Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 2

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LAKE COUNTIY JXbEPENDENT, FRIDAY. APRIL 24, 1914. Page Two. EA -__ _ r . annenines a Carl Northt apent Bondai and Monday ____________________________ -Ma __ _ __ __ _ EmjFra and daugbter Ann______F L M E irne il IDI Uil ______________________ peut lionday In Chicago. i ~~ M IN Ntr. andi Mre. Chu. Andrews of Cbica-Fà.WOLOT - .II*~ i *hIuIUI kirs. Dan Oalloway gave a Party In go. reFr dW. hei smme brnefo By T. F. SWAN bonor of the birthday of brnepbsw, tbe mison arnpenid< by Mr. and Dornlnattng Iower Broadway, New York Correspondent and Agent IlffTlI 11lf arley Schmnidt,. Fridej aflernoon. Mr@. Bot~hwel and famiy. a brotberin. Cty, in the tallest off ice building In the LE li I-- l I II~world. it itty-flve mates high. over llseonary Societyv of the Preabyterlan the village agau. Who flnsnced SIt and IIuised the greater gaturdaSid Sendai in Chcago.cnc ashi t h0on.o0ia.F1i. u , Bcerano aatn,-h. Woolworth aueaa ho bcd emau nsUIaIfhJf L. Knook Tburcday afternoon. Tb@seSue wth Mr. and Mmr John mm te, bear snd braima to think. <hile Mr ad d N Y c hoadamntitw yto gel ti.aa ia. Wm. Croplay bave taieflu m s prealdet, tire. eichut. Br., preaided Schneider »ams Henry. Y.%Ih=u lrlt thé arbàtares bouse onASymour Ave. ffJan~ sd lire.Clark led th. devotional cicr- Elle edddir, Clm prebm and Chas. on;ila ob te of sud ain ?111%c h em~lc chose.Reporte of .the metIni t te.B . re tue igigBo. uv. t ilncents. He ilsieed and dotermined Mms. I*ux of Waukagfl, C@pet al elaliteveatéemaistlBodcdtulChicagoBroc.agorcnc ai to &et. Errowing noneY, lhe oened the lillU latticmci Housc litshia.o B.SAyr«.yfiret fîve cent store in tices. .Y.. aud won lait y lie. DortLutoresd J.eB. Adetea.inate ailurebiait D lins da Llnd o Chcago, vlalted tfI ecTî r.Ms oatn bo lire wua a bg voteeet thelb.pace lu Wooiworths minA. no off hae lun4ay aet a . J. Croplay borne. Y II-U ( ylre aSEstnmdeeiiooî on Bsturay ngbt. Cbfalle utInea tarnge fan tU.f.rblt wau a mimiatonary for tvslvc jeare ~inKhIwa lua. rst. Mr. nd m A.L. ry f Chcag, da, rlaied otesintmW uterctiluccas. came tndf rom that tint five &it Bmmdaylire. A. L. Frhos.hIcago, W d faarellcé oa c thésai o lian ewas M& ei"mttnditthsbaDoncent $tore others ver. started. ram re tht beyInen toloalebas S pe vior am s G W ech ew ontu otme ndb.iaa ffl.. d 1ey. l t*OmtId liIes.akS...........lW ow attendascdal t00stre *g&of Newport, wus elected as no a a cwe m d ul.o ni. at ftc ht ce temendous ex- Wei. Webber spent aivaral day lait lilua Woodan aied liraOsborne gang]dise Ru.aes Mhuan, vho bu beau q53 fivatBe a"dton cents cen o.- ~e&vook hIson m, Heury e ai aiild. Chairman of the Board of '*Tb& a adonlan Cty." The attsad- vorkilg for lire.Wm..Tonne la a slyg to rawyl o L.A.Mrraecune alFtdy. n. ubac tltjlî'c lls od115hbrowet ~~r of nickela and dimea ML. Mri enue %d Supervisor8 over Supervisor mm m as sltdseralary ta11« I 5 . v. itaiibeaRalJcr ifsaîedrfessuda a froin a tva eeaks et" vih br parmts'uew lce ertrtu11t v-MsM I " iitdfansb a4 Round Lais. Henry B. Esger of Liberty- oancy causal by be b.rosignatioil of lir. Palatin a MsW dare last yack. lie.Wm Knlgclapadlg b.wek ftrnon ph Knickerbocker, vho sxicecta ta o i ~ a aNICELS AND DIEUc vmli . dauge.lirse 8. D.thrarnerville, ThuTsday atrno.maya ta Grand Rapide. tovu Sonday looklng over the prospecta Sasl thinge tu b. aure, bnt they wiold a migb:y power in the busi- atiblgamd Park. Mr. Welch was elected on the The ordinatIon af Ch&@. K. Osbornea in bave aur villasl put on the baas bail nem vorld. Esrly in ilfe Mr. Woolvorth recogniz d thelr value and 1 ietblo, h ot tn ingvlI ocur lu the Proebytarlan cburch op rnnP *agala. Wa ailrernember boy Our hoghi5an1ocsrehllandapiclyftu. Mmre A. J. Kilng vwstaken cuddunly fl rtblotevt tnigthe evenlngoai lay lit. Rev. Carrier, boa- lintdlentd maicson. Lot us hope ruhhi5ad10eor asardaprolyftn. Tuaaday sud her condiion la conaldored Smbd epdhm e tr.Ti akSad ed ohl grave. At lb. tilte of golng bupresa It 16 for Welch and 19 for Eger. the prafescor of Babrcv et tIcCormick theY vil r11eeai bch theY vîll vithout ayofmicboy epo itos n gt a ti hiat iksad.rayeohl aImposible la gIve dot"l. ______________TbeologlcalSeminary, Rer. E. P. Day o! doubt Ievcry knack la turned Into aayo uswrb eostr aleîiaeeterprises. Conoît us. You »'taffrd o mm "he aidEndeavor Preshyteran cburcb andi Bey. boost. Il jour on. o! the boootars cali -I Te Mnîser"aS he ibetyvllacouple cama to Areica, June 30, 1861. Rougbton of Bînadale will taite part lu at the barber shop &Bd bave jour DameFi t 1ton n K AudTh itor r i t theay Lgb pfll 7 A ettlinglanIlîlinois wbere tMr@. Lebtfeld tbe crewoujy. put on the lies. is Na on lB k Audiorim àdnde nibt, pri 27 À lveduntl be deth.Libertyville, 111. dollar attraction for 50.eie ntlr et. The Lake county teachers will bold rbe vlndetorm Saturday alternoon The abibual village election vas beld fler busband pa6@ed away iuiylY e) tbeir April meeting la tbe Deerieldrnovd several @mail buildings off tbeir Tueeday and paoeed off quiety. Tbe' 18ia.lzeaving tboe d ow rand ale ýGrammar cebool Saturday. Luarlieon fudtoe number of vornen volera vas aorewbat alter, Fibr mnved ta ¾re eot i tevýiII be served by the Parent-Teacher Wm. Tonne, wbo wae operated on for les thai expected but at thai 383of te le e atjaewr plti the Asociation at 25 cent». Clase roorn appendicitie at tbe Wet@lde bospital, fai ane crneouI Tb Cuton b'seclusion oi ber borne as ebe was a ýdemantrations wil be givea lu tbe lexePected borne the irmt part of neit far cam e rt. Th ee CtaiensPri- rbenrattc suflerer and ber last ilînese mor nmd an ilutrated lecture on veek. tir. Tonne bas been troubled unît. tbeanbnd her iiithepared ta wibetead î1eorway and Sweden lu tbe alternoon. witb tbe tissais tbe last tva rmontbe. lavet mm ladig tb btbec oposlravages and altcr a short @truggie see tion candidate by 16 votes. Foiloviw aci wy h ctbed hri nb lcinfrrca in b icrledThi~s tbe tbird oçeration of tbe tint are the figures. 1r vbu vae then tatally ii na imrnedi- Gramniar choal. district 1011, waasbed in rte iarnty tbna e X dveare viîicbW For Cerk aie famiiy. thë neareet bcbng the bidren Saturday evenîng . . A. Relebeit, J risrteunouae.~Cf f1Ol I lV T. F. Swvan-Mien .............. .......... !o a brother ln Nbraska and a înnber "ad Lnnanîrnouely re-cIctte< ae tbere Mir. and Mmrs Fred Kuckuk of CiagoW? T Wv v. VWoen..............o..e......a.b..a.........u.eai ein n21tbr aponil: EdUcien-vjstedvit trs.ttpxnMr@.undy. . M IY AIIh LL'N ('L ?JyX Total................................. bldirm(erlae8ecdencerwltb erger waà re-electetd drectur in tbe Mr. anti tr@. Jackel of Chicago, bave ofOl L.5,do erZt .'vftte V AA L JY Wit . is-ten............8internet a:Libetyville. Wlmot cebool district. Imuret la tbelr new sommner borne wbicW I While they Iast Imorne styles as low as 12c per roci WomA AvIen ..-.A..nin..ra er..e..... ...b....n tbe tey buitt at ypar in Henry Hiimans» Women...................... 1! nidîvîld ts n.u LnLake. A nionceaa! Aeviteies bl. iwthesubdvisin. LnB. rice(A At 1) ý,l NTIL SA UNAL MA 1 s Toal................-i tiagda Ltbli u aui aePreibyterian cburcb nader tbe ancicsbuiesTbrdy Toal..............................40 county, Ot. 22, 19(12. ant tîed at ai tbe voung people organir.ations aif __business_________________ For Trustes Area, Ill., Aprit 11, 1914. Sbe was I tbree cburcbe on Suntay evening. M IWtre. Netîle tisean w am a (irai slîct WItl Knlggs-Men ....................43 unitet in inarriage to Chas. Juliue Popp Ms ae rtc a eeey RII IW'atrWdeds Worn..................l't Ea, Lake rounty, on Nov. 1 9 7, tr.aeaFtcb aseeriViil Wned. TGal........................... ..- vbicb bappy union vW" terriiited burne by the exîloeîon of a gae store Rer. E. Mi. Urnbacb Seatteating con- lIer. Edwart S. White aeconîqîaîed .......62 sbu he la ae yth et ffit vert. erence at Freeport. Archlieacan Toili ii(i ata (irovs- L. A. Mre-tien.......................t ir. Papp.tire. Popp came ta Area Tbe meit ma"e meeting in the interet bI Ca.Rckhder pliefuet Friday o! Sat dreay I ated a it Wornen .................. 21 u'îtb ber motberr atd thecornpanionaaipl oflocal option Wxe bied ia tbe Acembiy fl ndYvIftre hpln Fia. fS.Anrwo Jid Total ~~~~72 and contant car. of tbeyouoiger vormm bail Fritay eveig. Tbesekrhee tyteRcad !Ciao selSt b iu n b îîtrwî R----Albr.hi-t4n foribe eder a veilas th penc andDr. Melville P. Boyatoli o! Cicago. sud urtay aad Sunday u'Itb ber parents, tir, gave sucb tremeadous catisfaction e LjETVLL,1 Worneo .... ..... barrnony ia vbicb tbey twelt together 1tir. Qceyle of Lake Forest. Prof. A t.and ieA.C icad.tbe Auditorium %N ednecday aîgbt viliilic vas cbaracteri@tic o! tbe aobility o! tbe 1'Thatcher o! Calitorniui. a campalgunlirs. Frank Wel@ attended fille fanerai presetet again for tbe beuett (ilitbe w___________________________________ Tal .............................. 66 natures of bth. The iaaeral vasB eld 1inger oi national reputation aang. o! ber unace in Chcago lit Wedneeday. Young tiensa Wel!arc Association tion- Balpb BE. Roua-tien .................. 29 April 14, and the remani w eré laid ta 1 tir. Zoeiîîer rturnedto 0ber borei W ne la e ansudson Ted vere nîgbt, Aprll 27. Tbe plav la tbe WA K G N U O UP Y c . Women .............17 rmatila Lakeaideeeterat Libertyvilie. Wautegan Wetnesdai alter opéndiug a caico visitore on Sonday. greateet attraction tbat ever appearet 214 EG N UO I enaeSt. EYCO TOt&L..................................... 46feu' dais vîtb ber daugbter, tMrs. Et The Ladies Vernon cemetcry Society la Libertyvie. Keen bumor. deep patb. 1 ot e« t TtlU e@-e........................46 IPran ducs e is Bleirnebl. vill méet vltb Mi@ Lara Bpragoe on 0a, bright cornedy. A dollar attraction Expert Vulcanizing. Ail Work Guaranteed. Women .............10 If the teleecope la the greatest aof tirs. Kirby and grand taugbter L.ols. Tburedai attrnoon April 30. fornt aBordAgt a miss wi. Rservt J'ATILOUE WL CNICE - ail eyes. the microscope ta thé mont of Higbland Park, ver. thé gocets o! Enler Jensen o! Chicago, @peut several sale ta F. Il o miei. 'c m tre. ef ]ULIE fA T UPIS tL W S RC Total .......... ................ 88 nnilof aiai" e3es. Wth the men> Mtre. J. A. Stryker, Frits>', dais at L. Steen@st ek lesttF. veovekl. ______toe.__TIL__________VICE OU Edwn odr-en.....................17acape sud the telescope we loak i r.E .usbe u nnaeeed Edu'n Raer-ten..........._ opposite directions. The onesehaows tr. anti1tirs. Irving Rebrnand children tiaE.M rbbadsnreoad-____ Women................... ns luitheilimitable univerne, u'hereby of Cicago, viited as tbe borne of R. E. lng tbe veel vith relatives la Chcago. TM 1R T R Total ............................ 22 the lm&fflnatlon a exciteti ta caacep. Moore, Sondai. SondLai wtbdheCormesoin@e u te* _________ tuons ai InhnltY, but the other reveaIs *a ihth omrs@ntratNls th ini at.ely emaîl-the microbes, Miss Angela Seaman o! Cross Plaine, titblepnMod>st* OBITUÂRY. Uicth:garons, the celle. With the tête- WIe., le viiting Misa Katbarya Kurcbtie t nsntia .Ltaaa Mrgeret L,0es vas boraIla Holîsteta. s 'e e evte the mnd; tb the Iis vert a iha an,âr.J . MaenForetDoS I C ATi1DflAVoli p inigfor r. e'nu i' u'roS e ecombat the enernles S1NCE SA UR Yofpteî-Foil ei(slp I*o ltsh -#iDec. 2microscope ie etIr win Plagge olChampalga. riited bis _____*f fvt it wu oui163. ud ici 01aiUic. Bth are the handmals ofa aet usa. BTIR akgopoieo aUtyngî IApril 4, 1914. . eusunited iacce snd cvilisation. paretétock as.If d y(> oi wil l iewy ** te rragela D.14.1 Licbilid thie Mr. Nea anti tugbter Epeopleo onworkîîaîîaIîp wilI MNo f aCdicagoviirt etore o!f Anicier great ehoct carne upon tbe anti Sunday were Introducedto10a ttc*ad '0 *tiipyurMleywl comntyvben the neya reachet un rapîi transition trron Summer to * buy. plus higlily nitinfaî'touiy ur it F. H Meer.Saaay.that Daniel F. Ritaintbaler passed away Wae.Tethroéé n a otu t ~Ol ir<Irers to > lme l11ixidî li Mir. sutdtirs. James Glass and eaIabipia uglag.B o nrditernoohn hrglaterondérsatJb eatiun BPECI A L A N N OU N C EMNE 14T Robet of Rogers Part. yen the veei- visiîgmHe uo eration orupe dl- -atmee on ondaeit thi90 mrn * 'rni ii i jKiaiIUMOR MI@s Loretta Kresc entertainet Wet- Ont o! danger.lbut a satiten relase,-butli derer above (ie ireezlnglal uirt eiiiti el ait "ltc 1.11V I~1L11J ~l U DEP PAHOS edaYinlabnor o1 ber brtday. The coming ea tdit hitc heSai @0 eatpit hs a rpot6 eré BRGT OaDvvaiiivsapita lyigatsebécustbs uteieahroclpepéfeIththag er *********************i***t.*** ID À D a d BIHTCMD rnn aI pîtsestvn ly M ingrTet amd i- comuatlhlcbh. intee. Thés vesaher mi opol7 e ay__________________________________ TRACTIN EVERIN 1HI41U1111 Itidat reabererwonvas avuMrte herepcttanihed uvey lbPae op aa hnle ttthatSmerharely av OLVeW .P O T S O u TIE GREATEST AT, IP E ITT[ liT ER Whiting antiEmery Whitîog ant ien aianti vihr'rer hé vas tauva h. wui epe ni Tewelymfor hé edt m conolaionpri11 llesutten teparture bai brought ttuahnglti man épe re 50ba W" llae "eh tOmeudOu ai theAuditorum bugtignono Lela tliYncb muid Cristine sadnese (o tmany a hetandoemd v. ai e n al epewr 0VO IAS A P O T O H Wh»dLy a gav auc be rdu atifo ahelb. Audit orif a ithe &aan ers thé verk guéis itMime wh's'bo huld ebe hénen rorn a Ille o! Warin on Saturtiay (bat tbey allowed W5dscByaILI il h poduet eai fo ti.beefi o ti. Glyncha ouncle et Waueonta. acl'ily vhile ibat et hIeprime." The théir furnaceto go out. removeti lIS ,JI>I NENTS IN POSTMASTERSIIIP YOUNG MEN'S W.ELFARE ASSOCIATION Mins Wiafred Sopple vas thr week.end way@ "f aur Cretor ar. ladeedtir er vi es"dPa el i in- CIO LEIII< AT (U N E gueit o! Gamma Phi Beta 01 thé Lnirer- myteri(jus. te r avs an tie paceheir Win E EC IN T GU N E S ON - MAY I<'1T, APPI 27 iti of!Ilinois ai Champau. Mr. Ritzentbéler was bor ear Laug As eanty as Saturday evenlng they ________ MONDA'( aua~~~aaaaMr.and Airs. Jiro@egandearndbf26, 1867 and tilet usupcéttinbtmti éros Overseer Voita Satartiay -ern It des elaili tai Ilire le <ite a con- 11£ DIV RCE RU STION Pctureain a blir.n anti ld b ire cae ny u agon ie Evangelcai Deacsa s piail blunder; on Sunday mamnlng theré eto oln h oiino o M r. nduM'C.Wanattdauai st ai I47leal and 1h éyr. Bmînde. lulasting y b a I", the anti-V oliva fact i a n e t h osto o -u s THE DIVRCEQUETIO claa turdiabmu &avyoet Chcg. Cblnao on Aprit 14,1914. js e fl v a SPis vr rbu filinat hev rapinsIn nteeho eeto nZo There are four candidates for ftle cl*aii Elletinin u'5h trsatiPtrs.e.tW.PetisIhtitsether 47jear ma 18 a>'. Rinyonî va A Dllr tfactutfo Sc.Alk snyone Who $&W it. week-end guest., tir. Bey Lord anti pont on the !arm vbere ha va SIavae ere inhed ouI agtin. Man> peaple City whrn hé eléctet mii ni litecan- office, accordlng tb reporte from lucre. Tuscaat ffet t ms. t. auhte Vigila ! Rveavoti. aebuczellent vorker. ou Sept. 26, 1889, arereportedt b have caught sévère titistes for thé city semai boardi, by Roy ]ascber. thé présent mosmater Refervd St aleatF.& ovn C% DusStoe d Kuant o!fiJovuera Grave, vas the lha macn.iet Angedene Girard vîth vhoni colti> as a reeult aIf their intîscretton. ltsiv ote, bis candidate In escli case ýeeîlt5realîioltmrnt anti as the ost- RenrvdS.stSaletF.BLoveICo'sDrugSore weekendigueSto! is parents, SM. anti hé speut maay happy jen. Three To capi thé climax ant make Sun-bb îin(i oe metéerebiibas hem in the Brascbeî- Mr.T . mKlastat. echittren ve.giveu ibe., Viols a day a reslly digagreeablé day, théefamiy foraboutforttyharvottel tir. anmetntrtileta feu af iber anti Jiiepb. Thome aud their motber drlzzlng rmnvblch fr1 ttflrn rélétaibat W. H. Clenden- rinente la honor îof ber birtbtday Wed. lrmain t> noouathe tepartur. o! their Smc urettto a drtving enov in. 1,172; C. A. Rnn-igr,668 Cco themore to îry Io gel It away neetny eniag. Ioving fatier anti huand. Ao fiv Strm laIe In thé atérnoon anti thé cenins majority, 504. commniunny. T~aaa. ~be Derfisid <rammar acbooi bsebrothene, George ai Bradla,, Etivard 01 mou' cavareti thé grount anti bouse- Membero of hoarti: ItLaR aîd tai Mliss F a .adeino- U MPt1 'ING WNATER BY HANfl hall teain played viti tbe Llbetyviite tinanesota, Mrtin of (Mimer, Henry O! tople to ha discernable today. C. A. Brune, 1,169; George B. ('len- crut .e Ii fer1 lic office anti former su- hail team Btuta> and tieletedt(hem Plantfelt, mot Jacob o! Prairie View anti oweth, 1,172. me srRil Iîtnioat a 10l 'ke PnYing accounte sih corréucy carried in thé pocket: vitha score o! 6 tu2. s i siti Han>' 3fPrairie vieu. May>' CARPET AND RUG WEAVING W.D. Rockafellr,6;Maryl)erior awl lo t tndeitadown. miaI aauti aeaioalyma nt fue 1 eof ttiren MmClîte Hahibat ne lier heet re beah app rauniona latbe bitter Wear. propared la veave genuine aid. BrooI, s -Therpoqtoffie nov Se localet in tbe MOe.Acheck mailed to the Iersan tr irni je ofîtieme and Mhr@ayNesdames Join ac tndlntime Rag Iarpets, Colonial Rag Rage, Brues majority, 493; Clîenowetit's, Irasciier store andintl case elîher mou.. té meno burtmv ntc ani - taf Rae !rrn.ara-ngri 1 r 47 -. \i. tarl or r. hted_ ab--t 1< c i i I e' lu C v t Il fi ni In lu ti "i S, h. nu' pi .ii tr tii aie (lu as net de au vi mu ils pri tir, cm lic. au Pal oie r t- t Ha Il Bs vîli t C chm Soi ciel gin k epe Jas c uit' va' vel E Set i-ou Fi ni ér la v o! P. Tbe

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