Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 7

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I Page Seven + FOR SALE + FOR SALE-1918 neASvlY me-Rainhler, 5 pauenger, in gaOd condition. mahe né an affer. It wil go ver7 cesmp. 82-4 just Mtor C.o. FOR SALE-About 40 Tellai.f Dent sud em~. John Abatt. LIterVt- villeuer ERedupatfnrn. . -2 FOR BAL£ - Moites glaioli bulbe 15 sud 25 cente par dome. Clara1. lBer, Mhltwaukes Ave, sud Rockland Rond, r Llb@MtvUlls. p32-2 FOR SALE-New 7-rominouase and Vacant lotas t Aren. Inquire ai Wm. A.F Da&Y, Are., I1I. C-82-tt FOR 8ALE-À quantlty oi cord wood aBd posta. Wmi.J. 9Scbreck, R 1. Libertyville. Phone 2l7-L 2. c 32-tf FOR SALE-1 0 ton go>d Ttnothy bay,' baied. Phon.p2femr a P W. bave a cumber .W flue fîoîiie for maieuorrent. Ivird îî.i.Lh-. ville. :2t FOR SALE-Blmn-k La-glioru Eggs for1 hiatchiiug, fine wnter layer.. and non1 stters. 't*ou taui fot ko wrng in1 orderlng ila -Ltiig of ltr $1 7.0for1 1 - eggs. L. 'et.-raeî, hbrUte 1. Itrairle1 Nt ew. Ii. 1, 27-4; FARM FOR SALE-WV. I al i atel st Gliner; 12., acre., m-lear. W tiii eînmder aujy reao(atrabie î,ffe.rFor futther infrm-, ataion write lrs. IL P. Blue, Nh2 orth Ileruiitlagr e.,1irag 1- FOR SALE-Team of Br ie,. i finle lwaî y larnese, $450. 7 aud li ypars, !.,r faon wrrk or leî~ag ;, ryaI 7-i-msfat-tuniar Er-r,-ti ',r ir C.-a h-îss, Everëtti. lrairî.- % w 1'. Laike1 Coa , II li ............. + FOR LENT + FOR RENT -. brick honne; gas. electrlc lgbte and bath. Apply J. L. Prime, Spraffe treet e-82.1 TO RENT-ltaom w4th or wfibant board, central location. Inquire Inde. pendent office. p-80-8- WANTED TO RENT-A nmmer haone witbln twenty-flve mile" of Evanston; mnt b. fulasbed and cattain tram moyen ta tan rooua sud have «ronade 10 RENT-tfoutb apartinent la new cernent block bouse; Ideai reedence loca-. tion and otber roomne and building fer nuDt. MAneltansd building for sale St rlgbt prie«.. £. . mn, Aresi, I11. e.81.ti FOR RENIT-Six toaa modem hanse on Doualas Ave, bet weec Division St. and Park Ave. Mre.Id. E. Allansan. p-82.1 + mzozEIANOuB + MONEY TO LOAN-4On lmproved real estate. J. S. OsînLFY, Fit-st National Bank. c-32-ti MARRY IF '(OU ARE LONELY-The Itliabie ('onfidential sueeful rlut, lié large nuiuher of wealtlay efigihie mem- ber# of botn sexes. wtshinjg eariy marri- aile. l>erriîtîra free. Ur@. ruil [Bi 2ihalnd, cal. p31-2 Sorgfîuî.î a-de iurusficd ire,- ut ou i;rrve Gri.t lill1 any day ercept %mr, day. asud Tuemdaya -Iosed. (-1-.4 +1 WANTED WANTEO Bavec 1urîhasr. rafritonî 1i) trih) ciresr-afarmîîn %'Arite rtirt ri parti tirfar. Nr, agi-rt.. nîdi-rsLAý lnd-eilidnt ti(a--3 :2- if WANTE-Girl for hîinsi-aa unillmu FOR SALE -Bart-cd tiiekiuc it, ..d l jLicaine tioannai-r ttheicîphnla n-nt--il Pt-km l)uîks cggt, S'or- îa-- i..ttilig. ira-. g-rtiy. Aprply frirx 324, Labe Fiirept. Lt b.Thomasm, Pfiote 29 l1 -2. r-fil if P-32 I - 1 - - -- - - - - - -_- -_- FOR SALE-FIght bornePnui-rlead- fng Standard Molai)re, ii- 1141:1 iod fuiiy .quipped. In use iruiy liurnmon tb,. l'ri, 225. (an ire swen at mY r-.1i-e, orn CooktAve J. .Hart. 141 2 FOR SALE-I natcbed "eni of ilai-km, eiîming h6 and -7 vears nid. weigfit about 24(M). weii Sirinith, Areta ..-:Il 2 FOR SALE-A zood fuira,, titi- vearu. rrAd, elgttI 259)i.1. 1' ,,reAt-a, fil. jp-31-3: OLD ESTABLISJIED CONCERN PURCIIAS- ED SUGAR REFINERI Such Is the Statement Mad( Today by Man Who Says He Knows Some Fact. FOR SALE-Fit-e drîrd fl-r Kiitg tîtnd E ____1,00____S itlden Joei -a-rf itern Frttrlk'r -bei-v. Statements*Bear Out the Ex- Ares, I lRoteta- i Phne '17 ltI - . v-3 1-21 cu CîU St ory rrinted in ROSE COMB REOS-Egga ftrruî The Sun Recently. Chiu-go, Racine. Auroait-anaud auk i Thi a uestr-inerv den], wfiei-anh m tuet-s. las rord ines. Fcttiliiy thte XXaukeagan fictor'y is to ha- soit guaranteod. Kimill 1rigm R(ed lardm. Lbertjtville, Ili. c-31-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-IlO acre@, one mile esot oi ryslake depot. Irving paynle. At-ca. Ill. s 31-tf IFFOR SALE-Rbode lolaud Red E*% l'Oc for ettif g of 15. aioTnrkey and Ducks Egm for mie. John Mecaun, Llbertyvtlle. Phone 941-Y-3 Wauke- gan. P-82-1 FUR SALE CNÇAP-Box legbe, hug- gise urrey, wagon, mingle harnees, etc., ef t tromm ty ae. Bej. Broadhead. &re&. p-82-1 c a-titno onPoeute Sucese. Ir you ame tu ho uccssini yau muet aven keep lu mind that your employer vM b ave a mucis igiar valua af your set-ices If hs knowm that you are oh- servtug whah le goiug ounaaund yen sud the aark af your Immediata au- pst-lot. ItlelBobsrviug the aetu u s weil se the great thinga lu buainess that caunts Attention, su Intelligent imagination as well as observation. sud you are on the igb noad ta nue- cest. Exomptsd fsou Taxation. Pur ret-sona ai public paicY the lait foste tram taxation chuschas and chut-ch praparty, cemetet-tes. schaol sud cutlege propet-ty. buildings used S for educalionai, ltet-sty, scleutIflo ai tharItable purposes sud prnpet-ty own, ed by a city, caunly, state or t U nited SIatese Resllent. Mm. Naybor-"Weil, did you have soanmeofthUtaspouge cake I sent t the pluplu?" WIIe Nextdoe-Yem'm; vs played bal aith my plece" 10 Chicagfo parties, an tated lu tir Sun anme dar-. ago. la ail trUa-. The deal 1s al Ibrougi andri Ikely aIlhi suuouuced athin a very short lIma,' sald a wa-hI Irnoan Wsnkegau man 10- day abo added tiat ha bsd bis lu- formation fI hauded sud that de. velopinuts aould show boa trua- the statemeuts are. "itlal the iggest tblug that bas aver bappeued to Waukegan. Tht mnu ho told me about It sud abu "aYB he knOas mmcb ai the details, dadas-es the conceru ahi-h bas pur- cbaaed tha refiuery buildings, le ane oi thc oldest astablieied lu Chicago, snd aben the Dacie camas out, people vIli reaaHze boa Importanh ils coming 1s ta Wauklegan. Il ahI mesu mors inthe litety tian anyliing that bas la- cated bers mince tie aire vorits came" Ila tecalied that the rumars pt-fnl- ed luntaeSun ecently vare ha the et- feat liaI a canceru abich ilhI mploy 1,000 bauds, vas dlciteriug for tae Waukegan fsctory. Mr. Ebet, super- Intendeut aoftaeplant tated ffldsy ha ituew nothiug af auy deal but it may bave beau carnhed tbraugb v it- ant bils kuowledge. Tha above sataements aound en- couragung 10 Waukegau people sud Il le slucerely bapad liaI developinanîs ailli prove ta-m ta ha true. Chus-ch 900 Veut-e aid. The ulne-itundredth annlveru i o the aak-valled parlab cburcâ af Greustead. near Ongar, Essex. Eut. land, has mast beau celebrated. Tlh. chr2t-ch, ahi ch ls built of eplil oak trees.Is ethe only oua ai Its ktud lu th countr-y, sud bide tairt t last anotibax 900 yeara. glassitied Jids NONE RECEIVED FOR LEU THAN 25 CENTS South-r rtrr~nRartroari Lanri leieî¼,virmerîr N a in II it . .. . .- te Cl Ir f Irei-r f-r "ILt tfr i ti e atroir , r rcr-trnzi. x i tirr r, r I.r l-errlre tin tr j îr1 rrà nid rtaiSi < r.ll.r ritr.r i r iia rr t -irIn rIiun- rt ie ir -'rlrr.. t rlrr MIL ie taît . rrr rrt Aly r li ' r . rur rrrrrrr a lr + REAL ESTÂTE TRANSFERS r1 G.n F.'tVlberg to i. P. foiition. mli-k 7, WaslitrriPark. North Ct "Furnishsd by 1,-n atd oua-balf acres.ît irrrotiesot ragir IVi.D. in +LAKE COUNTYTITLE &TRUST Co. iir;irer, northeant qoartr-r, sect-ion Aprîl 15, fr1j4 _F 1-Sios-ner ar Abstracts of Tiie. Tifles Guaranteed. l' \) aîî e-un townshli. ,i cf$I. rrie tu Ir lea- nd lMary Smrithi; tr Maunnic Temple Bfdg. Waukegao - 't111ll I91 ti4.-J. H. Pîfît-ronCo.ii acres lu iiorili,-rst qiurer,nacti ai to ri firf.f' Coudeused ink f( r lotni 17. hifert'r - ifr tria tshii. o-\v . 1,$1 'nil23, 1914-W,, B, Waratlir ii dJi lti ofr iVWalconda. 120o.r Sarah .A. lirirntfrandl liioi 1 if- to. r A . T Iforriiian an(rrf i i- L fit 47, Siar-nu Wr-est Autfocb nrniir 1i,! Frrsa-l. et al, bît.îîFLep ordens Couda-tsa-d Mut Co.; lot1 lri 1. $9If Iinir r Tîtle, part lots&lnt,. 9S atndi9'n) . Lae Vilarge-tf XXaui-nnda. V' 1.$4041. Ofiniea-t- Il n (] aiî i rr-îe, et nil. ti Fora-r -t 1). $i;(rOO. El.N. Scotand if -îe f0 pauliîue iririr-ta ,Li-ir-r.loit10. bhio r"r,\t- Hart adsud brisndiet ai.l -- . [I 4 an5rrfrit lots I aîîd lirrnrit tir N- it-lc .rtr)g Laite ubirrr bMCfe e o 3.ho-rrCadAftedge Farin niîbifaicou. ite F. r-f-ionîI NW>1D. $71 a-ntf. ('1) 1,X'lot18D $10.ran H I. F Wilke 10 Swaun W. Jhnoiîî I0nîr 1,0 fir ira. SNorth rChicago. Da-ds Part lot 29 1e- nirrioja obdjilvfîrjioo1 $2.5.'tartînus iJensean tirA. ia-frifi Hiîghlanrd Park, W* 1). $40 Aprif 14, f nrf4.-Catine Coul n lots 3 andi 4. blot-k 17, Xashr Arthurr E Kfrr-ran 10 H. F.Eruger. at aI to IV ILf ifitic ; South 880 r ar.min Ds$00 lot 71. IWauiir--nda.W. 1). $2. INorthlé;.'r(,r rdn Rent 8 rods,. blockt C'arlt ir,*ono unirauttiltirNaîfrr'l t 'é, cKar-- t tond addition f0 Wau- MARRIÂGE LICENSES. Larnon.Iart lot 29. Nlcl)auielir unii--- Jdivisinr, Highland Park. NV. Di. k. tagan. Q. C Ck in Roluîîa- Lffrerty r-Ila-..... k Chicago Titie and Trust Company, W. B. Wuit-atfn and ie '10 J. Cf.'rigugtin Sihanit, cama- ... et aI-, 10 J. H.Wood, lot 7. iblock 1, Ja-nsen; lotI _2. 5fiasr--raeat Antioch Edmond iloifi-on cifr- Marahalidala subidvition,. Grant towil- s aniîisioin XX i-I $1 50. Hlfan li,0 ,saine - afîlp. Deerin. 150.W B Wfahadal aKi 1rr .-lrCirg Sarah A. tuanke to Paul (Lia-ana. - rt ndwf t .GStv enk hiao ..... lots 1 aîîd 7. lo-k 11, iMcKav-snsea- Tnt-ta-mou, lot -t, Shaw's es-t Ati MarI-ira- Arnor, naine Ihester tarra-ta-r. liir-atikae ..- onîd itdîion. Vairiegan.XW Il. $3,- tloh nuhdir- ut-mou \V.D. $10. ionena W'alsh.sanme ..... - JonePlilie I.. Kellogg ubn Franrk Wla-ifai r auzadhuiar ilirtnr Iiertrai-f i.Nlwr.aukee r- ....- frî rcitlotr- 2.:3 aird 4, Kallogg-. noir- 10 Alia-iceIlirtte - 114 sceas un Cfsrin'a- Gîlbeart.sainma- . dui siotr. XVfitirrrp Harbor. W. 1).norîheant qiii~rer, oetIîon 26, Warren -Albert Pompia- Chicago ....- 81rtownship, W IV. 1 r*r,îr..r...fnirice Coula-r-.sanie ....-.. April 24. 1914.-Sani Rygiel aîîd Arl2,P -Loi e n I irifoclin Xfai'ta-. XlIIaukeé, w1feAprîl 2hal feni ski.ond wDfpe aot. W Eiz Rndoll iaine... 227 atnîl 22, bibk 4. Drayra suirdivina aIfea-. at al tir Su'!ina R. Dahue. 25NOIýan Nlouahati. ItForra--I, ion.- Northr Chicago. W . .$33of acres ln Sotrîfr qu frartet-,saction )aýPlosie... ..... MNat-v K. tuilea-nid hîsbaîrr 10 J 25, Va-mon urorîi X v DIo 1. Holiîiotage.o\Hliaukra- W Hart, 20r acres in section 3I, Ar-vo X.betni ir et on Etra rIegti-rCnItsill ..... y- for-rislhiQ . Q. (Cor1.a.-W. lo ttr a d w f o J h a i \'g ý,C ia o ý.ý.....I il IJohrîî 'aliratirPeler Bernisnrand Ifeil e. - lot',iand part Iota 19 anud Annta Rofer. raa-e .-. _. . .... elot 3, blockt 20, Xar-iburn Sprrinîgrs,21,. Eausars n u Iiion. Eagle poitnt. IJohn Ilor-le. Cilhu-s ..e0 .- , ... r "- Waukegan.XW. D. $425. W. D. $210o. Anna feckitenIr Hih-lanud Park.- " W. B. Wairath sud alfa- to Dorolhy C. L Kraffl andni1olîe tir Caa 1Seat- A da-Iltil t- iNan-r. ........... Bainr, lot 1 Shaaa Wesnt Antînch tub- idln lie.ct ...... divisnion. '. 1 $1.erns,.part lots tand 4, Pratss Roi Ifrînan Ilafernan.'XX auwaînna. . bla-n L. Van Schah-k 10 A. L. Me- divilsion nf lot . fitte Fot-est. W. D. bila Broan. aRme..**.. -Pherson. soutin 25 fa-et, lot Il. blockt 18. $95.000. Jackt King, Brooklvu........ ... > Hilglandi Park. W. D.$10. J. G.Deinort-aoîand i aIe tbAnna E. Franci Ka-no, Caxnielsport ...- Aprîl 25, 1914.-2aary T. Cooper sud WIIm3n pr os4,61ad6,Tmth iraNwpr-... ebuabsud ta Aliord Sammons sud aileWhIasupatlt4, 1ud6.T otyifda ew r . Lot 9, Prces subdivis-ion, Hlghwaod. CoryîS addi thon bo Wautegan aud lots Mary Harn. sanie .............2 t W. D 100.1 to 10, blockt 7. Nixon's additiou 10 Paul Belg, . NMIIaauitea-....3 $00.Oaktland subdivisinon, Waukegan. W. Auna Bat-h. saine .........., 8 Hart-y James sud allta Mathide D. $1. Raymond iStePhens,. rbans - 2j En Dr. ;Pt- o 24$a1 -51. L. C. Welch aiid alfa, et ai, la C. Hazel Hubhsu-d, Miwaukee ...2 Dmm F ag$1.Hry am - L. Krafft; part lots 3 and 4,,Pmrtt Otto Glbiert. Laite Forest......2 e l ma4, l.ckGagWenta HartHio , subdivitsion ni lot 53, Lake Fat-st Q. Ellen Anderuson, saine ............2 lot 4ig loctParr. u.a0 ddition Cta $1. Gus Kachel, Lancaster, Pas. 2 eH higoblud P ark. TrQ.tC. $1, y H. W. Little sud aile toi A. C. Lit. Mat-haRasmussen, Kenosha .....-2 Chet ao ATill apsudTrut1, lckp1n, Ie; lot 4, block .1, Park additiou, 10 Ernest Bode,Milwauke-e -...... a ta tasa A.C aesbivisiot, . LoLke. Waukegau. W. Di. $1. LoIs Lainmers, sanie......9 Mo tshlîalesudiisinLog0Lit. red Crlbb sud alfa, et al, 10 Daniel Park, Chicago -.......2 s Deed $1094-enrdHle n Blanche M. Skiff sud husbaud: 160 Mary Baxter, saaine -.......2 vIle 1e J. B. Wagner, 80 acres, in acres lu section 25, West Antioch Daniea-fPaet-rsou. faenotuuee,...-2 secton 7, Ganttownhip W. .sud lu section 30, East Auttoch toan- Ja-nfe Hsrmasaen, saine...... 2( $ecio800. Gan tanhip 'v . W. 1D. $13,000. W60. A ae n iet nl g April 17, 1914. IV. A. Rosing sud Fort Shreridan, andi not Springfield W,@ A. B, artsud29aiL akAe Arst.vite. eh al. 10 J. NI CarneY; lots 20 aili ha- tha- rendevous ai the voluin na- Juige Pat lt zn, ait Foeetand 21, biock 2, Roslng Bras. sub- ta-pr army of tire tfnited States ln thi FW. 1D. $250. dvso,%n Ak.W .$0. disritwhen tfia- al toor Ioops catu, Edacard Johusonan ad rr ie iSun-dvson ondLk- W .$50 toiPra-ident Wilson. trinée Oulfng Club; Lotn 1 sud 4, iLe0u Jahn Noinsen and i afa to G. c. Thesueiîoun ofFot Sheridan, i Wall; tract ni landi lu Norîbeast quar- wans harîra-d onunnquestlable au- atr's subdivsion lunsection 16, Cuba tnlsetor9,rîrfîr-ll owshp fil, éivtday. had ha-en decideri upcr townip. X. 1D. $650. w .$40.-buefli Xiir l)eliairttma-ut. M. C. Deter Wd aile$t000.5Tlîrei-e rea nyreasns that r-aur- N.C ekradwf o LS. ArchbldIlngfîtang to M-eryeitf na-h-arnittacoslt tPlane andi C. P. Belyeaa:Lot118. blocktNrmee- (If Ex. 11,, 0 itPdfritt iii 11fr tnîîrîh chî andi lot 11, blockt 98, North Chf-NuutmyeCrit uidlo uBt -ring i)frn i, 7 tehren eî u . atîo cago, Deeds $10. ton. W. 1D. $200.. Crii.iandiig tinitri Mut-y Ann McNamara and busbaud CîaoTleat rutamav T-t i oniîîfd tfia-t-o 10 Catbollc Blabop of Chicago; strtp thoNM. j. Cana-vandrifle, et aI: lot 34, ftr maid fironilIi ha-onigreat fui 1 md aideansd 20 roris long lu Not-t i- llons nacoud slIii rit-sIn at Long hîrtancei iin therrlIllng ut tiie voit,,,î aeut quarter, Nortbeast quarter, ec- Laite. Deaed $200. Te-riîlnivcîdIlnr el- tion 21, Newport township, Q. C. $11. April 16, 1914. ir-tafe aofP. G. Por- and itir-, ir. nit hut muId îlot tc G. P. Jobnson sud -ache toi G. F. ter, banitroît. to F, M. Spaebt-; tract mîrie Ioikrn(l Wîlberg! eeveu sudonue-bah acres lu af landi, Village trI heerfleld. Deedl Tire 1lnnîîîg ha-ai-h.the-stabiles and Nortbeast quarter, nortbeast quarter, $00tf-eperla-at condittion of the harmaeks ,section19, Waukgan townhip. Q. .lf;-nesiIverainulcouuted ni fl toe secIon19,Wsuega tonsbp. C. Jenule E. Ssyla-r and hU»band of n Fort Shirdani as the Iledchou- $10. fflaryJanna Madwa;lA.Lt 13 and 14, for the r-oluntters, BW~ IG AGRICULTURÂL LAND OPENG T N ERLiNDIIED ANI VI KT't TlACTS oft 8vean 1f tii rlmr Ce i-ri-ito b rut- ri"Irlrclr-ntt.r fhroiwtg opa-n Twenty Thoasand Acres of Rich, Southern Geolrgia Land,., ufi . adairiabiy nrfaîr1,11.1),i.-d tr IF.cgrr-ri ii clerlr. eweet and lrhs o 'tatoca rvantvirupes, water mli rs. roii.rrai,, e rtir!, fay-in lai-t, ail itîapir l,e Cr~i w11r thie fartilp section, as wa-i ian a la rg r- Criety ) o sam-troî.îîal fi it tsiilre]rtihe olCti i ili4tu-irrl yprrrti table tr si-1 rer C Providinir yon ara- efigifria- undr rthe -faiifîaîospresfreri n ý is, rU arc uow iîffared ail-r-j-rtrîîrrrtriii break a aav lt-oithe ifrudfriga-rr ail il f ii-aîial i wagre, îr ivri r r t ir, e feaefitf t a i.ia rf ir rri air(]w,,ien ter k i n of pla.nîy'r, to wbivh If graîtîed. vîie-il tri od C warrauty doperf Crin ý--'rar t The beut security on esrth in the aarth itseif, and land i. te baieis of ail weesitit. Oseners of productive landsa bonofiting by thse increasing high colt nf living, while otises are suff.rring f rom Rit. MN OPPORI9NIII T0 S[cOR[ RICH PRONCJII [110NOWIIHOOI c9PliIA Yau wili not b.. requit-ad ta leave yiiur Irenent sut-round- iu Ibis liiural.ninded openinu. inrjilar foi(,ilrroifrC lnge now. Ail wO sai of tholle ta whoui wgrant tracts le Noinîfern pacific and otiier railrrriofs w1eii tut-igrarnt that tbsy plant, or arrange to bave tpfan tedr, a erop o ne tha-ir fitrls, and us expert tofreirefit tireri.iry. am Cclli Cni theabove-mentloned prodncte wftfiu ifira. yeai-s. sltar the otn -- liii ulli recelve the tracta. wblch-we uil bave it aporated fbarvei.tëanîod repantait) W. thate also planued tii dpeojr wbat n nfeargned1 for grantaes, lu conmlideratlou ot 25 per iet. of the net h. th..a- iuet eqnfpped, mont up-to-date. Svienî i(iJr- neran prfad rived trai e s aie of the cropo, tr-rby allowlug cial fat-ni anîd oicbard In eista-nep It wilil errsist ofo the<vate.ta imue bis or ber teenent orccupation untjil tboumatd acrtes, and wlll be fucluded luntie 0npening. sncb trne M tt y detertuina juat uhat 1theoyield ai thai r oregIser and recelvp traclis u-i efie f ra -hnutit ofili acres lamonute ta. Consider wbat tbts anay minan an a uxperimeut and sclsutific mnethoda lu vogue thereon. Wli source ofintonme, uhea at e" show that the yleld ai we an-arrangiug topreven tover.t-egJtratiîn niwwlavî cneacre of eWZ amonnti.4 te 01.268 4t'5, and that on.. mauy disapoinîniente. sncb an occnfredluIniîhet- land ope acreo ir o.c,.fepae iniefullcaue, lutfIha lo lge r.iiudiieted by tise United Statie Govst-nment sud ri abouldtit 4 y sh~p 5000pt ea.W rai oaibv granting thas., uba register fn eau. ff tf l of the ûonion that sta It le pt-aven by actnal renlte Ilumrt-uttracts ta ha grantad, an f nteret- lt ntbs con oheslned lua peratlnig lb. land that tbey wili need no> fur- merdiai fat-m and oreilard enterprlse,' lu tbe hope that ti $bser orglug, anudewviat. no thne ln locatng lu this land oi insy later locate la ou. oftour towu mtes. = msywe taIearequit-e gmatie teloccpy t fie )and wliQà Exsulnmuion eit &e land wil cuseesfuy le permaitt lu eeyermor mil It ta, soume an. ubo ili occupy lit; aud tbeopenlng wllhebeldatbt-ownàtu, WaytucCouuij otherwiliot evellts ebsck te tutgrntr. lai,onue0a t tie stations oi the A. B & A.Rfi-, The bond lnchlded lu tus eubzfgle located dlrsctly ou wbhich in locatsd on thi. propetty. sud ulîl occur an @mo aiud àdongts Atois.Btrulngbam ansd AtanticRail- alter tbe elng of regflâtratione ase arrangemnents enu rod.bout tweuty.Ove nullest weet ai BrunswIck. a tht-tv. nmode. lgetty afilitoon ttuusd, bavîn, direct steambp set- The pt-a-sauce of thone reglmîered uilnt[le rcemae Vice f0 New York sud Boton, sud excellent railroad tiaes- t ltt-wntown on the opeulnit day tiilnso they wloh to si p ou aintaitien t a al points. The average teinperature tend, for thare ilil b. ntavortl;m sbown anynne.1 ftixmunis. oi tbe year fraln April to lleîîht-. le 77 wfil@ha- oud,îctsd tbr a crarmitte, eeleetied for the purpoè daerse; theelimate lsaumot beatlbful, dplwbhtful sud and thome regterod wlll tif uotitled of achat tbey bave b.e lnvigoratiug, and thers la su ample rainfaîl rai 51 incbes gt-auted. as oon as possibe pst- year ~~Wlth the ee-urmtgpoptuionu ii tis eoantrv lteh 011KMM 3 FR MTIJILYBENFICIAL .RSULTS CtteUOrItIuTameIn te saani lamidsuri atuesith Aoi w areextrenélydonioun o bavng ý t Jý loct@ on i,.Pi.tin lnmýgnud arunitet1.ofinesitiit .be itt.irapiin As w areextrmel desrousut svin i.ritl-rs ocat On sari Iiireverîî ,it ve il] iicontinue tlu Ie tharderr itueerr this property, snd assiot lu its developmcrret, and tbet-eby l'ire irriperuil nsud comteteri r-Fian ii tirirre tri day are th gmeatiy Increaethe valua of surt-ouadng anrd interveanag itd"it lrinu oni tiose w. taju ee larndi riie. n- ona rFne .pife whwthe rireendsnts nithna t.hrrobtajlrudtDo ]sdrtare flow ti propetI, which w. yuil bald sud to itirreCii th@ tirafi- -anriraîrrr liaven Ynuua realrse rtoi ttiîiss& Jyr i along the Atlanta, t-irmlnabani and Atiantiltuîiriiad sud vrit- r ladn ar uth iti.rîrtot àtirr narci are tcafemti Lime iaMittte the- erviea ce ie]aauRrrau.nt-i)urantlug ririrret rrrt ire ueceirutetirvr,- triat itn i a- tirti.-t Shie, tracte 10 those Who reglsgtet wiîh us N P eaivo bave latrr i-i onairf or reitratic atit-ied tri tiranuaiiariirt-nrit lu mnd lbusiness and plots wlîîirir-h pil iter Southera C.earga RailroadL sal Developinent Bureau frt cale alter th.- )Iwnlng. lin! ahicl iwflîri lire lncfluded Colorado Building, Washfington, D. C. lu it. Wp bave "noosy-mssisg sfter.eard' rjirldrations 'hat uy r-ct t-ici -te I Tee rit ashe on, Every lclted than al 60 SLOW WITII THE o1s DYMOND 1 AUSTIN ONIONS===VOLIVÀ! Ho:se Renting. 'iii -Office in Kaiser Block. %li Xr-olv lajttliifa LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS, t.ra oos ixe ni zoi )nli yi aind vai-ated a prrr-atn. hirti-i- for tir,- r-o ELHANAN W. COLBY chahlitfe nf a hrrfýIlfor fie r, tond of la-sya-a are rompant oi-r-r tir Loan on Gond Appro%-ed:Reâ1 ILast night Voliia lookfra srtrotig e- rae c e p tî n t e th e o d o r o f irtio n s I n f i e n t r gt B u ld.g thbe Zion Home, r--hidhI s the offcia] fiei ri ulig church intel nf tb. Zion r-hurt-h Rt LIBERTYVILLE - tLLIN01b. Zfnn CltY. tha-re are 15(r ronmrr and the nom, of tires, are occupied by f ight LYI -.MRS td bousekeepersi aa Voliva bas badl bis rooms tixed up ATTORET-AT.LAW In good style and wRs enJoyfug tbe Liberlyville . Illinois to comfrni of hotel lIfa- ahen the otb er Lare tBuilding. ier- nlgbt as lie walka-d tht-ough the Cor-'He 15it-mi2H. Ozeielt-oue six ridors he smelt OnIons I AiN A short Urne ago, Voliva tenor ex- Ierception te pie and warned bis people MARTIN C. DECME ii, wen lu Chicago te refrain irom that aid deliciaus mot-sel on Secounit oflb theseal ain- -lardIl iL cans. But *be-e was unst th lilP 1th S. timE tih- plain oulons. ..ffice Phone 848 la =-I Lb Re.# "X- Yeuknow 1 like te liv, Iu NOýiTH CHICAUO. 1ILLINOIS lu a 1Home," sait!___________in__a_____ ta-y wllh the chut-ch menabere lu the audi- ,gd tarni t aI Z lcttY. IL's a nice quiet PAUJL MAC GUPPIN ty: place te lire and t-est la, but saine of d. Yeu People are toc fond af unions. ATTORNIEY AT LAW. )O Yeu coak thenithbree timers a day and IbryWMni ho Yeu cao 'mail theni as the odor wafts aiytlIios through the transoins. 1 dont mind pnONU 8 ar ulotte as a deodoriter. They-re fine ut. for klliug bugsansd roacbes, They It "aY thatIon, apple s day viii kecp DE o, F* DtrrERFimLD. se, sickness sway, but one uonan day TETEMNAéYeT uE ouO. enD ai keep everybody away. The smiaI Of outons snd hurul cabbage' Ugb! A*5UTAN' twa ~ vTUMArnAr na-You eau make Zion Home heaven. LAbertyvlue. iluois. it'but go Blow wllb tbe ontous." ithe TelePr oe140-1ilais etter pme.esed 1massl ui MASTERS SALE. m cens ee wdovarmo ,tie State of Illinois, County of Lake ite s. I ô orui o lu] Inthe Circuit Court nf Lakte Couniy, s.iM.s Graves Inti Nharch Ta-trm, A. 1). 1914. Roba-rt J. Proctrrr va. Richard E. Proc.- A UCT ION EE R R tor, et a]. ho Cbanery Gen ýNo. 144 Elinwnnd AeWmalq.s Banals 6667. S" e. -. he emakiug yens- dune -Ptublie notice fa ha-raby given Iliats- I)v r-irtue ofiiau crder andd ieere a- R.E .S It terr-d initlira hnr c a-ti tla-dcanine, IluIT ihe Ci-cufit Court of Lait, Countîy. 1111 GENERAL PRACTICE fl uism, Rt telra aich Ta-trn, A. 1), 1914, d.. nrs tuta . m 2 ta 4 and 7loB .m to [-nrlire 1f*ili. day ni Aprîl. A. hi.1914, Offce ilver Ray tniture CMore., - tiîereoî firtheiinda-rsfguirif Master flu SPECIAL ArTTENtTION "TTHIE BY Cirritcerrvofrtha-Circuit Court oi Laite LIRTVL. niointr-, Illinisnr.wilf na-l] at trpuble ETVIL.ILLMNIS -urttito th ireligliean îd ber-t hidda-r for cansh, ont Saturduy (fia l6th day of DR. 1. L TAYLOR r Nrr- A. 1). 1914, aithtie hour nf one o0click lunlihie itternînon ni saitd day Office lu Fit-t National Bsuk Building aithie bast lîorrofitIra-Court s-i' îvasdt iîr tie Cliyof %Wauitagan, Lakte Cnun - co- o83 n 4 M 1iii i-, Ililinois, tie fnilor-nig descrlbed "Isdel-, in Broadway. opposIte Park finrlr-i-r--snfiiated fIn 1he Ciruîty of Lti>it-r-iiîe. auiillioth. nr iLake andniStAte ofin1ho-is, to-af __________________ ot50, ln Blockt 1, iii C'Frankt 91 Wrighrt s Additioni t Lfba-rlyvilla-. DR. GOLDING Inn Iile r oiîie hIlinois. DENTIST po. hLtotîluIfnefu1. in C. Frankt Bourm 8 tal12s&M.-1 ta f5 pst \%rrfgirir Additinr10Lifrertyr- lle. tîver FirtstNational Bank InLa ke C(iiirtv, Illinoir-. In Li,in iiililor-it19 iu C Frankit Office Phone 19-J. Île. .Phone 157-J. Vi riglits Additionr Ic Libertyvi-lia-, Llbertyvlle. Illinois ILlake CirrityIl.liîtnfo._________________________ Lont 5 !ili Bloick 19 ln C. Franki \Vi rgfit' Additiontîet Libertyvîle, DR. AX H. CHURCHIL or- frike Couity, Illinois. Physicien sud Sur-geon Lot 6 ln Hlockt 19 ln C. Frankit (Offce ovst-aeer à Budaarac Store e: Wriglit s Adldition ft Libr-ryvhile, houa"t Cti 10A. ). 1 tei. 7 gos8P. lM. rn Idan Coinîr, Ilîlinois. Ctecial tentionnto Et-e, Ur Née ad Tercet Lot Il n i Block 19 in C. Frankt GLASSES PROPERLY FITTEO 1Wrigfit'n Additionî t0 LibertYr--lha, Libe.-tyaullle, I -lîliois Laite Couuty, Ilinois.___________________ Lot 13 ftî Blockt 19 ln C. Frankt \Vtfglîîsi Addition te Lfba-rtyvflla-, DR. E. H. SMTH. .2 Laite County, Ilifnis. DNI .23 Lot 5 fîn Blockt 21 in C. FranktDNIT .2 Xrghtn Addition te Lfbertyvllla-. avER LAKI cOllT! NATIOALEIBANK,. AS Laite Couîity, Ilinois. atla-8 tc '2A. ut. msuad 1 bu à p. m 22 Lot 6 lu Blockt 21 ln C. Franki DAILY. Wrght's Addition 10 Libertyvîlla-. 'Ubartyv9Illintois 2hLakte louîty, Illilnnis.____________________ Lot 2'2fu Block 24 In C. Frankt Wrightna Addition tn Libertyville, PUBLIC AUCTIONEEING SLaite Couirty, Illinoin. loseot attention pahd ta ars-aung i Lot 7 ln Blockt 18 lu C. Frankt sodtian falce sud baott wulta lu andi Wt-fglit'n Addition te Lîbertyvîlle. fng gaine,. Lakte ony Illinois. AIl kinds ai bot-ses, wagonsisud r, Lot 8 fir Blockt 18 ln C. Frankt harneslot- sale or exebsuge at ail timea ,Wrighît.s Aiddition 10 Libertyvîlia-, H N SN --Lir-li- Ciriity, Illioi.H N YSN Lo- t 4 iii Block 25 lu C. Frinki Phones 148or48 . ZION CITY, ILL Wrlglit'rr Addition Ita Lihertyvifîe, fLaite Count,-, Illirnois.s N- Lots 6 and 7 fn Blockt 2 lu C. Franit J. L. REDDING, D.V. M. jWrlglts Addition to Libertyvîlla-, VTRNR UG 4Lakte Ctoily,hIlfnois. VTRN UGO 40i Illînls, lîfChicsgo Vet.C 24 >ata-d t Wauitagan, IlnisGhs fiadt esdne 779On 17 22rd day of April, A. D). 1914. Ofc IRadua 7 261 EDWARD J. HEYDECKER. Ave. Phone 110W, 22it>ly Apr 24-My 1-. lIhnc-yFRIED GRABBE, JR... 14Notice af e Special Meetrîg aof the EXPERIENCED AUCTIONER 28 Stock Holders of Wsuconds Lumber Live Stock &Md PuniSels4nSpeslsEy' 28 snd Fuel Company, fa Dissolve Fer RueseSCesse Ont and »s» fille, Naotie lsbreby griven tbal a apecial Tlpos2112 sn.lfsoe 29 meeting ai the stock bolders of Waucau- 25 da Lumber and Fuel Company ulîl ha 21 bald ut the office ai mahd Company lu the DR. VICTOR C. M IENER 25 Village ai Wsucanda, Lake Couuty, OSTEOPAT-IC PHYSICIAN Illiînois, on Salut-day, the sixteenth day 215 Madilson St., uk*pa il 26utIsy, A. D. 1914, at the bout-01one foua ou 25 O'clock, P.-im-, tftrth@e upnOse of ub- Ofc otn 22mttlng la the stock bolders the 9-12 A. M.; 14 P M.; 17. P. J& questions of abandomnufi te corparata Snndays by Appohaluent Oqiy 21 enterpriase, @urrendeuing the charter 24 iranchioe.and corporata nainesud dis.TepoeD 98 solvlug lbhe said corporation, Waucauda 3Lu m ber and Fuel Comnpany. H . - 23 The toreuoing notIc a e iven lu put-oi. H s esP O- w 23 aue oi the requesi of mat-- than trio- GenSi-J Aucfiomft. 20 thîrds aifal ot the stock baldors afi eaid Waucanmda Lumbet- and Fuel Company,0 FARU SALS A UPUCIALTV amnade lu a resiolution ni said t!ack bolders tioemerm 'e buosuog .e su ses- d. aoptcd May 17, 1913. toran . my Intilivid U and libers . i- Sylvester L. Trip, fr i yldvluet nt fas Edyrard Dechamips, Myy custamere. es William A. Schneider, Benail of thadirec-to-mofsald C'ompany. -~s s s il Benjamin H. Milles-, Atty 8TainJfl Machine AuK u- oAprit 17-24 May g SAi ld ron _________________ French. Ger-men, itaie an cd Spanish Language Ou-fflts. Witerl ou u achmsine Or recard& au Ilup w4uatka 693-W tgr Veutrai am7. -ou ATSJAMES E L ,YONS e 25 West Lae St. Chicao LADIES BATS 0OF ANY KIND. - 1 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, 1. 1914.

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