tit day aud attended onuy Iwas xint at i !ve stoe3<. TownshuP Lad Get'$5 tow wýhatth for eut Paper on Trip the use of litr tetthe acide ~ It Beema the imâm isaUret. 09 Vernon towm gi.a siI ew baeffleE the succauiI 'w~ '~ ~~ ;0 Wat~5,Oprise 01,zeî 0 er the hem tWylONAD p thé trip visai the mc m-lion. Thec 1< liii Clb taek tae td, Unver-gd *)lt i let 11101short Couna. this Win- told ug,, vheP ~B M~l~q~t~f0ho derived. Aeer Qé leà! t A.uasteera. esat2Uiïh --W& pe et aifm *M- Ir" b« hvievee gtve a fee trip 1 the clubs 1 thlnk IJ ~ ~ ,~.fonn 1a cc*tgn 1 . g V u et aid 1a3modRa. able cooPOral « j.auca club a l. o * ~ X .b? :6dgeaciby lt thi a eplace M.enta of ades ~to,49 s.o.îespeclally ed 5!fil »êê~s The country uu.J' QjnhpV. ,local tarinsas ~~~~ W "p l lp -MIRO no0omie ec -Ç'~bel ove tat Nlb about* hein ors le of tictir t"he cway thaa cy gt~uIp ust tigu the couni la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii a'iMeat 1a l»b la one of tbç i ~ES1j~irtwco oahuiatu lau nalce île wor ~y. qr> t ~h .tc~ fective. MoreC nOU ie sn ,u ùgiqi~r~t. prouiue '9ai the MR'Pour reeima y ;4 ne ff54 i roif $u itsrtle it mis PAM~ Baretta paper 113 glve berowltli fA Im mom, VU ileur cf theott mdteu Me ht coftre. nt the s 101s' lIbe emsaici l'esf watw[ setau c tic lt item UC m««V« at oewsgn et nom omo*adbmfl5t the Y. M. C. x. 411M118et ' iff4Mtest i«ug placesJ "0VSu s »ifly locatai about w uc aesith.fret lecture in ta. aflesmcet wita ietf10*8 Couper CHAS IC, lu . DRSAA Ms.RIchard IL Proc- S 1-0~ et tun Bu 9t m f 1cmtUei lae isCIly et Waubmuma. -laie ceas- -At ".t us 19laC.Frak W0tAidam" LUbertytifl ~ ~Sin UOk~t la C. Priai __, -itie ta -uiertyv", obuOsote mlkes. t Il laci Il tu C. Frmasi Umm -im« to Lbstyvllle t Ma o Llbertyviel. Co d' iMm 1 Lieryvile -A Mal4p" Io anC. riai 9 dêWsa ta LbertyvnTe, 2 i1"S " M , lC . r a i re, o LUbertyvlle, iLans. tht, SM> . 1uYDECKER, r ~*8.fAD 25-Mi l. I huadridatni~ 1othera came; later. Wc llectures whici pretain- ltare sud stock judglg. n»terested lu the Judglag ecture 1 attýnded vas on was interestlng, as they ksoit contained, also by rous paper we couid de- laof the .011. .e things aur Illinois soil La phosuhorus and nitrp all iwoàiflflGd dground rOur Illinois soli. lui* on ettle tiers were gas and four Short l{ror ut la ho the stock pavil- lturer pointed out the loi the Individuals also ýre they were delâcient. Lure they gave us score us ho Judge the lndivid- ho townsip fariners' they are a goad tltlng. udcommunity clubs eau r out vhich. muci valu- 1 nvork may bu se- Tice opportunities of e , jnlimited. AMan as an D avanCeznent of the sa- îco6h and business Inter- mi comnrunlty, tbey are ira ble. ry &e@ds mare af these uisclahions and ta my cau do more ln irlaini prggizt$on and pointing ard MucCessful operation iy md"erS. 1 think thls Mmaxe'by wich he eau rk mnore;popularand et- eover a eouaty peel-O NOM MANAGER Phene 223 tainlng mrater bonelie fromii the county expert imovement than one ln which no or eIgts. ESA*ETT» the»M Iowa.ympetWSli:. u quai.; Apollo,am of et pltes, tbe Md o; M.the Ai4"cf lm ; of vp 07.meap FVPq tof vlâifimier EES AND S7~U *Portur,- Righ 4üaii t tck * Ilhmtra ioe Pl Ua Fr.... * Write forCeyoa Sois 60 Ianate , I NOTE-lgIIStock of Larg Ipolms1 Norwey e set al.ow os LAPIES HAIY KN INI I or Wholeaajc Picis.Re-blad Bleachlsg. Dyin, 0fPanLama1 Ail for Catglogue sud 'nhces.- bago at ltanufucturiug & -El.. Co.. 12 N. Mtchlgaa AlirtWafd m chimogd 708 North Avenue WAY KEGAN 1M51 OF hw "i ',L.A-1 , aismost one million acres to b sold soon at auction fromn $2 to $5 per acre. No mo're dma 160 acres to any one, ail within 6 miles of a rail- road, two trunk line, R. R. now au,4 mne biling,- also an Inter- .4nban system. Go to theLand of , Mshiete gai4en spot of the U. S. Not reqt#*red to live on land or make any Improvements and 909b of people there cannot buythis land on acecount of having already taken government land. Act quickly, E. L. CI- oo i ppQiited Reprosentative and wll tel you how you.can secure one of these rîch firme., Male. L OF.GUASM eçtnceof olf4 NU4 IS2Iw c1~~¶*An q4Movilg Tirne i8 t1the ilinesyoitmer the Sbuif«"P~ow u4 caù b * sfd of a I*t: seled"*. iwArp1g, $39e Hmivy *pipe iron frosub, ma proof top reWblrced end; a Our Xatohloa Valus -A genui4ie brass bed; 5 heavy fillera in satifin- ish.Spcu.. 7W $GMU AxmIfiater Bugs, lW5-n chôiee Oriental floral and mcdlîon de- signa guaran- 1 0 teed rug, otly. 27x5u Aniter Rugi- In the moat beautiful col- orings and pat- terns; apeciai . ....7l OZU matting Rugi-bn- ported, iin fine4t Oriental designs; a big301 value ........ Lingoeum-A new iu;a good wearing grade, in fine block patterns 7 Ouly ............3 oulgo Eeèfi»d- ed on Pur- ohaes o1 010.00 or More. Parler Fpurni- ture at as much ma 25t/ Values. invo. WVe oSier a sîi-nlp &l <'art, large Ilood, reeliing baek; al] steel (olst.ucdî4on4 spevial for Mhis sale at .............39 Oulkys--Rulhheî tîred edld's sîîlkv, round back, in Ée good'finisli,,at ....vu Pedasal in oak anîd nîalîog- an;36 ines lîii l, lxoiih frarne, 4onu .57 Drmumrsand Chiffonimr at asmuch as 25% pimcount China Clost-Lal:94~eF cornpartments, al li oak; up fo. re vY to purt Of the Wod Draper- Curtains drawer in center, hi e Iow. hl e Bl4omb-Au Oak, hgl pouîabcd, pleîxtv draw- apace , lgxge mr-rrml topy p diI i drawers, ouly ..... .... .»f __ltofls-Nosw is the]I nuak>e!. W'e offrr llp size box, al ---l ai lined, wire shelves . as., .ecruN~ jANT Battery "C," Ilflùoia N.O. ~il n Am au~