TEGLOBE WA Tremnendou s $400,.OA Great Month End< The liiîghest Class Hercha AT Drosses at $1. Made of genuine Amoskeag gingharn Embroidery trim- med c o 1a r s and cruffa. Stripes or eheeks. Sweepmng reclucUmushave been made i ll m]setions devoted to women's ready- to-weft, - coats, ufti, dressnes.- bxt.,. akrts. un- F~RDAY, MX&Y =722. 4 TEE GLOBE Uè .......... g' I I Ïlise C Extreinely important to the wvoman who needs a fashionable coat for the cool evrenings of Summer is this collection atone. At almost haif pnieu beautiful all-wool coats of novelty weaves wilt be sold. Girls'COUtS Weoth t. $6i a 3M9 Onily, thirty of these coats will ho sold at $3.98. Attractive niod- els of serge and novelty okths.'lIn sizes 6 te 14 vears. Girls' $2 là About fifty hats have beezi select- cd for this $1.48 lot. Fifty of the 'prettiest 1 i t t 1 e s h a p e s imagin- able in alI colors.I Chatdre's' Fie Dt*w- ers-lO1c %Unumually i ne grade of muslin, and made extra well throughout. Lot.of five dozi at 10e eah. Chiidrens' cSîls 98C $2 Gra de Less than haif worth will a num- ber of these littlc ishepherd chedc coats bc sold. Each, lined. Sizes S to, 6., The înost magnificexit assortment of novelty coats eyer assenubled in this eity. Seven of the best coat makers in America contribute their best stocks-ineluding dozèni of iuew Wooltex niodels. Ulm -0r3 WashIcirtl , ......... $146 qumdua Uilt eShirts,....... U H-ere arc twe notable skirt items that will appeal to the woman looking for a f*sahinale dieus skirt. AIl-wool sex!ges,, checlà , nd plaids. MW. Il h Belo w WholesaIe ýCost Very faohlonable voir from scores of the miost celebrated manufacturers of the. country in crovding out the summer apparsi Iderwear, valiti, etc. - I due here-June lot. Thoue wondeful conome& STL$~.AY Ibargaii Mut make rom.I Ol F TuIE DIEMAND PRICES-DROP TOIROCKIOOM $3.50 Black 811k ]pettieoats, $1.29 A beautifili quality 4i soft taffeta gilk iii these gara'munts. Faney fonesOf good depthi. $si & lk.25 Wite Waists at 59e Lingerie, v o i 1 e and erepe. blotuses ini a tt racet ive* mnodels ini the lat- est styles. Ex- eel)tinal oppor- tiînit%. $3 Tub 891k Widsts A speciat asiiort- mnent of ligit or dark nioduls in the latest styles. Ex- reptioniti apporttii- ity. Nov NàmusMipet. tifoati, 49e let. enîbroidlery v floutîce; (lil s t ruffle. Reîîark- able, of fer. EVER IILD-ýPKJC That S.1ld fr 15c160 u $18 for 8 0 ,Nearly two hundred suits have'been selected to seit for this lowest prie of the season. A great collection of the best styles iii the leadxig colors. Spring Sits-147- That sold for $20.0$22, 25 ând $27.50 This lot is npoe of seores of the lîandsonîest Wooltex suits weu have liad this seasoîl. 171e styles are exclusve; colors are new. Spring- Suits 17*75 That sold for$3% 35 and $37.50- The new silk novelty weaves and eloth materials iii seores of the eboieest woolttx silits we bought this season.. The highest grade stuits niow only $17.75. Lot &L .7 Atually less thaiî haf -le8s tlian the real <'ost of producing a $10 poat, wil i tlisi splendid line be sold for white they last. AII-wool serges and new~ novlties prevail. Iwd'Wbne Dresses, 1.98 Cris p wtîiit e dr-esses, just fta; ken front their boxes. Lae anîd e mbroidery trilu- uicd. Sizes 6 to 14 yearis.' Acttal- kly worth $3.501. Girls' Dress- es, $2*Grade $1.19 Pretty gingliain a in d 1) e r e a 1 e dresses in attrac- tive styles of trunmiiîg. Many ,eiisanîd col- oirs. Sizes btît 14 v'ua ra. Girls' Dress es, $1 Kind9 49c Our $1 dresses for children will bu sold for less than hialf during. titis great sale. (linghianis or er vales. i$izes 2 to 14 yeûîrs. Childrens' Coat vent t$5 ai 29 A lot of beurutiful serge and novelty moats wil h ex- ceptionally iow priceed d ii r n g this sale. Sizes 2 to 6 years. LOt -Coat' -s glar 9. % A handsoine lot of high-grade cua)ýts in-tii av iunique models - ineluding the popular silk mîoire inodels in ladu or colors, Dozoîts of new Wooltex coats at a sacrifiee-$9.98 . $3 WooI Dress Shirts «t ......... $1.W Rerglr $4 Dresii Shirts et ........ $,99 Our Sunîmier Iiîîcs have just arr#ted. The above big bargainsl have been chosen froin these gar- mients that are mnatehless at the usual prices. New Ikuslin Petti- coats, 98e. S1îlenîid<garnients of laee andi cm- broidery triniing. Attractivelv r ii n witlî ribbons. set Covers, at 19e Ouîr regu lar "qiaite"'filles of ttne-eoveMr are on sale for D9e. Ilneoi par- $1 Bouse, Dresses at 59C. Our regular $1 liouse dresses--not garmuentx a<d el skimply f or a sale. linghains or pereales. AVERAGEL LES THA 1 New ODke&seS 3098 Pegular $6 qualittes at onIy ......... Beautiful white voile dresses, just having been taken f oi th.'îî Ncw Yrk boxes, are to bu sold at a remarkablc underpriee-$3.98. .Exclusive styles. New Dresses 69 In.st.ad of $10, now et Only........... New whiite aind eolored imiportetl eottoui voile and erepe dresses ini extremelv fashionable niodels-the balniacaan siceve andi tier skirt effeets prevail. New Dresses 9.95 Actall wothup to 018, now....... Handsaeme plain or figurcd silk crepe de (chine dresses in many riy attractive nmodels. Excellent qualities; iuuisuiaIy smnart styles. Your choicé at only $9.95. WOMEN'5 .»S HATS ~9 A host o'* ââîtive hàts that will ho the most POP- uir hargain of this great sale. Excluisive designls; al colors. To p*trons who'purcaW5 worth, or more,, w. piy their carf are here. CapsNov 50 Finely inade ging- bain dust ('al> iii a JKpîI1ar style. JUSt haîf ini prieü. Lintit- eil quaîîtity. A e.r,,gt< 94' l Il TofE TE GL.0&-Tgu STR TÂTGUAp,43TEE8 ITS ADVERTIBSFlG. 't- t- - 1 Lot 2-Coats-- rd-t9 Lot 4-C-18. PoqiLicv- iýfm k; -r -r- 1 --i 1!ý - ý1- 1 a I B k9 n 23 YEAI MRS. FORI WED RETt BANI AND WHII BER HUNI COM -1" wa turfled these Cou Idn't I'd toke Away. i bef or ment of old Polt WSe We tional ci the test ad hel Mrs. Pa of that The bol the Most ever lied. that the Improinpt, Into the bcreama b and that ont of thec bilrs.P down ton o'clock t4 Derath Oo~ of thi 'a £ igb set flear, am a tree, whlch but whlle the bch manag, breaklng The wo: a despera tained Il ber. She fuly asd ln the fA« cut badly the purse; he shoved for.,lie nu aainst it nlng. AUl -ing for be Her sen earb li block aw worklng * * "1*'a Pekarlk. ruabed Ix wbors tht ,' Otiter i heard the. dld lust they atai the cries . Imagine -got tiere bail!ha»p -u gtart uald the. chaud nul fina3y te feuow lor terrible 1 toid hie 1 la hie ha Forat a pouding j Actng Couleonl Sday at 4 the mmt *0W di( Wlie wa comny la F l' 14 1 ý, il. Muk C. 1 77-