Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 15

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tr. 3b1d lest rie lino tain rtest &ne. [Lv te ting te mue. Mcii th &d eing a-e ra-d es atie pr- 1«15- LA", COUWTY BNDEPENDENT, FRmDAY, A PR 11 17, 1914. Pg VAl ECM S V.LC LMA ATpartment idJuitn a'he aid mali crinainal matters whieb are ou* MARSHAL ARRESI L AN tSIofSa usatacen," heD insesCti fgr nth aea saluatlo "I ire e haelte dcket for the grand Jury ma n ot mail."be disrovered and for this reason itlai UflcBflherÂg I neika police depart IIi , ai surrcnd. "iiow conlong a il îoa le l 'c eIn e lotcrti la IIt3bIIA L O £fl lUTot ier cases, lot as Yet Mad publie, I ~ s L o rej , A ias I.*% obl, as ton, D . C ., A prIl 15.- W l n A n K t n e i o e I fev so w ed i foes. , arant lie w u"I thin ts about a w k 'ua th tr c t o as n ve M cP ar e so en w h Lor.k lasLyiUthe Atlantic fleet. alth its formdableAn KtnemNw eivbac Issued for lits arr,,.t The cin foy Samson at Present «Time lskedh. ws lwr or niaewbMePhhes quart the Suut neM9y p. 0 uc 0 pnis d îleaîa. d t e I sa e a i- laint against P tr-son %vas made by Handling a Big Case in Cim- a en lf th ofie w lout rs Ilbc hte n Cn in t. s h e S h o o n g ~ fl~ réAd ed for T am pico to uay ta com pel e n a H e a rin g T o d a y . Joseph M orris, h iAils arrested y scin n ati, O hio. e co fi e in r il be w i e u Cn1n a i Y14UGT G.J lO LADD aSaute1. th Aercanfig b tc TIR ~the former Apri l 5 'eterROn fla McPherson what business had lhrouu2htWosan d Essei1e É4UII U NTHuDa aet theov ernint, raieagtheil OREOFF HER CLOTHING. charged with baving 't,",îjlted '%torris iaeCnint.Te ititato otwmn bte hyb lsi Het oenet rsdn nsnwho was freed on a charge or disor- HE HAS HAD A RAPID RISE. l oCninu h ititatr Mo oevitirte efeb Of , ould ' dý Iy Co duct by a I"' onday ove-ney aidldt er that h a was In the dark 1 or th n, walk ar toc 11..l'ti, h w oMý b.ap* bdutn etn tnts 100k m b icn n ddee o te uc<ei odc yaJr ina v-aotte vatu a snto ('cin. for t Tast n hoe eryd y, u 0f T hat ationlb l e rp b a n antdemt o cn r aes C. d o e R st a n d at t e n n . a s n D es N ot M ake K now n nati. fil le rum ored, how ever , t hatl do it regu ary and s eaira ly 1 8 F ied. rnI em as te î o~H OS p)ita i- O r. Brow n Thinks iee s n rdic aî to u t r iter- Reason for V ist an u n otiiher rosecutio n deremiie r- nSt cc s o e t .eU call. A 5ioa~Comites n hage~j bte She Is 111 of Paresis. <"t to W.Ukegan aat t aXe ounti pclainReut. man anti trust ia st esatde.soldices h ubr nation'.thefor el u ff ir . np e ac u e 1he b t o,. rm er Lakel hure an that the evidence that IR now m iles ghe w alks a day u tll a h., la dW Dept aaUon.01 ber huabang Mr. lo et for Sanatars Shive- Waukagan, April It , ièttatr5aaiwho Ca atiot In the 1.ttonilev RoyitaSalt'u, ")or W. I h ad fteIoatotOj, n iemla b pla e4J dO . MN" t, a*i a r lch is 1>' ad Lodge and Repr eseta lven Anna Keton e ili he girl w iîîo lcg Iy .M ke M ines sýou î t o y arislo. Sanison of W a kegao. i, rK itia lice ail hac la ed befor a the grand ilider aýrreat for baving shot ber lri Flood and Cooper and reveaaed tb, sent ta fle Jane .%ilrht îla when b. wanî bu arrsis ans dteadiy In flte guceruiniti îcgaî Jury ahan Il Convenes on AIîril <C. On ^1M O for treahneli tedptslminad.ietarsuua'Car agO ort, Iservice. Agsa ms ilaecu, <of the the other iaind, il l9 suggeted fltha t In AI-aka tberb used to h. a Ailr.AhonedcUO Ihe subie-toraflotarha vasthefcorntrylTheherll lie BluIn fo ory l i Qui N in lias l'ofto ablame Quent de rand by Rear Adm irai Mayo ly, be ame go nrily Tu sday ce._ ___1_ __ , follow ng clping front the (i ii ecu t he ti, rurn or nu- comig 10 the finish of le argeuel S, 14ti . ahohmuan. tu spfmklng if lhe for su aPology ln the feror Of£s.a- nig that nurses et te Instititton e5i- W. a iatue. erkingup o the ase ia, rs naî m ien sea genst CiM ena- eansed amie atilfad,&"SIh 108ir Iedy 811116apillled ber lirai«lute 1te the colora and lhe refusi f odflo aWru arad iewr Trepe~gmolitu.m woe InTue lîlieft fte eetitre: i-i-anti i, iobs ca gen h te ns. n 0f i uryAita tfyou nov fte elatemÈmi. the Huerta government 'to eonîply, t ntesranfe n 9 1tgmMrO. h otrtio h èea grn ewoIa hreo tewieIo th uY a btYuRWt AieaaJ tht a. l tesiar. &eSt forth lu a nota tansmltte.jto removed ta a col]in le taLake county BIlh hiftlm Soni 5 na.dustrionestar jrwlitbsiensuutnt v aeiaetiain fti.gvr-tire and mesout Jastice as os@de. IIa'a rTuan t t InakO e ha bed and t at C harge O laugh essy. Joli. A h aring te d t aim ine h r s n e. l i e a d e v n a n l d S a e î d t t ii tr for ""ic m en t el is C ilY, h ait mmode several alli »W a coInOOMWeuOfmtoney Presîdent citeç Predenj l1Y vas set for 1:30 nocloek this ait neighbor.î. hou 1an ~~Airil 1r thccur.w eîrt î' rie.Ily hri ssiv e lJl g n ii. S~ te ua d v ru d lm M r. i lsIon xpecte d is callers o lea m on lu county court. scythe. W heaB UT t el lit hba o ntl e o ne sensati nal IndictmIn t nu- ,s, suettît li ring ig several cases orf i e ea î . " taIho sh ou d ho car fui or s e nu e e com m aiate te he r co lea ,ué s In 1 T he girl w h o am e t u W a k zan b w s a a 5 U d ut a d hw l H asr n t a a h r î ay t u r i a i t i e o e i e g a d J r .re « ld" er c ld a e bat. Vadd lip a *â atea fi.thO ouseandi sonate visat ha bi l rom Highland l'arkat . ot a if),cthe ovwe? Iii.mb of a pghtmn In icnaio t ,Snsn i: lo, la ude inssshv lei;.ciinaeti-tr.ia a îudreivtdsse hvaileved my lutile boy could use auch "Who qWdý&ké t',,he l Bad ttem, 50 as 1te pave the way -for an>'goethrabd cîîuederaîîle ettteteeiuoru Ife ta m ov l waedm t notlca gnto ie.ssedn fl,-arnybp sbondt apa e agug eupayn ih- Wbove e baa b.' ha 1 nl s ha mihrequire the aubiioriqaithatU l ,in ellnie faluîed di-adr by ilius bouge. ycterday Tesur-d lb. ciliceai. avq- 'ou- W have bdteaUandme. "ia roe ion h, leflc. _-a»,7i mîueitt it oeIegatlJuy hy r aleiclde gi. aetya'"p. stuoliteninga metinltht8 tetwaDistriagin t Atto rPl ir'ierson tronm varlîtus Parts of the country. telîleti ber little boy. "Teddy Baclat be . b fteyo 1*4 b e . Idfs om e T hc' e Pre sdent as ready te fu r m t e nnflh T e atîîrance hall. 'liii Ram e m b .-iC.naa C ity star. t t s v r l l t e s w i h b d b e n i n s V l o e h r , m I l n a e b a t P a i t w t a * fo a o d n u t D I s . - r l o r t e , th o e a v o c o n fe r r e d i th i m C , f t h e w a s in l eY e d a s e a to s e m ol it tb , , g n t te I n c n n a t i fo r h im 'in u t, tItis e r ta , a n . t as t h o %v t u s tilm b e r o f r 'o t is m I . g e t h r o , C i a n 'Tl, emirfre e a gilue Precedlents l ie: ai ndrJacohsen homue. 5h,'acter îîuterliata --,-- "Ths,"ha*ai. rfareata rwîhicreparagion abean emuelimes atter that t io vs eut uritilla ruCis.' Voiver wblch lae drow under th, by lie Unitedi Stalag and tiear ns ScnZdy. altternc when sie Insîsteil Mattreas. Bile sa4d he amureti hal tins as a redrebs of vronge. uo gig aZay aua triedtehojcmp li It as ot.oadd. henPoItin 1 Tii. Presidunt sudhils cabinet ad.- fr, a second story wîudow viieri lb vs fot iade. tin plntlg tsars blleve Huerta viliiyield and ra.auî htteIoiewr alî at er ouit a howse e 'el that the situation vil]nt become in la arrelit her. vould do la eas e one ahouuii acuf@. Site vas given a haar--ng sMondav aler bis roonl su try lta steai hi- Official Washluaéon gossiped freed>. afttrneon b the Jury vas not tîcîte toney. He PUll th le trIner. An bovever.abut a Peaceful blockade, convlncad tram lie avideece that the expilc4on loliowe& r»8«Idesit artie lis lsndlng of marines, a Possible Young Wvemn in s nae. They diii %lasas mch srprie 48ailewaibomnbardaient, the. elure of 3larixcan flot wisieh o cend ber avay le an lu hera its. c h u prs d mrhoau tderai gu nhoants and arm e ti interven. s noa gay îim untl they w re c nv ne- Ob* inqcired about Martin an,tin ed tîtat site vas hoplessîr derangeti .eesned ml OrrY ta hnk ber buaban A a result il was docided tu send i uor bas PI bACO ila 1.1.ll rom lber ac VILLA WINS LONG UATTLE te the hosîitai as a Coui.charge -Lies I lbedbleveIl acevli pay n, Juarez, MaXîCO. Alîril 15.-Oece fer a fev dais In Order that .ahe partin te prn«Uton wich ieMain b" ei n. IFrancisco Villa dis- mlght ha wstched ant i ccliti h,' Ver luti. Poscuton ili h laaied ilitary inastery over tic mlght have Perfect quiet. husani a. tatei aaîîtbicfaledersof the faderai amiy leind%,Th ii. lit restreint aeetief,i bt loy. - tibng te Contbineti armAcc et Gan. chafe ici- and shlo insîstei aupohab -Dr. Browa deciaredtoday that MrF Velasco, Oea. Mats. Gen. Hidalgo and In.- aiiewed te raturn e ho lhrgand lâuetl's iconditon la mprovns, ~Gn. Demeure at San Poliras de la' Park. Wen er requestq wenî' re S t s ke lie tdo" nflt thlnk any complication! Colonlas, fOrtY tulle. eset cf Terra- fused safi tore the Clothing froîn i-r &te geing te arise. on. aCCOrtiing t0a advices le Gen. Car- body sud fougit to gat away aitticugit r efla ai Chhuahua fr4 ai Gen. Villa elle as lot aat e nae m lg t rail rea i- aia, lI tbe hiabautiviibe unable W oMfciaisbore. aie kept up a conbleuous Inuronet » ILma . .a ~ rn. sahtanlate bic charges hba bas made lnthie face of vicious tire fi-an bhe chattes'. doice wîli8110w lnspiy that it vaiat the Lovernaient front tima andi Came iroivincat that shte vas Insane faoter Ca.. or *dMtng t boyit vast agalu for six days of terrifie figbtiag. aud vas fnot surpriceà viclef norued 101114 d," Miaier tai, a delberate a-. T it le enacmlous eaderabp of Vlla Tesday eght tat lb had beau roundiM s e S l o t e H g s i d r teluPt on the Part of Martin te luJuri eeccOedeîj la drlving the defeatati reb- ueeessary t0 ramoee br te the Colin-Ms e S I to he H (ho voman. cis trotulfiaeCity, tbo vilcithay bad ty Jol. In Es»aaking ef te matier g e t B d e aiplithe torah Isafore avacuatîng today ha calîreeseti the opInion thai t~ ti ad o early viti thie live of bar apparent lnuuant bas hecît in- bonthtiRidas, vas gabiereti from ua ccitihy paresls. F r t Ac i n S l a u d y 1 p a H ." th a sllarlous reports rec v aîiboire. The y u îîg om an mas a ie u as BhN9W I5 PR3InNTc ounfte haolertctit ata -, contnuing until everything is sold. Our lease is up and we stili have a lot o WlIN AB DID QR ON P ST. that treatmuet:atElgin vast ordareti the finest clothing shown ini Waukegan. Thtis stock cannot l'e dumped on the ,M --B ID OFFICE 15 BEINGi b h uy street and mnust le sold regarclless of loss. I ilidetlySomewhat Annoy.d. Former Wa*legan Baber's à ispaci trom Paterson, Ni. J..m Wile[In LW sy lie 'interai- he SEIDEL CLOJHINiIiCO. Stock Must be Sacrlficed é e4 Mo-Se usied.soutiers ceramouy ef' uipins ra camnent gays ispatch. WVork on tie construction of Wgu-, hgoomaticit." Thare neyer was auy «sCh souhern marriagoe remouy. Pat- kagn's i. ev redorai biildîung la heIn5 woion should confine.hersait ta muar- o s .t g ofl e F l wi , BASE FOUND IJNDER STAND. rhied i ait sîiable sneeti, ne-.fbsg-a subJact vit wI vblelah.i I"rthar de talla ofthie case of hMrs. îortilng te1 Lo Ca'umtnn, the goveris- taimiair --5orfila Tlmes-Uim 400 Men's fine tailored Suits, 40 fine Overcuats, 100 doz. fine Dress Shirts, 100 Sweaters, 500 pair Mens and Nott ~~ iePte.wfoft former Waiu metea reprecant«Iive ou Lia job sud Matogoîner TOa ierai. Boy's Trousers, 560 latest style Rats, 300 Mens and Boys Caps, 100 doz. suits of Undtrwear, summer and keganops vre ,wos abllse bti, Bue laya tat pm'Oiit a naceasity Basrder (taokliiuga touai, steakta ]mat evening, ire tantlained thi tii lvaois i I vîli ha losibllfer tVie boardIng bouse kee ).wuYu wne egt osl nc ut,20Mn ieFane hrs 0 o.ArwadLon Linen Collars, 50 Ilegram train t. osepit. Mj1en. holding i-, be ocetîiho'i y the fnitiunde.-tok hoauurvîde meviti bo)arti. .Ilra. Hable Potier la ialti for mu-' ritf iay legv te'i iiqismatis,. 1 vas îîeaware that voimean: dz ie 5dzGoc.At c~dy oîrU beis utCssadEc onmru 0mnin The warrant vas takern ct for' lIon but binautafi' Flia enip:etwill Le tit upI aitaliyt"on andourd eauthe .uigurcs v. deî at 10 .,îgngsof 7nfinenPlatn .lîstît aFr. E. Engli n Banton ia lIthe muItlI oVils f"y su iiat il rimy 1<" P.ypocilte Pua.a ,i~i ~ iiL p Acinan l h '~ idr ~ ' c bor today. tceipied. The Ovrirok Citizen contentis that lsShwCss3 ipeMrrs8log5f. irrCahD k RmntnT erte ndD . Margo arge ththbnse vas ' ý inothin- no,-':,,icda],, u lieheaaiaaî animai on earth lea Lpug 6551 Glass Show Caes, 3FTuirpaeMsr-ors, 8 l n e t,.6Mirr o, Caets, 5R HatCbnyetsr12rTabl ek1 lug h lit th day etfilet monli, une dalred," Mr. ('semann Raidi. 'Tite imffIng arounti a. If il vas vorked AI hv t iiswr oth hageI fllr o heIW«mrlet o.aimnuttadtI Chairs, Bar Cash Carrier Systen,, one large Sale, complete Tailor otztfit, Electric Light Fixtures, Elecfric Fan. RacanriveOvaletheutigbrotgitlte u dtaba Reeent ______________________te Hat Conformator, Hat Marker, Umbrella Stand and Cases, Window Fixtures and ail other articles to numerous ligittelroumatanq" vbIch apeae few dOssago iut 1nov tiat thilt iabtU odt .î..gSoe & ra te he i.officils, vb bave d a d dla heing set le place hy to mention btîndespensable in an u odt ltigSoe ghboro lgiy lne natintd' le ase , Ac, Lace Italies, va are confident fita i e î s p ~ yi o o ta d~o h o n . a ~ g n tion lbas beeai u4tjhelil naltif totity eothbug more eau deveîo e hOdeter ~ Btî o peeîretSok~ I~' bmcaudaetflacli 0f avidenca implicat. n apyhm e-iest sis h m s cmla an argstC-'.. Soc i a ukgn lftg the Scuscd.', the cespietion. $yl .Mrsi Putter, vho bas heait coefiuqed Accerdlng te tuIr. ('semanu eai-y f hscity can trace itâ While we have sold a lot of .qoods during the Iast 30 days we were runable te, clés i lb. w om a 's ard lun t e co li y m an w la n con he orked ho advantage ~a ls u t- m a ~ -.' C ~ a s . r L . 0 a S i I 11 Roitly msinbalned olbintlfi. patio ty -toi the wafl flut tietia aa uhral dcath s tnv bourg work laoIroceetiing asneyerbefore. a t r conalng labo tic W orid. hI has progreuse t e e esuch n a to ti && a h VerStore wll b. open tromn 7:30 Io9 o'cllock p. mu. and Auetio. Sales beI4 at?7U#. m. evewy da 'te lir. PotIer, la a Boton Harbor lstalled. O to m ly et "un vbo vas prenant ut the liane 0f aeun tock IP od nStra n usa uUnSl iIb e iIp 4111M4, hIleIbis8not hcPae hat tyii:u --More ticvelopmants tire axpecbed le r6sI uacesslty vîl oeur, Mr. Conadyo 0 inla reilaya-çr e atciaa n' wama uer job? Lk Co '~ p- Henry Sie vin. ave rui Ch tt ktunation aillie hbord litti-aJustice pied le tva waakas houlti l b happa linclisi, lu Bantois Harbor. onno - ami à The. case la tli fresi the iOeneday a moiling t hoe- 1 lt bnirS oH vOh r of he A t th wnet'ùle tl lb h tl rnMIM Iirglt flot Il h acAuctutn Sain startt atteaturday, 1 S e d é a d b ba h a pa c et-1- - d e r tet v u l i l o t t i.-o g- - kt t-a 'a1 "' r g t-- p r i. e or hurd- ee em- nom- Iy lu roc- Ky. rma L tho ougb Insss ables Lake s vis- ' roill ehape P. u- if the 'cleck Abor- ne e'- macu- i tial àot le proli- coin large veuy- The. courts Thera 'ollov- )y tha nîem- 7menri.y Uoueti i anti le at le girl Med le. dIe-~ Sthat me lu rabota. ion- liestit n#mve heepl- a maya ,e liat danen- verict si orig-

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