LA"E COUITNY INDEPENTDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1914. "Vote to Retain 0Wl Dry Char- ter Despite Emegetic Effort Lfor Commission Rule. FWOMEN CANDIDATE LOSES. M-hlionaire Residents Feared Invasion of Saloon Under Proposed Plan. aummary of Vote Lake forest continuez "dry.' Tiie lection ln tie fashionatule suburb Tuesda.y was held!ChieflY for thé purpose o decding thé wet an ddry question.. The. vote was as folows: Men Wonien Tot. - relorgansation ..248 119 967 réorganisation . .269 230 498 ,aIe PForest@ dry charter of 1861 .-aséutainéd Tuesalia. Apil 14 ln aa plrted eléction. Thé "biesok fugV' of thé mllionalréé subumt é monln ii o ntrol et the villa"e goveru. lin. ?anoie ltoWater the ouly wIU an candidate, vas defeted for the. of- Sce of trgaasur by fosr to one- ]Lake Format. under..,the termie of thé charter, coutrol. thé liquor quoi- tisfor ShiedUW tnwuéhlP. laêudlng pait of North Chicago, take Bluff, and iKhwlliood. seseof £Isction TMé movemnt to revoke the old ep.rté and ring the village underi thé généeri litiesand vlllageés actcf Minuie vas théeIbsue cf thé lection. * Opposents o! tholébcangé affed adoption et a new charter would open> thé township to the..pcsébulty o! In-. vaotiby .l aloag thé, Iuommo. bile rudes. Former Mayor David H. .dksan. a invyer. leader of the more- ment for thé chuagé, insisted thé new' charter *oald bot *v. au opéxqIng te 'M tH vle la thé homne of many ffl oh Oieofuie ainon- g th-n tise rr4ior. Farwelîs and Swifts. t'h véalthy votera stood united etinst the change,cfo carté,. The voté for thé thréé vards va, for the. changé. 367; salnst498. One bun- dredAnd ainéteén woffln favored a change o! thé charter: 230 ollPpsed It. ria. Sctt Durani vau a leader ln the iglit agaînst a new charter. The. Young Womensa Christian assocation éngagéd tla théefight. New OffIciais of Villagé Thé officials lected are: Mayor, leverett Thonspion treasurer. Thos.' H. Horan: superviser, John Redmon; Mnarshall. Tlrnothy Howe; aldermen, Viet ward, A. B. .lakran; Second warçI. Willam C. Haltenhoif. and 'iililand, Joseph Kerrigan. Had the votera approved a change of charter. It vas plaed to aubmt ta théni a proposition for the adop-' tics of the commission form of gov* O=ulenit Under thé prenant charter the of. fe of thé cty clerk and city attor Bey are filéd iiy appointment hy thel Myor. Thé "bIné stochings." who invari-1 ably eléct thé maor,. have argued for thé continuaerizof tuas as an assur- ance cf admIistration harmony. North Chicago business men and, factoi-y offIciais Jolned ln the move- Ment foi- rétenitIon eft the old charter.' FOR SALE-Oood saloon ln Wauke- tan. Will give Immédiate passés- s. Frr nforrnatioqcalphone 1563-M, Waukegan, or cali et 122 Je!- ftrsosavenue. ort figor. vklylt4. 11^111YCHICKU-1 arn boolngordera averY day for- thé leading varbties cf baby cible; 1,500 eggs hatchilng èvrsy"wee; aioosu gs for sttilig. gueoka lie éaeb; éggs Il par 16. Ui. 110oittie. R2. Phone 929-Y-3, wau- FOR qSgT-SO acres nsrRussell. 111. Adrs. Mns. Adelîne Red- moud, 733 Buat Sth etréet, Chicago, fl. vkly It * ADJUDICATION V4TICE. Pttblip otice Io béreby gven that thé Stperbber Admlnstratuix of the totale e! Frank Ncho4z., doceased, vuii*tensd thé Counîr Court e! Lake ()Mt. at a tern thoro ta, 16 hnld- 00 84 thé Court Hoee i Walikéga In the business world fine years, which is really a brief lapse of time, yet duin that short time we have attained .a rapid and healÎithful., growth. A growth dlurng apniky period, despte he kene copetition that duil months invariably projuce This expansion is due solely to a rig-id an-a concientious adherenoe to, our ",more for your money" policy, a willingness to give the buying pbi h eto every lucky deal" a disposition to reduce our profit in order to increase your saving. The carpenters, aùd iron- workers are busy today tearing ut -the old Tfront in our new addition next to our south store, and repladig t wt a new modeM front vi this store the largest front on the stret, and the finest- nwe floor store in Waukegn. In appreciation of your part in our unusuai r hwe inaugurate a perioci of bargain givinig tilat will'eclipse anytbing of a like -nature ever held here. fReady thiW«eat uring this Great Expansion -Sale Expansi: on Speciijs -Chiidren 's white lawvn dresses ini pret- ty embroidery effeets, finished with ribboii at waist and sîceves. A $1.50 seller. Ex- pansion prie 98C ('hildreîî's diesses foi- sellool Wear-. 0f fine ginglianis iin pi-et- ty patterns withi plain itaterial finish. Al volors. A $2.00 seller. Expansion price 98C -Wonien 's gingharn petticoats in light Mue and tan; cm- broîdery sealloped flounce. A 50e seller. Expansion r ce -'h idren 's inuslî gowns; a pretty la-e and nib- hon trniued gown, slightly innssed froisi hiaîdling; a Mv seller foi- 29c - Boy 's blouses in striped and figured ginghanis and per- cales, îith collar; sizes 5 to 16; a 35e v'aluîe for 18C -Wonen 's inusln eombination suits of vei-y sheer musiin, neat emrh-oidery and lace patterns, finish- ed with 'vide ailk nib- bon; regulai $2.98 value, at only TAILORED SUIT \,ittî î Lj-tà--e niodels for miisses and wolllelI; made of (reples, inanishi suitings, aLid nianv new niaterials, show- ing the niew colors and trium-. xing ideas. A regil"wê65 niodel. Expansion price. 1 $ 1298 TAILOIt ED SUITS 0Of genuine ail-w' ool Eng- lish serge; ini îavv, tango or blaok. Pretty style effeets. Many new-blues in the lot ie(vex' shiown before; ail sizes. Expansion sale prce SPRtNG COATS -We have positivielv thîe laîgest seht'etioit of coats foi' iintodiate wear. Ail the col- ors anîd styles that aie pop- ular we offer at titis sale a hargain. Expansionî price 1 $500 1 TAI<OSED SUITS -We featnî'e soîte iiiiglîtv attractive models ini suit«; of thse better fabries. Ail the iîew~ Moors, iîîeltîdîîîg ninai ver-Y elal)orate demigîîs. AIt Expansion piives $18.5 ST-YLISfI COATS -A mîiglit Y p4>piiIir stY l( in I ov ;ehîîge oî' enînilujîsa- tiolîs; iîîîl:îîed or lilled Nvitil iiiessahlie. Ili. (ifferelit lengthis. As a sîuevial ini- (l1l<enlellt to v'on to attend IlisFX)ýtl;eiii Sale, $9.98 SILK COATS Ml.îiîv iiiode I., ii tîs lot(1 tlîat aie tille - pivs of ex- f]i S r 1e; gît (.1-at il>11. 'l'lle kiîî(l alwv,a:dîilid. Ilii feets. Expanî sion Sale prive BALMACAANS- -l>ositîx elv the înost pop- tilar- <-at (:ver pl)odliCed, iin ain <'xveileîît assortineîxt of Eîîglislî îmixtuîre eloths; beautifully draped, silk quîarter liîîed. (hi' Expau- sioli Sale prie(' I $7.9 RAINCOATS A îew lot of finle rîîbeî- ized popliîî vain coata, in prett.N.sli:t(es of tan. The loose fitting stvles; sonlle ini helted effeets slîowxî. AI!- $601Values. Expansion prive $3.85 Gr*t Lx,,pansliiâ,n Sâle on New Spring Footwear -_The.'high grade Julia Mar- lowe shoe for woînen in à pat- ent leather with eloth or dul leather, Spanish or kklîîev heel, lband turned or wol-,t tip or plain -toe. A $4.00 shoc; Expansion prîe28 EXPANSION -efe>ati'e intîi lot a' Jtlia Mar-lowe,, plilî iii a pattenit, %witli sinîglestl'ap. Attsi- via] 1v good dres.W siloe secivie. Should. be $3 a par.Expart-1$.5 Sionî pive... -A lot of chldueit's slioes iii sizes fi-ou 5to 8 thiat ai-e decideýd- 1%, guod for sehool weaî-. Patent, (iiiul lcatheî or vici. Au excellent $1 .50 value. Expansion Prie ......... . 19 $1.00 CORSETSP 79c. -A lot of new low or higli bust iîodel cor- sets of coutil cloth, One of our leadinrg $1 sellers, at this Expan- sion Sale .....79e BARGAINS Aoth er Jula lar- hlo 'e i ni a tw o strap ginî iietal, besides the patenît. A lîand wvelt. The $1.4 kiiîd, at this gi-cat Expan- 2.6 Sion Sale.- A good tinte tg) get <ljdei' shioes foi- sehiool weaî'. We waît you to ask for thcese-thev'r-e iii vici kid, duili leatlher and patent. $2.00 value. Expansion i~ Sale price ............ J -'«e offer at this sale a veîy specwial lot of miisses' shoca in pat- ent leathier, clot h or dull\top.- A inighty dressy shoe thiat is sur'e to please the miss; sîzes 12 to 2; $2.50 liue Expansion ,7 price .........1...-3 " Expansion Prices on Dresses Ail Berge and Plaid Skirts -During this great Expansion Sale we aie goîng to miake it possible for yog to get a splendid ail- wool serge or plaid skirt, one soid reg- 1 ait ularly at $3.00, for oniy................ Entir LUne $500 Skirts. at $3.95 -Thtis consists of ail our better skurts in the new- estaîîd inost popular styles of the season. Expansion pli'e..................... ,9 LiÈ.tweegt WooleaL Dres8es -You'll neyer be able to get issslike these are mostadmired this season. Colors,uiewest..3.9. $150 COISUTS $1,19 -This fine consista of some of our best $1.50 and 82.00 corsets ofi a fine batiste -or nier- eerized coutil. Pop- ular modela ...$1.19 the ig newo qer efl e' ' iwo- geff lu kItWO sacqu es in an assoirt- mnent of dainty pat- terns, of lawns and batistes. Dur 50e sellers. Expansion prit-e only 24e -Ciîildren 's dresses of fie gingliama and percales; prettily fin- ishied. Sias 14 yeai-s. Opir ',9& Bell- ern. Expapsion priee -We offer one lot of women 'a waints of ail kinda. f*trM de- signa, slightly iniused from hutdling. Val- ues up to $1.48. Ex- pansion price 59C: -Women's w as h dresses, consisting of ginghama, percales and chambrays in ntw and pretfr.SÏyles and patterns; ail col- ors; a $150 value. Ex- pansion -Women'Ï w asah àressea in an aaso't- ment of very stylish designa and color combinations. Neatly finished. Our $2.50 sellers. ExpanSion prie neat - calIoped edge. The regular 15e _kInd, forp ~ei n's Expansion 3.MJ -A eonfortable shoe for %vo- min iiviei or' l11leatiiers. This is a cushion sole andl livel shoe. Strictlv hanîd tîîrned, ini blutton or lace stYles. l1(gIlar $3.(X) and $3.50) altie.4 Expansion 1 ......2.5 -W'e ask y'ou to look these daneing or' street pupnps over, lîandtsomie styl(-t n patenit, satii,'elxet;r (1111 leatiier, ini liandti îted andl îelt. A pos- itive $3.00 yaluiv. Ex- 22 pansinpie........22 START OF TIE SOISI liÂT IS TUE UNTIIIED SUAPE Turbans, sailors, pokes and the vaious flare styles. Rlats witlî the high lustre, scores of the Watteau styles-ail the îîewest New York ideas. Al - equally w'eII ehosen froin a ,. style view point, and mna ny Sfor wvhieh Ilhere is a perfeet craze. The untriînncd shape de- z: e ided, yoii will find the triîîî- ning sections, brimrning 41with splendid suggestions.' One ever satnr school that loto a large polis. di nc ,Thé reslt fayler dug *iTe Varé: hélsa, ley. Thé lova: chas L. J W-. ira. ira. Chas Thes win; jac Johi Hazs M. lRepo ln the.