Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 6

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rî L.AKE COITNTY-" TNT1EPWN1WNT. FRTDAY. IMA 1. 1914. lage Six aantyour better uget 31 CLASS 1aSainet have put yoirrelf on th. fAMIy IN Y.fliii Lord'a aide tonlght and as HieI sol- di ter, yau muet flght againat theso SIDEf, 809 . HAVE CON1w1or iqkd Influenc~es. As you do, e SU . elber that the Lord la on' your aide - A *l w E C P t. ho yl comte to you when you are Sut fragan Bishop Tl Con- tempted and you can conquer. When Escape From Burninig House irms Largest~ ~ Clsiyi- ou do. you wiii have peace; whei n IAfrTey re rus firmsLarget Clss inHis- you fatI, an accuing conscience wll Ol fe hyAeAo tory of Christ Church. cause you grief ta lice on ln daricness. ed by Their Neighbors. -Thero, 1 charge you to live se-. GIVES THEM GOOD ADVICE. cording Wo what He would have you. SAW FIRE FROM WINDOWS. - nover forgetting Wo cali on the Lord Return of Former Rector inl wlen th.ecvii one temple you to do Fire Department Was Mot Able Capacity of Bishop Proves rn. to Discover the Cause- Big Event There. DR J.B M FA RC DamageWasSlight. TfffE CLASS CONFI RMED IN CHRIaT, R .B N E T KWaulegaîî, AlîrIl 2., CHURCH SUNDA'I'EVENING. AfmIyreiIIEnth asmn i'.Mi MaIes Me.. nI i . U IES JUDDENLY IN ,f a ou sidiî9 ight tctý ,,arr,, 1rand i . r noirloeecai blî eiig iurîîed ro dealtli 1-hitliit taaii -,Ii iiil (UI' 'ILR V irday nuî i ien îalire :rke ontt l nIa 1, E-i-te il i'rivilidMN aiICIAO SUND! lAY iîer honme atterîliey lied goîte ti (hlîvi- taMiisv-fl11 , si- Ire Ci' î ______sieep. Tlîe bouse Is oaîîed b h4lar Rutth Halirlt 'iltAirit ;"'. FIt l 1es Pence, a local ront ractor. Itth i'aPheIi l i iit. 5 j F 'îrPersonai Friend of Chas. Lyon Neigiibnrs inoking oul of iheir in Ittht Ml1t J rice T.tkirdows saw asiclus naii te W.a \:%tn ' ~îrî~iîmss and Wefl Known by Masons tiasemient of the bonuse next to Ilicîti WsJlti PL.atlt, M r EIii of Lake Counrty. Tlîey -catclîed it a nmomenît anîd i lî-nm-sýt i(;.,, ( tiit'..tltileA, _______meed to incereasetI itetisily. Sooti Marie Il. (i;]-,,,n liiîihitv R.iracki flames acre discernihle aithte J_ W.e Fs t- M-'Itrsitîhard Tester Death Very Unexpected - Had windoNs. Puring Iis tinte there Itat Aller V. Tto-îIia lîsatietti E, Heritie Ethel NIt.ttIihtr ierthal, aeii i Been Guest of Waukegan not been.a stir ftmhie famiiy liv- .hI % F ie~ ~l.endug Mreelli- c P.aI-ling in tIrebasement. Drt-E Fitton (wenoiNn iiîtl\MxHayes Masons at Big Events. The n',ghbors rusheti to thebos w.i.H-Itmil Iarjerîte SC veci_______ moid ..esealitre Ettred.AlNla and ifnunded lustiiy upoîl the duors Nioren R Mttay 1Iarri,îgtiie Dr. James Burton 3.cFatrich, form- anrd aindows. but It Paus ome uitile Je.seeRt. Etivarde W- eSi-itt Keîit wk Mîsude F tiîtvel (De,. 1913) er president of the board of educa- titne before tlîey succeeded in aa - lin an a sud enirenîg te residente. They aeemed to tionand Masn, ied uddely ihav-e heen partly overrome by ilhe The largest chasa everc-onfirmetilu hie residetîce. 1P62 Astor street, Chi.-s oc1 n ,îe t i nik a the Episcopal churcli at Waukegan.' cago, Sunday: 1-e bati heen Ill' tao iîîg trme only ho put ou a few articles vwas given the rite of confirmationi, eeks weuh beart troubile, but his con- f l tgtey 1(41 the liotse and i ni o rfusin teauloining bouses. Bunday evening, April 2611, ahen stîf- diton lad net leen regartiet as sert fragan iilap W. F. Tati. for 25 years 005. 1S rector of the pariali îrevioîs 1telie- Dr. McFttrtcb a-as weil know n la t Ing madetie hop, came t0 the city Waulîegan tlîroagiî baving attended I and offciateti at a most inîlressîve many 'iavoiili eis-n lie waa a per- service. sonal frlend of ('harles Lyon of M'au- Tial the event vas quile oui of tie kogati aad vas nie companion asct i ortinar>' andt ltIthe eturn W bhc violer alen la Florîtia. ; churci of nI. ToIt as bisiop toadat-!Dr. McFatridli vas lorn at Lena, miniater go Important a rite, vas re- Ill., Ilit 186)2. anti alber attending ther gartiet as an occÀsion of hston>' ho common anti higI scrolîs tliere, tu- a the churcli. was evIdenceti ly the dicd ti athe oiier lowa universît>'. tact liat thie churci vas filleti vithi a-lere lie graduatet i wth the degree tricada anti relatives oftifli gclnse of NI. S. Be later oltaineti the <igree anti tiftle ciumcb memliers. of M. D., aI the Hahinemann ieia Beldorn has lie churcli beco filleti college la Chicago In 1885. ta lie etet It vas Sunta>' nlght lu Siedeni of Civic Affaire fact. tic Hanter- atteudanre aas not Soon aler lieginniag practîce in -go large. Wlile Ma. Toli bas leen Chicago lie bccame knovn as an\In- bsck at tic local chanci once clore teresteil sbudenb of civîn affairs anti becamlug a biabap. it vas at lie an active vorier la Masoar>'. He lme ofthte Installation of Rector serveti as a mernler of thie state <ansler anti ho neyer has officlateti boardi af lealkb tfrom 1892 10 1896. tu tic yearis ho has ligenablabap. at Dunlng ton yea Il hoevas on lhe staff a confirmation service. Thenefore. to Of Cook count>' basital. hlm sund t tho xalsi. bis relura I n Octoher of 1881 Dr. McF'atnieh meant somelbiug. marrietifiss Vesta R. Putnam tif Chii- The egular conirmation service cago, abo vith tati taugters, sur- vas folloveti anti ater-lho hati lid vives him. In 1902 lie vas closcu hands on te members o the risnse, mnent grand commander of thIli.I tic bisiop. addressing tioma gave Mole commander>' of the Knlglbs; toem ords f ativice and suggestion Templar. e vas active In obtaiulng for them t fllov nov tiat tliey tie building of the Malonlc temple hati taken lie vov vîîcî accomilan- andthle MaSOnie Orpians' homo. les conirmatiOn. Intiated Man>' Reforme Thc *lshop'e Addres lu Jaly of 1909 ho vas appoluteti a Bishop Toi saiti, "I have longes! for mouiler of lie board of educalion b>' JuRt mati a lime. vien i couiti cou- Mayor Fred A. Bosse, e serveti for flirtauci a lange class of boys anti tour Years, heiug roappolutet b>- girls snd adtela" lutea-ing tat Bci , layor Haraison, Ho succeeded AI- Ilre aiseti cases are not common fret R. Uion as presîieul of lie even lu the big Chicago tlîacese. board lu Decemier, 1910, abici pont- 'Where are the chîltiren for aîom ion ho helli until ha vas succeedeti tie bldhopa ara crying?" ho asîcti b> Peter Reinberg lu tho tail of 1912. "Hure la the promise tif the future' Wie a momier of the bard ho Years ant If tie>' are faithful ta thim lstigaledtheti medical Inspection of confsesion matie hors anti use the lie semail chiltiren, ativocatedth Ie op- gi-areOf Goti accordiiag to the nmess- cnlng of the cinol buildings ta the .re he bas givon thorn. thora are sut-. public, piannedthetbe lautifiratonu of ficient.boys anti girls lu this clans to hhe shoai grounds, ant inhareasedth te leaventse viole rommunîîy la vîlch numaben of evealng 'scooui courses. you Ilie. 1liewca amember of the Culcago "Ke9p yourselvee pure and (.Jean, Atiletic, Illinois Athietir, - 1Union Pure hearted,. dean miadeti and irue l.eague - South Shore ('ountry- anti oti -litatif;us vIthîe couetrY needsi 10 er lulis. ta>'. You c-orne Iere W ninec te promises made nt votir laliinî . il Ought to Be Erýougls. renunethe îrtd, tIte- leeli anti tiîe rPbYatIOan at .Watea-lni place ta dev:l. nnît Inî ~Patients Hubnd-1knt Mdaftea- ait. "Inrenlininztheword ýou eanthe great thing fnr your vifs is ex- erciso. Doesaeaie take an?' FPa tbat >ou ailil lise aliart frîm Cod, ient Iiusbai-Take allishouiti that 'oh i lîl notfl oiovthe paîlis of Cs'a I se id. Wl>'. doctor. te thase abo do anti chosecreeti merelc changes lier dresa et leapt sia limes ln : 'Let us est anti drink, ant i îe à day."-Sýtra>' Storlea. anti steel for tornorrov ve die. Those Wo Hve accordlng t that creeti baie LoligIhOe W th. -4 a-> Bo sonne of responsilililty. The tact. "Do 7os thilik tri o iftl7 la Pm~ 10 ve muet ail aecouai, for flic decti egrnUa?" "es"replieti Senataf et cur body. OrghILLEIL "-ut 'hale the good oi «'fhOU! ba deliny. Mhen tavlu a vicie lot of astvieu "Tirs a atua laynu Wba oU naboti>dane s enti an> of it t9W voulti do goat, euil i i e ,lyu tempt- ,otesor tlulmts.T" ing ion ta do somethling against your ConLvi.tlonO. If You auccumb. il s Foi- Vota.-Traveline Dao. mdue ta îour moral weaknese Tlils Brown - leatuier traveling baga, or la aL weaknesa Of fiesi. ItIlileagainst snY otier irown leatier goodg, Ma tti flesia that you have a con stant b. beaatlfuilY POlIsheti by rubbing ,warare.theni alth te Insitie of a bans"a skia "DoWtt b. deluiet Iinto the belle! andtilenpolishIng it s a otI r tisat thc temptea- toea not live. He coh dom Uve andi ho lis near >'ou alvays: ti lie bau lots of assistants on even>' DOMtPesbie Way. 01ile Hoevilitry la malle you bll»e~ I ys Desaon W. C. Palmey tha tirola a armlusane t tffh. is t .othor vaY 10 sel yod viteete grelrvi lauDo ths-dIn 'whihyour botter self telis you nua l o'e t Veévou&" jg " i go de. Dmt lt hlm Persuade yau I AB e. ~ Jc., INetw etsfomta with Waukegan, Highland Park, Liii- OrtYvilie and other north shore citiOS ln demandlg a -botter product. They feel that lie.ln a chance for muei improveumet in both the wateo aad the, ga&' Waukegin people aiea are doter- mined to continue theo Sut asainst the gas comîlany and are eagerly awalting final action by the itate commission. They declare that vitie the gus la useable ai times that thon. are other Urnes when It ln ,bomlnabie for both eooklng andi lighting pur- poses. Thia complaint ie ralsed by the jDople viierever this gas ln uheti. ilesrlsg Due Tod.îsy Six comploait against the sas con- îîsny are scheduled llt' ieatr- by the cmission Ibis weei 'rieshoar- Inlgs were ta taritira rhhe reci- dents at L.ake Bluff. reir"enetd liy William lP. Cochranî. r-ti;ent of the M iiage, wlIl ask the commisaion to order thec ornpany in .mîîrove their plant so tat t unlît'swililtint 11 te bousses and euîdairer the ii*.es of the accuipants. CIIICAGOAN NAMED' DION POSTRMTR DESPITEPROTESTS Matthew N. Prîce of Chicago Confirmed in a Most Unulsuai Action. 2 CIIILDREN STUN* TOWNSHIIPPPLS T O ectiIghbh NED WRE1N A BOLT TOOK PART IN AN for-May is attached a STRIKES AÀIIOUSE EXAMINATION IERE 1Coupon Lightning Hit George Owens' Pupils From North Sohool in a crd tofrsnat o Home Friday Night, Setting North Chicado Carried Off It on Fire at Once. Most of the Honors. $0 CHILOREN WREIN BED.- COUNTY EXÀM NEXT4MONTH4 thq apayf tfor an Stunned for Some Tine--Oth- Winners of This Exaililatiod.î cti er Houses Here Are Report- WiII Compote With Others ed to Have Been Struck. From Lake County. W adhing Machine 1 WaueganApril 25. Puils fronm the Noth school at o ç em Two chlidren were tuaned Into fix- North Chicago carried off the princi. Wihw senslblity as they lay In bed when pal lhonore at a comfsetitive examina- standard t"«. Iightning @truck and set tire to the tion heid Thuraday atternoon at the OeogeH. ve hme t 22 lak-office of T. A. Blimpson. county suer ranging in prices son avenue about 9:30 o'clock ffldày tndn0fcho.Ppisrm from $50 Up to Mighl' he dmag tothe ous lifour achools took part lu the, test. eatimated ai; about $200. eeveral oth- Tescol ergndwr:$15Trmofd: er housses In the etty are aaid tW have Spuldinge schiool. tei; eptruck by 1ightnlng bote donina Bianchards achool.$1 the ire eletrIal sormof te Yer. Yorkhouse sclîool. $ 0d w the. Owret olct ayorm o m e a North achool, North Chicago. Balanc, payabl atil uaontlily at the timen the accident liappened. h %uetýwr xmndI a Mr. Oven was attending to chores bronches, namey: geographly, nrlth- 1. te h . Thlr wo ittl chlrn moe. apelling and wrltiîîg. t'ader aO byant gfirl. were sleeping In hthe ere ofh the ool<onter i sudn ea uliper part of thie iouse.frn .f colcudetrIeahP bâ The father did flot notice tiîat the depariment. Oniy the schools lIn Wau- lightning had 8truck his own bouse kegan townBhip) outaide of the city af i1 and t ws no unil eighorsIn-Waukegan were eligihie to compote.Se v c !ormed hlmi of the faet that lie lnew Th errsItevalu hi, lhome was on lire. ly thîe oComae hic èilre iiad eiidiarovered the roof eited theininîrethe at iîianti and garret %vere biazing flercely. l'le resurtt In thrêe ore the delieri. 0 OTER LHI The boit of liglitning had »truck mente folcaw- FNRHJt LNL Ila nce vrthe hhmneating itdown . Frank tCork, North Rsiboni _________________ The oit oun an scap thrugh Segurd 4mon.4on. north chool. wlndvaaller doing more or 1". s dam- i. Irving Blianchard, York flouse, Y OM N' proilsur toclo IeoI. fGlenn Ran, York Itouse. dren titat tiiey were stunned mb tî n- - 5 ItnEas ot col conosness and It vas with the ih Felyri ilansin, iBlanchtard. greatest dîtlicultý they vere evaken- ARITliIMTI'- ed. At tiret It was thouglit they 1 Segurd Sîmons. North school. mihthaeben erois Ijue 101(arman, Spauldiug I tîut t as tound they ,,ere ail rIghl vlnIasn ln«d etter thiw lied recovereti tram the Tue ivinners of the contrat wiil re 8hock.cpu e lttie itedale. In the speiling Th iîr t-metwa urmne ompetltion the lialiers were sent T s iedprmn a umndt hî-agn c lîey e9wiiil e nmae asooi as the blaze cas discovered _--1i1 TIre Soutth Sidecire dettartalenttre rtWrO.n _d i nig1or a 1 ;pnlded and suce edet iniiPutting ont SALMON NEAR APPOINTEE. larentty dld flot rare tei tak an le l' ire siihlittie trouble. Lb i-icon chanceA on valting for the tiepart- sidered nnst fortîliate It1at the t ire Washington, 0i. C.. Aprii 2>- nient ho arrive ag they at once seti ýas ili-covervd ly the neiglybors chen (specla)-At an esectilve *ce- to work ho rernoye the furalture. ý iras for otiterwise thie peopile niglit se et a test o- li h iete iee ri il haie leeti burtiedt 1deatti ulule fr ca iteday ihe snherscon-i pr tt' itetietrcin riv Iîcv lacln bed. Tire residents offltii-e imt gtc osmmes f iattal] iltle frîrnîture liad lit-ci hous areforignes ad th 1 arried 0Ont anti the'volunteer ire, mus ar firegtirsaîî tIe ire de- Illtinois anti the namnber iintiuded tgltr ace aria onalre tirarines.dd fltser e are îirdani Matthew N. Prîce of Chicago for tîeatiîîg cose. Il requlred but a short Wd IatPmis Ni-irlicauerofthen-c ile OtatritZo iyinte for the ticrartrnent ta gel the ciieemit I,-rtt î lirpsmair eZigCîy ln ire unîher cottrol nnd thti-ticlit. mae nvsiaSoiwiib me lime ac'ir a rutoor vas teard i2 rt -.,-o~î- tr iil . n ilIt on he trets f Wukgantha Ji_ývlYsilhoc-i uit tiits vas îlot the only> irade. ne lmosteeniwakegan tateJiai-damnage doueliy the llîhtning. A boit1 Mii aIron na4 t egrain Cvas -al.lieshesaliti t0have knocked Several bricks SEEKTO OU R mnon deiedIt ad eerybdy hougtfom a himney on tic Talcott home SEEK O COMEL raeosmtra Jk. ioenmn. a ..o Shueridan roati. Severai tre,,s are T II ca aosnjake. aualMn mCn.yareported tW have been strnck. IMPROVEMENTS AT Imocriland lsnîeatZn (itf________ NT That*s ahat everyody tliougbt 7IT ME A J N LCAL J LA T Bui. il seeme different, for accord- 2 OCT06ENÀIANS1ii ~ ILA ing 1teIlie Zon City Independent ______Calrnon cas a near appointer anti cas Resdens o Lae BuffArethe hoice o!ftoce wbo haie heen DIED W 1i'IN PER. ~esient ofLakeBluf Ae rakîng linulmaters ln Lake county. Asking This of the State ThiedZIon Indepndent ticts eek ID 0 N IU Utilities Commissio~n. mienting on tic postmaster situation_____ as a resait of thie namrn of atthev WILL RESUME HEARINO. Price.a! Chirago liavlag treen sent ta John Eckerstrom, 80 Years tic aenate aaslîostmaster for Zion, a Old, Resident Here Many Heswvso aeFr stp wh tllhcuseti a surprisetecause- - -Iousewivesof ae Foy restpotmasterships usually go o moei- Yeai-s, Died at His Home Complainof WaterThey Are dents Oftifhe City te eservetid hneRTD .R A ED Forced to Use There. about t-lt ca.not figure out wliy a REIE R-.MA- ED FiLE COMPLAINTS Chicago resitient lias a nclaim on ticedi Sy" YerO , FIECMLIT inCity postoffice. Edi Sks 86 er*Od Two publiceservice coi-Fora- The lotiePendent tells of bowa a De nHoîa oiwn tions are la ho attack@d by the p rai ml a frei atter people of Lake FPrestadoth eitient W'Iilonsa nomination iad Attack of Pneumonia. peoieof .ae Fi-gt fl cfth -been matie and haw lie club ralseti enti,-. forthshorierîn the foliow- aîOneY anti sont iltet heatiQuarters: B>' a striange coincîdence tva af lie ing mater,:: boys the memliers vonlced for WII- oldeet reafidenta tif Waukegan anti FIRT-Hnrige gaiut o@ sons election andtihtin ina, finaiiy North Chicago tieloithin an houn CompnyT-oIesllgtaestttoay the clb unanimoualy endorseti F. E. Of eftch otier on Fnlday arttrnoan. comsnyscodued e t51 los> WelIton for potmnastor, stales ho vas Bath voe e ven elghty yeans of age. wil soit commission ta for-ce cern- theooui>' Man amanu tho tiemocrala Edwin Sykes oie* PanY te improve plant and reileve mentloned for the pace. EtdIin Sykos Paaaied avaY aithle tepeatconditions. Explalning tuis Pint, lie Intiopen- Jane McAlister baepitai Fritiay aflor- tuECN--k poressents dent lnings out Salman'a namne as noon nt tire. o'clock or pneumonie SECNDLat.Fo-st eue- follove- anti asthma. He hati beeon a sufferer %vives complin te commiesion "Wliat Ilien bas l; ioredth te ap- of astima for a numben of years. A that %voter furnimiied them by poinimetît of the oni>' domocrat vhîcs few timys ago ho cantroitot pneumo- Laske Foiest Water Company la applieti for the place? A man b>' thie nia and vas net sîronit enougi te name of Thomas Graham, a nominal wlîbstandth le altacit. He vas 86 nt fit to bo ueed for an>' parpose. tiemocrat vas eiocted Wticthe tate yeans af ago. - logisiature, anti James Hamilton bey- For yoars and years Mr. Sykes vas Resitients tif Lake Fiorest, antifortonl wac eleclti itn the Unitedi States a fallhtui empioyo of the Chicago & thal matter o! the entire nortit shore cenate as a demarrat. The patronage Northveslern railroat anti vas pen- are intenested inl a hearlng tlis lela ilai their liantia. sioneti orne lithl ime aga. Ho vas pendng efoe te Ilinis tat Ut Then te trading began. The tiret prIviegedtiet go anyviere on the çieniinghetoe le liînoi S l- tu.efforitiof Mr. Grahiamn aas an Insuîit eytem that h le et aitliout charge itie commission witi regard te tle tii tIr, itizenshi of Zioa Cils-. He e le reputed to have been qulte keal- vater furnisheti consumera liy the triedt i appoint a Mr, James Salmon thy- l'or tlie last three 9 cars lhe lati bake Forest vater cornpanY, a private n'eXVa4gaî for the lplace. As If the been living ailli a Mr. ant Iram. Sav- rittzetîshipr of Zion City vas so loy ag of North Clicago, corporation. (Othtt ilere vas not a man lere worthy He vas a memlier o! tbe D. C. At a rerenl hlearlng before Cm-of hiùjz ro4tiiaster!!f le thîs. boa- Gregier badge. No. 643, A. P. & A. Mi misioner Water A. Shaw of the com- eser. for -ome reasort lie tauIed t0 of Chicago. The funerai prolîably mission. bake Forest houseaives tes- land hits tian. viiileo ielti aext Tuectia>. Inter- TIe ni-st trade vas vith Ibis Cor- ment ciii take place at RosehIli cern tilieti that the vater blepg furîîiched ruil it tCiltlilcan gang bere. knowa as cicr>'. The Masonir order vili have thcm la o! a ver>' Inferior qualit>' 'îeorisTue prire they agreeti on charge at the grave. Tlîey lave aakedtie liele commis- seems tui have satiafieti Mr. Grahamn John Eckeratrom Mies sion 1e Investigile Imb ho farts ln ant i 'r, 0.W. Parle>', wvolieye, got John Eckerstrom vIa for over i thecas an retie thm mrnereief. ar Le w eis' endorsoment. Mr. quarter century hatilicoue a residont the aseandrener hemsorie elif. arl:, as a Republcant preclnct of Waukegan passoti avay Fritia>'aftt The Commission in exlieclo! toe ne- rounitîttee man anti a hencirnan of ernoon at 3:50 p. m., aI lils home on srne the learing at aimait any Volisa. Vîgoraus proteste foreti 734 South Vtica stnoet. He vas one time. Senator bevis taeaitidrav that nom- ofthle lest knovn reaidents ot the Lake Forost people dlaim tIl tsInatione. thlindiekerings thon vent Cil>'. thtteon valtîtothor parties but a suffilnt stes ils vite ho )eavos lie fol- Lake Forestwaster compan>' uat onlY prie muld ualtlieagreeti upon t loving daughtors antisenia Mn. furnisies valor that la unfit for drink- seettis unlil Mattiev N. Pnice came Heur>' Carison, P.fe. Charles Ram- ing purposes but for any kinti of UPun titi- arno.. selle. Mrs. Walter Spoon. Fred and purpses or tat mtterand hat But aho la Mathea N. Prîce' The Charles Eckerslrom. purpoes fa thatmatto an acitizens of Zion City' are asklag, aho auyForeh. they are obligeti te paythe1hilgieet 18lie? ew»r o.Clle prices for IL. Tii.> gay tic>' have We htave Inventigateti ant i md,iiat- A pUaI manr peope arn undor tii appeaied ta the oompany ton relief thew N. Price tg a citizen of Chiltgo impression that the stravb.rnytlaof andtal regleteaet lu the Chicago di- l-opes. a-fga. As amalter of tact but lu valu sas tiec cmponT manopo- rectot-y as a painter. Ris residonce it la deiveà fi. 0% th,) Ch.ieen berry, lises tie situation, havinu jo comlpe- 18 ai 5227 Ella avenue. tilion. "We fiati lu the records of ZMan ahich là niative, ta tic Parcific ouas. Houseaives lu LjaIe Forost have C'ity election for 1910 that he vas.ano tw tou i te ir e te tim f the 193 logal votera viom VflWa TIme for- silence. Ivo ran lute re a th sae lrough t lier Wo vote lu tiat election ' there le one man lu tha e elatr7 tîme as they are aise ver>' bitter ln anti ah0 vere ludictet by the grand ti a eys io is tbie ta tell a voBait thelr denanclatian of tie gag fur- JurY for illegal vatlng. Ho vaa, about aile by looking at ber. Maybe ho can, niahed b>' tic Northi d om- e as zamebr? Zo nibut If ho lias any senneio von't do pany. At the hearing whici vas helti 1 a resitient, connected villa lie pub-» LTld I-o in Chicago rocentir tioy oined bandetis lletigbue. r.Daemn md eetoi-n tr tte ut hifot I lie knuP n for a' tew daym. mhs ho won itrst and secoind pa e., rv liezod tri take part i held in Niav At his lime Ibise îî lio exalininatiotis ailî rver tIil- i ouiitv willî s the Best ' icrnîlwte. A silver cnp a ili lie o;ffered j15 as îrîzëe.Money ean Duy mrSinip:5on prut the plait mb et.(u -!-,.t u in4ou iýr1SUlefsltil%, s l l charMe wr or-d Iii ir _11 1_ n. .d aife our <eri ng a desire an the part of mlu- tantmtia 5lilrte -r us-e'.ta 1. 1e or-bteoaliti S goa C. M. STOREY, EX= RESIDENT 0f JIERE, DIES IN S. DAKOTA Lived Here Many Years and Is Recalled by Ail of the Older Residents of City. Word lias lîcen receiveti here ot the deati lu Arliogton, S. D, of C. M. 9tore>', a former aoaltliy anti ex- tremel>' w.11 kaoan resideut of Wau- kegan. Mra. Storcy left Waukcgan ymati> years ago anti for years lias leen a promînent banken ln Arling- ton, e left bere se mati> years azo that be ai recalletily oui>' the altier eresîdenta of the rit>'. 1 Wlti bis parents Mr.-.Stoney carne te Autioch, Lakte count>', ln 1844, anti took up a tract of elgit>' acres o! un- improveti landi. The>' roaldeti Ln a log cabin abic te>' tousta-ucted. Witi bis parents Ma-. Stare>- crosseti rthe -plaina te California in 1852. Th'e klrip vas matie aiti ox-eams anti six menthe andti Ielve tisys elapseti be- fore Ibo>- roachodti tir doatination. Tho catîle gave out andtihlI lasI three huntireti miles vere matie on foot, kparti>' arrosa a deBerl. * Follovlng hie occupation o! butchen eaiso of vood cliopper, Mr. Store>"s efaîber saveti a littie mone>'. me I- vouid thon go la meet the, emigrsnts don the plaints, brt up tle exhiausteti Stock, aluni lie lerdeti anti ret-ruteti la the mounaahasunli lit vas ha fine Il ! condition c-len lie voulti agala ea- ygage la the liutring business.eJun. n- Iag the greaier part of his residlence lein California lie carrieti on thalvwork anti matiefor bitoself antitamul>' a anug littie fortune. Hie son Chiarles atandtihti other chiltiren lelpeti iim aIl !-te>'coulti. t Ho anti lis famil>' returnedtietaLakte lecount>' ln 1859 anti purclaceti another letarm ln Antioci township but after )j tree yeara the famîl>' remavet int 19 Waukegan. n- As soon as ho waai od enougi Chas. Store>' set out ta earn a living for imef anti prospereti more Iban tie average youngsler. He hadtihlehap- Bpy facult>' of aavlug moue>' anti viei Of holeloftions, for South Dakota aven a 34score o! Years aga he vas nepatedte t 71 b. <laite vealti>'.,Tiers hie enîrance 9LInto tlie bauking business rovoti ver>' successul. For several years Ilttie hati bon 37 board beeoof Mr-torey ant ies ad L.fnientis bore vers ver>' mari surpris- do 1 e to learu of bis death. Lske's big vsxly-flDWBPUN EN. Louis J. Yeomnan MANUFACTUIîN O OPCIAN WAUKIEGAN. ILLINOIS rz. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURfER Or Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemietery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5oiicited I 6Genesee St Waukegan Gooçi Coffee Costs LMs les the or coffeeta' e ehv.Hg gaecf f etels oe up t he moestrength in the high grade bernes. And there s p.aatifaction in cof e that Iacks a full, rch flavor. You are choo.lng a higli ga e h, ut au n =.put ~tfl thegot Frm evr = y=uca mur i 701k.Itmid.The. met ~huithanap.nYBCP. hhs salai L amt: eue ee lb.Chou counyw ekli coved FOR 5 Pab FOR DeeS villa a FOR Mud Liber FOR FOR andi Liber FORI baicti @ale iL FOR llatcliî setiters tirdeni FARAj any nr. FOR !r lai /.-iee Cio, Ili FOR l Peicinj FOR lng t l'ri.-o on C FOR 9 FOR S Ili.- (iildec A rea, i1 ROSE Cbieugc m tiunon guaran Lîierty FOR Sà alille os l>ayle. li i l'Oc for Dock. -Liberti gan. FUR S8 gieu, au lef t m &Fea. eha Ir yui ever le vil ha mervicot serving and thi perlor. WeilI m that ci imagina and yus cest m Oaempt church sMd en for edtt t hanita sti by tiniteti Mrm. picpic?' v. pla: th th tu R v H !. 1 la-- a.-

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