LAKE COUNTY IND YI1Y 1, 1914.- Page Three. ~~EUTUBUIUB~ -w-w PARK. 'ExplaMm ofaithe qualîty oi the IR 0 guevidmi40a bth sMore towua lu. ehi~ iW~bnaMai Iibstyvilte. moum< îôtenbave î tated àItqdU. muIbur. anlMode Tues. ïx t t" inaWIoispublice ""ltecaujno by oflcera ait0 s tas Company. Phoo e y Assenluan pmn Association. Accurilg, to a Cgmlmar P. v. 0"19 thse te en rude by Wi. e m v-e Ils, fleeir. an expert lu the empîîoy Arkansas a Frmiable nattiesnmp. « the cNortit Bions a" 'Compainy. APTAIN RoT C. sMiipf la la comn i«tiseArkanasa ai the VIMa &m'id the -cause 0f tise Consumera who ieo.atieAmtt n.asaaalt,îbptti W mig Bit ~ka1 a'gmt agalaut the quality tise ban tbrty-tbree souns. 20.0M toua. 28,00 oreepowe and a tour of san iornhahed by the company. nCrew equipmeut. Duel an Badnern flagsbip vsen th*e Wyomug .Upon crois examînation hoe sayp Mn, la, laid op for repairs. Beahr duutted the fllowtug th Ings: Irt-q'isat the capaetty oai s 1l ErD 9a- Plant lin5&70 IL T. U. (boq tUnit,> COR(>NERS FORT SHR IAN On. Boille frntthe plant. umieltNl T .7'e~a:EXQNIM TIS BOuY SOLDIERS AWIT A ImdtoflbadPark andSI tijl ~ KL IN P L A L OC L R D Mlor, lu beng tranifenred furtiier '"L ii' P L A LT O O A O qoutis. Thrd-Tisat te fumistei 600 B. T. Il.f, te engteEi-W r rmW sigo us and 20 Candie power tbnousbou tthe uryAtrHadenh v-WodF ahigo us distict mant the, furuislug ofet- d ce in Case Depides the day Afternoon Told Corn- er Sai .Utreîy. Shooting Was Accident, mandant to Expert Order Fo'urt-TbBt it ls necesiary la pb4Oe au enrlcblug plant t Hîgli- POLICE MAKE AN INQUIRY. EXPECT A MEXICAN CALL. land Pamlt io tint the sas nt Wauu 'eganviii ot .tsuad ris hho To Investigate Statement That Five Hundred Tents Werei Fond normai Capaclty or the plant Sam Eisenberg SoId Car- Pitched on Parade Ground vouid trav orf vile odis tridges to the Boys. Today to Dry Thern Out. Mr. Oruia nmye b, bas ordered a oopy Of Mr. Beabr'o evdence on tlits The coroner's jury in the case o! Four troope o! the Fifrth cavalry rit point Virtten up n tiat ho may use the Northi (hicago boy plia was phit Fort Sheridan, numhering four hin- It la tune «". by lits playmaîe, Tuesday afternoon ne- dred men, are holding tliemselves lu Acooend«to tMr. Orvis thre gas turued the foiawlug verdict: 11oV 11h1I&amoeniactured at the. new -We, the jury, find tiret William readinees la respoud te arders f romc plt of tas, Company lu 90 per cent. Ludtke camne talite deat s satIerein-.Washington te go to the accrue O! cuosaise and ouly i10 per cent. Pater suit of a gunabot wound irom a revnl.rnlulug troubles tln Colorado. Sa". lu Chiscago theseugnta made op ver. accideutaîiy dlscbarged, lu tire Infarmation reache'd Major Tom- Of trem 16 bo 30 per cent. coal gag bauds of Gua Houaendnaky.' kune. thse commandant, lute Tuesday aund irons 70 te 85 per Cent. Pater gas. The toquent pas held Tueaday Milit ,te the effect that the par drpartmnen tet Me meo. tisat vateu e ainbinteiy lu the Conrad & Hart uudertaktng es- at Waahingtonu pould transmit orders botter than CooazIa. This City,.lie tabllisint. liauseuduaky Pupt bit- toay dtrectlng the mbetsunder hin te MY114 formierly pald oniy $1 lier thous- teriy phun lie pans pacer! oulhe ptand entrain for ('olomado. Mdi feet for 100 per cent. Pater gag te give au accottai the aboatiug- The forcée t the fort lias lieeu aty Whitle thoe n a owno reductlaslu inre He proteated that thre deatîsof its he ti minimum smince tire transfer ofL mite. Ne »Iya the. oinpany bas salt pal was an accident pitre aud simple Plegetrla- ! h rnj aOi St vOUXb e nceasy te charge more phichlibe pouid uet have laha estufirt'î liiiag uat for tiseglas hIf k la composed l soly for phle worlds. Thse jury Pas vis-17so urenm thaginat ] si nee1Iy IL of water gas. Ibly affecter] by the siglit oaitiselcIp&tianai service lu Mexico. Tliea "Mn Efsrva.ver cnefl nt a yuths moton sendlng ai thre four troope ai soldiersb "Mr. «br as vry rrefu nette yuth' emIiouapowiodgrd at the fort te Calai-ado, ROY tbUa t above meutloned on.Thre boy declared tieat lie sud Ludtke wiîî leave th iemqolyntrei c4tloni etmint lu Waukegau," Mr. (Or - ent ta thu store a! Sam Elseeubg rg geI o ie lîaremaies.oll i 10 sid, "but the tatfie t hlits esî ouTuebday aller lies rhum liadt seLcu hre a!olsadomie te sitaio denc@ sbawei thBt thse present gisn"id 5 cents. With ti ls hey iurclsd Te(ooiontesrtestaii étant tu Waukegan couldr!net furutihive cartrldgey ent tire Struve. namî-d seems ta be gioslng more rerfus.b Qki up I t6d standard o!f thr store. ho saad. They let anc ai thlieIt ivrs-ittis ihicli causeil Presideut VýantS abould'ber very damagîug te the cartidgus. but placerd tbree of the Wilson teonider fedleral troops sent cas Company Intereste..flvi ldeuce rematnlng ue ri bue there 13v proclaniation lic commnanil s provos my cOtetiton phichlile that tliey started] oward tise take w soot dalprs lpditrig t týe w .holç, pmeqp i Wtthave tae lie 'sueker8." 1peacero! that stuule ta disperse ta iliri chaneilbeftt gtbctoy ss rn Ech f te bys oui a hotandhomes on or hefore Alînil 3i1. Ry bis chaned bk~ ~Unictoy sa cîu Eab o~tis boy tak a bot s endlng af troops and h iBIrsProclam- h imauuittrdd"bgjle. accordlug ta Houeendusky. lie forgot atinleiunurdtA lergre 0 there sas aunesuaiotrumaiuiug lntu i ondiînoue th r l in e as lu-1 A. C. Murray, upertenduat ai tise gon. Tliey pure Sitting on ithe' graunrîmlion.ath almessl-lt ÇRB Plant at LhertYville. u'as the uly 20 fret spart, 'puttlug on their sreto f4ret iti*L 1He ezplilned ta the uhoun. Tli*y toit La discu5ssing Lbhe IFciterai trooîîa Pere reiluesteil by 0 qmusm8latàé Abthte troule ruferred Mexîcan par situation and cacti tolul Governor Ausniius o! Colarada. hbopi t4 by the. coMmaats prabably pag hit bo pould do If lin pr-e a scoîut. admiteld that tire gste wos unalie ta dile tP Iq14*0'bwqeiansd naLtae Ilouseudusky prly raigen tire guis1 copith lb, situation lu tii, reglons tpe poDr qbiàMy et thie gazs. -lie doeuat rememîurr pilllng thi'alîî Trluidad sud <'anon C'ity. .('lubwameU visohadl testified at tire trtgger. Tiiere Pas an exîuîomîoîuanr The second eiuairon o! the Piftb Iliaflns Munis>'«ainlconvuntunce lits cbum clapped is hsnd over l"ra irhy at lirt I.Aavesworth, Kan., eMused b>' the alieged luiertar gis huart shauting tirat lie tend liens lii. luncammaud o! Major Holbrook, s'as i en. prenant .ta ear vhBt defeuse Then accurred onu of tise trangeat ordered te 'brWuild sud Troope E aud tise o6clals oi tiesu a cosnpany would PbenOmenong Imaginable. Atliaugli H af the Twelith cavalry frorn Fart coloner.1 tIre buliet hiadt perced Liidtke's huart D. A. Russell, Wyo., lu command o! 1Everett M4ilard, counget foi- tbe azlite arase te hie fout sud loudîy shouted Major Mc'Cure, plil go toetCanon oompMny, eaplatried te thse commis- that he was niiot and started toei-un. City. s8os giat ték. aiîm.n pour quaity af callng for huiP. lie rau fuily s block The federaI terompineIlui nstruct- the gin" isde t.i*1n uîln#,etiouai lu tîss anner sud thon colliserdcdi e<o meltain arder. and willt i- 1iýistake ai t ho compils>' jus ualg a liupiy. main 0111Y an long as tie necessry ta puer grade af cool lt.manufàcture, Houseudueky liad beon following enable the tatu authorîties ta deal c of the sau. He mid lsaý theesmpatn>'hlm ou the i-un. Hu rushed up as his silli the situation uffuctively. d Ibid purtismed a larglr ouautlty f fri-fu feUl anS trlud ta ubaké e I lut Reeldents af Fart Sheridan and o C41 m a fMM a i pttbio M bk.hlm. t Lb.same tua caîlissg tap, hmlm tghwaod usaie surpnlseil this mor-B pr dSd &WhlV te aPeak. The Sound ai tIre lant shot, lng pieu tliey edîscoverrrdthat bu- W. A. Knapp, goieral superntetuuê-acconspassed b>' thse c miornhotep ad teu ftoui-bundi-ed snt fis e buidred a opt 14 tue,trfoimay6s e4ir. syliteusattiatud lel i sre unearby sudletste Pre pitched au the parader tmtIId tist thse caratu imd ue lpm., they rusbed dapu. A man b>'tise gratnut at tlie fart. Marey usure o! ,1 4îae4 about Jan. 1, ani l eshtel>' aine of Peddicord bulped carry tie the alîlulon bliat recrulis wre te hoet derniards there began flodrs of com- 'injurd boy La the top Of the îi, recelvud at bthe ai-t and pout lie pB4nt about sulipiur fumes5. Aulu-].whille auathur hurried te the naval housed lni the teilla. Tisunu are se-o ,en«tlptld aîn a begua, and lb s'as dis-, Station and socurud two physictens. commodatians ion about 1,500) men ln e cevered tbab a part ai tIre gag co-si The boyr vas dead wlièn tîuy arrtvud. the barracks at the fort but IL s'as m isid beomze' mlxad vitis anthar The Norths Chicago Police lutend ta polnted out that the recruits would l irade 0 ai . I cb iirodblrd ill.cauductr au Investgation loto thse netthbu ept ln these buildings. statemunt of Hoîseudusky-tisat Eisen- îaîy fMecomnat ioa apteIpabers. salle loaded carti*gqa ta men ore urybouthe foi-tii nthe tbemet ,Attrn B. 8i. Hlamei, caunisel frbyselu ho ot#vw f ia e e out bverer e annst reillobte f'aitelnisi Parit.attempt- cent uacb. t" etso ente havoeS ude y purdei ed tea untoblînb tise itÎùiat thse coun- trnl an trdadte eee pMny bad Intentionally lmixeS tire ceant nn alr 'à êsfuply 'pttsbad on tbe parade grouurlded tJie puweaae oai.produclua gas at @Is l - bisallî -lwe teu *lu enter that tbey amy dry. tHe saldT~ i amaler ostThe bearng viii ha dm.e, adtbthn watt for nomeboi>'In tient orders te piticetet Mexico are re jexpected Bt aimant any time and t 48non j Dr. Weir, who iseas a siion sd surgeon,' le siirvied hy a PdW liree sîsters and thre rothers. Thia ainters are NMrs.N. N. Barrett of Sgu F'rancisco, Mrs. %V W. MfcDtanald of Albuquerque. N. WM..,î'd Mrs. Lesglg P~alilnger of Ellzaheth. Il]. The brotiiers are .I hd \tî'ir or Topuka.» Kan, and A. Il. and Ci-orge T. W41rî Of ii'eeport, li11. The body wili ha Placed In the niatsoleune ati. lgle woqd cemetery, limqAngaeles. A PEMIT TO WEJ> 140THERSPRRSNT HE IS 20, SHE IS BUT 17. Two mothers uvelit l(othe couisty ilerk's offce Slîîiîay alternoon lu or-, der that their cIlltii.bath under. age, inigbt get marriî'i. The nanina of thse lave-lorn pir Pce: Luther' Biden aged 20 snd %gnes Gebhairt îged 17. 1 Bath being under agi', their math. ere had tû acconrjiarii thern ta tiie Clerk's Office suit gl' iarllten permIs- taOn for tIse cereîîioiis te bu autis. oized. The fathers îof îoth are dead. It la no unusutl tiigi for on e aof couple te geL parent.ii eane#ut to, narry but ibis la the first case lu a. loig LIme phere lîîîrl porties teaa marrlage have bren lirtler aire. The rithers batil seemeil îî liilg te us-re the usai-nage take placei. desired te have the tenta lu readinea Tbe order ta go ta Colrado may lie recelved Ronne tlie lite this Sar-r rmn. Ideoal Daeee Shertbaud Bai end Oiregg -- iusisu 1 4wuwy WWW p M 4 1 CIlService The Young Mau andi Young 9.Women'9s GPpounity Enter at this time and take a.dv antage of our special rate, which does flot occur at any other time of the yea r. In the Spring tixne of the year, i n the Spring time of life, then it te that you should get a good Practical Business Education and the place to get it is at the Waukegan Business College. Remember, a right start is Suc cess haif won. OUR EMPLOYILENT DEPARTMENT. This department has helped hu ncreds and is helping more no.w than ever before.A constant and important part of the work of the institution is to find candidates for positions and positions for candidates. Business Houses, Manufacturlng Institutions, Doctors, Lawyers, em- ploy their office help at this College. Remember that more than 600students are employed as Stenographers, Bookkeepers ' Stenotypists, Typewriter Operators, Clerks, Etc., along the North Shore alone. If you want to join this happy company cail at the office or telephone Prof. Munson, 638 or 1551-M, and he will tell you how you may do it. Send'for Oatalog, Journals and other circulars. liASJ ILLTWICE AS MUCII; INTENDS TO F1HT THEF CASE Louis Breger, Genesee Street Merchant, Turns His Case Over to Attorney Orvis. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT ADS. FOR SALE -i(o. ares 1înîî'st, barr i ade f)îd iiat, trees, ontMIaîk~ral vill e. Addresii B. B., Ina f ice. CAPTAIN G. W. KLINE DEAD IN CALIFORNIA Dr. Franci; A, Weir, Formerly of Lake Cothty Passes Away in Pasadena, Cal. REMEMBERED SY OLD VETS. - Close Friend ofl Capt. Blodgett, Waukegan-diiÏed as an Orderlyto Gei,. Smith. The di'ath uctice belOwotia ýPa8Ra,,a, (Cai., paper, wlll h,î read wtth Iiitirest hy Lke county Nei rang beraîî.ee Itmarks theO passinq of an - other member of the famous 96th, Ill. Photo'by AmerleBu Press, AmrcIsan Volunteers. Dr. Welr was a closel Cejtain George W. Kliiipcommanda friend of Capr. A. Z. Blodgett. John the Vermont of the Second ivis,io'f Swanhlrotigh, lamee Marrie andl other the Atlantic ileet. The 3'ernîioit ha, Weil known vetalans and wplU Ed. twenty fouir gainx, lx o! f 16.M)tous and Ciarkson. wax an orderly for (leneral f.Obnspwr John C' Snîlttà.during the wsi- Dr. e ~ir Niva vC; l hr is- W. E. MASO& AND ]Pr fornierly of Wiankegan the daiîgh ffTA h& ter of Wr. and Mre. J. h lBrewster (,)f LORINMLDIUIIUI waulregan. A l't, alena paper says F'ormer Seriatog Willamne. Mao. *Tle funerai of Dr. Fraanc l Alis n Weir. sho died tant Wednesd;t,. April hais annouined bis aîia for thei 15, m as tif-Id Bt 2 o'eioel. Ihi after. Ui'uted States Sonate. n000 fr-ooithe famJiy reside-. ' ',I t Pas also annourcei Ill %W',iý4îîs j' Northi Maidison avenue. il imas large ton t bat Williaom Lorimer bas dri lac- ly atir iided by frtends. t)r. Welr wsi eheitnino aigfr for malit years a re4ident or pasa-d lisntton f angort denasiand was beid Intire hli.1be,î announiceînent of his candidavy for esteeri tiers the United Staterb Senate on Jur Manv 'sill risbis Reniai s îile 1Iif lis heaiih In as good then sai i anld quiet fund af bumor. hie ron- 15fnom, and lhe tanln able to umasethe sideratlon of others. and bis redi- campaigu. ness to beli wherever needed. Dr WeIr m'as lion September l;. î:lx, NO GIJARDS IN PRISON lIn Mlurrer couuty, PenoyNssarîla. lieCAEL ER FTR MOved with the faunlly wheîî abîout C __________ TER seven vears of age to Elizabethî. 11, jl I pil2 Amdgad the trip blîng made by ASater iin WJlient, liel.,îled os e ntarai Primitivefshion. 111ndln bcrellous sericosvictheai le recelved his eariy eflitiiî tin g a igionse 5servlicienthar el ile, anid mas teachiug sci.ooî rie.,r hple h tt )liptyi bis borne sihen bu eniateiIn l tefuue armý li sered hre , e rs. 1Warden P. W. Allen made ibis île- Compîany A. 96th Iliimass oIliîieýr'claration when ire Liii mates gathered infntr, utiltheclaie ! t , i relebrate lite finit annlversary as lie won the rauk of second ,'n head of thse Joliet Institution. Ail aut and cariled the 9Lors o!f rive sork m'as eusîîenîted for the day. ssounds. ister lie took up tise tud3i Clareni, R F;lrrod and others îart of medicine and graduatsd ivits lion- dreased the mnu. ors from Rusih Medicai colrge. <chi- When the warden enterer i e etiiîî cago. He hegan hie practice as; :h n elhere the tPriso.nesws,,regai ereil sician aud surgeon In.îesaup. iow lie 'as greetIt swit ahouts andi where ho residrd untIl conaing to ciieering whih urliasset any de Pasadena. He held %heo ffice o! bnonstratioîî eser mande witisin thse rsflroad surgeoni for theIllinois Cen i~ triral ilroad for a number ofai ura, and was a member ai the pension Tii.rre Stili DoIng t. examiniutng board for a perlod of font Fromt Beens dictionary, publlsbed lu ypars. Comiug to Pasadena ha 1S95. 1825: 'Shopping -Amoug Pomnen, go. Dr. Weir tdentified lîlmenîf withtlihe Dg about from sIrop tna amp, buylng PrOge$sof te Iaveandwas littl. articles. perbape, perhapanot, provenso! Uc lie. nd a 1- but aiways Pulllng about great quanti- Paya ready 10 hellIin eny cause for ien aiOfgGodB.'-Boaton Transcrlpt. the good of the ciii. The chtidren aud the neiglhbors pili greatly ymiss flumorr i lr sr ung 7o, hlm sudinany a home feule the îass Wen a Wiliesden (Eng.) rate Soilector told the mnaglatrate 'bat B ai a good frienîl Dr. Weir was ' defauiter lauglird st hlm. the defen. member o! the New Century Club, dm1ant- onian-relorted.'-Quito un. tlie Board af Trafie and the G. A. R, true. , neyer, in any circunstaucea, sud wae fouît]of the corps. the niera. taugh. bers et whlrh lie ro(erred tb as '-tise boys.,, muothur. b- .~-. ~ Ma'. menue a01nueli eau be of thse greateatasistance ta h(Mla ls eelintg the benoeleal and BvodluS the dauger- oue. The neglectot til one important Beule bas neeeuarlly kept mankind backward. h.t terufore, resta with lios etlocatore aof the future ta properiy train and Pay attention ta adore, no that oveu7<lns tay be able toddttn- gnlsb neveu octave@ aforeU a -r gréât aDecra of adora. OiIooIty. "Beware 01 the couftterfeit $58 natçs," laye iJnqle Samn.. It muet be pleuAt even ta look Bt Bn Imitation. If Tnese Saim wUishow aw orne reai On., Penbape we'ii know how %t guord B<iflt theisefmtatloin."-Salt LAke Tribune. qMany a happy home in dis caty uon trace its pro.pmrty to die want Id Pvge q'ïd of eqk6roent? qwet a better job? qMist opitu*ty mpe of the n»st inter- esteci patrons of the wlDt s«Lb 01SiIo n»y hocallig ySu tod.y throgh these collons- U17- ï19. 121 WsIà1 sSre a .. . 5 'M HE ____YININAT REES AN[) SHRUB Louis tireger. oue of thse owsners o! Porters H Iigh Quality Stock esçestret nnoncedtodv tat ie, Write for Copy Today eeoe~~~~~ stetanuci oa Lle PORTER'$ NURSERIES inloîls t carry into tiie'icouirts aI Box 60 Evanston. 111. ca.e 111 silil-ili e hi' ihi ok i'NorthjNOlE-Big Stock of Large Specimt;n Shiore Gas Coampany la chargtîîg hîi)Nor-a>- Mapflea ut Low Prices au exorbitanst soounit for tue gas tue uses. From February 25 te Mardi 28 litsWA Y& H I K M bilîl was $3.10 net. Frîl eto e- AT ICfpHIDU MP4 twcp-n Mari-h 25 sud APril 29 hie bIll e RAO P I -A S ÀÈ3 s ror 156W.RU OL CHI TC. M9 M "IL's an outrage sud t do not pro. 0-0 Don't Trust Your Eyes ( l'ose te stand for IL.' lie deetared ta- "0 -oth 1e lnexperieflced Onsîcli 'Tai positive ihat t dtd not use CP ('orneWhiere vaine anîd sers'v . 05) Ice hlasbren the slogan i iii ' ;ii niich gus Lis last nîontli as 1 dld O ihenîntl lefoe nd etmy aiN g more than 3 years. (ls s more than doubird. Tliere car- ymdaniteteouI- Ov dîvIduai NERD. Ï tsluîly sa no justice lu ihat sud I do QV1 % ao'voo oo01uC Z- tsIn-o bo tomLbthe se ave- 10 an attorney sud flglt il lu tire courts Ifnoces- sary. I Alsouit noon itret'î'i 'îok bis case to Attorney E. V. Orvîs pho liai bren lurominrut lu the lghL agaînit tue cas Compasny.Tise attorney aduin-et hlm rta psy the bill undr protrai and Liien n lie would lie îarepared ta sbusrtauy action le rnay desire. -1Twould have lin Lnsblfy beiare the comsmission lu Chicago, %Ir. ori- vis said. "but lb la nat uecuasary fai- i have had severai wltuesses outhe stand who testfIed ta the same tblug. Wr have put lunîuiuuty ai tbis saine kiîud o! evîdeuce beforu thr cammils- iou. You poulîl be surîîrlsed If you kues' lins' nany people theru are in the cuty pliarsie maklug Lhe sarne Iind o! a complaint against tIre gas campany. IIEMMEN BABY RECALLS 1MOTIBER FROM4 SUN PICTURE Viaukegan, Aluni 29. Scelug île pîcturu aofSire. Hein- men lu Wrdueeday's Sun, ,Dorothy, the 19 montlis aId daugliber o! MI-. sud Mr@. John Hoemuen lghtaued Up lier face as she îittd ta lb sud crled, "Manras. MSimniga. lb main- ,The chlld, ever since lier mother dis- appearrd sa mysterIousiy 6 veuks aga, bas îîined for 1er sud frequent>' crled for "NMamma.' Latel> aIse had become i-econclled ta thse attention ai other persons, but, wben ber eye rest- rd ounLlie excellent pîcture of Mrs. Itemmen ln Wedueeday'e SnIL tirouglit hark recotlectlaus a! ber a