Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY. APRIL 17, 1914. Pagfe Y I lii i Workmen 's Ciothing "lite mait wbo wtrks j> the wlte needig tht item of service wearing apî.aral. It doeiev't Matt-r mue muil StNIle bt l hey inutastand the- andt tar tînt îosed luy tae s'u ýj>i)u'Uttt. 'haLis One' reacoi s'a utoce the Signal I iratîti wc cloîhurs luttause ilium' stiud( itar d knteî<km atnd have' a repi lehjniithein. Wue ia%(' t futl Ink us utru il1,thlit of ut cry 'Istici cai«l t il si:tu'ur uir iul-tt signali ut tîil'.ail j.i-tî kli iall.'ru,, satdIthe. fainous iKiî.ki lants in '.outîh's tati inen't, iese, Iti t. . F 1 'Utan Pa $ Prcdat Mechan ice Shirts w ith t vo And renltober that we are 8elling work thirte nt the- saint old price ............ J. B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men UBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phase 14 Anythm*gyou wair To buy this Spring iii Clover, Tiiînotlty. Alsyke, Alfalfa, Carn, Oats, Barley, Rape, Orchard, Lawn Grass Seecis You can make 'înoney by buying now while the stocks are fuil Price right. Corne in, talk it over. We have it. Feeds of every kind For Cow, Horse and Poultry. Libertyville Lumber Company Oown by the Old Dapot. Phone 47 Been Mire 20 Yeia. E. A. BISHOP, Manager OC 4ty. To mesure publication in th. Indepon- dent. copv muet b. in the office ne liter than Tuesda, of each week. Adver- tiser,. esp.cialiy are asked tu ate parftlutar natice te this affect. (Additional Local Newe Page 5 and 2) C. W. Chandler of Oqrnee, wae in town Mdonda>. W.. 1. Collins epent Frîda> la Antioch on. buulnee. FrSàk 1H. luet wu a Lake Zurich vtdtor To»usa. Mr&. Lyle Andrews ,tulted relatives fi Round LAeaMonday. mi" AUa Pelges vent 10 5pring Grave lMondayla ovieil friends. 15he Royal Nelghbors held tbeir regular meeting Wedueeday afteruo. F. R. Dock and fauilly, wbo reeided ir Are&, bave moved tc, Libertyville. lire. Jane Utter of Wanconda, violted !riende bere Friday and Saturday. *br ba .edripeday and i'Iursdnv. r (Ii 7~< ile.,, EdwardCa'rrolle.xpe*ttsf aira lo ito S Auguet Radlý)ff*e uîw buse ut tiýt e ,utb end of the village the firto utliii olitb. Hâncock & Marco drew àguod elzed crowde St the Lyrje th, tiret thrce nilbî 01 this veet. The com pany preanted Mir. and lire. ArtliurCromt)v etorbleagn gono bevs. or and ise ina Croeliy of Evanton, r- vl.ltad st the home eof[Daniel Loo cver Pour straugere appeared on our @sInus ýe Suuday. Weduesd"an sd looked oveT the towu Mire. Pani McOuili entertalisod ber motion picture sow. ltbeeeaanmon @inlter, M*~ Norma L*e Peckr, Who le vould Inquire of the People Who know e&tteudlng 00 University at uInhala, Illi.aMWeltemonlu thal partlcular Ili»athay Sonda>. . bo*~ws~jbe. lqforuisd htbi Mr. a»d EKm.Barry icola 01Augiia, village Slftàdy le ovÏruppliid Vitlaga vleltod oail Bnde.> lth th@ latogple s how avavy Bilâtî or the veak. Er. àPatante.Mr. aud Mrs. H. T. Mauon har&. ROWo tD o t gtting ricI lu til Frank Mmaof eWau kegau, aun qM gaman sd avnsthoujoh ha e cont.ti lsunday st home. uPP]yîng the bisa pouibla fiaturea th@ TheW4»#Qido niedac a nBot lucrfee 0"cl he WtaW Ot" lth 4.villai. u a otlarge snoujorb. churh erU m iwtb AMr. Lulu Th@e thetre le nmaugtaalos Matteeke, Tburelday etternoon, April yruale vnidoisnot tes t 8ha cas 23rd. A.0u11 atindauce is daelad prvthon hdo aottend tthep&cum 9electlon o f care vili be held. Dos eeaîng a ood showdo tnthen ue A lbert E llsw orth o t E sanab , M lb., of erbae iev peho pw eu n e ize ihat e rand cou Charii" r.. the State (nlver. lobb l e ptle ce lie ta perfec si ty at Madlaon, Wl,., were thea gue tlobbyinheee p or, sudn tharft ot the former'. brother, E. E. Elsworîbth oa m-ee cupidor andvill, ralinge and famliy lant veek Thtursday. sud crerofaIthe lobby ara nos very dl-What'à In a Naine' .ay See EochrsEtten ch'aned. If euchotvenu the cae ,wili tell yen as the M. E e burcb Thur=-Ibut .odItion wouid mont likeiy cause - ." 'li, "".y in ' lk suad 25 cent@. Coren d halp Ciam, in vw bcoen crl vudb 0000 iled Stbe ofetW. A. Wbiting. Nu 6 lu thair pledge 'a the buidig Iucd sd eu rel itl r e a * Mrn sd Mre. J. S. Gidley #peut Sun iund. it doe0à nôt murb gond te ccrub abd day with frieude lun Highland Park Roy Kelîner ha, reutgîteis i poalition clean the neokg sud corners meutioued, O lre Win. Philipée sud daugbter Helen. at Walrond'c grecery and itaret, sud for just a,@ seau ail»Oceweer of the ofe Grayelake, visited at the L. Z. t'rottue ha, Icone t' Racina. W l5 . te accept a black etufi geto bis eye on eorne place *home Friatay. 'pueltion lu Arwonr'u uarket. Wm.Wvbicb hbas beeu ecraped free ef its naity O* J. M.Fuller aud famni i WacouaJbe)n bas laken lis plaie@ ut Wal "plaster." yl be Place another "lien" rfwu ond e onds.0.tbat particular part efthIe building- vîelted big muflher Ar@. C. M. Fuller aud " -n juet as tbougb the tormer reinoval of e titau l artls Suuday. The Royal Neighbo iirssli bold au the "Piater" bad beau iltegal. Would c n bies * Win.ut endick sud fainily suent Sunday suuiverséary douice nt- the teu ball tbeee came men do thunee rine in their Inl Wadewortb with Mir. snd Are \May 5th. A dance for oIld sud youug. ewu bomne? Surely net. Then why "do aboiutî Thouta, Strang. Guid lime aaeured. lianve, ticket@ 50@ unto ethero Ibat vblcb you would net 8- îlr couple. lice cream n sd cake l be bave doue unto yout" le the peetoffice Me elraceFlorence Spate et Chicago, eparît l,cfiîîlu 'habaemettmore baudy fur cbewene iban the home"! earer 0 Saturdat' aud Sunday bere Sa i te boule i' eirr laot u ,no.nt ouly lu the pedt- Fi 'A.11 0 liter une. C. F. Swala. The ,tevu board et Fit tIll.' offie ut office, but aloug thae treate auy day or rktrtg Th- dau'e gtven by theitilteobers el town clerk Wrn. Daer titurday alter- evening sn ud ion msea the saine hblit st.' * tweqi,n aniseh St teé,tes all noitîtansd rauvaeed lith lete uoftbtht' ut 9ttinsg ut matles an,] 'u, eder fJMonday iglitl was adi atteuded. r'"rttowncbip Felati The hoard wlîîî ias 'eiîtui' iitioittsqii .ug ntion cfýt d ctiîîiu tt.~ Ii.itid the returne rurri.t lis given ut tIr'ui '11w nex sorialeviýningof the-lte a]1,tiit., anclark sla'--k \u'ieli r nsd %N'outditert s tii li Ap l Wo e.iii ui GUI).. I l ... l'a u rett su a l1i~". i aii be -arde aud date, ig ' nsd baves, i la., ii i u 'uitt îîîesiiuiilia Psil i ptt ironrLu'lîî tîîît titg prl21 mt tI. it i iti,- to et-te Leave Sur %Ir antii dlt u s E ar i lieIil. i . IrIl, i (lape No., 6 sî11l I' t'r rmlttl i der t aitu1rî - .l11vott1.itii olu unsînue. ttit oI te, ai tit Itbelp i ttiti tik"' u thlir bouse-k îllte ti the building itît. Jay Sceý Photo Studio lobeo Open. iii i iEu'l-.' s l ltell yen ' Wilîat aeia nanti' Bsick'e l'bu tuu Studio yulles ue pe ' u .ttt O rs . F ra ntk , ( e r e d ms s a li el t ii : A rititeut Tuesday Inruing ota aiiiiurtt ul Titfi nure lu this met'tîia siutotee four al photto airk ounAonday sud Tues- o the cerious iees ai ber luther. Edmaîn rakitîg ltW preparatioumthe rii'opeutue _____________th nd lot c> ~.t itou.of mlitîng s'îrk. sud there atiliars te lu i We have inistock tbeSinltbh'lilîdrenes 1.2 ,N r,sud Air-i. Oscar Kaiser ofutoRgersýgeOd.intltbe. H. Kaicer mtatem T he .t8ho:ta1ý for chidreu. E.W. ratoler epreH.-r udAre . are utsîîaiv large for that selle ot leO are-r prn» r.adM@ . harneoe. Branîd uev Style@ ef Photoe wiil hae Il i5sudAireF. H. Juet sud Air, sud eho wn at Brevwick'Studio onnAleuday reWB.Crr vere the guecte etfAMr. Tbursîlsu erening, April 9th. the sud Tuesday udxt, Apnil 20tb sud 21ot. 1.00 ud A s car Becham nt r eertleld t.ihartyvtllt- ùarwole basket bal tena Black Cat Kaneeba Hosiery torrbildren, oudsv , ~~~~~played the Highland Park Stars teain Suttb betmd. by wsrE.W til0the M. E. gym sud doeited tbem by theiParkhrt. 1-t 0li O* The Tirise Chapter ahiimet St tuc IScore of 1-7. tii 9. Ibe gae awa, it ,'_____*_ 0' home of lire. fi. F. Wr ighit on Tueeday sud botly i'outesed from etart teuIl uieb. Razer Siadeashsarpeued, aIl makes, 20e .3c 0 evening, April 21. Miss Helen Wright Jobnsou taredifor Liberlyvîlle vitb il par doten. stralgbt edgad razer 10c. * Datertainse peinte, "Cap" hlavie maklng tbe othit .4. Satisfaction guaratituad. Lork- Box Tbeerniin rimer, a game baîveen the li76, Libertyville, 111. p-28-3 Air.sud AMre Henry Sciîaefer ef Lake Girl Darwole sud the Armace va, won- 1 grind taols, charpen Pave, scissue, Zunrbhvan ibte gucete oft Ibir daugb. by tbe hiarmtuls hy the score of 7 te 5. skatesasd do repalring ou forulture, ters.AIdre. Eh Soderberg sud Aire. N. R. But frutin the mot o f e practice tbay sud edd jobs. A. P. Raught, iiret Ladd on dnnday. bave bad the uoser& played a fina gaine. Street. e*30-ti Urindiug every Wedneeday sud Tbure O day at Home Lumber Ce. YOUNGXEWSBWELPARE IBeraNonaFITa Fed 22par ton, Farmere, incisas your grain crop by - uslug Autl.dmut. %0a ad on paga 8. Ralph Deane's Home Lumber Co. c-28-tf Treat your siad vîth Antl-8fmut sud "'I' E M. .ID ,ndIncrease the ceop. Bas ad on page 8. itI AI n Heme Lumber Ce. c.2-ti ltTEM M IlNiIS E1" I vli ho lu LUbartyvil)e ou Tuesday, AprIt 21et, te do Plane Tunlng aud b. li faporlu. StIsacto urntd etth Libertyvili e AUDITORIUM LBeave ordera ts Ie Nev Variety store. Bl. W. Spafford. c3 0-1 Starting at 8:20 on Wednesday Evening ____________ IAPRIL 22y,314 RESERVED SEATS on sale at Decker & Bond's PRICES 50c and 35c i:HItDREN 25. WUIAT WOUID YOU DO? If your income were suddenly eut off by sicknesa or accident? A policy in The Clover Leaf Casualtg C:olpag wiIl insure you against loss of income frameither sicicness or accident. AG!NT 511 BONDS and SECURITIES We niake it a practice to carry ail bonds on aur booke at a value considerably balow what we could recaive for ther nii case they ware sold. Moreover, most of thom ara bonds having but a short tirne to mun before maturlty, s0 tbàý ïa re eontinually receiving money from this source 4yhlch we can reinvast or hold for the protection of our dem pofitors. Bug Seed and Satisfaction The Rush Park Soed Cols unrivaled sàd inSuresatisfaction AR Gavdkn S«&d 2 peokas for SC FIow.r Se.ds, Sc Pa&kes. Rice' s andI Férr's Packet Seeds 5C each A fuline of BuIk Se.ds and Onion Sets JrIGTw &TLR 8z Tyvll Red Clover. Timothq,. lsyke, Red Top Blue Grass. Ripe Seed. WNie Clover field Peas and Seed Corn. (ilit the bbuut scede handllîu. 0FIBERTYVILLE jCORLETT & FREDERICKS 'I1 Phone 30. Choice Groceries and Meats CHAS. D. PROCTOR I INSURANCE FIRE, TORNAD, LFE PHONES 154-R A»D 0 URERTYVILLE, ILUNIOS LIFE INSURANCE. He le a good ciaso Who provids for hie aalisd ecîldren. Boa botusoakl AmO vho aIse proyWdiefor hi wiov sud orphase S EE _ ANBR OId Cogny LiI.Isé s.Cs-aoi etlile- Ssi Ui CANNED OODI - SALE EXTRAORDINAIRY Annua Canned Fonds Weeks APRIL 20 ta APRIL 25, 1914 The chanceof the year to sup- ply your Canned Goods Needs. You don't need ta buy a dozen or a case of mie variety to secure the reduced price, but make uI) an aÏsortment of your own of 12 or 24 cana and wt will quote you a price worth while, Make up a list now and "Sm or phono it in. Incluje vegetables, fruit's, coffe. ni=es, milk, f ish, bakng powder, etc. W. W CARROLL& SONS COMPANY, Grocery Department P& à1Smasi - ' ILake County National' Bank LIBeRTyviLL!E, LL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95,00.00 Buy your FIE3LD SE3EDSI NOWI o.,.., v o o o o o o , o o o * 8 o o o o o o of- * ,ax o o * g * o 'o o * o o o * o** j 'o fi O -@ o- o o o o o o o o a âAL. ds beau- REE in Il inenthy eonu own ileât of ali Aud it ryba.î of Oang and Bst w&y by The ide- naw dan- and bers ely indis- 5 0o SI100. )ance, ORVILLE Le SMITHI -1. 1 1- lit d 1, le A d ir 0 ,t e r t r 1 1 Phonq5O IJBERTYVILIJ!ý II&

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