Tr.ÀYf cou= NTViNDEPENflENT. F'RLDY, MAY S8,!')L4. +FOR BALE 1 FOR SALE-1918 n.arly ew Bambler. fa pammuger, lu good coudltà Sn an lfer. Il uililgo very abesp. 82-4 juîot oor Co- F0O SLE--.Abot 40b. of Yellow Nul mmd eoru. John Abrt. Llb-ert- ville mu amo plalfnirm. P-82-2 FOR SALE - Oole 9WaI011 bulbe î1 sud 25 comts per doe.. Oara0. Millr, llwsukoeAv.. sd Docklsnd Roed, Lbertyvtlls. p8 FOR SLEN 7=ro os u vacant lots et Ares. Inquir. of Wm. A. Rtay, Ares, 111. -i2-tl FOR SALE-A qaanitY o! cord Wood sud poste. Wm. J. Scbreck. R. 1. Lbertyville. Phone 267-L2. c.82-tf bonIR SLE-ID ton gadtnrtyby W. bilvrea aumîrer r o iflac blîceforr vle (or reat, If rnriîrf & lra'rv- ville,. 32t FOR SALE-Tearat i f lrrne. a.rîfine hecsvy barie.., $450> 7 anl t>sare :fOOffJOlb. .1in oplei.rrilal f ,ditîîrli: gî,arr fur farti arr rk or C erlainivol . 'il1,3aIu Zriem farta- lieurl rtror aririlsaC ' 'eimÉ, Evercît, i'cati Io\ sce. l 1 ,Lake« 'CI . IIL :î FOR SALE IIarred ifIoal, rîarleî ad Fa-lin Ifualas agg", 54e ua- rattag ias fi E.Thora-x,, h -24 a2 r31-11 FOR SALE-SAcaavd I aris,fIn scre Min wefghit i2-4M .1. F. Va dru, Ares, ROSE 00MB REOS-FEace f rou M indiire. Ieet floaad Ifana.1- crtilifY &uaaranîté-d. Kiamfail-Triggm RetifYards, 'ifarty vîlf, Il. c-3fi-1:f FOR SALE OR RENT-6alî cres, 1>11 noieîle art of Ors> laaLe dcýrat. Irving Payne. Araa, IlL_"~ *0:I i-rf FOR SALE-Eght hare Pîawar HRead- ing Standard Mrtorcyciar 1913 moade], iuly equîpped. lnu rsa- arly lauamorthe, prie $225. Uab m-en at ais resideuce ,ain Cook Ave. J. W. Hart. P433-2 FOR SALE-lfaytou mrntorr-yce e as- ly na-w, inquire t I.,eaterm VarietY Store. e 33-tf FARM FOR SALE-125 airew, cfaar at Ofîmner, Ill.,r graad inhpaovoralentia. best kind rof soif. 100 sceae und..r cultivation. SetIp3g of araetate Msr-. . PlifBue. 60.52 N. Hermitage Ave., hi890, p.:f:t-4 FOR SALE-Lyori & Halea t rll, in fine condition l'hborie 22tm-J Lîlarty- V1ile. c-33 2 FOR SALE-11412 ludiau faf oorcYtle in irsttelai condition, new tires,, ight ani tandem. S. J.Cropley. Arma c33- CDIeTade Vwba coffceam judged so- ly upos quallty ina the cup. the grcer gves yeu the ba value Pot- metiprocule. Tha me oer i threoit conve- fl55t5d Coolfathsdots b. hoa the ul k*<ld dbbuOf the ont es uvuolyourpatronas. Mex-O-Ja Coffe< à à bnss.Z adg=loniuIe S s the Prasim a @Immky » Prie* ,abJea 00i e- s<si. .edia . L"D ~ maeci ran, twh 3 « ARDUCELE BROU. XM-att. Blan D.t. mo-LnS E. UUe MSt.. Chane. FOR SALE-TimOtlY liaY. Inquire 01 p. K. Mdcormack, Phono 265-R-2. LibertYvllle. p88-2 FRSAL.E-Regitered Holstein cowe, bull. sud bull calen. Pries very rea- sonabi. on account Of Iack 01 barootu. N. B. Galsert, Phono 46. e-81-tS FOR SALE-ODe iMitcheillsud oie Jackson car. Llbertjaville Garaire. C-83-tf + TolaRE"T + STORE 'TO RENT-BrBflch Bak*rl Store atO<rayalake. Cati t Liberryfle BBk.Y. -81-tl 2 or 8 roime in Libertyville for 14lih huuekemping by WOMan sMd bol 09 six- Addrem F. T. Wrsy, car Of RodDOI parm, Libertyvilll. P.83.1m + XMSCELANECOUS + MONEY TO LOAN-OD lmproved meai - an...-19 RDE. r le National Bank. -32ti MARRY IF Y OU ARE LONELY-Thif Itliahie Conticential $ cluab ha large nuinber of weaithY eligible ma- ber$ rof mth sexep. wîsing early marri- aga- l>0erption f ree. lirm.Wrubei. Boa. 26, Oaklanad, Cal. pM3-2 riorgilum aaeodafuraimeealIracst Lang (rove tirisC IIi 0nY d&y excelat Maou- days anal Tueodays closeal, p 31-4 WPANTED + BIG AGRiCULTURAL LAND OPEN1G TWLV UNDIR) ANtD FIFTY T1R5.CTS of! iveshil ta-n irea ccilobe granteal ta pnrspective aiattlarr ia tbrowlîg open Twety TbosaausAcrs of Rich, Southera Georgie Land,. wiariî te adnirably adaînta-alta the grcîwîuz r o emey, eweet and trlab paiatoes, caualiorapoe, ater melinas, corno. ts.iroar, hay-in lacI, ail etapla- Crofn- gronsn Ihis fertie setio. as weif a" a langs variety if enitropIcal Inuits, anal bue iamoiis inameusely profitable çac.. Providing you aroe l!iilo tarder th ireaIaaaications prescribeal larus. yrnî ara: now auffered au a-scola-nt rrpfrartrnl,.v ta) break away fronthe drurfgery ana l on1rf a s@mail Vage, or Vorlaînitforritrw ena-it o!fîadlaard,ead gr Irn ir te ]nd of plant! to whle'h If granleal. rau wilbcld a warranty daed anal itart The "iet ,curity ou mrtla is the eartlr itaelf, sud tI.d listhre basis of ail wealtt. Owuers of productive lands are heeafiting by th ee bigIcost of living, wbtle otite,. aie ufferiarg f rom I. ANOPNOIUIINIII10 SECIJRERICH PR0lO1 AONCWIID0C OOI CAPITAL You wil not bal r.quird leave jou irelet urrouad- la this lharai-minded openintw. sinilar tu tho. Inuns.Ail wm saikfthoe 0o w grant tractais Nrhon 'ccand other raliroadg when lhey t=a1 tii plant, or arag akve iaanol, a',o f u their lands. and w. expeet to beCaeit thera-by, a nt lhe above-inutlo:fll "diti eilthin three Vears.olaftner the onem e.ho will recelve the tracta, which we willlhave tg owerated (b&rçeestd aîd replan:t2d) We e aismo paued ta deveiop sshat ira dcci fo gan.elucoslsftouof25pr co. c l.t ol b.1helîeteippemorpt-date. .ciontiflc, proftsrvd fo o h eoa. haroyalo g cai farin and orehard lu existe.nce fi willl consi, the grant.. to prn lor er p:Xet aruaio ntl tboraand avrosansd wIlll@b. ncluded io this opeai quch lime Ctby dtei;ij..t what lbe vipdof ber who reglerer aud aecelle tracts wii i get the bonofli acres mouti ta. Coualder wbat this M@ay muenu a a silperlntont and oclsntllc tuthode la vogue thereon source of lnaomle. W ben statistces show hat the yld 0f we are arranglug tO.e nter.Tegiotrationr we w oueg&crueof celéry monsted to $1.268.45. and that ne. many disaptaltmeat.vut nbsu occurred lu other li. acre of well-carsd-for lipa bi]pecans. an fli learlng, loge ftndalcra-d y the Unitad Statas (Jovernmnl i sbould net lits owner ne. bl as 0500.00 Per 'voar. We &Z. roads. hv grautlng thoua who regîster Iu excoeu of tbe opinion lirat&fiear Itlaspraven b y actuel rinsulte numiiroaf tractas10te egrauted, an intere@t ira t obisl nl operating the land that they wil need no tuIs- medai tarai and orcbord enerpris. lu the hop@ th tbf ralog, sud waata no timte lu locatlng an thio land of may loate la uon. of our town oite.. - tWi. W. also requlre grantee tri oacupv tCho land wIsb- Exarnatllaouf.the land wià e.efully bu p u ea m.or millitIl 1 soute newbo a i oeaup! SI; sud the opemng swlit be held st llrownlo wu, Wayne olibsrwise lt r.vertt bock ta, be.."tr gOeutgfla, une of 1h. stations of lhe A. B. & A. B The laad lnelnud lunthîs open g 5lcaeldlrectly o. wbich ie located on tiei property, sud wlll soccur aad adjoinlug be thAllat, Blrmilghamn and Atantic RIll. &fter tbe cf opIng of reitrations as arrangements ruait, &bout lwenty-five vila.s eset of Brranewfor, a lhin,- made. ion lty of fleen tbousand, havinq direct seaanshlp mr- Tb@ pr~snce of thome realstered will ot be li viet ew YNoork sud EBoton, sud excellentl railroad ties.- atBrowntown on Ibo openlug day, unies. they sw portaIjon facilitlc to &Ili pointe. Tb@ average t*wearur. tend, for there wiil b. ne iavorltlsm îhown an: fr six Muinthe of the vear troru April 10 (ctaber, ie 77 wlll be coaataîted lya commttse s.eeted for the d&«-m; tii. clmat@ in most beaitlaul. dlfahbtful sud sud tbooe reultar.d will la. uatlll.d of what they b lunvigoratlng, and thers iasau ample rainfalf ci51 incba.granteal, aéSouse poesibie poP year ~~Wltla tCa cerlu popult tnaaton of ti.aa-outes ti OIJ M L5 FOR MUTUM.LY 1DENEFICIAL RESIJLTS '-M@»ele u in thes- uf Iul d aturui. loustoincreae sud male tha-land flu purnUt o! tealtj As we are extre.mely derousi tibavina aettleraa locate oun ra aand cdpreaa-eet Ir u)continua- tan tacbarder ai seaure. thla property, anda .ist fa ita deveolpmoat.and therelay Thx uterous s..@ad cûttellter st n lu Erope ,tordsi gr.stiy inermaaaethe salue of surrouodingadri ntea-vefing adie eda dnîuttr pseereth whudbtnd nohlandIa property, which we will baaid anal tr i Iaar,à.lîathrie trame a-a-5Nan ad lav. You muet ae.fue tuat tIlt May Ire aloag tb. Alants. fBirminghmba anal Atiantiî ltulrîad and claare tir'Or-ira- fana inluibis ouantry snrhout a large out] y thueaciitaetbeervce e fel wrran-1 , Irantn . Oi i 14 .le neesai ry I irrKe ui rUt nton"rua- f. tiras~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ neiiae h evcew e araah-e agatlg u &irer iauonfarreaitrallrn satcta- ta tin aU.-a»" lb... tracta tu those wbra regislter witl sî% eaa 9. ciabave in mnd buhr anud remidence plots whltn I mn wifi aller Snatira Georgia Railroa. Laud Developmo»ut1 for sle afttr the rpenlng, but whrch wil i r, t lia- raludeal Colorado Building, Washington, D. C. Ina it. We have "mone,-muakiug afterwarti" -i rlîlratiotls e or the granted well Bd gua-al o etammer- .t of olx lang. Ail t of the m. While wif Iavoid and open- mDd rall- pe o! the hlm a-ont- tat they pmmd. aeconaty, baliroad, pS soon 1 caobh necemeary lsb t- ]ODe. It epurpoaa, lave been tlere fà. n 7al a. thae aY amt-h fe as raenOfifu. en ow ltae pour.,1.tan o!M r-sDrtnf. torwardlug eena-lit Bureau So.thacrrrvlitESR.iltenarf1-04develrp - a .r . W-iiîit'îaî. JrIC ReKistrltill .. adNlà is a rIwihmheente 1 hrrel- .a mkr apiIr&too t- aNOtr 1(r c 'it farn AtrCilI& [N rat114 (îCIt. irftiiih x,,ct h orc aneser. to tthe ii,,.niiK q.:trlnr stlte... -r4 -t .. . . Aue. « .r... orSineale ... ... i 10w.W d-lea r .....i..r . . i rn.alo ..r....... N'atIrSioMN... OrD o i.n i W g'l' ar',es Ct Inld m !i. Irite. state'.. I f niyappil î tin for rpObtriotlrîa4P i - - rend me. wthrrl ii lrtrxiii -d i nirnrtIon andt;atintr a1ceri rglrîa frira iar ed nl rrharil)g i,r.'f.iltite 'Da ud i a trot, îc.Fi.r- . inp raiofclte Signlature QUIET INVASION 0f WAUKEGAN IS MADE DY SCOUTS glaslf d$d NONE RECEIVEO FOfi LESS THAN 25 CENTS UXMUNI) t. AUbIIP4 Loans, Insurance, Real Estate and House Renting. Office in Kaiser Bfock. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Att orney-at-Law Mon a-y to Loan on Good Approveai Real Estate. Office in Trigga Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLI'NOlàk. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOICEY.AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Lace Erildnx. Re. lIeue 152 R. Office 1 phoime la MARTIN C DECKE %TTOBNET--!A Uttice Opp. iSîn st. ElcUlde Blaloms Dffice Phone 848 R@., Phono 1866Ru NOITB CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Waukegan. Aprrtf 3o. Warakegan anad Lakea- ounty wan iinvaded todaY. Sadiens from Chcago captured the city about rine clocit, tulrfng fhe business portions o-f tha- convry stati wlthaut any resistance on fthe part of the proprietors of the candy and ioda ohope, Thre Boy Scouts of Troola 40, Chi- cago, comIng front St. Chrysostom's churcb, Chicago, lu commiand o!f'Pred- ena-k C. Spalding. bit town via the *Northwestern road, enroule tb Druces and Grayslalce on their annunal hile. There were afivenleen boys ln the ,erowd and lbey cs.rried the regular oulfit for members of!the lroop. Their plan, as announced by thre leader vas to ike to Iruces laite and then, later ln the day, bike tla Grayalaite, takiag tte Poo train back to tihe city. Tbey thus aovered the requlred 14 miles la a day's hike, The boys carried raw materfal and cooked their own meals oser open fires ln order to get the experlenc o! cooklng. Wben they struclt Genesee sIra-et the boys lined uni In front o! the Sun office acroos t ho treet and bad their pîctrares taknr. Franklin Hoyt, the ageal local veleran was standing naar anri. to edal a tour h of mffitarlsma to tha- photo. they had hlm fakete he central position ln the group, MNi. Hoyt posa-a us proudîr as If ha- wer na-eacnta- takitt liant in the ie. The- boys tifen marcita-a to the Epis- copal church mliere they jiosec for another pîcture. gave a chper fon Rer' for Gansten, and tua-n stanted ontt Grand Avenue on the ta-mile Mait to Druces, The same troop came to Wauka-gan and walka-d bto nucen flate lest sum- mer. DIL O. P. EUTTFRPRL. VETERINART SURGEON. £*IIAAfl SATS VBMEIU àuA. LlbolyvtU. llinol.. Telerahone 1468-X il Setter eretaared tBai .1, expeilse, aver ta do your worA. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Elmwood Av*. W»au4 . llim.ia S«. me balore mking yoar date DR. E. V. SMIT11 GENERAL PRACTICE do.uraf tot10arM. 2 t. 4 and "71 80. MN Oltae user Ray t'umxiture Store., SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE BYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Oui us s~L.L...LL4.+ +++Commander Speldlng states that WANTEO-Hsvo purcliaserti for irrnii subdcivlirrona \V. D. $15(tA fMODERNl JEAN IIULU3 oth wr, he he ira a-Fat ton bis Sut I)arslrsW rite tatitag aIl f5,aatr ontE, F. Browna, dceaNd tI _______JUSTICE H L Scenrbshw t feto i Irarta-ulars. Nia agetm. AiinrcaaR. ., Sara,a B irownî, lot 24, Chicago Tittfe Ltuna eo .vsFos as, etý.~ ro o .by aa h enn lade;.a-rdent atheea. rm- f aaîd Truest (fcrtipiay*s subdivsioni, t tnn but IRAI IiAKAUE NiAI dstosa-lfoMte comstngdt e aleran Iiglilaiid Part,. Dea-a1.lbou Arrest of Frank Dîg- H Tf R GEM Y Cse>,Mfl congIWaea. WANTED-An aId crwîy raulet e.*a otivertobets to Clristiana NIftBaril lisOPERATE IN ZION theatCadablutshor t te'reofata- srtoaa rena. naar îgla-barra-Isirn aun. ,îîrat 77 faet. ntb lot 6 of lot 4tr . lie.,ita-garain Atir I HO'r thae arr nut banalli s a iton Bîre anru, oe oaa Q 185i A rtorvi-rn rabtebthe rule of ha-ne- Mexîcan situationil tres 11La caa ergît l>rr p--1 rîen" -Soa, 1tand nff,etal . ii iantiort anre sioialed and aetaleri- Dismissed the Charge Against1 ____ ,Srea. Ifi 1331 i::ti1ng ai Karîl. lot 11, bloci t, ntliaîg thaf of the Ingratitude uf JanI E .Wte h a enMSE' AE - îutl d scorc ubdilsioCil n In eto Vafîan In Victor Hugon Leqs lier- .State uW o adBen AT lîuos. oSAyoLtE. s. REAL ESTÂTE TRANSFERS I. 'aVe AaIiocla toawnshaip. W. t).abla->, la prespnteal Irathe cana- of Placed Under Arrest. s(xerc intsCouty o! LkeCuasy Furnisheai by faOF-rankt Dillis. 19 years ofd, a Lithu-MRb entJ rocrorA. Icard1E14na LAI(ECOUNTV TITLE &TRUST Co. Hentiiy E. Paire tcr MîtîaîfaPapa- lot iaRbrn rco a.RcadE r Abstracts of Titie. Tales Guarantecal. 3, block 3, Sltady Nrxrla ubdin-i,ot, 1ian who iu lrfng Ira thre city jail, CITY ATTY. TAKES APPEAL.1 ton, et al. Ina Cbarceny Cen No. BD Masonic Temple Bldg. Waulegan. ou Lakle Maria-Q. Cý $1.een-poetto o obr 6667. M hile the uan whona he la sai to Zion 'thtY,Il., Apil' 3O-Tle ase Public notice 1s boneby glven Ibat Ltl Aprl 9. 114 -hrstnaJ.Hag- Sophia- Brlel, at aI.. to Antîoaiy ihune obbed, Father C. Zajkrowskv o! o! E. F. Wiata-r. wlao Mas erraeedyes- hy vitUe o! an onden and decree en- ApnilW 9. 9. i thldH nretinaJ. sud- M îthr, 2 -4acres InwesMa -lt he Lithuanien C if bb cur h tareaeinluthe- aboya- entillealcause, ira vision of lot 49 1 igaeoo. W D bai! section 19, Fra-mont townshiip.r. ~pnevlorasiy fongava- hlm on a sertouwras naCag frnin a heCrutCur fLk ony li l i W C. $ 1. ge lu a nasidentlal district Inra'lo- nois, at the Mancb Tra. A. B, 1914, -1 _________ offense, Is iubercedlig In hbfesbebaîf 'a riac r nl asdou the lith, day o! April. A. B. 1914, Della E. Hubband te Ui B. Granni,', A R G 1CbN F with thoe ubbonitia-c to waise tha-1'.tabiof!a nînnerc-n asdthereof; the rndersfgned Master Ira Ma-nb 100 fa-a-, aast 185 faet, lot 23_RAG I~iSS prosecutf on anal bave tihe tan dep r I alling b the- location o! liveries, Chanceny o! the Circuit Court o! Late 0 Lae3oes.W.D,$0 __________N lake d ehi atv cutr.boarding on sala-n stables, blackstib Counly, Illinois, will Bell at public Let- ornt WO.$1. raus Nthtut,11 Iarte...27 e o i ntsa itops, gae. ec, wti ha iisacctioja ta the highent anal besl blader W. H. Halley anal wl!e bo W. H. Dorothy Ma-wes. samte..........._20 Digis came fu this country fnom a et.wthnhelme for canh, on Saturday the 161h day of - t Pe.4ter, soubh 8.80) roda north 16.80 Fred Jarcbow, Highland Part .. Litbuania In J.anuary. Arnlving inofZinai Clby ca ne up agaîn for ha-ar- ?Vay, A. D. 1914. ah the hour o! onep rodastan 8 rode. bl oct 9, McKays FoaAoa et ..........2 Chicago wlbh a farte group o! other ti.9Ibis mrralala-bafora- C. E. Howa-. oclockIn l the aflernoon o! salal dayF secnd ddlloa, Wuteala W D Lutrroldera, .......Chag . 2 mgaae h-h--us e b f W. H. Fabny appeaned for tha- defenai-fat the Eat IDofo the Court House. second aa-Fortsunaucceas. WtîD anal Tha-odoreaFoarbyrcîtfor tonuand Tonthe Ctiy o! Wautegan. Laite Coun- al $.Agnes Gehbardt. same ..........1 work it 'ndina- hin tyffortsr>uln, the !ofoostieg descnlbed l John Grffith anal mita-to Thomas Alvin Nelson, Chicago ............23 fui, he turna-albis Itr-ps towands Wau- Ifor tîta- prosecutthion.ty o kega. Wen ie arivs hre h (ar uOnbeiait uf hin cia-ut, Mr. Forby t Lake andl State o!fIlinois, to-wib: hb ttraaglas, loti; 41 ancd 42, Rose Terranae Ethel Tjpiady, Laite Fora-ut...20 t--n Wanie rie br osa p htt, intdsuete a 1 0 nB k1 nC rn iubdiionîrul, Lata- Forest. W. D.$2. Herbart M. Stratton, Corlins.... 54inifeal 10Fater Zaisrowsky fra tat e ta lirnidut ispa-r aebLot tO ig Ira mo-lt t Ira Fra M- L. Nitaîberson and wifa-, at ai - bo Willette Syha-ng, samne............ 52 sIstence andl explaîneal bis plight, dnilprpryLaite Counfy, Illatois. Aun LO5on.pat ot 32 ed33, W. ) ycttunciy-........~tbat of a naarfv estai-oad aad seautfly d-t rpry but contendeal blat Lt 1 u lut1, in 4e. Frank An ..a Osornl . pr ots$2.500 3. , F. .raacis a,cit . 2 1 ciotheal man. TIiepria-st toot bim I11 change avas uareasonabla-. The lWrghts Addition to Libentyville. 0 jeunla-B. Heuson anal hubanal te Alfred-al ita-ta-.Chicago .......... 35urader hie rare. otiltta-d hlm wilh a 0 1ily groundsaie-fa-sali, thalwoulbeLieCut.fins t.i. rown and wl!e, nortb one-bal! Elizabeth Gua-ccht 3ame ....24 suit o! ciothlng anal other apparan td raoal uWrhreo hl id Ltlg Adiiolok 9ibe rankfle 2 lot 2, block t,, Wrenn's addition. High- Emil Webber. Franklin, Wf e.. .. 2 gave him tha- position o! custodian woulal ba-lis beîng a nuisneoa a-Laite Cuunty. Illinois. L- landl Park. W. D. $10. Mabel Dustio, Milwaukeea.......... 21 o! the ahurch. parlah bouse anal the courî t ia otsa-. a-c- Lot, 6 in Blockt 19 fn C. Frankt Jenrie . Benson anal husbiaridtoRb- Sa .orbCcg - 2 grounds. Ha- alsu gare bit a blied The cfby attorney thon swora- In Wriglît'a Addition bu Libertyvif 10, Mary Htchinsn, souh oriehalf e Robet Shafar. Noth Chiago ..... 2 andibard-aitaespalaitftness analfaslasttiesedndthat Laitehat CLuenly.tyilIlinois May uthnsnsot oieha!lot Agnes Iverson. saine........ .... 25 aa or tfh eihbua Lot 6 ina Bloet 19 lu C. Frank 2, blockt 8, Wrennan addition te Hlgh- Arthur Hilgeudont. Watartown... 30 Suraday. fit b cherged, while the motorcycles antd other machines bava- Wright's Addition te Libetyrilie, landl Part. W. B. 10. Lauire Mante, sema--------------..26 piest was calabratlug vespers la the haeun opea-bad lata- at right and earty Laite Counby, Illinoiff. W. H. Gifford and wlfa- t0 W. M. Harry Nordhoint, Chicago..........2 6 cburcb anal the- honae-kleeper wsai> ln theo mornlng ta the dlsturbarace Wigot's1 AItiBoek bu LlC.ernkte bBaldwin, lot in soubbeast one-!outh Ella Uànaqufît.sainte........... 29 sent atlonttlng the- services. Diglîj, nasIda-rts ounalbheaide of the garage. Laigte Cou itfionote eryile section il, West Artioch townashipa. Q* îRay Hagor. Barringlon ........... 21 lo e Ira the rasidence les aid te G. D. Cltanowath, a resillent o! the- Lot 13 Ira Blockt 19 Ira C. Frankt C. $1. Anna Keaston, Laite Zurich-....19 have secureal the ta-y te the Inner biocit wha-na the garage 1s locateai. Wngts Addition te Libertyville, Apil 27. 1914--Jullus Weste anal Joe Mchalcyt, North Chicago .... .21 courpartntent of tha- safa Ina the office confirma-ai is tesliiaoty. Lk oty iraBo 2iraC.F.n wi!e te Edward Wafz; lots 23 anal 24, Sophia Kictar, salite-------------..20 o! theo residenre ha rlfllng tbe drawers "I It is nece8sary." salal tbe alty Wih' diint ietvle blck20 Wshur Prk Nrt Ci.Carl Koppelmaran, city ...........52 of thre prlests dciii, anal opautng thea-attoneay,'I aan ge 60 more pensons Waknight Addiits. a-trlo cago. W. B. $3000. BerthaBrabte, city............... ou9ener door o! the strang box which ta teslffy taI the garage la a nul- Lot 6 Ina Blockt 21 Ina C. Frank J.W iirh .H ilr orth John Kock, Wauwaboosa.......... 36 hallnet ha-an locteef . t $125 fn sanea." Wright's Addition ta Libertyvilie, 5- j .mle eB .Mle;N Emma Becker, sane ........17 Lake County, Illinois. la 40 acres. Northwesh quarter section Ncoa atMlate1 xnyfo the conpartmnrt. Ira "I eau gal 50 persans te îesti!y that Lo iaBo I n 4 r C. Frarat 21, Libetyvîlie township. Q. C. $1. Eva Jasper. salnte............... 27 bis Imite at feaanou dlscovery. il la it le net a nuisance," laid Mn. Forby. Wrigbt's Addition ta UIbertyville, Dorotirea Hîaz et ai, ho Fr-ak Richard Pilibrgton. Chicago ...44 saial, ha ovenloolted $17 In currency Mn. Forby Ita-n quoteal soes ex- Laite Caunty Ililinois. of ftuage; Tract o! )and l n South bal! Margaret Freeman. sane---------..41 nclomed ira a leather wallet la the tracts front decisions.handeal dowra by Lot 7I ict1 r .Frn ntas etos2 n 6 enr onh Thomas McCarthy, Chcago ....2soifs the Supreme court whîch uphelal the Wright's Additian te Llbertyrvilie, ne alos 2 an 26 Venontowshi. KtheineMorn ............. 18Laite Couoty, Illinoi s. W. D. $1500. KteieMrn.......... After the safa- ras ifleal the o rb- power o! a city council to gavera the Lot 8 lu Block 18 ira C. Frank M. C. Decter and wife ta Michael Two odier prisoners es3caped froua bery was coveneal up by the iocking location o! garages, actories. etc. Mr. Wright$ Addition te Libertyvle, Woyce; lot 46, blockt 5, North Chi- Fr hrdn lteStrdystrof tirssale album anal the i-eturaing Fahry aiseaquoteal extrada ira support Laite CountY. Illinois. C rn e FrtShridn ot BturayaferLot 4 Ina Block 26 ln C in cago. Q. C. $150. noon andl mlmultaneousiy tihe seninel of the keys theti'dsk. Tire theft o! hts cantenrtiona Ibat a garage muet Wrlits Addition ta UÀbertyville, me J. E. Holcontb et al te Fred H. detalled ta guard theo tar disappear- was net dlscos'ara'd until Monalay. be a nuisance ta he nelghborbocad. Laite County, Illinois. Huntlngton; lot 6, Holcantb's subdli- edL Officens at fiast expresseal tbe Digits was at uaîca- uepecled anda a- In glving bis decislon, Mr. Howe Ltst 6 ania 7 fln Blckc 2 Ira C. Frank 0- iin oifelr .C 1 fear tirat tire entinel may have been rse.scial that tha- court didn't feel ilita-Wigits Addition toe ietvle Ný April 30, 1914.--Mary A. Scott anal compelleal ho leave bte post afler ho. Tire sbory o!fltra man's Ingratitude- shuttlng rap Mr. Wîîer. sae h e e Laite Coanty. Illinois., va abeal at Wauta-garaIlîlinois, titis Shusband, ta Matt Karpeta, lot 6, NorthhI disarmed by' tire prisonanu and as toid todayb. FahrZjowkfedisse tece.21rddyofArlA.D194 de Chicago. W. D. $500. tirat heouiglt bave ireen muTdered He tld bor the a-n abd gainait pos- Mn. Fonby thora gave notice o! ap- EDWARB J. HEYDECKER, à W. M. Biniman andal wfe. to te pioyant hm trous reporting tire »BslnOfo hie chek book about bwo peai anal narneci Mr. Witr Ihat If! ha- l-pr2-aY1 Phoebe A. Moore, part lob 12, Bropby's tan's lilgbt. This belle! was dis. weeks ego andalitfwritten a ahact oîon-d rap hie shop ire woulal again wnkyAn24My11 subdivision. Fox Laie. W. D. $650. pa"tg ragb t»Mt»lhi w aoanhdfre he earse. H.ylB. loye, Jr.ehi., ta Deer- and ana of thre prisoners were appre- came of h. pria- t. IHo thon cashed We wlll opa-n It aP eveny day,' ra-- fieldl Part, W. D. $2. hendeal ah Evanihon as they wara tire checkit a thrý saloon owned by plia-a Mr. Fabry. Etate o! S. E. Uricir deceamed. 10 about te don cltlxen's clotblag and MartiBrto-ottlth and Prescotl *Yeu go ahead anal ope-nrap," sait -oue,'aS G. W. Pettingel', et ai., lots 40, 41 andl taie tOtei escape. treets, NothChi-iio. At the mar' the clty attorney, "anal we wiil arra-It $1 ict1,Wsit ak.Q ~ _________ avawal ta re!orm. the- priest forgave yuu, This ondinance was not paseer LADIES HATS 0F ANY KINO. Mary Hotrman and hlusianal. ho J. crowilig PUckauiSfly. hlm.ou tOta onli. by the clty cauncil te be a deaai lot- Dcflrl o! Wholenaie PrIa-es; Re-biock- SV. Garrlty, et al., undivideal Interest ¶Uy4y, 'Ratus. why don YU olt Pathen Zaitroanwsfcy ls loti tehoprose- tar," a.lId Mn. Fonby, "anal i wIlilsec'lng, Bleacitina-. yefng, of Panama ira E go acres, soutireamt quarter, ose. e'm sunpenders ont, as 1 taIs. Yon? Be- cube thte young mn on accorant o! that It lsanoced," Hais'; Ast for Catalogua- anal Prlces. Aprl 8, 91=P.J.Myci te C. C. grouun'fPennylvania Punch DowL. deportedte 10his native coutrtrtat Indepenient: More readene than il & BLEACHING CONMPA. 12 North Sevenson, lot 101. Sbaw's Long Laie ho wouid ho suffiiently pUalshed for aounty.weitrlles combfned. Michiigan Ave., Ward Bldg., Chicaea Iicq in First National Bankc Bu ilding souaa:-1 to 3:30 -sud to 4 M. sideia.o -an Broad'way. opptomIte Park LiLaarc>vliie. alaluoWa DR. GOLDING DENTIST Horarsi 8 to 12 aN..1 to 5a p.m. ovrar Firot National Bank ice Phone 19-J. ies. Phone 157-J. Llbertvvilie. Illinois DR. A . tCHURCHILL Physicien and Surgeon Omice oser flecier a Bonds Deui stare HoUra8 te le A.)d ltu 3. 7 t§P. IM. ,ecfal attention ttalire. Ear, Hale sMd Threil GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED bertyville. - - . -Illinois DR. JE, H. SMITH. DENTIST. 3VES LAuS COUU¶Tf hATIONAL DAME. ua-8 tc 12 a. m. and I1 teb5P. m DAILY. Liberty'iflea 11h01. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING clînest attention pistid b an'anglist auction -alan and beoit reeuîta la handi Ail kindi cnt hors.., wagons aand arneosefor sae or exchangm at afi l neK HENRY SINE bhones 148 or 48 ZION CfTY,.flL I. L. REDDINÛI D.V. M. VETERINARV SUROKON Graduat. Chicago VOL. Colle Offi" etIRealdee. 1719G sai Ave. Phone 1134-W. DR. VICTOR c. HGEPNER., OSTEFOP#ATIIIC PIIYSICIAN ' 215 Madison St, Wsukopii. MU Oafce Hours, 9-12Â. M.; 1-4 pL.; 7-8P. m- SundaYs by ApvointmiSnt ObIy Toephâoue ESa General Aucta....,dÎ FARI SALES A SPCIALTY Oel my termi befor. .ogaglng jour &or tioneer. 1',. nothlog 10muni sd bte.- for. eau give My, indlvidual attmuon bte my culomre. Talking Machines Au Kiniii Frnch German. Itaflan d Spanih Languago 9utflîs. W hen ' Yu wsut a us e or n e c rds. cal) ne W..utka N8-W or OeutraO. JAMS L lYONS 25 Wou 1a"sK..(Jaos A HN0f O U N243ZM E N T Dr. N. W. Schdlebcrgr OSTEOPATIWC PHY3CUAN Will be et MmC.S. ea<s ontOrchard IL. Libertyllt «.ufée. sad frldy. Vis Know Thyoeif. How cmau a man lesrn ta know Ilto glf? Nover by meditatng, but iti4 Ing. lindeavor to do tby dutY. aMi thon wllt at once know whal la Ibse Indt p. adent rouer? iRl ON&. PAUL MAC GUFFM'. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LlbertyviBIllllols pwowu es Page Seven uy IAN avery Icted for fac- ouseg. t packt- les, 498 bas two or valr!-- e day t tan, aITance ithen. e na-st rd colal roome offr for belng office la le strua- who ne- he lad- iamber,' atenb lew the are with- resnee. t ustng bis pos. ster and arrives, ay an- igrt; ha a weeit, ne tbey loir acts watchlag )sautes. X&M your Thata 1 r à 1 TrIrm 1