Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 2

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LAXED COUNTY LNDEPE!IDENT, FRI:DY,ý MAY 1, lh14. By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent First danee of the sesan at Berbele Park Pavillon, Hall l)ay, Baturd*y, Ma 9. Good Urne assured. Robet laumn uoved lot the F. C. Stoekel bouse on Morris Av., Tneeiay. Mms Chas. Dardier of Ivauboe, vsitedi wlhb ber iaughter, Mmn.. .0. Wells oune da> lust week. W~vb &maiRobetkjuslejof RlBland Park, aue .yeulug tb. v.ek wlth heuir graniparenta, Mr. andI Mis. J. B. ianghher of Chligo, sycet Siadar st S Dm Brodbuai home. Mmr. John Roueseurtelnei ber fathw. ber brother Arthuor, ber sators, MisesBdRimDkkamaMd fs.rank gray &Maicam M ismelles of Cheago, Surday. J. C. Douger vent ta Chicago Sunday ta roil la tbe tats bowling tournamenl ,Mdi rols second hlgh score in a tac Aktemin comblnstiofi. Jue Ring o! Autlgo, Wls., vas cslled hore let steek by thû ilîneseo! hfbi motiier. Be reterued Sundaýyaiternoon. Most a! the regulars and a number or recrulte maie good use af th.fen@ vestiiergSuday ani got a good work out on the local' dlarond. The. pros. pacte are hrgit for a wlnung bail tani boe thie jean and there wlll probably b. a gaine net Sunday. Mrs. 8. L. Tripp, tire. 1. E. Payne sud Mire. J. L. Irviug teetiled in the s Co. benuîg belon thi. Utilties Commission l Ciago Monday aud Ur. Trlpp aud J. C. Drdier wene lu Tnesday. Jndgibg by the way thinge are dragging sloug the came ill be coiuplted about the turne the Meican sisuation le clean.d up. COUNCIL PROCEEDING8. Meeting of lie Board of Truaee. of the. village a! Ares at ths Village Bal. Weidneeday. April 22, 1914, adjourued from April 6. Prisent Wateou, preel- dent; trustee, Weil@, Tripp, Zeren, Russil and Iving. Absent Devereaux. Tbe minutes of the previaus meeting voe resd aid appraveil on motion o! Wells end Iring. The foilowing bille ver. »Ma: W. D. Porteone, servIces as treas..52 5 a. A. Wataoo, eiatlonory...... 2 00 T. F. Swvan, expenes to Chicago.. 2 50 V. P. Swan, etatdouery and poet- &Pa" a........1.......5 66 [CE Ci MÂY rîghtly be callec Sment 80 great is it The fact that much of it of the consumer, for it is if it is demanded. Our aiffi je to make and there are three point nesa of materiala uoed, Rm tary equipment. We U& 11; by a formula we know the Most sauitary procen zkot exposed fromi the ti served. AREA I-C AREA ICE CURà ' f a. L. Teil Prmeslda il1. L. Bundîck. election judge .... 3 0 Beuj. Brodhead . -... DO0 T. F.Swan ....3 00 E. 0. Payne, elertion Clerk ..... 3 0 'E. B. Blnhm ........300 W. 1). Pcrteone.............. 3 00 Maved by Ruseli sud Tripp that ail bille b. allowed aud warrants be drawu ou the. tressurer ini paymeut o! @âme. Motion carrled. Tii. loilowlng bille fon servies o! 1village fflCen for tiie precediDg yeau v ers usai and vere'allawed Sud war- 1ranta ordcred drawu on tusasurer on motion of Trlpp sud Wells: B. A. Watson, 15 meetings....$875 00 B. 0. Wslls 15 .....15 00 8. L. Trlpp 9 ..... 900 0. A. Devreaux 5 ..... 00 0. C. Zeneso 15 .....15 00 J. L. Irving 12 .....12 00 Thon. Russell 14 .....14 00 T. F. Swanuservice as ceik .....100 00 rTbe euîts o! tbe election o! Tuuiy .Agil 21, 1914, vcre ilbincanvaseSdani r TW, M- t réecl*i68 votes lor clenk tWin A. RAy 0 I WM DIKlge 62 trustes III A. Marie 72 elrn aAibesct" 66 RélpbR.ILuSI 46 Willim Zesen 38 Edwin Roder "22 1h vas rnovsi by Trpp sud Wels te thit PT. F. Swan bq icclaued elactei ta lthe toffice o! village clark sui that WII 3Knlgg, Lyon A. MuuutrIudBarman Albredt te decisusi electad ta tie ofc 1o! village trustese al Ian a p.nlod aI* 9 wc yeans. Motion canulie. The naw MeMbors were duly evaru and took office. Tii. malter of the. gai hearnug helore ths Public Utliitie. Commiesion was brought uip sud t wae rnov.d by Iving sud Wells that the village de!nay the expenee o! wltuesses testllyiug belon. e aid commission. Motion carried. LDIAMOND LAKE _J Firet dance o! the Seaon at Hertels Park Pavillon, Bal! Day. saturday, May 9. Good tîme assured. Mn. Petanson and fsmily of Chicago, are epeuding the week ai them cottage bere. tire. B. Wer.nterg sud daughter ul Litertyville, open& sevenal days lest week wic.h time.reber. tire. J. Boige sud Esther vers Wanke- gan visitore s t<rday. Guests a: A. Lqwel'es unday ver. Mr. and Mr@. Fulton, Misses Rmesclt, Miss Anu» sud Benritta Lowll, Mn. Chlck aid Mn. Itcharison o! Chicago, MIesi Margaret Dovus o! Urayslake. sud Bob. Boues o!thile place. Mies. Crans le out totahei otel for the. smmmci. Fremk Johnson and.famiy ai Weuke- gm, qspa uonda a$ B. P. Bartlt'@. iberi sre sUVs"anav outo" luCIbe rnclgbonooi. J. W. Hutchinge bas a Ove pescmmlslr Fod, Bob. Boum saflve pamr gSuisbaker ani John Badge a tvo pacasager Fond. A. J. Kuopt ma Sd U lly, Mr. Douadeon sud farnlly o! Maywood, *pont Sonday ah M. Andersons. Ti eteny eociety vili Most viii Mn.. J. Krockrnu, Thureday aleroon, Ma, 7th. Cordial Invitation le eztendcd la ail. Mms G. Thatcher eutanlaiued frende tram Lake Forest Sunday.' 0. Mitchell sud !amlly sBrut Suudsy ai Louis Kniggee ast Ares Barry Doualdono! of Mywood, le speuding the. week viti Willle and Donald Poulton. tir. Richardeo,, o! Chicago, walked out to Lowels Sonday. Thie ie the second trip in two weeke. Meeting adjourned ou motion o! Irving aud WellTeF aClr. PRAIRIE VIEW First dauce of the season at Betels m ~Park Pavillon, Hall rîay, Ssturday, Masy 1.. ood lime sssured. R. C Cok ws a ibetyvlle ailer n î%ra. Frank Mitchell epeut a few daye R. . ookwa s itrtyiie cltr o iwith ber daugbter tire. John Dolien. Tuesday. malen o! Llbertyvill, tus vweek. E. A. Orvis and family epent Sundsy Mr&s S. E. Kuedler sud sous Bau sud at Rolland tMeyer@. William were Chicago viiitor Sdaturday. Jack Bouey vaâs eeeu ou aur treets tir, sud Mrs C. J. Mason @peut Sun one day lest week. day wirb relative. lu Deerfield. Audev Arnanu trsusacted boeeeelu Born te, Mr. sud tirs. Chas. Sturm on Litertyville Ssturday. Apnil lDth, a daughter. . Mlew Bet andEmmaCook@pe ti rs. Dan Ritzeuihelen sud lamlly have Saturday and Sunday at home. vdItthBoerbu. Raumond Meer aI Waukegsn, @put S. E. Kuedler and family epeut Sunday Suniay vitb relative. bers. in Rsvinia. - - Mr. sud tire.S. L. Tripp aI Ares, epent NOTICE TO CORRESPONDE NTS. Saturdo, wýthtir, sud tirs. J. 1tcheords. Independet correspondants ln some Mr@. Emma Krueger bai the mifart. cases are getting thein Items in f00 lat& une tu a l ansd dielocata ber ehoulder one for proper handling. Wa wauid urge day lest week. them if possibla, te0 have them ln aur tiMs Francee St&uclifle sPpt Sunday oflfice by Tussday. sud Monday viti Irleude lu Chcago. Mr. sud Mr@. Wallis Schar epeut Sun. day wlth Mn. sud lMn.. Austin Wolf. Mrs. Tries Keaugii ententained Mn. and MMrs.Dufisud daughten sud Mus. Wm. Tanuy lrorn Cicaxo sud Mr@. C. T. Mesan sd son Ted aven Sanday. FREAM ThGesM The adie'Aidsociety wilrneet wltb Mrs. E. S. Faulkner. Tiureday sitar- S uaan, May 7. AUitereted are cordlslly luvited. Dave Webb sud !amlly o! Waukegan, ci the, national rtfreh- callad su C. C. Amas Sunday. ýt annual consumption. Mr@. Chus. Wrghit le enietalnlug s Ai iror ik the fault - cusin rnin 'a0' MnM.E. S. Faulkner vas lu Chicago I possible to get the beat tus vwesk. Mn. sud tirs. Henry o! Bosecrans, our creain Second to none vlited au the, Aies home Sunday. ts that make It so-rich- Louis T. Bohrmnnuo! Racne, #pont datundey sud Suiay viii hie brother are ini mixing and sani. ber. Fred V&DZ&udt'e, brother Elwyn B. VanZant i ilst ithei.Presbytsnlaun haspital Toueay rarng aller a ave deys Ililuem. iioiumnalmenlugeils. The young man vwu îvsnty.uineaY"ftanod, Mais elaient o! Rush MedilcaCoSsue. Re vaos etuiiug Ibis dises. labis ame vonk and wvue meelng pata Ob Cook Conuiy hospital, b. cqutuacms4tlb contagIon vilc eausdbsuthl det. h Mis. Joseph Boesoh, Sister of George Herman, Sr., Died Following Operation. Waukéjan, April 23. Mrs. Joseph Boesch, vha livilu Waukegen for over thblty yemansd hors, lisse.d swsy In Mercy hospital Chicago. Wednesday et 11,:30 L. m., et lie age of 69 years. lire. Boesch's deah followedsuan peation vhlch oe suffenefi several isys ago. M-n. Boeech was boru lu Gernîsny but et su eanly age se.rernoved viii ber parents toe Yi uted Sates and came almost dlrectly ta Wsukegsu viere se reslded conthnuouely for aver thinty years. She came here viien the rlty vas lu Its lnfaucy and vas Irvleged 10 saw the flret ralînoi train steam juta file its clandi saw h, arrIvaI af ail lie Modern inventions of the lest 60 ~l jeans. T11E CUTIZENS9 BANK AR!A. ILL. pp, ~ ~R. F. Rousesrvn nt. Vice Prosident. rvn E. Payas, Oashlar. Firet dance o! thi e ason at Hertel'@ 1Park Pavillon, Hall Day, Saturday. iMay il. Good time ssured. MIss IreDe Bnkhusou ..peUt lest yfek viuiting relative. and friende lu Wauke. gan. P. L. Jorgenson o! Waukegau, vislted sfinonde ber. Sonday. Missm Gruc e omanleosuhetitutlng for Misae[Loi&Gljrach. uho wus cslled ay TuWedY beasus. of the death of ber brother ab Weanda. mi". Ride Rorerbergenspsnt the. week- sud visitifa frimai. ta Chicago. Mr. aid Mme, CMiinlteh bas tboir SuodaéaeMr. and Mm ~Euoe, Clrm*. esÏmlrme Macadie, Mr@. joba 1. steh aindma lshof Chiego. 6Floyd Resto. of Downens Grave, vwu 9 he Buaday aussiof hie linde, C. B. Emeton. Mr. snd Mr..L R. Rehm aidsugh. Ftars, Lois mail Mina are spendiag the wéek viting Mr.,'and Mes. Floyd stanger. Mr@. Unhke and daughter Lsurs of Highlad Park, were the guesta of Mr. and Mie. R. M. Vaut, 8uuday. Tii.Y. P.M.8. o! tii.Uultedglvagell cal cburch held their mouthly .business meeting st the bomne of Mns. George (io.drnan,'Ttmoday eveuiug. 0 The. St. Paul'@ Evangelical church have jorgauîzed a choir which wiil meet every Fnîday evening. j ir. and tirs. Almon Rockeubach aud echildreu o! Prairie View, were the Son- day gueste of Mioges l iala and Irene ltock.ubach. Mir, aud irs. Ed Bieimebi sud nou Edirard vlelted Mir. and tire. Zoobler of Wsnukegan, Tueeday. The Dorcas ,oüciery o( if ttPreebyteriau church wiil hold a bakery sae Saturday, May tth. Orders wîII be taken iu ad vauce. Miss Celetia Youug of Warreutoit, wis the week-end guet M Misti Dorotby Reichelt. The. ordiuation o!ftir..K. Ursborne will ocdur iu the Preb.yerian cbur-h Friday eveulng. tire. Ed litttaler of Ilinuepota. le visiting her brotere, tMessrs. Ezra audi James Fritsc his week.1 The luncheon served the. Lake couuty tesiiers attuer ieetIng lu the Deorfleld Grammar scbooi Saturday reelved enhnegiastlc praise !rom thevieltore who complimtnted the, Pareut-Teacher Asso- ciation upon the. splendid service sud daiuty aud reatisfinfitmeal. tire. John A. Raichelt, ër., mauaged the affair wlth a corpe of fifte.n assistante. The ochool was profuoeey decorated wlth heautilul lowers sud the excellent work of the pupili. John A. Itechet dilocatad hie arm Saturday wbeu h. w«s throwu fromt a carniage wieu bls hores. startad ta run awtky. An Xray pîcture waa t.bkeu o! the injury aud the arrn was set by Dr. Davis, aesioted by Dr. Robert@ of Highland Park. Mlise Elizabeth Wirtz spent the. finit o! the week at home. tire. Frank Smith returned onTuesday fromt Waukegau vhere sie. ad been epeuding the paet tva weeks wlth cela- live. Tii. basket social given b, the. sciiool at the Woodman hall vas weli attendei sud the pnogram vas good. The bas- ket. sold weil, neling a neat lutile eum for the. echool. Mr. Castenuenof Chicago. rnoved luto the hanse Iormerly ownad by Jas. Van- Pleur Saturday. Several af lie pupile frarn lxtre attend. ai a echool contest at Ares Weinuday. Mies.Barnlet Beluard of Watermmn, vwu a homne vistai Ssturday sud Sun. day. Mr. aud Mns.. d. Joues entertaluai Comnpany fronChicago telie mo! the veek. Mns. Motson Cofly enlertained han par-i ente Mn. sud Mis. C. F. Dekvltiio! Grayfflake the fluai o! thc week. Mie Ada Kueliker speut lbe week sud vitii lbe haone 11km. The Wouien'e iloelety met vithh Mus. Vauila Thnreisy. Alter the. regniar meetting a reception vwas held for ise. CarmIne. One Hundred Persons Gather at the Armory as Resuit of the War Spirit. V.ýukegau, April 24. Thal fiterest In the IrasPective movemente of Battery C le very keen lu Waukegan vaLs shovu torcibly lasI eveuhng when aveu s hundred men, vomen sud baye atteuded thle weekly Practice of lthe battery In the Armaory sud when five additiloual members wers sdmitted tô menibersiilp of the. local organization after suacessfully Passlug thie exmifl.tlou couducted by Dr. Sheldonoa ihlhad Park. LOOK ÂROMMN Look &round for vhst you vls ta be doing fic ye fuom nov. set you heart on il and vouk stesdily for it. You viii geooead, snd if you vish we viii bolp you. Not a day goes by that vs do ual belp ou. of aur depositous on the uoad ta sucoeu,. It viii psy you to gat batter se- quainted vith ius. Firist National Bank Ilbertyvtlle, 111. X dt na / sIGeor n e as. o!Prairie View, was a ujeitor boe Saturday. Mtiss Elizabeth tiagiarrîl, whi was ope-ated un for wollen glande at the Wesley hospital iu Chicaoeo about four weeks au, neturued home Saturday and le much improved. CATIIOLICS WIN 913,827 TO THE FOLU IN ONE YR. Most lnteresting Figures Pre- sented Showing Status of' Cathoio Churches. ILLINOIS THE THIRD IN U. S. Most Important Data Ever Is- sued Regarding Population of the Churches. T-here are 10,067,985 Cathoîks lu the United States, according te the advanee sheets of the 1914 edition of "The. OfficiaI Catholic Directory," ipub- llshed and coprighted by P. J. Kenedy & Sono, of Barclay street, New Yorkc. .The. rost important feature of the 1914 volume le the new population figure, showlug as It does au Iucrease of 913,827 Catholice for the year 1913. This Increase, which amaunts te uaarly s million soule, le, acearding- Ing te .Joseph H. Meter, the Directory edItor, no exaggeratlou. and laIse-c couatei for prlnclpally by the com- plats reporte af the Ruthenlauneek <lathoîlce. For tiie firet time aIl of the. tutheulan Cathoîlcesare lucluded lu the cansus. 4Tii. OffciaI Catiiolic Directory" for 1914 in rapIate wlth intarestlug figuras. Accordlug ta Its summany thora ara 18,668 Cathalic priatis lu the Unitedi Statag. au increasa of 623 for the. y.5i. Among tii.,. 18,568 clergymen thare are 4,864 pristset religions oanars. The. uaw Directory furtiier shows that 339 churches were estabilisbain 1913. Tiie total numiier of Catholle churchas lu thls country beiug 14,661., Of ties. 9,740 have resident pastors snd 4.911 are chunciies atteuded trmm ueighbarlug parisiies. The. 1914 edition of this Director also shows that there are 24,224,609 Cathalces unden the. protection of the Suàrs sud Stripas. The. banner lstes are: 1. New York............. 2,884,723 1. Paunsylvania ........... 1,69,220 3. Illinois *.... **........1,461,634 4. 'Massachusetts...........1,395,892 5. Ohm. ................... 781,179 6. Loculsiaua ............... 585,000 Mr. Marlon Lawrence, the. general secretsry of the International R. a. Assn., bas Issued a caîl for s pledge slgning campaign lu the S. 8. of the International field. e arlis for on, million pledge signera before June, when the huternationat--. .--éo-ven. tion will b. held lu Chicago. Lake rcouaty ta he lu the. front lino, muet ba pledg, signtag lu 40 per ceut of the S'nnday schools. * * * Do0 yo0 order your priting for reamins of personal friendsliipý If so, let's be friends. If hiowever, yoiu waîît the hest 8tock ani workîîîaîîslîip yotlr moIley wili buy, plus Iîiglîly srtisfa<-tory servit-e. seîîd your or Job I)eparti Regardiee of peroal ri orders to the Iiidependent's iisjilerationm w-illejitioly Jon becane ur facilibieo are"te i .. ********w*s***a.s.ea**.,aa..c..e*a:.. i Bell System T race people, wI-o move from -one city to another, by -,ing Distance Telephone. Bell toli operators are specially trained to find persons, if sup- plied with information as to their »probable location. Those who take advantage of this service not only get resuits, but save the time and expense of a personal journey. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andreve, Manager Telepho..MOI e Poge Two. ae the beet cream, mixîng r e right, and freeze it by a known. The cream ie ,ine it is mixed until it is b"e MNIST ON E CREAM :AM COM'Y A i MARE THIIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME OP[N A cU1!cKiNd AccouNqT First Dance~ Season at- IIERTELPS PARK PAVILlON HaE Day, Ill., on Sat. Even'gMy9 Don't Min the First One A Good Asaur.d

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