Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 4

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Page Polir LAKE COUNTY NDND MN, PRmDAT.MAY1.9L4 Lake County Independent VOLIVADENOUNCES Waukegan Weekly Sun CÀUCIS;RAP S mtred et the oetoffics et Libertyvile. Ili., ms Secod Clans lMil Matter A ' C fR e À Ls 0 Official Paper for Lake County. Overseer Advses Women to &.aued Every Fnday. Adertieing Rate@ lMade Known en Application. àSSJSSCRIPTIÔN PAIOE. $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Starve Their Smoking Hus- bands to Death. W. J. SMITH ............. .......... ........... ..........Edktor P. G. SMITH .................. ........................1............4....1...4.... Manager A packed hoYse &"seted Overseer M. J. WEBER .............................. ...... Rosidant Manager, Phone 08 Voliva of IMon City, naslhe delivered ___________________________________________________an addresa in Orchestra hall, Chicago EExmG RAINAN OI4B.A. 1y afternooa upion the lateatln it* MbdSid Conrad of, WàukegaDz 'ohairman of the bout. board Of supervisors, automatically retired from the poSi- Votive made a bitter attack on the lion ho bus fllld wit distinction durlng thie put year. chorrche. and blamed an apostate mlnu Ho 188 &worty sucousr, bt Inrenu, Mx. Oorad an scefor the. tack ef church attend- Re h a orty sccesor bu in ethngMr.Conad an ce.Ho scored the tobacco osers. do so with -the reallu4on that hoe lia headed thie superlie advtaed the women ta starv their *hlors dug one oftli buuiet ea s o f the board, a, year smoking huebands ta death . v refus- maekdbvheInuguration cf stat.e aid road8 in tàe coun lgbco hm O iIte ty epentedl. w~ o zmn ovr o acoulytubercular tant colony and rThe women, toc, came lu for their, varions other big tiungs. share of crittlcsui. In fact, itis admitled that it has been many years since "A aoman in lier place la one of the board bas bad aucli an important twelve-months as Godas noblesi creaturea," satd the o,- those just closed. eI era-bt letliertotof t n As chairman of the board Mr. Conrad fiUled the ofi so scared Ellijab. the Ttsbbite. that with distinction ho himself, with fairness to the members !ie -ran and bldhiseolf under a Jui- and with credil 10 the county. As the head of the board per tree and ssked the good Lord to whic badiesthe nt bsinss, x'.Conrc! isplyedrail luîni borne. It w58s a tango daurer COUY anle tha onybsnsM.Cne ipae ht ask-ed for the head of John tIhe 7 good judgment in namlng bis committçea, he handled the Baptist. routine buiness of the board meetings with f airness and VoUs a smas assisted by the Zion1 at no lime could it b. hinted that ie was hin1the leasl p-W ie luHed Co r. ut 50 eng t tial to any member when anybody miglit terni a personal " to distrtbute messages to the friend. Hfe seemed to realize the province of abrsdn ouses lu the city. officer anid adi I'dah i beliefs along that line. What Crusaders Dld Ini short, Mr'. Conrad made one of the best chairmax*the Here i, what the Sun@ Zion cre board of supervisors of Lake coun bau bad and in step- . suetsy fth rsdr'wr P. heinChicngo Sunday: ping silde after bis year's service, 11e can do so80 h he1 1ran oda of Zion restutents full realiuation that lie did bis work weil, that lie wuslion- îett for Chicago yesterday. The first est, sincere and unbiaaed ini directing the county's busi- speciai train carried about 3.Arnem- niess and presiding over its executive body. That he satis- bers of the Zion Restoratlonists. and speûlal No. 2 carried about the samet fied the members of the board as well as the residents of number of singera and musiclans. the county, la evidenced by th1e many compliments that Volis îprivate car smas attaebed bave been heard banded to bim by fellow members for the to train No. 2. aud as the tsuo trains * mariner in which lie acted as their presiding officer.ariedb hcaotetsoato ______________ost attracted mach attention sutb their bundies of literatore. Tbey lu- TÉ.E NEW CHAIRMAN. vaded the citv from thse loop district Th new chairmani of the board of supervtsors, Mr. to thse soutb side limts aud again su- James Welch of Newport township, successor to Edward other detachment tuvaded the nortb' Ede. The eset side and thse lake Conrad, la one of th1e besl known members of the old board,1 shore districts were also invsaded lu having been elected front bis town for a number of years' the sane way snd hundreds of homes putI as ils representative on the board. were vtsited and thse saluatton 'Peace He was a candidate for chairman last year but circum- to the." 80 familiar lu Zion City a stancea broUgUi about potpoeMuet of bis Seleclion until heard aitthe il-doorf thousauds of tàis Spriug forsa position which ls the goal of almoet every homes. a h or eeoee =m dàlctd ho the. cocnty board, a postion carrying littie at thse orchestra hailt tierae was a rush imereuà aspy but carylng much honor-for it's an honor for seats. The m4dting liad heenex 10 bo ChairMa of tue board of SUprViiors of lake countyl1 tenaîvely advertlaed sud many per- Mr. d& s enadeed god bamen ma,, crefl sns bail cone a long distance to Nr. ulchla eaideoda god buines 1D8, aiefl iear Volts-a preach aud tuar heurls Iad fim In n a nt mad amiable in bis relations with Isa fumnsWifte robed choir. fI dmd" tea" -Workes. Selssure 1 prove a wrh Dr. yland ER Wilson piayed a pra- succr t ~ uaeluuv jcaveaaMi.Conrd. eres Ide ou the pipe arga and this a aue rtote 'S hinulr CIrd rl.follcwad by the processional of the wàsblug hm good luck in bis new position as presiding of-, eboir. As the latter toob their seati; fimotf the county board. iou the plattorm their appearance lu 4 their white robes vlth the lgbs tamn- ua. , ~ ~ la d on overheard was 11-7 attractive. TM re mo te nepoyd satom amly s<>îve In &et the so beautlfnl tiY l*e Naxic OMi-tbey Su gel work down in Midco. liat Vous-a decided tu have a flash- "UTl, WIL THY? ight picture taken et the close of bis addreaa. loks asu if tii. state's attorny la rallier decisive in! The invocation b>' Apostte P. M. àch p" à itenon reardng a"refionaffimRoy&"-. aswaau a l for Peace. "0, ISkI pI8E ~IEIIIUOD ~UdID ~ ~ ~ lo1" ho. myed. ".. aàk i. t. 11dm BIUS. If ho CRIsS ontI bispromnise, tihe 18k mg- hie.sthe preeldetotf the United im *0vWdb.cham4 u 8it never bu as t is n eaàbeftm.! states ait tuatiene., Bens.hie cabi- A2dI, tDlQi-z lOUbSr,"verbodly's for téatl n e Benstihanbose of repreeenla- tfea" couivea. and ma>' Thy vîll b e.W. psay '11e. that the var ' rasla the fue sit"Uatin Colorado and the -, ayalie ,,ed adn that lb. nation 'bitter S«M fic ba ge<d in U1sI«, Engbm4 fm ghty mu>' be keptfrom cheddlng human being oversliadowed by tue XwMoia sit"jtion. Howevj, blood &ud hasten the tUme viien there it la importanlt enougix fo«i>9*shafl bemnolmcre wSs-. and meu shah p late red tue PqffUtuer loch .n eaeh aises- as brother,." ougly emch day for hxstory la belng Made ln seeial parts Inluhis.addres Vous-a scred the of th1e world very rapldly tbis. daym. churches for thelr tango daucas. their Pork and beau suppersansd other The new Northi Shore Drainage District trustees have means of a worldly nature for raie- Iug churcis funds. a big problem on their shoulders-the solution of Ibis "Chicgo." said tha Overseer, l'ln north shore drainage matter as regards protecton 10 the thse nearent place to bell. 1 dontBa lake water supply. It is not, as obstrucýtoits seek to that It is, bel., but it la the aunex of make it appear, a worhhless lask wliicb confronta these b"' Wen 1 isited SanPrancisco men, but One Of the Most important and moit comprehn- ors ldtei p~eope hbeen lu sudth sive steps of progreas that bas confronhed local men in il wa.But Chicago la littie better." years. It is a lask whicb wiil require careful study, cars-i Vollua hetd Up a elipping froina fui calculations as ho the best ways to go about and finlai hhaýo noepaper shoving a Plcture plans for disposing of sewage of llfcunytoasIn taugo daucer Who vas te, dauce Iakecouny twm i inaId of a churcb. "I vlsb 1Ihbid order to, ceaie contarinating thie lke water. Yus, Itilaa that Infernal scoundrel bere," saad 'big job whic bua been given 10 these ive mon, a job whose Volva. "I would vricg bis.ueck. Buch emUsilt and general scope cannot be grasped by a caual a preuciser 1 a tool of bell. The min- -glance aI the future. istere for tbe mont part are seudlng _____________I more peapie tb bell than the saloons" VoUs-a a"id tta&t ROM. iad "Iokes' Another movement is starte which plans aaking the the tuastnn ont of the. protsant legWuatur. ho bhave the.]Bible read dailyi hie soholg of churches, becanuethe taught 1he Di. hie st4e. And, why sbouldn't la b.? Virgil, VtUt vine os-u f tue mlnistry and that 'otherboks of tbe early limes are even studiedlu c tua God5oMr. . vt -Wbidbane attended by aIl damlal nud no pofint 1s gretlnteront. and mas>' Urnes Voliva PRISONERS ARE FORMN6iCOMPANY IN LAKE COi JAIL? Issuing of Orders by One of the Numbor Indicatet They Are Getting Ready for War. "Forv&" marchI" "About face!" "l)on't do it that way--do it te "-gay, you, gel around there lu line! Nov, aul taoethar!' "Iltop isety!' Tit and otisar aimiiar arders are beard emanating front the vindo*n'uof tbe Lka count>' Jaîl and as a resuit the repart ta curs'ent about tise court 1,tauce saItisae prisioners of tise ccunty jul1 ara organizlng a squad cf sharp. shootera vhoni uhay Iutend to offer ta tue govarunment lu the Mexican criais. Evidently ane o! their number bas beeu appoiuited or lias named blmsali leader of tise jail forces sud la an- deavoring ta geluosents Instructed lu ussll'tari crders si, that if thse mal 1, maîde for voluuueersth ley stîli be ail rRady for action, The îext questtion 'in vouid ibc tu ain lt ieir freedomu, a tlsing whIschs %%(onil be easy ln case thse eoeutry needed solunteers sud they suera ai pr.-pared lu tisa usatter of efftleuecy ta Ietid tiseir services. Stan>' persans have been standing outalda the mil %utudows llslanlng ta thsa orders belng lssued and the eousuds as if lte unen a re trampluen back sud fort Iiiiiube jait c'butpart-' mentu. RESOLUTIONS 0F RESPECT Wugaas. ,Il bus le1aeed Almigisty God tas renmove froui t,îr rutudet by desu b, aur eptfemed lrt,rl, Leh-erne Gilbert. Tiserefore ha le Rweet,iTisat N s tory ('auncul No. 192, Norths An.-ruau Union bas tus- ttunad a great hm-ss sud tise relatives a iving friand andi Irotiter. Tiserefara ha It lurtisar Re»oLeogd, Titat N w tsi>' Cotucil exteud ti tise fiend ausd relatives isur sut-cre snd bearttItet iuists>'And beit i turther Roto.Thar etsop>' oitise".'retsait, lions ha puuliusedlatuheisaLake lont>' ladepoudent. a iopt! prt-ettod t,,tise relativest antI a capy hae pread upon the rearde of Vi ctusry Conueil No. 192, Norths Ameritan Unian. Chas. S. Haag, W. Rl. Rell>. E 1). gbuishrd, Committee. St John'. Evg. ListA. Church Carner Bs-aadvuut> and Park Place, Lihartyville, li. R. 0. Buergar, paetor. Glermen service Bainda:- morang et 10:30 a. mn. Englisis ses-ice evar>' second Bunda>' of tisa montsaet 7:30 p. mu. St.Lawruioe pmcop'l<'hurch t Rev. Eomams S. WB8s-u, Prleot-iu-cbarge Bo>' Communion es-or>'Sude>' 7:45 e&.m. FiretBiand*jrnmauth 1:30e. m. Mdornîn Puayer es-or>' unda>' exeept taboire 10*0 a. m. 1 Sunda>' cebol 11:456ta. um. Evrensoug 4 p. mt. Ai1 l i'yeojoi>' Communion 0:00 IL.IL Ch=rqhservices. D 1:oa. m. Preohbingr, lIes. W. . Wbipple. 12-00 m. Bunda>' achool. .44: p. mt. Epvortt Leegtue. r7':80 p. ni., Preathiug, 11ev. W. L. rWisipple. tcuu E. Raudaîl. a wealthy paper box manufacturai', mas catled tuto tha C'ook count>' superlor court, Friday on a bill ai reviair commaudtug hlm fta show mhy bis divorce from anuah Le Bld tandaîllaud bis subsequeut marriaga tai Mamie Hardy should not lue set aside. lu connaction wîth tise case It las cbargad by the husbaud that is suifativas too frieudty mitIs George W. Turublill at the Sylvian Beach ho- tel. Chbannel Laits, Lake couuty. 41o. Strouag Selief. The intedigent taleuxuan vas bela« ëZamlned w peaIIIa n the jury lu a 1lurder traL>'.!Do ycu eap. 1lIai pntumeut?" inquired the atto-. »uY. "Toubatil do." came tue prompt respouse. "I'm agit taetrusta, a&" I veut -wtsee0tait of W&U 8" i~lx J111, vbers tuer beiong." CARPIET AND RUG WEAVINO Weare prepared l t veeve gennîme aild. limue ltag Carqt, Colalla Runae, Flug augi fions v orm Ingraia or Bruceelu Varpetis, Portier«e, Pcu'ci Puis W, etc. -5amRqa lare Sail flg. prepare rage as yon vould for rag carpaw: nd1evSll*edyod viii beo urpleed sud plseedvîist te srecuIts. Wiotstrnicb tise bout varp. une the letuit Improvii Newcomb Loam, rfil orderu promp*il' &Bd guarautee frut clisa vwork. Pries. gladil>'qnoted 0o requsest. (Wal sud cee aur samps. J. 10MWD TRANSACTS IIJCE BUSINESS Thse village board et a ppeclal meetng beld lust veok Thurada>' transaete mach Important busînese lu tise va>' o Cuavaslng tbe return. cf the siection, farmali>' cepting the proposition ai thte #Ak Productre Ccaopomsatve useeccia 14*6 Ita~illed aiti XI veu eroclig cf tie t F.ul itroad, alice. Ingý chéirmnof eaeb 0opulmtue., alec the prustdent edclxr ae ompmesa' Mlon for titeir vos'k, aud lie raialng o1 tb. cles-k's eakiry for lte aunt va yeors. The boaod eca.ed lte returne cf tbe village eletion cf April 21, lte ritrn shvig laitbe titre.trusthes os te ctisso,- tiet and thse clerk an the Independeît tiek«t badl reied lte largees number of votes awi on moti.on vers deciared dm1>' eleeted ta ibelir res- pective affloe. A rufour vasurrent dariug thse ai tersocu of laet Tisuroda>' thet ths upreme eourt bad knceked out tise woman?,offrage 1ev whleb vould Invalidattisa votes of tise voman, sud tlat &fn atterupt woud la' made tu bave the board serat ail thse caudidates wisase uuruuee appeusred on tise ildepandént tieàet. It was argued tbat s tihe jade- pendent iiet iad retvelved aànuajarity oi tise mens, voles, tis@e auduietes aub lisat ticket would twenetitled tu il e ceals tisat uluose an the itizen, ticket will taise a ettilrettmeeting.aI tise huard lu May'. If sucs plans liedIbseau made tisa>'dld nat tuatarielîseabetis meeting as ou ue queetioued tbe rigbt ai tise candidates declaredaeeted ta hoid allce iuder env preteat sund nos una obtjection waa IorthCantiuig.-- As we undersraud uhe ousurar, l; "@'me that tise board coutld nat bave dune diereuit eien thougb tise supreome euasi bail deelared tise woas' suffrage law unconstitutiorbai. Tisa board wou4d have beau conspellad ta declare tisas viso rot eived tisa majorit>' ai ail votes cast elei-ted juet tîhe muteu as ttuougb tie law had beau iile cttutionsil unleq' tise soprani.' court du'-iaîau eartairsii specilie instructians ta ail thse eit.. village and tawnsip ait-er ttutirîtw out ail stauiens ballots iu canvabîsing tise ratturnso, and in tisat case tise deecioin would bave tOuue toa latp. tor tisa seatlng ai tovuellil, allicers a». tistt i ,illeo isd 4beuiiled eaut twa uveeksafara. Tht.trts'ta fi , ilt ak u. Cu -utlta a4 e a.acaiti ÉJl. ai staudard ica lu fruont ofthtie puntpiug station ou Sipraîcue street vb as iorroally eSopted. Tisa @cale le to ha instailad et tisa d,îst aftisa meuuubers ai tise associa- tion. but le ta tue under thesauspervision 01 tise village, the acale ta bacanse village property aàscoon as tba amount ofthie caisi of tisa@ceaie complote le takan ont b>' the petîtionere b>' free weigiig. incestise aceepteuce of tLe proposition b>' tie village soine ai the farmari are urging tisatishe villagelnstail tise sâais et e more cous-culent point, preferabl>' ou idilwaukee avenue or ou acide etreet, for tise resson that tule> vaut it tu ho loceted awre>'f rom railroad yards. cayinu tiset tiseir hsorses me> become frigbtened, sud tiset ta instal t near a busIness houte.thse official seigismester could hoe ppolnted among one ai Uic mercisents lu front aofvisose store %u @caIe aould be iustaied. Fnrtbor saction lu titIs matter yl probebi>' ho talionet tise nazt regular mDeeting. Au electrit llgbt vas orderod placed nebar tise MIlwauke. avenue oroeelng cf tis. êt. Paul rallroed. Tise oro»slg neyer wvas poperl>' llghied et nIabt &a0 thte order no donbt yl ha guceitî apprectated b>' tisce. vo residu- oiti of tise roliroad croeslng. Tise board s-ousd luailov adltioaai compeneatton ta the chais-masb ut euhi coïmitte., ta the.preetdentend. th.e isrk for tbe large amount aiof eti.. vosk lu runng the village during the- year jnst comiug tu a close. Tise chaimtn oI thse committee versealiowed I$20 est, tise precideut vas aliowed ffl and tise clark $50. Througis tis e outruetiou a0i %ho nov village hall, tise vork an tise new deep wel sud thea eoneaibly graW. lug village busineas tisroegb a nunster ai otisar chanuele tis aedditisual emel amounta granted b>'tisa board wmli parti>' campensata tis unebre for tise men>' days ai extra markilu loakîng aitar village aflair@. These lark's salar>' was raised train $200 to $275 a year for tisa nait tira >'aare. Adjourumeut mas talion ta Tisur@ae> nigat ai tis!@ waek. Bluce tise above article vas written ve bave learned thet tise nevl>' elected trusteee have been bus>' quallfulng for thair ofcilesuad thal an Tisureda>' nlght of %iis eek tisey viii tate tiseirleseatt the board meeting, deepite lte act ltai ses-irai of tise cutgoing trustes vere iflili actinsas oSeai of that body'. Il appeaue that oneof thseaougong trstese hed ordered gras-si on an. or mare of thse village etreets and tiset the Liberty-. ville Gras-el Ca. hed cterted hanilug tise gras-el vhen tise nev meunhare vers lu- formed cf lisat feet and et once put a ëop id- Ii>' nTEs-îgah 1 *Muction ces-voi ou te gras-el compati>' ad-tw -tustee glvlng the order for thc gras-el. As tise Independent gueeu b proesou Thurade>' lucming v. cenot telltise autcome of lte Meting In ibis Issne. Lake Couinty's big veuly-INDE- PENDENT.f Elecrlctloe.s itit varying style. of Hiontea! or Toote! Tire Giiegesl the tue of which w iii cave mach of yonr tire trouble QUIKLYNEW TIRmd TUBES cr~r~1~ / PRESTO UGHT TAJOI ETC. LibertviSeý Garage J. N. DEUNOAW. Pr". TEN DAYS' FREETRIAL q You can try this beau- tif ul Victrola FREE in your own Home. ily vuaking mmail moutlîy pa!meuuts yon viii soon ovu a Victrola--tse greatect of alt musit-al iinotruillerti. Anti it urîtsgm tt yothe tsaver s t ofa mugie af cvery kinul, suung aitîl îslays.l initIie sery iut'mt wav l'y the' very bast artigs. Tise'i'lt'-î aI place 'tut learul t est- tat-ý cee ie in theIt,i irîeandi lure tise, V ,tcir j, alsoiutely tutus- jtccu.'ble. Pire $Si' ta Sit I,. Try the New Dance Records H. B. EGER, Tools you wil soouneeSd Chatham Grain Grader» Hoosier and VanBrunt Drills and Seeders Lever and Spring-tooth Barrow& Clod CruahereL Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows Large Stock Riglut Prices Scha.nck Broo. Libertyville 'Il. RECAUSE you have neyer been sick or dis- *'-abled by accidenit does flot prove that youi ne ver willbe. One man outcf every fiv' s disabled each year, either permanently or temporarily, either by sickness or accident. It'11 corne to YOU soînetirne. Your earniug power is your greatest asset. A policy ini the Clover Leaf Casualty Comnpany will ab- solutely insure you against lo,8s of incoîne by @ickness or accident and at a cost of only a few cents a day. ORVILE L. SMITII, Agent Libertgvile. 111. Drumtoohty. Legleaimond. Ian lieiareus "Druns. tOOlity?'ti neltuer aàs-ilage nor a par. lait, but an estate aboc alght Miiee hi fouir lu estent, and cituutad somai tvels-e mlles uorttx of Perth. and i>ing et the foot of tue gramplan Hille. The ont>' cembiance utfeas-ilage lu tue çellre Logleaimoud dictrict la tue utie ihamlet of Iiaretald vbre Mr. Watson Ilveul.* Most Persistent Nuisenoe The person cf a 5zed mua us=y a var* sit> iecome a nuisance, tut moes-more no than-m e iafixeS ldea in paît>' and monstroua cenait nems. Besldes vhiolt, Indlividuel[ troubles uam nover tu b. made a boa« of, sud espeolaly not vii e ua la good reaso for heUes-ing âanY 0< tuem to b. c.lf.auad. es- if ZMe ectuiI' lnvemted

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