Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY LbDEPENDENT. FRIIDÂY, MAY 1, f1914. 00a * 4' O * O O O * O O * 4' * 4' '4' O * 4' * * * * O O O a O O O O O O O O O O -8 -o O O -o ê O -O O -o o o O o MRS. SÂTISFIED CUS' ally says thii when al butelier sitop. Wt Site knor-e tiat she'Ul conti BEST CUTS r-e can gxve porteritouse, sirluin, raund make it a businffss princi BEST QUALITY af meatsi isÏaacîion to ALIL at ALL T. vite YOUJI trade. J. Eli Tngge Uberty o e a Sprig HMidgeai T '~I style-s in si-î;uî'iv îad's's ar for mten g £ fa r te r thian 'lliiaitr tif,> 11-tis year titan fîsni-. If 's-u wiaait-tIu lein a ith the t-rua <1 sou wii follor- thie famhion and dsili up hîke the reet (if tirîti. It ieaus qitt, it a oîutlay to carry ail oft styles ini stock, but r-c-tltink that you cau ind anyt waait ini tiat lina itere. We liasve thetini saft or bi and lunr-bates-ar shape your eopecial taste may reqitire niiii ta give an exceptionatiy good value for thea mouey as int everytîîing aIse. e aiea have a full lune iof utene and boyoecaps otuirli r-ho desire that iud .1 headr-ear. J. B. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UBERTYVR ,ILL.i Phone 14 Anything you wa Tu huy thié Spriug iii Clover, Timîothy Alsyke, Alfalfa, Cariî, Oats, Barley, Rapc Orcliard, Lawn Grams-i Seedi You can make inoney by buying nom whie the stocks arei full.- Price rlght, Corne in, talk it over. We have it. Feeds of every knd For Cow, Morse and Poultry. Uibcrtyville Lumber Comp4 I Down by th. Old Dupot. Phone 47 Been Hars o g E. A. BISHOP, Manager TO nsure publication in the Indepen. ýW* wleh ta cati ite attention of our dent. copy muet be in the office no tater re"drw teabtheeW ad W of W. W. Carroll thîn Tuesday of each week. Adver- &BSons Co., Ltbertyvîi4 Garage, Orville tiers, epecially are asked te take L. Smlth, Triage & Taylor, Lake Coaty partlcutar notice te this affect. National Batik, Firot National Bank, J. B. Mo,.. & Co., Meredith Flawer & Yeg- (Àddtionel Local News Page à and 2) stable Ce., Mode'l Zash Market, Aiea Ice Cmsam Ce. and Hertel@ Park Pavillon. LIDERTYVILLE SCIIOOL NOTES. ()[,y six a ere îîîrr. An epîdi iLî1 rait day suckers- bit tha juniors ouneday ast w,-k Ibut they ail camne ont quit" uIceIv andaedun ine D o n The seniors have pirked out a an@aeac camail7 ta be giveu by th,-nielves me titi elo@tng &et fIas Nighb. The j iret Practice wae heid Tueeday altarnoon, and il sverythlug goe, off ,seiel i. euch eucceeding practica mie will have & gaad ebaw. Alla! thelndlvidual article. ý-J ring Commercial Paper Thiis itei iii our LOAN ACCOUNT covers notes-, given by firms or corporations tingageI in industrial, agricultural or commiercial business. Before theme inotes are purcbased the financial standing and reliability of the inakers are carefnlly investigated by our offleers, and the namesl are check- ed by at leatit two of the largest banks ini Chica»r. ring such Information are Ot Irinig for us absolute safety in îund@. National Bank (VILLE, ILL. ndivided Profits, $95,00.00 IJ2LD SIEEDS 0W )thy, AIs!Jke, Red Top eSeed, White (lover "T7hat Last Steak Was Fine!" ulgns wifi heJune 4tb anld iwlll bo beli!whose fDi.jiitieg for Securi R. D. Cook of OlImer, wa a Lberty- The lbetqvilîa bowVIng tee,Ogm la tba £pdtrlnm. Watcb toc lnither th ryb tt sseu viller vistor crlday. Poftd of IL Waters, o.i Muhlke, j. 9W pattflflèTLýtevr estu e Dr. Martin of Round Laie, r-as a fier. C. Bellers, ed P. Marris, on Bunda Agna Wlnkler loft second grade thtis this investmnent Of Our fui calter bore Mody roieda Seure of 2,429 ln the Illinois week on accaunt ot movlng to Wanàke- Androw Ainann of G limer, r-asliera' Chicago. lu the doublese Mortis anid Ataitetchrsdprtote STOMER genel-a uies audy Mueko and Waters sud Seiller 'are elghtb grade attenideil the teachers heo ene to Our Ed uioen pl Lake Zurich, visited rela- paioed, and tbsy wera aiea enterai n the meeting at Deerlletd, Saturday. A .1er. i apjrgelate i'. tive* bore Saturday and tiunday. dvduh otfe tecfbnto e iaceurehemengo r as ua peclal ou t miue to get the MIse lra Staplas entertainod MIe@ tn the mny re her, whther mena Rockenbacb af Deerlleld Sunday money. é Whiteaf Chilcago, vidîted eighth pi o sl fl it. e lr.HnySelro oiifh< At leau one of the i --ai aloonk@ep@ro grade Monday.LI RT ip t itate râ. erSeoieeralofaNorthis a- l ltromainiln the sanie business in the We bave saverai new ulpile la the I and UnV and o gve st .tor oreseveal ayo Li.weeil.future Mi me Ltlcati ital Paul Winkier grades as a resuit of th. Cpitldurlnsaedrg rIMES. We in George Fairlank of Chicago. vi io- ae salien an iit-r,-t ini a Waîîkegan fainîiy moving bai-k ta, unrvililage.u relatives and trîrnde bore a I-r- dai oe a-; 14alun rhicdINe l in the corner 'tf vîîurth grade is etudviug China-not wvrîâee' lifeeand Watreîrr;tmand wr-itii nubaud îainted-in Geagraih' n uu _________________ Peter Iýa-sun and son Oa fdoulit devate ail (J Li ie trtere alter t tk saen adeis Ii antieltin iieerdld, acre Lîlsrtyvilli e î tar tsaloans are (i i Ire. ftis oaleu Ciu"ey souni. rvil lriday. eaid that Ed HuraCdl rho onducte a A favorite' waik for soume pi-ople 1. ________________ aou at Areu, lIa- iilTImed la saloson thatvtr Mire. Li. riture aridàsua of l1o, luinWaukgan ut irlss the-corner of,î and em chuonl1 u MMr-aukeavenue B uy .vou r F I r-uud are vstlng Mr. aind IretI)ari, i randrîîîru. I The tact le. if they lîad 1000000 L. thi wllk-.Pai Winklere ii i. l-tttiî places are starteuj earlîer lu the m, buti year titere %1 ae tlîie rof-i-ebl.dir 0 Mrs l). . Hl-trwn nîl two chli st'o'faIhI -o~ unId have been a ucw r-al ueceary MN j> Tecunr-i, Mi h . are vi@itnig lier s-~ Tha hearinx niolina, ~ss fatter r-as about June 1.- " lire. F. N. iocten. again taken up befr . n..Ililinois Stat.- Tbere ie a rumur ai ;îlr.eet gîsitug "* Miss eJse rWiilamsr of Ciadlo,îr 1'tiitje coumielIl iagoMondas- around tilat several ofounr youm;nginl _ andilTueeday ai.-;,ir-reicutatives of eghth grade are about ta don muore *N. C., em viitiug at the bomne ut M r. ail this village were p rrv,- lit tuI give furtbe maniy attire. The narve ofsome peuples' Mirs. Jueeî,hWileîîn. testimony regariîîîg îlî.- 'uality of the yuung aute te "omeottiug as lui. Fiîrsi danc-e ut the seamun at Herri iras turnieled by th.- _\,rth Shore (las. Missi Pearsoîn bas fouud it neceseary tu Red Clover, Timoil *Park Pas ilion. Hall Dey, Saturiua%. Ca. The hearing r-al, I ouuiuued ta aeX t inau ber position and returu home in Mue Grass, Rape M &ay !o. ,aad tinte aesured. Monday. A. C Murray, district malta- ordver a u p cr o e ahr -ofedPa id * lre Jofin Dlliie ntruertaîtîdur bî- e o h aianv tietesrielas been eeriouely iliifor soune tiiîîe. Ber imatler. lMre. Frank liîtili,i.iirîtiri graduaiiy grass iris: letter and that absenuce te§ keeuiy tit by hi-r pn>îils and 0 i-w,serrerai dnye Iarsdivel, ener complainite a;rý iing made, iut friende lMitesEdna Coudrey of Waukr- fi-lt e jehebre euch coin plain ;tla.. reausterrd al!gn îîîlis-echrtehetheriolti Tiiere %%jit be a meting of the %V. rr-i s thelocal office, eflî)rt, are ut ounce ni'I adtu rrilavdcrge oîte y.r ol o limnidutai te bî>reof lire E, E Lîs il)triremdy t trouIl.I on Thirlsday afteruouin. lMay 7.. _______Lit, aaii 0îI e - t ' our The iresbyterian Ladiem i. sd-e -ieaIli-asuii hl ilrn i wil met ithMr. Rbet fidul.unMISS OUSTÀ S1IANK MARRIED Pieureurvi rn)tIllue edîtor. P. $ It Tlîureday afternasn, Muy 7th IN WAIJKE<iN SATURDÀY r-as le t'ic -otW i. %Ir. and Ms. R. L. Eduiiond e tiriIIne 0 OA OMNi V II U I a day li" t r-ek it b th er d la li terr M ý. le t r anster af i te W aukega n E R O 1 f O À O A o a littl S. amli and famiîy at Mîuiiru. Eii>eopalebchfil, Suîîîrday miîrnîug9 PRESENTED TO D.À. R. 0F LIBE] i everlue- re. HI.Welrenberg aîri îiaîghterr iîited in marriage Mies ,ueta :hauIl oft to ifpentmeeverai daye ut tact wai t he, thîr- tae andl Carl Ruine iKenomeha. "Amoug tbe contribuîtors for tbe Phoi 0 1bomne uf lire. Gerber ati Diaîîîund Lake. The bride le the daughter otflire. Julita liquidation oftIhe debt o! the 1). A. B .- ila r- nd rs.H_ hWc an daghtr iailk r-io resides an Fîrst steet,, andI Continental hall in Chic-ago, lire. Abby flie new . ir. nd lied.ole lcr and daytrlias livedi ietvleadimda awl er, tii-ne * Miss Ida, rturne s -e lnsa -lnLbryileaditeit aretFry igens a! the Chicago raigYO - LoAneeClwr ty@ft vi-InItY for the past seventeen yi-ars. rhaptar, mnade an intereeting contribu- ti tgylues tra ýmtLs'ele, atr-i-elby opntSb iLse uPlayed by the Raiuhow Mftg. tioli in the fora iof an aid sampler Co., and lier girl friands on learuîug that mnount@d as atray. lire. Ferry ez pInI-RL T & ,esn at re b Corlett & Predericks are dispiaying a (%he r-as ta become a bride, gava a tara- ed that @she bouglit the gampler at an CORL T yin tiise O uie sarI o!ftaur ln their Durth show r-eh party in ber hannic at the bomne of aurtion in Libertyvilie. Worksda mbt O rindar-. A big ad r-ii tell you ail Miss flnh Haber a week betore ber the canvu wras tic ganealagy ai the Phone 30. about il naît r-eak. marriage, and r-a prasented r-îîh many Tawnaend family. lire. Ferry proposeil * The Royal Neiglibore r-ii hold an. giftî. ta place the samplar au exhibition lu the isauniversary dance at the town bail The groom le Dot sa wsll knor-n hore, Ilinois roont and ouggested tbat Il any f 5 V lieg ay 5th. A dance for old and yaung. but amng the neaple of Kenosha whsre oi the danghtars ot the i. A. R. rarad ta C h o ic. e G o Gond tinte asured. Dance tickets 50eclha reeides, hi- bas many friands. Be has@ar-n il, thev ronld have It for $100 *par couple. lcecreant and cake r-iil be rrovided a home in thab city for hi, subocribei torthe Coninetntal hall lund o erveil in the basalment. bride and the youg couple siter barlng lu tha iarm af tan Illinois Damin ite a n d AI @eteit a roupie of day. wllh the brides@ honor'" oTha ladies o! the Lakeside Cemetery afitar, %Ire. Bater at Area. tbay r-ent to The aboya article Me an extract iront Asciationr-ilhaiod tbeir animal Diset- hbou@eaxteing in Keoo"& on Tuesday o! the Chicago ilecord-Herald ai Tburedsy,1 0 thls wsak Saturday aiternoan, May 2II<, the saiptr as tarnterly ownad by Mines a til p. m. for lhe purpose a! lecting Det1o-en ! ietvla i 0 aticer.. Att ladies intereetadin the cars FORMER LIBEIYYILLE QIRL died bere saveral years agu. Ber a00 00 f 1ha centtery are urged t b present. MÀRRIED IN CUIPAÀIQN Persna1 lpprty Wue as ihat tinte eold Mine Elaie Johnon ar the Wankefan St suction sud r-u purehaued maint7 Buiness coUlegebhm accaPted &a Po" TefohIngat"tienfomteby Lake Forustutlionslres, the gi-ester The Iollor-lngaarticleoirken tram the part coai&Utng ai ail bistortc helrloont.. Mlau b ee ven efienograhMredath lOPaxton, 111.) Beglter, wiil be ai thie particular sampier boing genera- CHAS- QM PROCTOR Mulanbo aenu aSc. t te Mredîhintereet' to many Llbertyvhie peaple: linsaId. lowor & Vegetable Co. J. Gibbs, who UmIs Gertruds EvikaMor, daugbter of ba eau btraaseier adsuthe aoffice sth r. and Mre. B. P. Eviilr ai Paxton, PIANO TUNING M I D M ' buehen rsniece l th ufie ansd Mr. Verne CorleY ai Champalgit, Lesve orders at BR&y'Purnitureatoro. U A N E lit Apaition la being cireulated tor the eveuîug, April 20, St 9 ocok h I O N D ,LF purpaee of oeacning enaugit monay to ail cetemany belng perlorrned by Fathar Whst la tinte ie the mater wllh yaur oeverat of tia etreeto lnthidvillage. it Frar-ley. pastîsr o! the Caihalir cburcb - loet. Jint' Even your dag trias ta gel PHONES 154-R AND 50 would hobeifr-ataovery7oua rha ie aux. as bi@ home. a-ay frram you. ltemeiuber Barker'a eS( Y, tous te, do ar-ay r-ltb the duel nuisance, Mc. and Mir@; Corley r-are in Paxton Atisaptie cures ait thîs trauble. F.B. UBERTYVI, ILUNIOS sncb as the publie bas been rotnpeited to at the home i- the bride'& parents and t.ovell Ca. Cput np)ritb during the laut fe w r-es hte orei-ýr,- rrlst busy receiving the 10 see that their mîmes are afflurd to the congratulioins a! their mauy frieude, boet. the r-idditig -oming as qulle a surprîi-e Tii- second performtance ut *'The Mai11 The bît.- c ît ne o! Paxton*s îîîîît anidThe Miniseur allîcît sagis-en aut ovely aut, m_ t ighiy reepected yonnig Seas(onableSuggestic lihe Auditoriumut llinday Digbl r-as wraen svliî lias a large circle of Irlenis 'attendeil by a fairlyiy oud-olzed crar-d, r-hoarc haiîauy to axtend coîngratula- but the campany a-as nn gîven as mucb lions and ises; 15ishes.yotg I L>.i J<U IIY L) >T support as they deeerved, for tie play Mc. (ari,~le Na prospecous yiasnIN UR D5a we- - E PTe.- r-was a good one. The Young Mens@ business ruanai ' t I hampaigu, being the -S uh toem A Watiare Associatioin, for r-base beneil or-uer of the Niil treet theater in that nouth-Stor the play wu@ preented. did not ealieectY and ati seing lterestad as a »nwti much tram the production o! the play. pactuer r-itb Mr, E. E. Alger ln the We have everything for Ilousecleaning: parel. L W la Chicago Ilut wi-ak Wedneedsy, Ies Crystal theater in Paxton. le N. Barîhai, abraîhar of Mise Ruth Mr. and lirs. Corley arenar- living Brooms, Brushes, iiops, Clothes.. Mer un Bartbolic. s teacher in lia local echools, wilh relatives lu Chatupalgu, but ho Unes, Soaps, Washlng sos wme lnînred stlghty lu umptng front a bu rentad a home thete sud lbe and Powders. lbld-tay iuor rbaj le hielugbubride expert ta begin boneeke.pingwshd lunr-bîcb h ar.ramtng caugbl surg., thefiret ai naît mantb. F u t an v ge a is ic ln The fire r-as casaitd by an explosionn it - rresne sa@ lu the thre-e.tory building St' 2888 Dont iorg*t ta ot rJour phatos aI , e h ru tsa dalsoale SuhMchigan avenue, sud Bartholle, Bewlck'e Studio an Monday or Tuas- received dail a Ioo W-ha le a cheniet, r-mearoumedJjry l aye"t, Iay 4tk erd-atigb Patcarde Y ed-i lire, but he stoppadita odroeu d 811tsphoto@ 01.00 par donae.. nei~t 5~,~rîp sutas ihbie belonginge. Dy that î1rend toolo, ebarpon sur-e, sciesars, 4iR 'AJ5..I EDAL FJtL OUR Cpn ilote the aente ball becate se danesaeadd *Wo'nfriue lilial;ecape by tbe siairr-sym e. .eates u orpllgo untr,.- a off sud Bilrtholic clntbed but on th@ And odd jobs. A. P. Ra ugh bt, iremat J r-ldor- ledqe asu deod ~4-tc, th e et Veaiio. gteund, sdiqeai4"w otr.ive feet. Photo Studio te o, O pen W. W. CAÇ' IR 0 L L & SOP4TN S MaO paper. 5-7 tui wo oxpleeloe Dwiek*e photo tto r-lit ho opeb ot tr-hn 9z5 o E tOOk place., thésecond 01e behýg so o M nd y sud T U li.set, Msèjy Mayts pst>rNorth0* ibe rool 29 ,0«0« Uat a u t ion ô d. - 1 o . h. 5t. N ow tyles 0of, ph t . rlt b -t« wiiob .. m oi" .la S h @MMSea >flSfor May .,our finit real Spring iïton1th, calis for niany dngm ill light wcaring ap-- Let us supply your mum. iderwear, hosiery and Look over our stock of res goods. We carry a le of muslin underwear; ladies' and chfidren's nade dresses, chlUdren' s, etc. COMPAANY t seaîl itnndicîl. RRTYVLLE moe 50 PREDERICKs LIBERTYVILljtIL& iroceries M1eats LIFE INSURMMCE l e lis1 ood cltum w o *provld tue hem osd chlnu. . abutturelU zn who alse provid or othie widov eM& erphan. N YLI LAL s beau- tEE in montlîy est of mll Ansi it v lest of sang ami et way l'y Tbe idle-i, andl iere ýj ll i I- >snce IK dis- youi bled ither ime. .A ab- nes Y. moo, but lte fized a a boa«t m lboee iâaY oI

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