LAKE COtTNTY IND.EPEKDENT, FRIIDAY, M AY 1, 1914. Page Three JBUYS À BIRTHDAY M.r . Charles Mâthew@ returned home f -froukouoina where oh. has mpent the Ca ., VilaIFT FOR MOTiIER; 2 0 nwinter. I UIr. anid MIr@. Peter Strang and tir. Villa_ LEARNS 0F DEATII Your Proposition! Edtsd b>. F J ORUCE Phone Il *It~v;#e@pent Saturday Witb the former's dMs ri.Ft' hobv akgnArl2 a s k e/w: dau:b:er, MIr@. J. C. Siocum utBrstol, Mr. andbonî. [Àui Fabe'rnrCi fAO bave Waexta Avrily 25 Lrg olaa Odie y. J.enfo ,labE Phone Il0Wnpent the . wlnter ln Chicago have Dr. A. E. Brown today recalled the Lreo mi Advertlslng rates on, &aotion. L1~ivl,~g ene~ Ibthi Y l erlebsmd WiII Be Given Our Careful Attention. Peter Newboeu livitaflà.d I s garAsOU s.aWuegn M...Mb lu.t Week. .mlrancè to show, ber that ehe la r>.- clause, lMsdcy. -, Wtr suoi Mhlad Ba Adam@ of Ir .8 itl a encnudt àLbrdo e aa es vnI Cils. Foulon s»d vrill sued C. àeMiSer Mm, G. J. Thommand brote Devis! Chic«g Lavu, @peut thle week-end vritb I. .S hii a encnle aiéibrdo e aa se vni and orie. drov. te Frox Lake Bunday ruUirnd alter attending the tMr. mo M I.A. Martlin. t'he boue wisil lb. grippe the pant w.ek. Oai la several hundred mlles distant. wbere Mir. Minler lsildobargeof afluerai. fýlîasra1ftbelr fter, tir. rituternan ut W m. cGurle, E. E. Dentrasnd A. K. Mm~ Car Mie g an afternon He tok tile littie gf tu his office Durand & Durand Olrsrd.llloîs Ban tamac.d ankganParty lu the. Commercial club roomuansd was maklng Preparatione to mail Mr. and Mm G.. Bouteof Wanubs iar,..ii.Bintla.dbuonei Wnea Saturday lanhoor of ber simiens, Mienne it virlis his telephone bell rang. The R.ue Estate, i.ueuace, etc. Ub.ertivige, ,W vue the aii of the latter'. étr, Um~ ]di- Ellen laityr. of aCiu«o, la the @Peint Week. Calugi of Widtowater, Win. About long distance operator nformed hlim Mcil Wb r Ruet of irsl. A. J. Smilth thi. ornai dur. GraceSglocumlfBristol, Wi.., vi,îtedý twenty.fiv. wer. prialeut, eeral bein tat sorea tne luietr,. ch ih Irvin Book bads the. miafortune t lai th' 00rlng 11£9ation1 of Chlicago neutrinoe Book. gaturday snd Suuday. Preeeuit frouss Autoch and a very bi aws on o e i bad ewe break bis oriat lent Sanda, wbule crank- aehool.. Wordan reacbedo ber.ed batarda of theon t erba es Wordan alt.ruoo enjoyeddyofth Sure euiough. hie brother lu Detroit, Ing bis car. Jou. Amana and Mlartin Thelen Mnade desth oflr.Johnttewar, nonMargaret The CommercIa club gi-ce 'it, nez t told hlms that tbelr mother bad Just g. C. Bookth perchsent a ten, irer- a bule@@ trip te Chicago gsturday hju erbrel t auttn igua ac ti.Bantbebioupases away In Sault Ste. Marie, On- ian. uuay s.hifrotiY out aud Mir, and trs. Cunningham sud praticie. W. B. Stewart lait Saturdiay evening for l'lday evenug, May Ist. (jouid aiel, Onîy a week ago Dr. lroa u- re-- he mesy Il's alrigmit. and Unr. Walper snd ber two cbildren of Minnesota tu attend the fanerai of t irs. g-ed Iloor sd gOurd tîme aeeuredl. turnedt frra a trip te hie mother. At e s a d ~ e ï~ ~r Bu aVitr ad av un,-iny ub Cicago, aonseul dyn Sudi etSeab.Jh Pbiîîîpp le treutuu iti il tu that tîme bier health was falîng rap- [)aUg r B a d e d C r oe a h V ct rle fu e @ u r l u t o uri the ra ur a andage St hi Stew rt. el tl v r e e u a "'le in the n ews Ford. ldly and lie realzed that ber deth o h o e , m a i e s V î T h re R f a r l s a l a r I e r e ,a l e C t a e A r e b i e t i c C r e i o f C h ic a g o le r ft hbe g g w a 8 f o t f a r a w a y . T h u s t h e i w t î s t I i s 1> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ peea RealSoeDu,,c e ut ie ' uhttswe.Little Edith, two rear olii daugbter of mocnlrîg dld net corne as a unoiplete othrg Cot. (ie bele&nt tbro.c Cic . i the geet preIu andi Mr@. Russell D>awsoîn, ne@ Stelia survirise. 11ay Pe.ter là very eu-t froui a relapse Jesse tiinnich wa@ meeo on our otreete Mire. Berthia Laren @pent several disys m ~iîg p&aeed awîýrvMna Oteie DrBrwn iter aric rîgive cf tb. mesele,. tiouday haviug heen coufuet i the the paeit wsk witii ber parents in tiages i iîîiig after asehort illuh-sof ieaelees@. iyae catrdiilfu Tho l.adieo' muIld if th St. Arîdrowâ hbuug. fir a couple or montîts with a bro- ghm udy I. Jt death wa césueed lv i.cîrt failure. wInds. for tliey ail Ile tri far. is- Utieolcu met Wedne*day aîtecmîîu witît ken lisait Mr. and tire. Fou. Kennedy sud %Ir. Mii Dauwson and the tîSi, tîîlîlrn bati tait parts of tbf' counttry. iîidireiIs Mire. tIay Carfiolti. tiondaY evening a few of or yîîuug aud tire. Frank Kennedy and childrcn i,, rcm thoir homo nii l'i, irU for the or mlles separate lthent. Wtlîiîî thed u Mr.Wle (Jodfrey, wliî has I-nsý fokniet o.ig in thie Old Interne. @pi-nt Suuday witî tir, sud Mirs. E. A. I-lster holiday. for a vîsît a Lb relative@ es baewpl weekts to teir. ailothe w h oerîously îîî witîî pneinmiia îe jar ticn an&d ail report su enjoyable even- Miartin. alil a hile ber.e the chilfI o-ai taten m-as resldling witl Mre. Wl'lllani Car- agrBadCrii rw xlsvl o edproe provinr islowly. ling. tire. Tîlietteoin cf Plteville, Wl._ @vsent 'i- w îth memsee The tiriwsâ nifY, one of lier chlîldreir. They ail aîerrnICcusiow ecu. îyfredpîree tirs Louise Thîmeou lias pi lias-I il!î~ forgmt tl.s3 May dance et the a weet witb relatives in th'e vîiulnty. 1 luta the home of tirs )lii A oit' ter, agreed tes send lier sortie soîrt cf a frott se eted. seed Istc k and grossn by men who have had 1tr Sbepardsou, Tii-.dîî rnr-n remeuibrauce foir lier birtliday înext oany yeare cf c'q erienc trowiug seed corn. nem, Ove i)am.euger O.voriand, It'itii Lake Opera btouse Saturday aveiu- The t.adie AId soclety will be heltiet, aIt-cr whîcli tbey Joe flc 1'ilso, Mir.' Mrsay Thsaayo rowiis dcatn coas dure tone au prio gee lire. Chue. Feulen andi daullet-r illI lois t# the cbuîrch Thnrsday, Miay 7. dupper rr bîiE.air-t. .uis cacr. SBrmiasi eenh i-wts- -die- toa u hi-ave souutav tui sîu..ud s..reral lais w1I will b.. srved îtieedameeErmaStraug w,, tatepae eis.iitrsm i or.S al rionitîîs ant _i ý l lîucaINs td- laî o u es ia a agon o relatives in Waut"elîsa, Who'-It.ý ltr.1c ni iblHghs a i te tho bereaved par.-îîs declacei tiiere tiore no liops of sav eepet Iteulon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OL wileîgu iyI-.îu n- J. A. Tlîaî trieti hie uew auto Thurs- tw Chcg etcicî îîîe lt g lier Ilte The failure of a crop of cocn niao a big oss to the tfarmer. tMises Ethel tielborssc l..t.-Ii %NI te1dTIetste tire. Aile. Iluecu Rtaymonîd da î uli tpt atgn ea'rîi-i, came dowu tire hautins bill ln ligwood. Ontario, iiiere the body' of when you cau buy eeleuted, cîutract grown Sadger Brand Seed Corn es jou-~~~~~~~~~~ ~h goe directz the l'uligaod wîîlk ui ipi 5 r eutdss.T.ers nortbwest. * e~~~sttidontm, wmio will icruiwah, rtitt- ueîlsu ii ro h oî îeîa wa i.Id hoire Wednctsduy uioriui ut - i tîruing the car andi laidîing theim lu tle iretubr f tu famllvo whae routteu hil ,ltulttI i tire fanteraiîii m wa Ii hrui t bouse Ti-.iuicte te nebr f iefmdI *akgnhg 1olti uo, atrun ihbra tEgn-o Mullîîurni reuietery. btev. A. W. Safforl tii- nîstere cf tire eliiigli Ir tiotk a hi-cii laid amay. llie date cf tIiie fue For sale by Ieading mierchants everywhere Mies Ai.-tha White, Eiiii r 1ittîiri rir.d tcry. Msi Rla% rîtîtu was weîî tnîîw t liiti i Sea, n- hîucai ipeadue oi ii,-t eci îrlbuti!3thi e aniai fouirv i-, or.She hi-uses besides sati gentlemen, wlmo resoii-1 Io go'aficiied upon Ir w soon ail ofthe chl *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ur -i:i:, ftJrý, tb" -ri tee yone ..,>, Ili,î,îî lier huclîund, John Stewart. oui- brother, ..'îr lia-e herealter rogiaa i, l, ,gtici tttftî li Junorpnînuofth .1 A Thitan, three cictere. tirs Fieu-r iii ____________ Io Ii ito h ll *.ho hmFi4a vcn.M 'i r. Lee H uotn and datîghtor ki-,olîa,Mt ceS. J.-Let.oy of Illbu rulic. Ili rrv il. ilrotn io tf i-ltti e. Was-li. m HICKORY Gi-tre \V. lIncîtî oti Fot \% oinii * je i -f oo t ranir a-il Itutu e in ci une iiA li aitiI-ol Lue foirerai of Mrs ce ymt nd lîtu anti M ce. Hardy o! >aoteguu - te illou ci litatlit. \V, .1. lIn,,I of Deii itroi t, * laie aleu - titic spire, thPiti- etire ct Eluin, Tursday. lic, lite. Mise@ Loun Thain precctid li-r \ r- T. Edwards and faiitîli J o-ic Micli. Dr lic . E. lîcti ii otf Viauke- * I~~~~l cir of th uicling aill ho le'i, adi iiit > il i ra e. A. J. Rtaymondis sj I-I]dir thi ie unIsl là lew nîcunthe ago. i 1' i 'it bel @inter M r- Il,, 1i lick, g ati NI ru i- a ra l-'ac cioîf Ptrirnce * ~stotre ritttin. winch stîli te' tsii lv tir. acet in F:lgiun suidA Hi o aeA ~~~'I bert, (aii.îda; Nl, iliani C'ar- * t anti-d. a luit te- lai, titi.irîtutr@llAtif c uglies oLaeVla. tipeiuttt ieM~re Otrt **tild wum j ' fiigaagi.l t -tt ar, nt i ' .Ila Waltii lias a uea- h--p&Aseger Woidti-ay witl hi-r daugbhtr, Mc.d Johnîî siîicum andi wife'iîî.-tt lait ietk en -l Ste Mane. Ontrto. *~~~ itli buiil ig wot ri tugsdutue h utrIitIi t4lî-r daoghter tre . 1,Mucli-, utan * Ars. Maory Lu8t anti cilîren werc ti il Nire Stewart. ili-ell, "A man cu keep the secret ot au. si lîVtc usoi awin-,Ktsa lii runsduy afternuon. Relatives frot Autiocb. Litte \i ilts, ranik Kenuedy and fautily , uIe@d on ether better thbn bis owu: a woman s-.. re tc fi it their np tii Judi.,tlie tir. uni]M tire eorge Bochr liai,- esîlt Spoktaue, Washingtou. Guru.... andt ci-latiecý ii, Milîhuru Sundav, on the coutrar) keepe ber on hetter artd tter .re'lative au]i-i-bsrio orsntiIfýTesa.Hcoyateddtefltea fNr irinî, Nire. îîîy Mann i vieitîng ut tric than that of another."-La Bnrivce. tirs Mlarqîuis Shaffer reule oeafter ablch they wiiI oettio un the weet tirs. H. Vl Minto anti chiltiren sent - trs. F-ratîk 'eweii andi Mis SyliactuiihneTecxctotai-ftrsn.tneSe-c lttc ATSvae W anted- Good, muiddle-sa ed Sbeluksde ioalte .i goseh. uneir.a Johin Richtardison mutret i hieiuïmhî,id ecierul tiay e iîti lier parents, tir. and 11ry ifao.seut audy niSn ,hueo weut a seruî,ue oîmeratun. Her fiîonde ecedâ anti remainiug sore effoct.. te tirm. Halloway of Union Glres, Wis. day witIr tire J. McGoin. , d5 ~ o a o ee wîll ho pleIpi-d tu learu that sIe is Chticago, i..t Tiîursaa. tir. tinte aent for thezmSunday. tirs. Il, IB WeIbi ie entertaning ber ealtod gopeicokg. fml re.-overlig rapidly. daugbtsr tics E. Edwards anti lamilyFO ME ' BR ISotresalbue, as wok M . tir. Sa-an, a bireti man un tte iE. F. [_ LAK RUCSSEL ci Chicagot, tItis weet. o hesnl oses ok M Shants furm at Haîneevîlle bail the L....... - tiJr, andi tics. 6. Kennedy toot dinecr Evry Houseoape in Amoeica IE. M. Smith, 308 N. Utica st., Wauken tuielortun- tu irec hi, leit car andi lacei ' si Rou frei here atteuded the The cîcethen of otHiier@ lu Sunday> with E. A. M artin anti farnhly Suniday. bas IL Chanc to Win it. gn hn .o aln u fie very badly cus by a fractions httrsel .ît Ite ol@ance at P'alatine Saturday. ochool wiii taise place next Suuday, W* *M otisl ij oolsua"o tadvlega5 oe 2. r l at u fie bocomng oiciteti anti eteîuping on hiui .patifmi tt i ay ty3. Let tiers be a gcdttendanct. Trcik n ieHm Quakor va" o ssssasois Litev S*aor eWaukegan. Leoar Hot.Eler ur Ontic relatives liere 8uuday. Fiuy [lixon entertainse compuny latd buO5rtu~0L fU~l d eut wessa Betb Kruoemart woe gucese of tir. Onrcuto h iewahrls udy rom Los Mflgeles-Oriflg fou "at Mot et Burgo's parenits ut Wautegan Sunday. Onaconte teni.weterletSudy Sunday a giod rnuy resorters came otut Mir, anti tire. Johin Rouer cpent Sun- Back Pictures of Scenes ~ jptae1.so7 Floyd Wihem anti wiie of Wsotegau, front Chicago by automobile, by train day with tlurrie Brus. Wakan thei Cure wore gueute of relative* bers Suuday. anti tiie motorcyeie rideraewere nurnerous tir, sud tir.. W, K. Wiiiby, J. R. Mr. aud Mrs. T rac Hicks arrivedl &t/=.iM la tbià month'sSearchllgbht wii atuluear aise. Corneo aud family celles] on their father, today frout Los Ange ce, Cal. whene .Ya.W au luteresting article entitieti 'Wooien hetrthtabeytreit etFW.ilyoSndyaere, they have been lhving for norne time. si aj' .us a "Plu agisn hdaba trsls Hlcke a. sWu etlb onfee Clarenc est*non t55 - b 7s dvtiA aud the. Ballot' by the business manager, by deliverlug two baby girle, eue te tdi. G. A. Siver lm very poorly. MHik, a cun hie inter l ar-c M'~ I W-ai m ou Fm. aee os Baillen Lma Eu,â tir, aud tire, Loule Geary anti ue te tir, sud tir@, Je Mervilie eutsrtaiued age business ibere and plans remain- Po. t.oro ue 1ou luea,.tl The Grayaliaie Wcmenes club wii bt tir. sud tir.. Ernet Lobulan. c7pu nSua.ii e ndluiey .tlemu .2. = 11ss. Ila fer ys-t heor au open meeting udit Sarurday aflier- Fr.d Selp le bovs- bis place of buci- tirs. R. (1. Murrie. William sud Doris tneretu thinge. abou railes th.d -________________________________net_____ Bo0nnat tihe meool bouetwic li@ r.rnotele for tihe sommer ..s.ou. tirs. A. C. Corrna sud Leura abHout os Anhes andînaus, etc.. laesud fui lisuisses t's. that takesail 010. siordiail Invitation in extended ta ail mer. about La.olo Angle anSo =tta ama th es o5k Earl Ernst sud family visitied vltb Waukcgan vieltor. ou Moudsy. Mexicain trouble bas caussed businese mu Mtgmshes bade M ta «"a TUe godeand godd.e.e of Mou*i vii ~i rd ~StueîtIi îgthrelatives at Barrlngton a few ds.vo lisai~,J .i i b n la Angeles te ha et a standatill. he s ulft , a bml a ý a,. lmiavr tev a uabr gr"d@ tescber yull give s talk on vek s tueur barber, anti wii soon leare for sote alre i and Msicu heso lu .âomu t a hl aussd fie e .fl Motber'a Relation to the Seboal. -Mtiiné Fred anti Henry Schennhag cf Chicago, Diltots. tient vent south, bundreda of persoa mdbb tees.l . lu? Iowa Jehise or Jave th~elaf Zeta tiaa.ey, a departineutal teacher of @pont Sunday vlIth reiatives. tir.. W. Lundy entertainied a lad y are flocklng oiver the houudary tlo " le hasolisis N eptune, i.s sud ofteu n extrile Californie, said MIr. Rides. *'Every- gotie mm MrWMi.tiegdo v r~J~ Esanstan, wiii speax on Boy vor can William Beckeimaen of Palatinte, caiet frienti a few dayo. body there seeme te look for a speedy ,W*e k5W v.. vri 15 dmt' raie tho Moral Standard of! Chiltiren. on his brother Henry ber. Sunday. tir.. E. A. Iteevee sud family ver. settlernent of differences. Tiley do ad Wihteemdpub Marour, the. sud of eloqusuie, Jane, ýOi.her spekers wili le present.not axpect a big wa smn uthe am 7 els m" be peoui" for of proiiaosy, maunie sud sous; Valcurs, ldbr@ Fp e. . vW i ib e r se t w ue ma C h icp ectare @ p u d n goeuee t h e ee b sii o o o S t r .a ut d o . mS aaddu ltiont5t U th e ille o f Ju p ite r. g lo ser on, g ild es sa W e a ller y o u tie.F.C.Wibo ws Uicgoar .enin te ee u te k~ Mr. Hicks brought back torne lu- duitefd .*a tS sss 0f- etwidom; Diana. aliter of Apollo, viio ody Nsvfe7v.ry oua.'L -. s-iitr onai Zrih remey.1 tereatiug photos of the &celles lu the geethe hots.r st i godilloas of bumtlias; Venus. goddess of The afluepflaent and Chicago Joeee Longabangb transucteti business Ben Wenegar tuf Palatine, i4i building a GU NRoborder towna wbîîb are ta ha posteti that.aiseu, hosinu ne uh love aud beauty; Venta, stisddits 0 lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s iniag th'esay smecotgunltshrfe i. '..s.---.-.---.....el U Sun cffice wiudawe fur [he si.o.stt ci thse atas.Iusr-e fra ex i inChcao upda. ume cttgeonlus sor fr ir Oes, r te clsam ine the dornestie hearth; Ceres, th , Re rd eaj fo ayer t Mr@ H W.Kel etetaieda ldybenefit et Vi ukegan people. Chetesu n. S ofrlagf.onan giclue Henry Kuebter wa. caîleul tu the tiattc.i- is .W eletrand5l Charles Nottlneluam and son s-ho otf de" o!do udariuue sýounsy seat Tuesduy on jury business. Ed Brixen visiteti with I-i fîtlks utaienifu hcg stac have been iihsitlin _utc. andi Mie. Hicksa.ý ~slotau~ ReimemLber we are scie agents fuir the Libertyvilie Saturday anti Suutiay. Mir, anti Sire. Lyun Vincent have movet iat Las Anîgeles, ceturneti to Wauke- flu io'tot ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Victor Taiting Machines anti Nictrclus. Juius Godgiuct Isfit Tborsday, Apcii intu the Sneeeby resideuce. gars wlth tliî. Nic. Nottingham, for- mseer, vs yul Public notice ia hereby givexi that The Independent and merly ranWuîh i resîdleut, la a tîte Suhiscîiben Aduuîhîistratrîx ai tIti Cicag Trbue tpe Ls 'fbese machines are eciti fuir cash tir :,uiu 28th, for Baltimocre from wbere lie wiii tir, anti Sire. J. A. Beinnett cf NVuutc brother cf Nutrs. Clarence HIcifs Iiq e...îîcag aflnun Frtn perol.s year stue auyway tIbat ieatisfacturs' te yîuîî. eaul May Fitb, ou the steamer Kîînigîu gars, acre vieitcre bere iiuntiay. ---- 1- . wiltutten tut h-'ritiNtyhls cutiorLeaîl Conte in antd loot aur stoct over anti Lotuise cf the Ncrth German Loyd tir, anti tirs, Juntes Campbell oi PAUL M(ItilLtI FIN.Atornaey. IL~~ Hedi coiitN, at a ten tîtureof te be, hlutl heur the nev records, Theltexali Store. Steumnsbtp Co., for Hambourg, Germuny, Chili-go, w-crs ont Sunday lu their state 0f linuîî'.iý 1îuunty o! Lake, se. eau@$ beck. enî ai îlîu Ctourt ltuse Iii Wattkegani.4 2 Drus-e licug Cc. frcmr tlitre ho wili go by railroudtio lus umachine. lu the ('iiity 1iiirt of saidi Couuty. Wyîsge I11w a i uitîîîtattt îs et Tire Minute Club, a social organization oli home on the Islandi Ruegen un the hast Saturday Eti Clart bort lies srm To Heurv h. Feucr8eth, Muniett a Clotho@sWvlsaee. hi Julit' iiu'xt. 1914, wlîeu and whee The Independent and Chi- Monter, -ilaiA %yes.,uaîhCif.rd 111 I lcstulasn am aants cago Daily Inter.Qcean at of the St. Andrewas Guilti wîîî gîve a Baîtit' Son vtere two of bis brothers qîute serieu@ly in bis foo'd mhll by being LîlaiA V-eoprCifirSei. J." ett are uiutilled andt reiiuetited io dancing party ut the Grayelate COpera re8ide. cugbt in a large beit. tiabl Marks, EIvi- Btennett, Ouo Feuer. $iIe i tir îe sanie to saîid C'ourt for adi -hy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a sfter hepcuesoTecuviiltfe etiahtb.utau. Iutedacathehlvu -land H oenr Fstîccste , e re sud 90ilifl e. MAR A. $3,7LA Houe, Frliay eveuhug, Miay Sth. direct- Walser Probem, who ha. been sict the Essu" nie,.u oMtARYmFia vnoensdI-li.n eartfbfeu An 17 24May t Onpouto h @ot rdyetpu« Haoerbr Wceersati 0 Pea ri an Adainistratrhx. PAID IN ADVANICE &IBO have charge cf the 001111ug Of the Supt. Simpson o! Waukegsu, train- Mies Ethel Haine, vas aict the filr.tO!Wbtrdeesihersla ofad tictete for the "movies" abat nigbt. eted bueiness ho oui village Monday. lu.t week aud tisen Ruby Straug taeu r F-escn Wakcn iluee tru 394 Ererybody I ca'diaiy Inritaid ta attend. Taire______ agit -ta onit th us yo Ara0fam ~ chool in ber place. atnohetaoubsfidyo!On.e Hundred EDo1r-an Gold ADJUDICATION NOTICE. lu rais-itsema lit her i aJuiy, A. D. 1914. ut ton o'clock s. m. or g,.. lady is'lt.i Stealpsssabbsr lis. Public notice la hîereby given tisat ha tisi "' Ir tth" duotlhuho la. the Subecriber Executor et the Ina trh !in nxlri ili eW RE sord thereafter8 sei tIi maessn cao Inui visvrm Weru m @ieean u g oiii -ud iladtsamn fJsf .t M R.. ~ ~ ~ eal FÂBIME tie an laog mre The Warren Cemetery Association viii theout Cor fel l e'v'~ h~Ot à iIny :eed ilatn h ietvn Ii FORMALDEHYDE wiii kllithe @mut dnot. vroaste t r b no lu t St vitb tire. Johanua Sne . Wed. - a th eolu nirpr .amn-~,u" SEULputss1 Couuty Court of Luki Couaybg9= %e tc t dosrhmWin.deaewl tnd uth aie ff e _______________ an ourost btta, qicerchep- esotie globe tila tha viici la cte meda foe--n Mai f,94 Vstin talo molu t nd ecuefS euFasr.teîn, o o îo'. Aýs- f. rq emterotobhodnuteCut