Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1914, p. 4

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LAKE cOtTY QADI~ET ~tDY A t t Lake Counity Independe nt Waukqgan Weekly Sun office TalophoflO Number 1. L.bîrtyide Exchange. Urtered st the postofet Lib.rtyviiil, i Second Clai Mail Mater Officiai Paper for Lake Ceufty. imuoed very Frida!. Adortleingg Rat-eMd KOOôwn on Appiletiofl. SUBSORIpTION ýpRiCR. 5.6o pUR eVUAR STRIOTLY IN AOVAI4CE W, J. SMITH ............................................................. .... dior F. G. SMITHM ....................... ................................... M. j. WEBER ..........................................Rsident Manmpr, Ph6mý*eOs This la a day ManA q. hu no man ahould usatafy hlm- self with tryin tb nuk. lM&sl d oters bl:leve that ie is "-botter than SOMbody 0.Win lua resP"#Ospostion. The. way tW prove it ila WPROVE it. The mers SÂYIG so doen't MAXEit sol The ahoing made by Dr. Brown as manager of the tubercular tent colony, whereln a profit of $200 lias been mnade in April at the colony, la indeed gratifyig tW thoae! supervisora who advocated that the county take over the institution. It shows that strict business principlea must be applied Wo an institution of this klnd if it is to succeed. ÂAlways before, since the tout colony waa launched, it lias been ruùnmng behind.. Now, withln a very few months after Dr. Brown took charge as the county's manager, it has made a net showing over the expenses. It speaks wefl for Dr. Brown; it argues that no mistake was made in tak- ing over the institution. JAN OPEN MEETING WILL BE HELD BY VICTORY COUNCIL, No. 192, North American Union, at the 1<. W. A. Hall, on Wednesday Egveninir, May 27th. Two good spekers from the Supreme C.ouncil will be presont and local talent vil furnish the vocal and instrumental MUSIC. Refreshinents will be served at the close of the enter-. tainment, after which the floor will bo cleared and a danceheld. Mlusic by Smart's Orchestra.. far au tbe publiei% couneerned. and we î (ordially imut.- y0u ail tIo attend. Coimaearly aud eaM ,at- wé wîll do our bet to pimee ou. CI..M-iITTEE. (lera niums 0 ood Stock at Rlght Prices Plant Rose Rushes Now W. have them MWd they wIII #»t you many years. lf Vos vant aDy information eali 174-J Libertyville. Schumann & Kobout Between Libertyville & Roundout Eletnc Cas iop ai o0«Plant uit? éà - àu u7À Aà v17 WILWAIND WULI 'C 1Y' CAPTUR* 'Cop oer Sought to Force Atenios nYoung Girl ian Came to Grief. LOCKED UÙP-IN CITY JAIL P IOUc -îy Ttuat a. Few More Exâibbs Of This- Kind WiII Se Aood for Mashers. Waukegan, May 18. Fred Bond, age 22, vho sain he le a horne traîner at Llbertyvliie. but who the police say looks more 11km a movlng pictura cowboy froni the wild and vooley west "biew' into town on Saturday evenîig. He look- I d Jet like a torybmoolt cowpu'ich- or." About is wasetlha had a mas- sive, beltl: be noms large gauntiet gloves and a wîde sombrero bat was set rakishly upoiý bis bead. Hie strode iti a lttia store on South Geneie street and seed l mpressed wlth a prepoffeiig young girl wlio was tic- hlnd the counter. Ha loafed around the store until about ten o'ciock when the girl finish- cd ber work and prelpared to go home. Bond tolloned her out of the sorc ;and starled te troit along behlnd lier. Sh had neflt genslfar wlien he quiet.- h ne is Pace aald told ber he was girl who Is but littie more than a chlld. nos frlghtcened but ahe had sut- ,J11cient courage te repaise Bond and tell hlm that site couid waik home 1atone. The matin ws fteloti e de- . tcrred so caMili. He lierslsted hcewa going to nalk home witlî ber and Ia ;even rcported to have taken hold of b ler arm. 1About thîs time two men who are acqated ht the girl came along 1 nd sizing nu) the situation~ at a glance askcd the girl If the man wos anfloy- Sing lier. She repiied in the affirma- tive, -Lts show hlm bow ne treat sucb feflowo In Waukegan," one of thcm said, and suitlng fthc action, teIhe word caugbt hold of the fellow's arm. tHis friend cauEht bold'of the other arm send lIrapite of Bonda prof est :that bie bad ment the girl no bernm bc nos marched te Pearces -corner - [ berc Policeman niptz too i hm In bond and toolc hlm to the police sta- Ltion wbcrc hee vas iocked Up in a ccii. 1 "fne could get hold of a fcw more would-be mashers In this way t thîik lb would put a &top te the practlce," 1 Assistant Chef Tyrrell declared t- 1dey. _ _ _ _ Thon. E. GNham, Democratlc mcm- ber of thic legllature from thia dis- trict. IF, aure to have a flgbt on is Ibands. if the anti-Sullilvan men have their vay. Just non John W. Freund cf McHenry bas been cndorned ai the canidate te, oppose Graham. F1reund made the race two years ago and poli- ed a big votte fihiebomea town and ,rlcinity. But Grahami la regarded as posseaaing more stnengtb nov snce h. liq close to hotb Governor Donne snd Serltorto-be Sullivan wfsle ha. nl have the support of the party corganîzatifons In the thuneecnnte. co6mpriinsTae itrt.-l*anvard Ber atd. PreebYt«iM BWSoVIce )Iomninq worelp1045 a. n. 11:45 a. nm. Bibies ebool. 6:45 p. mi. Chritien Endeavor. Evening sprvice 7:80 P. nM. I. M. Alburt. Paotor. lndep.ndeult der? BE ONE1. - I _II New Variety Store NOVELTIES 0F ALL KINDS Always Something New Larme Variety GlassVases . 10 66Glasavare .loc 'iGraniteeire.- 10C Ladies & Childrens stooldugu lOc Ladies White stockilng.... 100 ",îPênnanta Pillow Top.. l100 - ~SPECIÂL Saturday, May 23, 1914- 25c HFouse Broomàs -iOc <Whlle They Luit) FLANS FOR liii ~WINJL il NEW BOOKS ÀT TUE PUBLIC LIBRiRY four Publie Litliary bua sfowlY but aoreiy grownu iîmthe' tbrec and a baif yea. ! xieelieWe bave 677 books on the âelves. 431 bave beeu w n Out and onîr 5 Solb, inkmug a total o! 725 tbat bave beeu puri.aseed and donated. Tbe expen»e and ua'inteuaoce of tbe liilrary le talieo are of by the Alpha club and tlime heulboite reading ile beld by eaeb on@e n bu tata. out a yearly subecriptiou n1 maitIthe prit-e.mof a boouk. Beow le a most of the new boiokse met pr'rcharied Ilry the --uîmîuittee. Pleace cut Ifindilom-Pruî'ittt utSa*kat-hewau. Brminghamîi t. ouîiegan. Bower-GriuCo. lfrçant-lltîm rîîîut Paédimîu. Buter-tJacI. otte man. Cameron Gul.-u-rule Dolivere,. Cav-îlt tt-oteHike Iook. mmeen-lîao.-tsAbroad. ancm-îîietsd Bunken. Iaiee-Tîoderbox. Irak,-N,îr 2. 14rter bita-t Bec!NMediumi. Franch-Ziîîi.tPoliceman '4S Gale-W liera I1iva* a Little Gil. Gialsworty-Dari Floner. <araîd-Forciter's Daugbter. (iîftrd-Seedie-work. Grey-Lilasbt oWestern htars Grrmswid-D)eerng of Lkeel. irlswold-Deerlig at Princetoni. Harrio.-Cbrouieles o! Aunt Mînerve ABa. pp-oiic Hua-Hart o! SallkY Tmp HJiamim-Be ata lausTemplt. e SanamCilmofath Lte-Stili arie Loue-StD enlaari@. cbuh Lyadterimnk-&istr Beatniu-e. bleCtceoo-BlnCk la Wite. hicfirtb-PidgiD Iland. Mithel-Went waîs. 1lunbulon-odwriU5 PhYllila. a 1ero-yoiae of the Bîoppergnai. Porter E. I0.-Mie. Bl.Y -mi"e Biy's Deciion. h -Mýli.Biliy Marni. -poul Anas.1 Pbiliporte-From U i.Angle of 17. ltinebort-AftetbOtifl. Rnebart-AmagiDK Adienturceof Letitia carerri. Sebnit-Miy Life ai an Indian. Strinberg-On tihe Seaboard. Toînpklns-EVer After- Vaizey-An unknown iLover. 1 Wallax-WlderDei Caetaway@. Warner-Bunshine Jane. Web-ltstr-Butteriii. Whartoîn, A. ia -it,ae of Oid Quebête. %Nito-Oold. wiggin-storY o! Walotiil Balten. wiianso-lt Happened in Egpy. St oh p vg. Luth.Cuc Comrner Broadweay and Park Place. lilartyvilia, Ill. R. O. Buenger, paitor. fiermn gn eruieei every other Snnday morning at 1030 a-m- Englieh servie eveîy second Sunday o! tbe montb ah 7:15 p. ni. BSLLawMoelp8OoP'l'urch lieu. EnvASuS sTz ret.nca SlCoUnIion every BundmY 7:45 Ndongu eg«ysr ver! Sounday exempt aboie 10:80, ea.n Sundai icliol 11:45 Il Hoiy, Days. HOI Communion 9:0 Ka..huohM.iOI 18)a.. pr.ehbing, Bev. W. L. Wblpple. 12m00mni.BSnder ecool. 6:4", P. ni pvortà Legue. 7:80 p. M.un. Pr.chg, 801. W. 14.. WWl. h. -~ N 1 Weduoý,la vl-1 ii4.weeL. mi ew Coth. ing wae eî<dlu t1e Bulkley block f., jilwaîmk eueu ) iv T. A. Reyn.îldr'. w ho fur ..l.von vargerrduct- ed the Riouhr tbir tg Coîîmîanu t -t;ray-.aike. TI..- .,ore ...ll dethi la .u' boy's and ti f rr. u rn.îishogg exclu- erl.Mr. l-T.nIdlîlelia- . aairouuceO- talent hIoti.-le litil i i mther page o! tîjis iue. .Iudge Wlitne, monday licard the case of Russoell 1). illit against (urtis Kmt ,inlaM anîd file- cltyof lHighland Park. it le ain action ln whicb ftic plaintitf set-k-. to enjoin tihe piano compan> and tlic clly from fenciîîg ln certain ale'.. anti streets In H-ighlandi Park. A decisîcît lias flot yet bt-en reirdereti. INotice ... BOUL.EVARD CAFE -j . i . , ai,.'î.k îl îîî .l ,Pa' isiîe N. luiI., tin fc.uI't,orI_________ cheflra Prt .oOisttîtli 'AîthIîi sîtive witt ori ltile .. .L .cistia titl it i » iii i ,lor of Thon,.b.1. LIpntii l. e rut -(S n nia .,.,. $100 REWARDLI..... FbOR WOM4EN'S DRAINS a.« O e 9.édiAM*"n seau, 1. e Mfeh wUe lAw nmd M Not ail deali mIl the tandup Scrub- bar; 9o, If yon viab, ulpon receiplu of the Spriesý, weiI ehip yen oua by paree-pot, ptepai4,. sund IncluSe a Cara King Cio'ttmgptn Bag free Oi charge. Ramem- We.,if Yom have anî good latàr-salug notion for the home, It le Worth 81001 in goid. provided yen are an avur 0o.6a Standupélcnubber. QUAKER VALLEY à& FG. CO., Aurora. 111. 82.51t COMMENCEOENT WEEK Ail arrafgement4 for the lait vsetof echool ID the Lîbertyville Righ School have bien asde. la vi Oeiouom 0f th et h ne »nor iienp- 1i l »0juplce wiil the a te Senior clama a ôïpp»i6u th l ite shore at Lake Bluft. '1th. *ÂfW&ïreate ternion wUi b. gIvent by thb. . .. Whbite ln lb. gpSpoM obflrch St 4 p. m. un Sund*g, Mei S8. olu urdaî ight, JUDC.4, lb clum aigt pirogram wii be hel itu thi lIh.wlmyvw.Auditorium. ,A.u 1ixuslieikt aid very unique pigras, liai De pupMd. A farce 5iveu bi, e irlre audone boy vii nu*d e h. eam of liie veaing. - Mr@. S. W. CoibY h.u ibh. cli... tu training at proieni Md aYs hmétItbey aredolDag exumPtlonalysWeil. Tb@. tickets for clai e t Witt bi h.on meaU smu.days ln ad rance, aaiil&H euh yul h. reerved. Th. Commencement exerciem viii h. held la the Methodist chorcli on the Dight 01 JDue 5. 11ev. MacElveen of the Coagregaîonaul churcb of Euanston, vii b. thespeaker. Nir. Sàuner, te bmnion niember of the Nortb western Oie. Club, wiii furilsh tlîe voeaiui tifor the~ occaion. A greâa iImoUut oftillî bai bet-h given t.t tii.- prep5r5titm of the commîencement and tiioseWho have It lu charge ptate tliîît it wnu be etrictly a lirst clace ettîir. LIST OF NEW ADVERYISINO flRVN§ STEADILY Tne auiount of1 new advertieing boing carrmd lu the Indepeudent hi the Ileryle mercbant%. le growlflg ata ly nd the number of adqr r il- mnsmcmrried by iuereatsIDin urbY towne le a&Mo a etrong argument tha& it PV*goadiertis e Lake couaty"i bifflt weekiy. The ait of Dowmi GentisParainliig". B. Morsm & Wo., z..W. Pariburet. T. A. Reynolds. Koxpe sArta. plnaaçil-i~Abe Coucai Nationa Bank. FireI NatonaBatkof Libmrty-. ville, Cîtise'8n et SArea. Produce-La&" Cooati Prowe CO. Noteitiee-Tbe Nev Varl.lî SMore. lusurace-Jobu 15o04W. UreebuoueMeredith Flower and Vegetabis Co.. hebu mn là b& Lsol. Photo htudio-Tbe Mo> d'e studio. Real Estate-El. D. Bosd lum4agiatlou agent. lBarne@e-J. W. Cole. Tbc North Aruericam iulmon iiti su- nouuce anuol'etlueeiîg ut the VAoud- man lîii. OPENS CLOTHINQ STORE IN TUE BULKLEY BLOCK Staver &Janesvile Buggies are both Good Buggies 50 to select from Come and look theni over. Schianck Broe. Libertyville IlL Announcement .ýý The uudersigncd vishea ta announce ta the people of Lib- ertyvillu sud vicinity thal. bu ha@ pu rohased the 0. 1. Luce harnais shôp, bowling alleye and billiard hall, and epectfuliy soicite a continuance of the patronage accorded iny predoceis- sor. 1 respectfuiiy Cal attention to the fiot that aIl womk in making and repairing harne is donc by the old reliable band method, vhioh gnaranteei satisfaction in evamy paticular. The bovling alleys,. billiard bail and the bath@ viilbe open at ail timai and 1 aik ail former patrons, ho make this thdIr headqnarters. Speciail tention given to the bathi. J. W. COLE i Successor to 0. 1. Luce The Boyd Photo Studio LIIERTYVILL. iLIOiS HAUt! CLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popularpl'ics. .. Au Libertyvillle, Reading Staudrd M'rcg'e $-175 rKcIs'Mbcde $90 Libertyvle Garage J. N<. BERNARD, Prop. S«&Y by Appebd-M, Opdm Evmy Dur TEN DAYS' q You can tiry this beau- tif ul Victrola FREE »M your own Home. By makung eniali xnonthy paymeotm you wili soon ouaL a YVictrola-tlîe greatest of &Il musical iimtrlinmeîite%. And if.' bringo. to yoii the very best of mnei- of evt-ry kind, srung qnd played ini the very best wayb the very beit artiste. The ide- ai pulace to learuthelIa ew dan- Ct-S is in tl%»ho- memandl ler. tlîe Victor je absolutely induf- 1,etmable. I'rice suirtii $100. Try the New Dance Records HL B. EG-ER

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