Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY I NDE PENDE)NT VOL. XXI.-NO. 32 TWELVE PÂGES WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~wJi~J.vijjij~lýALft.'UVU-NTY,ILbL., Ff&JJAY. MAY 1, 1914. .8~1. b50'PER YEAR iN ÂDVANCJj ABSENCE 0F RU i lE r erd J mn tent.DD TO CLEAN le ANSSAUO ùOrMUnM&CJI)or boI(»ha" oeaý P~ twh.eGoeat King Hem UE 1 " à OUTI OF EAL)E VMC Y - Shkuvear.Ou..r Cbaru ri COMOI4iSEASON Fallure of Supreme Court. to su.àw L'i, S a tSays Officiais 1f FOX Lake Pus onthe Sffrag Law May Be Promeuted for Mal- Leaves Drys Victorious. H~Jariéeas Mdt , a i ~ faac o fie NO CHANGE FOR A MONT...'~ JUST WHATINEY MUST DO. son"ra ief Now le That the BELIEVE igiêIOn Siot Machines and Blind-Pigs Supreai Court WIII Uphold in the Entire County Must New. Staté Law. TEL -WAS FMJ~J Go, He Said This Week. Fallu t f i. u ecourt te de, termnethecomtrficnityotth: BY INCENDARIES. sarsl fato hc tt' tIl' ad'o uiet of the Arltaithat he a te10take lmmeiiately it la Trhu-4ruda. stated ln TherSune-i Reported That State Fire Mar- probable thatsaicons and blinit-pige els eylalelthetee I oubt hlneSndn Ivsig- bthe laite region ot Lakes county *111 Tuesday in June. be cleaaed up as neyer before. The. mmeiiate reluitlinu Lale court. tors to Lake Villa. 1 a fe- Sords tite action which ty la lt the saloons that were put - Ir. Dady promises to take iii as fol- out or business in tise towuss thal vot. RUMORS ARE CIRCULATED. iîows: ait dry on APrIl 7th and bln eerfield_____ village which votetdr&y .%pil l ij.~ L , FIRST-Officiais of Fox Lake 111I bave te go out of business atr8cî llatildUing Was Un. threatened with proaecutlon for -aat temseranily I occupied and Caught Fire malfeasance of office if they con- cot-aiso means tbat the wornan tbanitnutealwsonkpr n cilector, Mrs. Rusbmore of Grant Before, Started Report. tnu te iiwsookepr n township, wiil net he dis tîîrled for _____ Fox Lake te take out a license for the5pr@8en t at l easf. Tîtat the attention of the state lire les& than a whole year. Th Ereli evan a poto-11ilily Ibat a mar-Ital bas licen callcd te the de- SECOND-Blind-pIg keepers tesilon mav i o e frrtîomîng atrict i the lunes term Whben te court ad- rl in l'y rire at relie Villa a few* are te be hrought !inte CountY oretThureii lucthre were perms- ia iihts ago or0 the large sumnier re- court and fined te long au they tent reports that fiele nieira sers Fort botel on the lehman property, ineit upon conducting their places questid onsone.icsffaeI. the report tisai reaches Waukcgan j of business. This applies te the The rumnor lé; thle a majority or te IlIt ive-.eî sait! that lnspectors are on enitire lake region. justices are sadverse 1 fi) lînan u il- iait 10 ikp %'ils ln iiisigl THIRD-The ban has been frage prsistei Thurti.ay Se ai --ue rnîors fto the effect Ihat lé d Ilobahieel h fr15ersisatdhursîllf a S'fidsu.tire mav haie been of finreoiiary r P a..d upon ltmcie h peat asehle f ialI s i-i iinathough thisîsreport could lotiel ake dsrc n eotonr f rage, at-t wolltbe delarefilInialitia. ritadrsotonr 1 bat it sas ctually reporei J I ýI confirmed. ur othera who mairtaîn them wl a decîsbonhadtiseon reachea . A 1 eor tilit mi'ct-hati1e r bI e ai rested snd fined un the ma- If--ln annouuring that tbe coti't laitl nie rather unu,.ual elements In te1' décidet azalnst the suffrage act i- case iii-lîseii rculateilabout 1ak chines destî-oyed according te vole of four te Ibrep sas poteîl on \'fi4,,r iesthe rire started suit tjw. the boanit of tirade, Chiragi,. and iists e tI i:ll liais reuichcd Waukegan. cqnlents sere wldely cirî-ulaled. uttiit iiistIi-, sers totltmuntcated te hlie seri-tiibothtvi 'lllage of- In spîte of the rumors vinit are the ffce oif the lire nuirihat as I it 1sf, hi- ot Fox, Lake andi the salooni Ing circulatat. tbe lirevailirna opinion rltorletl lias- tien done s anots known. h'Pers hier, titat thut- year 1 wiIl sec Stili "' Ibat the court ultim.I,.-tv w l haofilaI. Il ls reliorteit. thinks 50 to il 1ha1 tiîey psy their enoUre yearly uliolit the suffrage art. ittlitic.cni ijîli or the matterftat h- has de- 'i li( e ut of Cv ii iadi-suceinsteait of Ileved t Uat when a dedîslon doi crne i it bconduct an inîvestigation."e -mcot ei-adiog lhe laie lîy paylug tîseir Il the technlcal 6hîections bt the ait C(re-dent-, Is gien thse report willlieswet soideon he, rouds rIbroucli the fat tbat Iis JE net the cerise ln liait and qiuarter years; and Puic lOIe wp side onhUse bgr on. f irst timte thal the same hotel lias then quittltig business ai th.e.pî_ glteret as Bufficint i n ober cases by~ cauglît tire but on otber occasions thettinfthtie. hetasato the Ilinois supre me court, tire hail not gaineit sufficlient start toofhalie-hest* tor hers la no ]entrer nyi great Inter- but Ibat fi woult be extlogulshed ait- ney sa.i. est In obtsining an early itecîsion onera a ight. This hst linte the -By belîîg prîuiitted te laite a Il- tisa suffrage art. The osaI opportu- fie ad gaîned a good start before il ceose for front three te six mooths ,Plty for women te veoewîîîli e "ept. sas discovered and then It sas t0e these îaloonkee pers operate onl y dur- Il when the pnmarles of ail the par- IlIe. se that oothing coult ha idonseteo tias will b. beld throughouî Illinois. check tise blaze. îng the Sommer tme and close al Evenai hes prmaris wmeneau No one Cao be roundt wbo sill veo- fWInter. This is cotrary be Iaw, andt EVnt ee fo nmales publeocans turc an opinion as tie wbi miglit bave the village officais are guilty of mal- asd It lat net until next aprlog thatj started thIe ire ln case fi reaily was fsac fofc fte otnet lhsey agaîn will exercise the Rame of Incendlary origin but this may de- esneo fieI hycniu i rlght et suffrage that sa enjoyed by velop whan the state invstgators allow such a practîce tu exlst. There men. arrive on the &cene. is goiog 1t e somnething doing'. lilg - Uphoits Civil Service Là. Il la knoos that the family who hlid promise you tttat. Thte law must be The court uphoîcis the constitution- been acting as raretakers of the hlg oee. ality oif the stata -Ide civil servie Instittion wbicb hait heen a loslng oee. net nd PacesbeYod th powr ofnvesîment for several >ears hail me,-v ýý- IWat about the blînit piga ln oth- any politica) party or facUion te dis- Id out the day hefore. Two represI er parts of the faite district?" Mr. charge a competent eîîîjlove on tatites of flte 1lelîman esitale arc said ad ws as a-ed. s trumpeit up charges through pioliticai to baie been ln the hotel on the day Préudie. ort-nne unded m-the ire started. They lcft in the -Thev s-I be talen care et too,' ployes ar-e direcUJY affected by the atternoon and aIthlit tie everything be replei. "lIl cite these blînit pig- ruling. Their aggregate eadlaries secmed to ic ail iglît. A few hours gers te alipear ln county court soit amount te about annualîr I afters-ard the ire broke out andt the r The optiI n kocket down sverv ls urned te the grounit.One e Img wil11recommenci tiat they recel-e the r ilgwlhbsbe aiet OUIs certain-the ire couli hardly bave Imaximum ines for their violations of rulin whih basbeenhande outtarted front spont o mbsinte a.Adwhtl oe hywl front Attorney Ganeral Luceys office, tu soa8iit t co usin hel.AnthtlamrtbyîI to the affect that theart act sunconsti. tut d on, la som the orch If It was.9be arresteit andt punisisad evary tine tioa it Put awaythe mucb ait-dos a oetigthal doubtltics wllIl vetuâdnetionalbay scea p flrove a hart problens for thse Ins pet- they are caught ln a violation. -Ic vtaitrc Wott ly ecray oft tors to determîna. amn golng to sec te fi that they remaine fetan!on tethe nerit law becausa îi is losed for gooit."e unintltutlolial; andtftates the Aflr Lstt ail Mr. flady mate a state-e frein under ail of thea Democratl off- ZO U 1E~I 11 ent that tiis year be woulit se th cigas Who beai tpcted thteilaw woulit DOtNt ta aoI achnesareaIlkey OTHdelRed MORTAtqDion ONlW ot t0f the aluityathins yare a e-t Ob tHEcrai unoTNtt DRIional.IPDED Off DOCETouoftecuyibsea.H ea fag tan e x d.ciared no ta: up- peateit this statement today andt an- which nounced tisat ha intenits te giva the tise sate limposas upon tise priviiege Waukagan, Apnil 24. matrbiuniîdi ttnin Of succeedlnttiith ownership of TiseZMon Cty elaction contents These tatemants fromein1 " ttes1À PrOPOrtY by iteacet or WIi lal a de- started hat st earin couuty court fol- cloion agalusat the. Notisarn Trust ce. iowtag the senfationai ehectIon otrlait attornay sill coma as wahoome news ln lils. aant Buck andt Raynes-, sprlng viien cains of ilhegal votîng, to the law aiiing peope of theV a corporation, for $8010, whIici the eic., sers nmaieton both tisa Voliva county. t tUt ocomxany hait zagdaua a neri-asd anti-Voliva .idas, were aU strlck- It bas bean ciaimnei for a long tine wokign.s'mco e n tron tise docket toitay tiirough de- by the. reforin aement that thea p- t Oion holding wr gensci-fouit. Tise es$wereW p neiU act ef 1911 ecostutionai 1. Christiansen vu. Thomas, the ac- tics of allowlng saloonkeepars in Fox tea*Ued. tion broiuht by fermer misait Chi.. Laitot take ont a ilcense for the, C"' service emgoy.m itenIi nut tiansen va. Thomép onthe gilm that umaser mentbs oniy bai hait a tan te 4daisd psy for oveMtme. ho did flt Pet hie majeity 1l.ii'y. denoy toeinake thse resorts untesirale Blsetrie raihwaYs haIt governabi. 2. Roses arr va. Too. Fort»,, coin. b>, tbé smin, aw. ai appiy te tise op- test for eit> attorney on sane. daim te a certain extent. Rev. Quayle an- .ratkm of stea. sairoad& above. nouncait recently tisat tisis action on 3. 1ies. Va& Love, centeet for troas, thse part of the states attorney, woulit BUIL)IN4 trer on Ramie cilms as aheve. have tise affect of practically driving Thus. this andsalal tise count> courtouofbsns lthudeiaes- contensawhloh, It wau promnissitati n !bsns h ieuieial a 1 À& ý IN, listhetinsa. woulit b. sansational l teIn line nsat Foe' Lake ai tise resort keep- t1 eatures the>, wonld ravail regarding ers coulit net afford te pay a license TI 1 JANNA FAR14 Tier. wasbut one ontost ta Leslie P. Hanna burrieithy left Wau- kegan Bat.. morning for bise lit home tui Faiuisury ,il]. as a nsult ofne cevingta auaga to tisa affect ta altise buildings sene hieonitown d~iaY igit on tise oIt Hasina farm sisete for yeara h adeihitebs home and wbsicisla still ewna b>, bis feam- Cy>. Tise saction about Farbury suas viated b>, a small hurricane and mnass>, ultitinas wera itamaget. Par- .ieldar force of tise storin was seen BLt thse Hanna prolsarty for, liseoses- -MstatCaet tiat alilthe, buildings bat befn biovu dowu. It vas aditei, isow- eVp,s4isat noboit>, as burt. startédi bu ircuit court, ýth ierein candidate Johnaon gougt to, question tise right of 2-ayon Clenitenin to his I ai. This caae is tili on tise iockat adbit ina, satriait. Tisa chances are it sili folIos tise course efthtie otisera in count>, court ant ha troppet b>, de- tault. In each casa tisa Ooe wbo Ilied the conteat papars sas, aet Initpenitent candtdate, tisa anas teclarait elacteit b>, tise elaction Judges baba Vsliva- ltes. B>, tisc ismîssal of tisa cases ln court, 11- means that the Otan wiso qîlctionedthtie VOllvas peoples nlgit ta office hava gîven Up Isopes e! euit- ing tisai-in otisan words, the Voiva People bava acorei thtqsânaLvctle ln count>, court. $850LOANI3D DURINEi LAST WEEK Behow are sbown Interesting facto about th e real estate situation ln the v Lake County Racoriters office dutng c1 the week eniing April 5ih: d Numbar of Trust Deeàs and Mort- gages--25. h Number of Instruments other thoan Trust Deits and Mortgages-102. ei Total umbar t naanii dleit-127. F Total amnount of ioani-$78,680.0O. M OLD UNE RISK ;OS. TO PAY WAR DEATfiI POLICIE N'ew York, Apdri29.-Every nid Ili Inlsurance COMP.ay i Anerica wi jay in full ail deatb cia a risli trOus the deaths of Pbteyholders wi may die In the mmte,7 service of t :eUnited Statet ~IM Ut". This wj aunnnced tOdayýýbY-W. M. Engli for thae euio. OOMBItt@e of th National Atwocbtio <'f ie Qnde , Porerly ail Iuiue. policles e: enapteit the compualu roin risks il cidentai to Infitaii' service unies speclally contracad for. At the tin Of the SPanfish wtt ln*ay compani, held to the old ruie. Sous then wali ed It. a few retalning it as a featur dof thefir contracta, CHARMAN ~LCH TO MAKE C IAN6ES IN BD. COMM]ITTEEç Board of Supervisors Holds Itç SPecial Election to Select NJew Chairman. WELCH WINS-16 TO 9 New Chairman Sucoeeds'Ed- ward Conrad-Will Name Committees onMay 4. B. a o.te of I "to 9. Super isoi a. \17elch of Newport toi-.nsiî wa ii chairmnan of the b.and o suîîer' t-îrý AprIl 23rd at a spe c lailti-ii of the board whii i was attendedl1, ail memibers exct-ib, Slmons of Antioch and White o-f A% Mr ti. elcl's only Opponent sap B. El Fger or i.ihertyville, who alter tie informai ballot bail been decI ar ed formali, o'ed that the election bc fmade unanimout- Clerk Hendee calieg tba ncoard t. order andt retiring chairman Consrad, Waukegan. moved that 0. D. Goso Ntorth Chsicago, ai t as tempor chairman. He assumed the chair andi the ballot was taken aftr Mr. Con raid hail nomlnated Mfr. Welch and N Mc King of Lake Forest nonsinatedIfMe Eger. Bafritow, Clarke and Walsh were nameit tellers. But one ballot was taken. The new cbairman assumai! the and gave], saying: I thank yeu verY Much for lhe honior you ILave .confer'ed upon me and assure you1 shall trY and fullili the duties of the Office to the best o-f mv abllty. i liai Borne anticipation or lîeiog elect- ed turing the past davs and amoordi 1u191Y bat Bomne changes in mlnd which 1 wlased to carry out in casge Iwas succegsful. *'For Instance, there are Borne coin- mittees who are obsoiete andtI feit sonne abould be changèd In the matter Of work tbay perform. 1 felt that the alIectIon xreclnct commîtîce, the Judg. s f elction a d the election axlsene cOmmlttee should all be In on@ con- mitta.. that the rond and bridge coin- naIttees shouid be In one conanittee and that a new comlIttee for audit- Ing at the tant colony be creatait. *"I wlll naine Messrs. Eger, Conraid and Welch of Waukegan as comit-t tee on ru)e., C»urait moVed that the board of te- View's BRaRTY, $5a. day, be the saue "h!. as hast. carried. -AdJOU-mMent taken to May 4th at' t-n O'Ciock. when Chairanan Wolcjs will nai. blsco>mlttees,. ÀNOTIIR MENUE of- TMAN FAmIY >DS' AT ST. PAIrE Saturday, April 25tb, Mns. George Hardie, Of Waukegan, but now or Chicago, recaivad' Word of the death In St. Panl of here sister, Mns. John r. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart wa§ formerly Mis Miargaret Thain of Lake county, hav- log been boro at KMilîburo, for years the homne of the Thain falVslly, Mrs. Steward's death folIoms withIn a rery short period. thîe îeath of bier other sister, itss Lulu 'bhain, who lied Borne moîîths ago In Watukegan. Mns. Stewart had Éo chlldren. }Rer îusband survives. Thesa niembers of teThain tamîly are now heft: NIrs. Hardie, Mrs. Peter Ishar Of Kanosha, Johin Thain and Mra. Scott Lavoy of MiIlur. s.TUE LAKE BLUFF A fespCrs.îeoi .1CIPhe. KILLS DO@ O iE barn osi was een InlazCatleacj-a tue s L AFFRAY is Panai hcb l n Norfolk, England.$~(sF ISI vill 000 8on. Snniay anrnlng, Percheit on one A I$* I ng - UP INCOUNTY CT. the service biegasu. White tisee fcal. L I( OgiO N Mr$ -ilW tosTel fCr tise 0wl allJgteit on tise bat of a lady as Ms. ill atrus Tilsof Ir-n the, cnmrgatbon seo. î ws.Frank Redmnond of Evereit, sh cUmtances Concefning the cit i mtu thoe n s~ iabir ad dect. HasUni helc anet dt tse ird sci e d Hs niue Experience Try- e Horen Boy Matter. dithtie isaitry stalys shUu n00,WtoGt ony vu lndlng tise churc ientin dock.'oey ,.MRS. HOREN' BLAMES HER. _______ HE THOUGHT 006 ATE IT., STht Young Teacher, However, M4ÀRRIED F09t 32 Roll Was in Smnaîl Purse-An,- te M keslmpr~io on urymal Swallowed Purse But by FrankStatements. YRS.; NOW TIIROWs Mot the Bille. BULLTIN N~ GfiÇ II OME Il yenulbait a Pet dog anit you fait LATER-The jury this afternoon U LdEU6S IN BO E.rtain ha hait swallowad on. hua- returneit s verdict of gullty ln the case 1j t rait dollars, soulit you iltishe soi- of PMm.Elilzbeth -loren, who wam 'Mr.» and Mrs. Nicholas Kret- mial and "go atter" tise hundreit' ehargeil with having mIan ,s*"emult j Ye Ifthe- - upon Mrs. Ploy Watr us f Lakte Bluff Sc11nen of rrmont Air Trou- YoulIl Iikely say: Ys fUeio aset February. Tise penalty for s vie- bIa s-e nt worth rfore than tiat." latIon of this nature se frorm $3 to be in Justice Court. Weil. Frank Redm)nd. a sait $1.00, at the discretion of the court. kooso. fazrmer osar Evarett, Laka s-iSHE DODGED)ý-HE WAS HIT . couoty, bat a line colice dog wbich la Waukegan, Aîîriî 24. nomr utbcueiessss Evident-e as compîeteîy contratici Husband Tells How He Got One noectmeitwrut afuofhvin asalsus- ýs tory as coulit be imagineti was hearîl -dwrnfly fhvngsalw today in tounty court in ihe case of Large Sized Egg in the Ear et a pocket bock cootaioing a sait of lite staît-i .5. Ezabeth Hors loft100.iFact Is, he swallosed the ,aIkte Bluff. wilh Mrs. Floy Hawkinsi Which She Threw. poetokbtrvouyhatnt- Watrous. teacher at Lakte Bluff school.1- okto, btPeoulbalIen as complaiîai anda Francis 1-oren, 14 , Althoîîgb maried for 32 1-ars andti lonally or otherwise, extractet the ycar oid son of defentant as prînci 'although t llv have ive gros-utp nul mney.) Pa 1 iîness for the latter. tidren. Mr. and N2Irs. Nit-hotas Kretsîh- leently Redmond was going te -r. Waîrous, lu a straightferward 1050 Sant a school teacher sho knew mnîr lît i i a frankness whicît nen of Premont towvnship have start he sas golng. askeit hlm to cash a alptîretîti3 itiîtressed iiýeell îpon flicet throa-lng tthngs, iocluding eags, at t-heck for $ 1t0 whîch swas maite out jury,- toit ofIflicte ai- (] ctl rci-ie-wttother pndt bsetîle the matter, tb iter. He ddtse and placeit the mon- 'ta Ices ieading u) o fi lue tiîîîe s-hi-l, the 'lfeiaitlber hushanit arnesteti ey ln a small hurse. ,,, ICebruary 18 lai-t, t-le tiappled the Rlturnlng te is honte, he was )r boiy m ho laiti a .l,îiltltiîî for- bsiîg sut hr-oght tiefore justice Wess at w.rklng about a machine and ha laid tîiîhiv. s li-n lie becatteie îtpîtilnt 10 Waukegan Mtondav monning, Atîrîl the pîîrse on a oearby bencis white hi er: ol houw tic heu omenandutIhe- 271h a charge 'of assault sot bat- be sasi bus3- for the moment. Sud- fotuier retonîtet %%Itti hiot and pro-'lent anti a titreat îo k-li. denly he booke isud antsas bis col- p c e e tle dt o10 s îr ik e lie r i N Ir - . oV . a tc iu s i - f n ni a , l y n q w t repeatctly of itow ,i-id dli tlteek to Accordlnag to lite hueltnds îste. 1j1and ee a Socheanimal. playl wth 9 itenît lier-cl! againt ilte obier anîd menti-, bis sitec Ibres- 5i-ilS St bUtsbook. tîor o oi conan; ot h10W tht- ant id tltfot tient- tbtrowing cîto at Quickîy thinklng of that huntret. Iloni-\t o ntari abui-it-lber i-,ti,-luh liter. le claluis lie %sas tlt in tliccar Itedmonit Velled te the itog te trop It ly aot use<i strofAg tîrties aist iter.'iut tise iog. thinkiog lha wae fooliig, ýr Il slappedthibi bovt ibreIties ubieti-blei-be i-as a belter dotiger thoan eareioftlhUepreu rlie lecame saucY. 'sitesasit. "He he Suitsas ahble te escape hig th e the afteinhlm.Tse liaI heent-îhe cause ol f olili troiuitb-viai-bcd suibl the tîcu-frît. ltggs, dca ran fasterarnsitmore playfully, biefore,- she conlîntet "and.ti. hî tI 1uhen they %vcre usait as missies at ai the lime chesiog St the punse. sas principal before, lie liat beei F'rantlc Redmonit hait visions of tise 0sent to me by other teaciters,- Ithe country home of the couple sera isundret itisappearing doso the ani- "Mrs. Pisil Brandt et Waukegan. a at a higis prlce andit lat aititethtie mais tiaoat andit ie increaset liii teachar at the scisool, corrohoratatdlscomtort of both, te tink tisat mon- speat ln chasing thse animal. He fin- .lrs. Watrous ln itetail altbough at ywsbigwse uhesy b ll vroklt hnt i upie lite ima of \Ira. Horens aleget at-e, a big att uhlsly b, aIl> oetou il w ethen bis sarie il taclion the teaciser, she, Mrs. Brand,. Pegabog tham at each other. - issls a echiand is pethaao %%sas in ber oso roont at ber itesk. j The wlfa claimeit her bushant hait trace of tise purse, concluitetiha hait "Iorsdttenoisein tise hall." sait abusait ber soi thIreatenet te ktilt ber. swqllowadit i. r. %i-bou Bran. I bearit Mrs. Horen IHa came back ith the ais that lie The itog thus bat brouht about r.sou eNir. Watrous: l'Il teacis Yeubi om to bieat my innocent little boy Francis. mencly tefanded it bsIt andi uenlit isieon c Tae tat ad tat nd tat.Ne.Redmoit caugbt Use animal andt s Tak Usa soi tha ani th eatts thneat ta kilI. fouthwlth killdIt l, euttlng open Hi timnie. liII Iros- you on tisa linor andt "G home and stop tb'is nonsensa. stonaach te recover the bunitrei. H. I1 dit nct know sisat was happen- VuatOotai are o ogssqih> oaietfrligl e ing, but shortly aftersands Mrs. Wat- te stai-t this kînt cf capars," saidthtie tise etonmacis, wstisa Iurse. cosidar- t roue cama lu. cryng andt er hip justice as hacismissei thUas, ahI>, cewait but sIll aluct intact, caetise clasp aven babng closed. aswoîîen anit turnbna black. She then charaîng the costs of saute te the isus- Quiekl>, opening lit te sea If the on- ber,",sait Mrs. Brn't etete baud who sait ha woult pay thexo. ey sas damageit. Retinonit fountis eMote n1tn The justice Usan gave tise pain semislîursoe impty. Ha then exauuei thtis Nirs. lioren ent on Ue stand and m ore fatherl>, a vice Soit tm oeise>l, b f nt th o e>, ba mn g ei -reulylng ta Attorney Deansqueis- bis office, both seemlng weillng io go te sork eut of the purse white travel- 1tions, i- ltI of bcbng bornin1 Lakte back home anoit tn thingi- oSer agaîn. lng dowo the animaI's throaî. But il -county, of lte fambly home, being in1 i Vernon sisere aise lîseit many years; The couple Isas-cIl knoos bu Fres-as not there aot linor doagie sas aof goba to Chicago t0 study music, mont townshipi. test of teachlng music anti the grades te __________ Returnina te the spot whene the Veron:of eacing8chol n Ci-animal hait founithtie pursa. Radmcnd i-"geo tc. bn cboluCi-ÂIs-pur-a oItaitabout anit sure enougb, thare t ago.etcsh toit ber version of tise START ÀU1ÀTION ha foun thtie roIl of bills whlcis bu r school Incitent. Vtvltiy she desllnib-snie mannen, hait heen shalte.out et boa- bar littIe son hait coma home oJJ ATM f the purse whita the animal vas cryngan tldof mntterile FOR ELII NÀTuîIiii u a) ing witis It ln tise tiret place. The -basting ha hait recel-ait frons -I rs. ru'-- n was o aen t tr n a a Wlatrous. -Why ha aven bas tetis reanmisc ntac siisIt fo te marks on lte sida 0f hie hbad nos SU DAY I&KALI)sa oniuio ss Ltisthe haite whicisse adminlsteret te hlm." sait treppcitclsn who plin, t ieatu al '%trs. 1-oren. (The boy sas unabla 1 t AlsoUi toraba ban o ln wt bnhe pchtscis ntus show tisein hen put on tise stanit.) thu teebabeno sgwt hepctott Mns. Heren instistai t tat Mrs. Wat- meent realI>, starteitlu Wau- Glait te get tise mone>, back. gbe--i roua attackat bar firat and ttiat sa Itegan, thse fact that aL nation-wlte moud naturally fait soyry b. huiS fnot- liedte hro upberarm tefounitl iti-st haeraon ise bail heti hai taIbrs u be ara . guard mol-amant againat Sunita> funer- autopsy on bis flne colie pet. ber face,. she shoseit the jus-y qulck- al& ls sai4t! tise undsrway, maltes Andt au th* teachev now bas ber- b>, how aise guartait anit It sas appar- I ie> o akgnt o- hnri iieRiaoi smnsDs ent that she knewhow It le ton,. I ieyfrWakgnt o. bnrdwieRdodl iu è -Mrs. Hman thon sali t tat Mrs.a. sider eliminatlng Sunta>, funar- it. Watreus usait language te ber visicis ale as mnch aa possible. He ai causait Mrs. Watrous te biush andt shat tise Kenosha Newis sait a Borna of Usa jury sho hait listenait yo oemn tre 'À T R1À s 1 closely te Mirs. Watrous' teathunon>,. fBmnvietst Zeiere ilssedithil lir., heing unabie te whh l ikely wIll lie taken up ho econclla ben ln the tranzy wich Mr%. Waukegan van>, sbortly aise- Horen triai tet pictuna. -/ 2-bn,. Horan shoutait out ln tise A moeumant taeiiscourage Use boIt- FR T 9Al JT1 court rtom ln a way Usat croateit quit. ngcffuonlso Snt>,1,ganlgVawa a sensation. goffnrlao udylgaIgà Tise boy on the stand waa grea±y man>, supporters ln Kenosha apd'witis. î6 excited. Ha enteavorei tet corrabior- ln tise nazIt es tays a Unitad appeal Man Whose Reside cq Wat at ata tise testîmun>, of biseuotiser ln sill be mnade te ail of tisa officiais of Fr hrd a i uo itetail but slIpPet, up saversi tnies. censeter>, associationsen ho ie cilttot hria teVIU 0 The affect of Mrs. Horens tasti- have a ban put on hurlais on Sunda>,. a Mexîcan Siperl meny of Mirs. Watrous, sho as Iloy The movement hi a part of a nation- Hawkins, sas on@ of lthe pepular girls sida movement whicb bas gainait aup- Walter IL. Watson fFot61nitn o! Waukagan biai seciSol a tes :Bar-s port bu ail parts of tise country. iany a brother of Sidney U Watson of t"Il ago. sas very apparent. Tise young cilesbaveaiarcity put Usa han on tis etcil,. isthe filtrst Lakte count>, man te womtan almost sas prostrateit as site Sundal funaral and othars ana follow- meat iteath tu Use Mx«Ican var. hearit Mca. Horen give tesùiuony ing suit as raplitl> as possible. The Watson sas on. ot the flubtera et> shicis causai ber to remark te a movement bas the support of minis- tiisa American aide sho was hilluit triant sllting near ber: "I naver tara. untertakans, livenymen andi Fnida>, at Vers Crus. Hie vas one of heant aoything like Il. Sucisallaite- sorkmeo bliste cemeterles. 1n tise tisa nagulars who tormeri>, was mta- monts. I canu sbellevessite knows îlly of Racine necenti> tise cemneter>, tioneit at Fort Sheridan ad*viselet. sisal sites saying, it Is se tan froin associations made a nes reaulatiOn 1>, hava been fightlng tis e Melcna tisa trutis. shicis pros idei thtia no hurlais saboutit WVashington officiais giva isa place Again sise renuanked as 2Mrs. Horan ha mate on Sonda>, axcapt under a of resitence as Fort Sheridan. Wat.. sait site sas ijuotînga ber: "Why, I written orter o! tisa boardt of iealth Bon %-as kîllet by one cf Use sharp. neyer use sotbthîtangtîage as shite sys of the drty. It la hait that tise min- shutoters, bcîug ona of tbnea sho wsw 1 uset." stars o! tise dlty are especlals-v op- vîclinîs o!fsisat ara abaliot "'*mm> posai te10tUe plan of holding fun erals ens" alto are sbootbng itown people in Quiet, But Visible. on Sonday on account of tise fact lise sîrecet Usahelîl-fate t ct>,. Mouie-"Sis sucis a quiet lttbe tisat this ls the huaiestt a>, o! the W%ýatson, sitis two otiser men killez Vef -a lmsupisdte -arces eaks for tise miniatera. Frits>,, sas itoiog police dut>, ln tii, per- ht in urlrieitte aa ii~5 Tise untertakena white taking 0ne streeîs of Ves Crus wisen tise Mt>p veangna sdiapisanous sktut" Eitn- pnominent part hontise agitation aIl ad- ens kîlle iithm. "Perisapm se beiteves intise oit Sa>,- mit thal the>, would velcome a regula- Ing tisat i 111e girlr shoulb i soanbut tien Sisich Seulit prebibit Sunitay nendt'rchsD pom l nmot iser&' funerals here. Thaya boIdt tat Sunita>,, napun-recisIlobt1. -~ ls pantlcuiarly a qay ot raat. Lakte Countl', aost M rs îrge- ingý5 elu- .50. ONR Tn W.YaiTfr Ik 1 K A ID LITI LrRl

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