Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1914, p. 8

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it LAK COUNTY JN1)EPENDECNT, PRIDY, MAY l-, 1914. Pff siS OFl downute street or road on whicb VENTOF they reelde but without exception ev- C ery signer put dowu the aection and ILUF LUBBEquarter section lu wlilch lides BLUF CL B DE Man of hemdid flot know tbe quar- M g Tooteru section taud it vas soôme little trouble for tem to do go but tbey finaily securai thte Information aud tase Henry Robinson Is Re. placad il on te ptition because tbeyS edFrom Office, He May permanently and they realized that If #JS. Be Given a Fine. thay ieft taellghteet loophole tbe TRIAL IN THE CASE. la notte aighte:t question but that I ________the signatures vers peffectly legal. Day of Court FaiIs to See "Thle vota lu my opinion have no 0 intention of contestlng te lection ' tiem Sensational Club Fight on Utesa grouinda. They are basing Disposed Of. their plana on tihopaletat taevo- -man suffrage lav viilha knocksd out WkîikegSI, ApilI 24,andi la order to bave this affect the 9?b.Yr¶.eilS5taout Hillry IX election th. oontet muet ha filai ten p M saaelà PM t Of tbe Lobl e dysaftlerte electiog. Tou viii ses t Cla <anry club dId ot coali ta tisat thU ts oa iiifot geL very fa, t eg' t this prolet trus if orLýt. vt Uir argument regardiug the pe- b ýlhBI vas the lut day fer Iury triais tien. e 1 Ï .th maICb tergal. The. atlaseya "No, va bave been vorking a long 1* Willam gG. Wstro us. bo lmatime ta got Deerield dry sud nov va s lilyir ivol «et th (bat vo have succoeded ve inteni to a ËËMMsterefusaI c« ihe -Rbinaca 5110v ow P 7 Vouluai et he Xep It that vsy.0 P bot SepRteae. umi hbi Meto ost.eme atrial toiayIL vere frustrâted bytei. riNE .J.àomyW in lsimed thatt hy ATTYe C. P. BW E ~ens ettie te tbroe laya' notice ho. 9p te cme vas put On the triai VO A S C tN L 7%0. Th otet basaumed groat O fÀ OUtw CO i the U.village lf., the bit-. l~f'll a!ftihe election ef prestdent et **Mm tmunicipal élection aidHenry ». Robinson sud Chas. H. Pattison, S ,*of o!hom ver. electai at the îgneu Contract f ew Days Ago 'Maintien ln vhich .proxy voting vas WhichCaused Hlm te En- Wuu ei. e .dfeated lu titeir race ,;s choo trustes$ of the village by ter Upon Foui'th Yéar. Wi Wsrdsssympathisera. -William f 11111oulaia granigon o!f Mrs. C. B. HAS ACCOMPLISHED MUCH. t 0eorge of Waukogan aud la very POP.-____ Idlls l la LobaBluff, The preuldeut ut th* village and tlisescretmryo! tite Three Things Accomplished byp 'chah and taeman wvb060 proxies vere Iefusei ta W. C. Cochrae, Him Last Year Paid Salary Atteys for bo* i delis bave wag, e eplT m s v r el a bot figlt ail winter long befort Sv ____ims____ I libe local courts; testlug out te lega% Attorney Charles P. Barites of!t ýjOP&8tIOns Involved latte contest. a n !ts ý_WrOu Aid aquowarranta ta ousj Woodstock, recognizedasueoth fIObnilàu froin bis office. And Judge utoat brllant iawyars ln te etate, a W11l111teB gava a deciston o! statu !ew daya ago contracted to act as0 Vide ImPOrtance viten lie declded tae% Wilbur Glenn VIolivas persoual coun- IR "Iaiclubs orgaizai under thé lava of te gata o! Illinois Poy o sel for tite euauing yenr. He lias ai- Mg Ceuld lnot te forbiiden by au> ready served lu that capacity for te' i3-iavs o!fte club. iast titrea years. Altitougli le le paid Thie decialon affects manyoral rucl iryb LteZo CI> -Igtionstitrougitout ta ae osen-apiceyplr yth inCt lgva uniformally forbid tae members ecclestastical leader, tae latter lias de- ýi ta vetO excPt vhen persoually prega clared severaiL imas iiat Mr. lamnesp 'Mt et tisa election.. Witen tiis vas duriug the laat year, flot ta mention Added aivereel>' ta iteRbinsonthscrso hetincmp- OOSimtionIilu thém bacame neceas iesoe !aLirLigcme fur thea Robnson attorneys taplea saLai Voliva severaiL imas over tae 00 tbe merasLso!ftequo parranto pe- saiary lie paye hlm. Aithougtno f- o! ttIkM« na-sdtae Issue lbas finali>' coule fciai statameut lias beau given outa 110" totse Oua Point: For vitomutatoLeeacamut!aaryILs Vogli Cochrane htave, voted the prox- t h xc muto aay li Jes? As Cochrans la lnterested lu sali ta amonut to considarall> ovart th*a Pm-caaiing lu COmPanY vlti WaL 1$10,000 a yeasr.sud te Wooitock ~. oton' ato-nysfeeltat 1118 man la obligai ta give Up only a partt e & fs-triIonscontention, sud thnt if a oflistsLime. 11M " lbeaushel toiaY IL vouldt ýýaut bave taten long for Cochirane ta Foilowing ara thte titrea big thinga t«dfl duit ha vould hava votaitae eaccompliaedurng telesat year: voadaiefr Watrous. Firet. Ha won te maudamus case A 11-y lnteresting quuation nov ta boy mnucli o! afine t.ebefore ta Suprema ,court wviciten-u eOrt viii InMlet upon Robinson lu abled Voliva La seat hie mayor sud Mm se b.lata taifront hie officeThe aldermen l inte cIL>'council daspite q»'-vars-Sfo action gays th"athetheLtaOpposition o!ftae udopeudents. sut if lie decides the ancumbent t Scn.HasgriUa cutlo eut e.titled ta hold taeoffice, shail Scn.H eue h cutlo enter Iniginant oustlng hlm from bis VOIleS froul a charge O! Perlur>' ou sali office sud 111n111g blm. Attorneys ahlcit le vas riad luntae Circuit court for W4trcsss thint a large fine should at Rockford. bu IaflkItdehumeaus Robinson cou- Third Ha sncceeded lu gettiug City tiues ta itould aveu after te Judga lias decidad titat prox>' vot- Treasurer Love sud Towu Collecior 113g cmnet.lie forhidden. TPli mater Bli ta turn over $13000 aud $12.000 VIII te dispoaed o! atitae October terut reepectîvely toate city ù! Zion go Of court ounte imple Issue o! Cocit- hna's lntantion as LoaLite part>' for tatItLmîglit ha usai for municipal vitoutha would havae oted sud Lt viii Purposes aud uow lias te Zion City flan te for te luiga to decide bow tunde kept lunte naine of te city miucito! a fin#elihal lie luflicted upoit raLlier titan ln tihe naine o!fte treas- Robinson. As titis 1s8te lret casa o! urer Tiis praveuts a Marilaer occur- the kiud trled out liera for mauy years lte courts$ action in regard ta Lite flue ence lu the future. vii ho avaiLed viLhl ltereet. Tiare la everr- Indicatiountat V- liva will wîihta1 relalu thte services o! Mr. Bamnes go long as lie viii acf SAYS WETS ARE as hie counsal sud M. lamnes prob- ~ blY viii ha Wllilng ta serve lu titat BLUFFIN6 CAtI capacit>' for tera are faw positions which psy aucit a bandsome salary. PRVESTATI3ME"NT WTe cents-set expires AprIl 16,196 prome court. 'Tie electicu vîlhot Rev. Ouayle SaysThat Petition held Doit June. If ho la electeil hoE at Derfeld a Nttheb. igit tribunal as is fri-lous tint at Oerfeld s Nt anIl. le litai>, lie ili te obigi ta give upi legal One as Charged. bigi poition as Voivas persoual ceu- Local ODglîon in luDeerfieli tavu ______e___ slip are Dot vars-ying very much DI Sbout thethireats maie by te ve s@la M Mauy toole. bt nt the Mthe islttss o!fl'usas>' att ie Wo h"cetls hh aLO. W. wbieb telb. oons e vesvoloi out la liaI... t. hoecoiuontshisgrunaio il- leaity. The>' bave consultai atlas- fl »eya su4 asY' ho>'f ..l confident tan1111>INIOF WUMAI tb* -i Re.Thomas IL Quayle, secretars- DELAYED BY PLEA id theLais. Cmmtlaw and Osdes la"1 la n.neMan vho la nunausîl>' IFORAÀ- NM TRIA poumift vttis regardt t tita malter. goe MY* fier. ln nothing fcr te iris to vos-s-yabent. Atorne>' Wm Deane, for Mrs. Eh-t -MPe vo4fta tie U.pointtat thea zabelt Horen o! Lots BluffPlia>', iris did ni Put dovu the. street ai- maie a motion for a uev trial lunte As-osa, vie.the>' signi ltelocal case lu vhich Hi-s. Horen vas founi optionles otioa aatlng that tse propo- guilLy cf attlacklng sud basting Mrs. sltio# bu pWeda on tb. ballot," lie Watt-eus o! Loto Bluff lu connecticu ali. 'Plie>' as>'they yl conteal vitte eaclier'e clastisemeut o! th* )ectm onthi poit sine. Francis Horen lest February. Ibo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o Thciuo ttspItsiu. L 'ua, arguments for te nev trial thiem-bul Persoalli Itint they viii hava ta lie maie befors Judge have bettes- sense. Parions befors the Placing cf s fiue 'Tbey bave maet.e statamenla from $3 ta $100 le maie. tbaÀcuiroveof toseWho i lre. Watroue foît satiafidover te lia ou>' ve ! tosovit sgnai verdict because Lt sustainai ber daim G.petIons Pet dovuteir street that MrS. Horen attacai hem sud ils *tUr...,Wby I Wviiles,.fILtoa >'- Provai tse daim of te Horen voman o tf tG.signes-scouui bave madethatoIL vas ah.e(Mi-e. Watrousî vito Qmîrs-Pluces of reuidence more expli- maiseUal atct. Mra. Horen maie a decîdedl>' badIimpression on te jury «eL , Ps- uc, ofaithem di flot put in ber tesUimon>'. CL0SE BLINDP16S d INTlE LAKEREi- ION 0F MCIIENRY GO. State's Attorney Jostyn issues Order Whioh Puts 25 Places Dut of Business. IN SUVMER RESORT DIST. onIy Chances of 'Piggers' ls 10 Get Supervisors 10 Grant Themn a Ucense. ICeepers of blini plua ln the labo roin in La"e ceanty are iAîicàa- terested theiii atibuthat bis bom taken vtth regard to thélr brother bftndpiggeraln McHevry couqty. Ev. ery biini1,1g lathe ake regloil la MecHenrr county balli t. eloset bY order of States Attorney 309170. la au i 1 «Ustithat betaoeen 26 and 21 places bave Ileen pet ont of business. Thora a«M la wbat bai long been Lh. gumer report Section oet ciea.u ry countty including Snell plaées ne Platakee laits and Jobnebi'rg. Nov the people living tn that vlelnty are wonderlng vbat effect thi. action wiii bave on -the. gemmer reporters vho, hlock there every Year. At the recent wet and dry election ln McHenry the vote vas exceedingly close and titis la beileved to bave been one of the reasona for the clos- ing et the ubllcensed saloons. A few days ago a committee of lie- tween 25 and 30 promiflant drys vie- lted States Attorney Joglyn and poiuted out vhere lie wag laklng an unwise course lu allowing the blnd pige to romain ln business. Almogt Immedlately after that the states at- torney lssued the order whlcb closed every one of the places. The "Plg- gers" seem lu realize tbat the state officiai mene business for they are puttlng up fnO ight. Titeir only hope of remainlng iu business l to malte an appeal te the board of supervisors at the session next June to grant tliem a lcense and Il le hardly tbougt titis viiilieb done as the board bas flot made a practice of grantlng liceugea lu ibis manner. County Judge Smlley of McHenry county long lias beeu opposed te the presence of blind pige lu the couuty and It le sald on several occasions be bas put It up te the states attorney to cloee tbem. ILlel stated from re- Hable sources tbat liad Mr. oalyn flot taken the action be dld tat Lbe couD- ty judge vas planning to appoint a special prosecutor wbo vould see to lt tbat the unllcensed places were closed. Tbe district affected extenfis tbe vitole leagtb of tbe Fox river lu McHenry county. CAN NOT COUPR BARER SIIOPS TO CLOSE ON SUNDAY Supreme Court in Ruling Holds That Any Ordinance te This Effect Is Invalid. DISAPPOINTS THE BA1RBERS. Recently Asked City te Pass Such an Ordinance and Had Planned toRepeat ItL Waubegan barliers vho vere bas- lng tei- opes un teîug ahi. ta se- cura a Sunia>' closiug oriluance In Wautegan on tae rullng tse upremo court vauli mata lu Lb. casa appesi- ai from tsecircuit court In Lie case of Marengo. MeHear> couat>', ver. isappalutei vhen Lie>' leas-ei the court; bai i-nidai sves-sh>. mhe court'& rmUag vas fiat os-dl- nances tat require the closlng o! cer-tain classes o! iusinesaplaces. sncb as- bas-bor siopa, oaucier >'are tnad. mhe City' o! Marengo recenvy pasw ai an os-dînance vblci rmired iba- bers- lopstL e rinaclouai nu O- day. Bsa, a!f thé ibronrefused tô, campli vtUthUt.ordiatuco aMi ero ars-estei. 'bey ver. giron a i.arag hefore Circuitlucilie Charles Don- uelly vbheu ldthst sncb an ordinauce vas inrali. 'Ple cit> vlicit vas reps-esouted by Attorney C. P. Basmmokppgaled fs-osa Itlsadeclalon snd t.e mie vas car- s-lila te, heupromo cons-t.Attoey> Barues basai bis belle! thatt.e su- preme court vaili itouli te os-iuance valu ou the ground that s-oetly s atmilar ordinnce vas passadin te cIL>' c! Springfield, t.e amuidifference betveen taetvo otites- classes o! bus- lues, ver. li lu Inthe Suinda>' iban. Thliasixpreme court hi bah 1 taIt teSpringfild ordinauce vas volà. 1 Mr-. Bnee vas greatly surprisei vbahn lie leamuai the ruling cf lte Dbigit tribunal. 'Ple labarsrluI malctug 1he1- figlit b ad citargai IL vae clasa legislatton ita page an ordinaure tbat affectai -mos-el>' taebar-bers and nôo oter cia.. àfb business. Soon afler Marengo pass- ai Ltse criusuce sevaral local barbes-s agka te local councl te, pasoa ïsimilar ordinance but ltae raquait;vas ioulai on lte grouni taI Litacouncl ber. preferred to suo hat vould be doue wltb the Marengo ordinancje. At thie tîme Corporation Counsel Buit- iey expressed7 the opinion tat sucli au ordinnuce could not lie beid valid. Waukegan barbera ar-e mucli dieap- poiuted at -the fljijng-,ase hey lad planued ho make another request of te clty officiaIs la case tbe supreme court bad ruled lu favdr o! tite Sua- day closlng ondilance. BAN ON WNISPERING ON MJN..WAUKEE CHURCH Milwaukee, W1.., April 27.-The WestmInster Preehyterlan cburch ai it« annual meeting voted hu stop vbispern la nCburcli. Ailparlaghion- rs viii pay a voluntary Ane if they arrive lats. animai nature af9nie more th"8 A Man and Womu, Names Kepi Secret, Have, CloseEscape on Satudy Nîght. ADAMS HILL IS THE'SCENE. Driver of Wreoked Car Trymng to Catch Another Car-The Vctims Cul Badly. M'ho vas lie man sud voman, agei q about 40 sud 30 res3pecLivel>' vio.bai a ver>' close escape from meeting Aaa Ibuieslnnor to cie t imten ~J faa l nreslu ofnatohacivlieud o! Waukegau Saturda>' evelgaotfI turuai lurLIwe vitaitevr e maiU..,,.tingdon turnd tutlewhil thy wee mkings- ail lir Calumet. a fast deacent of lte bil? lFors&9Y use la millions o! kiteles ua rTeecape o!flte couple frout fa e-aOvd fiatCalumnet lisst t uotfly lu tl Injuries seeme miraculous and aunq50Jh'y but lunIawisi peoer as vel-un- o 1e uoe aaLt ldsll fain uresuta--pure ta teextrema--sad othe aut si aysthe ind hie voucderflhly economnical ln use. Ask yons- brace vas ail that savai tltem firmgoeS-. And b-y Calumet mcxl balsa day. belug terrn'îbl>' hurt. If noL killai. ReceiveJ IlighestAards rTe couple, pickad up by friande lunt.ils another Ford auto, left te scene shortl>' after te accident, keepiug 1F.afSo..Ws. thaîr usmas secret. The auto vas = damagai bail>' and later iunte nîgltit vas liauled avay, nortituard by an-lii Cller car vhlch returned for I. A Waukagan mau vas driving . norlt abouit tan o'clock. Ha sav au auto movlng fait ahead o! hlm, As ha reaclied lte ci-ag o! te blîl, ha env Ivo ligitta coming up behlud hlm, and soon saw another car vas cemiag at a fast clip, as IL later developai. litaI>' daslning te catch up viitite firaI machine (te one ahitad of te Waukegan car). for Il aif rai-vs proved the couples lu Lie tvc cars vers friende. Evideutly coucludipg as ha reachai Itae middle machine that IL vas not tat o! bis friand, ltse driver of tse vrecked car suideuly tii-av on bie lrataes as ha reaclia tse Wnukegan car. iscaekidded inta nome soit dbt sud titan IL levai arouni clear aooste rsid nrs0v'eicaplng hiLlugLie Wukgan car. Dashins- luta te dilci ta tee ant sida of lte roadl, ILturne uaiLLe. Woman in Frantic rTe voman set up a yelsud te Waukagan driver liumriedly stappai bis car and ruehedtaltae aid o!flte victime. Ha helped geLtbem out sud ail titis Lime, te vomnu victim was crYlug suddeitoutlng that site vas ter- nitly hurt. HoIyever, viten site got ounlier feel, IL vas founi taIlier injuriee cou- sîstai mostly o! a bail>' brulosi fusa vhicit bled profuseiy. Thon for a ima asesai site faIt ber arut vas biobs-it prevei ta ho oui>' vreuih- ed- Man Geta 80d Cul The driver ofte car, liowveos, bai à very bai eut avos- tb. eye sud hli1 blod taribtl>'.proenUta alsgit as1 th. biood flowai dovu h. b iscets.i The Waukegan man helpei stop thea ioy of bloci sud bitfils t»mI l vas1 faunainetier vsu ses-louai>' hurt. Other Car Relus-s1 la t.emeantimas. cas- usinieana aie a Fard runabont, vilciliAi1 rmeigi te Wsl bomne, f1=4itint flrts-fluis vers not bebinaltem or ec ete bay hurdhe o Vam saI srmn. At sny s-te the driver hurm- ai bis car abot sud Asove bock south. He came upc. fie vrectai Par-ty asti vith ie svomon companion, got ont sud itelped &ijuat maltera, lates- taklng te couple l la viflm sud divlug ava>' nos-hi. The vrrocked car vas loft lter. for UthetUme being but latar at nlght vas bald ava>' nos-lb. It vag flot taken to a Wsnba- gsu garage heure the conclusion le te car elter came from Kenogba or Zion CiL>'.. The. driver o! the vreckod cas- madis lte romark: "Weil, v. caus novtatae te car batck la hlm," lndlcating tae car dIii ot el eong ta hlm. TPh. vini shah dglass. teradiator tse body'sud other parts cf taecar vas-a bail>' iamagei althouigithtie mat- chiner>' avîd nti>' escapsi damage for tbe lIghLs conlluued to bei-n afLor the car vas on Its back. ARRESTS MAN ON SUSPICION; CHARGiE HIM WITII LARCENY Waukegan, April 27. Special Offier Cy N;chols of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern raiiroad was walklng along tha tracks ou Sunday afternoon. It was a fiue afternoon aud be vas out waiking to enjoy te beguties of an Ideal sprlng day as mucb as anytiting else. For tbe lime being bis thouglita were flot dlrected tovard the catching of criminels. Suddenly lie stopped. AIl thougbta of tseveather ,anislied and the de- tective Instinct reasserted Itseoi spon- taneoisly. Hie glance. vasdirected toward a man Who vas siouching aiong tb. tracks. Over hie back this fellow carrted a suspiclous looklng, tiag. He was not a -nto Inspirt eoea. fiace in one. The. poice 050w stoppod bock and waited for hlm te e.pproecb. Thon lie domaaded that lie give an account of hlmseif. He opened tlse peck dfound Inside tvo nev pair of ruibor bhots and soveral other articles that neyer bai been use. He pisced the fellow un- der errent andi started l wth hlm te- vand te police station. The man di not teks very kindly to thîs idea, and 'began to restt It requlred consld- omble persuasion In the form o! a atout hickory club to convince hlmiz tint lie vould better go along. At the police station lie vas hooked ,u a, charge of larceny. e gave his nome as Dan Purcell. This morninz lie vas given a preliminsry hearing before Police MagistraLe Walter Tay- lor and lits case vas coutluued for tan days. In thte meautijue Officer Nîcliole lu- tends to condunt an Investigation and flud out If possible vliere Purcell secured the articles. The ofcer'a idea la that te articles ver. stolen from nome car on the rallroad ai- thougli Purcell declares lie found tbe goode near North Chicago. ~rrw~ Weknownothing whatçver. but whcn It cornes tg trimming mats lire .ou. plat >09 ls.b, woe'vothwdowupai 'i's imre. ai t. uroverob aSM ols-bail eau af ,nus.- IA1kI~RS1 I1'E~ltON!rooma, ehoppod. -mdoi SED POTATOSSIm popprt m.serv M&RY am wEVURONIOB.%t-y r vr . asl. a-o- thie MODEL 'Cash Market Ph~. 0JUo*aU Now is the Urnei to pla nt PA NSIES We have a fine assortmnent ALL'COL ORS We also have a complete-line of OTLIER BEDDINU PLA NTS Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. 111. Worth Crowhig About Cno n pri" ofo!resulte aud profila befora anatarusing Y Poultry --il -, Regulator Pko& U5.. 5s.attf0- .00; 6*.(.e; :5,) & th. e msti aM cSdditi-.- to ., 0e..yos a y...sot flud .t ouP-fot P.,t~.. Salistaedb Gut~uteed or Money Back p.tsLà« Me l. Pwd..-n. .d 6ec. Almas Borisega..hy.îja Reaumue..bttutm.: Inmo Sl Pratîsl. 3 Get ph" 1160 Pff SLOtm a"s For sale by S. L. Trip,, Aron; F. 11.iarhl, Grayslaka; E. 1, Wald & L'u., Laka Villa; Wm. llillebrand,' Autioch; Blackburn & Brongliton, WNauconda; H. L. l'ru-hm. Lake Zurich; Wm. Ejusutan. lDi- àmoud Lake; V. Sauer à Co, Long Grove; Fansiack & Rtaui>l,, flîff.i- Io Grovo; IHirahbarger Bros., P'rairie View; Geo. M. Woîduer, Aptakisic. e e CLEAN WORK Job Prmbtng A FULL COUNT 'I Tyrs- est!f bod& Umc lient 'Ph body It va Olpa Dr'l lion for il us go roami vith l jury 1 the a fat b eiver vhethb pointe no qui Dr. l aller t ton, 'v val as to we The. a wedu gar vii lime b Thei -,hich 1 KÀ. z- es 1,

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