WISCONSIN COMPARED Value per acre of crops [or 19 13 as compl- ed from rmers' Bulletion No. 5 70. pub- IWWe Dec. 27, 1913, bg the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington. D. C. CORN WISCONSIN ..............................S$24.00 Illinois.................. ............... 17.01 Iowa,.............................2.0 Indiana ...... .........................16 Minnesota.................... ............. 21.20 OATS WISCONSIN ....... ................... Illiutois . .............................. Iowa................................... Indiana ......................... ....... Minnesota................... ...... ....... BARLEY WISCONSIN ............. ............. Illinois .................................. Iowa................ ...................... Indiana ......................... .......... Minnesota ......... .................... WI2EAT WISCONSIN ............................ Illinois .. .............................. Iowa .................................... Indiana................................... Minnesota .................... FLAXSEED 13.32 e. 12 11.56 .98 12.16 15.00 14.82 13.75 12.50 11.52 15. B5 16.08 15.66 16.28 12. 3i1 WISCONSIN .............. ................ 17.32 lov..............................11.50 Minnesota.. .............................. .0 I llinois-not given Indiana-not given WISCONSIN COMPARED The ieid.per acre of cropsi or 19l13as compiled bythe U. S. Department of Agriculture a t Washington. D. C. CO<RN WVISCONSIN................ ....... .. .40.0 bushels Iloa................................234.0 Inoiana...............................460 OATS wiScONSIN.... .... .... .............«38.0 bushels Illinois ............................ .. 24.0 Iowa ................................. 34.0 Indiana .............................. 21.0 BARLEY . %WISCONSIN ........... .... ..........2ý5.0 bushels llhnois...................... ........ 26.0 Iowa...................... ...... .... 25.0 Indiana ...............................2)5.0 WHEAT WISCONSIN.. ...... .... ... ».......19.3 bushels Illinois . . . . . . .. . . . . .18.7 Io va.............. .................. 20.6 Indiana............................. .18.5 POTATOES WISCONSIN ....................... .109.0 bushels Ilinois.............................. 46.0 lowa................................ 48.0 Indiana.............. ................ 53.0 c If -011 waîît unirnproved land for settiement or invest- ment we have 500,000 acres to seil at îrices ranging f rom $10.00 to $20.OG per acre. Land in Wisconsinî je an excel- lent investnent.' Do't put put off going to @ee these gen- uine bargains. Make arrangements to go with me. I amx at youir ervice. H. D. BOYD WISCONSIN IMMIGRATION AGENT Certiricate 67 4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS The ifiembers of the firm Loeb.llammel Reaity CO'Mpangj (fot mc.) have been lu busies for more than forty yearé. This firm is establishecd, reliable and responsible. Look up their references. References this paper, any bank in Wis- 6e nera i Agent - or 7r- lm WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO TAYLOR COUNTY Wi4ollsin ,a tounty partit u1arl ic in n iniexceptioually well Iocated with regard to niarkets, where values are very Iow but steadily rising, a great dairy and stock county. Irproved farins in tlîis county range in value froin *5O t) $100 per acre. We have the govertiment etatistie concerning Mis and other counties in Wisconsin Showing what the U. S. governuient says concerning the cr14) yield. 1on't fail to ask for thie data. It wil l aotouish you that farine so productive cal] be hought for 80 littie money. We also have farme to seil ini Lincoln, Langlade, Priee, Marinette, Rusk and other counties.. Look over the following four farrns. They are hargains. every one: o I80 acres, j mile f rom the village of Bittie Black. Schooibouse adjoining the SO, cream- No 1ey j1 mile away. 40 acres cleared, of which 25 are under cultivation. là acres of pasture. Frame bouse, atucco on the ontaide; f rame barn. Wtll located on good road. Ilighly productive colby clay loam soil itié a dlay sub-soil which retains mou@ture and prev ente; drought. Price 84400.W0. $1000. caah. r .280 acres, 7 miles West of Stetsonville, Taylor County, Wiftor&sin, 15:ares cleared, log No. 2 bouse and barn, 1Jý miles from schoolhonse. f~ood fart acrbo tesa d Swale rn through the 80. Price $280.00. $700. down.. Nse38 acres, 6j mile we.t bU Medford, between 15 and 20 acres of clearing, buildings poor. No* Farm &cross the road aold for $3000.00. Price 8200000. $650.00 down. 480 acres in the town of Deer Creek, 4 miles southwest of Medford, 25 acres cleared. No. O rmehbouse and barn. This farm lie@ in an exceptioiially good neighborhood andlwe consider it one of the beet bargains on our list. Price $36W0.00. 8900.00 down. We have 3,000 Farms- to seli. cousin or any customer. Ask for 1'lifst of, atified custorn- ers." Write these custoiners yourself or.. hetter still, go to Taylor county and talk with thein. I amn a neweomer in this commnunity. 1 carne liere wfth a dlean record. Yon will get a square deal. Invee- tigate me. I invite your patronage. LouI~-memeIReaIty (o. NOT INCORPORATED NIEDrRI)o WISCONSIN 2054206 (Beank l'loor) Marquette Building CHICAGO, -ILLINOIS Offices maintained in Appleton. 'Wis., riwood. lad., Wabash, lad., and Dubuque, Iowa. "Pa-Re six WLIY NO~T OWN A PARM 0F 1'OUR OWN? The mone g ou onow have to Pau on rent wouuld make gour pagments on a farm, and more, if gou -I ln Wisconsin gou. can bug improved farms for oneaquarter of what gou pay in gour vi- cinity. farnMs that are just as fertile and productive, forms that will brig gou, just as much in dollars and cents as the corn beit [arms. Study This Table 1 1 10 sud Libe wf maie ville. ROIS * Lihei FOR mue, Puyi F AR Gllm bia FOR lAes FOR due Libe, FOR late new, electr Eamy FOR J aekî FOR lt.d prize ton. Few m S FOR Ing i Prire on (C4 fi>.W FOR andi ville, FOR Squs one ight (Jin F01: F01: F0te etati Roui FioF FOF plon FOI Win mues B.: au 1 D. F0, wW B. R!" +~ Mc