Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 8

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* LA E OFNTY NDPMMMqT, PBÈDÂY, MAY 8, 1914. '2 g' I 5WWWIWO uses noe*nUS dat- -~ lN~*iagaa~ e.umcr tic. a - dapliese peu drap l~ ced look over - uclascat stock. .J~ T7 Otb5ROY~ al»e ima l sebelptu « a salot of he b« luas pe Mar vànt-hatsI, ticn, shir-il, gloves. - aer-e. oti, u Au US !» datael1 t Lou.. E. W. Parust, Librtoville "THE -SEALEÏ) ENVELOPE" 11"isu a message for you. Open it. It reads: "When you waat statlonery of quality, of individu- alltye cfli on ms." W. carry some low priced grades, but moit of our stock ie af fine character, exceptloaafy welI chassa for your benefit. f. B. LoveII Co., L*ibertyjviIIe The Only REAL Bakery in Town FINEST BREAD, CAKES AND PIES-made clean, baked clean, sold clean. Why flot patronize such a bake shop as ors?-iight, airy, sanit.ary. s W e would welcoine you as a oustorner. IoIBIERTYVILLIS BÂKERY lu= i3ocHRiqnkmPop. 1EA utomobile Compan.v OFFMRSYOLJ An llonest Car at an Ilonest Price in mm es.of "th AGEST ed MOST cou- PLETE At«»emo.hFacteSi.. mntheWorM fvery Car FULLY EQUIPPED laciidELEcTRÉcR SPECIFICÂTIONS 8PEfIPlOÂvîoN5 Mtor, lji-Oàe M- otd r ; t..per.. PosJ e1e- ) sIBas. Tirets 8xt in. Power: 105-n. whel Boss. ires S844In. '& -ie,Ž~ $2 0 3. t. 4.$ ,5 toW t OBlu.Vh.]B&»e: "ru- 9824% in. Pover; 14-i. Wheel Base; Tires. 84.4 loch 3Z4 5-osmgr -Oloer merlo 34 to 3.Rns. q$1a500 TSIKDRIAL CARS art desgs os .1 dSCihec bd uointained hy th e onr 8lle.Ie.TM BIMERLAL AUTOMOMILECOMPANY baI.c. ali6À o - t u w r prcd a.-t.e upphGly 00AGET lans4p"on tmr Wraste seau lfer flmteu« iCtoasogo bwlm "TME CAR ROYAL" iji imon.i Atombie Co.M.b & UI hecA».. CHICAGO PMUh.. aluMsl2 ~~fesn1~i A" le oi s .Met kbof om IAMEAL CAR @eut of cesiio SPISUMREY FREELY. dbéDftSSOd ini LabOfOe ftb Re ShowsReflmnent and Education. Wh te themtenrons Mexicn wvwo haben au aglg orons!- ws- begeaf« thlict e, s!sYs ,I; gtlahe qugatian vilci hli o POlice dpu-tmtfoun ois liSe te bave geoMÇM»d t altiongi bhey basae m- !!tweralt. keep hi. under survellI .-w tha2 have bean unable la de- t0t MIRt la aything vhici vauls! uunamI tita la placing hlm onder «90fhL Bis actions hovever, have 0»0»ds! hein suspicions ans! îbey are ,« Mie bellet ihat he may be onceOt »OMI alsuésie.biblie mcxlcaft gov- alweat bas sent out lato diffrent pOfta .f lhe United! States tc, keep fi 4ms valeh on bç proparalions ticS are beins imade for s var witb .1Nauboo. TMssuspicion la boa sout f* tbe tact t bha bau eesen, U 10 cals! loltaa-lag about la -th icvid- e I aval statio INorhChi.- ç~ ans! Fort Sheridan. Ha ls very cecretîve about the busimosvilci brlngs bil.bere. la apoeaace h. leaatiinlg but au or di=" y-oking Ïhan but hi. appea> - acce belle hlm for a Le o aoinnti Wtalt vitibicshows titi boise vel educclos! ans!ls poishbes te a degroi liaI oe u dns!hardly expet 1 and1 lnac day labarea-. This le anothca-i tia WhCL chcuss enlmta b.e ves! wth suspicion. Althanghbe appears ao bave na fotrin o! empleyuenl be ta kno'vn 10 i&ve plenly of maaey. He amokes ex- Pensive cigare ans!theUicbghest prices! cigarettes. Tbcoa secan rather ont af place for the clothing b. vears. The police Intenîl to kecp as close 'ik watch o! him as Possible ans! ai the rt slgn that he la a Idexican spy tbey vIlI att. Ligit for Photogrmphy. ]PiOolrpieri nov meccive igbt1 vory similar ta Ibat Ibrougi ticetradl tional Studio akyligit by vapor tube electrle lampae oles! viUi crban diox. Ide inateait af mercury vapor PRO VOKES HOT DESATE AT THE BOARD MEETING (Continued Ironi Page 5) &rose over the ownership of street, oo'old plot. belng on band to prove that the village had ever taken over the street froni the town of Libertyville, the matter was laid ovelt for Investigation. The oeset committes was srnpowered to se that tbs streste are propelyI repaired. oilsd a«d .andsd, and that th: work la connection with the oiling of the varionsatesta b.nder the mupervision 0f that commlte. On motion th.e ut ens! of the village gravel pîtvas deignalsd as a dumping grouns! for refuse, exceptlmg garbage. A comunication from lb. C. & M. Electrlc rcilwcpID laregard lotte demand of tic village for a signal et the tewarI avene roolug vas reas!. The ltter states! thaSthe r"elof aithc road vooIs! damsan investigaton to b. made and report Iater. Trwmalce Imae as ompo*ursd t. taie np tiIs matter wlth lb. pa-aper omei&W Tic poolaou lice.... vare ixes! as foaoos:SlPo tea-t table, $20, and $10 for éosi cosee table. Tb@ bowlingoalleIce w«as lacos! a $25 for the li ail&Bemaandf00 for euch oooedimg aller. Thie lice... commttes recommened tliat an ardinance be passes! limltiDug motion picturs bause tao ns for eccb îwo thouscas population, viti a year-lp lîcense of $50. This recommendation vas later vltbdravn. On motion the Lyric Iheatre lcense vas extendes! 10 June 1, and the yearly -license vas places! at $50. The following applications for pool oomilicenesver. granles!: Jas.Bro, O. 1. Luce ans! P. J. Boctelmann. The park carnni'tee vas empowered ta take cars of the village park ans! ta provîde for the trimming and sprayin3g ai trees. The appointment ai a street and puaping commiasioner va, laid over for the Dexl meeting. The ire and vater tommittee vas authorized ta procure prîtes on an atomatie starter for the pnmping station. Village clerk E. B. Carlett presentes! hie bond which ho voluntarU)y raises! f rom anc huodres! ta a thonsand dollac@. The bond vas acceptes!. Ater a motion ta adjourn was made trustee timale read the resoutlons wbich llnally resulted lnb bcbg turnes! doern by the prsidento vote. The resolution vent rlght ta the point ans! demandes! that the preident, thc trustes and village clerk bo compelles! ta retura loto Uic village tresury the several amounts votes! eacb member aifUtcet.ld board as extra compensation st the meeting bels! April 28, also declaring the raies. in Nalary 0f the village clerk for the net 1,0 yearo as, illegal, and! Ihat upan refusai ta turno tier sucb amounts Ihuis alloves! for extra compensation, the board ta etarl suit against sais! mou' ber@ ta force a relurnof aial moncys acceptes! by them, tbe point b.îng Ihal tic enlire transaction wae illegcal. Aflter trusta s male fnishd reading th. rceolution. bo moved thal Il bo adoptcd, the motion bing secondes! hy trnstes Colline.IlIardly bas! the motion been nmade bel oea @tom ai proteot vas forîbotuing from trusece Cleveland ans! tbc preident bas! to repeatfdly cat hlm ta watt until the motion couls! ha properly places! before the bous.. Wheu he reumcd bis protesl 1ir. Cleveland! delareti that Mr. limale bas! oser. steppes! his boundo, and! sais! that he dis! Dol care ta bo places! ln the ligbl of taklng money'that vas Dat properly bis due, and taok il as c personal mesuh. Mr-. Bmatacmpbaticaily denles! tiat Uic eseoltition bas! been pre.ntsd wltb malice of loretbougbt ands emply desmes! it propsr siat sasthe %batter vas illegAlly donc a remedy shouls! ho pro. vides! la stop the practice ai alla wlng extra comipenation. Havavea-, laItes Titus ut once de- ianded Ma. Clevelanda stand, declaing lia a la! uf harmany &MnOU ie meiniers Ibere would reonit sttifé ans! dlseuumt, and bas! Ma. Banale valtd theisendol0lishea7M-Wviu.tus am question vouls!&Waundomoe up, be, Ma. itus, wvols!gladiy co-opierats vii imi just es Mr. Clevelas! ba"! tatas! before i..ý Thésmotion vas put ta a vote alter midoigit, as! tth ciai ofthe rol Collins ad! lIsvojios!laniavor of lie resolion, Clsvlmad as!11515voles! againolfi,> ca!Ellworth and!Wih didnet vote. Aeisd s t. vby isdis! Bt vote Mr. Ellworh doelares! liaIam hebai cdvotas! la favor oai gramting the mmlamoat of extra mp hstob conld ot properly vote on tie malter. Ne. Waight took the stand der nol vaing tiaI b. belleve& lie malter vws nov cmclyunmdretood liaIt hepractics vouls! stop #nd %bat the raolation shouls! bave contalcéaa lans. vicrein c&l previaus memicrs of tic board aI any lime hoasckes! ta ceund lb. amounte recsives! by tbems extra compensation. Tic vote thus standing two ans! tva, wlth tvo ot votimg, the presidant deplores! the realtion ot. [n Justice ta lMr. Baal.'tb.eva-iter believes liat bis Intention vas Bot ta cause an upheaval against hlm in proenllng tic reaolution, alliougb b. aaturally expectes! that lB vouls! cause a llvely dscussion. Dnring tic arguaent@ b. declares! thAt ho thouglt o ODe vouls! insiot an starting a suit, but liat ~ry..-ua Raincoat of Us~ WAS AT DINNER WJIEN S1JEL 0f UL S. BOATTEARS IN Louîs Qourley, Nephew of C. T. Heydecker, Tells of ln- tèrruptedDinner Party. HE REMAINED IN MIS SEAT. Other Guests Hastily Made an Exit as Sheil Tears Out a Portion of the Wall. Waukegan, April 30. Tghc sudden termination o! a dinner an the part of a Il the dînera. eXcept one, at the Hoiel Indepencla. Vera, Cruz, Mexico, on the day af the cap- ture o! that clty hy the American forces. by a 6-inch shell, Oires! from the guns oi ont o! the Unîtes! Statejà varablps as the interrnpting madiumi, vas explaînes! In a commiucation recelves! ln this clty to.iay by Attorney C. T. Hcysiecker from bis ncphew, Louis Gourley, who la connectas! witb the Unîtes! States consulats ait Vers Crux. The young man via le velI Icoavo ln Waukegan, through many visitaetaitht Heydeckea- home, vas. as claIes!, the only mamber of the dinner party to romain in hlmseat afttr the shell vent iurllng thraugb the val>l o! the room. "Alihough tht shell tare ont a gaod portion a! the valans! tbe rea vas filles! vith a fine duel, ci-estes! by lb. boing a! the missive through tie vails," b. write.. 'I cauls!Ose. noarea- son for leaving lie a-ou ans! con- tInues! ta est my dinner. I iniges! that I vas reslly in the salest place, ina- mnceh that il vas iarlp posible tva shahs o! such asue volld a sent ont vith lb. same". The letter aIea containe theatsa counts o! many incidents viere the ÂAnricans bave bean cubjecies! ta In- sulte ans! privations ai tia banda ai Mexican troopers. Mr. Gourley te an Ihlnosan by blrth ans! formerly lives! ai Sprnigeld! vieme hie parente now rel!e. B&- fore hie departure for Mlexica, ha bels! the position o! instructor of French in the University a!Ilîlinois. Upan hie ar-rivailin Mexico he asosumes! the position of ilîstrucor of !oreign long- nages ai thc San Luis Potasi Univer- sity ai Mexico Cty,' vhicbh. latex resignes!te, take up hie dutias se an attache a! the AmericAn congulate ai Vers Cruz. Independent neachesa ailpoita iiil lae .County. GiOLDEN WEDDINGi IS CELEBRATED BY MR AND MRS BROD, b. mergly wisbsd to go on record s oppooiog the practica aud te carry oit hi@ pledge tu colorces the Iaws te tbe letter. Yet on the othar haind, the wrierr believes chat the old board acted witb a clear conscience la allowing the extra coënpenstion, a rigit thatlibait ocrer heeu queetloord. Tbe law allovo the trueteeg 81.50 for every meetng thsy attend. yet tbcy never asires more than ooe dollar for esac meeting. 'Ras! they bouites! on the extra fiify cents, tb. number ef spactal and regular meetings 'vauls! bave ainount.d te about hall tbc extra amounts voted, ans! as the law wouls! grant tb.. the dollar and tift 1 cents 3051 for' attending meetInas, practicclly lYsa-y nimber couls! bave preeentes large bille for expenses. snob au substItut.. en village jobe-tbe Urne for wblcbthti tItese donated ta Uic vil lago; foîicarkar,ocIsand incidentaisl white on villg businesein other ciScs, and for extra cilerk bire in coilectgn wateT rente. IDlaimon of dire Baud sucb as occurrcd aset eummerw Visa thevillage wan practlcclfyddumsosla tam.of a big tu, du o t #A qulppmest athei puàmplg stationeof thelb. embes auppliad a mocianie for th. villas a&M bar. ticeost aibi mueiwlbout BoumA for amy re-amasint wbatqver perbape becana.thla w dosa net d"l amy mrnmber of the bobrd ta vork for the village excsptl inperformlns bis officiaI dues. At lb. UretUicncw dsep weill as ciessd of sans! Mr. Titu contil have saves! tbe village 'a round bundres! dollars, but tb. law preventes! and an outaldo irm bas! ta be given tbe contract. The writer takesthe. gtand that every member un thal hoard was rightfoally entitieil ta a roture of at east part of their awn rneye expAended while managing the village, and If any man who ba s not been amember oi the -board thînke that unc dollar a imeeting yuwl pay for hall the actual cost of having the hionor (?) of being a meîiber thereof, eau quetion thié statement, lot him attend regularly as a eçectator evcry meeting of the board the euîning vear, and we kboy that bie mind will ho changes! before hall of the year le gene by. In innumerable instances people become chastizere ingead oi helpers, and that la the practice which doe more harre than anytblng chie, ans! althougb a man practically donatee hi@ eervie in the Intereoto of the publi, lie leafnot opares! that humiliatlng oitlng of being classes! as a gratter. ~'The OÉRO ,of Qu4lity Groceriou Our Goode will. appear to muich botter adve.ntage iyour pântry thau on our ohelvesi. The former in where they belong, anyway. TRY TURE - TEYLL PLEAZSE casino Tomutaus asino Emrlylune peau Casino Littie Kornl clorn club souis catsup mOImIIf'a Nlppy Ch... Gem PimentaOluves1 Mr. Brand Was Former Aider- man of City-Looated Here When It Was Little Fort. Waulcegan, April 30. F'ifty years ago today, April 30. 1864, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. BraÂr of Ibis City were unîtes! ln marriage. The Incident was one af great zniom- amt ta the resîdents of the then little village of Littie Fort. the prescrnt site 0f Waukegan, for c weddlng was; nat a cammenavent among the 1ev follis of the tradiut*post. Today t1ipy are teeolbr*Ug the event ln an nqually Jayous tashion ai their bomet on Bolvi- dora straci, vib a hout a!ofhlîdren &and graud-chfldrcn te parttclpate la tic avent. The hoe.of th. ages! and voer-> able couple vas besedtimrogiont tie dap by lkundreds of fblonde vho Meu.te pay liaI' ropeeta tothe pli:n cars ce the cellebratlon of Ihaîr fi- ileth vdding aunlvrAr 1%111P B. Brans! vas haro At Barn- durckhlem, garmany, AitEnet 12, 1510, la the 70cr of 1854, at the- age of 14, hae inigrati !ta ibis cauntry, arrlvlng ai Fort Dearbo'ýn ln company wlth blb Parents; lhe remaines! severa; days an the site vhere the pressent gr'eai clty af Chicam inow itourishes. Lîfe Et the trading ninit bas! no at- traction for the famlly l'oweer. and they departes! northward wlth a point, near thet trio-nt clty of Shv- luoygan, Wls, as their destination. On the northward tripflic famtly passes! through Little Fort ans! the vounger Birand, at nnce ha" mi' Imnbiecl with the poselIblltirs i, the trading post 1lic surface of t)..' ]andi wlercon It r, ted presente I a fat dlffere:ît sceile t Sm) at Fort t> 'irborn. wlîich (lien, eimed te he :oc trd ij n n marshy .ol..î of tans!. P forethe part'v lias! I-lft the tradig post, the boy deti'r. 'M'i'ed te retur' ,13. soon as possible, bmd he dld. After spendlng a year ln aseistlng hîs father te settlp on a fe.rm iln the north. the boy returnes! te Ltte Port. Speaklng of the village of those daYs and the clty of Wau'cegaio! taday, Mr. Brand sais! tht, '«If many of tht pioncer. aofte olden days were te return and! vicis the pressent modern clty wlilch hon ralses! tram the sites of tlhe few ram- shaciole structures of those limes. they ceunis neyer believe their eyee." Mrs. Brands! W5 hro at Buffalo, N. Y., January 5, 1853, whlle a yonng girl. ber parents, Mor. and Mre. Greg- oryv Herschberger, migu-ates! west, con,- lng te bLle Fort. The girl grew to womanhoos!, when the attachaient be- tween the young lady ans! Mr. Brand was formed, and on AprIt 30, 1864. they were unîtes! ln marriage at the home of the bride, Rev. Hathn per- forxlng the ceremony. Te the union twelve cbildren vert harn of whlcb. number, eight survive. TJbey are: Mors. Max Baada, Mors. L. tD. Stewart, Pbillp B. Brns!_ Jr., George Brans!, and! Mrs. Guy Mil- ttimore, aIl of Waukegan, Mms. Claude Wakefield, of Hazelton, N. D, Earn- est Brans! of W%ýatertown. Wl.., ans! Enacb Brand, of Chicago. AIl o! the cblldren were present at the celebra- tien of the anniversary today. the IrsI lime the famlly bas been in com- plete reunlon for over fourteen years. Wou Once Alderman. Mr. Brans! bas been prondnent bn the social and! civlc 1f e of the clty for over fifty years. For that perios! hie bas been a member of the Wau- kegan lodge of the Masonlc order., For a perlas! of fve ycars hie vas pros- Mdent of the llarmony Mlainechor, an association whlch ln other days thrlv- as! as one of WLukegana Ieadlng so- cial <rglzationo. He vas also one of the founders of the Gcrtnan 'von- lngmaas association and a charter memibar af lhe Waukegan lodge of Res! Men, nok extinci. Duitng lie years of 1891 and! 1896 hoe hels! lb. ornce.of alderrnau of tie iben Piret yard but now Pu yward of the City. in the early days lbe conductes! a barbeshop ad &acsoestablichel lb., Oirei public baith-bonsa la Ibis sec- tion of tUicocuntry. While a barber- hie shaves! Abraham Lincoln, who vis- Ied Waultegan, vile campaigning for tie prenidency. Mr. Brand relates an incident of the date, wortby af mention. Ourink lncoln's vieitln! the city be stayes! overnigit et the 1h. NEC Lha home of ona of bis admirers and stop- 7' porters, B. P. Perry, an attorney of that day. Durlng the night a child ______ 'vas haro to Mr. and Mr. Perry, with- oui the knowledge of Uncoîn. When he awoke In the mornlng, he was pre- sented wlch a vlew of the Infant, and the Proud father lnformed the near president that the cblld was to beJ o named Abrahami, ln bis honor. Independent: Mors readers than al county weeklies combined. I NTERNATIONAL Harvester ma- nare spreaders have a score oif good feature in their construction. Fac ne is the resuit o! cars! n i eld Uiet., An i il C %swww de fér t' elacl eadLg, Y*et Ilba- Unl clora i é al lef. lunh tib la&& rg vieblbave vide rim a"s!Z4mcped IqN aime £Md kt actU. du &B1 oendtooe aes ban!cierv pesta crsOf sLA ssh d~ti olu dsice Wbnlmgoflibdee en by md6ted Màdtoalithe*.qu main"rs Bosubuo W. vi«« M" i 511 i. as aviisn Wb. lnte 1lg o*algMd Prntng CLEÂN WORK A FULL COUNT - - . -, '-'cic "'rr IThe MODEL Ce lharketj MOTHER'S DAY ýSUNDAY, M A Y 10t h , 19 14 TIIE DAY 'lO WEAII, A FL»ONER IN IIONIIR OF )NFIS 310TIIER. ANY KINI)) N l'ROI'ER, BUT ESPECIALLY 'FIlE ONI. MOTIIER PIEFE!S. BRIGHT IILOSSO.1S FOI, A LIVING MNOTIIER; WHITE I"LOWERS FOR A% MOTIIEIFS MEMORY. WVE HAVE A LARGE 'STOCK 0F ALI, KINIîs. Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. 111. OUT 0F TOWN ORDERS GI VEN PROMPT ATTENTION. PHONE 10 un isue r7r.5 f GUtn iPowdered îLic Mler Y~ A C.rcat rnor.ey racer. Loury liens carinct lzy ne.'lher can lousy chicks frow. 'etI P g. ir. (Oc. <Or $1.00; 25 ILb.11oil$20W. M.. .ub.titut«. ...t rm Pmu.. Salisfaction Guoranteed or M*ney Boa& gt G.] ,tL. 160 porc WUnp-* For sale by S. L. Tripp, Area; F. D. 1Batteroliail, Orayalake; E. I.. Wald & Co., Lake Villa; Wm. Illlebrand, Antioch; Blackburn&t Bronghtoo, Waticonda; I. L. Prehn. Lake Zurich; Wm. Einsman, Di. amond Lake; V. Sauer & Co , Lonz Grove; Fanshack & Raupp, ButjTa- Io (rove; Ilir8hberger Bron., P'rairie View; Geo. M. WVedner, Aptaloîsie International HarvesterI il Manure Spreaders 1 e o ( i t 1. a 4- -' a j * i - i t I * i * :1 'I 1 - ý . ý 1 .ý 1

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