Page Four Lake County Independeni Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephocue NurWbr 1, Lbertyville E*changs. 3 itersd et tii. Pastoflice at Llbertyvills, Ill., ai Second Cia.. Mall Mati OfficiaI Paper for Lake Couty'. IseçoS Everi Ftrlda. Adeftisiug Etitte Vade Known au Applc40 SU*SCAIPTION PRICE, 81.50 PER VEAR 8TRICTLY IN ADYANI W.J. SMITH ................................................................... ict F. G. SMIITH .............................. ............................... miiiq M. J. WE3ER ..... ......................... o ant Manager, Phone E1 Newpo'rt township eostgb»*ed quit. a record wheu lit two vuMen ont of the whole town !ott4 "Iet" tice1 The mon and vomeu of the town, becaiwue of týte vry àWi numbercAs& 127 tbe woimnfor Uibq w*, wlllely tr their bout to fld out who the pafr VU. This drainage district improvment matter in a peo pie's thlng afler &ansd the people must, before the trus tees can do anythlng, approve their course, fer, withou money the trustees can do nothing and vithout the p.o ple'is vote, the trustees camiot get the money necessary tA dosuch work. Lake county has ts first town offiiais in the femaig class. The Grant woman, -Mrs. Rushmore, Iacked one vote ci getting enough to land the town clerkship of that town, but Providence was with her in the drawinq to settie the tie witl Mr. Jackson-and she drew the Iongest match, so, she is nom town clerk and holds the distinction which goes into history- the first woman office-holder of Lake county. It's a "cinch" that most of thoe-whose votes Tuesday were counted FOR the retention of the po11 tax, voted that way by miatae, thinking from-the wordiuýg of the quest- ion that they were voting ÂGAIN8T instead of FOR. Surely noue are willing when It is flot necessary, Wo step in and say: "Sure' I'm willing to pay $3, a year polil taxi' NOT in Waukegan-or any other place! And the sauni wus true of the samitary district and would be of the " 1dry- wet" question ebcepting that the latter had been studiec so bard by the average voter. The three iudges who are to f ix the boundary lines and name the trustees for the new forth shore drainage district, have a big task before them. It is a matter of grave importance that the most efficient men possible be placed in these positions and therefore it is really a fortunate thing that the judges have, the selection in thejr hands rather than having it done via pop. ular vote "of the people. In this way the appoiîitments wiII be kept out of politics and it is not where the man getting the most votes on his popularity, wiIl win out-it wilI be ABILITY alone whioh wlII be considered by the judges, who, in a matter of this kind realize the importance of the duties that wiIl devolve on their appointees. It surely does look as if Waukegan should have a ful registration in the near future, for, frankly speaking, the way the voters went in for both sides Iast Tuesday, men and women included, was something awful. John Jones, Waukegan, Henry Smlth, Waukegan, ia flot suffloient. How in the world COUL.D anYbodY trace such voters if they had occasion to. It seems that another necessity is the taking down on the tally books at the eleotion, of the ADDRESSES of voters as weil as their nams. It is almost of no value to have the names only. They never oould be traoed. Let us have a complete registration of voters and then establish a new rule of having the addresses of voters taken down at election as weII, so that if occasion arises, the. voters can be checked. 0mw VUmboe vdwaie.Emlta Mye. ttts'o bia4red 'It bai aliaY@ beamy Mes, c ar" usd In tht, counrY eVenY marksd the Man on the car. "lisu 7m'r,'or e«Ch man, vaman, sUd C"lt4 mething iaitiOd NataWre .bu* 4MUirY aMdossare ithe lt vai*- hou aie va pourng ii. e »"IMO atIls proUcta of Anerica. the vatermemo SPEIPMEN flBÂLLO o LAKE OOUNTY n~~PNENTFWRTDAY, APRIL 17, 1914. t EXPERT WITNESSES BFOIE WANT "DRY" BOARD) UTILTIES M ISSON O ENORCETUELAWS - At the. iearing Tuesday ineJitcago by diane tiie recent town election at which the gt<O Utilitie. Conmigsiou ci the tii. "dry"' forces routed the '"wet*," t~co)mplinUf rou i theseverai l ii and quit, au agiitation has beau stirred ia - visfl 01 a Lake conqty wblcii were flied b.lag in regard ta the. coming vWlage 098aingtthei.North 8 ' hureOae Ca, @Orne 0gIotian ai p hcttire. truste«. sud a oni. -tinpNfoçaï. Litirtyvill -wuegiven echrirans toi. .ieet.d. Tii prOgaIM a114 CE tii. creit for iiavlng tii. bet witnmessoutiia.d la%0to ecî oniy meni Who du ne onth àtand s*0 the.wholei'euin a k2awn fin be out and oui t"dry" mss en ïfth! 0 i> upt a" l i&l the. ot.r Mla 1W, tmpt to 5,545 tiie~ Prei u 0 h Me,. nTi. u !Wacu. b. %Uoa IâuýThtboard WIÀIqt bave ls 45 uiNftssawg4bylte sttorneymad propor meà ta put a cr'p lato snoban àk baidlul i tplçkto, d iitheatli.r filsmq~ ins ksspibg dstii. viag :ttrsPrebred ht$Ur dy y:teadofiOu unr s la a"'io ~s4ldepop wiBqie sm.rd. Whlls ithe mo,, la a gaod oas, a.d alaD'thé., Of9 ai ul IÏAMDGfi, but b04111010» iiy thie votseaiftthepeopls, eisÔtlaiuieabi ti ti. tll oard, taree oaag Do otli.r altrnative la the 7 a iatuup di yq Wliqn,laws ai» lramd aad Iitàs oV h"isoYJÎ an handta nilyriisd tbere oceur là maist oai &"nd iii.camplait. and sxpert ai loopiiol. ai escape, but *ltnWeeum er .pplhd lu the perws nfot go la ti. local option iaw, Whioh ai vllas belti offlur Dr. E. V. fitmut esmea W secure tbatesaloan men M-a4 Dr. A. IR. Ciiuraciu, whoa gave their ail os,, th@dat, are not att.mptlag ta Ut ueiYla regard ta tii he &ku n l at p t4s law. it's true value- 0.thia vilflgemesd by dmi pour gai. And Tihe wiiôi. rsponsublty i f emng that amnsPle bond"sait tii... wteesitii. village theDO i iW ute .oiieyed tii.rsfore do. not amnsPlc t> prieantsd ithe commission with slzty- wiiolly dsp.nd on any viliage board, for make life wortI six affidevits ~b iouaui user@sf ai min 80a.w, ibave .tatod bifore no man vilii o o tk the, village. aveu ati.njpt ta run a "bilaid plg" rigiifrîo1o at Je The excellent manner lu which tbii.fiers iu the village even thiongi every Down in 1K levillage b.d prepared lie evideuce for the member ai that board wau a *"vet" D1 iisarlog iis mosiiy nue ta the. constant ailvacte, for the people bave spoken they put a litth van afk o truste. Adam Ttus iu Ibis aud w, venture ta say tiers are enough n fth ab th ii.ialf, as for day. lie was out rouîdinw (i tbimtu dotect a lul)iud plg" lonigad fterb W p everj'one wba cauld duit grouuds befare uj' memiier of lthe vIllage board whisky is senti upon wico li ie a coniplaint aud then hlsan idea thatonan. ,lu'peration. As Take a Pol urged them ta, go ta Attarney Paul far aé tbiieoitriet autside af the. village MdaeOufln'a office ta make affidavît. i. concetaid the @mre people wio would ai, and if you Attarney Maciluffil aima reprs.nted tieauu& apen a bilitd plg ieiàthe village yl village af Are. Metthie ieariiîg Tueday. aiea refrain irma doingz soin thiecauntry, worst Iîivestier y At the iearlug tbe attorney» for the. ga. as tiere are just asu iany menon nthe tcampany dld nat cross.examine the.lok-out lu tbat territory for the. unlaw- mlinie - vidence git-su iy Dr. Slmith, and D)r. fui plans. a@ tiers are in the. village. 'The tiîiîe Chur-chili,a doubt fearing the auteaute A report ia.«jà tiat thte -wess aie of suc a proeSdure. about ta file a content an the. recent -a gtit The. comnîim.îoner beon. whaîn the. lotion, uainiug soveral Instance. of case wa@ beard openly conpliînented the. irreguairtie» ln that election. The aut- e repre.entatives fraut thim village for the ceoaio a legai battie wauld b. watched -carnplteueas ai the. teotiinony premented witb a great ilîcreet aunitoth sidik% ta tiecouimismiouner. Ttie uxt)n-aring but lte big gue., comluzin wiietlier any of thiti, atten has been set for A pril 28. baard ai trusteee will hiave the. ourage ta grant licenéi.cs een nuid the. courts kuacek outte laet eleCtian and hherehyt LARGE CROWDS ATT'END alla w thte caban iciu u SERVICES EASTER SUNDAY NORTUWESTERN SThDENTS On ilw oeavsioanchave t1w ii-îveraI SUR VEYINQ AT AREAI Churucecbeen mo twell alfrnîled oin a ingle Sunday as au Eaeter da.v. Bath The i ihzi-ne iof reùanad vicilty baie norning and pi iltfg srNvil, ea nil watciird i uuch iterettel the i-hîtrrcies wî-il filhed with worsliipper-sw eek te work of a part (lgalgy and it appeared as thaug insi:t every. studente front NorthweterUnvsiy body was taking advantage ofi the .ver>' wbo were duing aaga pleasant weatiier b>' goiug taoi nrcii. in tuli neigittorltood. Hesa g the The M. E. churcli, had bealdes tl.e part ' wus A. M. Walker, whoi@ ne ____________of_________ regular Easter service, a sacred vonert te bighest salaried engineoinhe .S in tie atternoon whia-wu w ei attend- (leolîgical Surve>'. CARPET AND RUc3 WEAVING ed. flany nutitere wr. given Tite work af titi. tudentà inluded Weare prépared ta woave genuineo ad- and ail eDjayed tihe ver>' inîerestlng maping and ieçeliiîgr and caall for tetim re itag Carpets, Colonial ftag liugs, prograut rendered b>' cameioifte lest hîgicot d-gree (if aicurai>'. î>wing ta FInS Ruglefrout waru lugrain tor musiclans lu, Uieb yil". the. diiieulty aifite work ouly a 1ev ai Brusseis Carpets, PortIereo, Porch Tii. Preshyterian churcli leld the tii. bot tudents at the uuiversity bave Piliowe, etc. ltag Rugi are &Il tihe rage. regnian Eàiater servie in tiie norning ehawn tbcwmIe quallfled ta take the. Prepare rage as van wauld for rag and lu the. eveaiig a largo crowd attend- college course under whicii tie surveying carpets. Let us do tie weaiig and you ed the. Easter eanlata whieii wu. iven la due. avili be surprimed and pl.ased vith tii. under the direction ai tir. B. M,. Ailburt Among the. party avas aune youuoe lady. resuits. W. furii tbe tient warp, uoie aud the. choir rondered "The. Itien King" wit osemd ta b. haldiug up lier end af lhe latest Improvel Newcomb Louai. in a very tasterly manDer. the wark witli the greate6tot ai tli. dSi 511rders promptl>' and guarant.. firer At the. et. Lawrence Episcopal cburcii bas kei,î ire, or four ai the. men con- cIa.. wonk. Prices gladl>' quoted on tiere vas a fuil choral service ini tbe tiuaitittlvou the jump, ciinng and roquent. lCal sud e. aur samples. J. marning aadi a cildren's festival servie. ruunüingý a ýWe ai levels la the mont A. (iraves. Lincolu and Stewart Ave., lu the. aiternoon. Both service. were business lit, faqbian. Tbe students Li.nrtyville. very atiend"d returned ta Evansaton u Tu.'iday. - Tii. St. Josepiim Catiolie ciurch iaita special Luster s.rvics. aith~e erly moruluzsrvice wai noarly as Weil AN EXCELLENT PLAY attended at theslatr servie.. U TOIE At the. evonig osrviesofai et. John's AT TU À .TO mVe. CvaagellgaLtieran ciiurcii a large ,poraber w.r.present. Tii. svioe e, "Tii. Mald and Me, Minter" the. Doit coaducted lnEnaliab, a»d it ie ibe Pl-i attraction aitii.e Audtorium, Wedn. ai the. pator ta iiold Euigliii servce thed" o esning, April 22, imidramatîsatlon meond finaday .vening o a eu iuuti. ai Ceeil Deulil.'lainons book b >'lb. Mame naine, and laimed b>' man>' ta ho hig hast book. No detail baiîii.en  MT VILLAGE Or LIBERTYVILLE LÂKEr COUNTY, ILLINOIS Annual Election, Tueaday, April 21, 1914 village CI.nk. W11118, 'pARTI (87 Peilîlc) For Trustee (Vote far Three> W CHARLES F. SMALE,Jr f WWILLIAM I. -COLINS WROY F. WRIGHT For Clerk Q LYEUL . LMORRIS o INO[DNI PARI (5>' Petitn) For Trustee (Vot; for Three) []EDGAR F. SWAN DRUEZ OSBORNE DGEORGE STURM For Clerk WE.iýRL H. CORLETT negiecteli in the production thimsaon ta mate Il On, 0f the bat compaul., Playlng iv.the Middle West. Viê leadinig roue. are in thep bauds or Misn Ale. Southern sud laph Dean., via viii be r"mninbvred fan their civsn vont iu 'Titi. Man an iii, Box.", "Tii. Aviator" lind MIary JaneýsPs." Tic aupporting eoulllalyvtiisseson laOns of the. @trilig,-st Mc. Iea" bas carried. DISTRICT SCIO ELECTION TO g UEL» SAT<JRDAY Au elitlbon viii ho iied at the. Liberty'. ville 04-11001 bouse an fiaturda>' eveuing 01! thii, eek for the. punpccse Of .u.ting ane Pneidsnî ti.theoard of Education for On. lean, tva members af the. board for tir- eyars and on, member fon on. ysar ta fliivaoswc7. Tii Poils cl the, elsletion viii b. opeaed ab ievn oa'ek lu the. evenung aMd Clou. ai eo 'elock. Vie folowing Mtekt W Ib. pres.titd to the. votr., *i0.P01t#t0onbias ah fled @Ooe us«gD. For presidentof lhe board, R, W. ]Buikie; for mebevif ai the, board (fflitortu), Mis. F. B. Loveli and E. L. Duflols; for member ai board (to fiII vacanq), lMrs. F. B. Juat. Bligil>' improveid tret eci..239 &e. dalr>' farta, an a Pavei road. 2 mli.. froci cit>' of 40,000. Close bigeu markts. C, i. Producti bnlng bigiiot prIe., 80 or 120 acre Iowa or jliDnole tari part payment. fBalance cout Mad long tlMs, at b'o. PsYn Foas Land Campan>', Sept. 12, Gouira, NNwv Tort. 30.1 Prof. James Smith viii open Town Hall Saturday, April 18 Instructions fram 8 ta ii p.nm. lRe- ceptian froin 9 p. in. ta 12 a'clack. ALIMITED 1-Evpçry Hour- cia., Kujmçb, ZMon Cl.,. Vm M 3a. m.te MlIvaOseS $P. . .m"- lgee oaaecdle a t la"Bluff.11Jumfile.IID43 ~ u6. ForE uutu ifena Labo COInWa blg weeky-MNe. TEN DAYS' FREETRL Çl You can try thsbeau. tif ul Victrola FREE in your bwn Home. 13Y makunq amali manuhy paynteute yon wîll soon own a. îtroa-the greatest of ail musical instrumnigiAnd in bringe la youi the.verv liet of mieîîof every kînd, enng aind played in the vory best vay by the very buit arutti.h id.- ai Place ta learn the. new dan- cesintein the.homo aud ber. the Vicor je abuolutely indis- pensable. Prie S15 ta Sioo. Try the New Dance Records H. B. EGER Tools you will soon need Chatham Grain Graders Hoosier and VanBrunt Drille and Seeders Lever and Spring-tooth Harrow, Clod Crushers, Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows Large Stock IF IT SRight Frices FROM SCIANCK9S- IT'S Scb.anck Bros. GOO~) Libertyvile Test Okw m rance- tg k'now ho, it footsg to carry- that will cover yon ail over and h living- it iii ho neces@ary e Some. Kenutucky, to tît ti whimky-- Je on the toîugue of a rabbit- bit won't figlit a, the hack tî> the stiii. Iic'y in tihe Old Michiiganî Mutu- nu e-ver fjnd out tliat it was the eut yoH ever îuiaîe-you'Il (lie a tg) huy I ifo j nsiranfIce is wit'î -IN HODGE District Manager