LAKE COtTNTY INfEPENDENT, FRIDAY. MAY --il 914. _____________Page Tmis I ?esg Items SEditfod by F.J.DRUCE, Phono Il Ords Taken for Job Work. Advrtmen raes . pplicatI. Ti. many bhi IsofM . ed d mr. Oto Waldmau voli b giad tu, mhsat btb.yr are roing ta mo,. back te Orayslaks i. their boues on the. Lake Siiore for the étumuer. Tiie St. Audrewus Ouild met Ibis wesk W.dneiday wlth Mr@s. Wm. Braudtettsr witb a large attendaos. Mrs. Savage af Waukegau, vieited f riends ln ibis vidity. Lionel Ricbardson rode to Highland Park on is new motorcycle Sunday. lire. J. E. tllxler purcbaed a line piano lu Cbicago Ist uet It was moved lnto ber bonms last Saturdai'. Tie tirayeIlke botol le crowded to the u tust thees days. due to the construe- tîîîn work of the Telepiione Co. The Chcago Teopiione ., are puttiug lu a cable along tbeir lUne aud doing uther eonotruçtiîîn wurk whicii it tseaid wIlii i-at tiiemo nearly a bah millon. J. liler le renewing hi@ youtlî by bas-liîg iLi.- dutch moamies, Earl Derby tepent Friday evening witb hi@ oster l-dti. Mr. liarby la attending cailege ah Whitewoter, Win. lie made fie trip ecsîs-iially ha viat in "'ster andl otiier relatives bore and iniidently tu attend tii. dance et tic opera bouse that enýingc We uer'- pleaâcd fiweko'mie ae usuiber of young people froîn Lltert. s lie tii the May party lest Friday etiiig Get aé bine coupon et the Itexal l rng store, it im uoIti -)qk-ta i u. bruce Tomii 'tronmg bas aedelthi- ,i.ioîemm t,, lus drai eîa nd îrese lîîieîiiea. MesvJohn and le' itrewer. hua Krriu ,ry end l-arîlti-ersuaiteîîd s-d tiie hal garu,- et Chicago sunudey Tîsere o ffla narge atteudeuce et ti,.- inoii,îng pi turc show Iast Fridai en iîg, mon u n îg out fi, ear Mr Wmlidman wlh, s a .'v a ftvrit'. i Gra3eiaku- as e bar, toue euuliit. Mlr@. %%«i. Ellis epeut atucîlay ard Suudar % îîb irienm in uCh'i,, ega Mlesýu lils aud jemsi. -Miade af lîkago, suer,. gustKofa! NiwoBertha Haut llant Fridey. Whot j. homse wthant a 'i irtrao. It cOasteyou tuatiiing t,, take na n uyaur boame auj try it. Tbe hietaîl Store- Drucel Drug Co., sole agente. Claire iloolittie, ubo bas one of the muet muideru up-ta-date berne lu the county in initaling e iilkiug machine. Mmrs.Wm. lenter, uho bas boeenvery aid ls mnîlàhebtter. Severai rom hbere ettended the base bail gamo et Waukegau Sunday between Wankegan Went Ends ami Colonial@ el Cicago. Leonard Hoot, captain of the Armour base ball bain and Elmer Burge botf tio e <iii bave sgned up for the. saoü wlth tbe Wet Ends and tins thia leude au nilreet te Ora.velake people te. attend tiiee gomes. Je@ Longabaugb aosised in the. ganse by pitcblng the. Laut balf. C. A. Miller and Jeu. Longabaugb wore Cbicago paseengers Wedneeday. Tii. May party given by tii. Minute club leit Frlday eveniug usa a sucoas lu every way. Several frot bers attended tbe Wauke- gei bigb sebool play Uat Frday uigbt. Ethel Malberg. Ernt ]look, Bernard Joues and Carleton Am@e,, ail former itudenut oraylake igi sebool look part lu the play'. Mr. and Mr@. Otto Waldmou ofiChlca. go, attends.2 the May party glven by the Minuet.lub laet Friday evening. Independent: More readera than ail couty weeklies combined. STOP IiERFS! STOP BERE and get ' our rellroad ticket. we bave thein on boti roade. SITOP HEttE and leave your laundry. we bave tbe Burlington ageucy. Ooea every Thuradai' and returus Saturday. Ilest qrvice lu town. Phone il and we will caîl for It. STOP BERE and bîsy your reading natter, we have the hate copvwrigbted booke and ail the lteet perlodicals. STOP HEItE and buy your tee creain. We givo von the beet cream n d fruIt.. SIrOP iERE fera cinice boxaif eudy. We bave man" varleties ta cbro:. fro.. STOP HERElIfyou wan < to eent gaod mueic. We are sole agents for the, Vitrna and always giadto play foryou. STOP BEttE If Yeu want a gond sinoke. The beet brandi and many ai them. STOP BEttE for postal cards, souve- irs anid pnants, a brand uew lHne. STOP IRIE for yoar statlonery. W, carr.v tiia Most uDtodate lin@ in loun.- STOP 13BRE for teilet preparaione. Our ganmony lins la unexceiled.' STOP BERE for pure drugs and rn @und"is. Our uer departinent con- tainq notbilgbutguarantfed stock. STOP BIE wbere you get sattsac- tien or your maney back. ALWAYS STOP at a Itoxal store for good merchandise and gond service. DRUC DRUG C0. The e Beall Stare Grayaie 1 .cake villa lir. sud Mr@ Dixun of Union GOove, Wl.., $peut laet week witb their son Claj ton and wts.. Tb ii.mouie meeting t IL)Iibum lent Tua al terscon and evenn 'fla Weil attmmdsdby Our local Masonsm The cbin»y on tbe E. J. Lubenu COUft age . truck bY ightong during tb. etorm Mondayi ateroon sud th. rof soniewob.idanmgd. Mdiss LeaI&Ulneb uofl)eerfield sebool, w.. tii. piet of Lake Villa friende ira. Friday 10 Sunday eveuing. 0e0. Miltchell entertalusd bis triend, R. Krimel Of Cbiago, a few daye laut ue. lir. Erimel lsavlolluist ofabiity and entertained at the, lasonic metlng with some.Sus eletions. Wm. Walker, gr., accounpanied b! Dr. Jamison went te> Cbîcao lest week for niedical treatuient and woa operated on Mondai', We hope for btter neati for Mir. Walker. Horace Nelson and wif. epent Sunday at tie Nelson homo. Mmrs Henry Cable entertained Antioci relatives Suuday. E. A. Wilton bas pnrchai*d a live passenger itawier. Friends of Mir. and lirm Max Deylitz -Wili mne intereis.d to knou aifitie arrivaI oa aebyboyatthelnbomein linekegon, mivii,. Ik-rti»e, Wallace, mou ot Sidney Wallace, Lad the muisori une ta lose one of las lingpr, a% the tlrat joint by iavlng tl raugit lu the. knlves of tie lawn xnawer one day lest week. WDLLBURNN Born, Weueday, May -,, ae ueglter tus MUra. W il Martin. Tiheliasous tram Grayeleke, Weuku- geaui Autioci atteudled e meting et Militbiirmi Tinrsday. Mur.oand Mn,. W. H. Milier s!flzigleuad Park. arc speudilur a couple of usets s tii Mr. and Mrs. Joîhn B,,inu.r, M r,. Gus Hughes le sick and mîey ug, ta thi- oopitilai tKenolia, Wîs, lire Henry iPatc'h utRusoeel vcliîy, 6pelit %eduesday witîh 4r daughter, lira Erneet Velle. Mir. andiMm rset Trotter oai cbuago, Npent thie week-end uti lir. and lMre A. K. Biain, Miarren HokIuiumî lel asvLuling gras-el tarea newsilo. H. B. Touer sud bnuther trause,-fed business lu Waukegan Seinrday. Leolie onner trnacted buine8sslu Lbetyvllle tie past week. Mi"a lonence Anderson sud is Shaw of Lake Forest, "pnt Sundey ulti the faumer@ enut, tirm W. A.Stewart. Mn, Annie HughesofiL lake Vilila, spent several dayo ulti ber daugiten, lins. Erma Strang and ather relatives. C. K, Bain le wretling uith rhe-uiia- tieni tued ueek. - !~WoeTH. 1 Boru to Mlr. sud lire. Leo Lux a sou, liMay 1, 1914. lira. J. R. Porter waa&Cblcago visibar on@ day laut. lins Margaret Hill of Waukegan, le apending a feu days in our vicinity. lim. Issuc Wlnter, Who bas been quît. sick la veny mucb improved ah tth, 1prienet uriting. Mr. Radtée and famnily speut Sunday et Sand Lako. Chmo. Draubelm n ad Cîsyton Lucas >atteudod the damie ai [Ruesell Frldoy eveulug. P. 0.. Deltmeyeor has invested lu a Krlt uhleh lie soya la good enougi for any- one. tir. and tMrm Woolaian are epeuding e feu days withfionda u il h@eîinit>'. Ledter Bruce ls vislting the homnefoiîk8., T. Straug sud C. A. Heydecker attend- ed fie liaeonic banquet et Mîlîbura lait Thursday eveuiug. Mma Ed Lui, uba bad the misiortune ta have lier enle brakon ea veet ago Suuday le gettiug along ver>' nlrely. Cleyton Lucas aud L. M. (fretins uere Cicago vialtors Friday. Mmra Bort Wiuter vielted lu Mil waukee part of lat uoek. R. D. tiook lrausact.d business lu Lubertyville Frlday. àllas Bulda Meyer sud aliter, ira. Geo. Posot speut Thureda>' uith heir parents bems -We ae rDrY t announc e isd-dsa deatb ai George Joues, Wbo disi Fnlday, MayS, 1914. Burial was Suuday at the Barrtlgton cemet.ry. Beury Satineir speutSuudoy wlth iei cousin, Audrew Amaun bore. lime aud Frances Meyer seut Suu- day witb Barbara Amaun. Mm. sud Mm. R. D. Cook trau.acted businessi; n Wategan Tiinnsday. t3pound Ben Neon a. w und eskly Tbursday morning asr Amour'. lm bousm bore, witb sororal bad cuts about hi& face aud bod . go us carieid ta Dr' Martin'@ office by James Carns7, nlght watchmnan at Armants. Up t0 preaont wrlting we are unable to Immr jus& iiow he won hart. Branard'. aunez in about ready for oeupanc:. Tiiere bas ho.. a large new cooler put In and wlll bc en arranged tbat the. aunez wlll bc devoted entirely to nàaIs and groceriee. Au ordinauce boas rcently been paesed by the. village board prohtbitlng pianoe 01 otiier usical instruments ln uuy saloon or rooni adjolilng. Il alw, pr. vides for Sunday eloolngc. The, May party and dauee whici, the Round Lake Plésçure club bad erranged for last Saturday evenlug wiI be ble this WP@K SatUrday evenlug, May 1 fith, below pastponed on aceount of the h,.avy The management of the " Moviem icre ban made arrangement, with a iîw Film Ca. Tbe lIraIbeling mn lest Sun- day evening. %hle writer hoving attend- ed lai happy to rýport atîig imprîîv.mentî Several frani here ettended th.- bail gaine et Federai Park, Ctileagi, lia Sunday. A. NIl.White attended the funerîsi of (Jea. Krum ln Chicago Sunday, wbo was- killed ini au automobile accident last PUTS IT UP Te ELECTION CLERKS FOR EXPLANATION Fred Schaeffer in His Petition Declares His Deteat Was Ca"se by Fraud. ENUMERATES__INSTANCES. Violation of the State Election Lawt, Etc., Are the Other Chargesin Petition. Stateinonts 'of fraud, llegalitles and lrregularities iu the countlng ai the. ballots caut for towr>ahlp collecgior and lu the. recent general election fseld ls Hihlaltd Park. are furtiier developments of the petition filld in the coussty court bere Thursday, by Fred Schaeffer of Highland Park through his attorney, F R Gall. In the petition Mr. S'-iaffer con- teste the election 0f Mary Dooley declared, the successfui candidate fur Townshiip collector. Thi' defendants ln the petition are narned sa %Mary Dooley. James H. Duff, and John E. Conrad, ail candidates for the office la question. Ilesîdes maklng seli-rai charges ln the pett"oSnluwbich h.. states tiiat tie woman qiffrage ]as la urcansti- tutional, thoreby rnakinz the votes caat by the women in fi, elction as illegal and depriving hini of tbe of- fice ln as mucb tiat iii-ri-ccised the largeet number of inale votes caat. be also charges fihe ierîîetrationo0f frauda and fictittous caîînting of bal- lois on the part of tlhe eI-ýciion clerks. woek. Mir. Kruum'e parente beiing Third vting-precinci of fie -ècil y _il ors wlth any promînence was iln 1910 leroal Irieide aoflMr. WhiIte. ballots wblci were niarked ti thie -bwen, after almont two muntis of se- Art F.i'hober, one of Roîund Leke'si cîrcles opposite boih nasies of can- crecy, It was dlsclosed be lbadir-r raminerriel treveleno as ',purche'us.da didates and whici 'aere defectîve rled M les lEva Egan in the weaf. Thie .Maxwell runauei wthiî-i lie ex[isecte tor were counted for Mary (oiev. Many F.ean famlly was well known along ieke bie terrtary witi. ballots of an erratlc tnature and bear- tbe north shore, and one of lis meni- Mrm.t'. W. Rush, denglit.-r limrriet ing iitakes were ail , îîîîîîied for the bers, a son, Il. Chandler Eg,,:., !jua anîd mon Donald. vimihed re'lative-s lun womnan and a fesser flamber of the iîeid tie national golf cbamîiions.,ip. F-rankvilleo. iroer Sunday. bllsots tbat sionld ba% , er. couinted Mr. Truax la a son «f ('ol. Se w-ell A mlighft change lu finie aofilirce af î,ir for lîlîmi wore couîited f)r lier. Truax of Tavoiîa, %V'asls., a membor1 trains ha, gone lta effeci. Ticho ', ('ontinulug the petltiolis gives flir- of a îîronsin-nt western famlly. Mm. itag freine thet met hore fîiruierly lu, ther chargee tiat other candidates in aud Mr.,.ligan denled tiiere "e,%& any et '447 are uau due et ',50, ailier!liee -iection were giiîen soies ther I pposition. The brdal eillqàvlslted uiaiaigee are5: (ouaid 6:20 fariiierîy due-,wî're not entitled to. îî atates that Mra. Truaxa parentîl for '& day and et ,:Oul and 6:2 1.hie election officers uli-egardcd th, tien returned to Ca¬' City, wbere _______________________lawsa uf the state hy nar sboutîng. in tbey took up thelr resîdence. Since a loud %oico, to Liose preserit, tic tiat ttiltWhuachilîdren bave been M M.N resulis of the electlon, affer the).i boru, Peusîl and Ellen. *Mr. and ins. RicŽhard Baok vialted were ascertained. When a rumar becaMte current yes- their parente et LQoonLake oser ~Voain~sohrsaelwj~t»rde>' tiat Mr, True.e li4g beema abaot da. [also charged; Tbe election laws of a reporter attempt.od in IntervieW SEWALL TRUAX SIIOT, AS HIE SITS i.IN INVALID CHAIRI iMysterious Wounding in High- land Park Cottage Kept From the Publie. FATHEA-IN-LAW 15 SILENT. Mine Engineer's Secret MXr- niage to Daughter of W. C. EganRecalled. Two days ;go an lnvalid, lying iu a wbeel chair, was shnt tbrougii tb. head. Physicians fear tllat the wound may be fatal but barely a word of bis condition bas reached any one oxcePt bis relatives so closely bas the secret been guarded. The siiooting bappened ib, the quaint cottage of W. C. Egan at lftii- land Park. It stands on the windlng roadway o0f Vine avenue ai ejcb a distance from its nearest nelghbors tbat a gun or revolver dlscisarged witbln Its walls probably wauld flot be hoard. The place la so quiet and realful that Sewall Truex, Mr. Egan's son-Lu- law, was takei% there several monthe ago when fnflammatory rheumatism compeiled bu ta abandon thie prac- tice Of bis Profession. mlning engin- eering, at Canon City, Colo. H-e wag almost entirely hebpless Thursday tnorning wiieu he was siiot. fiarrsae Kept Secret The last tuîne Mr. Truax's name Bob. l)ady recenti>' liurchîaeed a ChiaI- mer*s tourng cr' A num ber ai aur people ettcnded tic waukegaa bigi sebool play' et the lieatic theatre laat Fnlday. VanNees Young us a Cicago busi- nees visltor lait Saturda>'. lins. R. O. Young of Cicago, le visitiug ber parent., Mn. and Mca Keel. lins Jas. Dady uoa called to Harvard Frida>' ou account of the deati of ber grandeion, W'illiam Dady, son of Engoue. Ber sou Ciiorles of lEsanaba. lici., retumued borne wlti ber. tir. and lMme. ponenbnrg spont bat ueek st their Baud Lake cottage. Tom Gray snd iamily of Waukegan, @pent Studay uitb relatives boe,. lir. B. W. Keel visls.d iends lu Chicago nseeal days hast uesk. m Jl. W. Farrell uaon lb. sck lothe s latter part ai the u..k. Tii. Guru.. baill bom was ont for proctiee Sunday. Joe Vincent rehurned trom Wiscousin Saturda>' witii a canioad of cattie. lins. B.C. Baines entdctaluedthe Ladies' Aid societ>' lait Thunsday alter. noon. States Attoruey R. J. Dady and ule ot Weukegan, @Pont Bunday with fionde bere Mises Aice Hurle eîtertained severel of hem f rienda at her home laqt Saturday eceuing. HICKORY Curtis Wells oui iamiy vilted ue at tie home of Paul Fermis a Mr. Cohen and i ule ai Geuoa- .'e celIersaet B. Eduerds Suday.lter- Doon. The Hickory Cemeter>' society wulli meet Tin rada>' efhernaau. Mey 21@t. Mesdamues Lutin oui Wobwill serve. Everybody Invited. Born ta lire. Rose GriffulioMrtin, a baby girl, Wedue9ay. May' 6. Harvey Mann made a flying trip iroin Bebron to blé sister's lira. Savage, on Tusada>' morning. Mrce.liann raiurned houme ulti bm. Websud Helen Eduardoaore havlng tbe wboopiug cougb. ElmDer.-.Almosnd sud Ruth Pellen visit- ed relative, ot Roeerona Sunda>'. Mir@. G. A. Blarmen .and @ou George were the guesto (A Ciase licGuire of An- [tioci, Seturda>'. WARREN The Warren Ceueteni' Assoiation wil muet wltb lira. Elee ook, Wednesslay alternoon, Ma>' 20. A cordial Invies.- Mion ioxtended toaail latereeted. 1 tie state requires that polling boatis 1 siauld ln aIl cases ho iocaied upon the ground flcor or front rooni of buildings selected, the entrance ho which la on a public hlgiway or street. The petîtioner chartes tiat the rooni used for the. polling place ln the aerord precinct of Highland Park on fie day useutiaued, wes lb- cated lnthie rear of the building and consequently witL o outrance on eltier a public iighway or Street. The petition furtiier States tiat the election clerks of the v49ven precîncts pr«eeîted au lncrPersted caunt. bn- cluded ln the certificates filid ulti the town clerk. of votes uhich were illegai and should not have been 50 counted. The certflicaes were Rdoît- .d b>' the cotty aupervlsars asses- Bor and collectar at the. cauvass of the returna sund tbey ver. lhe grunud ofthUe d.claring th. electfon of Mary Deoley ho the office. EXPECT TROUBLE IN ENFORCINEi NEW 110 ONORDINANCE Thse arresi of fao ZMon City' yoîîng membere of the famlly. Mr. Egan ap- peared ou the porci. but protested agaînat dIscusslug the subject. He did nat deuy bie son-mn-lau iad been siot. "No On. in the Room wlth Hlm" 'Won't you tell us iow it bappen- -ed?' ho was aaked. 1How do we kuaw? ho answered. 'There, waw Bo One In tie rooni witi im." At tie res1denA of Dr. H. S. Has- kmn Lie reporter fouod equal reti- cence. "Tiat la a profeasional matter I cannat discuse,' said the doctor. 'Will YOu ssY iow serouuiy be was burt?" "He cannot live more than three or four days." "Cen yon tell us how be uas abat?", "It would ho Improper for me te discuss that." Dr. Lloyd M. Bergen aise usu caîl- ed an the case. A maid smid h. vas 111 and cauld not see a reporter. Tice!Highland Park poliCe Said they iad no repart ci th. shootlng, and lu- quir> fallildta show that IL vas known ho more than a haif dazno. re- eldenta of the auburi outaide the Egan bouaeioid. Unconselons SIne .the. Shootînge Ail were agreed tiat Truax had women. one oi a charge of iasIng been unconselous aluce Lie siooting. ridden a horse astride sud the oiier As- -r~a could lie determlned Lt on a charge ai lsavlcvg embracci a haîlpeneil about 9 :30 Tbursday marrn- Young mai in public. wauid Indicate 1log. No one knew wbeiber a weapoo% that Lie dastsi Zion ordînance pro- 1ia"dlîcen found near thse vîctixa but hilbltng muiuiiiio bar stackings, ai ane of these cones was that be bad or diapianous akirts, lou-necked and lîcen sot u 1h bils oua revolver. qherL-slee%-cd idresses, ls ta ho enforc- It suas sail(tiet wiile In the west ed ta Lie leUer this summer as e-as M5r. Trua', lai tiree revolvers and af- annoumescc lsiseIlîttîe time ago > r ter lii- icanean Iîîvalidldhoplanned Overseer W. G. oive. tfa cc idmiif tiemn. One weepon, se- Mrs. W. If. ('lendenin. wite or<if bn coruing to hile stary, was sent toaa citys mavar lias heen Dlaced etiticeLHighlaund Park hardware store and bead of Lie equad wblcb yl seeil t eald. that the ordinance la not vlolated. Outsiders krew but littie of Mr. Mrs. Clendenîn uilI be Permltted ho; Truaxe ftemperament. There were pick ont as iisafy helpera as she Meay doire but alie wili b. the, consor umors fiat bis' long coninflement bai Who WI pass ipoms aIl daubtful cases. made hlm doapoudeut, but fronniailier WbIlie 1 bas nat been decided det- sources cme statements thet be bad Initely as yet It lisaaid the. Members expressed an aptimintle bope of an af the plleedepartmeut Mayi 055t early uc1urn La the West. Ie 11e ber In Lie work. Then no one can blaeie i If tiey scrutulzse a meni- about 39 years aid and bis prospects ber of thie fair sox tee chosel>'. In the mning uarld wero regarded as Au amateur conld detect s Young excellent. e'omau weariug a lou-cut or short _________ aleeved walst or a sklmt oethUe dis- pbanous order but the question arises The Sun la askoil ta correct a slgit î'atnrelly. boss ia enyone gnîng ta typagiaphical errer vbich appeared a tel wietier a Young voman la few days ega fru telliug af the trans- vearlng "îe..k-a-boo" etockbngs EP fer ai a tract et land lu Wadswarti. long aa the suather reMueis faim. ATh lada mbrO fo Mry drizzlIng ain or a etroiag vind aiglitTeluditrafme tanMry help nome but a Meu*er of lb. luves- ani and Jm'Y Mc!4àamara ta the Cati- tigating squadcoeuld flot alusys be aie l abop of Chîcago. It le eue rad vaitiug fam Ideal conditions tu de - by20 luIn eWPrt townsblp. The voap. 04th Lefaues of icuni. Clou- cnsdrto a ie s$1adI denlu sud ber sciua.d bave mapped eut esdatowsgvnas81udt souete 1*k for theinheise. aoulid have been #100- Your Proposition! Large or aan WîiI Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Rai Estatli.uace, etc. Uboetyviuo, UL -j Rea Bagains in Noth-Central Wisconsin Farms T'he Banner l>airy district in ùee banner dairy suite in tie beet oounty on eartis. Clay Loamn Soil 'Tie Naturel borne of timotliy and clover. irtly clearcd ferma at the prîce of %Vil d Land. ll1avua.yoll Bulletin No. Il by Loeb- Hamunel Realty CJo. (Not Inc.,) 205-206 Marquette Building, Cicago? It Will be of Interest i H0 D. BOYe or write ~ ~ Wanted- Good, middle-aged women fer general housework. Most be able todo gond, plain cooiog. ramilg or thoee, small bougeesy work Mis. I. M. Smith, 308 N. Utica st., Wumke. gan. Phone 2. or cali at Sun offie, Wamkegan. breken sud lb.eqes$ tkem. Tie matter vas raported tothea authoi. ties sud Cy NIchoas&4r iChartes Mey- or, special efficers for the raDicad started out ta locatse th dve. Assistant blet of police Thezu Tyrreli vassasked te jota u thlb search. The, assistanst chiet bail au Ides, thse Usevos vould be touad ou Market street. As the>' passed aSieg the street Use>' 58w a main and a vo. in emerge frein a cellar. flair actions arousod Use suspicions eftJi1e afiRcers sud lbey declded to conduct sud iuvestigation. Ent.ring lb. cel 1er uhich bad an outside eaUabco. they sau twa boys lu Use act or emoatbiog eut nome san on lte Easte-rn raiiroaui on Frîda>' algit. Oni "Lookse as if lbey bad someutlng SaLa rday ulgit betweeu six and aov- huried bere," oueofthlb.officert 1%. en o'clock the police arrested three marked. They comDelled the bors s ho are sai ta be Part ot a gang to uncover ubat tiey bad burled whlie cornmitted Lhe robbery. Tbree Burted miMer u.arly tvo eset cf und cases ofthtei stolen eggil have been vers fourni Ivo casegetf egMs.Tisa recovored And efforts are being made oee e b boys blurted out Usat au. te flud th. others. The police bave elier boy flvig luaUs.he jelsig hopes Use>' ulil be able La loae th e bous, aIse bad a case. Au luvestlga. otiers wba are thought ho bave besu tion tounil a tub tu the ysatry. It implicaed lu Use afiair. vas nsryMtB«cfeus.The case Il-' FcdIlowing are Use names of those self b.d beau buuued lu s effort wlîo bave been arrsted: ta deulrey evidance. JOHN BETWINCKE, oged 22. The. boys &Ul daiuisil at the>' bat CHRILES KYTCHMLL, agsd 14. Use etuer threecasesflYbug liaI JOHN GAVIN, aged 8. ethers hWa ttoentb.mii. -liey wva Allbeugh Use hheft vas committed , takeu toe l ellie ssliea ta»4vou- oms ffiday nîglit It uanat diacovered lecked up. Aaiat ba - until Saturday atternoan iL tour mays tiat laa &U probabIliig' a'clock uheft adeliveryman for Use entsetoflie yeuger boy VilU 4W--, J. C. Merchant andi Brother grece> rested as be j fl et th 911" tM store te vbich Use .ggs heail>ee, tii,>'have samulty knovi*" tg. * couaigued, taund lb. -0«os! beiea ariair. lau-i lads f ti Elcn. olle an ARREST TMIE ON CJIAItE O F liAVINEI STOLEN MY EEIl E. J. & E. Freight Car Here Was Robbed of Six Came of Eggs on Friday Night. DISCO VER THEFT SATURDAY Wankegan, Me>' il, Six casues uotalilnàg 144 dozen eggs uere stolei', from a frelgit car la the NI