 Heur Deliberation Deoided Last Night. Aller a tree houe's delibeia-flou, a tjury In circuit court Thurs4ai' nigt Èbrougbt In a verdict of $1750 dam- ageslunthe case of Mrs, Citai-les Ebverta- anti chiltiren agaînst Josepht Polansek. William V. E. Henu mito conuts a saloon on Wolci- sîreet bail thon a parti' 0tiste suit but lise fur' failedti labcin nani' verdict àagainst hint. yThe Jury i-etired aItti-eo'cock aanti trouglil Ina verdict at six o'clack. 1- pon lte firat ballot la determile lise egult oaInocence ofthtie dofentiant Y te jury mas unaulmous tor findlng t int guilti'. Titeli- delieratlons thon nresoiveti themceivos ino an effort ta fli the amaunt of damages. Te opin- ýsIons of the Jurars were about as var- led allteirai' tram $200 10 $500. Af toi-' many ballots tati been taken g the îiiu'on compromisoti anti agr-eti ,about lte $1750 verdict. 11illebraînd, Antioch; lIiasckbi nri ým. Lake Z richi; %Vm. Einsotar. Di- fi Grove; Fanshsck & Raupp, Buffit- in View; Geo. M. Weidner, Aptahisie > Judge Donnelly was ln court wben the jury returned. After bearlug their verdict he dischargeil thoea from fur- tber service. A.ttorney James Gi. Welch ropro- sentlng the Reisch lndemnily com- pany and Polansek. entered a mo- tion for a neir trial but tbe date for te argument vas Dot set.The at- torney decelares that ho wili carry the case Up If his motion for a new trial la overruled. He laites the stand Ihat the lndemn- nIty compsny sbould only hoe anked L t psy one-llftb of the damuages lie- .cause they have carried thls liabulity 3for only one year irbereas the suit covers a perlod of five years. He gays the Schlltz brewing company sbouid bt h ked to pay the ,otber four-fifths. 1 The case was one ln which Mrs. tEverts asked damages because ste, salid ber husband has been Incapaci- tated for work as a resuit of securlng liquor at the Poianselk saloon. At- torney A. V. g'ruith cepresented Mrs. tEverts. Perfectiy Proper. MGStab-'Mics9 Jerolomon, do you- er-think your father would care If 1 maied you ;iinnio?" Loveiy Girl- 'iýCertaInIy flot; ho cals me that 'hlm- solii 1,I.ndepelkdent: More readers than ail county veettiies coi»biued. - LAKE (UOUIr NITY - X FNT RID.AY, APRIL 10, 1914. --"" - Eight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ LLWDDLL WAS ADUDEDINSANEBÂMSANTIE 0RVIS TAKES IT PERSONAL. W. C.T. .Pe S.£aster CII AED L Ais Beyeî's Became incensed FOR CAUSINGi UER Fathr Gavin in Stînday Ad-! DIESAT ER HOME , the 1ragrant gatel r LIERTYILL Kept in Court R00111 TO BE INTOXICATED CIeates Sensation. 'NPOTA , 5 owWîC lvec acb enowy Ab. oulco short, nees" lefb 1 miter, tiocit taoa, gond ed Il 1%e coont tilen wit the o of t Terne goc. Oes l0k Hait tbeitn sa the place tire lut"e The Model Cash Market 'The' l'ct and i-"-îII-îîin Lt-ci lotr i- tIi

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