Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 9

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LAKE Co ITNT Y INDEPENDENT -- -~ WAUKEGAN WESEKLY SUN __ 'Mr%"'VY1 iSi s oitT~W'PA U - .-------- - --- - --- £JJiel'I ~VMIJji~. LLJL.. rl - PaAsRT rwO 111.Fi4i PIa~k YEAI-I IN ADVANOL "ATMON FAIS TO* SUE L EIMT; Io IES il -OSPfÀL Considerahie Portion of SkulI sure Upon, His rain. Lu. Qlbert thel. ibertyvilIe Young amm, huon lant Pilla, chie rldlng bis fotorcycie botween LlbertyvIllie and Lake Bluff. died nt Jans NcAlîsten holaliet1-9:30 tuis Thursday nuira- la. April 16tit. He liad neyer'regained COaftiiutnesa. despite efforts tu brlng 11112toand therefore, Just how tbe 8mident accurr.d, will neyer be kmown, as h. cas pickcd uv lying ,~maId te road, wlth bis mtai' cyle iying ln te ditch beside hlm. Wsukegan, Aipril 14. A trepan operatian cas pertorniel a.t the Jane MeAilsier bospîtai tbla *oaung about 10 oclock when a con- Pldierable portion of banc cas remnov- ed tram lhe shuil of Lee Glbert, the UAbelyville young man. citawaa ln- Juredl n a matai-cycle accident last FPrldy atternoon. The operatian waa Perfofued as a la.trst rt l an et- tort la sac. AMr. Glberts ite, but Dr. Poley dons nal beleve tbat even thîs *lU éac. hlm. He says te victimea .emgftilta e otremely critîcai m»a li do.. flMtthlnk ho ban a possible ohance ta reeove. lHe maya deatit la- j1iaNe la oceUr at any Urne. Mn. GCli- hast bas been uneoascious ecer sînce *teafflent haslpened. Gi. libert cau rding i matou- c wk eqit f akç Bluff wenitlal ÏÉgg te mcine akidded ansd #Uiew Îie rider loto the raod. H cm. fp4' , unemcebus codtion V# l$W ime lalr and op taken tgoMIle 149,flta10 94» muO whar Dr. ely 'tbrut 'cansidered* the pla, of operatlng upon the patient the ral ilUit. a site Insdered taIt -W 4"~wad b. necessary ta.r the. t prouuie con bis huain hy rernovlng a portion of te skuli. ecause the patiffla condition cas »o criUIca at that Urne and because it cas itoped h. wauld mipu-ove ln a day or tco te surgeon deccded la wat mnstemd of irnpu-avlng. Mr. (ilberts condition bias been gettiog corse and Il cas seen Ihat ho couid die anyway If te peration cas not pertorrned. Titerefore It cas decided ta aperate In the possible hope titat il mlght ac. bi@ lire. An examînation showed te vlcttim wau »uffering tram a concussion of the skuil and tram te ver, first il cas JURY OIVES'ROSE '$19000 VERDICT VS. MISS HELEN MORTON Twelve Men Find That She Ordered Young Man to Ride Her Pet Horse. WAS A VICIOUS,_WILD ONE. Interesting Deductions Made Neoesary for Jury in a Rather Unusuial Case. jTwo Of the titre. avowed candidates for ROpublican nomination for Cou- jty Treasurer. Le. McD*nnoug, Waukegan, le thfrdl in field. !THE LIBERTY VILLE 'WETS TO CONTEST REENTELECTION Reported That Steps Are Being Taken by Chicago Lawyer f0 Fight the Issue. ON TECHNICAL POINTS Claimed That Minor Errors Are Sufficient f0 Beat It-Drys Are NotWorrying. A Jury TueRday alternoan rcturned __________________ Accordlng ta reports fram iblerty. verdict for $2,0"0 against Helen JAMS... UNville township, te cOta defeated by a MotnAMES lddtihe o ur fHEPBURN, WILLÎAM "9IOSING, gond îuajority ln the recent dry-cet Marln, 0-yer-od dagiter f fo- 0 Higwo01aiRsund Lake fîghti, are planning ta take the matter mer Masyor Mark Morlon of Lake For-. _______________________________________ loto court and contest lte resul est In favor of Fred Rame. 17 year-aldjReos are that they bave engag- hman empoyeOODyMR.OADSlASSO w JOHN R. TNOMPSON go d lei o iwr etn at û 1 n whch t bas thecontest chu-t Lee orsl TeJuy aseu btCIATION 'WILL BE FORMS six MILLION 1e t~atnonycut ait heur. Ttc verdict islate aftJ1o' wat lb lle la ntt end anc Rose has secured as a resuit FO M DIkON Y D L A U C O lnos n but, It sl i hthews of action itrauglit against MisesNfor- tag n. beuepletshow.bne, a Rose- County SuPt. of Good Roads Libertyville Gentleman Farmer d tm cmntlnsli eg he be pt sowitose Raa- Tells of HMs Plans Along This Incorporates and Plans to bas 10 Mark tbvîr ballots, tbat srme dora neared and fell acer b wrs Line for Next Year. Invade Canada. lf heh m ae surpe tht n istake Citile ite ces rding It ln exhibition at il s one a er t a olis. tc. e thse Lake Forest borne show. 1911. Theae.EltaI seine of them eiec- whaie bonc ef contention blnte suit EPCE LITTLE TOD)AY.'STARTED WITH ONE CAFE. t.ý,rdna h 6iec was heter osemouned he ni-The lowin cent dry by 114 majority cas heUer osemouledlit an- te total wets bcbng 149 te tbe drys aft vlutailyorwhster in Mr-Thinks MAuch MAore Will Be Founder St111 Holds Contro-'192. Done Next Year When They Outside Capital Interested 92> r dilr iy ontfa ton urgcd hlm te put Il Ibrough nmre reAre buae hy o e f stunta. The jury held titat Misa Mor- Are eer urgaflized. in Sig Chain. an>y steli the aiber side May take be- ton urged Rase ta ride Rosadora. The (Charles Russell, county superinten loloR hisnslr<disbs-cause ibey daim there was no viola- reputatitionf fhetborneeasitn iaws e repuatin e Ib ba-se asta eote- entof gnd oad laDatvem apim.n'.s bl'bcage clth oni- restaurant courts couid consider sufficlent ten- nec.. iciouanems. etc.. was the point folie over te probable observance of ln SUIae Street. Chleago îî olt iio ietaoî>0 t n about wlslcb counsei worked Mnat of 0i 81.dOh il fte aodyoftevt lte day.t.e detense eeking ta prove Sd Rends Day thi-ougtiout 1.akclieondaytce sale of the. Tlîcrpson erg o! the te, n wcitt as forcetully hbailn or ixtyteght restaurants for eaiîressed liy te najority of 43. titat Ronadona, cioner of rnay prizlac Ounty laday. Be gays thc Ides le $s.OOtt.0 ltea spubieic omianty cas Il la aise reîîorted ilu Ultertyvilie at lte borne show. cas genîle mand any no new liaI lie feairs enany pteole annhoutited. Mn. Tboncp-oîî, wcita titat lte ofhieals of the village lntcnd chili couid handI.ite. Plalytîfe cilinet PeY muclt attention la ît acos the fine etimmer home ti- bt te abîde by the decislon ofthIe major- liaise tury ca orderu l eteosle Ii ya-buei ua eamio iesj ti 11of ILibertyi vlle andi clo spends Il%- sud have tlie townshtip DRY au a t» jnw oreff tedetrrene 1 hisyea bu bYnex Yer le hp lits leigure lime oa ie Iscountry place tbouc. that 18. pueveot sale oftliqueri qeastl: -,te have thc otovement licter organ. ea,îlitsutnteor, s coullnos n bln ake liu anymnner excepting via tce- >1R0-Wie te lie In question 1ied. i ty.srpinoue W ea" %du A" fld.-unru-Y 4-là Ipla9latalaf- .a (iaod Hsds iThe ±raneaaci iag "late ui tness It la doclarcd the cet. mode efforts dIui IIIINSAssociation befare nest yeai-.' beln the control of %!y. Thompt.on and te getl ibertyviiie lawyera 1 (0 l Se f dthse defoeusat 1ibn i nid. "f sbaii endeavar ta gel Me ei-- lincs several otiter staickholdî ritlu- titeir cantest but none could nao a Morto 8.0w '4hït nid hore.' operaltion ofathIe bie¶tway coanatia- bte e rojrl i-sctt hlm. Plans rail! tbst la wiy a Chicago Moan cas calied wild, vicions end of unruly diei-' lanera and through them collet thc for the ittidlate Invasion of tbe ta luvestîgate tic tacts and take tbe tiou snd habits. efforts of al lte fermers Ibrangitout princihtt a sadlan cities wîit a citain steDs cbicb, It la a known tant, are THiRO-Was plaintilV. Pi.dRoe the caunty. i think tat by bavlag 0f tirty restaurants.,lieing laid for content; mcl citetiter ordered, dlrected or comasded by an association ce an gel ny pea- Jh R1hmpsPrsdr t tey ciii reaiiy carry il thraugh te lte defendaut Helen Mortn, to ride, pie ta psy mooey tocard ts support The newconiîcern, cliartcred byth ie 'courts' remains ta be gogn. drive, Ioad and work about sald horse.. bo could net care ta get out percon- state of West Vrgînla, la knooct as Defeated Wets bue to Have Womoni Te ail ofthobns questions., te jury aiiy and worli on the rend. titi John R. Tîtonîson coympan),Tue Vole$ Invaiidated brought in thc anscer: YM "The malter of glviag prîzes ansd it offisers ar- Pres1dent. John R; I utte i te sets agaianst Tca yearm ega Rose oblalned a this cay enisting mare Interest. a Titomistoît. ile jrestdenIt, Sidney 1). thei- cmstn vote blte locbl option $690 erdctwhe Mne oron e.plan tisat has bison follaced inson Goldeniteri-. Ireasuren. Charles A. l-eetosdw state iast ceeli cas fauled. Tbcn, as Dowe, tite action places, bas tisen suggcated ta me and ('ulloc-it set rç-îary. Henry M. lien- at loiingt0tt yestcrday. ms for $10.000. 'lias Morton cas i lal possiblie Itat i May put itlioto rî-lisen. lî-sidles tese afiiters the- Suit cas llJod before Judge tiomer Dot et thte trial nom, heing an a plas- effect aithougit i canuat aay for sure. btoardi o!fttretIors Include Lambert lHall in tihe count> icourt, carrylng thte ors jaunIiln tee at-This. Itlaisaa- White titis plan migitt carl 0n1 suc- <G. Smiit, a in-cicr of thte P. W. Viool îplea taI ite court liold te ciection ber ln the flndlngs because Uiey couid possbbiIJtythbat It îxtgbt n1 et el a! liofte p tM4,-aîîîlî- Trust convpany Of grounnditaIcmen voled and tît net undcrtstand wby site cas Dot1 pros- te titing for Lake County. St. leAul~s ad Rimer Schicsiniger, a si-h vites sbould lie coosidered Il- ent. 1Tiis yean titere has ont been suffi-. lawye,- I -i-t votes. bnoc tlei- ca butsilitIchace Useules. observing Good Ronds Dai, as Ic.uid for bis recovery. liccrytiting posi- TIs self-maie nMau cas speaking. lit-e te do. Then ta an cilectban bn- bbs aaieen doue for te young man Re Mid: "My tatiter wi a rais.nofateio but Uihe elet puevais taI be wclihffi. There cas a lar-g. la 1y r tervened andti Uis dre theateio pansa away cithout regaining conscl- Un." Ad titen iis vote iaeurocned of many road commissioners. Next Queute"s. y the applanse Life. year ce wdli net have ltese Ibings la Roy Qiert cho w« iaeaed hen _________cantend citb naho lînutgel mntch ho eau troca tram a malarcycie. Supervisaer Moment Simeo fin- better resulîs than I expeclthibs bu sot 7ot regaed conaclonsneaa, tlacit bas goesta ILske Marie where limle." deepite the tautt laI lite pressure np- ho bas a aummer cottage where li e i Despile ibis tact reports froni dit- en Ia brai. au mreoved TuealdaY j ectpeting tront a oercas break- ferent parts of the couuly today are cýh." Dr. Plo7 Performed a trop«a I daca ciîclt o utained severai taelite effect Ibat many peuple arej operatOian.RIa condition la regardai days âge. Hoetpeels lte be bacît ai turnIng out and doing chat titey cao as Very criticai Iismplaca In Anti rî,lt In a tew ,days. te Iupuove ltenmalle In thelr s cin ______________________________________________________IlY. il le eirpected Ihat unucit goad - cwiii be accontviishcd as a resuit of i~A7I~urn umitend. Fred Oborman, site leaves tbeir efforts. wocbldrep. a.ged 10 and 12. Sh. hITII3aise iE leaces twa elters and a brother: Tbene are but Ica candidates ast LIF2.SO TUÂT IER Mmi. Joaltarp of Waulegaa and John yetfoth aranipftebad DMIY MI(HT LI V e le. Thtefunonal cllU belteMtmor- Newport and H.. Eger of Libiertly- bo yt HTL VE rw mrnIn etnineoclck a th, vileand h lte board couveusesln churcit of thse Immnaculate Concep- ls annul session on Aprîl 23rd ta tic. witih urliln St. Marys cerne- eiect a citairnan, fitcIl!libe found Mrs. Cathene' shorman tory. titat a bal contesl bas deveiaped as Passed Away on Monday Dr. L. B.- Joliey ot Notb Chicago. bath men bave secuned many prome. P.:RtL-ChIki Is Puny. la rnaklng avery. eaible effort ltelas of support for the position. MirelteeUcl.' It te alloced no Ward eaches liere of tht, birtb. HASM ALL CHANCE TOULVE aourilihrnat asile fi-oaa a tee drapa Monday afternvon ta Mr. sud Mu-&.1 -of caler tram a medicino haopper sec- Oscar Baird,.r ofJitico. Tenn.. of a Il oral limes a day.., t I hob alioced ten Pound son Mra RBaird tormenly1 Waukogan, Avril 14. no ather nOluishltm ent fam ire., Or cas Miss H!ggs9rbotham. sisten of te t Shostly atter itearing the Omt lac four days. Titen Il cilii be given a Bec. ! bornas tligginbatbuan, farmner t caIl or ber nec bai-n bah., Mra. Cali- 1111e suBtalnlng nourtaluaeat. 14 la pastor oftheb Waulcegan Congrega-t ê Wfe. Morem npaaeed acay ont Mon- snoItflte mte Of a lilas litItIltianal cisurcb and cas Waukeggn's t sgeon aciicing bter lite mfuat ho ted traïm a medcine drop. dzet vistlng Itursîs. 1Hem marIage 1 hille 8*1.mite of bnrnaalty migitt Ve.- . fOlioced biemdeparture front Waulce-y 1~b b, e eghilg oniy tour1 10 h«mbeau suagoated that because lan. omunds. la Ielag gicenl evety passible of tite chUls raîl condition it migitt came at the hoaepft3l. but ln spkte orlic a via, Plan te have a hehY Incuba-. Tle Ofinlg at Lewis iluan of everyvtitig i1G la tearel It wdll aot i- irouglit bere ln aider tisaI overy- Qrayslake. thse man cita tmled ta Pire. thing -PO-alio tasProlaUBglis lit credli a Sou lino train. asu lam..g Mn@. Sitorman bai been ln uPeur migitt be Ion.. Dr. Jaliey @Md titat biep the l'aamg nm0f a mont suil iwaltk.. or about a year. Puai-afor tu bis opinion titis could &ain i mth. ana prediemont Rad lho legs III heatiffa hai-been tkfor smre lUttieng as the cild le aa plntm tbt for. usthe t- t b«, ho lhl5. 0euI AIme.-Mlt resIed on bolvidme Bot a ecan" tuna Uoumad ta lave hare ouae ta loîbeit 11tA te m i. . *iUe 37 yea-sal. ,Booldep hergl. . - liii. Tit $-,îîl. ,pitai glas-of ti, - TIti-,ooswi e t-nIdry iîy 67 votes. Ttomnpsot cipan> le dlvbded inot'hlite onieit ottivotedth ie mens a a S2tîiîiîî7 I -r i inI cutmulative pît re Jtît , clicltltmas for lthe cets. feru-ed ti s and il 4,0t10.00 caumtîti The -coittttionaily of thte suf- stock. Titi, tarît-r trovides titat lthe frage lac, nît-ancîile, is noc pouding preferrei stîsk shall be redeemned i 1. t-e the auureme court,cilit te '$125 pier saa- i it te rate of $îii Proltattlllly Ibat a decision clîlli e a year. bei-ttîning It 1917. No diVi -bandeti docnti tts month. dend can lie- aitl an thte commt'n jFinti Enor 4n Kewanee Vole stoci unlil ltere- is a surplus of $ i7 Kecanee. I., Aprll 15.-Discocery C00 andi lefîr- more titan 4 per centbl the officiaIi-canvs-ss today of an i-an lie palti flier- mnuaI bc a surpîlus error lunlthe oiginal retuns aoftte of $500,000.loaloption voe 1. Keance twn- The ni-w ionianY lakea over aIl sui 7 ae onsideraitie chtange ln lte praitertie of lthe Titomprît cliainth ie results. Th it Icaunt ofmrnS as they exlsted J. ,to .gellier c-it Iioeslul te ]FIfî precinct creditaëd the accrued pitîsisnce tbat date. the cela c'ltb 248 ballots and tise The compatît as-ttî]rt-etgîî res- drys cllh 174. The officiai cantot.e tannants ln Chi-ago. verses titese figures, showlng tlit Ithe drys carry Kewanee by 172 Ineteal 5I~ft11LT~ o!98, as aI liraltreparlai. FlVD Pve Prohihitioniste Vated Otaw& ARE LOFUfIN6OVU Dry. Titey CI&lm AI'>55IibtnOttawa, lIII.,AprIl 15.-Antiaioo FACT RY N TTER leaders bore contended taday tht thie drYs c-on the township electian Waukcgan, Aipril 14. a ceci ago lu apile or theoarder of Representalives a! the Bridgeport aupi-eme -outrt Judge Cralg proveolliig waod finishing (-cAnapanyliih le aeek- lte subrission or lte wet and dry Ing a location ID Waulkegaa. ee proposition ta the cotera. hei-e today ln conference dît Mayor In a petîtan Oledlinthlie courity Bidinger andi Carl fSayler. T'he situ- court it wcas seted today that Ove aion cas gone over and IftlN thougbt cotera wrate lthe altisaloon provto- lte concern cao be Inducel to locate sitian an the baliot and voted "-yea home providing some plan a be on lte Issue. On thte groualltaI; Idopted of erectbog a t.tai ry ta. itntheae fOvevotes. wcitci te luIse. and lad allowIng titem to Psy .torIt inl clerks of cicclian refused ta caunt, reerly Insallmrents- Th%0mUlyanud ln reaiity, barred liquoir gin lie Mr. Sayler are lieuding oeiya poasibie tocnship Uic drys conte thl.eec-L effort te loaete e oa. tian. Judge A. T. Lai-din a I tte cana lirs. enlam nu ta 1aiung oni court refused ta liane a pei-eatnaryï joint ta Europe tlbeU94M orMay. orler cornnuaii.g-4kottt. ballot n 1t u rý'njI Mi Mli cli br and and poli boogi ho iopWeted dli lthe the, W& r4is to Ç<5Îibt.. lut couaty cleri,- bflt ditethtsaIticth if or. ~T* Win e t oce tocu clerlit priiez tho titis belltS"ait tg thmeo l'hme*tJ U documents ad romo. , tent cm o.rAvr la. SUES ELECTRIC FOR DIES AS A RESUT $5,OO( 11P4 RCN. O A LO ,O Sarah Mxwi i Yvlhas comnmenced Buit0lAl NI~3O against the Chicago and Nil!waukee MA Ci 2 D AS Eiectrie raiiway for $5,000 damages. N R H 2 D L S Plaintiff alieges that she boardied an interurban train at Kenosha. 011P- Mrs. Frank Hironimous Io Vie- tember 25, 1912, and when abe tried to alight at ber destination on Washr tim of Fail Which Broke Ington street, ati Milwaukee, theca Her Right Thigh. started suddenly and seewas thrown ' tu the groond. It lea aieged that bier CRITICALLY ILL EVER SINGCE iett knee was lnjured and that site austained other Injuries whiehcb are W sW mnWI nw permeanent.W sW mnWelKLni County-Leaves Ten Ch#- LOSEL I T. dren and Her Husband. AIlS As a recuit ofthte fal ahe sattine ~ ~ $ an ari-h nd, when abc waa gotg PAIJL iumâ.ion Ino the yard ta feeà ber chickeus, FOR SMO E W F9 Mys. Franki Hironirnous of VremaSt FOR 140 E ' Of the weii lcnown8reaidents of tbat township. died at ber horne Mon- R. C. Werner of Battle Creek, day, A piil 13th ait 10:30. 8heaw» Mieh., Tries te Flip a Fast . ytt5 n onthead Movig Feigt Tain 1j er deatb was dire tly due ta the Moin regt rin ai! abeIt resuited Inberthigl boing broken. Eite slipped on the. la.aMr RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL. thte kitchen dour and ever si5it ba been confined ta ber bed. The . ifui Amputtion ound eces wry 1, ucb that tbaong dm85 lbat tb& AmasteionFudNcsa given ber and two ceeka ma" 0 . ast e Ke Was Badîy mind becanie affected, maklng the m00 Crushed in Accident. seem tnevltable in the Imindiate - R. C- We'rner Of idaltie Creek,,%Ilch., %Ir,. Hlronimoum forrneriy eau Cmli- !sged 25 years, iast bis leg In Mc. erne SltoerlIn and shb bail lced lia 1Aliser ho9PItal Tuesd y nghti when Sb- wso n ar r id 46y e*lar ber ire Dr .E. Brown found it neccsisary Purn: adtem e etde ta amnPutate thte nember above the vive: knec as a recuit Of thte knee belng John, Waukegan; Mary Inuilla, badiy smashed In the accident Wer. VolO a libetbh Dowe, WvanikeguW;* ner encountered Tuesday afternoon Anne ai olrGa .aaàe, orYul. at Round Lake. wGeoro ond *; Cahefits. ami The Young man cas at Round Lakie ihaFi-Rount.ýk ahrie M nsuklng bis way to Miwaukee and a Funerai Wednemday at one cIcti'. Pflmmiig Si- Paul freigbt aîspealed ta frornlte late borne. tea o'lacjk fejW1m hlm as tbe Quickest way ta, get out or lvanboe eburcit; buriai in FIouau tawn. He tried to flIP It and waa cemetery. thrOwn under the wbeeis, bis log bc. The UlIroulmous fainily le odq-M Iutg terribly cruabed as hel. ~tbe bent inocu n atii.cebtea Muqt He - piced u an aftr frstof the eouaty and moch aestu .-»f H.d w a pl, c w ced l aer fie on hown about lt e l qW i brd wae .;ven-li waapl-ed -% Rdcondition @ver ine@esh$ uaeIowo t frwn's auto and ruahed l - ~ '*~~ ton hospitl, Waukega her. Dr. Brown was clled and attended him. ,T~ ~£ A IF finding amsputation was neeaaary. À IW TE The victim rallied tram the ardeai Np çà1Ji -. n r ~ I rtbier qulckiy for titis rnoi-ing the lji-st thlng lie asked foi-, cas a cigar- ette. declarIng lhe needed bt to sim- uiale bis nerves. Werner cas not a tramiolay any meatîs altlotîghli ie apparentiy cas beatIng lits cay. lie liati an Eagles' card. sitoclng lie c-as paiti uitel July lat. lie aiseiat about $tS on hls persan. lnmediately alter uegainlng bis menses. te aaked lthat lis latter aI Batlle 'reck tie notilleti o! the acci- dent and word cas wbred la hînt. i-te, Ilkely wbiI corne on aI once. 'WltlvIco a-ther men dia cors beat- ing them cay. Werner arrived ai Round Laike about four a'clocli an chat le calieti th. ]ce train. Tliey ieft Il chile the train cas swltchIng andi c-heu It stiartei uP aillirce trbed to leap aboard. Tco ofthtim got on. but Weu-ner rmiseti bs boid anti telIý under the checis. The train kepl an golng and lthe conspanlone o! the otan coittiiued on hemr jouroey. The- Psiocel ta be nicre paseing acqusînt- Tise vlcthmli tret ias taken 10 lDr. Martlin of Round Lake, cho gave limo Ieunporary aid and then rusetInt Wauiaegau cilli Dr. Broc-n andi lat- er tossisteti Dr. Brocnolnn amputating the leg. HAIRPIN SWALLOWER 18 DEAD Nec York, April 15.-ARter scal- bcblg bundrede otfliai-pins cittin tco ycars, Mrs. Alice Biscliof len dead lu Rellesue bospital. An autsy la lu progres that doctans rnay beau-n bac shte licol so long cîith hait' pins la ber slansah. Site cas coi- nllftîed to the 'Matbeacian asyluni for Uic Insane ln 1912, chen site began ta mcalloc bal-pin. HOTEL MEN TO TAKE DRY VOTE Nec Yor-k, April 15.-An anti-pro- bibitian reSolution wae adoptai at lie speciliaMon 18salthe Aine-ican Hôl mm% M m otivuAsorlalan t" &fmfIoeoa t «UnIlefr a Pol ef Pumean resaiet la evory hatol ID lieA UnIlsi Otalos 80 lat lie seni- nient Of AMfOltogI tiÙvelomrs miuit be obt&Wetd regatticg lealatian for ne- thanche prhbtIon. 'Th. reault 0fl the ïpitu ii b. ment ta Prstaident Wli. «da t e Conareqs ZION ON A SIJNDÂV waukegmn, April 19. Eani Cutier, a young mam roudint willi bis moter at 25U8 Gîheas av*, neZonCity, cas arrested Yu- day by W. H. Hanlyide. aslet chie( of police. Fi-rn te slary fip autuicara thal an Octabcu-19 19i3lCult- le- sald cendiles an lie Sebbitlid" la aigre lacaled ln the Beobe bla*.4 ce as notifiai hy the. police tt thei-e cas an ordinance agalasl oeil- ho$ gonds on Suoday. but efuied ta take warinng. Tco baya cors epft' ta lte store ta purchase canies ni lie tellInto the trap. A carratca issued an October lte lti. but 1S cas toundtat Cutier liit a epped the country. Be netunued 4toZMonCity a, cople of days ago front Denver, 0*,. chere bche ad bsen mince bis dieap- pearanhle front Zion City. CapiaI& A. A. Walker sac utm on tise steets, o! Zion yesterday 'and Cutior gaVO thie chie( a liroad gib of coteU. The chiet nentemtbered titat ho bai the carrant hnbils demi and injuedi- alely dispalcbed his assbLank ta ike the arrest. Cutier appeared laaI uigitt before Jutige L. H. TuttI. anditht e cas set for bearing Tlsnrshay. Avril the tîttit. atille Wcioclu. whlch cere faxai aatoebnsdred dol- lai-s. were slgned by lie hefenda&a motter. STATE WOOIDME Word cas rmoeved by "mus offciais ofthle Moisem Woowmacel Amasica liaI 215 "lamiurgoat" deWo gates hal ieen eiected ta lie heid camsp, Instructeil for the 'lnsu-Pir.~ candidates toi- bead oilices fSutli a« Lyon agaînatoaniy 11liastrucled 11« lie prusent "staadpatl' aicsrâe.- ty-nlao counties et lie state si-e yul te ho board froni concerninsltheminsOn- tions of theiz- delosatea. Word cas aimarecoslv.d rock 09 state of Nebmaika o0<tho Osilt of tittee-touztiefthe ltstaté emlqe -,' "Iurnts." tae e, hua i,*m Toledo. 0h10. -.en -- Jena 1 Noe& TýTlptv.R.TV'VTIlýlwi wy. vir mi $1.5o PER YEAR LN ADV ICIGR,î PAGES

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