Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 8

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shirts Mdl verYthils *àasfor wmn FOe 0W7L L.W. Parkhurst, Libertgville M'dstmort Mov<iei: -STRAWBERRY, PLEÂSE- Get acultdwith ourbl gradMe soda.litre purm u m d. We carry aIlflavors. Our a".is to serve the buit s"ai town. A lot of our fr m y ve are doiai it.-, loiour- sda circle. Tutus fine »Y time. oIS. LOVELI CO. Libertgvilleg 111 WIIAT'S THE USE 0F OETIING HOT becanse olr town ha@ gone dry? Wc have any amount of PURE ICE, Delivered in any qusntity at any time "01041 Libertyville Ice Co. Libertyville TMT GiVS PC M" aeH esSATISFACTION a at the J. W. Cole liarness Shop rc Wu May la atbbaed a »Wo on presentation - foi m the ifret payment.for au *Mgima aprises fuëw lu, up te - ~ ~ o N"..w si 4lO1)down 4 aie MJeil mmghy moom A ais1pj~ ag ¶ ra lb âk te cusl ub L L J. Wlat sud o b dag (loir tour[b h fld, the bW« qmga glu, theotallrsboys. ~. ~les acter êf Circuit tu*m u y "Omuen"tfl .s cea RWg "m M4* acm . Vs ph eut moles e e Xoua J. Te.own P. BMRSTlOW Monumnents CemeeryWor ofEverj Correpondence Sollclted Waukegan p I LOST IN TUE WOODS NE AR IEBUFF Arrive in City Footsore and Ex- husted After Wandening About for Houms. Weary and toolsore, but vith a grlm deteralr4tion te continue tbeir way te Milv1aubua ,theïr obJectivu point, tue yong men. Y. A. Du Leck and John J. Kasmerabe. atudeufs et, the University of Chicago arriveailb Waubsgsnet about 6:45 Wednesday evening, atter a trying experiancue o bucomint lest, I tahte vootiýLear Lakte Bluff. The young men becom- ir mistabo n t he highuay4 L et s Bluff bad vanierud ente the vrong r-oad and (han bad attsmpted te gain nmre efth[eir lest moments by "eut- Llng" acros a fielS and entering into a vaodm vhere [bey vanderud about for hours ta attempt teflnd a point of ugresa. At ter emerging from the veods. tltuy ecced a tarmsur vbo directuS thuni te [he roni ublch ladto Wa» ikegALn. They arriveS bure auveral liours behind thuir wgelui. The yonirg men 1sf t lte cerner et Adams a anilarb etrueta, Ibicao 'at cto f0Wuinuday nouog. Thsy are anreite tue Mivubas vhereth"y vii spmnd»endraldays ieTIMMg sts vhich [bey viii proceed to, liAs Wit. malm is hetrip cn foot. lpol thair arr-liaiet tha afate a 48fIait ftind te taes aulamimsation lot à sttpteL %tate o!fl11112013,Cbuuty -S1415se . Circuit CÙourtet Ala oUaty, O0 tober Tera, A. D). 1014. 1 JamesJséser. vsulsma en. il Claaeur?, Ne.4781. STb* roquisite aliiavlt havim blns ai tt fIaoc foie*0 Qufa et ai 'Court, notice te *her* . l, O'v an te fUie sali lMa Jqp, i dÇipis 'as shausali*" It febovs sen.»w Clomplqlnmt haraqiere U ý - M Cbas*y aide [beras.4 gthat, ýsummeus [berepoa nouuss0 t tut Court ogaima thfle s"o*u MredeUi dent. rurnblu on the firet dioa ýthe têter ah<luCircuit Court of le" County. (o, bue udat the. COurt »Ma la Wankomgn ta sidLIe COMU5 on the tir-st Moniay MoftOMber A. 1 1914, as la by law requirud, and WWCI luit ia stili pondina. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. Cino Wbauksgan. Ill., May 201th, A. D. 191ý ÂAhbul V. Smith, Coimplainants M liciter. Wbly May 22 29 Juau 51 Tle Countys big voghl-4NM ftNDENT. The ive felous teld their steries and ail denied that they had relibed Heffman. Kelly, Spiit anS Schaefter ail declar-ed (bat they came tapon the aceno af fer ths robbery if oes as committue andi saiS [bey ver-e slmply vaiting. for a train te pull out t or- der [bat [boy might- stoal a ride. Tii. court saad ho veuld stribe a bargata vi[b (hem. lHs peinteS out tbat ho could bind thenu over- ta the grand jury snd houp tIem ntt ho county Jeul until the muxt- session or if [bey preferred thoy ceuld plesd guilty te tho dimrderly condnct charge anS receive amal irtes. Al chose the latter course and r-clved Ilnos et' $20 snd cotte, equlvalent te five days la, jai l Ai [aued tse court fer he lenci-. They al promiseS [e boep away fr-onuRendent Int future. QUAYLE APPOINTED NAVY YAÀRD IMAD Ham MBitis, B*hri-a of Rev. Quayle Now Head of Brooklyn Navy Yard. Har-ry Balthig vho ba« jueI been appointud hsead t [he Brooklyn Nsvy rYard, t. a brother oftlmr T. R. Qwls. viwf.etf Uy. Quayle 01 Lob; visigt aLke PForst sud other Parts eto I ceunty ani has mauy Munis !aào .01 bu glai to hoer of i. s te0 promotion. To bu appotrlntacharge ef the ,. rebuy Navy Tari l eoàdere -coq M61te veryghut honora -1h teatubu confurrud up saa «-t'* pasval samie sftla e»omis"400- n eWaly fIat (hi. uavy ysa"ià the leed- la tu ânoms th[0uUnteds tates. y. la. Bathialatea vgamisaet fthé An- le ppli ocadumy. N Utihis ca, id rou as a p asyma4*'oi. J*TIt U tiip. Then alla vasae lAit t be h. asplaffi et t» bmsioS ePM- b, ler bu v rof i the ea iod o v Wle had otf eBrOOhlYBlDavy key-. as i-lu Brooklyn 'davy ysri, le whst Il e, gamu laitUes aid b»Oa GMt vIawt- a. ver te do vith the ircrk usMly a h comUpli5li5d t a troni SO cOGt $Whc éàsthébu ap atNorth <74104. Ift. lu heduty.,of & 5557 yard te fit k. ont battloshlps, tsuag * bout [belr 14 aq»nipmn[anS rapOrs, te@sPer-via thé[b vagesanS equpsust et (he one etc. Prom [bis if las »Mnthat itlàha a2 vsry Important funotioit ta the nuai servicead [bat o hopà"OSi*t- t[e 5& huaS et if giveutàaffl much iasPon- siblty. ,a J'ew Tips on llobiery1 OVERTAKE IHORSE, TIilIVES 06AUO ftORSE RUECOVRE Why YOIJ Shoulid Trade at the MODEL Rec&Usa you are guaratgd prompt, courteous and efficient service. Decqse you get the best Groceries, Meata and* Vegetales at the iowest prices. Recause ve treat ail customers with equal tairnesa -our business is measured by the golden ruie of a' square deal for ail. B«cau» we have added an auth delivery service and teleplione orders will be given prompt attention.1 , 1 In tha Itas. lisns lt.clos S1JP11012 ~1J FOR îuis bat the gain-ifef the plant, vlth (h. vwner. & vire mmi Announoes That He WIfl Sup- oelioa et'a iM.Nelson prangIr port * DITh~tw~ ~ to the mace unit the ovner qulck porttheBUInat as re- te catchths. Iltus«tiosstarted the cmr pared by Cong. Hobson. ln. pur-suit of the tmgtvos. TbeY ver-e - overtaken nur the Piret and Lest ACTION TO bE DEFERRED. chance m»*bon, on' Fourtoenth and Stat MW1a1. sr& <hcago. atter a Congrees to Deay Action on -A Wfl o si blocks. Chit Wornn Sufff Contit e ofPolics ROU.ktoqvli etNorth Chi- Woma Sufrae Cnsttu- cage, Who Vas iuér>y, aaaîsted ln th tional AneWnint Aise. capture. Te eathon hvougâ ht a Washington, D. C., May 20-4ros- kegan police sodion, vhore Speclal §Mct& for action Kt ths session ef oscar Moiermas vth the other tkre. Congreas on sther the nationwIde men I Charge avait elir coutiifg.1 prohibition or the vomin suffrage pro- A semb o h éof é. gmen at theo poeed nstituticon medmenUtsad- station talled id rovoal the prssence1 od further avar tottay ne the resut of a gm oanthei persons. of developmets ln the o ue. tvas statei by Hotfman that the Wbile proontlmg f0 tho Reuge tvo gang had bea prscticing the "Spu. telugramstxroa roiaousgtrs , ciai OScor olds p" setue.for muerai prayimg for oe.hre-1ie e acton days on the vaufarer thet hsppeed fhe prohibition revolution. lteP<re.It n the vlctlmity ot Rondout. He d tative Hobson of Alabamalils spSihor t.s' two6oya vers aed ln theo mre anmounCoi that for tho pr-sent ho iit manner as ho, wvh eofe the gang flot purpose te proes if.Ho gave - " eoihîy omte la Cash from the a reason that many members ef the youhs. The bons vére énronte from, Rousge.psrticularly tfrom outbern Chicag o taMUilvauke. and loft tfor statos. vho are for prohibition have the latter City from Rondout, Thurs- buon frightenod by the section vhieh day momnliW. bears on states rights., Hoffman statod [bat ho wasa gard- Repreeptniative 'ndeii. auther of oner by profession and resided in the 1suffrage amendment rosolutIen, Chcaofl. Hes vas on bis way te Laboe sald ho PurPosed ta urge bis measare. Forest where ho vas ln hopes of se- Tve delegations today. valniy curing vork, vhen ho was robbed by songht to have the house r-ni9es - the gang. lie -vas retained by the mttee accord another heari'< ouO uf- police as a vltness te appear at the trage. One eft[he delogations cer- hearing of the young men today. prlsed Virginla suraait>. and the mysolvie and Mick were heid at other waa tho greup oft vein. the cîty lau l hle Shaeffer. Kelly and Chairman Henry told both orf them Splitt vere talken te the county Jaau (bat he could 'not caltho committeo pending the preltmlnary hearlng. together te conaider thie sufrage ques- Herin~ la HeId tien. The five moni vers arraigned be- lita crclarleterte itscoeti.u fore Police Magistrate Walter Taylor enta of Uhs tenth districtoftIllineis t WaukegarN Frlday. '%Iay 22. Hoff- Reprenentative Them-e, a Progres- ma repeate<i bis stery et the affair. alve. today afflonnced that ho would The charge against [ho men had beon voe in taver ot the Hobsen resolu, robbery but -Acting State's Attorney tien., Mr. Thomsn s aysi ho vlI t[P Her-vey Coulson asked that the Charge port the reselution berauise ho la op- ho chan4ged te dlserderiy conduct as posed te the manufacture and Bale of he explalnsd that It miglut not ho Pos- intoxicants for beverage Puprohe. abie te get Hofftan te coee bre and appear before (ho grand jury or CTIIII~N I(1 RS' later I circuit court ln cage the AlTUI4T'U R fllova vere ns td Theft '-Took Place Near Five naier cmn Îocay chicies <rau. Points - Police of Entire es IL m . .. ~~ a LA. esst County Aided Search. a neuerMm M OWNERLOCATD THIVES.For- sale by S. L. Tripp, Area; F. D. litterobali, t4rayalake; E. L.. Overtook Them South of Lake Wald & Ce., Lakte Villa; Wxn. illebr-and, Anîioth; Blackbur-n&c FrmBroughton, Waucenda; H. L. Pr-ohm. Lakte Zurich; Win. Einsman. Di- Forest-They Leaped Fom amoudLake; V. Sauor- & Ce, Long (Grove; Fan@bacit & l{aupp, Buffa- Buggy and Got Away. le Grovu; Hir-shter-gor Bras., Pr-air-ie Viev; Geo. M. Weidner-, Aptakioic Sunday night about 8:30 o'clocit a io,se beionglng te, a man vie spende sntme o! bisU tinthe (oArden Sher-e Camp at Laike Bluff vaestolen fr-ont ln front et a bouge at Five Points. Shartly alteth(e rabhor-y vas dis- coeedSeif lmrG eenofWau- ]BelI System kogan vas notifieS anS ho proceedod ta natIty (ho police Separtmenta of the dilter-ont citiez anS tevns lu (ho county anS along tho nor-tl aber-e te ho on tse oont for the tiieves. In troube frequently les [ban half an hour a dragnet had u a )o have been difficuIt for- the [iievsta have escapeci. good care of the instrument and The Man tram vham the herse anSd buggy vas stelen, anSduhosu name use it properly. ShertIf Green SAS no ear-n.diS not reiy upon tseeffartsetfe O er no of the following simple police te rocovur his valuable animnal, mies "il save telcpbone troubk: but I«lo apita intblautomobile sud D o e h ee n o d.ilgtw . ttabing.some ot bis trlundsvlth hlm D ltJttetlpoecrsgtwt bu started out on a scarelshi e bion. Do sot etick pins or. Ut msin the corda.' and juil sou[b of L"kfreetlis over- DDot 4y ayPir of e'frrs or any other toob a couple 0fimui uho ver-a Slv- article on top of the wan l iutrdmet. 1 - in sies t a bggy.Therig ob- iwq replace recciver on bock when uS voir muc l 111.bis ovm. OQilg (harpai ha m awt h. hbai maie no ho arliarand[be [veed heto mon Alwffl replJace - xeceîver. witn cord-end socnet top. up. This'f rçvces .dust accumulgtig & Tbay obS aromnd sud [ben v1t- on the diifras. ont r-plytg ilaPMeS the[ buggy Neyer use the receiver for other tha -anS dimppaar4 at aithor sidueofth*ppo orwic t s - endd roeS. The man ln[he automobile trieS UPl ~.whc t îtne to eîtb teuxbutItvas in ain onChio ' >Telephone.Copay d acount e u rknu& y- Tht. la onu eofthfe baldoat rebberles commltted ln [hu copnty un a long U tme Md It Iopossible, ln act; ighly - -probable, fIat thu m M vho commit- ted Il are [letmheMOnOU'«lie havé Sbeun commitflng the ofluêr tha-tta ani, vlio bave alvays manageS te houp It out ofthe elntteuOf1the la-. i Ir ge Charles Gorhsm lias leun serving CLEA N W oRiK %,.o et(ho fédéral grand jury. Chicago,. D La for [he pasl five mentha, an fnnuluallY A AL A I m4 long Urne for a man te ho kspt en A I V JLL COUNT se jury service. Wlllta iOliver, alteof -, a. wâwftean lu u4ou j5erving Ounb ________the,____________________ mans jury. Tobys lnpNaar ntiooh, Wîii Add Many Gasoin Driven Crée ts t qutmet.' EIPECT RtCORD THIIONOS. Other Resrte on the Lakes to Make Additions 30 Their Equlpmmint. Activitios in preperation for the l'e- ception ofrecord tbrongs at ths many falnions suminer resorta et Lako Coumty ane nov being made by Te- sert propritoit. Many addition@ and inprovements te the buildings oft hé hptels sud bat liverlesaiAth[e. 1*15 ama nôv la force. Other etqid41tPli t0 the Pisteurs oem14s"sncbMasthbk perchas. ef launches and othor boat- log oquipiment ame aise heint. report- AMong [ths late snd most lImpor- tatadditions te the boat llvery ser- vie e th<e pqVure remorts i. the puî- chaso of fiffeen launches by C. H. Tobisonl4 proprieter et Tobys Inn, le- catod on tho henka ef Bluff Lake, near, Antioch. The isunches vhlch are ail 16 foot in lonhth and oft(he speed boat type wflilie used for the pîsasure tif the frequentero at ths mentlonod resort [hie sunumer and will replac~e as many row beats. It la stated [bat a large number et launches have been added te [ho va- tors ef Fox Lake this apring, snme of [hem helng placed by the reor-t ew ners and by IndivIduals vbo vhile avay their heurs &long Its ploasant shoes during (ho terrid season. The resort keepers At Uhe labos ex- pect, nnusnaiiy large crovdn of visi- ters durlng the comàie.g summer sea- son. whlch nmany et thent declare vIll r-aci record-figures. Every yoar the famous labos Inthtei.western tpart et the county have gr-own In poupiarity te the summer reaidents and eacb seasen notes a large tincreaso In the population ot the aectiçnatbat border the labs.. LIbertyvillIs 111. ~0UO9 eIo* mb. « ev 16 ave e rs thm a vub. IMamt wvaute ta b(aI bS. mdm"Al sevies ta haaler-. tlb a"lthat lut. -tàe cet -a ltl Hami nat SHOI Case Aci IN~JWi~> iilb iJM.t To beautify your-Gardens, Vases, Parch B;oxeo, wîi bedding plante and vines, such ai GEBRANIUXB, SALVIAS, DAISECANNAS, NUCRI- A&, HYIDRÂNGMAS, COLEUS, BEGONIÂS, 8WzwT AULY5UNItAGmTUIN KOSALLIROI, VERBENAS, ASTERS, STOCKS, LOBELIMS ZINNIAS, PHLOX, BALSÂKS, VINCA VINES AND OTHERS. Your vigit [o lte Greenhoume will convin.ce you tb:ît we hav~e a nice stock of plants at the righî Jricew. PANSIES e pl,,tTomastons'Cabbage, Cau- Vegetable la t liflower, Peppers E g g Planta, Celer , etc. MeredithFlower & Vegetable Co. Liberty'ville. 111. OUT 0F TOWN ORDSRS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. PHONE 10 Sure Death to Lie mites-al ver-min and dises. germa if yuen cxi Me me The voces ter bil a Sentl &an Ti Prenti Young tas thi iaughl ln the taile Pr vif. a- point bo mei Umne 1 thns nlot fr Prg.tic Dow bu jo tshe, oIaitu tics kat tained, relative sali oui vas asa Wume - lth sr and ber provte bIttered -vor e the youI a suffm -Yellov e.ers. mlinutef tbeyQUI sontne 1 Mr. Pi ti.. H. te Orayl lire. Pro auithai The li a few Si tien beg: the slcit. ai him. Ore ILt flobed a tics had boumt ber'@ ci timi 17, betaad t romane TheMgdel Cash Orocery&Mlgrket M.. L >WIT. Éop. -IAKMUC,à

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