Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 12

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LAX~ YITWV W 1IW ~A,% V idAÀ741<14 It is stat. wIth authrt that more Americans have * been kfiled ini Mexc ince this trouble started, than were kiiled in the U. 8. navy ALL DURING the Spanish- Anierican war. And still we're flot officially at war! Kingston Mines, Peoria county, bas elected the first * wornan mayor in Illinois. Her succesB or failure wilTrbe watched with keen intereet throughout the state and na- tion. Women suffragettes likely wiIl tender lier so many suggestions that she will have a whirling head for some timé to corne. So long as It keeps whirling and doesn't get entirely turned, she will be able te fuis along ail right. Whiile everybody opposes war where war can be avoid- ed, the Mexican -situation plainly is this: It's 1k. a bad ceue of human anatomy, one which >needs a surgical oper- ation and where friends of the patient are urgiug delay when the surgeons urge action. It's a case where the oper- ation muat come sooner or later te save thie patient's life. go, with Mexico, the "loperation"' must corne later, 80, why dela.y it at the sacrifice of life, property and national honor? The. birds bave returned from the South these many days now, and for the niontbs of Spring and Summr, clear inte the froats of Fail, they wlll ail be with us. Some of thern, the hardfest and most courageous, stick it ont, fair weather or foui, alictit is as mucli as sign of Spring te see these old frlends stir about as it is to se. the first of the mlgratol'y flooa. T pe ~ople of the.'United States may well congratulate theinseives on- their'friendship for the birds. Foreigners, before they can* become members of the U.8. asa, .tut ffï0t become citizen; of tii. -Uufte States., And, it's singular te note that many of theni arei hastening te get their papers in order that tiiey may serve in the Mexican. criais. Som@ of them even have, said they have dellued e4lstlug in their native countries, but add that if the Un4ýe States needs their heip, they'r. readyt to tender it. We must concede that such an attitude ex- eressed admiration and patriotism for this country. After all, it oeems sort of bard te think of some of these naval training station lads bsing rushed off to war at thec young age tliey have attained which bas just enabled theni to enter the navy. They enlisted, however, with the expec- tation that they would be in training for a few years before being called upon for real service. But tihe emergency cal has resulted lu them being dispatched after. but a fewb weeks' training at the local station, ami. none aboard ship.f Therefore, they've really gone to war while stffi in theirp 'teens. They start off feeling very light-hearted over their departure, wblch, again, adds argument te their lack of realization of the seoas of tr position. Tii.sanie kind pf a survey that was made of the. inter- national bojindary 'waters by the experts of the. interna- tional commission of the Ujiited States and Canada is now being made of the waters of Lake Michigan a&Îd when it is completed the. go*ernment will have some exact know- ledge of the. extent of the pollution of the. waters of the a lake by sewage at the present time and which wiil be used1 as the basis of legisiation calculated to meet conditions h wiiich ail sanitary experts agre. are growing rapidly worse. Tii. federal -governmnent at no distant day pro- poses te exercise its control over the waters of tiie lake " te the extent of stopping their pollution by sewage and thei. policy of the. goverument ts te b. formuiated on the. know , Iede tbat wM 1»b.galned -iu the.exhaustive survey now t befgconducted. r SIENIORSSAID TO BE DIVIDED OVER THE LIQUOR ÂDS.' Somne Are Said to Approve of Themn in the Annual-Oth- ers 0f fer Obj-ections. 'WETS' WILL WIN OUT. Said 'Drys' Are in Minority- Question Has Becomne AI- most as if aCampaign. Wankegan. April 29. Tht- members et the senior t-usa ai tht- Waukegan Township bit-b at-hW-i are sali to lit- engaged lu a liveiî discussion ai Uie present as te wlîetht-r or flot lioiuor-ativertine- ments ishahl be aleowed toalaupcar jr, thc aunai tua year. Açcord,tig la reporta the las 18 aplit ie tmi distinct factions oit-r the situatiton sud more or it-sa htterness lias ht-en injected IttaJL. Tht- report whlch rt-arhes tht- Sun te to the affect thai sent-rai memberti ef the cama have delared that if the lquor aie are allowed to appear ýtht-y *III refuse t purcliase ue or b. Te- aponsibis for the galieef the othera. The caunpsign, for htinlasncb. la sali ta lie ah autgrowtli ef the- recent Wet andi Dry fght. Thne Mnenesof the cisas who are a.dvocstiig the Wct aide ef tht- ar- gument point eut ibsi liquor adns p- Peared lnu te annuel lasi ycsr sud have appearcd lu other ycare. Tht-y ceutenti that thc appearance tiere of tht-se ada lune ways reflecta dis- oetdit ou the cas white ih dom hlep tn aiont the ieavy expenne which tht- clans la unden ln puttint- ont a tharoughl>' bith grade aunual. Tht- Dry menibera et the- clans ru- pi>' ibat tht-y are diamttr"lcly op- pesed te anîthingt iat pertalas toe- lquor rilanfcd wil have nothint- to do wlth tht- annuai If te ada ap- pt-ar. It ls reported that efforts have btenu made t e te icfaculti iuierested iu tht- matt-r but tht-se efforts have Ieen wthOnt auccensa as the 1higli school Istructors are saiS te have Seclareti that ibis ia a situation wblch tht- studtiut muni worlc oui for theni- seves as t-e annual L8a a tudeni pub- lication. luat how tht- campait-n fiually willl eund la net ltnown but it la saiS tht- Wt-t Interests are- he-alinu te m- Jbrl>' sud ihat t bey plan te accept liquor ads as ia tht- pant. I la bo- leûvedti hat the- 1rY embers oethile clansa wll chant-e tintir viewa ater the anuetls have appt-areSase the>' are sai te bit exceedingi>' fine. Five Minute The reasnni beat, the Austriaus le, ils>' 515 not knov the value Of ,y* cunute.--Napolecrn Afamoua Engliali speclaltinsuM th" t tbabies a areut tIn o hest Do-theUtsman wsni ta turu tàivor upuid own? AUl. À fMANS Iitamcxkeo as G'od 1 Stata Dopalimnt Issues Re- ports Irc Uisturhed lZne. mm NCITY PfIMMUE FE Améric&"$,ne uMany ites @Refuse t0 Leave.-Authorhites ln Main>'Plai0ss isaUé instrucions fer protection fo! Fortjlgnqr*-Treatmont by - Nativec Oiffer ln Towft Waah!n«in, Apri 30.Reports te " the state anti Davy tieparimenta Inrought furiher rcaaurslcea otse thei - safety, Af Americans la Mexico. Ad- inirai Batiger reported ihat neaioly ail- ef the Americaus liai Ieen gotten ouit of the Tamiîco district and that .109 Phoeto by Amertcan ProeaAssociation rtfugeea baS reached Vera Cruz from TWkIITY or more rorelgu ahip. auchor lu tbe onesceut @sej thlriy-ftve who baS been held up alT Souih Ame ttsd Suropesu îports hi meaneot vat Cormloba. Assurances were transmit-, in. Aaîmeru foreign consuls ore ioreted th"r ted ta Consul (Ç"a" ai Vers (rus _________________________________ througn tbe Bragllan minister atlex- Ps..tPla o ive Ico Ciy thai the Mezicaa zinîster of W 7e Se ormfe T tain Wi loreigu affaire had orderedtheUicrelease dzbuff ofsollusthbande Wlth O> To estblevcher châj dnikiY blaoklug there arc anvéeal entje orth of glue o et prisenersaiteCordoba and Guana- biais 0Of linproved po11lsaon thne Worth of bruvwnumtber. puato and bladsahowed a willungnea Ipirbet wbch are te be applied wîih Wlth orne plut ai boili te comply with repreacutationa wiih a Paint brubb and Wbicli keep atirsot. wlieu qulte disaboved g regard te ltnprlsoned Americaus e fOr a couple of weeks. Thia pouah ber and voix Wel. Wiha wliereevet ihey 'mlgtlie. locatcd. 5al- foile lot thc nickel -put ofthethiiivcker viii a a ot 1 In auveral af the dîspaiches note itlae aiga a clie an d efr*cti %as taken eftihe help whicbh haî been 'ven by' Britishi represebtitlieg lu,. facilitating thle'depariure of Ameri- eu cuitens. Â5pniral Batiger cableil ,hat hoe lad made an expression of' gaiueou beo olaf athelsAmericau goverumeni We Vice Admirai Cradoclih i fer the courtes>' cf British Command. m . A mericans from Cordeba te Ver Frit Nogalea8, I la reported that ir'y-one Americans arrived from Finaloa and Southeru Sonore ou the about geventy-live mtili remain in the IG od1p Lose Mucha colon>' aud the Yaqui val-1 ley. The retugeca atated ihai lu corne Allothei large purelasv iof %eryt Instances the apecitio Insiruetionc otf lvrsi oestevu~suat (Ctueral Obregan for good treaimeni I èe ut loes h le' iat oif the travelers wure diaregarded by est uesîgus ieatuî'id in this lot-- eubordinates. ini the ColOIs ; uost favouedl this seta- Syriens ln Pilable Condition, sOit. N%'t houight theîîî vers- reason- At Laredo ihere are s number o 0vf rmin a îinakeu' t bat' îîeeded s'-iana wboae condition ls reported by, Consul Garretit telie ver>' pitiable. "rcadv înioney.' W e le goîîug to The atate depariment prepareti the' give VOT the bletfit of tht'-. tai f';iowiug summary ci cousular re-1 1 t a v-ery opportlîntitnie. Actua-l ports frein varions parts ef Mexico. 1 2.4 îd$7~)sîusliahî-' Cunsul Canada reporiu tW thel $-1)ad$75 sisfi is atLite deparimeut lu rupi>' te ceuni-i da y8 s se1li n g -a t nj la i quirtea concerningsafety oa, onu- ................. 15.00 Aunenicaus sas'thai Aînirlanss. cordtng te hi. laiesi Imatiun- Walter MOtel and A. E. Culver aud tamily were still vith thie Americana ',1anei et Aguas Calientea, noue of Serge coets for woniei aîd nmisses î%liom have Ineen bermeS: TIne Ameti- c&us ai Real del Monte are ail report. Iini styles that are correct aibd 111)-t>- eà sale ecuber la Vera Cruz or Mexi- the-mÏinute-tlhev 're îlot lined, buit co City. Tht-y vere noilled te leave, the in4terials are sncbl that 'twill an.d the mines and i lse closeS on hoî t iise <li Apr1 26. lodisshape; ihdat la Sonie Americaus et Sauta Lucretia wvit1i satin ruffling anîd a dailit%, have refuseS ta leave. amoug thetu leu-sian eollar effert <of lace. G1 Peter Sommera. Arcn Siouum sud a ane ras ei, ns gro nanLed Jackson. Alfred 74el n xr seiuw 4fe . rtfuseS te leave El Oro, sud soine theiît at o.......e.x4 9 Antierleans have aise refuscd te de- part tramn Mexico City. N onî' uetl ieloeiillc~ a Armong persans leaviug tIne Cordoba o"ý'sfn'El liehs ibavt, ditriet aho are gad te be makîng The proper weViglit for 8prîng anid îîun th-Ir wsy te the mea on Uic Poplapâ Our 25e line fol'oîî,i-w at 2 pairs for. r1ier are:- A. H. Gould, George S. <louiS, Rich.- trd C. Gotild. aud Messrs, Ault'nil [icJ{In, Carpenier anti Steel. The»e ~ ~ prctcll xhut h lat fAmeti. And TmeR ve Feature, A apocial train arrlvcd at El Pouse Yusol c hs rse-loîi ou tIne 28iIn, Iringing ire. Torreon Y usol e hs rse -lonn sixty-five AmericasaunS thlrty-flve that are s0 different froni wli'at yotl've e, otiier forcit-n refuge... Thnis bringa lpatterns; finislied with plain inaterials oi ncrn> ail the foreignors frein De-tu. ohî uh rse o.... range and Torreau, @Il of whotu re. iessfr..... port ceunt-onstireaiment by tIne na- ',e show an iuîîîîstuallv, handsono- variet, tives dunLng iheir jeurue>'. There la vty littie milittarysactlvity, ln this and ............................. section reported aud ne slamug tymptoma ln theslocal situation, su-1 enrdlug te Consul Edwsrds. Frot F'rontera, hIs larcportsd.thai caritant communication i5%fsntaLieSve xiii New Orleanc for the transport ni O er50dozen more F ic refugees; aigu that-ilie excithmeut h»s of those ginigharn A imca gneat>' Secreasciandti iai the açiihor-Asaseali ftea ef the stale of Tabasco have la petticoats - those great 8tore Nç oued instrucions ihat ai forcignars iu3i bu protectcd.' No Ainstics5i that could not get dresses for ci have echer beau inaulted or mial. treaicti ln tnl5 district. any li»t Saturday These.include Consul Hammn reports about 120 should avail theni- for-of pere'al Amerleasn the Durango dlitict on the 2ith, about haIt of vham wcro'te0 selves of this op- ail si.zes, for o louve lmuîudiatoiy. ot iyb cm More Refugoe*at Vers Cr-. qtuJy yco- Womien's ribbed Furiber Informaion regarîlug rote. ing early toinorrow draweî's, inii geàwsgiveu La the folavwlu bol. morning to get one tinm d stl meneft: b ti ni lv ea at only regularly at 25e, *Accordlug teadaviceu Suai receive&i tomiorriiw at#.. fromn Admirai Baiger, 109 mone retn. Z'I o e' l-v leaB bave arriveS et Vera Crus on a25 me'alov 'trin sent out te meet theni., 0f thea.* in stripe, check ( Hlarbor WffO SS9SNCIOU CITY AT PRESI Who la the mystertous 'texîcan wbe han been hsnging around Wau. kegan for the Is few days? That ia the Question wbich the lu- cal dePartmeni would lîke Wo have aiiswered but although tIno> have en- - ,dovorsd tW keep bita miSer surveili. aSuca t thWbave beeaunqable ta de. taot bhi. la auytbang wien would Varfant thent aI igmolag bien under -meret.mie a"UuInom vrhave Ahhoaedthm efrsuliwoa a hy, are Of th* bae«t Itle 0tuay be ane af WèrM ateVIiOls khthe M ean gor- erauent"ut outat miadifferent Parts Of the llnlted Siates f0 keep a cloe e atch on îhf Prprasjn - that are beiïg matie for a var with WI3xCO. This anapicion Ilabora oui ip b"y eutaMe bir the tari ibat le bas be omc, vfl aith rnis. It i. la-id. loiteung about la thc viclu- Moua steshlO h>of the naval station ai ?North chin- cago and Pori Sineriditn. lokeC6 HOl16ver>' secretîve about the dmtir . 1v business which bringa hlm bore. lu &Adav Sti r aaPPearauce ha la nothing but ai, or- .. i the 0eue dinar>' vorking Iman but hlm appear Dg water »anuces belle hlm for a few mnoments, pt lu teuni- talk wlth bIn shows that h. la well neoaPPlY ta uduoated sand la pollshed to a degra. 6rul. &This a ato@wudb lexrttfi.d Jva ac at thina o:aniS larr This le aiohn tbing W" ««M c IMuteehbLettvb ved with suspicion. ~o~m o y 4oyet ho L'là o.wa W aePleftYof rnoni. lHe setokoë ex meaire cigarsanad the blghett prlcei élgarettea. Teinse aeem rather oui of Place for thes clothing h. veara. The poUl itetd'to keep Ra cIoa a watcb of hinm a» possible and aetIhe firai alan tt h ho-1 a Mealcan ihme wougI P& à> 10fflady viaitls ber relatioUU do a fàrm Vent outla be Yd w ,%fflciber voue -ennuie pluy wut ,& .1,1.4e Watebtng hlm frLomeu Urne #hé âshod hlm: -Wune, i t hat ciéesaueo hlai au en, .hai vowx YS iowItb t?- M ookedup sur~ikltheas id: "Oh. rd oeIl iS te a Mmue. That chickoes a moret. Dodoneg Premetc. fk« ber, a eéa.diab perlaifur POeLtionbaw i , ia temm * iug eiave »Ont et the palsetea pie. trp tg tot fea i.m bwublm Uimaise.-lâNa in & N1il" Sa flny Vhoielai. £b NMe&4b.a nut trerehlCf m ber om Mdei4abard tie. oSvluei ber tuat ho feoflate im hW ber &.e aMW te. uai t MIee obtter about tg vben bu. iii nvM8710r46 ss cary wpâ u About So me Mi, oprtunities to Save. Todlay we 're showiîîg clildrleîî s; cits that al)peal stroîîgly to evelu the inost vritieal ptirclîàasert of tiiese garnnents, featuuriîîg new andi eIxeeediuugly elever unodels that we hoîîght at less thaît inai, aînd foi- loviîîg otr regular eustoni, we'il givte Noi tueheîueefit. Alil olors, sizes andI iaterials. Thcy're worth .4.00. See them tomor-o 1.9 Alonîg with tu, suits we purchas- ed 55 beautif ti skirts of a fine quai- îty serge ini either blue or' black; shiowiîig the ver>' popular single tier effeets, neatiy finiislied with buttons. A splendid skirt foi- ev- ery day wear. Were made to seil at $3.50 anid *4.00-we want you to ask for theîîî toinorrow a at oniy .................70 or whîite. --%ims~e' black anîd tan hose of a very fine ribbed or 1(11.35 a splendid silk lisie. Ail the sizes. A regular 25ce &_ .3 c selle , for tomorrow at 2 pairs for . . . . .a i Some lovely" Wash Dresses, I3.1981 ig with ne wniess ani exhaling the breath of Spring. Dresses ,ver seen 1)fore-daintf flowered designs and neat littie stripe )fa eontrasting i'obr. You'l neyer get another oppor-39 bof the iit.vw coats foi-riiigat 8.75 25 S One_' Day iducement for you to shop at this ve will offer our entire lin. of 75o idren for one day Saturday at 39c. every style and color you can wish les, ginghams and charnbrays; nme day, Saturday, only 39 vests and patterns; our .50 35c ueat lace line for....... ... C that isells Boy 's blouses of a good foi-ýjg percale, liglit or dark C olors, in stripe or figures, ,r aprons usual 25c seiler at ~9 ofigured only............19 More ofjhose pret- ty lingérie waists in plain white, fig- ured or the light shades of tan, pink, orange or yellow, dainty little frilling and tueked effects; bright eolored but- tons one cf the fea- tures; beautieg at $],.5O, but specially priced at .98c, OUR SLOGAN-THE TR UTE 1.187 NEWS $AGI CAl Writi~ bis c *Lealie formi Wadjk Liber, son c Coiby ty'.ilit bro b, T. A. et 1 gives icreai e,9il c ran as he front a In Tex ln the Atiril 2 of the thaiT,, gui ln Amin t-oint- doubte erdered ThereI capital, canyon, lug rail craga>' r uet througi, Coast it And tb ceunira ihai th. Ileve ri capture and pai Thev ilve tr these f1 te deao Few re tliought oriiy 23 Odnly y tliati n City wt- mnany. wsn on net-rats risen iu Unit, ( auri can live Word at Haw wI mustilb are brie ture a: departru tht-m il ý Il; sgelat' than lu since tir sent te lic ma&e Ican arn of lIves for self patiotia To pi apeakin4 love for tom n L bis. gave H-ia laya He we He$ ai And h show le beau. tend"., gos," a& thing e! But ti manuer 1.919i Word ai of MMry LIn becai la aima enangh quiloli> Iu biaClI do net The 1 sengers, its arm: It will n iploiter t1 ed State Vaiai visemen, carnlie -The ael a thons, DIsu su .uver tht their t-s Carry n 111e peo anddsac gua ante Pa" Pmr. LAR COU= INDEPFs»È»-ýýviùnAv VAVl liai

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