LAKEQXTJZ M DNT, FIA,:X2P, 1914. musa a'uapellwvnS. FOLLOWEDP JÀ g~pRE. Again It Is Posbe That He WugsMay 27. Stagi tto~y edywas b srifltie bolw ustlî d altted that ho àirm" ad s hamtnt eut a num- bier 0f ubpoesas i Wmaueub.op have yeu iiau éwâks aaked. arq severji 0à thWýi,, ho ropled- "Wiii thora be as mmny ae >'ou bitd t at ttime yeu»secursd ln- WAS thon asked. "I Iniend ta uend eut meverai more," ho aniwsred, "JUil- heu mony I have flot yst dermlned." Thiéatauset, m s on asfy- thing et.15e oul indicate thet Mr. - Dady intensds ta coud"sith. pri ecutien on th.aime lnsues aie- fort. The question bas bien nised as to juil bawi muck ilnforation stale*9 Attornmey Raipb Dedy hbai vtb re. Mtb b eAscain gard ta tb. operalien of aloama la laits Cauaty. particalaniy la Waeke- chietgo, May 37-Cik"Evansa. gannasud North Chicao. Mn. Dady foghicigo.SDMOla o lfie', nov s, vbome d a question as tuae.gareerva nv tu Veralilsila vhother or nat lbe bad l içayd do- #hooral &or* a! luck, tecUivea te procue Informatlotsfor _____________ hlm diclinl te anaver. Tb- ea-e mnny vha believe h. viii flivl the CCOC**,OC.CC mam@ecourselb. dit! a few ears agi, TIIE : wbhenhhi'conseil a vboleple batch of e0 ae lndict.,tueh ta b. nei.d Insî ....e....îs. Waukipm saoonkeipers fori aleuu NATIONAL LCAOUIE. vMationg of tb. Buoday cioeing iaw. At that Ulim e iladictunenta vcre W. U Pet . W. 1. pet, retIIitmd by tue grand Jury ai bis re- Pitti. - 21 0 .70 Brook. .14 i9 .489 quiet and upon the assurance that lhe M. y. - 17 Il .407 Phîl. ...1- 2 16 .429 MIwulAbe able e 0pswtubt ufficlent (in. ..20 là .571 Ciii. -.. .15 26 -429 evmo"@ee tedéure eaùv-elloti. St. I4. ..18 19 .486 Boit. .. Il 20 .286 ThsuN va» mue% c<-cue.on the pas! it kiege x(eoi e aWho Ai Pttbuirh- R. H. E. Mvla itsutm a ées'e asbutthe rookly ..012000000-3 16 O b1w lt«gfl *êe l -ebut he F bbrgh ..000200000--z 4 1 eUteeatttrn" d 010sotlkeep thei n b Reulbâch and I iter; AdMn Md deuil - ler? l1»9. He used aub- Gisq., e halasueil for dieun Who lui. LOUI-- ILR. r. weft krwvnt1 patrônilzeffequently Boston...000110000--2 9 0 or Occssionaly %ad tbey wve.pacet! St. Louis .....i 0020 100*-4 0 1 ud"roath and gi-asti>' againottir 1Heu5 »d Whatint: .Dosi iAWlo- vi ia Inmon am .ses isvers com. 190. pele t c" utInoratonrear- At Cncnatl- IL. H. 114 pilmd gi at iforaton egad-Cncinnati .. .02020501I -10 14 1. Iiggbavinin urohaed ltuzica"ig ildlp a.0000000- 0 6 3 lquor blnmle piescuar saloon 11r, Aexander and Killifer; .YtRglilg arrtng the eîghteen menth prier toanmd Clarke. the time tihe ..urlm tookiiaee. A Chico- ELR.1.14 th19 vras a novel va>' of securIng Nev Yor'k ... 00 010 413 1-10 14 1 evideice bt il bai Lb, devined r- Chilcaga ... 20 00 31100- 7 12 1 auka 'on convictions ver. soeured la Mathwmon. Tesreao, Frammsad the Ifie fircases trId. lTeaou.- Meyern d Ecbean; lvumpbres, jLa- Iceepera lhon raiied the laitof true vender, Koestner and Bregaibe. »0 âsiked l 6w Oibe privilegle of orbi- tlesbo. As a resut lbe stai'gat0- AEICNLEAULz lorny ey mred ibm silaonkeepers .k~ .kPt C1h1 rt if L .>'vld pled giLta lb, Wash. .20 12 .625 Boit. . .14 16 .467 idicmei. iathePet. ..21 14 .600 N. Y. ..14 le .461 vOilO an~ior usmmày ajiomlnal lirg. Ihil. ...17 12 .586 Cii. ... 16 20 .444 This e«ruqmàt vas 8% cabeSpd d ail BCl L. ..16 17 .485 Cleve. .11 22 »Il the iiouutiQ o ort ndcld verc At Bstn- R. H. IL Nw i 1.mua 1 %vdliat vhile Nr. Cleveland .... 000020001-4 ii Dady m"Y ise go.. int4iou ah Boston...000010100--r 7 9 hf.die O rge<bg aliged viola- James and Bicler; >Poter and Car- ttw0441i t tiI . lm Ueàuo igafu. atb At Philadlpbie- R. 1M. ai hg;@ ntûfbfniatb* iregarding eSt. Lui. 80201O - 1 vioIath~ ti ep ear hfosthe grand phîad»îphis . .0 i10 0 O 3 O O 1-5 10 1 jury sbMb thal ho reiae , at he Hamillton andA Anev; Bender eMd connutLïg too much eytienca. Il la Schanf. mdlthtïlt If ýe 'cannaI 'goelenough AI Wahingtn- R. H. M. oiden.ée' nhi bs maser 1theï b. viii $)irot . O..000011l02 8 O bave Ina'lesçirt te bisIsfrmer plan. Washington ..00200100--3 6 0 Jual vbil cou aihm iii üta"e itrh - Dub* aMId Stafige Bhing and géid tel 'the kloona b ln ertyvllle Henry' and Vernon townahips 1le not novn. At Nev Yrk- R. H . _______ Chieag;...900010001-2 10 8 NewvYork...00000l000l 4 i W»" Lové, Cocia. Rusmll, Basand Schah. Caldwel Man>'ii esmmi bau oma ndGumtt broie, off Ibrouis a mlsuadentanding -b chhhuikie th ohSh.-bm meer'.. FEDEýAL L.EAOUE. -DoroitMorftiL -, W.L.ýPet. W., VAELAS III ~ BoBL Iit. 21 7 .7'6 1x. C..-.16 18 -4 Chi. ..16 16 .00 lad. ...14 16 .461 seine Out of élO V rIlHiior Causee Brook. .18 13 .600 But. ... 12 là .444 'B.~elS I t8. L. ..16 1,"86 SPt.. ..12 18 .t0o adêcturga' allen i.ed tediepà e., 0 ansas Cit>'-.3.000200 10--7 8 1 he giïatiç .qlli Bo$. ..012-u00002-6 s 0 V!tiniinb « t iFLll mr i iokrd end Um0li>';Krapp sMd toisa aftal, vw»gmUa Ia!s1 8 119sç Blair. 00 lvyage mracrpp Il.,Aliatiq 41r.- Mlabr . NK *Si, 00 ps btM flIl usIdiéiois .2000000101--4 lie- J ogàe'%* TàrEot-and' 4-0 40-WL tlO Ptsburgh ..210000,0002-.519 1 hà i& eMW fS1WlfIhu < ' < lliétA and EA-I a rOn sI-Md ~u5vh~~g qit~lgs~bo.f#«out Rôh«ee. 1* ~l5-1-f i q~i e - r' 'e~ t-- -p <-a -Il ,, 'la- *-r - R. Aiden. Bd Acbenbradh. Edward Alexander. Amee Allen. Albert Sarney- Lonenzo BiahOP. AnIbroze Bmrown. William Borna., Samuel Bard. MyrnBratr. jas. Badeiiwél. J. H. Ebi ii. G. H. Bamîtlt. 1. Buttenfield. chas. Bicita G. W. lpitS AMes .Beajaabfl Honier Baaan. George W. Bell. Oliver Brown. Jerry Brava. A. T. Brava. B. G. Blove>'. George H. Brovn. H. H. BatUsfoni. J. M. BIaCI. Chaanies M. Case. W. W. Chamberlain. Wiilard Carser. T. r. Ciarsn. i. k Clark. B. J. H. Cole. Edvard Craig. Walter Crspa. J. H. Clark. B. J. Deke. william A. Darling. WillIlam Diver. Mbahei Detlin. Charles Mliis. John Predericke. J. B. Ferguson. George Pernavorta. N. Faderi. William Flemming. N. F. Fairchild. G. H. Firguson. B. L Plagg. Il. S. GaiL H. P. Glesson. J. IL Gay'. B. D. Guna. D. T. Gei. D. HIIL ores Have. G. O. Howard. M, Haraha. Henry' Henkia. Lamuel Houai. T. B. Hutchlnson. OB.Johaston. Fred Kkob»ne. Bd. KiibsIL. Henary -l...veood. W. H. Lelster. William H1. Uttile. George R. Lyon. E. L. Lamb. Henry illier. Jôlu P. fl4nchenter. Edismat McArthur. E.. k M4jney. C. A. Mntimgomery. chester iMars'. J. W. Mimner. William Morford. James Moore. Richard Enor. C. J. MI$$àr. Chauncey Ilorse. Charle nsta4ý williamIT . 18H15. Daniel NIUlie. Hlenry Naptz. Chattes 'Neal. W. A.. Ornée. H. W. Ostrebider, Jame Ont. J. B. Porter. George D'amer. Jaunaes-Pulnaun. Jahez Partridge. C. A. Partridgo. D. W. Pike. Ir. M. Porter. Jo. palmner. James Rippe'. Piler Rua gger. A. Rusbser. v. LRe.10 williamiM. lReid. Bl Rusaaell. G. H, Ric. G. W. i. George P. OMatavell. John Bchorettr. John i oLiae. William H. fibarman. WiliamnSneesby. Warneis Shféfan. Jîmihîs Svem. Simon Sage. A. N. Smitli. Peter Sithk JAMOb Tteopuon. W. il. Thippoon. JabseiTroubkl. J. M. Taft. Jaohn, lipan. P ytte hpppon. Stopb~We John Its Hensry Wachenfeldt. J. Y. Winters. P~A. Walt. Spvailh Wer. Percy A1DèI2 BenJaes. * IVANNOE. 0000000000 War of 181Z. - Marsh. John C. Clark. Samuel ('leMients. John J. Price. William Payne. Fred Payne. T. B. Hawkins. J. Bl. Dykes. Ira Doolittie. Josepb Norton. Samuel B. Payne. Henr>' C. Payne. Thomas Aines. Thomnas Sîricktand. Orange M. Ayers. A. B. Partrldge. H. J. Nichais. C'. A. ippIncott. Henry Price. Sanford Wardy. L.eo Gorham. J. G. Ragan. James Jolce. Peter Jacoby. A. A. Payne. William Fuller. Albert Prîce. Charles Partrldge. D)avid Farker. George Herden. Confederate. Henry Glass.' Swane Cemeliery. James. Wade. H. C.Swan. 0 00000000000 0 ID n OIAMOND LAKE a 0 0 000000000000 Henry. Darby. Thomas Darhy. Francis Bubterfieid. Wm. Wiieeler. John Baker. Dlavid Baker. -Shaw. Aiex Bilniski. C'harles Tablier. John Whitney. (3 LIBERTYVILLE f3 (3 0 000000000000 George Trlgga. llerj. Haies. William Cran,. Edwin Cran,. Fred Miller. Nathan liatcb. Dasvid Henson. Dlavid Guheon. l'Ife Wilson. William Wilson. I. Cadvell. Darid James. loe G"rtId. Isaac Jaunes. Tins. Jamnes. ('en. Huffnian. WIllam prlee. John Crooby' Thomas DavIs. Dr. C. W. Bond. Ueo. Vager. Ird. Elhioçt. Dir. Ridey". Hein, tWftis. John,' tsidkI. Peter U$éh5tit. Jamnea Výn. Franki Etil Sam Moore. I 89 Gleeson. r, A Job~n 0 WADBWORTH 0 00 000000000000 Ed. P. MIX. Jlames Balour. BOyard lfees. S. E. Frencb. * BENTON War 6f 1812. Jacob Bates. E.11 Plaffond. Lyman F.ields. 1861 te 1865. J. M. Sinmpson. John Stevêni. Jantes H. Hvard. Al!fred Blelsile>'. Peter lAvIi. L. E. BibIe. William Tomba. A-lbur *ebieS. *James. (larman. Allec rnIghl. J. K. paddock. John W*ddie. Geoège Biaks. Levi Ilani. R0000000000 0 ROSECRANS xaflmr Henkie. PaUie* Fox. Jeaub Huhber. William Coinfard. 0 jIYNT REST O. V. Young. 0ohb ilb' ei .lothCoAine Olssl4DIxon. Wiliam Cein. D.Iàl B. Taylr. 80111ff Martin. Louls Tvbng. O~r 1.Doilge. J. IL Polloc. * ALF DAY 0 OCEMWETERY 0 0 Jameis Burge. John Cavenaugh. Charles Chapman. GorgeConbin. WeiýgdlîDoty. joble Bolet, Ohue .Johnson. Ba OA hapter. J., ,1irsber. M Mfs7owei's. DM** u F. Woodruff. - i.'Ieoteniîeld. lEbo 1842-1865. Peter Byrne. Thonmas Byrnm. Domialck Burla. Mark Barrett. Thoomas Brigga. Michael OurtiW. Joseph Cbesbrough. T. D. Drur>'. Henry Dietiseymr. Daniel Donneilly. Mart Ellianger. Peter FSnyo. William Vallon. D. H. Pilzpatrick. Edward Farnawortb James Ganlt>. MlaLt Gormam. Josaeph Gooyo. Malt Keller'. John Keboe. Jobhn Kaotenherg. J. O. Leir'. Merlin Lyneb. John J. Murphy. Edw. Malone. James Melony. Itophen McA lister. John McAilter. John Malloy. Charles Mlilgan. bK. T. Moran. P. MeNeany. William 7ealy. John Paland. J. A. PekUcord. Ed. Scott. Joseph Scbverie. George strohar. Peter Spetiman. Richard Shelley. Thomas White. John Wall. War ef 1812. E. T. Amet. P. Baro>'. John M. Dur. John Fa>'. laaac Grisvold. Ira 1-oldtilge. Lemisel Jones. Heuér>'Miler. Jobahic16.. Ruine Boule. E. Spencer. David Spaolding. G. l. Siack, Cama TiRsa'. John Yates. PhiliIp Yager. Win. Yager. Sand Lake Cematsry. Chae. A. Woodward 0 WARRIEN 0 Wsr of 1812. John ets. George Chandler. E. J. Ormshy. Natharn Lamb. Nat Vame. relioa L.mb. Leonard Kellogg. J. Q. JenhlUaM, Auguat Sisn. Leroy Charles. Hlair>' cu1il. Wlian»1)Wltmore@ GeorgeOrtiep: Wlliam Il. Ple. James vAcao. SSPAULOINGS OCORNIERS. El Edward A. Flood. Job. Flodi. TuO0M sBacon. Ellaha Haggga't mare,. A lob..u c r-, I - 'r... F011 MENI TION _ _ _ _ _ Jusuce Lamar issues statemneniS RO SCIR I Regadlng_ PogOss. MAINST S ISTUER GARRAIZA SENOS OBJECTIONS AND liER DROTEJR Suprme hiefInsste etiemen of S1wiff Geen went to Rack(brd tis Suprme M.! nSita 1tîrmin ai 'ibîîrsditvî Moroing where bc placed Huerta Muet Carry With It Elimi-1 uiidur arrest John WilIisoo. 19 yeurs nation of Ail Hi Adherents-Revo' 1oli, and lrs. Jeannette Tevuplinte. 22 lutionisa Muat Mandle Agrarlan 'î.old. is abter, on a chiarge of problem, Me Declarei. baýiuL., ived.together sal maiv and Niagara Falls, Ont., May 27-After w il, 1Theashelfan in bi athea the irat day of actual discussieu o o Iet Wuea l i-wtn» thé practical Iesues involved ln the ble and i'riday morning the et4tç'a Moxicau tangle, thle Outiook for a sue.2 attor«n-y \il aPPear before the spe. î cegsafu outeome or the. mediation con.- (l grand Jury and saiktalit both ferences nov being held boeJea et- the brotte- and sitter be indict"n<u ter tita at ny previaus tîne ince one of tii. most repulsive charges the. meetings began. known i;N tbe criminai calendar. TDbe Tangible and carerally etudled sug- brotie.; and sister arethe ch 'doren gestions for the early pacification ot of John P1haw ni [Uhertyville. Wlicn Mehico and the Installation of a per- they were young the' childreo ware manent government -able to brins ae ydfrn fmle h as about the great reforma1 needed for tknh feetfmle h âs the aouthern republoe were definitely cd them. The sîster lef t ber husbanti agreed upon when they were subhdit- n s'hort ime ago and according ta ted to Lb. American delegatea-Jus- the' Information that bas bem furnisb. tice' 14mar and Frederick W. Leb- N'I the state'sa aanrrpy by a hratber, msoii-by Ambassador Da Gamna of John Willilson vwent toe.Jackonville. Brunsud miMtaiera Naon andi Suar'ez L, and Indured tbe ister ta go to Mujica , ef Argentine andi Chile. These tiîbrtyville and live, with hlm. Tt la augegtons lbed prevloualy beeco 5000'ceharged they bave been living te- tloned by the delegatea of General gether for the at four or tîve moniba Huerta-Senors Itabasa. Itodrijluez and Monstr. but a few days ago tbey liedl to Rock- Wil Dlof use Mater. on Train. tord whien they fanred tbey would ho The mont important session vas placed under arret. held when the tiiree South American envoya conferred for more than an D bour wltii Justice Lamar and Mr. Leb- LOCAL IJL"I G mnana. Aller the cooference, Justice Lama mae hefolowng tatement C N I I S À I 'lWe have agreed upon a certain nomber of suggestions for th, solo- jiJM I Wi I1N tion oi the prenant dlmfculty. but sev- ffE e e r irai other Important suggestions stili semaln teolbe dlacusaed. Tbe outlook in extremeiy favorable snd ln ordîr ta Brickmakers Striýe .Wb~hI loi. nontime, ve bave declded tb con- Being Ft ratY oe,, tiueor icusions on the train te- My eBrkn imorrow durlng the trip ta Toronto. May _B____n It la known that Carranza bas bean la direct communication vith Wash- The building situation ln Wauk.l ltigon and the belle! prevaila bere gan wbleb bas been aerlaosty dolais thit the ,Censtitutionalist ieadér 4lis red ince the beglnnling o! the brick bie decialonnt ta parti- cipate la thte medlatloei proceedinga. makera' strike, le'Promlsed relief if Wefl-lnformed persoasboe scout tbe plans of thte brick nnufcturéis the.fides that sny proteat from Car association are a 'sucoeds. WillIa m'am could lnterrupt thei negotlitionFSfchlike a represeaitaUive of tkéý being condocted at this place. Th" brick manufacturera listes thi inedîstors take tbe stand that tbe revs gtain ewenheognsto olotIonary leader, having rejected nîoltosbteshmoguato tbelr Invitation t'O participai, La tbe and the brick makers viii b . us- conterence, no longer bas a volce la Pended for aII, liii.. The eenBoyers the proceedlngs and thenegotlations i'eaterdaY witUresW the*- affet r " a viii1 go on pegardiesof amy proleet. increase ln waffl and tt ù%Chloeei Carranza Objectif la Proposala. loday te arrange for the opoping ot ET Paso, Tex., May 27-Iecfded oh- the brick1 yards, now eected by t1 bu 3ection by (»fierai Carranza ta devel- strike, for tbe deliversuceofn bri*~ opMOnla et the Niagara fflls confer- Nlany bricýumagonc alad ineùbm of suce auffled ta bring tbe proceedings tbe varios bldn rdsiiW tu a tensaporary bail, tbreatening ta bvebuin ti traeouIno' vor dlarupt lhe mediation plana, accordlng eabveenthw otr S ta Officiels of lthe Constîtutionalat or- and bave ijeen. forced te remain idfr ganzastIon. AIl day long Generil Car, for a nomber of months pendini tlfif mias converied on a leased vire wltb outrame. A nomber of tbeiembers R. Zobama Capmany. bis representa. of tbe building trades tu tua ecity dore at Washington, and with the Con. state hhat tbey viii non t eiy by 1k sttlutllonlt agents wbo are at Ni- brlckmakers and willi atarItae work e$ &ara Falla In the roi, o! observers. secn as operaîlona begîn an tbm bolO- The Tiret chie! fut te Constîtutional- loge wîîether unione brick la usud orii fats. U la understood, instructed bis ýO. nepresentatI'res te lay before tbe rot. saeedor oneto United States delegatea a rigld ln- ',baeserd urcneto istence thaltbe retîrement of Presi- witb the brlckmskerff for gond and dent Huarta imuit carry ien tii, eîîm- -1i1," u;tatcd Mr. Schlalte, of the. brick- laation of ail bis adberenis in a poil- mantdaclorers today. 'Thouesàde of licol sonae, allewlng the preseut con- cantractors and aver 200,000 Oitta irolllntg Party I0 Mexico('lty no v"le, are sufferlog on accoont of tii. brick In tbe selection or a provisional gov- famine. Itli la a ur paver ta relieve trnojent pending the holding o! elec ithe situation and that la whst w. tiens. Carranza l asaod ta make forth- iti tdo un objection that suggestions of namesiitrlod. for a Possible aucecessor ta Huerta are The report tbmt building trades being made aolely' by Huerta delo- workmen would strCie ln the eveot gates, tbe effect helng that Huerta ls tîlat nanonion brick vas used vau l'elng allowed te nanie hie own sue- denled i naokegan as weil as atber Cesson, bis conquecrers baving no voice cities ln ibis section of tbe cauntry La tbe seletion. today. The' workmen. it le said. bave The thîrd objection ls sald to he i îutly al heen out o! wnrk slr.ce last founded an the disposition Of Lthe Lctober and tbcy are demandiog Huerta representatives to tale onorne e taibmade le deliver definite action on the agrarlan proi- gbrck ta te tasneo qli lemn, conlending that a solution proper-brctehetosn fbglie ly len with the 51,11<2. congres.ln tiis section where ereetion bai Càrranza's caim le thaltbe revalution toiisŽd wltb thebuilding of the Taen- lE baeed primarily upon the agrartan dation. Brick fronany yard viii b. PeOldem, the spoliation of the many hy handil d vthout comment on thm the few, and the seizure o! the Niez- part of the bricklayera. Ican goverument hy Huerta. 5ý000 woodworkers and tbousarlg uf teamaters have suogered front lhe UTAH TOWtNS ARE FLOODED brick famine. That tbe coîbditians la Waokega Four-goot Watt af Water Threatene and this section vUiiib. nllevedi a r Plut. Resfervoir. certainiy as the imanufacturera lu- liait Lake, Utab, M4Y 27.-Tva tend ta resume operatiani at any cont tuos Pangultcb and CIrcleville. are __________ submerged and a wai Of vater four a.,trmnî feet lgb and lbai! a Mile vide leairuh- A liii!. Initiai boy vrote ta hb ing toward tbe Plot. resurvoir, fifty gr maliter trou bits boartUg secotl, Muiles away, vblcb May nt lb, ahi, ta in timie for ber bivthday. 21%t0 wtlhstand the onrosb. as e recuit atfrMn lbua:<Dar Granie.. 1 vaflut lie hurstlog of the Hiatciitown reser.-send ypS a hliliday présent but 1 voir.,iiave 't many mne.y. Bn If yo W*I The fHatcitovn dam was but hy senme th. menery m .alvays le J the s'tat etaiSaconl of $225,000, The me foi-r uIaanea nov. 1 II huy um