Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 39

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Ulm !cor= rY f 9w ÉA- lkýOuat& j- "L E YI~IO1 FEVRI MA, REijLT vTHERE 16 *UCH AOSTATON F05 IPSTALLA, 'ThON OF HYPO PLANT. ur&y~ à M~1g U OVE *'V&«,^ALAMJCOP FUNOL fla çDofetNoiiChicago Ilaintir( aVsOt~Ie tP iligerni. 51 eau' 01lred Ila«e literlY. Tir( - f bt .ïeflur.rMay' b.trace, f4e'tirac tour cases oethtir dxeddia.,. alreudy exti th i cltY. T.o!ftire cases are la homte- ;u ,ggi ~irIansd the otirer ta' Perse,,Wbo uamla the, tlroeb of th, ilude.r e dflme l r une City T» yirs l$hO P lu arfme againet r xONe s"0Msd of tiré dlbeeuae movsuiset or ltd muJatlon Re »è%w belig ceIledwh'e lit tlu uwam ý tire ir"et ofthtr tybpffihoiraemesised tt, fi poS ErM e *f w t' et lt beiegNg friie toe résrement* et tir. etYý. wit taw Ilf V»i,. éce oIt>' ca a t tiel Meat Meeting inieud te pas a Meo 'istien% gahbrwzsgtire punciraOc "dd bulibtie. e1 a "Hype" plant as ib»e oirËbCblce Pumapings$"tOr, Tianer' «tra% ia been sent lo ttb Ioiofe!Nortir Ciicago ne-'deota ira' beeu devoi etfal "tr'eatlng" pvp Oi",eas#Udstratire beltef 0f Il' Mêmwn i t t sa Coty coucciibas foura dst;ï à is eyidgepi«! et 4&a buaprn station iras beau un diratofdaatito for tru U lme but LMâê "fw er't ir vaWre Dne t- - - Mee OcM ieprove iI$Mtbausie.. eleed from «tMaet- tl wt5, atirteprésent crisit Mmtstire Ciltysudrîiltirthe b4 souaL t meeey neebved t»oqap h ie récent a"amrent, or s Uo1Iepaen. tire cooncîl beleve. mdi4 liiwsbould Det ire put off 91r #ui làodition o e itir yI Jngrlred loto sud ai' esUa nprome.san itatie-r 619nuity wilIIbe fostered by ,147 CU anJsd tire board c! <SCASE KMPÊCtbO THAT SET 0F RULE$ IOVÉRN'INQ LOCAL PLANT ,-W1Lt. e MANDED DOWN. [Pc#At OBLASETHE COAL Sai'14AT Tilt MAJORITY 0F COMPéLAINTS HAVIE SEEN UN- e 4JJST AND UNFOUJMOO. heurirs ira h#operatftg deent- ~3 beore tire IlilolPublic ICeflin hlen onda>'. calleal té orlofitetncoplaitebrougirt ofL éIdne tnortir shore tbans s t purd unfouunded. Tire commis- teo4rtireoas under adirlseino t Prdbrably VilII Issue a setof runIes gisila4g tire ga.cempan> altin a fi days.. ta~tsoner Walter A. Sha sald aI a ofetlaVa sund rulee govering SM laniiat Jo Illinois va, Jn tir. Se empletion Jn ite ýegaI de- ZWaltrnir3 t ftire comnilsslon. ý4oor0 1F. Gbedure, general mano- e*oft he a' biu lu expila- lut sonýe coliirte ono uifurnlireg 14the $"rpaY, lite ism.eon an Sur1at alpbureuustceai cir ien4l V'. ite *0 gaiucoul- py>'b miélah1.' è -l4t tifled (bat tir. Company ' eut 7,MsO lettens inqmîri.0>1001 tire Sansq tiraI ouI>'700 ries ere ne- *sd.;Ho I&Mg sala tirI409 et'tira let- t*rettrh otirted tiragas tireurbe- fu aait - *" i rt'e J. uicir, Ocissiltlii eogae. mW tolmhaieu nthéet ser coupistto reacirtire office oet tie ge 1I Atêpai,'t tire suiplrarrojs fumes 41qfrern tire'gar 5)5 iflyatIgatIen deadthre use of tiraI suppl>' z:p; TO OA*L. I<OPPLKMAN eBtNGs Waukegan, May' 6. Tire marralge a f," days age ofi Bertira Bra"ms sud Car) iC*Pjeman,, sded do R0462. haS Pree*jtated à uerrltbeb lu tire cît>' amont acquain- tances.orthtie couple especlily'tire ef Mr. Koppleràan wiro, airen tire> beard et tire marriage doubtel tiret It bad takou place. becairse tirey said te eseli otrez "Wiry, Sertira laNfrs Bertira Norton-sire already ira@aa irusbaad.y IRREMUAIITIES AT RECENT ELECTION SPEAKEgRS AT THE ANTI-SALOOII LEAGIIE MAKE DIRECT STATE. MECNT& ON ALLEORD FRAuD. EtgÇl FUNSTN PR-ESIDEN7 LAKE COUNTY ORGANIZATION WILI. SIEK TO Pt.EOGE BaTH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES. But, il developed lirhaISertiransure- 1>' aas married tu M. Koppleman Waukegan, Niay r, wh aira sfisieruran, living at 314 Women wer. haul.d ln automobiles rl Clark avenue. Tire ceremon>' isa f Pertonrned hp tire Rev. Mr. Merlins o! fleur diftlr*nt PrecInctsofthtie city rle Germen Cohgregtioral clrecl. te tiree tif reapae.not. where they But, tire ai-prie e!tire marriage wn wered W11toecau% thein ballots, wus eccasboneai b>'tire fact tirat Ber. wthout being ohlaîenged. Womnn tirs ird been bnovn sai "lira-. . large numbers srriveci an lutomnobiles Norton" for tire past Ivent>' years or dvtdI ycnpeic n More. Tire clty directory ilves these non*g ot us on duty utt1he Polis knes cames: tIren. Tiroir voeo ent uachaliengod. Norton N. R.' (Berthra), carp.r 220 lEv..o my owrr vote wsO unchsîîenged. Waair. St. -Ititract frein speech et Mcc tjen- Norton N. R. Mra. uurse.n 220 nie Just ai tire Anti-salon tleague Waah. st. meeting ireld ils, thiîsCIUY NMonda>' Hovoven, Mrs. Keppbornan. lu an- eveulng. saer to Inquirleaet f irer foriands in I have been tord that moe votes sald beu have exPlained tir ac a il raOwr» cet ln thre ti r pOCinct of tire beau Mr. Nortoa's irotseireeper for CitYef Waultcgaar ln tire lent sslco tire pat ivent>' Jours. thon thrr.wers oelltvtera-R-ýV. 0 Tire marriffle Utirbrougirt forth P-A.Stlxorud, ln eddreas hefore 'ili lntreulagtac. Vrîcr Iolue treSaloon meeting. lLswa shorrld be enacted te pr vhe renrindor that lMra,, Iopplemian dîcd tire ehol i nceto rvn brut about tire. rucutir. ago inbte eaing ef ou,- eiectiens wth homgta hem ucer.impunit>'.-Judge V. V.Barne r e ad Ahtotillfe c e ntree.tedress betore Anti-Salon ieettig sir' la tirsaINortonr ias already on- - ffle4 au attorney' toe rrlne a suit Th Laerut tialo le fur *1101i1tler' et affections viîciIe guevas givon hentir yesterday after- b. ta brlug agaluat Ilopplemar. nnamdt a rousing diaépia>'o! en. tirusiason et a meeting ireld for tire Anelireor report lantiret "Norton Purposee t lire IWukegan build- irta'&verked for slx yearu; Js. n !tieaM.. N-frle. as site Viw uown among br gatherng o! men Wio perfected soquanliuces sud tirose Who em lire organization of tire association pioyed ber, irai s'Ipported hlm lry represer1ted elmost ever>' townqhlrin solus ou(ie ." tire ceunI>' and il vas atlended hy Tire Sun maie an effort to gel mrs. practîcaîlly ever> ruaInlutire count) KeppieMm on tire phone iris mrer- aire raW ibeu anactive "dry" venker lng, oeiiiaglier step-daughter-iu.lav. durlng tire lait electional flgirt of the MMm.KOPPWMLeru Who aireve s eui don vnet aud dry factions. P. Scott hic on Clark avenue.lira.Kogarionau rne. Bride'superlntendent efthtie Anti- tfaedte cohue lotie pione, Iteclarng Saloon leagne forces efthtie state ol If aaiybody vaaied te ses ber 'tire>'Ilîlinoisvas tire principal speaker o! cee11111 go tu lber boue. Tire Sun Itire event. Ai% electton of offîcers Plaqried sendlmg a reporter tirere bruite n ul. tire destinieezttire count>' or- sire lmmedtely letit ber home sudI gauolastiou for tire coeriug year on, cel"I at ire fessaI. ueL "l'aSon't care tuteant1ke! tie mattor Tire oujecto! tire organization as fur 1 k»w n otiig ofet 11 " ald tire stated b>' isoleaders la for tire pur- yeeag UMsLiopplemna. "Ail ve buoa pose of preparing fer tire comiug fan1 la tirEt sireCameihemete thre Koa.rçlcl'electieurs. Tire atmuoettire soclet>' Jr 11111l UCibseme tirs'.. eau aM» te fflgt fer tireeleetion of mun Ir sud tire Seat thlug ve ireard of. tirey jtire state leIslature a Springfield aire toi4 top try vesmarried." ain lie ttiremont favorable-tu tire "Wagi't ber ame lira Norton , cause Ofthtie Alti-Baloon league. fore tirat. et tireUne &sirame tu î;îo Thre offlens of tire nev organisa K011911111&111home?"' as assit04 lion are as febova: 'riaIsial hat alwa>'. understood Presdrt-Rev. J. W. Funaton o' t--irat's abat sir@ vas calledr," was W*uiregan. tire repI>'. Vice Presldent-Rev. A. O. Stlrud "I arfMertaaid tiraitire job r la on et Autiocir. Norton. s, re oitroduced Berthau and Secretary-George Mead of Waube Mr. Ifeppleursu." said tire youngun gan- relative as sirea an pnessedl for ho- Trearfurer-C. F. Wrighrt of Lirty formation. cqetiiseng abtir: "I ? ,avville. hourd it rumorsd tirat Mn. Norton iras Follovhng tire ceoemunies o! organ ruade tirreats alast ber slace abc zatieur et tire Y. M. C. A. building. left blmt. Iiravou't ireard tiraiirein- tire memirrs o! tire nov asanciatior, tended suing for alieuration of a ec.epared t tiermis o! tire Women': lier',. Hel, bave a fine tlOrr getUng Ciristian Tenapereoce Union Jo Teru an>thlng for ire staa'ted tire love- Ireramce Temple en .Valngtor' matchr irbie eded ln tire mernlage. street, vire.tire enllre part>' vas lire Norton, Iaa teld. iras (reesup- guesta o! tire vomen et a "local o1) ported b>'lirer for six >ears. claliog thon" branqruet. ire vas sîck irtal bW is 1. (Fle la a lmrnedlateir atten tire banquet, aj carpenter.)" fea moment. ofe ntertalamnent ahicir1 Tire difocte'ny shows thehirnie o! cerrslsted of a vocal solo. sisiendidl>' "Mn. und Mrs. Norton" at 220 Wasir reurdered by Miss Thorpe o! Zion C'ilty Ingion streel. orer hlct)ernmott's and accompenbod b>' Misa Bell on tire saloon., aer tr.eter Berthra left hlm. piano veda glveq as e part o! tire ove11 Norton rroved 10 128 Esst Waclrlnrt- logsprograin. ton treet. over tire hcGuire seboor' Thosu a "local option" raIl>' ac1 aber.lire nov iraEs moims and lîves ai, ireld ahîcirln emount o! entirusiasm alone. and numbers ln altendance rhvalled tirS o!flire attertiôdio. Rev. J. W. Retahar.s Attorney Funaton as president o! tire ea or- Norton,. Ilelaclalnsed. decleres tirth ua Jor nslded. Mots. itopplemaur, as sire ne, la le- Tire calllng of reports front tire gslly 4ow a s, Vlobis vite lu tire eyos varIons townsips tirrougirout tire e! ti re ld and tirnefore ire takes ceunI>', as te erogness O! tire lire and irela lu plxhltion to recoven -"dry" campalgn and te nova o!thie damages frein Keppieman for allen- activileq of tire vorbers ln tire lt. atlr'g iis aife'&affections!" eleotbena Vas theo tiret mev.e!ftire Tire, attorney aironsNorton le sald aenk etftirs evenlng. te have r-t>se emal ii as. Drrlg tire eveubng addresses vere declined t e" Icm~tise aitaîn. saylug -made b>' tir.!llovlng nmou pr'nerrs'et maltera vere net >et Jn shape 10 ln tire affaira of the Ar'el Seloon le- give out tire details. -gue tirnouçirout lire state anrd tise emiarrny of La. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P SS54 t!a . -F eU MeBrlde, o! Chicago, Su- À desg -094M g *u i i a t My perinteudent ef tire Antl'Saioou suaiS hem.h e uub« y ome am.oleagrre e!f iIeot». mie mu ~ qoçg. UoqInuis of W'aoiregan, t* pIsl~ sperintandent ot the AutI- fisu W lerI11 & '~"~ Jidg V. V. Bannes o! Zien City. me mcir t ans~araa~ Rev. J. W. Fîrr'at0n of -Wauiregan, me snch f a Prealdentofthtie takre Ceont>' Salonr Irai lieCeaia,7.Mn. JennJe JosI eor5Waukegàir, UIuget~r<!~V.eli~a-Ueeaî re.i ofte ieWaukema sbrr>cîh ~~ o115 t# ite' W ma dlilee zsI .u.but e ùai saitie Wota 'ed4er- Wedtrly-Oo ire ad ied clubs et Wauicegair. boy, X koefo M .e W visA' j- RP, AL. O 1Ur5d ot Au$oob irVe. Page TitOî W.8. SMITH A&Ult PRESIDENX THE NEW MEMBERS WILL TAK£ T"tEIR SEATS TONIGHT AND RECEIVE REGULAR OATH. 'i PLACE lm TOE L HIOHWOOD DOWLER #1'ANOS m SECOND PLACE IN tHR ENTIRE SI'ATE At PRESMNt. WILL WIN A 810 PFIZE Presidei't 0( the LIr, <(oulty Anti- Etlon legue OFFCE0F SUI>T. OF, Judge V. V. Blarrie,~ of ZIon City prgar dbcgveabie ddes SCIIOOLS IS TO B~E Itelling of thre drynesof hirisdistrict and stated tirat the Ozîly load feature IM N T DS O of tire teWnsblp ln hicr ire dwelled wag fit nearuîess tO thre Ine of the Itownship wberein liriuor was diapens- AT LEAST IT IS SAIO NORTH CHI. ed s0etrlY. mearirg Waukegan CAGO PLANS 'TO 'TAKE THIS Township. Tire Judge likened tire ACTION IN A FEW DAYS. Progrese to the dayr of eiavery ln the. South. He stlted thet he Perlaid or r evolution would crme just as sbowly; ITO SAVE EXTRA EXPENSE would maire It appear a., If it had been accompilshed whIli great rjred, THERE 18 SOME DISCUSSION HOW. epecially If tire magnlft,,,î of the un. EVER. AND THE MATTER HAS dertaklur wUs coflsi'lecrld. "We need NOT VET BEEN SETTLED. iawe to gr aut tire rtealIng of our elections wth JmpuritY,-"lie trahi a SPeskl[M et t e rea figlttumedie Tirat thre Office of Superinterrdent by tire dry fores ln the townsip 0f of Sciroola Ir, North ('hirago le ro ire Grayslahe and tireir faillrre of success elîminated at a future date is tire sub- yRev. J. W. l"uflton 'S'ted that thre stance Of a recent ruiing made at the 9,workers bad lni worklng hard became ls etn ftr colbado mover.eonfMdat.letmeigoth cc badi a Senhratldetl charges ere marie- ln thtdistrict. Il le stattd tiretth(, jthe adi,.,. of Sîrs. rennle Just, movemen, whlch has econornicai phias 0when ah. atated thar "womnen were 04 wlll no doubt become effective hàuled tross different precîncts ln the ttua summer or ripon tire compiellor. cîty tc, other precincr, where tirey Of tire flfw Central scirool buldin; were allowed, to cecI ripir ballots > ithout beng cirallengcdl. «'ven j 0w ln course of erectIon at tirat elty was flot cirallenged." She alse, etated According to tire report wiricir ira thaet lnsoenr cases tirat bas became been giver'. to tire Sun by au authorit) known to tire Womnans, Chrltlan onl North Chiîcago affaIrs, a change Temperaire. Union difing the e lst will be made tiret will affect two gen few daM .tirat tirere peeomeâ to le leinen holding PrOminent position, entire laity of chaliengleg th-e v,< ln tire achools of thre city. The mer ers botir men and wornen on t1hep artt question are Frank Estey presenr of tire challengers piaced at the yen. sulrerintendent of thre schools aro JF On April. lire Itated "If tihe dry work. E. D)eyOe Principal of tire Nort: ers of tire ity liedi orry known tise scirool. It la stated that lntire aboilisi conditons& we would have cohtested ment Of the Office Of Superiratenderut thre vote or at least wouid bave de- o0f ýchOIS, whlch will lnevitabiy talit manded a tbOrOugb examination o! Place,'- h. ahIir le asked to nausi the poi bme.1 . charge of thre Northr scirool as princl ContiUing ah. sald, ij was greatiy Pal and Instructor of tire seventh anrd dlsappolnted ln tire women of Wau_ ei Ei*5jê5e to replace %fr. Deyoe, kegan, net la tire actions of thre vi hIire b transferred to thre neR wnrkers for they deserve groat credit Central school buflldr'g to perfortu b but lo tire g~eai Vote of the women like duties. Of tire city. i wonder if the inothers Tire move wlll elimînate the salary who voted "-et' on tirat day, have of tire auperintendent abicir lo $130 s Bons whe have grOwn ul, ln tire ais- montir, et thre saine Urne provide s fui conditIOsia aid temptatîcus tirat iread for tire nea Jurlitution. Mlrq surround tireus iu tire citY of Waulce- Ma. Daly waI retan ber position ai gan. Tire.w.,. soins i undeM.and principal and Instructor of tire voted «"Wet" because tbey feared a aeventh and elgirti grades et tire raise ln tire taxes, do tboy realize Seuth scirool building. airat tire cost of silowing saloona ln Tire appointneri of teaeirers for tir neighborbood la to happinems of tihe neat senreater wa alao ruade ai tiroir homnes sud thelr chilîdren. Otr-1 tire meeting of tire achool board. ors perbaps voted --wet' because fi _______ tire promise ef tIbliqituent of tire T te ee igir license. b«t. le me tell 700 tire As lemsons are a timuztiat vuq UC. brigla license aill rides as raany -boys, muchla luprie. ut dilffert ttusos flO Juat as many irearts aIire b broken the year, tirey rua>'b. purciraae and nt on. gisad ofîi<ruor alîl bcViren chisisan sd kept for mentira. Jr On. ahît iretter, deUspfte tire enforce.aIlJMille tai«. Put sa1yer ment of tihe hig lclleuse. 0f fine, dry land about ait Inch deer la seethenstars VoblatlPlaesa Rev. 0. A. Stliruuot'Antiocir, airr o! o lemons on tins. wi" thre 1a" lt lu stated "bearded thre lion Wîndeil ends downward, ardibe ver>' cajetul lt hiI den' aien hoe met tire famouc. tiratirhe lernuns do flot toirci. Cover Wet speaker and edX« of etire 'Icono- tirent alti anotirer layer of sand amoui clat"JIn a deirate at Antiocir, pre- tirres. Juche. desp. aud on this layes ceding tiere ecent electtJo, and who il place arrotirar lot of leisons; anddas. la tated added tire capital 8 tr tire on ountil tire jar la full. Store in a naine of wlndel4 Creeting tire word cool, dry place. "Swîndelli" cirarged thmt altîrougirait" for Noa. tire. ere oniy 400 leal men votera Lwdy-"You qîite uriderotajud, ],';o in tire townsip lr f <lraake. there J sirl only be "at boniS" ever>'Wed, were 504 votes cant lu tire townsblP ue-dy f 3o S o 5&" Me-Tee iry mon. lie atm 5ttâted during bhIr z . ehmelf-'N b. 705 vs address. tiret ire uuteufleod 'tirea got a besvenly situastion. Tire suis Ver. more votes euat J.tgh e lotirrjre- t.ues ly at homre e tr c heur cinct of tire city of 'Wankegan tien ýàl" tire. are legai votera!' F. Scoot NlcBide, State Superlu 'r . ae tendnt f tie lagu apoe o th Thes l notalent ne useful towards tpendienthart of tirh e oeioftire r'.s in athi. orll., or wWolh puts mon sandid hotliutheakem o t r meeiescore out of tire recls offortune, th"s and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h ebrdrieLeCetyrgn ti.qualit>' esermfl>' poessed b> tire zation 10 use tireir Influence and cf duitllat sert. of men. snd ln commen forts 10 send i etrisâttwtanmen 10 tire 4P-111c0811d discretica; a specbalof legsînture wiîlr a Pl9dge to suiport iower prudence, by the asistanice 0i tire demande of thre baaue at Sprit,;_wdhpol ftemmniàelu field. Ho saldt "We i'vant 8o mont 7aItheut «Y O thes' ualitications, »as. ber, f itleleioatll t hldtirrosr the worIid l a t trs qll boraof laI IelsIaur~ to n d sd itirunîversa 10.4 tmaueai pledges tiret tireY MiI support th notrer glvjug nor tiugofkauaer- passage of tire tuas Ju levor of thc Sat. l Anti-Saînon ieagrre arnd vs muet ha'vc tirer, but we mrust enr for tirem. Owned Up. Quito Another Pal,- of Sii..& «I heur >'Otrre Viltiibooks ou serax Head of Siroe Est&blshbment- iryzieure." 'Yea," repîied thre huei "Ueugbt 'omtirere tae aYS BUg, and aniter, aitir a chucirle. "l'v.a trasois asti. like tirat maat j Icau't explain 54D" t et last"-Juige. It irnies-uniestoayouwased IDln theru." (Lady asseuts.) "AIb, you sec Point cie-ne, a. ouI>' maire for carrnage peoplel" Au excellent cleaner fer paiute sMu, ______________faces la ruade as folleas': iwo quarts LukèPAoLm faetOrbot Vater, t1,0 abgmapenfbli of Luke Mouk. ~7U turfentine. a plnt ef skimr- d silli Luire MeLuke mys th ire.ray bc sud segrsa eMaiea& ui »Meaiere girls lIte tire ««ne on tire snd..eog op o M M ÇàffzJute covers. But tIrer.aisst neo_ ." aiasas tire 1010,64IDntire ' esstade.-Cinclnuatj Uiquime.Phtguer.Pee A peste W"oir*111 jwe pasurnet Stegênies. ie rade cf te. pub tuett«»»»% et 7o Judile b>'tire frit taorqg, hrrlu. undred parts oe ater. ocosert. e1 luitural eugenîce bave beau pr»Ueti atin , ton parts alcobol. Boak tire jel. fer smo Ume. sMin ln tire 'watsr, ad« tir. nrSt. iravbug,. 11@101%Piiiedp ai Vil Gril You Are Wofc.m &a MAU Quairtlty oftWalter, aud bell QnOnetrrd oethtir .eal i>tre ftor or flve minut«. Who.. esol, add c"ft go te cirureb IU ýtl.y * tire alceirela"a coir L oy~pe of cr net ukd. OldfaiiOaed'lople didu't ocai rQI P ~ys Wbilt for su iuvtatMlon.-.q«M.o ews -aV Effort& tu, vr'et tire ecoheisatkl sud temporal powr> rofeiWJihiur' mleusu va, "evenlor atm e t , 11 w1i b. mcle Ib' loirs A, Le*b vire susrto ha le the. lou3aiuoee t t John Alexsader DeVis, VeiJys meed tire powar et attpraeY, given im ly b>' >ove te betis>' iris prlrpIleansd behairftor. LeWIs i*91 aarge lu amuded bute 1 trév'ef et b. fhled ieford'iP"eerit Judge liacir la Chricage SatordaY. HqaIs a WI air tiraIdecisleua eofl'PM"tlJIra tandIs bearlng uPôn tire recelvrersrP et tire Zlen propent>' ie set a"de,' ,«Votives relation te ZMon City' Jo aimply Ibat et a rmalasatate specuta- tor," said! Leals yesterday. "RBei- ruita tirai ire iai euly S85 05q ue5aire ire arlvred tira. b. 12. 195. Mie pahid $1,400 taxes enhk lupoesona .Proparl>' tite ear. "Wtiutefl>' diy.a ater a'n li Zboî it itntetaire ceruramietftira entir.eastate asat cirroirfor B>'. Dowle, aise asiabsent ftru tir United States, VolIva un.d tirhe Pa menaI power ef attorsey. glven him b>' Devis, te berUléirsprincipal sud beuefacter," ire a5Ud. Overseer ULea acirajge tirai tire Zben Cl>' lumew kee,>'vasearnir' 5 per coul latelb* «seaebas t1 p, upow bstmgg t tire lima John 0 .. Rl m-Seresivei, -oI il Wircire s alf amp loiss tissaous-hpft th. actuelmi ,te ibrlinlg "a. Pw-a»- W'aukegan, may r, True tb liii Promnise made severai montra ago. Mayor J. F, BIdinger irai lramed two aomen as member', of tire Waulregan board o1 educatlon this year. Hie appointmerrts as made at tire council meeting NMonday nigirt ['vere as foliças: PREIfENT-W. B. Smith. 'IIST WARD)--Dr. j. M. Ksowsky. SECOND WARD-Mrs. J. C. pole>'. THIRD WARt)-Mise Mary L Hut- crine. 11OURTH WARD-Joirn E. Reardon PIPTII WARD-John J. Cunnitg. ham. Tire appaintinent, frotn tie re inI 'ourth and F4lltir wards as well as tire president Ver. roppointerl. Mr&. i"oley takes tire place of .fudge p. r. Persons and Mlsjr Hutchtns takes tire oiace ot John W. Townsend. Mrayor i3idinger expbained tiraI Judge Per- ionrs had requeated hlm Dot tg re- rppoilt hlm on tire board and altir -egard tc, Mr. Townsond ire aad tiret it tire present lime ire lnla Juver>' poor 4ealtir and la anjorrrnJng !u tire southr Ele saad tiraIvirile h. fr'dnont con- sulted hlm altir regard to tiremette«' tirat ire took Jî Mr. Tofu-r,Pd aould 'roGt wbih b h.g'"P"Iuted. Tires. names of tirese appor.trnenla were suirmitted btirte council st'd rerre ratJfled b>' a unaaueu vote. Tire mayor had net Jnted te, bring op tire malter il thre Ibonds>' rrlgit meeting sud Il vas Onl>' ie- cause lire muembers 01thtie 5ciro<i 'trous to ecl onsevos'sl mstterq at tire meeting te ho held tonigirt. Tie :ould Dot b. don. ua'til Il vas&irnoan wire tire eppontesa ver. te ire. Tire iold over meinbers ofthtie iroardl are:1 FIRST WARD-E. W. Tabla. SECOND WARD--Wîilaru oben. THI1ID WARD-Att'. 1, . Henua. POTIRTH WÂRD-Dr. . C. Kuigir FIFTH WARD-Phil Brand. Jr. It iru been a number et yearas siWe~ tire have beau Vourern emirers e tire -h-1elboard, lu tact not ince àfayer W. W. Peurce's dmilg&&r'ttop, Worueu et tir Clitybaillvith delfgit tire plan et baving repaesto»tie sM thiq Most Importaut uird. TireWa. mon appeluted b>' tire rayor, if te belleved I wII provo te b@ alge mea- hors.Tire Other Meunier. N'eppolt-t ed have sirean thirsr efflalena>' dup- iug tire lest yean. W. B. fnR ghbas been eue o! tire best presidontg tire board ever ires iai. Tire nov memlJemwall taire tir seats On tire board et tiéré 'guler meeting tonigirt ahortiry e>'tlb. Sworn ln. John Reerdon. vire bas Ml1e4 tire Position o!fascretar> o! tire board se ahI>', wall h reelected 10 tire position tonJgirt. MOtent Lather breèal n& Tire, ls e'o mrd evallatile te maire old patent liuri"eliai e-i amIl ai new. 7h.6 WlOalUg dleaI will improve tire flah: 3W parts; olI" ei, 80se Ia 0ou ua Peeuue, 8» prt. iÀiiiiiV;lb*is baut lire wax ka there l~ la ata sms a elsd move front tir am Whou àksrIg oo0d %Ur lu tie large Une. Il Thisa l* Troon. Jewouq vifs e9 bla bogeiati te hue baud vire iru petIoqute, irone ln a deaupour et rielu: Yeu 'ra-Ve de. ceied ru, Ou thre IcIt 'Mo, a mare inst as Vet Wyou e* XI'aP,6n lb night eide >'o re dry as a mml* bue, viral y7m'vedos&, Tes hav sscerted sema aomaa om »ad« iroil umibrell" Te*WainWlOtoes, T'e 8"u vioauehow > I%»ýbSa cent'Worth, of glu. eld gae Worth et ro~u pir Muh itir on. Plut cf vitecu it* cwv'pt~ . ber and mlx Im i si-e a os Md eataco liber et" Jme On o! Hlghaeod Virorouts witir 1h. Lake Forest teau lu tire Il. linols State Bowling smsritetotur- irament lu Cicago lest gmday algli banded bu second place in tire a il Qvents alth a score ot 1863 waibci w» Just sufficlent to %ose ent b1"»' o »Wp tire inu bo irad heId second p"ia up tetha irIme. if On caur beid tris position It Men's ire wtll be du~l~ to: hig sails of tire prise'nonwy.' . ltire doubles Orn rolbed witS Dr. Evans, tireir %cnrp iretn ge8. Tb» aIse la Weil Inside tire Prize rney. In tire doubles four welbureau lp- cal men secior'd scores amir sireel vin prises. H. K, Breair ard If. Bas-' dore rolled 1133. r. WiIkeur dsu Harrv Genette nelled 1097. tu the Indviduels tire follieag boalens Vire are eltirer froru ber. or are buowu hars secrrred scores wlilci should enttle tini te prizes: Dr. REsus-6OS. Malt Scilel-603. L Maraecfe-6400. P. Emurons-5966. Tire otirer men Viore rlled dld net get sufflclentl>' bigir scorese ote glv tireru e chance te b. lu tIre ruuniup. PolloVlug sre tire totale fer -huei games rolled b>'tir, four tAe.couatè ecrus lntire tournmut: lotV'nd 204 T Naval Station .... 843 824 796 240~ iWankegau Stand.849 418 844 aff Uaie Foreat ... .844 Si »860 8* U Foret No. 2.. 783 >05 872 MW', Intereet ln tire lWMlvdual t" - ment Viricir Vas wgar4i aItlshe~ ~4 lieu alieys oui>' a tedayo a- p'eaelug daîl>'. AIr.ady twqnr-e bave relled la Il sad senue4 lt, scores bave beenmrae .Eila la hlgir up te tire prD sIrme' .a score of 612. lneerment inhboQ neyer irabe no irpe. enti>', as lla IlLIS & ar. Itirw ia ln4itemd mmnt laJ:%Ix bi tire nuber aire rolled la tire stefi touruameni. "Tu a e .eruy vess te tâtauit tiraI l4ie couuiy pin sboo¶t ors ail pull dean a coo« bernoisef tire long grseuas a result oet tie scores rmade. JOHN A. LEV#*ASERTS OIVft LORD MAS USURpço T1TL< at- NDXPMDZNT, rRYDAY, MAY 8, 1914.

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